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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformation of Acetone and Isopropanol to Hydrocarbons using HZSM-5 Catalyst

Taco Vasquez, Sebastian 2009 December 1900 (has links)
This research describes the production of hydrocarbons from acetone and isopropanol produced by the MixAlco process. The MixAlco process has two types of products: acetone and isopropanol. The effect of the temperature, weight hourly space velocity (WHSV), type of catalyst, feed composition, and pressure are studied. For the isopropanol reaction, the following conditions were used: HZSM-5 (280), 1 atm, 300–410°C, and 0.5–11.5 h–1, respectively. The temperature and WHSV affect the average carbon number of the reaction products. A product similar to commercial gasoline was obtained at T = 320 °C and WHSV= 1.3 to 2.7 h–1. Also, at these conditions, the amount of light hydrocarbons (C1–C4) is low. For the acetone reaction, the following conditions were used: HZSM-5 with silica alumina ratio (Si/Al) 80 and 280 mol silica/mol alumina, 1–7.8 atm, 305–415°C, 1.3–11.8 h–1, and hydrogen acetone ratio 0–1 mol H2 /mol acetone. The conversion on HZSM-5 (80) was higher than HZSM-5 (280); however, for HZM–5 (80) the production of light hydrocarbons (C1–C4) was more abundant than (280), and it formed less coke. For acetone, the effect of high pressure (P = 7.8 atm) was evaluated. At high pressure, the conversion was lower than at atmospheric pressure. HZSM-5 (280) rapidly deactivated, and the amount of light hydrocarbons (C1–C4) increased. For acetone, co-feeding hydrogen inhibited coke formation and decreased the amount of light hydrocarbons (C1–C4).

Bio-oil production by pyrolysis of biomass coupled with a catalytic de-oxygenation treatment / Production de bio-huiles par pyrolyse de la biomasse couplée à un traitement catalytique de désoxygénation

Mohabeer, Chikirsha Chetna Devi 04 December 2018 (has links)
L’épuisement des sources d’énergie fossile et les conséquences nocives des gaz à effet de serre sur l’environnement ont accru la nécessité de l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables. Parmi les différentes sources, la biomasse possède un potentiel considérable. Ce projet de recherche vise à étudier la pyrolyse des anas de lin et du bois de hêtre, des biomasses qui se retrouvent communément dans la région Normandie, afin de produire et d’améliorer une bio-huile capable d’être utilisée comme bio-carburant dans les moteurs à combustion. L’objet de cette thèse est donc de fournir une caractérisation détaillée des produits de la pyrolyse des deux biomasses choisies et de leurs constituants purs (la cellulose, l’hémicellulose et la lignine) dans une installation semi-continue. Un traitement catalytique de désoxygénation est ensuite employé pour améliorer les propriétés des bio-huiles obtenues. Les catalyseurs utilisés sont à base de zéolithes (HZSM-5 et H-Y), des mêmes zéolithes modifiées au fer et de métaux (Pt, CoMo) supportés sur alumine. Nous avons constaté que, dans cette installation, une pyrolyse à 500 °C, sous 500 mL/min d’azote, suivie d’une désoxygénation catalytique en utilisant Fe-HZSM-5 comme catalyseur, donnait les meilleurs résultats en termes de rendement en bio-huiles et de taux de désoxygénation. L’effet d’un changement de technologie de réacteur de pyrolyse en utilisant un réacteur continu à chute sur les produits de la pyrolyse a aussi été examiné. Ce réacteur a également été couplé à une étape de traitement catalytique de désoxygénation dans un réacteur à lit fixe indépendant. Il a été aperçu qu’en dépit d’un changement de technologie de réacteur, les conditions opératoires optimales restent les mêmes avec cependant, une différence non négligeable au niveau du taux de désoxygénation. Cette différence a été attribuée à l’effet du temps de contact. Finalement, l’efficacité du catalyseur utilisé lors de la pyrolyse en continu a été suivie dans le temps. Il a été constaté qu’au cours du temps, le catalyseur démontrait une activité décroissante, indiquant qu’un phénomène de désactivation était présent. / Depleting sources of fossil fuels and harmful consequences of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment have heightened the necessity of renewable energy resources. Among the different existing sources, biomass presents a considerable potential. This research work aimed at investigating the pyrolysis of flax shives and beech wood residues, which are biomass residues commonly found in the Normandy region, so as to produce and upgrade a bio-oil capable of being used as a bio-fuel in combustion engines. The objective of this thesis was thus to provide a detailed characterisation of the products obtained from the pyrolysis of the two chosen biomasses and their pure components (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) in a semi-continuous system. A catalytic de-oxygenation treatment was then employed to upgrade the properties of the bio-oils obtained. The catalysts used were zeolite-based (HZSM-5 and H-Y), the latter zeolites modified by iron and metals (Pt and CoMo) supported on alumina. It was observed that, in this setup, pyrolysis at 500 °C under 500 mL/min of nitrogen, followed by a catalytic de-oxygenation using Fe-HZSM-5 as catalyst, gave the best results in terms of bio-oil yield and de-oxygenation degree. The effect, on the pyrolysis products, of changing the pyrolysis reactor technology to a continuous drop-tube reactor was also investigated. This reactor was similarly coupled with a catalytic de-oxygenation treatment step occurring in a separate fixed bed reactor. It was found that despite a change in reactor technology, the optimal operational conditions remain the same, although a non-negligible difference was noticed with respect to the de-oxygenation degree. This difference was attributed to the effect of contact time. Finally, the efficiency of the catalyst used during the continuous pyrolysis was monitored in time. It was seen that over time, the catalyst presented a diminishing activity, indicating the presence of a de-activation phenomenon.

