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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo hidrológico da Bacia Hidrográfica da Represa Guarapiranga - São Paulo(SP) / Hydrological model of Guarapiranga\'s Hidrographic Basin- São Paulo (SP)

Rosiane da Silva Mateus 22 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um modelo hidrológico da Bacia da Represa Guarapiranga. Localizada na porção Sudoeste da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, ela fornece água para abastecimento de cerca de 20% da população. Pode ser considerada uma bacia urbana apesar da diversidade de uso e ocupação da terra. A partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, de informações das empresas que administram o sistema de abastecimento público e de investigação de campo, foi elaborado um modelo conceitual do sistema hidrológico da bacia. O modelo conceitual foi então representado sinteticamente em um diagrama de fluxos e armazenagem hídrica. Finalmente, o diagrama foi representado através de um sistema de equações. Foram identificados e reunidos todos os parâmetros e dados necessários para o teste e eventual calibragem do modelo proposto. Isto torna, desde agora, factível o teste e eventual calibragem, em etapa futura, tendo em vista a simulação de diversos cenários do impacto da variação da precipitação pluvial na bacia sobre o estoque de água para o abastecimento público. / This text presents a hydrological model of Guarapiranga\'s Basin. Localized on southwest portion of Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, it gives water for public supply of almost 20% of the population. It can be considered an urban basin in spite of the diversity of its land use and occupation. Based on bibliographic research, information from the companies that administrate the public system, and field observation, it was made a conceptual model of the hydrological system of the basin. The conceptual model was than synthetically represented on a fluxes and stocks diagram. Finally, the diagram was represented through an equation system. All the parameters and data necessary for test and calibration of the model proposed were identified and assembled. This made, yet now, possible the test and eventual calibration for simulating, in a future stage, various scenarios of pluvial precipitation variability in the basin on the public water supply.

Prévisions hydrologiques d’ensemble : développements pour améliorer la qualité des prévisions et estimer leur utilité / Hydrological ensemble forecasts : developments to improve their quality and estimate their utility.

Zalachori, Ioanna 19 April 2013 (has links)
La dernière décennie a vu l'émergence de la prévision probabiliste de débits en tant qu'approche plus adaptée pour l'anticipation des risques et la mise en vigilance pour lasécurité des personnes et des biens. Cependant, au delà du gain en sécurité, la valeur ajoutée de l'information probabiliste se traduit également en gains économiques ou en une gestion optimale de la ressource en eau disponible pour les activités économiques qui en dépendent. Dans la chaîne de prévision de débits, l'incertitude des modèles météorologiques de prévision de pluies joue un rôle important. Pour pouvoir aller au-delà des limites de prévisibilité classiques, les services météorologiques font appel aux systèmes de prévision d'ensemble,générés sur la base de variations imposées dans les conditions initiales des modèlesnumériques et de variations stochastiques de leur paramétrisation. Des scénarioséquiprobables de l'évolution de l'atmosphère pour des horizons de prévision pouvant aller jusqu'à 10-15 jours sont ainsi proposés. L'intégration des prévisions météorologiques d'ensemble dans la chaîne de prévision hydrologique se présente comme une approche séduisante pour produire des prévisions probabilistes de débits et quantifier l'incertitude prédictive totale en hydrologie. / The last decade has seen the emergence of streamflow probabilistic forecasting as the most suitable approach to anticipate risks and provide warnings for public safety and property protection. However, beyond the gains in security, the added‐value of probabilistic information also translates into economic benefits or an optimal management of water resources for economic activities that depend on it.In streamflow forecasting, the uncertainty associated with rainfall predictions from numerical weather prediction models plays an important role. To go beyond the limits of classical predictability, meteorological services developed ensemble prediction systems, which are generated on the basis of perturbations of the initial conditions of the models and stochastic variations in their parameterization. Equally probable scenarios of the evolution of the atmosphere are proposed for forecasting horizons up to 10‐15 days.The integration of weather ensemble predictions in the hydrological forecasting chain is an interesting approach to produce probabilistic streamflow forecasts and quantify the total predictive uncertainty in hydrology. Last and final summary in the thesis.

