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Vztahy mezi zúčastněnými stranami v rámci řízení projektů IS/ICT / Relationships among interested parties in the context of IS/ICT project managementDokoupil, Otakar January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is focused on project management of IS/ICT projects, more specifically on the area concerning relationships among parties involved in IS/ICT project. The thesis presents two main contributions to the area of IS/ICT project management. Firstly, the thesis provides systematic order of available information in the area of relationships, and hence enables easy orientation in the area. This contribution is achieved via analysis of information contained in project management methodologies, IT Governance/IT Management standards, ISO standards, legislation and continual process improvement concept. Such analysis is followed by synthesis resulting in conceptual model of relationships among parties involved in IS/ICT projects. Secondly, the thesis provides recommendations that prevent potential problems to arise in the area of relationships among parties involved in IS/ICT projects. This contribution is achieved via application of conceptual model in the environment of real IS/ICT project, and consequent derivation of knowledge originating from problems of this project.
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Využití projektového řízení při vývoji nového produktu / Use of Project Management - Launch of New ProductMaroušková, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is use of project management in information and communication technologies with further focus on - Launch of New Product and Evaluation of Investment Effectiveness involving not only specifics of project management, individual phases of life product cycle or introduction of main characteristics of IT project but also a detailed description of common standards which are often used in the area of IT project management. Practical part of the thesis is furthermore aimed at the analysis of activities regarding to development and launch of new product on the market and the evaluation of investment effectiveness from financial side. For the purpose of the analysis it was chosen an investment project from banking area whose target is first of all to find out problems during preparation and realization of this project and prove the importance of financial indicators for decision process whether to realize a particular project or not.
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Sledování a vyhodnocování IT projektů / Measuring and managing IT projectsKmoníček, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
His thesis deals with . the issues of measuring and managing projects In the first part the author describes the methodics of IS/ICT management, such as ITIL, COBIT, MMDIS and BSC and also some methologies of IT project management as PMBoK, PRINCE2, or ValIT MMDISŘíP After analysis of this metodology, there was constructed metrics model, which is based on these methodologies and uses metrics that are contained in methodologies, or the metrics are logically derived from these methodologies.In the second part the author describes the characteristics and usage of this model. For application were used data of the 20 projects from the course 4IT414 IS/ICT Project Management. The conclusion contains an analysis and evaluation of data generated by this model. Keywords: Project methodology, Methodology for IS/ICT Management, Metric, Model metrics, project evaluation.
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Návrh metodického rámce řízení a koordinace projektů IS/ICT / Proposal of the IS/ICT project management methodology patternChlapek, Dušan January 2007 (has links)
The thesis is focused on methodology of Information System/Information and Communication Technology (IS/ICT) projects management. The main goal of the thesis is to modify and extend the business informatics management model (applied on the Department of Information Technologies of University of Economics in Prague) with specifics of methodologies focused on setting up, management and coordination of IS/ICT projects. The analytical part of the thesis is focused on analyzing and consolidation of IS/ICT project management terms. Furthermore are delimited specification of setting up and management of IS/ICT projects. Follow out are described and evaluated current methodologies approaches focused on IS/ICT projects rules description. The thesis describes relation between several IS/ICT methodologies: IS/ICT project management methodology, IS/ICT development methodology and IS/ICT management methodology. Within thesis are presented and analyzed researches of current situation in IS/ICT project management methodology usage and level of IS/ICT project management around the world and within Czech Republic. The main part of the thesis extends the methodical framework MEFIS and describes proposal of IS/ICT management methodology pattern, which appends the reference model of informatics management and the MDIS methodology. Furthermore is IS/ICT project management delimited as standalone service. Main parts of methodology are defined and processes and data objects of IS/ICT project management methodology are outlined. The application part of thesis covers the proposal of the implementation procedure of conceptual proposal of IS/ICT project management methodology. The proposal of the implementation procedure was verified in practice. All experiences with implementation of conceptual model of IS/ICT project management are evaluated.
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An investigation of ICT project management techniques for sustainable ICT projects in rural development /Pade, Caroline Ileje. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.Com. (Information Systems)) - Rhodes University, 2007.