Les "cokes" dans les zéolithes hiérarchisées (nature/localisation et toxicité/réactivité) / Cokes into the hierarchiacal zeolites (nature/location and toxicity/reactivity)

Ngoye, Francis 21 November 2014 (has links)
Le craquage du méthylcyclohexane (MCH) à 450 °C et la conversion de l'éthanol (EtOH) en hydrocarbures à 350 °C sous 30 bar sont effectués sur zéolithes HZSM-5 (de taille de cristallite micrométrique et nanométrique) hiérarchisées. Ces deux réactions modèles mais complexes conduisent à la formation du coke, qui est toxique en MCH et potentiellement actif en EtOH. La toxicité (Tox) et la réactivité du coke dépendent fortement des propriétés texturales des catalyseurs. Dans ce travail, il est démontré que quelle que soit la réaction, le coke dans le cas des zéolithes taille micrométriques est « lourd », il est principalement constitué d'alkylphénanthrènes et alkylpyrènes et est localisé dans les micropores. Dans les zéolithes de taille nanométriques et hiérarchisées (méso-microporeux), le coke est plutôt « léger », formé majoritairement d'alkylbenzènes et alkylnaphtalènes ; ce coke qualifié de léger, est localisé en surface externe. Le coke situé dans les canaux et intersection de la zéolithe HZSM-5 est plus toxique (Tox ≥ 1) que celui situé en surface externe (Tox < 1). La diminution du chemin de diffusion offre également un avantage certain lors de la régénération des catalyseurs en abaissant les températures d'élimination totale de ces cokes. Les effets des propriétés texturales sur les performances catalytiques et la désactivation sont nettement plus marqués dans le cas de EtOH (réaction plus sensible) que MCH. / The Methylcyclohexane (MCH) cracking at 450 °C and the ethanol (EtOH) conversion into hydrocarbons at 350 °C under 30 bar are performed over Hierarchical HZSM-5 zeolites (with micro- and nanometer crystal size). These two model but complex reactions lead to the formation of coke which is toxic with MCH and active with EtOH. The toxicity (Tox) and the reactivity of coke depend strongly on the catalysts textural properties. In this work, it's shown that whatever the reaction, coke in the case of micrometric zeolites is "heavy" and consists mainly of alkylphenanthrenes and alkylpyrenes located into the micropores. In nano-sized and hierarchical (meso-microporous) zeolites, coke is rather "light" and consisting mostly of alkyl benzenes and naphthalenes located on the external surface. The coke located into the channels and at the channels intersections of HZSM-5 zeolite is more toxic (Tox ≥ 1) than that located on the external surface (Tox <1). The decrease in the diffusion path also offers a clear advantage in the catalysts regeneration by lowering the temperature of total coke removal. The effect of textural properties on the catalytic performances and the deactivation are more pronounced in the case of EtOH (more sensitive reaction) than MCH.

