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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito de doadores do H2S no controle do prurido e inflamação cutânea em camundongos. / Effect of H2S donors in the control of pruritus and cutaneous inflammation in the mice.

Rodrigues, Leandro 22 May 2012 (has links)
A dor e o prurido são sensações sensoriais que auxiliam na defesa do organismo. Apesar das ações anti-nociceptivas do novo gasotransmissor endógeno H2S, nada se sabe sobre seu efeito no prurido. Avaliou-se aqui o efeito de doadores de H2S (Na2S e reagente de Lawesson - LR) no prurido e inflamação induzidos pela injeção i.d. de histamina e composto 48/80 (C48/80) na pele de camundongos. Verificou-se a produção do H2S e a expressão de suas enzimas (CBS e CSE) na pele. A injeção i.d. de histamina ou C48/80 aumentou significativamente a frequência de coceira e induziu extravasamento plasmático e influxo de leucócitos na pele dos animais em relação ao veículo. A co-injeção do Na2S ou LR reduziu (P<0.05) o extravasamento plasmático evocado por ambos agentes, mas somente o prurido induzido por histamina foi inibido. Conclui-se que a suplementação exógena de H2S inibe o extravasamento plasmático induzido por histamina e C48/80, mas somente inibiu o prurido evocado por histamina. As enzimas CSE e CBS estão expressas constitutivamente na pele e sintetizam o H2S local. / Pain and pruritus are sensory sensations that help in defending the organism. Despite the anti-nociceptive actions of the new gasotransmitter H2S, little is known about its effect on pruritus. We evaluated the effect of H2S donors (Na2S and Lawesson\'s reagent - LR) in itching and inflammation induced by i.d. injection of histamine and compound 48/80 (C48/80) in mouse dorsal skin. We also investigated the production of H2S and expression of its enzymes (CBS and CSE) in the mouse skin. The i.d. injection of histamine or C48/80 significantly increased the frequency of itching and induced plasma leakage and leukocyte influx into the skin in relation to vehicle. Co-injection of Na2S or LR decreased (P<0.05) plasma extravasation evoked by both agents, but only the itching induced by histamine was inhibited. In conclusion, the exogenous supplementation of H2S inhibits plasma extravasation induced by histamine and C48/80, but only inhibited histamine-induced pruritus. CSE and CBS are constitutively expressed in the skin and are responsible for local H2S synthesis.

Avaliação da utilização de diferentes materiais suporte na biofiltração de sulfeto de hidrogênio / Utilization of different packing materials in the hydrogen sulfide biofiltration

