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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Tshering, Karma January 2012 (has links)
Bhutan is a small Buddhist country nested in the cradles of the eastern Himalayas. It has rugged mountainous terrains with altitudes ranging from 500 masl in its southern plains to 4500masl in the snowy capped mountains in north. This rugged mountainous topography blessed Bhutan with huge hydropower potential. The hydropower potential of Bhutan is estimated at 30000MW with projects above 10MW capacity as per the power system master plan. This is one of the highest in the world considering its small size. In absence of other valuable natural resources, hydropower has become the main national resources in the country. Out of huge potential, Bhutan today has 1488MW of installed hydropower project under generation illuminating about 90% of all houses in the country and feeding power to its developing industries. Because of its small size and even smaller population, the internal electricity consumption of Bhutan is small roughly 30% of its present generation. The balance power is exported to India generating the most needed revenue for the economic development of the country. Bhutan plan to construct 10000MW of hydropower projects within year 2020 among which some mega projects are already under construction.Bhutan being located in the tectonically active Himalayan geological formation faces lots of geological challenges in tunneling works. The Himalayan geology intruded by numerous geological discontinuities, and frequented by the tectonic activities poses lots of challenges for tunneling works. The Himalayan geology is very complex and rock mass properties changes greatly within small distances.The engineering geological investigation for an underground work is very important. Detailed investigation is important during the prefeasibility and feasibility study stage of the project. But the availability of funds and time are the constraining factor in performing detailed engineering geological investigations. Balance need to be made to cover most important geotechnical studies within the availability time and fund to get a reliable design.Punatsangchu II hydropower project is a runoff river scheme project being constructed along this river basin in central western part of Bhutan. In this thesis, the engineering geological study of the HRT was carried out with an aim to carry out stability assessment and support requirement for HRT. The engineering properties of the rock mass along the HRT are reviewed from the stability aspect with discussion on orientation of main foliation, joints and weakness zones with the tunnel alignment. An alternate alignment is proposed, optimizing on orientation of main foliation, shear zones and main jointing with the tunnel alignment, restricting the exercise within the same limits of the start and end point of the HRT as given in designed layout.It has been found that the topography along the HRT permits very limited alternatives for the tunnel alignment layout and the location of construction adits. The main foliation and joint orientations were taken care for the tunnel alignment. However, there are some rooms for optimization within the same limits, if taken care of could bring better benefit to the project. This possible optimization was used in the proposed alternate alignment.The rock mass characteristics and possible instability problems along the HRT alignment were also reviewed in stability study. There are very less possibility of squeezing problems along the tunnel alignment but minor instability problems could not be fully ruled out due to the low rock mass strength. With the tunnel alignment crossing two nalas, some minor seepage problems were also expected at those nala crossing areas. Possible solutions for instability and seepage problems were also recommended in the relevant cases.The NGIs Q method and Bieniawskis RMR methods were used for the rock mass classification and the support design thereof. The designed rock supports are cross checked with the standards NGIs support chart and Bieniawskis RMR guide charts. It is found that a typical conservative support approach practiced in the Indian sub continent is followed for the support system. The supports designed were on much conservative side compared with support requirement from Q support charts.Finally the supports were further checked by using Phase2 numerical modeling. The result of the numerical analysis suggests lighter supports compared with the designed support for the HRT. The adoption of the conservative methods may keep the instability problems at bay, but the cost affect can be on the higher especially when the projects suffer from fund availability.