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Digitalizing Finland:governance of government ICT projectsLappi, T. (Teemu) 13 August 2019 (has links)
Digitalization is a megatrend that also drives public sector reforms toward improved citizen service processes by adopting digital technologies. The digitalization of the public sector, also referred to as e-government transformation, is a strenuous institutional change process that starts with strategy and policy formation and is eventually carried out through individual information and communication (ICT) development projects and programs. ICT projects in the public sector still struggle due to challenges and complexities such as technological uncertainty. These project-level struggles impair e-government efforts that are already facing strategic and regulative difficulties, which, again, affect ICT project performance. How a temporary project is connected and contributes to the strategic objectives of a more permanent structure is the focus of project governance. In e-government context it can be applied to describe and elaborate on the ICT project alignment and control practices in and between different organizations within the e-government transformation.
The underlying academic motivation for this research is to improve the current understanding of project governance in e-government: how ICT project governance can be applied to enact the institutional change of public sector digitalization. The dissertation study follows a constructive research approach, using multiple qualitative methods on empirical data from the Finnish central government. By synthesizing the results from four individual research publications, this dissertation explores the ICT project governance practices and tensions that take place in different levels within the e-government transformation. The study contributes to the literature by elaborating how project governance is perceived in and affected by the e-government transformation and by providing new information on how flexible and collaborative project models, namely agile models and project alliances, are applied in the context. The dissertation proceeds to construct a multi-level model that indicates how the perceived challenges and tensions could be remedied, thus enabling managers and practitioners in the field to conduct the right ICT projects properly and, hence, support the e-government transformation. / Tiivistelmä
Digitalisaatio on yksi megatrendeistä, joka vaikuttaa myös julkisen sektorin reformaatioihin, joilla tavoitellaan tehokkaampia asiakaspalveluprosesseja hyödyntämällä digitaalisia teknologioita. Julkisen sektorin digitalisoituminen, tai e-hallinnon muutos, on vaativa institutionaalinen muutosprosessi, joka alkaa strategisten ja poliittisten linjausten määrittelyllä ja toteutetaan lopulta yksittäisten informaatio- ja kommunikaatioteknologia (ICT) projektien ja ohjelmien kautta. Julkisen sektorin ICT projekteja haastaa edelleen muun muassa tekniset epävarmuustekijät. Nämä projektitason haasteet vaikuttavat myös e-hallintoon, johon liittyy jo valmiiksi strategisia ja hallinnollisia vaikeuksia. Tämä taas vastavuoroisesti vaikeuttaa yksittäisten projektien toimintaa. Projektihallintoa käytetään kuvaamaan, miten kertaluontoinen projekti liittyy ja vaikuttaa pysyvämpiin rakenteisiin ja niiden strategisten tavoitteiden toteutumiseen. E-hallinnon digitaalisen muutoksen yhteydessä projektihallinnon kautta voidaan esittää ICT projektien ohjaus- ja kontrollointikäytäntöjä eri organisaatiotasoilla.
Tämä tutkimuksen akateeminen motivaatio on parantaa nykyistä tietämystä projektihallinnosta e-hallinnon kontekstissa tarkastelemalla, miten ICT projektihallintoa voidaan käyttää julkisen sektorin digitalisoitumisen toteuttamiseen. Tämä väitöstyö noudattaa konstruktiivista tutkimusotetta, käyttäen useita laadullisia menetelmiä Suomen valtionhallinnosta kerätyn empiirisen datan analysointiin. Syntetisoimalla neljän osajulkaisun tulokset tämä väitös perehtyy ICT projektihallinnon käytänteisiin ja jänniteisiin eri organisaatiotasoilla digitalisoitumisen yhteydessä. Tämä väitös tuottaa uuttaa tietoa esittämällä, miten projektihallinto näyttäytyy ja vaikuttaa e-hallinnon muutoksessa, sekä kuvaamalla miten joustavia projektimalleja, kuten ketterä ja projektiallianssi, voidaan käyttää tässä kontekstissa. Väitöstutkimus luo lisäksi monitasoisen mallin, jonka avulla havaittuja haasteita ja jännitteitä voidaan lieventää. Täten tutkimus auttaa käytännössä alan asiantuntijoita johtamaan oikeita ICT projekteja oikealla tavalla ja siten edesauttaa julkisen sektorin digitalisointia.
