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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extending List Colorings of Planar Graphs

Loeb, Sarah 01 May 2011 (has links)
In the study of list colorings of graphs, we assume each vertex of a graph has a specified list of colors from which it may be colored. For planar graphs, it is known that there is a coloring for any list assignment where each list contains five colors. If we have some vertices that are precolored, can we extend this to a coloring of the entire graph? We explore distance constraints when we allow the lists to contain an extra color. For lists of length five, we fix $W$ as a subset of $V(G)$ such that all vertices in $W$ have been assigned colors from their respective lists. We give a new, simplified proof where there are a small number of precolored vertices on the same face. We also explore cases where $W=\{u,v\}$ and $G$ has a separating $C_3$ or $C_4$ between $u$ and $v$.

Droites sur les hypergraphes

Bayani, Aryan 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.


HANDEL SCHOLZE MARQUES 22 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] A teoria dos Jogos Combinatórios é o estudo de jogos com informação completa. Isso é, todos os jogadores conhecem todos os possíveis movimentos, além disso, temos que não há sorte ou a habilidade de realizar um movimento, então, em teoria jogar perfeitamente é possível. Exemplos de jogos assim são jogo da velha, xadrez, damas, Nim... a lista continua. Nessa dissertação focamos no jogo Maker-Breaker. Ele tem dois jogadores que sequencialmente escolhem um vértice de um hipergrafo. O objetivo de Maker é escolher todos os vértices de uma aresta e o objetivo de Breaker é prevenir isso. Para entender em quais tipos de hipergrafos Maker ou Breaker ganha e quais são as estratégias de vitória utilizamos SAT, probabilidade, teoria dos grafos em geral e mais. / [en] The theory of Combinatorial Games is the study of games with perfect information. This means that all players have knowledge of all possible moves, also there isn t luck or skill to perform a move, so, in theory perfect play is possible. Examples of games like these are tic-tac-toe, chess, checkers, Nim... the list goes on. In this dissertation we focus on the Maker-Breaker game. It has two players that pick a vertex from a hypergraph. The goal of Maker is to claim all vertices of an edge and the goal of Breaker is to prevent it. To understand in which types of hypergraphs does Maker or Breaker win and what are the winning strategies, we make use of SAT, Probability, general Graph Theory and more.

Exploration of Chemical Space: Formal, chemical and historical aspects

Leal, Wilmer 20 December 2022 (has links)
Starting from the observation that substances and reactions are the central entities of chemistry, I have structured chemical knowledge into a formal space called a directed hypergraph, which arises when substances are connected by their reactions. I call this hypernet chemical space. In this thesis, I explore different levels of description of this space: its evolution over time, its curvature, and categorical models of its compositionality. The vast majority of the chemical literature focuses on investigations of particular aspects of some substances or reactions, which have been systematically recorded in comprehensive databases such as Reaxys for the last 200 years. While complexity science has made important advances in physics, biology, economics, and many other fields, it has somewhat neglected chemistry. In this work, I propose to take a global view of chemistry and to combine complexity science tools, modern data analysis techniques, and geometric and compositional theories to explore chemical space. This provides a novel view of chemistry, its history, and its current status. We argue that a large directed hypergraph, that is, a model of directed relations between sets, underlies chemical space and that a systematic study of this structure is a major challenge for chemistry. Using the Reaxys database as a proxy for chemical space, we search for large-scale changes in a directed hypergraph model of chemical knowledge and present a data-driven approach to navigate through its history and evolution. These investigations focus on the mechanistic features by which this space has been expanding: the role of synthesis and extraction in the production of new substances, patterns in the selection of starting materials, and the frequency with which reactions reach new regions of chemical space. Large-scale patterns that emerged in the last two centuries of chemical history are detected, in particular, in the growth of chemical knowledge, the use of reagents, and the synthesis of products, which reveal both conservatism and sharp transitions in the exploration of the space. Furthermore, since chemical similarity of substances arises from affinity patterns in chemical reactions, we quantify the impact of changes in the diversity of the space on the formulation of the system of chemical elements. In addition, we develop formal tools to probe the local geometry of the resulting directed hypergraph and introduce the Forman-Ricci curvature for directed and undirected hypergraphs. This notion of curvature is characterized by applying it to social and chemical networks with higher order interactions, and then used for the investigation of the structure and dynamics of chemical space. The network model of chemistry is strongly motivated by the observation that the compositional nature of chemical reactions must be captured in order to build a model of chemical reasoning. A step forward towards categorical chemistry, that is, a formalization of all the flavors of compositionality in chemistry, is taken by the construction of a categorical model of directed hypergraphs. We lifted the structure from a lineale (a poset version of a symmetric monoidal closed category) to a category of Petri nets, whose wiring is a bipartite directed graph equivalent to a directed hypergraph. The resulting construction, based on the Dialectica categories introduced by Valeria De Paiva, is a symmetric monoidal closed category with finite products and coproducts, which provides a formal way of composing smaller networks into larger in such a way that the algebraic properties of the components are preserved in the resulting network. Several sets of labels, often used in empirical data modeling, can be given the structure of a lineale, including: stoichiometric coefficients in chemical reaction networks, reaction rates, inhibitor arcs, Boolean interactions, unknown or incomplete data, and probabilities. Therefore, a wide range of empirical data types for chemical substances and reactions can be included in our model.