Mise au point de techniques de traitement de données en continu pour l’identification des composantes de débit à l’exutoire des bassins versants urbains : étude de cas des bassins versants Django Rheinhardt et Ecully / Development of processing techniques for continuous data to identify flow components at the outlet of urban catchments : case study of Django Reinhardt and Ecully watershed

Dorval, Farah Altagracia 20 June 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer, tester et valider des méthodes, techniques et outils permettant de traiter et décomposer les hydrogrammes en temps sec et en temps de pluie, dans le but de comprendre, de représenter et de prédire les dynamiques liées à ces composantes de débits sur des bassins versants urbanisés. Les données en continu de temps sec recueillies sur ces deux bassins versants Chassieu et Ecully ont été traitées à partir de la méthode de traitement des signaux bruités par ondelettes, puis analysées. L’utilisation de ces méthodes et l’analyse des données en continu a permis de mettre en évidence des composantes périodiques intra et inter journalières dans les débits mesurés. Ces composantes ont ensuite été caractérisées puis ont servi de base pour l’élaboration d’une typologie des hydrogrammes de temps sec relatif à chaque site d’étude. Des méthodes, techniques et outils de traitement, d’analyse de séries de données et de calage de modèles pluie-débit ont également été utilisés et deux modèles pluie-débit ont été proposés pour représenter : (i.) la composante liée aux eaux de ruissellement pour les deux sites d’études et (ii.) la composante d’eaux parasites d’infiltration événementielle. La typologie des hydrogrammes de temps sec ainsi que les modèles de production de flux d’eaux en périodes pluvieuses ont été implémentés dans une plate-forme de modélisation hydrologique appelée « Hydrobox ». Les débits simulés ont ensuite été confrontés aux débits mesurés. Les résultats de comparaison montrent l’intérêt de prendre en compte la signature particulière portée par chaque composante dans le but d’améliorer la compréhension et la représentation des dynamiques liées aux processus hydrologiques intervenant sur des bassins versants urbanisés. / The objective of this thesis is to develop, test and validate methods, techniques and tools which can process and decompose hydrographs in order to understand, represent and predict the dynamics associated with these flow components in urbanized watersheds. The development of the methodology is based on rainfall and runoff data including qualitatives measures of the flow rate (conductivity, pH and turbidity) continuously acquired as part of the Field Observatory for Urban Hydrology (OTHU) for two watersheds in Lyon: Django Reinhardt (Chassieu) and Ecully. The continuous data collected in dry weather period from these two watersheds were analyzed using wavelets transforms. These methods combined to signal treatments analysis helped to reveal periodic component in the measured flows. These components were then characterized and used as a basis for developing a typology of hydrographs of dry weather period for each study site. Methods, techniques and tools for processing and analyzing of data sets and calibrating of rainfall-runoff models have been used to propose two models which represent respectively: (i) the component related to the runoff contribution for the two study sites and (ii.) the component related to parasitic water infiltration. The typology of hydrographs for dry weather period, the rainfall-runoff model and the infiltration-inflow model were implemented in a platform for hydrological modeling called “Hydrobox”. The simulated and the measured flow values were then compared. The comparison results show the importance of taking into account the particular signature carried by each component in order to improve the understanding and representing the dynamics related to hydrological processes in urbanized watersheds.

Vodohospodářské řešení ochranné funkce nádrže Rychtářov / A Water Management Analysis of the Rychtářov Reservoir Protection Function

Fliega, Adam January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is water management analysis of the protective function of the Ryhtářov water reservoir on the Velká Haná. Thesis contains hydrological model of the basin wich is compile in HEC-HMS program. According to this model are derive flood waves PV 100, PV 1000 a PV 10 000. Within of the protective function are designed outlets and spillway. The protective function is compile in HEC-HMS program, where calculations of transformation of derived flood waves are performed. The solution provides two different variants. These variants are compared at the work.