Transformation des alcools sur zéolithes protoniques : "rôle paradoxal du coke / Alcohols transformation over protonic zeolites : "paradoxal role of coke"

Hamieh, Soumaya 05 December 2013 (has links)
L'éthanol est converti, à 350°C sous 30 bar et sur des zéolithes protoniques, en un mélange de paraffines légères et d'aromatiques ; produits incorporables dans le pool essence. Cependant, la transformation de EtOH sur zéolithes acides conduit à la formation du coke. Des techniques physiques avancées, en particulier les techniques MALDI et LDI-TOF MS, couplées à la méthode d'analyse qui consiste à récupérer dans un solvant les molécules carbonées après dissolution de la zéolithe dans HF, contribuent à caractériser finement le coke. Sa composition dépend du catalyseur : sur HBEA(11), zéolithe à larges pores, 17 familles ont été détectées contre 4 sur HZSM-5(40) de taille de pore intermédiaire. Sur cette dernière, le coke, composé de polyalkybenzènes / naphtalènes / phénalènes et pyrènes, est localisé à l'intersection des canaux et a une toxicité vis-à-vis des sites acides de Brønsted de 1. En dépit d'un empoisonnement total, cette zéolithe est toujours capable de convertir EtOH, comme MeOH, en hydrocarbures et qui plus est avec les mêmes sélectivités en produits. La transformation de ces deux alcools ne s'explique pas par un mécanisme classique de catalyse acide, mais par un mécanisme concerté radicalaire-acide. La présence d'un inhibiteur de radicaux dans la charge réactionnelle, l'hydroquinone, provoque une désactivation immédiate et une diminution de la concentration des radicaux. La transformation de EtOH et MeOH passe par un intermédiaire réactionnel commun, le carbène :CH2, dont l'oligomérisation radicalaire conduit à la formation d'oléfines. Ces oléfines légères (n-O3-n-O5) sont très réactives et se transforment par catalyse acide (oligomérisation / cyclisation / t / Ethanol is converted into light paraffins and aromatics mixture at 350°C under 30 bar over protonic zeolites. These products can be incorporated in the gasoline pool. Nevertheless, EtOH transformation over acid zeolites leads to the formation of the coke. Advanced physical techniques, in particular MALDI and LDI-TOF MS, were coupled to the coke analysis method. This method consists of the recovery of the carbonaceous molecules in a solvent after zeolite dissolution in hydrofluoric acid solution. This coupling allows characterizing the coke through an extensive way. The coke composition depends on the catalyst morphology: over HBEA(11) zeolite of large pores, 17 families were detected while 4 over HZSM-5(40) of intermediate pore size. Over this latter, the coke, composed of polyalkylbenzenes/naphtalenes/phenalenes and pyrenes, is located in the channels intersections and has toxicity of 1 towards Brønsted acid sites. In spite of a total poisoning, HZSM-5 zeolite is always able to convert EtOH, like MeOH, into hydrocarbons with the same products selectivity. The transformation of the two alcohols cannot be explained by a classical mechanism of acid catalysis, but by a cooperative radical-acid mechanism. The presence of a radical inhibitor in the feed, the hydroquinone, causes an immediate deactivation and a decrease in the concentration of radicals. The transformation of EtOH and MeOH passed by the common reaction intermediate, the :CH2 carbene, which its radical oligomerization leads to the formation of olefins. Olefins (n-O3-n-O5) are very active and can be transformed through acid catalysis (oligomerization/cyclisation/Hydrogen transfer) into aromatics or undergo isomer

Conversão do metanol em olefinas catalisada por zeólitas com diferentes características ácidas e estruturais / Convertion the methanol to olefins catalyzed by zeolites with differents acids and structurals characteristics