Quasi-random hypergraphs and extremal problems for hypergraphs

Person, Yury 06 December 2010 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird zuerst das Theorem von Chung, Graham und Wilson über quasi-zufällige Graphen zur sogenannten schwachen Quasi-Zufälligkeit für k-uniforme Hypergraphen verallgemeinert und somit eine Reihe äquivalenter Eigenschaften bestimmt. Basierend auf diesen Resultaten werden nichtbipartite Graphen gefunden, welche die Quasi-Zufälligkeit für Graphen ``forcieren''''. Zuvor waren nur bipartite Graphen mit dieser Eigenschaft bekannt. Desweiteren ist ein konzeptionell einfacher Algorithmus zum Verifizieren nicht erfüllbarer zufälliger k-SAT Formeln angegeben. Dann richtet sich der Fokus auf Anwendungen verschiedener Regularitätslemmata für Hypergraphen. Zuerst wird die Menge aller bezeichneten 3-uniformen Hypergraphen auf n Knoten, die keine Kopie des Hypergraphen der Fano Ebene enthalten, studiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass fast jedes Element aus dieser Menge ein bipartiter Hypergraph ist. Dies führt zu einem Algorithmus, der in polynomiell erwarteter Zeit einen zufälligen Fano-freien (und somit einen zufälligen bipartiten 3-uniformen) Hypergraphen richtig färbt. Schließlich wird die folgende extremale Funktion studiert. Es sind r Farben gegeben sowie ein k-uniformer Hypergraph F. Auf wie viele verschiedene Arten kann man die Kanten eines k-uniformen Hypergraphen H färben, so dass keine monochromatische Kopie von F entsteht? Welche Hypergraphen H maximieren die Anzahl erlaubter Kantenfärbungen? Hier wird ein strukturelles Resultat für eine natürliche Klasse von Hypergraphen bewiesen. Es wird für viele Hypergraphen F, deren extremaler Hypergraph bekannt ist, gezeigt, dass im Falle von zwei oder drei Farben die extremalen Hypergraphen die oben beschriebene Funktion maximieren, während für vier oder mehr Farben andere Hypergraphen mehr Kantenfärbungen zulassen. / This thesis presents first one possible generalization of the result of Chung, Graham and Wilson to k-uniform hypergraphs, and studies the so-called weak quasi-randomness. As applications we obtain a simple strong refutation algorithm for random sparse k-SAT formulas and we identify first non-bipartite forcing pairs for quasi-random graphs. Our focus then shifts from the study of quasi-random objects to applications of different versions of the hypergraph regularity lemmas; all these versions assert decompositions of hypergraphs into constantly many quasi-random parts, where the meaning of ``quasi-random'''' takes different contexts in different situations. We study the family of hypergraphs not containing the hypergraph of the Fano plane as a subhypergraph, and show that almost all members of this family are bipartite. As a consequence an algorithm for coloring bipartite 3-uniform hypergraphs with average polynomial running time is given. Then the following combinatorial extremal problem is considered. Suppose one is given r colors and a fixed hypergraph F. The question is: In at most how many ways can one color the hyperedges of a hypergraph H on n vertices such that no monochromatic copy of F is created? What are the extremal hypergraphs for this function? Here a structural result for a natural family of hypergraphs F is proven. For some special classes of hypergraphs we show that their extremal hypergraphs (for large n) maximize the number of edge colorings for 2 and 3 colors, while for at least 4 colors other hypergraphs are optimal.