Modélisation hydrologique déterministe pour les systèmes d'aide à la décision en temps réel : application au bassin versant Var, France / Deterministic hydrological modelling for real time decision support systems : application to the Var catchment, France

Ma, Qiang 14 March 2018 (has links)
Les ressources en eau sont généralement considérées comme l'une des ressources naturelles les plus importantes du développement social, en particulier pour soutenir les usages domestiques, agricoles et industriels. Au cours de la dernière décennie, en raison de l'augmentation des activités humaines, telles que l'urbanisation et l'industrialisation, les impacts sociaux sur l'environnement naturel deviennent de plus en plus intenses. Par conséquent, de nos jours, les problèmes d'eau par rapport à avant deviennent plus compliqués. Pour faire face au problème complexe depuis les années 1970, les gens ont reconnu que le système d'aide à la décision (DSS) présente des avantages évidents. De plus, avec le développement de l'informatique et des techniques web, les DSS sont souvent utilisés pour appuyer la décision locale. Les décideurs pour gérer les ressources naturelles de la région en particulier les ressources en eau. La modélisation hydrologique en charge de la représentation des caractéristiques du bassin versant joue un rôle important dans le système d'aide à la décision environnementale (EDSS). Parmi les différents types de modèles, le modèle hydrologique distribué déterministe est capable de décrire l'état réel de la zone d'étude de manière plus détaillée et précise. Cependant, le seul obstacle à la limitation des applications de ce type de modèle est pointé vers le grand besoin de données demandé par sa configuration de modélisation. Dans cette étude d'évaluation de la modélisation hydrologique dans le projet AquaVar, un modèle distribué déterministe (MIKE SHE) est construit pour l'ensemble du bassin versant du Var avec moins d'informations de terrain disponibles dans la zone. Grâce à une stratégie de modélisation raisonnable, plusieurs hypothèses sont conçues pour résoudre les problèmes de données manquantes dans les intervalles de temps quotidiens et horaires. La simulation est étalonnée sur une échelle de temps quotidienne et horaire de 2008 à 2011, qui contient un événement de crue extrême en 2011. En raison des impacts des données manquantes sur les entrées et les observations du modèle, l'évaluation de l'étalonnage de la modélisation n'est pas seulement basée sur des coefficients statistiques tels que le coefficient de Nash, mais aussi des facteurs physiques (p. ex. valeurs maximales et débit total). Le modèle calibré est capable de décrire les conditions habituelles du système hydrologique varois, et représente également le phénomène inhabituel dans le bassin versant tel que les inondations et les sécheresses. Le processus de validation mis en œuvre de 2011 à 2014 dans l'intervalle de temps journalier et horaire confirme la bonne performance de la simulation dans le Var. La simulation MIKE SHE dans Var est l'une des parties principales du système de modélisation distribuée déterministe de l'EDSS d'AquaVar. Après l'étalonnage et la validation, le modèle pourrait être utilisé pour prévoir les impacts des événements météorologiques à venir (par exemple, des crues extrêmes) dans cette région et produire les conditions aux limites pour d'autres modèles distribués déterministes dans le système. La conception de l'architecture EDSS, la stratégie de modélisation et le processus d'évaluation de modélisation présentés dans cette recherche pourraient être appliqués comme un processus de travail standard pour résoudre les problèmes similaires dans d'autres régions. / Water resource is commonly considered as one of the most important natural resources in social development especially for supporting domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. During the last decade, due to the increase of human activities, such as urbanization and industrialization, the social impacts on the natural environment become more and more intensive. Therefore, recently, water problems compared to before become more complicated. To deal with the complex problem, since 1970s, started from the companies, people recognized that the Decision Support System (DSS) has obvious advantages Moreover, with the development of computer science and web techniques, the DSS are commonly applied for supporting the local decision makers to manage the region natural resources especially the water resources. The hydrological modelling in charge of representing the catchment characteristics plays significant role in the Environment Decision Support System (EDSS). Among different kinds of models, the deterministic distributed hydrological model is able to describe the real condition of the study area in more detail and accurate way. However, the only obstacle to limit the applications of this kind of model is pointed to the large data requirement requested by its modelling set up. In this study of hydrological modelling assessment in AquaVar project, one deterministic distributed model (MIKE SHE) is built for the whole Var catchment with less field information available in the area. Through one reasonable modelling strategy, several hypothesises are conceived to solve the missing data problems within daily and hourly time intervals. The simulation is calibrated in both daily and hourly time scale from 2008 to 2011, which contains one extreme flood event at 2011. Due to the impacts of missing data on both model inputs and observations, the evaluation of modelling calibration is not only based on the statistic coefficients such as Nash coefficient, but also effected by some physical factors (e.g. peak values and total discharge). The calibrated model is able to describe usual condition of Var hydrological system, and also represent the unusual phenomenon in the catchment such as flood and drought event. The validation process implemented from 2011 to 2014 within both daily and hourly time interval further proves the good performance of the simulation in Var. The MIKE SHE simulation in Var is one of the main parts of the deterministic distributed modelling system in the EDSS of AquaVar. After the calibration and validation, the model could be able to use for forecasting the impacts of coming meteorological events (e.g. extreme flood) in this region and producing the boundary conditions for other deterministic distributed models in the system. The design of the EDSS architecture, modelling strategy and modelling evaluation process presented in this research could be applied as one standard working process for solving the similar problems in other region.