Pantoja Filho, Jorge Luis Rodrigues 25 April 2008 (has links)
O sulfeto de hidrogênio é um gás que pode causar os mais diversos danos se lançado ao meio ambiente devido, principalmente, à sua elevada toxicidade, corrosividade, odores indesejáveis e alta demanda de oxigênio. Atualmente existem diferentes processos físico-químicos estabelecidos para o tratamento desse composto, entretanto são consideradas técnicas onerosas do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental. Os processos biológicos constituem-se como uma alternativa bastante interessante quando comparados aos processos físico-químicos, sendo que a biofiltração é o processo mais amplamente utilizado. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados três tipos diferentes de materiais suporte, sendo um sintético - espuma de poliuretano - e dois orgânicos - fibra de côco e bagaço de cana -, para a biofiltração de uma mistura gasosa contendo \'H IND.2\'S\'. Como inóculo, optou-se pela utilização de cultura mista originária de duas fontes: a) unidade de biofiltro aerado submerso pertencente ao Serviço Autônomo de Água e Esgoto da Cidade de São Carlos, b) unidade de lodos ativados pertencente a São Carlos S/A - Indústria de Papel e Celulose. A adaptação do inóculo foi realizada em meio nutriente específico. Foi observado um período de partida de somente 2 dias nos três sistemas. Com o intuito de avaliar o impacto do aumento progressivo das taxas de carregamento mássico no desempenho dos três biofiltros, os mesmos foram submetidos a taxas de 19, 32, 54 e 70 g/m³.h (concentrações afluentes médias de 184, 328, 526 e 644 ppm para tempo de retenção do gás de, aproximadamente, 50 segundos). As eficiências remoção média em todos os sistemas mantiveram-se sempre acima dos 99,3%. A capacidade eliminação máxima alcançada pelos biofiltros oscilou entre 74 e 80 g/m³.h. As perdas de carga verificadas no ensaio hidrodinâmico foram baixas, variando entre 0,59.\'10 POT.-2\' a 0,68 \'10 POT.-2\' mca, para a velocidade superficial utilizada durante o estudo. O modelo matemático empregado na previsão do desempenho dos sistemas ajustou-se bem aos dados experimentais. Portanto, pode-se concluir que os materiais suportes testados são adequados para a biofiltração de sulfeto de hidrogênio. / Hydrogen sulfide is a gas which has high restrictions regarding to its disposal in the environment, mainly, because of its high toxicity, malodors, high oxygen demand, etc. Currently, there are many different physical-chemical processes established in order to treat this compound, nevertheless they are considered expensive techniques by the point of economical and environmental views. Biological processes are very interesting alternatives when they are compared to the physical-chemical ones, and biofiltration is the most used process. In this work, three different materials as support media were evaluated, - a synthetic one - represented by the polyurethane foam, - two organic ones - represented by coconut fiber and sugar bagasse -, for a biofiltration of a gaseous mixture containing \'H IND.2\'S\'. Microorganisms were obtained from two sources: a) submerged aerated biofilter unit, b) activated sludge unit. Inoculum\'s adaptation was realized in specific nutrient media. It was observed a 2 days start-up period in the three systems. In order to evaluate some impact caused by the progressive increasing of mass loading rate on the biofilters performance, were applied rates of 19, 32, 54 e 70 g/m³.h (average influent concentrations of 184, 328, 526 e 644 ppm to the empty bed retention time of, approximately, 50 seconds). Average removal efficiencies in the systems were always above 99,3%. Maximum elimination capacities reached by the biofilters were in the range of 74 e 80 g/m³.h. Loss pressure verified by the hands of hydrodynamic essays varied between 0,59.\'10 POT.-2\' a 0,68.\'10 POT.-2\' mca, to a superficial velocity utilized during the work. Mathematical model used to predict the performance of the systems fitted reasonably the experimental data. Then, it can be concluded that the three packing materials are appropriated for the hydrogen sulfide biofiltration.

Avaliação farmacológica de uma nanodispersão contendo GYY4137 (doador de liberação lenta de H2S) na psoríase experimental. / Pharmacological evaluation of a nanodispersion system containing an slow release donor of H2S (GYY4137) in an experimental model of psoriasis.

Schmidt, Tuanny Priscila 17 February 2016 (has links)
A psoríase é uma doença inflamatória crônica, de alta incidência mundial, caracterizada por lesões de pele e prurido. Achados prévios do grupo mostraram que a administração i.p. do doador lento de sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S), GYY4137, inibiu significativamente a inflamação cutânea e coceira em animais com psoríase. Assim, neste estudo avaliou-se o efeito terapêutico de uma nanodispersão tópica contendo GYY4137 sobre a psoríase induzida por imiquimode em camundongos e, comparou-se farmacologicamente o efeito do GYY4137 versus dexametasona. Animais controle ou psoríase foram tratados (1 e 2x/dia) com a nanodispersão (65 mg) contendo GYY4137, dexametasona ou apenas veículo. A aplicação tópica da nanodispersão com o GYY4137 (4%) 2x/dia, foi mais efetiva e reduziu de forma significativa o rubor, espessura, células sanguíneas totais, MPO e níveis de IL-6 e IL-1&#946;. Os efeitos farmacológicos promovidos pelo H2S foram semelhantes aos da dexametasona, porém, a nanodispersão contendo GYY4137 demonstrou efeitos sistêmicos menos pronunciados quando comparada ao glicocorticóide. / Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease, with high incidence worldwide and, characterized by skin lesions and intense itching. Previous findings of this group showed that systemic administration of the slow donor release of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), GYY4137, significantly inhibited skin inflammation and itching in mice with psoriasis. Thus, this study evaluated the therapeutic effect of a topical nanodispersion containing GYY4137 on the Imiquimod-induced psoriasis mice model and compared pharmacologically the effect of GYY4137 versus dexamethasone. Control or psoriasis animals were treated (1 and 2x/day) with nanodispersion (65 mg) containing GYY4137, dexamethasone, or just vehicle. Topical application of the nanodispersion with GYY4137 (4%) 2x/day was more effective and significantly reduced redness, thickness, total blood cells, MPO, and IL-6 and IL-1&#946; levels. The pharmacological effects caused by H2S were similar to those of dexamethasone, however, the nanodispersion containing GYY4137 demonstrated less systemic effects when compared to glucocorticoid.