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Head Race Tunnel Melado Hydropower Plant, Chile : Optimization in Excavation and Rock Support

Manquehual, Cristobal January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis is to focus on the two head race tunnels within the Melado HPP, Chile. The upstream tunnel is called Castillo 7800 m long and the downstream tunnel is called Vallical 8800 m long.The feasibility study of this project was carried in 2010. The resulting report from this study was used as a basis for this thesis. Along with all the background information obtained from the feasibility studies, there are some other sources gotten from field investigation tests carried out after the end of the feasibility report.Based on all the information collected, a new rock mass classification was carried out, identifying all the geological stretches for both tunnels. This classification was undertaken according to the RMR system (Bieniawski, 1973) and the Q-system (NGI, 1974). The support required for both tunnels was estimated mainly based on empirical rock support methods. Numerical model by means of software Phase 2 as well as ground behavior analysis were carried out to provide a better understanding of actual problems expected during excavation that are not always cover by the empirical methods.Once there was a clear understating of the rock masses involved in both tunnels along with their corresponding rock support, some analysis related to the tunnels were performed to improve the economical benefit of the whole project.The first economic analysis undertaken was the optimum cross section for Drill & Blast excavation method. A detail analysis that systematizes the cost and advance rate involved in the round cycle of the Drill & Blast excavation method and rock support was used. A thorough analysis of energy losses was also carried out as well, making a distinction between unlined, shotcrete lined and reinforced shotcrete ribs tunnel stretches. The existing cross section of 6.9 m horse shoe shape tunnel turned out to be very small. The new optimum cross section for Castillo tunnel was 8.7 m diameter and 9 m diameter for Vallical tunnel. The second economic analysis was a tunnel alignment change in order to improve some blast design parameters in stretches where their tunnel axis orientation was close to predominant joint set. In any of the two tunnel stretches analyzed turned out to be economically convenient to extend the tunnel for this purpose, even though the safety factor for the crew was not included.Also, the convenience of extra adits was carried out. In fact, the layout of the feasibility report included one extra adit for each tunnel in order to have an earlier tunnel completion. The findings suggest that these adits are not economically convenient as long as the project’s electromechanical equipments take 34 months from their manufacturing to their assembly on project cavern.
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Gautam, Umesh January 2012 (has links)
Super Madi Hydrolectric Project (SMHEP) is located in Kaski District of Nepal. It is a run of river scheme with a installed capacity of 44 MW, net head of 295m and design discharge of 18 m^3⁄s.It has planned to build for the fulfillment to minimize the load-shedding problem of Nepal in the current scenario. This project lies in the lower part of the Higher Himalaya, mainly dominated by high-grade metamorphic rocks like gneiss and schists.Major task involve in this thesis work is to check for proper alignment of existing layout, assessment of stability condition with proper support system. Selection of best alternative alignment of cavern with its best shape and size are also another major work in this thesis. Optimum support estimation for the best alternative has also been done. Conclusion and final recommendations are based on stability condition and degree of rock support requirements.Geological and topographical site condition of headworks restrict for exposed settling basin therefore underground settling basin cavern in the left hill side has been selected. Rock mass in the settling basin area is slightly deformed, foliated micaous and banded gneiss with thin layer of schist. Analysis is based on assumption of ``No significant faults and shear zones across the alignment of settling basin cavern``.Both alternatives with axis orientation of N145E have been selected for the analysis. Shape of the caverns in both alternatives are inverted D. Existing alternative consists of two parallel settling basin caverns with a clear spacing of 9.5 m. Average width and height for both the caverns of existing alternative (Alternative I) are 8.4 m and 15 m whereas for proposed alternative (Alternative II) are 18.3 m and 20 m are respectively.Stress-strength factor plays a vital role for overall stability condition of the cavern. Stress induced problems such as rock bursting and spalling in hard rock whereas squeezing in weak rock is assumed. Some Empirical, Analytical, and Numerical approaches have been used for stability assessment and for designing of proper rock support system.RMR and Q-system of rock mass classification are used to classify the rock masses. Grimstad and Barton (1993) method is used in the analysis of rock bursting problem and squeezing problem. As a Semi-analytical approach ``Hoek and Marionos approach`` has been used for squeezing analysis.Numerical approaches have many benefits over empirical and analytical approaches, specifically in complex geometry like settling basin cavern. Rocscience software for numerical analysis such as Phase^2 and Un-wedge has been used. Generalized Hoek and Brown failure criterion are used to determine the state of stresses, strength factors, and deformations around the periphery of the caverns in Phase^2 . To analyze the wedge failure due to low shear strength of joints, empirical approach suggested by Barton and Bandis is used in the numerical analysis through rocscience software-Unwedge.Comparative study of empirical, analytical, and numerical approaches of analysis have been carried out for assessment of stability conditions. Finally, some recommendations to improve the analysis results have been performed.
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Regional modelling for estimation of runoff from ungauged catchment, case study of the Saptakoshi basin, Nepal.