Delimitación de áreas críticas mediante el modelamiento de flujo de lodos con el software flo 2D en la quebrada malanche, distrito de Punta Hermosa, Lima-Perú / Delimitation of critical areas by modeling sludge flow with flo 2D software in the quebrada malanche, punta hermosa district, lima-peru

Iruri Guzman, Osnar Vicente, Jiménez Garcia, Luis Fabricio 13 April 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis muestra el modelamiento hidrológico e hidráulico de la quebrada Malanche, ubicada en el distrito de Punta Hermosa, con la finalidad de obtener el mapa de amenazas para crear un ambiente de conciencia frente a este fenómeno y generar planes para evitar o mitigar el impacto de este fenómeno. Se presenta un marco teórico que aborda conceptos relacionados al estudio, la metodología de la investigación y el desarrollo del modelo. Para el modelo hidrológico, se obtuvo los parámetros principales de la quebrada, fue necesario la adquisición de los datos históricos de precipitación de 24h máxima para elaborar su hidrograma. Asimismo, se usó el software Hyfran para el análisis estadístico de dicha data. El modelo hidrológico fue realizado con el software HEC-HMS 4.4 con ArcGIS 10.5 y su extensión HEC-GeoHMS. Así, se pudo determinar los caudales máximos para periodos de retorno de 25, 50, 100, 200 años. El modelo hidráulico fue desarrollado con FLO-2D PRO, el cual simula flujo de lodos. Para ello, se necesita al hidrograma calculado, a la topografía digital del terreno, la rugosidad del canal y de la planicie de inundación, hidrogramas sólidos y parámetros reológicos. De esta manera, FL0-2D nos reporta tirantes y velocidades del flujo de lodo para cada periodo de retorno. Su calibración consistió en verificar que los tirantes del modelo sean muy similares a las marcas de flujo de lodo registradas en campo. A partir de ello, se logró elaborar mapas de amenazas. / Mud flows are natural phenomena with great destructive power, very common in Peru. Affected areas are spaces delimited by a certain break, resulting in the main impacts in the delta. The damage they cause is considerable for their great energy, destroying or razing everything in its path, even demolishing structures of armed concrete. The present thesis shows the hydrological and hydraulic modeling of the Quebrada Malanche, located in the district of Punta Hermosa, developed with the purpose of obtaining the hazard map, which will allow the creation of an environment of awareness to natural phenomena and generate plans for the construction of structures that avoid or mitigate the impact of this phenomenon. A theoretical framework is presented that addresses the basic concepts related to the study of hydrology and hydraulics, the research methodology and the development of each model. For the hydrological model, the characterization of thr Quebrada Malanche was carried out and its main parameters were obtained, as well as the acquisition of historical data on maximum 24-hour rainfall. Hyfran software was also used for statistical analysis of this data. Thus, the hydrological model was made with the HEC-HMS version 4.4 software in collaboration with ArcGIS version 10. 5 and its HEC-GeoHMS extension. Thus, it was possible to determine the maximum flows under the return periods of 25, 50, 100, 200 years. The hydraulic model was developed with FLO-2D PRO software, which simulates non-Newtonian fluid flow. To do this, the input parameters to the hygrogram calculated in the hydrological model, the digital topography of the terrain, estimated values of the roughness of the channel and the floodplain, solid hygrograms and rheological parameters such as viscosity and yieldion effort were taken as input parameters. In this way you get the simulation for each established scenario, so, the FL0-2D program reports straps and speeds of the sludge flow for each return period. The calibration of the numerical model consisted of trying to match the straps of the model with the flow marks registered in the field and by analyzing their topography. From validation and with program outputs, a threat map can be developed to help mitigate the effects of sludge flow in areas surrounding the Malanche Quebrada. / Tesis