Flávia Figueiredo Almaraz 28 February 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A reação de transformação de metanol em olefinas leves foi investigada sobre as peneiras moleculares HZSM-5, HFER, SAPO-34 e HMCM-22. A caracterização físico-química das amostras foi realizada através das técnicas de FRX, DRX, fisissorção de nitrogênio, MEV, espectrometria no IV com adsorção de piridina e TPD de NH3. O desempenho catalítico das mesmas foi comparado em condições de isoconversão inicial de 755%. Verificou-se que as características ácidas e estruturais exerceram forte influência sobre o desempenho catalítico quanto à atividade, estabilidade e seletividade aos produtos da reação. A amostra mais estável foi a HZSM-5 que apresentou maior densidade de sítios fortes e uma estrutura porosa que permite uma circulação tridimensional das moléculas. Já a menos estável, SAPO-34, apresentou a menor concentração de sítios ácidos fortes dentre os materiais estudados e uma estrutura com cavidades com aberturas estreitas (4Å) que oferecem restrições ao acesso dos reagentes aos sítios ácidos do catalisador. Quanto à seletividade a olefinas, a primeira foi mais seletiva a propeno e a segunda, a eteno. A ferrierita não se mostrou seletiva às olefinas leves tendo apresentado, no entanto, comportamento promissor quanto a formação de DME a partir do metanol. Já a HMCM-22 foi seletiva às olefinas leves e aos hidrocarbonetos com 4, 5 e 6 ou mais átomos de carbono. A influência da temperatura no desempenho catalítico foi investigada variando-se a temperatura de reação (300, 400 e 500C). Verificou-se que para a HZSM-5 e HMCM-22, perda da atividade catalítica foi intensificada a partir de 400C. Quanto à seletividade a olefinas leves, apenas a SAPO-34 não se mostrou sensível a variações na temperatura, efeito este que foi nitidamente observado nos outros três catalisadores: um aumento na temperatura promoveu um aumento na seletividade a olefinas leves no caso da HZSM-5 e da HMCM-22 e queda nesse valor para a HFER / The methanol transformation into light olefins was investigated over the molecular sieves HZSM-5, HFER, SAPO-34 and HMCM-22. FRX, DRX, nitrogen fisisorption, MEV, IR with pyridine adsorption and NH3-TPD techniques were used for the physiochemical characterization of the samples. Their catalytic performances were evaluated and compared at isoconversion initial conditions (755%). It was verified that the acid and structural characteristics strongly affected the catalytic performance with respect to activity, stability and selectivity to the reaction products. The most stable sample was HZSM, which presented higher density of strong sites and a porous structure that permits a tridimensional circulation of the molecules. The least stable was SAPO-34, which presented the lowest concentration of strong acid sites and showed a structure with cavities with narrow openings (4Å). This structure restricts the access of the reactants to the acid sites of the catalyst. In what concerns the selectivity to the olefins, the former catalyst was the most selective to propene and the latter was the most selective to ethene. Although ferrerite was not selective to light olefins, it showed promising behavior concerning the DME formation from methanol. On the other hand, HMCM-22 was selective to the light olefins and the hydrocarbons with 4, 5, 6 or more carbon atoms. The catalytic performance under different reaction temperatures (300, 400 and 500C) was investigated. The lowest catalytic activity was verified under temperatures starting from 400C. SAPO-34 was the only catalyst whose selectivity to light olefins was not sensitive to temperature variations. HZSM-5 and HMCM-22 had their selectivity to olefins increased and HFER had it decreased as the temperature was increased

Conversão do metanol em olefinas catalisada por zeólitas com diferentes características ácidas e estruturais / Convertion the methanol to olefins catalyzed by zeolites with differents acids and structurals characteristics

Flávia Figueiredo Almaraz 28 February 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A reação de transformação de metanol em olefinas leves foi investigada sobre as peneiras moleculares HZSM-5, HFER, SAPO-34 e HMCM-22. A caracterização físico-química das amostras foi realizada através das técnicas de FRX, DRX, fisissorção de nitrogênio, MEV, espectrometria no IV com adsorção de piridina e TPD de NH3. O desempenho catalítico das mesmas foi comparado em condições de isoconversão inicial de 755%. Verificou-se que as características ácidas e estruturais exerceram forte influência sobre o desempenho catalítico quanto à atividade, estabilidade e seletividade aos produtos da reação. A amostra mais estável foi a HZSM-5 que apresentou maior densidade de sítios fortes e uma estrutura porosa que permite uma circulação tridimensional das moléculas. Já a menos estável, SAPO-34, apresentou a menor concentração de sítios ácidos fortes dentre os materiais estudados e uma estrutura com cavidades com aberturas estreitas (4Å) que oferecem restrições ao acesso dos reagentes aos sítios ácidos do catalisador. Quanto à seletividade a olefinas, a primeira foi mais seletiva a propeno e a segunda, a eteno. A ferrierita não se mostrou seletiva às olefinas leves tendo apresentado, no entanto, comportamento promissor quanto a formação de DME a partir do metanol. Já a HMCM-22 foi seletiva às olefinas leves e aos hidrocarbonetos com 4, 5 e 6 ou mais átomos de carbono. A influência da temperatura no desempenho catalítico foi investigada variando-se a temperatura de reação (300, 400 e 500C). Verificou-se que para a HZSM-5 e HMCM-22, perda da atividade catalítica foi intensificada a partir de 400C. Quanto à seletividade a olefinas leves, apenas a SAPO-34 não se mostrou sensível a variações na temperatura, efeito este que foi nitidamente observado nos outros três catalisadores: um aumento na temperatura promoveu um aumento na seletividade a olefinas leves no caso da HZSM-5 e da HMCM-22 e queda nesse valor para a HFER / The methanol transformation into light olefins was investigated over the molecular sieves HZSM-5, HFER, SAPO-34 and HMCM-22. FRX, DRX, nitrogen fisisorption, MEV, IR with pyridine adsorption and NH3-TPD techniques were used for the physiochemical characterization of the samples. Their catalytic performances were evaluated and compared at isoconversion initial conditions (755%). It was verified that the acid and structural characteristics strongly affected the catalytic performance with respect to activity, stability and selectivity to the reaction products. The most stable sample was HZSM, which presented higher density of strong sites and a porous structure that permits a tridimensional circulation of the molecules. The least stable was SAPO-34, which presented the lowest concentration of strong acid sites and showed a structure with cavities with narrow openings (4Å). This structure restricts the access of the reactants to the acid sites of the catalyst. In what concerns the selectivity to the olefins, the former catalyst was the most selective to propene and the latter was the most selective to ethene. Although ferrerite was not selective to light olefins, it showed promising behavior concerning the DME formation from methanol. On the other hand, HMCM-22 was selective to the light olefins and the hydrocarbons with 4, 5, 6 or more carbon atoms. The catalytic performance under different reaction temperatures (300, 400 and 500C) was investigated. The lowest catalytic activity was verified under temperatures starting from 400C. SAPO-34 was the only catalyst whose selectivity to light olefins was not sensitive to temperature variations. HZSM-5 and HMCM-22 had their selectivity to olefins increased and HFER had it decreased as the temperature was increased