Shrestha, Jayandra Prasad January 2012 (has links)
The accurate simulation of an ungauged basin is one of the great challenges in hydrology. In case of Nepal, most of the gauge stations are located at low level land and getting reliable hydrological data at intake sites, most of which are located at high mountains, are almost impossible. The regional model calibration attempts to make a relationship between parameters of model and characteristics of the modelling units so that the calibrated parameters can be applied to ungauged basin. The main objective of the study is to apply ENKI model system to the Saptakoshi basin and to test the reliability of the model in this area and extract the runoff at ungauged sites. The processed climatic data from 1999 to 2008 are applied to the ENKI model system, which is equipped with tools for regional model setup, for different calibration cases.In case I, all the 16 catchments are included for calibration and average Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency R2 of -1.57 is obtained which is comparatively very low. The R2 value of Uwa Gaon basin is -27.76; the reason may be due to missing precipitation data of Tibet. Hence, this catchment is excluded for further analysis.Excluding Uwa Gaon catchment in calibration case II, the improved average R2 of 0.33 is achieved. The hydrographs of simulated runoff seem in realistic shapes and patterns. Then validation is carried out for the period from 2004 to 2008. The average R2 of the validation is equal to 0.14 which is less than calibration result. The individual R2 value of the catchments is nearly equal with calibration results except of Pachuwar Ghat basin.In case III, only 8 independent catchments are selected for calibration and rest catchments are applied for validation. The average R2 of 0.59 is achieved which is the best result among the 3 cases. The R2 is found at the range of 0.54 to 0.78 for most of the catchments. Similarly, the average R2 of validation is achieved 0.15 which is greater than calibration case II. While processing data, some errors and inconsistency in flow data were found. The results show that the R2 of independent and upstream catchments are well fitted with observed data and less with downstream basins where observed data were inconsistent. The good quality of observed data and availability of enough data governs the best simulation of the model and best value of the R2.The 30 parameter values are obtained and among these some are less sensitive to the output results which are kept constant. Finally, the obtained regional parameter sets are applied to extract the runoff data at the intake site of Tamor Hydropower project and compared with scaled data. Further improvement of simulation results can be achieved with good quality of data and thus uncertainties in parameters can be reduced.
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Pumped Storage Development in Øvre Otra, Norway

Rognlien, Lars Marius January 2012 (has links)
The objective with this thesis was to describe the challenges related to PSH, both for this particular study and in more general terms.The method used was to make assumptions that would apply to traditional hydropower and do calculations based on these. The assumptions and the results of the assumptions were both commented and discussed. Challenges encountered that are unique to the project area and challenges with PSH in general were also discussed. The project area lies in the Upper Otra area, north in Aust-Agder County, and includes the two reservoirs Urevatn and Botsvatn.Three alternatives with the same layout scheme were chosen with a capacity of 500, 1000 and 1500 MW, referred to as alternative 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The choice of turbines was Francis reversible pump-turbines, which are installed with 10% extra capacity for frequency balancing. The excavation method is drill-and-blast, based on the flexibility and cost. The total cost were found to be 6900, 12900 and 18500 MNOK for alternative 1-3, where the cable cost was 4300, 8600 and 12900 MNOK.The price of pumping was chosen to be 0,1 kr/kWh, and the necessary price for production that gave zero NPV, was found to be 0,4 kr/kWh.Some environmental conditions would be affected in the area, but most likely this would not include the wild reindeers in the area.The total operation time was decreasing with a larger installation, and the number of days in a row with either pumping or production was stable regardless of the installation. With a larger installation there would be bigger fluctuations in the reservoirs, and more occurring larger fluctuations. It would be meaningless to have two different LRWL for summer and winter. The result would only be loss of production, but still large fluctuations. The biggest change in the water level during summer from one day to the next was 11 meter for Urevatn and 9 meter for Botsvatn.If the existing power plant were taken out of production the fluctuations in Urevatn and Botsvatn would have the same maximum and average, approximately 1,5 and 3 meter/day. The efficiency for Holen III would decrease, if maintaining the current production level.The existing limitations in the operation regime should be ignored if developing PSH in Norway. The PSH-plant should be operated without limitations and have priority over any existing power plant in the same reservoir, to make full use of the PSH-plant and to make sure the investment would be profitable.