Optimization of a Software Defined Radio multi-standard system using Graph Theory. / Théorie des graphes pour l’optimisation d’un équipement radio logicielle multi-standards

Kaiser, Patricia 20 December 2012 (has links)
Le concept de radio logicielle (SDR) est une solution pertinente pour concevoir des équipements multi-standards. Une façon de réaliser de tels équipements est d'identifier les fonctions et opérateurs communs entre les standards. Cette approche s’appelle la paramétrisation et est divisée en deux catégories : l'approche pragmatique qui est une version pratique pour créer et développer des opérateurs communs à partir d’opérateurs existants, et l'approche théorique dont l’objectif est de réaliser une exploration graphique d’un équipement multi-standards selon différents niveaux de granularité, accompagnée d’un problème d'optimisation. C’est cette dernière approche qui a constitué le sujet de base de cette thèse. Ainsi, une fonction de coût doit être optimisée afin de sélectionner les opérateurs communs entre les différentes normes, ce qui permet de proposer une configuration optimale à partir de laquelle sont déduits les opérateurs communs. Dans notre travail, nous avons dans un premier temps modélisé théoriquement la structure graphique d’un système multi-standards par un hypergraphe orienté. En outre, nous avons fourni une expression mathématique alternative de la fonction de coût suggérée, en utilisant des définitions propres à la théorie des graphes. Ensuite, nous avons montré que le problème d'optimisation associé était un problème NP sous une certaine contrainte, ce qui a entraîné une preuve d'exclusion de certaines configurations dont les coûts ne peuvent être minimaux. Ceci a constitué la deuxième contribution de cette thèse. Enfin, nous avons proposé un nouvel algorithme permettant de résoudre le problème d'optimisation donné, et dont l'intérêt est de donner une solution optimale du problème au lieu d’une solution approchée fournie par les méthodes heuristiques classiques. Un programme associé à cet algorithme a été développé en langage C, puis appliqué à plusieurs exemples de cas génériques afin d’en étudier les performances. / The Software-Defined Radio (SDR) concept is emerging as a potential and efficient solution for designing flexible future-proof multi-standard systems. A way of realizing a multi-standard terminal is to identify the appropriate common functions and operators inside and between the standards. This is what's called the parametrization approach, which can be divided into two categories: the pragmatic approach which is a practical version to create and develop common operators, and the theoretical approach which represents a graphical exploration of the SDR multi-standard system at different levels of granularity accompanied with an optimization problem. It’s in this last approach where our thesis subject dwells. In this context, a suggested cost function (in previous work) has to be optimized in order to select the convenient common operators between the different standards, enabling to construct an optimal design. In our work, we theoretically model a previously proposed graph structure of an SDR multi-standard system as a directed hypergraph as well as provide an alternative mathematical formal expression of the suggested cost function, using various graph theoretical definitions and notations. Afterwards, we prove that the associated optimization problem is an NP-problem under a certain constraint, which entails a proof of exclusion of some particular design options when searching for a minimum cost design. This was the second contribution in this thesis before we finally present a new algorithm (which exploits various modelization aspects of directed hypergraphs) that can solve the optimization problem, whose interest is in it giving an exact-optimal solution to our problem instead of a near-optimal one provided by heuristics. A program code for this algorithm was developed in C-language, and then it was applied on several generic case examples in order to explore its performance skills.

Hypernode graphs for learning from binary relations between sets of objects / Un modèle d'hypergraphes pour apprendre des relations binaires entre des ensembles d'objets

Ricatte, Thomas 23 January 2015 (has links)
Cette étude a pour sujet les hypergraphes. / This study has for subject the hypergraphs.

Facets of conflict hypergraphs

Maheshwary, Siddhartha 25 August 2008 (has links)
We study the facial structure of the independent set polytope using the concept of conflict hypergraphs. A conflict hypergraph is a hypergraph whose vertices correspond to the binary variables, and edges correspond to covers in the constraint matrix of the independent set polytope. Various structures such as cliques, odd holes, odd anti-holes, webs and anti-webs are identified on the conflict hypergraph. These hypergraph structures are shown to be generalization of traditional graph structures. Valid inequalities are derived from these hypergraph structures, and the facet defining conditions are studied. Chvatal-Gomory ranks are derived for odd hole and clique inequalities. To test the hypergraph cuts, we conduct computational experiments on market-share (also referred to as market-split) problems. These instances consist of 100% dense multiple-knapsack constraints. They are small in size but are extremely hard to solve by traditional means. Their difficult nature is attributed mainly to the dense and symmetrical structure. We employ a special branching strategy in combination with the hypergraph inequalities to solve many of the particularly difficult instances. Results are reported for serial as well as parallel implementations.

