Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hydro"" "subject:"eydro""
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Kinetic Analysis for Low Temperature Catalytic Hydro De-chlorination of PCBs (Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyls)Khopade, Akshay A. 04 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Crack initiation in hydro power plant rotor rim sheets : A failure case study for Juktan hydro power plantAltzar, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
In 2013, cracks were found in the radius of the dovetail slots of the rotor rim sheets in generator 1 of Juktan hydro power plant in Västerbotten, Sweden. The cracks were estimated to be too deep to be able to repair and Alstom conducted an investigation on the cause of fracture. The investigation came to the conclusion that the radius was too small and that the new rotor rim sheets should have a six times greater fillet radius. However, it has not been investigated whether the material structure or the manufacturing process may have an impact on the crack initiation and following propagation that is the focus of this report.Parts of the dovetail slots were cut out and characterized with XRF, SEM and LOM. Further mechanical characterizations were done according to Vickers.From the SEM and LOM micrographs a high amount of large (10μm) and cubic particles were found in the microstructure. The micrographs also showed a deformation of the microstructure and the hardness test showed a deformation hardening near the edge where the sheet had been punched. The edge surface of the sheet also had notches.The large and hard particles in the microstructure impair the mechanical properties of the steel. Furthermore, the hardening effect combined with the notches will make a good crack initiation point. Therefore, there is a higher possibility that a crack will initiate in the radius of the dovetail slots where large stresses occur.
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Energilagring med pumpkraft i gruvor : En utredning av potentialen för långtidslagring i Sveriges energisystem / Underground pumped hydro energy storage in abandoned minesSederholm, Alexandra, Ågren, Sophie January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is divided in two sections. The first part consists of an interview study with 10 participants to investigate how the industry views the demand for energy storage and how it may develop in the future. Although some views differed, the study showed that a great responsibility lies on the existing hydropower. Batteries are believed to have the greatest potential as short-term storage. The participants agree that hydrogen could have great potential as a flexibility service. The future for Underground Pumped Hydro Energy Storage (UPHES) in Sweden have the participants divided but they seem to agree on the fact that the potential will depend on how price variations develop on the electricity market. Lastly, the industry agreed that a variety of energy storage technologies will be needed for the future energy system. The second part of the study is a deeper investigation into what energy deficit and demand for long-term energy storage (longer than 8 hours) might occur in the future and how UPHES may help shorten the longest deficits. To determine the need for energy storage, the scenario Electrification Renewable from a Svenska Kraftnät (Svk) report was chosen to represent the future energy system for year 2045. The result showed that depending on how the need for energy storage is defined, the amount of energy demand and therefore UPHES facilities, varied. If the need for energy storage was dimensioned regarding the average year it would result in 0,21 TWh of long-term energy deficits and 28 facilities would be enough to cover all of them. If the number of facilities was increased, the result showed a lower usage of all the facilities. However, if the need for energy storage was dimensioned regarding the ''worst case scenario'', the longest deficit out of 35 years, the energy demand in the long deficits was 14 TWh. If 28 facilities were used only 11 % of the energy demand in the long deficits would be covered. If the number of facilities increased, 172 facilities would cover 32 % of the energy demand in the long deficits and 1834 facilities would cover 60 %.
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A GIS-Based Strategy for Managing Levee Simulation DataHandy, Jeffrey R. 16 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Understanding and improving the state of the nation's levees has become a national priority following the devastating events surrounding Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Federal legislation passed in 2007 created a new national Committee on Levee Safety and spurred the development of the National Levee Database, a central repository of information relating to the location and state of levees across the United States (Water Resources Development Act, 2007). One of the major goals in developing such a database is to improve the safety of America's levees. The National Levee Database, however, does not include features for storing seepage and slope stability data related to numerical analyses of levees. These data are critical in analyzing current levee conditions and predicting future failure scenarios, thus providing a path for further improving the safety of levees. The Levee Analyst is a new GIS data model and set of geoprocessing tools that make it possible to store and manipulate model data associated with seepage and slope stability analyses. The data model provides a concise structure for storing large amounts of levee seepage and slope stability data and also provides a structure that is expandable and compatible with the National Levee Database. The Levee Analyst combines the capabilities of various software systems in providing a data model and suite of tools that assists in further understanding and analyzing the state of America's levees.