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The Potential for Pumped Storage Hydropower Development in Mid-Norway. : D1-2012-48

Capon, Bruno January 2012 (has links)
AbstractIn June 2012, Germany has been able to supply half of its own electric demand from solar energy. This is one of the promising examples for which renewable energy is taking a larger part in the total demand. But with the increase of solar or wind power on the market, there is more pressure on the stability of the grid and there is a need to balance the surplus of these new sources of energy. One of the most promising technologies for such power balancing is pumped storage hydropower (PSH). There is now a rapidly growing development of pumped storage hydropower in Europe, and a growing interest also in Norway due to the large hydro capacities. The term “Green Battery” has been introduced, where Norwegian hydropower reservoirs can be “charged” by surplus wind power and emptied in order to fill in load during calm periods. The background of this thesis starts by a screening process to identify the possible sites in Nord and Sør-Trøndelag. It is followed by a ranking of the sites based on economic and environmental criteria. 31 Sites have been identified gathering a capacity of 15,000 MW for an average construction cost of 3.1 million NOK per MW installed. The main environmental criterion is the water level variation in the reservoirs, limited to 13 cm/h in this study. This first part of this thesis is followed by a pre-feasibility study for the refurbishment of two existing power plants: Bogna and Slind. They are suitable for the installation of pumped storage hydropower technology. They can supply during 4.5 days, 1,100MW and 430 MW (respectively). These capacities are the result of a cost optimization which was realized to select the optimum size of the two pumped storage hydro power plants.
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3D NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION ON SETTLING BASIN LAYOUT : A case study on Mai Khola Hydropower Project, Nepal

Shrestha, Bishwo Vijaya January 2012 (has links)
This study is about 3D Numerical Investigation of Settling basin layout by using numerical modeling program SSIIM. This study is carried out by using SSIIM windows version 1 (SSIIM 1.0). SSIIM is numerical modeling software, developed at NTNU by Professor Nils Reidar B. Olsen. This program has been used for investigation numerical modeling of hydraulic and sediment transport for different layouts geometry of settling basin.In this study a case study has carried out on settling basin layout of Mai Khola Hydropower Project, Nepal. Hydraulics performance of proposed layout and one alternative layout with shorter approach is numerically investigated by water and sediment flow computation. For the Numerical investigation structured grid for settling basin layout has developed with the help of drawing provided and excel spread sheet program. Hydraulics performance is investigated for design discharge with constant flow. The hydraulic performance of closing of one chamber and operation of remaining chamber with design discharge of power plant is also investigated. Based on water flow computation result, sediment computation was carried out for one settling chamber, proposed, alternative and modifications of proposed layouts. Effect of approach geometry on distribution of sediment on four chambers of settling basin and sediment trap performance were studied by sediment flow simulation. Effects of closing of chamber on distribution of sediment concentration were also investigated with the help of sediment simulation. Trapping efficiency is evaluated for one settling chamber, proposed alternative and modification layouts and closing mode models. Trap efficiency of one settling chamber model is compared with trap efficiency by analytical method.Based on hydraulic performance, sediment distribution performance and trap efficiency performance; recommendation of modification on approach geometry has made. Also, studied result shows that SSIIM 1.0 version can be used for investigating performance of hydraulic structures and settling basin.
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Stabilitet av betongdammer - Ruhetens påvirkning på skjærkapasiteten mellom betong og berg / Stability of concrete dams – The influence from roughness on the shear capacity between concrete and rock.