Obtenção de hidrocarbonetos superiores a partir da conversão do etanol utilizando catalisadores suportados em ZSM-5

Lima, Dirléia dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
O petróleo é a principal matéria-prima empregada para produzir combustíveis, lubrificantes e produtos petroquímicos. Atualmente, devido ao fato desta fonte não ser renovável e estimar-se a sua extinção, busca-se por fontes renováveis de energia que possam vir a substituí-la. Nesse contexto, o etanol vem sendo investigado por ser uma alternativa sustentável para a obtenção de hidrocarbonetos de maior valor agregado, tais como, eteno, propeno, benzeno, tolueno, entre outros, através de sua conversão catalítica em condições controladas. Este trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar o efeito de diferentes catalisadores metálicos suportados em zeólita HZSM-5 na reação de conversão do etanol em produtos de maior valor agregado. Para isso, prepararam-se catalisadores com 2,5 % em massa dos metais La, Ca, Li, Mg e Ni impregnados na zeólita HZSM-5 comercial. A seguir foram preparados catalisadores a partir da modificação da zeólita HZSM-5 com diferentes teores de Ni e, na sequência, amostras com diferente combinação de Ni e La. Posteriormente, a zeólita HZSM-5 foi sintetizada em laboratório e impregnada através da combinação entre os metais Ni e Zn. Os catalisadores antes do seu emprego nos ensaios catalíticos foram caracterizados por medidas de área específica SBET, DRX e TPD-NH3. As amostras após a reação foram caracterizadas por TPO. Os ensaios de atividade foram conduzidos em reator tubular de leito fixo, com carga de catalisador de 100 mg, na faixa de temperaturas entre 300 e 400 °C, utilizando-se uma vazão de alimentação de etanol na faixa de 0,2 a 1,2 mL.h-1. Foram realizados três tipos de ensaios: com diferentes temperaturas de reação, teste de influência do tempo de residência e teste de estabilidade dos catalisadores. Os testes de atividade catalítica da zeólita comercial modificada, conduzidos em diferentes temperaturas de reação, sugerem que o metal e sua quantidade, assim como a temperatura de reação, influenciam na seletividade para formação dos hidrocarbonetos superiores. Quanto aos catalisadores preparados a partir da modificação da zeólita sintetizada através da combinação de Ni e Zn, observou-se a influência do teor de cada metal e a necessidade de serem empregadas temperaturas de reação mais elevadas (400 °C) para obtenção dos hidrocarbonetos pesados. O teste de avaliação do tempo de residência mostrou que vazões menores (0,3-0,4 mL.h-1) favorecem a formação dos produtos pesados. Através do teste de estabilidade constatou-se que ao final de 10 horas de reação a conversão do etanol ainda foi de 100%, mas que a seletividade dos catalisadores para os hidrocarbonetos superiores foi diminuindo ao longo da reação devido à deposição de carbono sobre o catalisador. / The crude oil is the main raw material used to produce fuels, lubricants and petrochemicals. Currently, due to its increasing price some alternatives for petroleum replacement are being investigated. Among them, the renewable ones, such as ethanol, are receiving great attention. The catalytic conversion of ethanol is a potential source for obtaining liquid hydrocarbons, such as benzene, toluene, etc., that are of great interest in chemical industry. This work aim to evaluate the effect of different metals on HZSM-5 supported catalysts for the ethanol conversion into variable products. A series of catalysts containing 2.5 wt% of the metals La, Ca, Li, Mg and Ni were impregnated on commercial HZSM-5. Other series were prepared with different amounts of Ni, and with different combination of Ni and La on commercial HZSM-5. Subsequently, the HZSM-5 zeolite was synthesized in the laboratory and impregnated with Ni and/or Zn. Samples were characterized by specific area SBET, XRD and NH3-TPD. The spent catalysts were characterized by TPO. The catalyst activity was evaluated by catalytic conversion of ethanol experiments, carried out in a tubular fixed bed reactor with catalyst weight of 100 mg in the temperature range between 300 and 400 °C, using a feed rate of ethanol in the range of 0.2 to 1.2 mL.h-1. Three types of experiments were performed: with different reaction temperatures, different residence time and test of catalyst stability. The results with different reaction temperatures suggest that the type and the amount of metal used for the modification of commercial HZSM-5 zeolite influence the selectivity for the formation of higher hydrocarbons as well as the reaction temperature. For the catalysts prepared by modification of the synthesized HZSM-5 using Ni and/or Zn, the influence of the content of each metal and the reaction temperature can be observed. The residence time test showed that the lower flow rates favor the formation of heavy products. Total ethanol conversion was obtained during the 10 h reaction experiments for catalysts stability evaluation. However the catalysts selectivity for higher hydrocarbons decreased toward the end of the reaction due to the formation and deposition of coke on the catalyst surface.