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Hydro-dechlorination of Ortho-substituted PCB Congeners Widespread in the Environment: Effects of Triethylamine and Mild Reaction ConditionsXu, Juan January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Alternative Methods for Operational Optimization of Hydro Power Plants / Alternativa Metoder för Driftoptimering av VattenkraftverkAlmgrund, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to optimize hydro power plants with data generated from observations and field tests at the plants. The output is optimal production tables and curves in order to operate and plan hydro power plants in an optimized way concerning power output, efficiency and distribution of water. The thesis is performed in collaboration with Vattenfall AB, which currently use an internal optimization program called SEVAP. Two alternative methods have been selected, employed and compared with the current optimization program, these are Interior-Point Method and Sequential Quadratic Programming. Three start-point strategies are created to increase the probability of finding a global optima. A heuristic rule is used for selection of strategy in order to prevent rapid changes in load distribution for small variations in dispatched water. The optimization is performed at three plants in Sweden with different size and setup. The results of this evaluation showed marginally better results for the employed methods in comparison to the currently used optimization. Further, the developed program is more flexible and compatible to integrate with future digitalization projects. / Syftet med detta examensarbete är att optimera vattenkraftverk med data som genererats från indextester vid kraftverken. Resultatet är optimala produktionstabeller och kurvor för drift och planering av vattenkraftverk. Dessa är baserade på att optimalt fördela vattnet mellan aggregaten för att maximera uteffekt och verkningsgrad. Detta arbete har utförts i samarbete med Vattenfall AB, som för närvarande använder ett internt optimeringsprogram som heter SEVAP. Två optimeringsmetoder har valts, implementerats och jämförts med det nuvarande optimeringsprogrammet. Dessa metoder är inrepunktsmetoden (IPM) och sekventiell kvadratiskt programmering (SQP). Tre startpunktsstrategier har används för att öka sannolikheten att hitta ett globalt optima. För att förhindra hastiga förändringar i lastfördelning för små variationer av avsänt vatten har en heuristisk regel används. Optimeringen har utförts på tre stationer med olika uppsättning och storlek. Resultatet av detta examensarbete visar marginellt bättre resultat för de använda metoderna i jämförelse med den nuvarande optimeringen. Det utvecklade programmet är flexibelt och kompatibelt att integrera med framtida digitaliseringsprojekt.
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Jämförelse av regleringsmönster i en reglerad och en oreglerad älv / Comparison of regulation pattern in one regulated and one unregulated riverHansson, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Vid produktion av el med hjälp av vattenkraft regleras vattenflödet i vattendraget för att producera den mängd el som marknaden efterfrågar för stunden. Detta gör att vattenflödet blir annorlunda i en reglerad älv jämfört med en oreglerad älv. Därför analyseras och jämförs skillnaderna i vattenföringen mellan en reglerad och en oreglerad älv i den här rapporten. Det gjordes med hjälp av flödesdata från två mätstationer i finska älvar, en med reglerat flöde och en med oreglerat. Utifrån flödesdatat beräknades tre olika parametrar i olika tidsskalor, månad, dag och timme, för att undersöka olikaregleringsmönster i älvarna. När flödesskillnaderna analyserats i de olika tidsskalorna konstaterades att skillnaderna i regleringsmönster blev större desto kortare tidshorisont som analyserades. I månadsperspektivet varregleringsmönster nästan lika medan i dags- och timperspektivet var det stora skillnader. I dagsperspektivet som analyserades med parametern HP1 var värdena i genomsnitt ungefär 20 gångerhögre för den reglerade älven än den oreglerade och i timperspektivet som analyserades med parameter HP2 var värdena ungefär 40–50 gånger högre i genomsnitt i den reglerade älven jämförtmed den oreglerade. Att värdena i den reglerade älven är så mycket högre beror på att flödet regleras till att optimera elproduktionen vilket gör att flödesskillnaderna under en dag och mellan två timmar blir betydligt större jämfört med flödesskillnaderna i den naturliga vattenföringen som finns i den oreglerade älven. När vårfloden kommer händer något intressant med regleringsmönstret. Mönstret i de två älvarna närmar sig varandra och blir mer lika. Värdena på parametrarna i den oreglerade älven ökar medan de minskar kraftigt i den reglerade älven. Att värdena i den reglerade älven minskar beror sannolikt på den ökade risken för dammbrott och översvämningar på grund av de högre vattenflödena, vilketberor på begränsningar i lagringskapaciteten. Regleringsmönstret skiljer sig från år till år vilket beror på nederbördsmängden och hur fyllda magasinen är vid årets början. Vid jämförelse av resultatet med en annan rapport som analyserat samma parametrar på en älv i Schweiz, kan samma trender i mönstret ses men vissa skillnader finns också vilket indikerar på de