Liahagen, Simen Alexander January 2012 (has links)
Skjærkapasiteten mellom betong og fundament i dammer beregnes i dag ofte med det lineære Mohr-Coulomb-kriteriet. Dette er et empirisk kriteriet som er forholdsvis enkelt å benytte mye på grunn av dets enkle oppbygning og få parametere. Et stort antall forsøk har imidlertid vist at det er faktorer Mohr-Coulomb-kriteriet ikke fanger opp. En av disse faktorene er ruheten i grenseflaten mellom betongen og fundamentet, som antas å påvirke skjærkapasiteten betraktelig. Det foreligger derfor et behov for en større vitenskapelig forståelse av ruhetens påvirkning på skjærkapasiteten.Hensikten med denne oppgaven var å undersøke om kalibrerte tredimensjonale beregningsmodeller kan benyttes til å estimere skjærkapasiteten for en vilkårlig ruhet i grenseflaten mellom betong og fundament. For å få en bedre forståelse av ruhetens påvirkning på skjærkapasiteten skulle det gjennomføres skjærforsøk i sammenheng med tredimensjonale simuleringer av samme forsøk. De numeriske simuleringene lot seg imidlertid ikke gjennomføre, men denne oppgavens resultater fra litteraturstudie og skjærforsøk vil kunne være grunnlag for senere numeriske simuleringer innenfor relevant forskning.Oppgavens problemstilling er som følgende:Kan kalibrerte tredimensjonale beregningsmodeller benyttes til å estimere skjærkapasiteten for en vilkårlig ruhet i grenseflaten mellom betong og fundament?•Hvilke faktorer påvirker skjærkapasiteten mellom betong og berg?•Hvordan påvirker ruheten og vinkelen på ujevnhetene skjærkapasiteten mellom betong og berg?•Hvilke faktorer er bestemmende for bruddmekanismene i grenseflaten mellom betong og berg?For å løse denne oppgavens problemstilling er det gjennomført et litteraturstudie og direkte skjærforsøk. Selve litteraturstudie er gjennomført for å:•få et innblikk i generell glidestabilitetsanalyse og metoder for glidestabilitetskontroll av betongdammer•få et innblikk i regelverket for kontroll av glidestabilitet av betongdammer i Norge og i andre land•avdekke faktorene som påvirker skjærkapasiteten mellom betong og berg•skaffe informasjon og inspirasjon angående gjennomførelse av direkte skjærforsøk og hvordan belyse ruhetens påvirkning på skjærkapasiteten på en hensiktsmessig måteSkjærforsøkene ble gjennomført ved Luleå Tekniska Universitet (LTU) i Sverige. Det ble gjennomført totalt 12 forsøk på betong-berg prøvelegemer av lik størrelse (0.24x0.24m2). For å se hvordan ruheten påvirker skjærkapasiteten, ble det valgt å manipulere bergoverflatene med et sagtannet profil. Altså triangulære ujevnheter med lik vinkel og lik lenge over hele flaten. Forsøkene ble gjennomført med fire ulike overflateprofiler med vinkler på henholdsvis: 40°, 20°, 10° og 0°. Ca. 100-110 mm med betong ble støpt over steinblokkene. To av prøvene ble støpt med heft mellom betongen og berget, mens de 10 resterende ble støpt uten heft. Betongen og berget (granitt) hadde en trykkfasthet på henholdsvis ca. 60 MPa og 283 MPa. Forsøkene ble gjennomført med tre ulike normalspenninger: 0.4 MPa, 0.8 MPa og 1.2 MPa.På bakgrunn av litteraturstudie og resultatene fra direkte skjærforsøk, er det sannsynlig at disse faktorene påvirker skjærkapasiteten mellom betong og berg:•Ruhet og ujevnheter, og da spesielt størrelse og vinkelen på disse•Materialenes styrkeegenskaper (skjær-, strekk-, trykkstyrke)•Normalspenning og skjærspenning•Kohesjon•Om det tidligere har oppstått skjærbrudd eller ikkeResultatene fra forsøkene viser at en økning i ruhet, altså større vinkel på overflatens triangulære ujevnheter, øker skjærkapasiteten betraktelig. Forsøkene viser at en prøve med triangulære ujevnheter på 40 grader har en skjærkapasitet (183 kN) som er over tre ganger så stor som skjærkapasiteten for en prøve med en helt plan flate (52 kN), utsatt for samme normalspenning. En prøve med