Investigação da relação entre a suscetibilidade ao trincamento induzido pelo hidrogênio (HIC) e parâmetros de resistência à corrosão de tubos de aços ARBL graus API 5L X65 e X80. / Investigation of the relationship between hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) and parameters of corrosion in HSLA pipeline API 5L X65 e X80.

Quispe Avilés, Janeth Marlene 07 November 2017 (has links)
Atualmente a maior parte da energia consumida no mundo provém de fontes como carvão, petróleo e gás natural. Nas últimas décadas, o aumento na demanda por petróleo e gás natural teve como resultado um grande aumento no uso de tubos de aço para transportar estes produtos por longas distâncias. Os aços de alta resistência e baixa liga (ARBL) produzidos de acordo com a norma API 5L são atrativos para estas aplicações por apresentarem boas propriedades mecânicas e soldabilidade aliadas a baixos custos. Entretanto, nestas aplicações os materiais são expostos a meios corrosivos com altos teores de H2S, tornando-os susceptíveis aos danos provocados pelo hidrogênio. Dentre estes um dos mais importantes é o trincamento induzido pelo hidrogênio (hydrogen induced cracking - HIC). Neste trabalho a resistência à corrosão e ao HIC de dois aços API 5L X65, cujas composições diferem principalmente com relação aos teores de Mn e de Nb, e de um aço API 5L X80 comercial foi investigada na solução A da norma NACE TM0284-2011. A avaliação da resistência à corrosão foi realizada em solução naturalmente aerada ou desaerada sem e com saturação com H2S por meio de ensaios de potencial de circuito aberto, curvas de polarização potenciodinâmica e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica. Análises microestruturais por microscopia óptica (MO) e eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foram realizadas para correlacionar a microestrutura com os dois parâmetros investigados. As análises por MO e MEV mostraram que os dois aços API 5L X65 possuem inclusões uniformemente distribuídas em uma matriz ferrítica com ilhas de perlita degenerada e microconstituintes M/A (martensita/ austenita) nos contornos de grão da ferrita. Por sua vez, o aço API 5L X80 apresentou matriz ferrítica com microconstituintes M/A, e inclusões de formas arredondadas e irregulares em maior número e distribuídas de forma irregular. Os resultados dos ensaios eletroquímicos mostraram que, para os três aços, a resistência à corrosão diminui sensivelmente na presença de H2S. Por outro lado, os ensaios de impedância evidenciaram aumento da resistência à corrosão com o tempo de imersão em todos os meios, provavelmente associado à formação de produtos de corrosão insolúveis e que precipitam sobre a superfície dos aços. Todos os ensaios mostraram que os dois aços API 5L X65 são mais resistentes à corrosão que o aço API 5L X80. Os ensaios de HIC mostraram que os dois aços API 5L X65 não são suscetíveis a este tipo de falha, contrariamente ao aço API 5L X80. Neste último houve formação de trincas da parte central e inferior (interna) da amostra fornecida em forma de tubo. A análise do caminho de propagação da trinca mostrou a presença de inclusões ricas em Mn e S, indicando que elas têm um papel relevante no mecanismo de trincamento. Os resultados de todos os ensaios de corrosão mostraram que o aço experimental API 5L X65 produzido pela CBMM com baixos teores de Mn e altos teores de Nb apresentou resistência à corrosão ligeiramente superior ao aço API 5L X65 comercial, indicando ser esta composição promissora para aplicações em meios sour. / Currently most of the energy consumed in the world comes from sources such as coal, oil and natural gas. In recent decades the increase in demand for oil and natural gas has resulted in a large increase in the use of steel tubes to transport these products over long distances. High strength low alloy (HSLA) steels produced according to the API 5L standard are attractive for these applications because they have good mechanical properties and weldability combined with low costs. However, in these applications the materials are exposed to corrosive media with high levels of H2S, making them susceptible to damage caused by hydrogen. Among them, one of the most important is hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC). In this work the resistance to corrosion and HIC of two API 5L X65 steels, whose compositions differ mainly with respect to their Mn and Nb contents, and a commercial API 5L X80 steel were investigated in solution A of the NACE standard TM0284-2011. The evaluation of the corrosion resistance was carried out in naturally aerated or in deaerated solution without and with saturation with H2S by means of open circuit potential tests, potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Microstructural analysis by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed to correlate the microstructure with the two investigated parameters. OM and SEM analyzes showed that the two API 5L X65 steels have inclusions evenly distributed in a ferritic matrix with degenerated perlite islands and M/A (martensite/austenite) microconstituents at the perlite grain boundaries. In turn, the API 5L X80 steel presented a ferritic matrix with M/A microconstituents and round-shaped and irregular-shaped inclusions in greater number and irregularly distributed. The results of the electrochemical tests showed that, for all three steels, the corrosion resistance decreases significantly in the presence of H2S. On the other hand, the EIS tests showed an increase in corrosion resistance with immersion time in all media, which is probably due to the formation of insoluble corrosion products that precipitate on the steels surfaces. All assays showed that the two API 5L X65 steels are more resistant to corrosion than the API 5L X80 steel. The HIC assays showed that the two API 5L X65 steels are not susceptible to this type of failure, unlike the API 5L X80 steel. In the latter there was cracks formation in the central and lower (inner) part of the sample supplied as a tube. The analysis of the crack propagation path showed the presence of Mn and S-rich inclusions, indicating that they play a key role in the cracking mechanism. The results of all corrosion tests showed that the experimental steel API 5L X65 produced by CBMM with low Mn contents and high levels of Nb exhibited slightly higher corrosion resistance than the API 5L X65 commercial steel, indicating that this composition is promising for sour media applications.