Modellering av extern fosforbelastning till Vombsjön : En studie med hydrologiska modellen Soil and Water Assessment Tool, SWAT+

Jönsson, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Vombsjön är en av de viktigaste dricksvattentäkterna i södra Skåne som förser bland annat Malmö och delar av Lund med dricksvatten. Sjön lider av övergödning och återkommande algblomningar som komplicerar dricksvattenproduktionen. Fosfor från sjöns bottensediment (intern belastning) och fosfor från det jordbruksdominerade avrinningsområdet (extern belastning) behöver kartläggas för att råda bukt på övergödningsproblematiken i sjön och trygga produktionen av ett säkert dricksvatten. Inom ramen för detta examensarbete har den externa fosforbelastningen kartlagts genom modellering av Vombsjöns avrinningsområde med den hydrologiska modellen Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+). Resultaten från modelleringen visar att det nära 45 000 ha stora avrinningsområdet i genomsnitt tillför 25 ton totalfosfor per år via de tre huvudvattendragen som mynnar ut i Vombsjön. Medelvärdet är beräknat på simuleringar gjorda för åren 2011 – 2022 och belastningen varierar mellan 14–37 ton totalfosfor för de undersökta åren. 79 % av totalfosforn tillförs sjön via det största vattendraget Björkaån, 11 % via Torpsbäcken och 10 % via Borstbäcken. Den månatliga vattenföringen har manuellt kalibrerats och validerats mot en mätpunkt i avrinningsområdet. Miljöövervakning från ett jordbruksdominerat typområde i samma läckageregion som Vombsjöns avrinningsområde till största del ligger inom användes för att jämföra storleksordningen på den arealspecifika fosfortransporten. De arealspecifika månads- och årstransporterna låg inom samma storleksordning men variationerna mellan de två områdena var stora somliga år och månader. Den hydrologiska modellen behöver vidareutvecklas för att bättre simulera vattenföringen under höst och vinter, när vattenföringen generellt är som störst. Vidare behöver modellen kalibreras och valideras mot fler vattenföringsstationer och uppmätta fosforhalter i avrinningsområdet för att avgöra hur väl modellen simulerar fosfortransporten. / Vombsjön is one of the most important drinking water sources in southern Skåne, supplying drinking water to Malmö and parts of Lund. The lake suffers from eutrophication and reoccurring algal blooms which are complicating the drinking water production. Phosphorus leaching from the bottom sediment of the lake (internal load) and phosphorus coming from the agriculture- dominated catchment (external load) needs to be investigated to address the eutrophication issues and ensure a safe drinking water production. As part of this thesis, the external phosphorus load has been investigated through hydrological modeling of the catchment area, using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+). The modeling results show that the approximately 45 000 hektar big catchment area contributes to an average of 25 tons of total phosphorus per year via the three main watercourses that flows into Vombsjön. The average load is based on simulations between 2011 and 2022, and the load varies between 14–37 tons of total phosphorus for the examined years. 79 % of the total phosphorus load is supplied to the lake via the largest watercourse, Björkaån, 11 % via Torpsbäcken and 10 % via Borstbäcken. The monthly water flow has been manually calibrated and validated against flow measurements at one point in the catchment area. Environmental monitoring data from an agriculture- dominated catchment area, located in the same leakage region as most of the Vombsjöns catchment area, was used to compare the magnitude of the area-specific phosphorus transport. The area-specific monthly and annual transports of total phosphorus were within the same order of magnitude, but there were significant variations between some years and months. The hydrological model needs further development to better simulate water flow during autumn and winter, when the flow is generally highest. Furthermore, the model needs to be calibrated and validated against more flow stations and measured phosphorus concentrations within the catchment area to determine how well the model simulates phosphorus transport.