ujevnheter på 20 grader som er utsatt for normalspenning på 0.8MPa, har nesten dobbel skjærkapasitet (162 kN) som en prøve med ujevnheter på 10 grader (85 kN) utsatt for samme normalspenning.På bakgrunn av denne oppgaven er det ikke mulig å konkludere med hvorvidt en kalibrerte tredimensjonale beregningsmodeller kan benyttes til å estimere skjærkapasiteten for en vilkårlig ruhet i grenseflaten mellom betong og fundament, da de numeriske simuleringene ikke lot seg gjennomføre. De konklusjoner som imidlertid kan trekkes er nettopp ruhetens betydelig påvirkning på skjærkapasiteten mellom betong og berg, og det at det ikke er normalspenningen som er hovedgrunnen til hvordan bergets ujevnheter brytes ned, men derimot ujevnhetenes vinkler. Ujevnhetene i betongen viste seg å være mer sensitiv for både normalspenning og vinkel. Sammenligning med det lineære Mohr-Coulomb-kriteriet viser at dette kriteriet ikke tar hensyn til ruhetens bidrag til skjærkapasiteten.Denne oppgaven belyser det faktum at en økning av ruheten øker skjærkapasiteten mellom betong og berg betraktelig. Det må imidlertid trekkes frem at forsøkene i denne oppgaven er gjennomført i liten skala og at det dermed vil være behov for mer forskning på problemstillingen på en større skala for å kunne implementere ruhetens påvirkning i et regelverk for sikker glidestabilitet av betongdammer. Det anbefales derfor at det gjennomføres videre forskning på blant annet:•Gjennomføre numeriske simuleringer på bakgrunn av denne oppgavens resultater.•Direkte skjærforsøk på betong-berg grenseflater under in-situ forhold.•Direkte skjærforsøk på kjerneborete prøver for betongdammer fundamentert på ulik bergart.•Nærmere undersøke kohesjonens påvirkning på skjærkraften. Hvor stor betydning vil ruheten faktisk ha når kohesjon er tilstedeværende?•Se på metoder for å bekrefte at kohesjon er tilstedeværende.
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Nya vatten, dunkla speglingar : Industriell kolonialism genom svensk vattenkraftutbyggnad i renskötselområdet 1910-1968 / New Waters, Reflections of Obscurity : Industrial Colonialism through the Swedish Hydropower Development in the Reindeer Herding Areas 1910-1968

Össbo, Åsa January 2014 (has links)
Hydropower development was one of the first systematic large-scale exploitations in the reindeer herding areas within Swedish borders. Therefore, this thesis departs from postcolonial approaches wherein the Swedish state policy and practice towards Sami, reindeer herders and Sápmi, the Sami homeland, is analysed as colonialism in relation to hydropower development. The study spans over the first large-scale hydropower projects in the reindeer herding area during the 1910’s and 1920’s, continuing with the decreased legal security during the second world war, and finally the opposition and opinion in the 1950’s and 1960’s, enabled by the establishment of a national association for Swedish Sami, SSR.      The industrialisation of watercourses in the reindeer herding areas were brought about by the works of an institutional framework consisting of the Water Act and the Reindeer Grazing Act together with the tutelage of a Lapp Administration. These institutions made invisible both reindeer herding as an industry and the herders rights. Authorities as well as hydropower companies acted and argued within an industrial colonial discourse. One technique was the re-writing of history and of the herders’ rights in favour of power developers. The Swedish hydropower system was built up based on cheap energy from the North, at the expense of stakeholders’ rights. This was made possible by arguing that exploitation was for the sake of ”the common good”. When reindeer herders eventually were noted in the process, reindeer herding was regarded as a vested interest and reindeer herding rights as a privilege given to the Sami by the state. In this system reindeer herders were given a more vulnerable legal position than farmers, in addition non-reindeer herding Sami were in some aspects even more affected by discriminating structures. By damming the watercourses, the grazing lands were reduced which affected the amount of herders that could practice reindeer husbandry and thereby also the amount of individuals holding Sami rights.      