Metabolic and vascular effects of thiosulfate sulfurtransferase deletion

Gibbins, Matthew Thomas George January 2018 (has links)
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), is a gasotransmitter with several key roles in metabolism and vascular function. The effects of H2S are dependent on concentration and target organ. For example, increased H2S concentrations impair liver metabolic function but protect against vascular dysfunction and atherosclerosis. Thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (TST), a nuclear encoded mitochondrial matrix enzyme, is proposed to be a component of the sulfide oxidising unit (SOU) which metabolises H2S. Preliminary data has shown that Tst deletion in mice (Tst-/-) increases circulating H2S levels measured in whole blood. Therefore, it was hypothesised that Tst-/- mice would exhibit worsened metabolic function in the liver but also protection of vascular function under conditions of vascular stress e.g. atherosclerosis. Liver metabolism was assessed by extensive metabolic phenotyping of Tst-/-mice fed control diet and in conditions of metabolic dysfunction induced by a high fat diet (HFD). Tst deletion altered glucose metabolism in mice; gluconeogenesis was increased in liver from Tst-/-mice fed control diet. Glucose intolerance in HFD-fed Tst-/-mice was also more severe than HFDfed C57BL/6 controls. In vitro metabolic investigations in primary hepatocytes isolated from Tst-/-mice demonstrated that mitochondrial ATP-linked and leak respiration were increased compared to controls. The effect of Tst deletion on vascular function was investigated in Tst- /-mice fed control or HFD using myography. Tst deletion did not alter vessel function when mice were maintained on a normal diet. HFD feeding (20 weeks) reduced maximal vessel constriction in the presence of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase inhibitors in C57BL/6 aorta. However, in Tst-/-mice fed HFD there was no reduction in maximal constriction suggesting a protective action of Tst deletion. The effects of Tst deletion on atherosclerotic lesions was investigated by generating double knock-out (DKO) mice by deletion of the Tst gene in ApoE-/- mice and (ApoE-/-Tst-/-). Atherosclerotic lesion formation was accelerated by feeding mice a western diet. Within the brachiocephalic branch lesion volume and total vessel volume were reduced in DKO mice fed western diet for 12 weeks, indicating that Tst deletion reduced lesion formation. Plasma cholesterol was reduced in DKO mice compared to ApoE-/- controls and a trend towards reduced systolic blood pressure was also noted. Overall this work supported the hypothesis that Tst deletion engenders metabolic dysfunction but vascular protection. The findings are consistent with the reported effects of increased H2S signalling. Overall inhibition of TST represents a novel target for treatment of atherosclerosis, with the caveat that glycaemia may be worsened due to hepatic metabolic dysfunction.