Ze?litas hzsm-5 sintetizadas a partir de fontes alternativas de s?lica e alum?nio para desoxigena??o dos produtos da pir?lise da fibra de coco

Costa, Juliana Elionara Bezerra 18 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-04-11T19:34:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaElionaraBezerraCosta_TESE.pdf: 2543108 bytes, checksum: 556e8d7316f4202efa7113ded946013c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-12T22:40:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaElionaraBezerraCosta_TESE.pdf: 2543108 bytes, checksum: 556e8d7316f4202efa7113ded946013c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-12T22:40:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaElionaraBezerraCosta_TESE.pdf: 2543108 bytes, checksum: 556e8d7316f4202efa7113ded946013c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Alguns res?duos, provenientes das mais variadas atividades, podem ser reaproveitados, diminuindo o efeito dos impactos ambientais ocasionados pela m? disposi??o dos mesmos no meio ambiente. Os res?duos classificados com biomassa lignocelul?sica, podem ser convertidos em produtos qu?micos e combust?veis a partir da pir?lise r?pida convencional, gerando como produto principal o bio-?leo com caracter?sticas diretamente ligadas as caracter?sticas da biomassa de origem que podem ser melhoradas a partir do uso de catalisadores. Neste trabalho foram sintetizados catalisadores do tipo ZSM-5 e HZSM-5, utilizando res?duos de p? de granito, p? de vidro, diatomita e cinza da casca do arroz como fontes alternativas e tamb?m um catalisador utilizando fonte convencional de S?lica e Alum?nio. O objetivo da s?ntese desses materiais ? utiliz?-los como catalisador na pir?lise da fibra do coco visando a obten??o de produtos com maior valor agregado, reduzindo a produ??o de compostos oxigenados. A biomassa utilizada foi caracterizada por an?lise imediata, densidade, an?lise elementar, Teor de Celulose, hemicelulose e lignina, Poder calor?fico, TG/DTG, DRX, FT-IR e FRX afim de analisar o potencial energ?tico da mesma. Os precursores de S?lica e Alum?nio foram submetidos a an?lises de FRX, DRX, e os catalisadores foram caracterizados por TG/DTG, DRX, FT-IR, MEV e BET. Nos resultados de pir?lise convencional da fibra do coco observou a grande produ??o de produtos oxigenados, a maior parte deles fen?is e nos resultados das pir?lise catal?tica foi poss?vel observar a diminui??o desses produtos, provando a efici?ncia dos catalisadores utilizados. / Some waste, from the most varied activities, can be reused, reducing the effect of these impacts, usually caused by poor disposal in the environment. The residues classified with lignocellulosic biomass can be converted into chemical products and fuels from the conventional fast pyrolysis, generating as main product the bio-oil. This generally presents some undesirable characteristics directly linked to the characteristics of the source biomass, which decrease its energy efficiency. The use of catalysts allows the reduction of these undesirable products and improves the final quality of the bio oil. As a result, ZSM-5 and HZSM-5 catalysts were synthesized using granite powder, glass powder, diatomite and rice husk ash as alternative sources of silica and aluminum; was also synthesized using a conventional silica and aluminum source, serving as a standard for the others. . The objective of the synthesis of these materials is to use them as a catalyst in the pyrolysis of coconut fiber in order to obtain products with higher added value, reducing the production of oxygenated compounds. The biomass used was characterized by immediate analysis, density, elemental analysis, cellulose content, hemicellulose and lignin, calorific power, TG / DTG, XRD, FT-IR and FRX in order to analyze the energy potential of the same. Silica and Aluminum precursors were subjected to FRX, XRD analyzes, and the catalysts were characterized by TG / DTG, DRX, FT-IR, MEV and BET. In the results of conventional pyrolysis of the coconut fiber, it was observed the great production of oxygenated products, most of them phenols and in the results of the catalytic pyrolysis it was possible to observe the decrease of these products, proving the efficiency of the catalysts used.