Improving Runoff Estimation at Ungauged Catchments

Zelelew, Mulugeta January 2012 (has links)
Water infrastructures have been implemented to support the vital activities of human society. The infrastructure developments at the same time have interrupted the natural catchment response characteristics, challenging society to implement effective water resources planning and management strategies. The Telemark area in southern Norway has seen a large number of water infrastructure developments, particularly hydropower, over more than a century. Recent developments in decision support tools for flood control and reservoir operation has raised the need to compute inflows from local catchments, most of which are regulated or have no observed data. This has contributed for the motivation of this PhD thesis work, with an aim of improving runoff estimation at ungauged catchments, and the research results are presented in four manuscript scientific papers.  The inverse distance weighting, inverse distance squared weighting, ordinary kriging, universal kriging and kriging with external drift were applied to analyse precipitation variability and estimate daily precipitation in the study area. The geostatistical based univariate and multivariate map-correlation concepts were applied to analyse and physically understand regional hydrological response patterns. The Sobol variance based sensitivity analysis (VBSA) method was used to investigate the HBV hydrological model parameterization significances on the model response variations and evaluate the model’s reliability as a prediction tool. The HBV hydrological model space transferability into ungauged catchments was also studied.  The analyses results showed that the inverse distance weighting variants are the preferred spatial data interpolation methods in areas where relatively dense precipitation station network can be found.  In mountainous areas and in areas where the precipitation station network is relatively sparse, the kriging variants are the preferred methods. The regional hydrological response correlation analyses suggested that geographic proximity alone cannot explain the entire hydrological response correlations in the study area. Besides, when the multivariate map-correlation analysis was applied, two distinct regional hydrological response patterns - the radial and elliptical-types were identified. The presence of these hydrological response patterns influenced the location of the best-correlated reference streamgauges to the ungauged catchments. As a result, the nearest streamgauge was found the best-correlated in areas where the radial-type hydrological response pattern is the dominant. In area where the elliptical-type hydrological response pattern is the dominant, the nearest reference streamgauge was not necessarily the best-correlated. The VBSA verified that varying up to a minimum of four to six influential HBV model parameters can sufficiently simulate the catchments' responses characteristics when emphasis is given to fit the high flows. Varying up to a minimum of six influential model parameters is necessary to sufficiently simulate the catchments’ responses and maintain the model performance when emphasis is given to fit the low flows. However, varying more than nine out of the fifteen HBV model parameters will not make any significant change on the model performance.  The hydrological model space transfer study indicated that estimation of representative runoff at ungauged catchments cannot be guaranteed by transferring model parameter sets from a single donor catchment. On the other hand, applying the ensemble based model space transferring approach and utilizing model parameter sets from multiple donor catchments improved the model performance at the ungauged catchments. The result also suggested that high model performance can be achieved by integrating model parameter sets from two to six donor catchments. Objectively minimizing the HBV model parametric dimensionality and only sampling the sensitive model parameters, maintained the model performance and limited the model prediction uncertainty.

Development of a precipitation index-based conceptual model to overcome sparse data barriers in runoff prediction in cold climate