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A Logistic regression analysis model for predicting the success of computer networking projects in ZimbabweMasamha, Tavengwa 02 1900 (has links)
Information and communication technology (ICT) greatly influence today’s business processes
be it in public or private sectors. Everything that is done in business requires ICT in one way or
the other. Research in ICTs is therefore critical. So much research was and is still carried out in
projects that develop or enhance ICT but it is still apparent that the success rate of these projects
is still very low. The extensive coverage of ICTs implies that if the success rate is still that low,
many resources are being wasted in the failed projects; therefore, more research is needed to
improve the success rate. Previous research has focussed on factors which are critical for the
success of ICT projects, assuming that all ICT projects are the same. As a result, literature is full
of different suggestions and guidelines of the factors critical to ICT projects’ success. This
scenario brings challenges to project managers who end up using their own personal judgement
to select which factors to consider for any project at hand. The end result is the high failure rate
of ICT projects since there is a very high chance of applying the same critical success factors to
different types of ICT projects. This research answered the question: which factors are critical
to the success of computer networking projects in Zimbabwe and how these factors could be
used for building a model that determines in advance the success of such projects?
Literature reviewed indicated that most CSFs were not focused on specific types of ICT projects,
hence were generalised. No literature was found on ICT projects’ CSFs in Zimbabwe. More so,
no CSFs were found for computer networking projects as a specific instance of ICT projects. No
model existed that predicts computer networking projects’ success. This study addressed the
gaps by developing a CSF framework for ICT projects in Zimbabwe, determining CSFs for
computer networking projects in Zimbabwe and the development of a logistic regression analysis
model to predict computer networking projects’ success in Zimbabwe.
Data was collected in Zimbabwe using a unique three-staged process which comprise metasynthesis analysis, questionnaire and interviews. The study was motivated by the fact that most
available research focused on CSFs for general ICT projects and that no research was found on
CSFs influencing projects in computer networking. Meta-synthesis analysis was therefore
conducted on literature in order to identify CSFs as given in literature. The approach was
appropriate since the researcher had noticed that there were extensive ICT projects’ CSFs and
that no such research has been carried out in Zimbabwe.
These CSFs formed the basis for the determination (using a questionnaire) of ICT projects CSFs
for Zimbabwe in particular. Project practitioners’ viewpoints were sought through
questionnaires. Once CSFs for ICT projects in Zimbabwe were determined, they formed the
basis for the determination of unique critical success factors for computer networking projects
in Zimbabwe. Interviews were used to get further information that would have been left out by
questionnaires. The interview questions were set to clarify some unclear or conflicting responses
from the questionnaire and providing in-depth insights into the factors critical to computer
networking projects in Zimbabwe. The data i.e. critical success factors for computer networking
projects guided the development of the logistic regression analysis model for the prediction of
computer networking projects’ success in Zimbabwe.
Data analysis from the questionnaire was analysed using SPSS Version 23.0. Factor analysis and
principal component analysis were some of the techniques used in the analysis. Interview data
was analysed through NVivo Version 10.0. From the results it was deduced that factors critical
to ICT project management in Zimbabwe were closely related to those found in the literature.
The only apparent difference was that CSFs for ICT projects in Zimbabwe were more specific
thereby enhancing their applicability. Computer networking projects had fewer CSFs than
general ICT projects. In addition, CSFs for general ICT projects were different from those
critical to computer networking projects in Zimbabwe.
The development of a comprehensive set of general ICT projects’ CSFs was the first contribution
of this study. This was achieved through meta-synthesis analysis. The other contribution was the
development of a CSF framework for ICT projects specific to Zimbabwe and those specific to
computer networking projects in Zimbabwe. The major contribution was the development of the
logistic regression analysis model that predicts computer networking projects’ success in
Zimbabwe. These contributions will provide literature on ICT project management in Zimbabwe
which will subsequently assist ICT project managers to concentrate on specific factors. The
developed prediction model can be used by project managers to determine possible success or
failure of ICT projects; thereby possible reducing wastage of resource. / School of Computing
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Projekt zavedení ICT v podniku střední velikosti / A project of introduction of ICT into a medium sized enterpriseJanák, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
In the theoretical part, this master thesis deals with ICT, Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations with a focus on the programme of support ICT in Enterprises. Furthermore, with the definition of SMEs and specific features of medium sized enterprise. In the practical part, an ICT project in a chosen company is described and analyzed. The project is evaluated and further opportunities of development of ICT in the company are suggested. The last chapter provides implications from the ICT area for similar businesses.