lokala förhållandenas påverkan på regleringsmönstret. / Hydro Power is one of the most important producer of electricity and to optimize the production hydropeaking is used. Hydropeaking means regulation of the discharge to produce the amount of electricity the market demands at the time. In this study the regulation pattern has been analyzed and compared in one observation station in a regulated river and one observation station in an unregulated river, in Finland. Flow data has been analyzed with regards to three different statistic parameters. One parameter that analyzes the regulation per month, one that analyzes the regulation per day and one that analyzes per hour. The result shows that the smaller the time interval is the bigger are the differences in the regulation pattern. In the month perspective the value of the parameter is almost the same, in the day perspective the values for the regulated river is approximative 10-20 times bigger than the unregulated. And in the hour perspective it is even bigger differences where the value in the regulated river is around 40-50 times bigger than for the unregulated. The reason to the higher values on the parameters in the regulated river comes from that the discharge here is regulated to optimize the production of electricity which makes the differences in the discharger higher within the day and between two hours.When the spring flood comes something interesting happens with the regulation pattern. The regulation pattern in the two rivers becomes more similar. In the unregulated river the value of the parameters increases meanwhile the values in the regulated river decreases. The reason the short time regulation decreases in the regulated river is probably because of the higher risk of flooding, due to limitations of the capacity to store water, which comes with higher discharges. The regulation pattern got some differences between the years which depends on the amount of rain and the levels in the storing magazines by the start of the year. When the results in this thesis are compared with the results of another report which analyzes the same parameters in Switzerland, the same pattern can be seen in general but also some differences which indicates on the local conditions impact on the pattern.
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Koordinering av vindkraft och vattenkraft / Coordination of Wind Power and Hydro PowerLindstén, Johanna, Sunesson, Fredric January 2018 (has links)
I och med klimatförändringar, är möjligheten att integrera stora andelar förnybar energi i elsystemet av yttersta vikt. Detta kandidatexamensarbete undersöker vattenkraftens regleringsmöjlighet när man integrerar vindkraft i ett slutet elsystem. Projektet inkluderar en fallstudie baserad på fem vattenkraftverk i en del av Skellefteälven i norra Sverige. Målet med projektet är att optimera vattenkraftensdrift med maximal andel vindkraft installerad i systemet. Detta utförs genom att maximera vattenkraftens vinster. Genom att i programvaran GAMS lösa ett linjärprogrammeringsproblem med timvis upplösning bestående av 168 timmar. När vindkraft implementeras upptäcks att den maximala installerade effekten vindkraft är 100 MW. Placeringen av vindkraften hade en påverkan på vinsterna i systemet, samt den maximala mängden. Fallstudien visar att det är elnätet som begränsar den maximala installerade effekten vindkraft och inte vattenkraftens reglerförmåga. Fallstudien visar dessutom att det är mindre lönsamt att bygga all vindkraft i en nod utan istället sprida ut vindkraften i elsystemet. / In the face of climate changes, integrating larger quantities renewable energy resources into the electrical grid is vital. This bachelor thesis project examines the regulatory ability in hydro power when implenting wind power into a closed power system. The project includes a case study based on a part of River Skellefte älv in northern Sweden, including five hydro power plants. The goal of the project is to optimize the hydro power production with maximum amount of implimented wind power. This is done by maximizing the revenue from the hydro power plants electrical production. Through a linear programming problem consisting of 168 time steps of one hour each, an optimal scheduling for the hydro power plants is found, using the opitimization software GAMS. When implenting wind power to the system, the maximum installed wind power is found to be 100 MW. The placement of the wind power in the system affects the revenue of the power system, as well as the maximum installed wind power possible. The case study shows that it is the electrical grid that restricts the amount of wind power that can be implented, rather than the regulatory ability in the installed hydro power. The case study also indicates that it is less profitable to apply all wind power in the same node of the power system.
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Solving First-Order Hyperbolic Problems For Wave Motion in Nearly Incompressible fluids, Two-Phase Fluids, and Viscoelastic Media By the CESE MethodLin, Po-Hsien 18 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the Geomechanics of Sinkholes: A Preliminary Numerical StudyRawal, Kishor January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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