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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intérêt d’une Source d’Energie Electrique Hybride pour véhicule électrique urbain – dimensionnement et tests de cyclage / Interest of a hybrid electric energy storage for an urban electric vehicle - sizing and lifetime tests

Sadoun, Redha 03 June 2013 (has links)
Actuellement, la principale source d’énergie embarquée dans les véhicules électriques est composée de batteries Li-ion. Cette thèse fait partie des thématiques communes de travail que mène L’ESTACA en collaboration avec le L2EP. L’objectif ce projet est d’étudier l’apport d’une source hybride composée de batteries Li-ion et des supercondensateurs, sur les performances d’un véhicule électrique urbain.Dans un premier temps, une stratégie de gestion d’energie basée sur l’approche des règles déterministes a été appliquée pour montrer l’intérêt de l’association des différentes technologies de batterie Li-ion (haute puissance, haute énergie) avec le supercondensateur en fonction de l’autonomie voulue. Cette étude nous a permis de proposer une solution optimale (poids, volume, coût..) composée d’une batterie énergétique et un supercondensateur.Dans la deuxième partie, on a suivie l’évolution du vieillissement des deux de deux batteries de type haute puissance et hautes énergie dans, respectivement, les configurations mono-source et hybride. Pour réaliser cette étude, un banc de tests, destiné au cyclage et la caractérisation des systèmes de stockage, a été utilisé. Les résultats obtenus, offriront la possibilité de se prononcer sur le type de batteries Li-ion qui pourrait être le plus intéressant pour l’alimentation des véhicules électriques / Currently, the main embedded storage system supplying the electric vehicles is composed of Li-ion batteries. This thesis is one of the common themes of work that ESTACA leads in collaboration with L2EP. The objective of this work is to study the interest of a hybrid source composed of Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors to supply an urban electric.Firstly, an energy management strategy based on deterministic rules is developed to control the power between the battery and supercapacitor. To demonstrate the combination utility, different Li-ion battery technologies (Li-ion high power, high-Li-ion energy) are used on the sizing step. Through this study, we could propose an optimal solution (masses, volumes, costs...) consisting of battery and supercapacitor. In the second part, we have followed the evolution of capacity and the internal resistance losses of high power and high energy batteries type in, respectively, single-source and hybrid configurations. For this study, a test bench, developed for cycling and characterization of storage systems, was used. The results obtained provide the opportunity to choose Li-ion battery technology that could be the most interesting for the supply of electric vehicles

A Novel Hybrid Vehicle Architecture : Modeling, Simulation and Experiments

Chanumolu, Raviteja January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Electric and hybrid vehicles are particularly suited for use in urban areas since city transportation is mainly characterized by relatively short driving distances, low continuous power requirements, long idling times and high availability of regenerative braking energy. These characteristics, when carefully incorporated into the design process, create valuable opportunities for developing clean, efficient and cost effective urban vehicle propulsion systems. In the first part of the thesis, we present data collected in the city of Bangalore, India from a very commonly seen mode of transportation for hire in India and other emerging economies, namely a three-wheeled vehicle known as the “auto-rickshaw”. From a statistical analysis, it is shown that the typical range is 72.5 km with a mean speed of 12.5 km/h. More than 60% of the time the auto-rickshaw is stationary or has a speed of less than 5 km/h. From a model of the auto-rickshaw, it is shown from simulations that 4 kW DC motor and about 10 kWh of electrical energy is enough to meet 80% of typical requirement. Based on this finding, in this thesis, a novel parallel hybrid architecture is proposed where two 2 kW DC hub motors are directly mounted on the wheels and an internal combustion (IC) engine output is connected to the stator of the DC hub motors to provide additional power when required. To match load and speed, a continuously variable transmission (CVT) is placed in-between the IC engine and the DC hub motor. The proposed hybrid configuration adds speed to the wheel output unlike the normal power split configuration which adds torque. One of the main objective of this work is to study and compare the performance of the above novel speed-addition and compare with the typical torque-addition configuration. A MATLAB/Simulink model for both the configurations, with DC hub motor and a small IC engine, has been created and the fuel consumption has been calculated. It is shown that the proposed speed-addition concept gives better fuel efficiency for the standard modified Indian Driving Cycle. The models have also been compared for actual driving data and an optimal control strategy has been developed using dynamic programming. It is again shown that the proposed speed-addition concept results in better fuel economy. In the last part of the thesis, a low cost experimental test-bed consisting of an auto-rickshaw IC engine, a CVT and a 2 kW DC hub motor has been developed to validate the speed-addition concept and compare with the torque-addition configuration. The torque-speed curves of the IC engine, the DC motor and both of them together, in the speed and torque-addition configuration, have been obtained. It is shown that the speed-addition concept does indeed work and the obtained results are significantly different from the torque-addition configuration.