Akanegbu, J. O. (Justice Orazulukwe) 07 December 2018 (has links)
Abstract This thesis describes the development of a new precipitation index-based conceptual water balance model with parameters easily regionalized through the functional relationship with catchment and climate attributes. It also presents a simple method for improving model dynamics for streamflow simulations in a non-stationary climate. The model was developed for streamflow modelling and prediction in high-latitude catchments, where model parameter regionalization is difficult due to limited availability of hydrological data for the region. The model couples a snow accumulation and melt formulation with a current precipitation index (CPI) formulation to simulate daily precipitation in runoff hydrograph pattern from catchments with seasonal snow cover. Using new runoff conversion factors CT and Lf, and a threshold flow factor ThQ, the simulated CPI hydrograph is converted into daily runoff and routed using the transformation function Maxbas. The model was developed in Microsoft Excel workbook and tested in 32 catchments in Finland, a region with considerable seasonal snow cover. The results showed that the model can adequately simulate and reproduce the dynamics of daily runoff from catchments where the underlying physical conditions are not known. In addition, incorporating temperature conditions influencing inter-annual variability in streamflow into the model structure improved its structural dynamics, thereby improving its performance in a non-stationary climate. Most model parameters showed strong relationships with observable catchment characteristics, climate characteristics, or both. The parameter functional relationships derived from the model parameter-catchment relationships produced equally good model results when applied to independent test catchments used as mock-ungauged catchments. Inclusion of snow-water equivalent records and use of multiple objective functions for snow-water equivalent and runoff simulations during model optimization helped reduce the effect of parameter equifinality, making it easier to determine optimal parameter values. The current precipitation index (CPIsnow) model is a parsimonious tool for predicting streamflow in data-limited high-latitude regions. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee yksinkertaisen sadantaan perustuvan konseptuaalisen vesitasemallin kehitystä ja soveltamista boreaalisille valuma-alueille sekä malliin liittyvää alueellista parametrisointia valuma-alueominaisuuksien ja ilmastoaineiston perusteella. Hydrologinen malli on luotu laskemaan ja ennustamaan valuntaa pohjoisille valuma-alueille, joilta on vähän hydrologista tietoa. Malli yhdistää lumen kertymisen ja sulannan tunnettuun sadantaindeksiin perustuvaan malliin (CPI) ja edelleen simuloi päivittäisen hydrografin valuma-alueille, joilla on selkeä lumipeitteinen ajanjakso. Malli laskee MaxBas funktion avulla CPI:llä muodostetun hydrografin päivittäiseksi valunnaksi valuntaan liittyvien malliparametrien CT ja Lf sekä virtaaman kynnysarvon ThQ avulla. Malli kehitettiin Excel-ympäristössä ja sitä testattiin 32 valuma-alueella Suomessa. Valuma-alueet edustivat maantieteellisesti kattavasti alueita, joilla esiintyy tyypillisesti kausittainen lumipeite. Saadut tulokset osoittivat, että kehitetty malli simuloi ja tuottaa päivittäisen valunnan riittävällä tarkkuudella valuma-alueille, vaikka hydrologista ja fysikaalista tietoa alueilta olisi niukasti. Useimmat malliparametrit olivat vahvasti riippuvaisia joko valuma-alue ominaisuuksista tai ilmastollisista parametreista tai molemmista. Parametrien funktionaalinen yhteys muodostettiin valuma-alueiden ominaisuuksien perusteella ja testattiin riippumattomalla valuma-aluejoukolla hyvin tuloksin. Malliparametrien samatavoitteellisuutta eli ekvifinaliteettiä voitiin vähentää huomioimalla mallissa lumen vesiarvomittaukset sekä hyödyntämällä useita parametrisia funktioita. Tällöin myös optimaalisten parametrien löytyminen nopeutui ja helpottui. Tämän väitöstyön pohjalta syntynyt uusi sadannan indeksiin pohjautuva laskentamalli (CPIsnow) mahdollistaa valunnan arvioinnin pieniltä valuma-alueilta, joilta on niukasti aineistoa saatavilla ja joissa lumen sulanta ja kertyminen ovat keskeisiä hydrologisia prosesseja.

Parâmetros de resistência do solo para dimensionamento de sistemas de drenagem em estradas não pavimentadas / Parameters of soil resistance for drainage systems dimensioning in non-paved roads