Filtration combustion applied to biogas containing high concentration of Sulfide Hydrogen / CombustÃo de filtraÃÃo aplicada ao biogÃs com elevada concentraÃÃo de Sulfeto de HidrogÃnio

Rafael MagalhÃes Siqueira 29 May 2015 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Using Natural Gas or Biogas in natura, containing high hydrogen (H2S) sulfide concentrations, to apply in conventional combustion processes, can cause several damages to equipment. This is due to the fact that it is a very corrosive gas that can form a sulfur acid reaction with water from combustion. In addition, using these fuels without pretreatment can cause instability on reaction, even under flame risk deletion, which implies in efficiency and oxide carbon (CO) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission levels. Therefore, this study refers to the experimental method of non-conventional combustion process application, the porous media combustion, also known as filtration combustion, to deal with these special fuels, impossible to use in known thermal systems. A burner all filled with alumina spheres (Al2O3) was the equipment used for these experiments. This inert porous media fills even the heat exchangers located on the ends of the burner. The equivalent ratio, flow velocity and gas composition influence in the process, are experimental analyzed. Preliminary results have suggested that when using an ultra-lean air-fuel mixture, the reaction can remain steady with a good H2S conversion and low CO and NOx emissions. / O uso do gÃs natural ou biogÃs in natura, contendo elevadas concentraÃÃes de sulfeto de hidrogÃnio (H2S), para aplicaÃÃo em processos de combustÃo convencionais, pode acarretar em diversos danos aos equipamentos, devido esse gÃs ser bastante corrosivo e, tambÃm, por formar Ãcido sulfÃrico ao reagir com a Ãgua resultante da combustÃo. AlÃm do que, a utilizaÃÃo dos citados combustÃveis sem um tratamento prÃvio pode ocasionar instabilidade da reaÃÃo, inclusive sob risco de apagamento da chama, o que implica na eficiÃncia e nos nÃveis de emissÃo de monÃxido de carbono (CO) e Ãxido de nitrogÃnio (NOx). Portanto, o presente trabalho refere-se ao estudo experimental da aplicaÃÃo de um processo de combustÃo nÃo-convencional, a combustÃo em meios porosos, tambÃm conhecida como combustÃo de filtraÃÃo (CF), para lidar com esses combustÃveis especiais, impossÃvel para os sistemas tÃrmicos conhecidos. O equipamento utilizado nos experimentos à um queimador, preenchido totalmente por esferas de alumina (Al2O3), em que esse meio poroso inerte envolve inclusive os trocadores de calor localizados nas extremidades do queimador. A influÃncia da razÃo de equivalÃncia, velocidade de escoamento e composiÃÃo do gÃs sob o processo à analisada experimentalmente. Os resultados sugerem que, mesmo utilizando uma mistura ar-combustÃvel ultra pobre, a reaÃÃo pode se manter estÃvel, apresentando boa conversÃo do H2S e baixas emissÃes de NOx.