Porovnání koncepcí hybridního pohonu v režimu denního dojíždění do práce / Comparison of Hybrid Powertrain Topologies in Daily Commuting Regime

Ušiak, Michal January 2020 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with modelling of various architectures of hybrid powertrains for three vehicle sizes in GT-SUITE and compares them in daily commuting operating mode. On top of making of the hybrid vehicle simulation models, control algorithms had to be created to manage the energy split between the internal combustion engine and the electric motor for each of the architectures. Routes to work and back were logged using the GPS and postprocessed to obtain the speed and the road grade profiles. Resulting data was used as an input in simulations of daily commuting. To compare all hybrid powertrain architectures, fuel economy and electricity consumption were evaluated for WLTP and daily commuting operating modes. Finally, the environmental impact of each topology was assessed based on an estimation of corresponding well-to-wheel emissions.

Optimální plánování trasy pro elektromobily / Optimal path planning for electric vehicles

Horák, Filip January 2021 (has links)
This master’s thesis is about optimal route planning for electric vehicles. The first, theoretical part of this work introduces the issue and describes several heuristic methods that have been used to address optimization tasks. A practical part of the thesis is based around software implementation of the methods described earlier. Finally, several experiments and comparisons of obtained results are carried out.

Optimierung des Betriebsverhaltens und der Konfiguration von dieselelektrischen Lokomotiven

Schimke, Robert 03 December 2012 (has links)
Diese Arbeit entstand an der Professur für Fahrzeugmodellierung und –simulation der TU Dresden in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fa. Bombardier Transportation („Bombardier Center of Competence“). In einem Teilprojekt dieser Kooperation wird die Einführung technischer Funktionen und Systeme zur Energieeinsparung bei Lokomotiven untersucht. Die Nutzung von Speichertechnologien ist neben der Abwärmenutzung und der energiesparenden Fahrweise die effizienteste Maßnahme zur Senkung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs bei Dieselfahrzeugen. Zusätzlich zur Rekuperation von Bremsarbeit können die Funktionen Lastpunktverschiebung und emissionsfreier Betrieb mit Hilfe eines Energiespeichers realisiert werden. Der Einsatz elektrischer Energiespeicher erweist sich als geeignet für dieselelektrische Schienenfahrzeuge im Personenverkehr, da diese durch die bereits vorhandenen elektrischen Antriebskomponenten relativ einfach zu hybridisieren sind und eine nutzungsgerechte Speicherauslegung aufgrund weitgehend bekannter Fahraufgaben möglich ist. In der Arbeit wird ein durchgängiges Verfahren zur Auslegung von dieselelektrischen Lokomotiven mit Energiespeichern im Personenverkehr beschrieben. Im Fokus liegt dabei der Einsatz von Optimierungsalgorithmen zur Verbesserung des Generatorsystems und des Einsatzes von elektrischen Energiespeichern im Hinblick auf den Kraftstoffverbrauch und die weiteren Anteile der Lebenszykluskosten. Das im Rahmen der Arbeit erstellte Programm zur energetischen Simulation bildet die Basis zur Untersuchung verschiedener Strategien für die Fahrtgestaltung unter Berücksichtigung der Fahrzeitreserven, den Betrieb des Energiespeichers und der Steuerung von Anlagen mit mehreren Dieselmotorgeneratorsätzen. Neben der Nutzung regelbasierter Strategien werden dabei auch vorausschauende Betriebsstrategien eingesetzt, welche die Möglichkeiten der bei Schienenfahrzeugen im Vorfeld bekannten Streckengeschwindigkeit und -topologie nutzen. Die dafür angewandten Methoden sind die Dynamische Programmierung nach BELLMANN und der äquivalenzkostenbasierte Betrieb. Die Optimierung der Fahrzeugkonfiguration wird durch einen Programmbaustein realisiert, welcher unter Berücksichtigung der Lokkonfiguration und der Energiesimulation für ein vorgegebenes Streckenprofil die Verbrauchs-, Instandhaltungs- und Anschaffungskosten für das Fahrzeug berechnet.

When will hybrid technologies dominate the heavy-duty vehicle market? : Forecasting Using Innovation Diffusion Models

Brauer, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
Hybrid-electric technologies have recently been introduced into the market for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs). However, challenging an established technology with a new and untried technology is difficult, also under the best conditions. Forecasting is a vital tool in product portfolio management, since it provides guidance on how much resources a firm should allocate on new innovative projects and products and when and where to enter the market. Therefore, this thesis forecasts the market penetration of hybrid HDVs in Europe by usage of innovation diffusion models – based on three different market scenarios assuming no, some and considerable incentives or legislative CO2 for HDVs. Hybrid-electric, hydraulic hybrid and flywheel hybrid vehicles are considered and an analogical approach is used based on sales data for radial tyres, disc brakes and anti-lock braking systems. The result from a non-linear regression analysis indicated that innovation diffusion models of mixed influence are capable of predicting future market demand, not only of hybrid HDVs, but also of other HDVs with new innovative technologies or solutions. Therefore, it was suggested that innovation diffusion modeling should be a standard tool in the strategic planning of a HDV firm’s all new innovative products. All market scenarios resulted in a rather low diffusion speed of hybrid HDVs during the first ten years, but the speed increased then rapidly during the next ten years such that 40-50 percent of the HDV market was penetrated in 2030. In the most hybrid-friendly scenario, the market was nearly fully penetrated after 50 years since the first introduction in 2010, while in the least hybrid-friendly scenario additional ten years was needed to fully penetrate the HDV market. The forecasts may be affected by possible pre-diffusion, the emergence of a dominant design or the diffusion acceleration effect. One of the major challenges of using innovation diffusion models for sales forecasting of hybrid HDVs, was to find appropriate and sufficient analogous sales data. Therefore, Thomas (1985) analogous approach was further developed to be more focused on finding analogous sales data from internal, external or public sources.