Pir?lise r?pida de capim-elefante sob diferentes atmosferas reativas em leito fluidizado e tratamento catal?tico do bio-?leo resultante / Elephant grass fast pyrolysis under different reactive atmospheres in fluidized bed reactors and product upgrading

Bezerra, M?rcio Barbalho Dantas 09 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-09T19:37:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioBarbalhoDantasBezerra_TESE.pdf: 8185378 bytes, checksum: f592c32011f79a35178d9637d6c7a7cc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-13T18:39:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioBarbalhoDantasBezerra_TESE.pdf: 8185378 bytes, checksum: f592c32011f79a35178d9637d6c7a7cc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-13T18:39:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioBarbalhoDantasBezerra_TESE.pdf: 8185378 bytes, checksum: f592c32011f79a35178d9637d6c7a7cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-09 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Nos ?ltimos anos, devido ao esgotamento progressivo dos combust?veis f?sseis convencionais, fontes de energia renov?veis tem desempenhado papel importante na matriz energ?tica. Dentre tais fontes, a biomassa lignocelul?sica aparece como uma op??o vi?vel, dispon?vel e de relativamente f?cil cultivo, sem competir com a produ??o de alimentos. A pir?lise r?pida destaca-se como rota de transforma??o de biomassa em produtos de diferentes fases (gases, bio-?leo, carv?o e condensado pirol?tico) com aplica??es diversas. Neste trabalho, bio-?leo foi produzido a partir do capim-elefante (Pennisetum Purpureum Schumach) em reatores de leito fluidizado com capacidades de 1,5 e 40 kg/h, sob diferentes atmosferas (ar, N2 e gases de reciclo da pir?lise), na temperatura de 500?C. No leito de 1,5 kg/h, conduziu-se a pir?lise sem e com a presen?a do catalisador HZSM-5, ambas sob N2. A pir?lise sem catalisador tamb?m foi realizada com reciclo (54, 74 e 85%) dos gases. No leito de 40 kg/h, conduziu-se a pir?lise sob atmosfera oxidativa moderada de ar (71% N2 e 21% O2) variando-se as configura??es da coluna de lavagem dos gases (sem trocador de calor, com trocador simples, com trocador multi-passe) e da recircula??o de condensado (produtos leves) produto da rea??o de pir?lise. Por fim, os bio-?leos obtidos dos experimentos com reciclo dos gases no leito de 1,5 kg/h foram submetidos ? desoxigena??o em leito de lama em 5%Pt/C. Os resultados mostraram que o reciclo dos gases ocasionou um aumento no teor de carbono de 53,96% (na pir?lise sem reciclo) para 70,89% (na pir?lise com 74% de reciclo) e para 77,16% (na pir?lise com a HZMS-5 in situ). O teor de oxig?nio diminuiu de 39,64% para 21,76%. O poder calor?fico superior (PCS) aumentou de 26,1 para 33,11 MJ/kg. Balan?os de massa mostraram que 5,4 a 6,15% da biomassa foi convertida em CH4, C2H4, C2H6 e C3H8 na pir?lise com reciclo dos gases. Todas as amostras de bio-?leos obtidas foram ricas em fen?is, com destaque para aquelas obtidas na atmosfera oxidativa. Os demais componentes e grupos funcionais majorit?rios no bio-?leo foram ?cido ac?tico, acetol, a??cares e cetonas. Baseado nos dados da din?mica da massa da biomassa no tempo um modelo cin?tico (biomassa produzindo bio-?leo + condensado, carv?o e gases) foi proposto e as equa??es diferenciais ordin?rias foram implementadas na linguagem FORTRAN com o objetivo de estimar constantes cin?ticas de velocidade da rea??o.