During the 1950’s and 1960’s the self-evidenced hydropower development was questioned by a Sami struggle for justice. With regards to Sami rights, the situation was more stagnant due to the state avoiding official investigation of certain legal issues that were object for trial. However, the industrial colonial discourse and the governing of hydropower politics were challenged and the authorities changed some of their notions of reindeer herders. Nevertheless, the Sami were denied representation and involvement in governing the finances that were aimed at alleviation of the consequences of various interferences in the herding area. / TJOAHKKÁJGÄSOS  Ådå tjátje, tjáhppis spiejildime. Industridjalasj kolonialissma dáttja tjáhtjefábmobidtjima tjadá boatsojsujttoednamin 1910-1968  Gå dáttja jávrijt ja änojt dulvvadahtjin de álgij akta dajs vuostasj plánidum stuoráp ekploaterima ma sjaddin ållo sajijn boatsojsujttoednamin Svieriga rájij sinna. Dán diedalasj tjállaga vuodo manná maŋŋekolonialak gähttjamguovlos gånnå Svieriga politijkka ja praktijkka sámij, räjnárij ja Sámeednamij vuosstáj guoradaláduvvi kolonialissman tjáhtjefábmobidtjima gávttuj.      Åtsådallam álggá daj vuostasj stuoráp bidtjimij boatsojsujttoednamin 1910-lågon, ja joarkká gehtjadimijn lágaj hárráj ma álkkedin tjáhtjefábmobidtjimijt nubbe väráltdoaron. Maŋutjissaj guoradaláduvvi vuossteháhko ja vuojnno ma sjaddin máhttelis 1950- ja 1960-lågojn, iehtjádij siegen gå vuododij rijkkalihtov svieriga sámijda. Gehtjadibme manná 1968 rádjáj ja sämmi jage bådij árvvádallam ådå boatsojäláduslága birra.      Gå dáttja jávrijt ja änojt dulvvadahtjin boatsojsujttoednamin de tjadáduvvin institutalasj rábmaverkajn tjáhtjelágas, boatsojguohtomlágas ja stáhta boatsojäládusadministrasjåvnå mindárimes, ma vuojnodibmen dahkin boatsojsujtov äládussan ja räjnárij rievtesvuodajt tjáhtjeriektáássijn. Fábmudagá ja bidtjijiddje håladin ja barggin industrikolonialak diskursas gånnå rievtesvuoda ja histårjjå máhttin bånjudallat bidtjijiddjemiellogisvuoda ávkkáj. Håladime tjadá ”álmmuga buoremussan” bidtjiduvvin Svieriga tjáhtjefábmovuogádagá, vuododum hálbes energiddjaj nuorttat ja dassta sjattaj riektálasj ålgustjuolldemin ja unnediddje riektáäjgádin ja miellodiddjen. Dán vuogádagán oadtjun räjnára nievrep riektásajádagáv ednambarggijs, ja sáme boatsojsujto ålggolin nuppástallin ienebut. Dulvvadime unnedin boatsojguohtomednamijt vaj binnáp sáme máhttin boatsojäládusán barggat.      Sáme riektáoajbbom 1950- ja 1960-lågojn dagáj vaj ulmutja juorrulahtjin jus bidtjima lidjin diehttelis. Sáme rievtesvuoda hárráj de åvdedibme suojmabut manáj gå muhtem riektáássje ettjin guoradaláduvá tjielggidusájn jut lidjin juo duobbmoståvlån. Industrikolonialak diskurssa ja stivrrim tjáhtjefábmopolitijkas hásteduvvin huoman rievddadit muhtemijt sijá vuojnojs boatsojsujto ja räjnárij hárráj. Valla sáddnan la de báhtsin ietjá vuojno mälggadij gå sáme vuornoduvvin saje ja bájnatjibme sámefoanndabiednigij badjel ma galggin ekploaterima vahágijt unnedit. Översättning: Nils-Olof Sortelius / Urre tjaatjieh, tjiellketet vuöjneme. Faamoen vallteme jeänoede tsieekedeme saamien ätneme sisnie 1910-1968. Aneteme jeänoiheste lih maitie vuosts stuore aneteme guh ussjedemme lih, guh narretih stuore oasieh saamien ätnemeste Ruotsienne. Dahte leh supsteteb guktie tsieekedeme jeätjtatteih saamieh, buutsesaamieh jah saamien ätneme jah Ruotsie faamoen dahkeme jah vihtietit, aj giehtjetdihke mierreteme jeänoih faamoeh.      