Framtidens hybrida stridsfordon / Future hybrid combat vehicle

Sundell, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
Stridsfordon 90 tillsammans med Stridsvagn 122 är i dagsläget stommen i Försvarsmaktens mekaniserade bataljoner. I Försvarsbeslutet 2020 beslutades det att Stridsfordon 90 skall successivt ersättas med ett nytt stridsfordon efter 2030. Enligt en rapport från Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut skall teknik som är mogen 10 år innan förbanssättande av en ny plattform nyttjas för att ge tillräckligt med tid för upphandling, systemintegrering, driftsättning med mera. Totalförsvaret forskningsinstitut har även identifierat att hybriddrift av stridsfordon anses vara redo att införas efter 2025.  Med bakgrund i ovanstående konstruerades ett koncept för en hybriddrivlina för framtidens stridsfordon för att besvara frågeställningen, hur påverkar seriehybriddrivlinans tekniska ramvillkor framtidens stridsfordon och hur påverkar detta stridsfordon på taktisk nivå? Konceptetes drivlina sattes ihop med tillgänglig teknologi som går att anskaffa på marknaden och valdes efter prestanda som var bättre eller liknande som Stridsfordon 90.  Efter att konceptet hade konstruerats genomfördes två analyser med olika batterivikt. Den första analysen hade en batterivikt på 660kg och den andra 3860kg. Dessa två vikter dimensionerades efter totalvikten på Stridsfordon 90A och Stridsfordon 90C. Resultatet av analysen är att med en seriehybriddrivlina får framtidens stridsfordon en ökad prestanda, förmåga att köra på batteridrift och en högre verkningsgrad.   Med resultatet från analyserna diskuterades förväntade förändringar i förmågorna rörlighet, uthållighet och skydd. Diskussionen ledde fram till slutsatserna att framtidens stridsfordon kan med en seriehybriddrivlina erhålla en bättre teknisk prestanda vilket ökar förmågan rörlighet. Stridsfordonen får även en bättre verkningsgrad vilket gör att stridsfordonen får en bättre uthållighet samt en mindre infraröd signatur och således ett bättre skydd vid strid i mörker. Till sist kan även fordonen drivas helelektriskt vilket skapar möjligheter för den taktiska chefen att välja ett mer dolt uppträdande med stridsfordonen. / Combat Vehicle 90 together with Stridsvagn 122 is currently the backbone of the Swedish Armed Forces mechanized battalions. In the defence decision from 2020, the Swedish parliament decided that Combat Vehicle 90 will be gradually replaced with a new combat vehicle after 2030. According to a report from the Swedish Defence Research Agency, technology that is mature 10 years before deployment of a new platform will be used to provide sufficient time for procurement, system integration, commissioning and more. The Swedish Defence Research Agency has also identified that hybrid propulsion of combat vehicles is considered mature and ready to be introduced after 2025. Based on the above, a concept was constructed for a hybrid driveline for future combat vehicles to answer the question. How do the technical framework conditions of the hybrid series driveline affect the combat vehicles of the future and what will be the consequences on a tactical level? The concept's driveline was put together with existent technology that can be acquired on the market and was chosen according to performance that was better or similar to Combat Vehicle 90. After the concept had been designed, two analyzes were performed with different battery weights for the concept. The first analysis had a battery weight of 660kg and the second 3860kg. These two weights were dimensioned according to the total weight of Combat Vehicle 90A and Combat Vehicle 90C. The result of the analysis is that with a hybrid series driveline, the combat vehicles of the future will have increased performance, the ability to run on battery power and a higher efficiency. With the results, expected changes in mobility, endurance and protection were discussed. The query led to the conclusions that the combat vehicles of the future can, with a hybrid series driveline, obtain a better technical performance, which increases the mobility. The combat vehicles also have a better efficiency, which means that the combat vehicles have a better endurance and a smaller IR-signature and therefore, an enhanced protection on low light warfare. Finally, the vehicles can also be all-electrically driven, which creates opportunities for the tactical commander to choose one with stealth behaviour with the combat vehicles.

Look-Ahead Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Vehicles.

Hegde, Bharatkumar 18 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Model-Based Design and Analysis of Thermal Systems for the Ohio State EcoCARMobility Challenge Vehicle

Dalke, Phillip Allen January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

A Durable Terrestrial Drive Train for a Small Air Vehicle

Moses, Kenneth C. 17 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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