Avaliação do papel do H2S em modelo experimental de pré-eclampsia

Possomato-Vieira, José Sérgio January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Alan Candido Dias Junior / Resumo: Durante a gestação, diversas adaptações fisiológicas ocorrem para suportar o feto em desenvolvimento. Em algumas mulheres, falhas nesses mecanismos podem causar desordens hipertensivas da gestação. A pré-eclâmpsia (PE) é uma desordem hipertensiva da gestação caracterizada por um de novo aumento na pressão arterial (> 140x90 mmHg), após a 20ª semana gestacional. É normalmente acompanhada de proteinúria e acomete 5-7% das gestantes. Atualmente é amplamente aceito que a fisiopatologia da PE envolve dois diferentes estágios: o primeiro, relacionado à má placentação e consequente isquemia/hipóxia placentária e liberação de fatores bioativos, e o segundo, relacionado à promoção de danos às células endoteliais. A disfunção endotelial é caracterizada por um aumento na liberação de substâncias vasoconstritoras, como a endotelina, e concomitante redução na liberação de substâncias vasodilatadoras, como o óxido nítrico (NO). Recentes estudos apontam para a importância do sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S), uma molécula que apresenta diversas semelhanças com o NO, como a natureza gasosa e a produção por enzimas de localização endotelial. No sistema cardiovascular, o H2S exerce várias funções, como modulação da angiogênese e efeitos vasodilatadores, entretanto, poucos trabalhos avaliaram seu papel na hipertensão gestacional. Para a realização dos trabalhos, ratas Wistar prenhes foram utilizadas. Inicialmente a hipertensão gestacional foi induzida com o uso do inibidor da NO sintase (NOS), Nω-nit... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Throughout gestation, several physiological adaptations occur to support the growing fetus. In some women, fails in these mechanisms may cause gestational hypertensive disorders. Preeclampsia (PE) is a gestational hypertensive disorder characterized by a de novo increase in arterial blood pressure (> 140x90 mmHg) after the 20th gestational week. It is normally accompanied by proteinuria and affects 5-7% of pregnant women. It is currently accepted that the physiopathology of PE involves two different stages: the first one is related to a bad placentation process, consequent placental ischemia/hypoxia and release of bioactive factors; and the second stage is related to the occurrence of endothelial cell damage. Endothelial dysfunction is characterized by an increased release of vasoconstrictors substances, such as endothelin, and a concurrent reduction in the release of vasodilators substances, such as nitric oxide (NO). Recent studies point to the importance of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a molecule that shows several similarities with NO, such as its gaseous nature and the enzymatic production in endothelium. In cardiovascular system, H2S exerts numerous functions, such as angiogenesis modulation and vasodilators effects, however only a few studies evaluated H2S role in gestational hypertension. For the accomplishment of the works, pregnant Wistar rats were used. Initially, gestational hypertension was induced with the use of NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor, Nω-nitro-L-arginina-metil... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Caracterização farmacológica do sulfeto de hidrogênio (h2s) derivado do tecido adiposo perivascular (pvat) na hipertensão gestacional

Polonio, Leticia Caroline Cavalheiro January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Alan Candido Dias Junior / Resumo: INTRODUÇÃO: O tecido adiposo perivascular (PVAT) libera sob condições fisiológicas fatores de relaxamento derivados do tecido adiposo (ADRF), que possivelmente desempenham um papel importante na modulação do tônus vascular. Foi demonstrado que a inativação de canais de potássio sensíveis ao ATP (KATP) aboliu o efeito anticontratil do PVAT. Outros estudos mostraram que o sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S) é produzido pelo PVAT devido a expressão da sua enzima precursora cistationina gamma liase (CSE) e que o H2S atua através ativação dos KATP. Além disso, o PVAT sofre uma disfunção em condições fisiopatológicas como a hipertensão. No entanto, seus efeitos ainda não são bem explorados durante a hipertensão gestacional. Portanto, nosso objetivo foi examinar o envolvimento do H2S derivado do PVAT na modulação do tônus vascular de ratas prenhes hipertensas e normotensas. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas curvas concentração-resposta induzidas pela fenilefrina na presença e ausência de PVAT e endotélio em ratas prenhes normotensas (Norm- Preg) e hipertensas (HTN-Preg). A pressão arterial materna, os parâmetros fetais e placentários, a angiogenese e os níveis de H2S também foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: A hipertensão gestacional foi associada ao desequilíbrio angiogênico e a restrição do crescimento fetal e placentário e o PVAT não se mostrou disfuncional. Além disso, sob a formação estimulada de H2S pelo PVAT, mas não no endotélio, houve redução nas curvas concentração-resposta à fenilefrina em aor... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) releases diffusible adipocyte- derived relaxing factors (ADRFs) under physiological conditions, which possibly play key roles to modulate the vascular tone. It was demonstrated that the inactivation of ATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP channels) impaired the anticontractile effect of PVAT. Further studies have shown that hydrogen sulfide (H2s) is released by PVAT due to the expression of cystathionine gamma lyase (CSE) and that (H2s) acts through the activation of KATP channels. In addition, PV A T is impaired in pathophysiological situations such as hypertension. However, it is not yet well explorated during hypertension in pregnancy. Therefore, we aimed to examine the involvement of PVAT-derived H2S to modulate the vascular tone in aorta from normotensive and hypertensive pregnant rats. METHODS: Phenylephrine-induced contractions in the presence and absence of PVAT and endothelium in aortas from normotensive pregnant (Norm-Preg) and HTN-Preg rats were investigated. Maternal blood pressure, fetal-placental parameters, angiogenesis and H2S levels were also assessed. RESULTS: Hypertensive pregnancy associated with angiogenic imbalance and fetal- placental growth restrictions revealed that there is no PVAT dysfunction. Moreover, under stimulated H2S formation PVAT, but not endothelium, reduces phenylephrine-induced contractions in aortas from HTN-Preg rats. Also, H2S synthesis inhibitor abolishes anticontractile effects disp... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre


Hendon, Tyler 01 January 2018 (has links)
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) reduces ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury by stimulating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) sensitive potassium channels (KATP) [1-5]. Demonstrating H2S stimulation is unique to KATP, as other inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) channels demonstrate inhibition or are unaffected [6]. We recently showed that H2S inhibits Kir2 and Kir3 by decreasing channel sensitivity to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2 or PIP2) [6]. Here, we test the hypothesis that H2S regulation of Kir6.2, a pore-forming subunit of the KATP channel, is also dependent on PIP2. Using whole-cell patch-clamp we show that H2S increases the activity of Kir6.2 channels expressed in HEK-293 cells. To study the mechanism, we modulated PIP2 levels by expressing a light- activated phosphatase, or by including high levels of a water-soluble PIP2 analog in the patch pipette. The results suggest that H2S augmentation of Kir6.2 channel activity is increased when PIP2 levels are elevated.

Modeling hydrogen sulfide emissions: are current swine animal feeding operation regulations effective at protecting against hydrogen sulfide exposure in Iowa?

Kleinschmidt, Travis Lee 01 December 2011 (has links)
Confined farm animals generate large amounts of excrement on-site. Many toxic substances emitted from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) emanate from that manure including hydrogen sulfide. There is growing concern that these pollutants, including hydrogen sulfide, may lead to adverse health effects among people living close to these operations. Iowa law mandates that separation distances be established from CAFOs to residences, public areas, and public buildings to protect human health. The primary objective of this study was to assess the adequacy of current separation distance requirements established in Iowa to protect for the Health Effects Standard (HES) and Health Effects Value (HEV) of hydrogen sulfide concentrations emanating from swine CAFOs in Iowa. Specifically, the research examined: 1) the characteristics of swine weight dense areas, 2) if current CAFO setback distance regulations in Iowa protect for the HES and HEV of hydrogen sulfide nearest the largest swine weight CAFO, and 3) if current CAFO setback distance regulations in Iowa protect for the HES and HEV of hydrogen sulfide for an area of Iowa which has the greatest swine weight density. The results suggest that the highest swine weight dense areas generally have a greater median and average swine weight per CAFO than is observed for all active swine CAFOs in Iowa. The high swine weight areas are also generally influenced greatly by a few very large swine CAFOs. Additionally, these areas tend to have a high CAFO density but are not located in the highest CAFO dense areas of Iowa. The HEV level of hydrogen sulfide is estimated to be exceeded in a total area of 423,568 m2 beyond the associated separated distance for the largest active swine CAFO alone in 2004. This indicates that the 914.4 m (3,000 ft) separation distance does not protect against the HEV of hydrogen sulfide for the largest swine CAFO in Iowa. The HES of hydrogen sulfide was not exceeded in this area. Additionally, the estimated concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in the highest swine weight dense area did not exceed the HES or HEV beyond the minimum separation distances.

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