OLIVEIRA, João Fonseca de 21 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:24:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JOaO FONSECA DE OLIVEIRA.pdf: 1294832 bytes, checksum: 022b50e9a3fc392dd2bef5f7fcc5d895 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-21 / This work was developed mainly aiming the determination of the erodibility and the critical shear stress in non-paved roads, focusing on the reduction of the eminent risks of occurring erosion in these roads, based upon a drainage system dimensioning using local resistance values. In order to achieve these values a yield simulator was built, which model consists of an improved version of the equipment proposed by Griebeler (2005), utilized in superficial yield testing directly at the drainage channel of the road and in collecting the eroded material. The simulator was installed in soils of roads of Goiânia (E1), Baliza (E2), Doverlândia (E3) and Morrinhos (E4, E5 e E6) , all of which are in the state of Goiás. The tests were performed with three repetitions for each passage of the vicinal roads. For each test were utilized five channels with different crescent volumetric flow rates, in a way to simulate the ascending curve of a yielding hydrogram, where each channel was collected in a proper recipient, for later determination of the amount of eroded material (debris). Samples were also collected from non-deformed soil, utilizing an Uhland sampler, aiming to determine the density of the soil. Furthermore, the declivity of the road and samples for characterizing the granulometric curves and determining the Atterberg limits were also measured and collected. The results found showed erodibility (g.cm-2.min- 1.Pa-1) and critical shear stress values respectively of 0.0036 and 2.00 for E1; 0.0099 and 2.06 for E2; 0.0582 and 3.93 for E3; 0.0073 and 3.78 for E4; 0.0075 and 4.87 for E5; and, 0.0054 and 3.74 for E6. These values appear highly elevated for the condition of roads, indicating high erosion risk, a fact that can be observed from the conservation state in which they can be found. The soils of the roads were classified as Sandy loam (E1), Sandy (E2), Clay loam (E3), Sandy clay (E4), Sandy loam (E5) and Sandy clay loam (E6). The classification of the soils of the roads, with little clay material, which works as a cementer, helps explain the elevated values obtained for the erodibility and critical shear stress. The soil density values (g.cm-3) observed were, respectively for roads E1 to E6, 1.58; 1.64; 1.53; 1.41; 1.63 and 1.60. Through the simulation performed using the Roads Griebeler (2005) software and utilizing the values observed in the field, the fact that road E1 obtained the greatest space management, mainly due to its lower erodibility. However, for the remaining roads, the software pointed out the need to build drains nearby, further indicating the need to make alterations in their drainage channels as well as their consisting material, so that their erodibility would be reduced. The composition of the material can be made through the mixture of a greater quantity of cementing material, such as clayey soil, to the material of the road, enhancing the soil s resistance to the erosive process. The model has proven to be highly sensitive to the alterations in the erodibility of the soil and in the declivity of the road. / Este trabalho foi desenvolvido tendo como objetivo principal a determinação da erodibilidade e da tensão crítica de cisalhamento em estradas não pavimentadas, visando a redução dos riscos de ocorrência de erosão nestas estradas com base em dimensionamentos de sistemas de drenagem através de valores locais de resistência. Para a obtenção destes valores foi construído um simulador de escoamento, cujo modelo consiste em um aperfeiçoamento do equipamento proposto por Griebeler et al. (2005), utilizado para testes de escoamento superficial diretamente no canal de drenagem da estrada e para a coleta de material erodido. O simulador foi instalado em solos de estradas de Goiânia (E1), Baliza (E2), Doverlândia (E3) e Morrinhos (E4, E5 e E6), todas no estado de Goiás. Os testes foram realizados com três repetições para cada canal de estrada. Em cada teste foram utilizadas cinco vazões diferentes e crescentes, de modo a simular a curva ascendente de um hidrograma de escoamento, sendo cada vazão coletada em um recipiente próprio, para posterior determinação da quantidade de material erodido. Foram coletadas amostras de solo indeformadas, utilizando um amostrador Uhland, visando à determinação da densidade do solo. Coletou-se também, amostras para a caracterização das curvas granulométricas e determinação dos limites de Atterberg e determinou-se, ainda, a declividade da estrada. Os resultados encontrados mostraram valores de erodibilidade (g.cm-2.min-1.Pa-1) e de tensão crítica de cisalhamento (Pa) respectivamente de 0,0036 e 2,00 para a E1; 0,0099 e 2,06 para E2; 0,0582 e 3,93 para E3; 0,0073 e 3,78 para E4; 0,0075 e 4,87 para E5; e, 0,0054 e 3,74 para E6. Estes valores mostram-se bastante elevados para a condição de estradas, indicando alto risco de erosão, fato este observado pelo estado de conservação destas em campo. Os solos das estradas foram classificados como Franco arenoso (E1), Arenoso (E2), Franco argiloso (E3), Argilo arenoso (E4), Franco arenoso (E5) e Franco argilo arenoso (E6). A classificação dos solos das estradas, com pouco material argiloso, que funciona como cimentante, ajuda a explicar os elevados valores obtidos para a erodibilidade e tensão crítica de cisalhamento. Os valores de densidade (g.cm-3) do solo observados foram de 1,58; 1,64; 1,53; 1,41; 1,63 e 1,60, respectivamente para as estradas de E1 a E6. Pela simulação realizada com o software Estradas (Griebeler et al., 2005), utilizando os valores observados em campo, pode-se observar que o maior espaçamento foi obtido para a estrada E1, em vista, principalmente, da sua menor erodibilidade. Nas demais estradas o software indicou a necessidade de desaguadouros bastante próximos indicando a necessidade de alterações nos canais de drenagem das estradas bem como no seu material constituinte, de modo que sua erodibilidade seja reduzida. A composição do material pode ser feita pela mistura de uma maior quantidade de material cimentante, como solo argiloso, ao material da estrada, aumentando a resistência do solo ao processo erosivo. O modelo mostrou-se bastante sensível às alterações na erodibilidade do solo e na declividade da estrada.

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