Falcon : A Graph Manipulation Language for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems

Cheramangalath, Unnikrishnan January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Graphs model relationships across real-world entities in web graphs, social network graphs, and road network graphs. Graph algorithms analyze and transform a graph to discover graph properties or to apply a computation. For instance, a pagerank algorithm computes a rank for each page in a webgraph, and a community detection algorithm discovers likely communities in a social network, while a shortest path algorithm computes the quickest way to reach a place from another, in a road network. In Domains such as social information systems, the number of edges can be in billions or trillions. Such large graphs are processed on distributed computer systems or clusters. Graph algorithms can be executed on multi-core CPUs, GPUs with thousands of cores, multi-GPU devices, and CPU+GPU clusters, depending on the size of the graph object. While programming such algorithms on heterogeneous targets, a programmer is required to deal with parallelism and and also manage explicit data communication between distributed devices. This implies that a programmer is required to learn CUDA, OpenMP, MPI, etc., and also the details of the hardware architecture. Such codes are error prone and di cult to debug. A Domain Speci c Language (DSL) which hides all the hardware details and lets the programmer concentrate only the algorithmic logic will be very useful. With this as the research goal, Falcon, graph DSL and its compiler have been developed. Falcon programs are explicitly parallel and Falcon hides all the hardware details from the programmer. Large graphs that do not t into the memory of a single device are automatically partitioned by the Falcon compiler. Another feature of Falcon is that it supports mutation of graph objects and thus enables programming dynamic graph algorithms. The Falcon compiler converts a single DSL code to heterogeneous targets such as multi-core CPUs, GPUs, multi-GPU devices, and CPU+GPU clusters. Compiled codes of Falcon match or outperform state-of-the-art graph frameworks for di erent target platforms and benchmarks.

Connecting hitting sets and hitting paths in graphs

Camby, Eglantine 30 June 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les aspects structurels et algorithmiques de différents problèmes de théorie des graphes. Rappelons qu’un graphe est un ensemble de sommets éventuellement reliés par des arêtes. Deux sommets sont adjacents s’ils sont reliés par une arête.<p>Tout d’abord, nous considérons les deux problèmes suivants :le problème de vertex cover et celui de dominating set, deux cas particuliers du problème de hitting set. Un vertex cover est un ensemble de sommets qui rencontrent toutes les arêtes alors qu’un dominating set est un ensemble X de sommets tel que chaque sommet n’appartenant pas à X est adjacent à un sommet de X. La version connexe de ces problèmes demande que les sommets choisis forment un sous-graphe connexe. Pour les deux problèmes précédents, nous examinons le prix de la connexité, défini comme étant le rapport entre la taille minimum d’un ensemble répondant à la version connexe du problème et celle d’un ensemble du problème originel. Nous prouvons la difficulté du calcul du prix de la connexité d’un graphe. Cependant, lorsqu’on exige que le prix de la connexité d’un graphe ainsi que de tous ses sous-graphes induits soit borné par une constante fixée, la situation change complètement. En effet, pour les problèmes de vertex cover et de dominating set, nous avons pu caractériser ces classes de graphes pour de petites constantes.<p>Ensuite, nous caractérisons en termes de dominating sets connexes les graphes Pk- free, graphes n’ayant pas de sous-graphes induits isomorphes à un chemin sur k sommets. Beaucoup de problèmes sur les graphes sont étudiés lorsqu’ils sont restreints à cette classe de graphes. De plus, nous appliquons cette caractérisation à la 2-coloration dans les hypergraphes. Pour certains hypergraphes, nous prouvons que ce problème peut être résolu en temps polynomial.<p>Finalement, nous travaillons sur le problème de Pk-hitting set. Un Pk-hitting set est un ensemble de sommets qui rencontrent tous les chemins sur k sommets. Nous développons un algorithme d’approximation avec un facteur de performance de 3. Notre algorithme, basé sur la méthode primal-dual, fournit un Pk-hitting set dont la taille est au plus 3 fois la taille minimum d’un Pk-hitting set. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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