Obtenção de hidrocarbonetos superiores a partir da conversão do etanol utilizando catalisadores suportados em ZSM-5

Lima, Dirléia dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
O petróleo é a principal matéria-prima empregada para produzir combustíveis, lubrificantes e produtos petroquímicos. Atualmente, devido ao fato desta fonte não ser renovável e estimar-se a sua extinção, busca-se por fontes renováveis de energia que possam vir a substituí-la. Nesse contexto, o etanol vem sendo investigado por ser uma alternativa sustentável para a obtenção de hidrocarbonetos de maior valor agregado, tais como, eteno, propeno, benzeno, tolueno, entre outros, através de sua conversão catalítica em condições controladas. Este trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar o efeito de diferentes catalisadores metálicos suportados em zeólita HZSM-5 na reação de conversão do etanol em produtos de maior valor agregado. Para isso, prepararam-se catalisadores com 2,5 % em massa dos metais La, Ca, Li, Mg e Ni impregnados na zeólita HZSM-5 comercial. A seguir foram preparados catalisadores a partir da modificação da zeólita HZSM-5 com diferentes teores de Ni e, na sequência, amostras com diferente combinação de Ni e La. Posteriormente, a zeólita HZSM-5 foi sintetizada em laboratório e impregnada através da combinação entre os metais Ni e Zn. Os catalisadores antes do seu emprego nos ensaios catalíticos foram caracterizados por medidas de área específica SBET, DRX e TPD-NH3. As amostras após a reação foram caracterizadas por TPO. Os ensaios de atividade foram conduzidos em reator tubular de leito fixo, com carga de catalisador de 100 mg, na faixa de temperaturas entre 300 e 400 °C, utilizando-se uma vazão de alimentação de etanol na faixa de 0,2 a 1,2 mL.h-1. Foram realizados três tipos de ensaios: com diferentes temperaturas de reação, teste de influência do tempo de residência e teste de estabilidade dos catalisadores. Os testes de atividade catalítica da zeólita comercial modificada, conduzidos em diferentes temperaturas de reação, sugerem que o metal e sua quantidade, assim como a temperatura de reação, influenciam na seletividade para formação dos hidrocarbonetos superiores. Quanto aos catalisadores preparados a partir da modificação da zeólita sintetizada através da combinação de Ni e Zn, observou-se a influência do teor de cada metal e a necessidade de serem empregadas temperaturas de reação mais elevadas (400 °C) para obtenção dos hidrocarbonetos pesados. O teste de avaliação do tempo de residência mostrou que vazões menores (0,3-0,4 mL.h-1) favorecem a formação dos produtos pesados. Através do teste de estabilidade constatou-se que ao final de 10 horas de reação a conversão do etanol ainda foi de 100%, mas que a seletividade dos catalisadores para os hidrocarbonetos superiores foi diminuindo ao longo da reação devido à deposição de carbono sobre o catalisador. / The crude oil is the main raw material used to produce fuels, lubricants and petrochemicals. Currently, due to its increasing price some alternatives for petroleum replacement are being investigated. Among them, the renewable ones, such as ethanol, are receiving great attention. The catalytic conversion of ethanol is a potential source for obtaining liquid hydrocarbons, such as benzene, toluene, etc., that are of great interest in chemical industry. This work aim to evaluate the effect of different metals on HZSM-5 supported catalysts for the ethanol conversion into variable products. A series of catalysts containing 2.5 wt% of the metals La, Ca, Li, Mg and Ni were impregnated on commercial HZSM-5. Other series were prepared with different amounts of Ni, and with different combination of Ni and La on commercial HZSM-5. Subsequently, the HZSM-5 zeolite was synthesized in the laboratory and impregnated with Ni and/or Zn. Samples were characterized by specific area SBET, XRD and NH3-TPD. The spent catalysts were characterized by TPO. The catalyst activity was evaluated by catalytic conversion of ethanol experiments, carried out in a tubular fixed bed reactor with catalyst weight of 100 mg in the temperature range between 300 and 400 °C, using a feed rate of ethanol in the range of 0.2 to 1.2 mL.h-1. Three types of experiments were performed: with different reaction temperatures, different residence time and test of catalyst stability. The results with different reaction temperatures suggest that the type and the amount of metal used for the modification of commercial HZSM-5 zeolite influence the selectivity for the formation of higher hydrocarbons as well as the reaction temperature. For the catalysts prepared by modification of the synthesized HZSM-5 using Ni and/or Zn, the influence of the content of each metal and the reaction temperature can be observed. The residence time test showed that the lower flow rates favor the formation of heavy products. Total ethanol conversion was obtained during the 10 h reaction experiments for catalysts stability evaluation. However the catalysts selectivity for higher hydrocarbons decreased toward the end of the reaction due to the formation and deposition of coke on the catalyst surface.

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