Giehtjete allka vuosts stuore tsieekedemeh buutsätnemenne 1910 - 1920 jaapienne jah jorrkeleh giehtjetemeh laagahenne guh tsieekedeme giehpetin muppie ätneme doaroenne. Mahketennie giehtjedihke vuössietietib jah mieletib guh tjuöttjelit 1950 jah 1960 jaapienneh. 1968 urre buutselaagab tjaaledihke.      Tsieekedeme jeänoesne dahkedihke viehketalleh tjaatjielaagaeste buutsegootemelaagaeste jah oajvedemes laapeveäsoemeste. Gautan sjatteih buutsebarrkeme jah buutsebuörie ieh gihtjeih elltie riekte eretvalltedihke. Faamoe jah veäsoke riektesvuote jah autebiejvieih veäsoede jiitjide dahkein. Dah jiehteih tsieekedemeb gaihke allmetjeh hevonemes lin. Gaihke otjoin alpies njuöie saamien ätnemeste jis riektesvuote juhteih faamoesse jah veäsokesse. Buutsebarrkoejaih riektesvuoteh unnebe sjatteih. Tsieekedemeste gaihkeh barrsjeh dahkeih gootemeb unnebe jah dahkeih juhtemin garhtjies sjatteih jah buutsebuörie uhttseteih.      Saamien doaroe 1950 - 1960 jaapienne viehkieih juoremeb lassanit tsieekedemesne. Saamien riekte bööteih suöjmielaaka auteles. Faamoe jiehteih tsalloe lih lagastoahpoesne guh tsakkesteih. Dah naggatalleme tsieekedejan huoloeme jah jeätjatatteh vuöjnie buutsebarrkoejah jah buutsebarrkoe. Lihkan lik dohkoe ieh buutsebarrkoejah faamoe bietnegenne buutsebarrkoesse vattedihke.   Översättning: Kenneth Saarstav och Valborg Wiinka / Anpassningar av naturresursbaserade samhällen till klimat- och samhällsförändringar. Samisk renskötsel i dåtid, nutid och framtid.
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水庫移民政策轉變與執行:以瀾滄江為例 / Dam-induced Resettlement Along the Lancang River: Policy Change and Implementation

李泳雯, Sabrina Habich Unknown Date (has links)
中國經濟的快速成長導致電力需求的急劇增教。雖然現在主要仍是以煤炭的方式提供全國的電力,但中國政府也一直在尋找能有效降低環境污染的替代能源。因此“水力發電”在中國能源政策扮演的角色越來越重要--這時,擁有巨大水資源的雲南省就變成了中國西南的關鍵提電者之一。過去二十年之內,已有企業與政府針對該省重點的水力設施進行大量投資。然而,發展水電雖然有助於生產大量的電,也帶來眾多環境和社會層面的影響。中國政府承認這些反面的影響,因此開始了設計一系列水電發展政策來預防可能的嚴重後果。 本論文分析中國中央政府和雲南地方政府共同制定的水電移民政策,以及新政策對當地執行過程所帶來的影響。基於多元的田野調查,本論文顯示地方政府如何落實中央政府制定的政策。雖然這幾年中國的水庫移民政策有大量的改進,但因為建設大水電站涉及層面廣,時間長,安置過程久,所以中央政府政策的彈性調整,造成當地政府執行過程對不同時間的移民外置帶來不對等的安置,因此印發水庫移民的方抗。 / Policy-making of dam-induced resettlement is a dynamic process that shows how group interests have been distributed and adjusted during different stages of water resource development in China. Since 1949, China’s political direction, economic system and its national strength have been in constant flux, reflecting in the policy towards land appropriation and resettlement induced by water conservancy and hydropower projects. The present study focuses on the changes that have taken place in the area of dam-induced resettlement policy after 2006 when the first regulations on resettlement caused by water resource and hydropower projects were amended. It shows how this policy change is perceived by villagers relocated in the course of dam construction, and addresses the question of why policy improvements have not led to desired results. The paper first addresses policy change in the area of dam-induced resettlement over the past six decades. In subsequent sections, I draw on findings gathered during my doctoral fieldwork to demonstrate how the recent improvement of resettlement regulations for water resource and hydropower projects at the central level are translated into implementation strategies at the local level in Yunnan. I show that while delegating the implementation of resettlement processes to the lowest level of the administrative hierarchy allows for innovative policy experimentation and flexible adaptation, the long timespan needed for the construction of large dam projects gives rise to uneven policy implementation and resistance on the side of resettled communities.
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