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An investigation of ICT project management techniques for sustainable ICT projects in rural developmentPade, Caroline Ileje January 2007 (has links)
Poverty alleviation by means of rural development has become a priority among developing countries. In turn, rural development may be significantly enhanced and supported by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), the use of which is highlighted by the emerging importance of information and knowledge as key strategic resources for social and economic development. An analysis of rural case studies where ICTs have been introduced, suggests that there are a number of barriers and constraints that are faced when taking advantage of these technologies. These include access to infrastructure, limited formal education, insufficient training and capacity building, financial and political constraints, and social and cultural challenges. These challenges threaten the success and sustainability of rural ICT projects. Sustainability is key to the effectiveness of a rural ICT project; therefore it is important to understand the concept and categories associated with ICT project sustainability in rural areas. The categories of sustainability which include social and cultural, institutional, economic, political, and technological, reveal critical success factors that need to be considered in the implementation and management of rural ICT projects. The project management discipline acknowledges the importance of understanding the project’s environment, particularly environmental factors associated with rural communities. The complexity of the environment therefore implies the need for a project to be undertaken in phases comprising the project life cycle. Project management practice for rural ICT project sustainability can therefore be examined, adapting the traditional project life cycle to a rural ICT project. A Rural ICT Project Life Cycle (RICT-PLC) that is sensitive to the critical success factors of sustainability is therefore proposed. In order to further investigate the phases of the life cycle of a rural ICT project, two case study investigations are explored: the Dwesa ICT community project, and the Rhodes University Mathematics Education Project (RUMEP) (MathsNet). A multiple case study analysis confirms the practices associated with the RICT-PLC model, and identifies additional characteristics, phases and practices associated with rural ICT projects. Finally, an enhanced RICT-PLC model is developed, that sets sustainability guidelines for ICT project management in rural areas and identifies the people, environments, technologies, systems, and requirements for ICTs to support rural development activities.
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Um estudo sobre os fatores organizacionais que influenciam a gestão de portfólio de projetos de TICLarieira, Cláudio Luís Carvalho 11 December 2013 (has links)
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Tese sobre Gestão de Portfolio de Projetos de TI - Claudio Larieira - texto final.pdf: 3210468 bytes, checksum: 7b4be2fc34ce1e992285271a1849d36b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 13-12-11 / Organizations may manage their operations more efficiently and leverage business strategies through Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), enabling them to add competitive advantages required for success and enterprise sustainability. Scholars and business leaders often dispute the value ICT brings to businesses because of high investment required for acquisition, implementation, and maintenance. Markowitz’s Portfolio Analysis dealt with financial investments. Other authors extended his proposition to project’s assessment, selection and prioritization, creating Project Portfolio Management. Subsequently, the concept was applied to ICT Project Portfolio Management was proposed. Various organizational factors can influence the execution of this process, beyond inherent technical and methodological issues. This thesis identified organizational factors that affect ICT Project Portfolio Management and analyzed their influence on the process. The research is of an applied nature, qualitative, exploratory and descriptive, and was executed in multiple case studies through analysis of three mid-sized commercial Brazilian banks. This thesis’ main contribution is reached through the creation of a conceptual structure that represents various organizational factors that influence ICT Project Portfolio Management. There are indications that organizational factors have great influence on this process, given the responses obtained in interviews with professionals of the banks analyzed. / A Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) permite que as empresas realizem suas operações de maneira mais eficiente, alavanquem suas estratégias de negócio e tragam assim as vantagens competitivas necessárias para o sucesso e perenidade do empreendimento. É constante nos meios acadêmicos e empresariais o questionamento sobre o valor que a TIC efetivamente traz ao negócio dados os altos investimentos necessários para sua aquisição, implementação e manutenção. A partir da proposição seminal de Markowitz sobre a Análise de Portfólio (que tratou especificamente dos investimentos financeiros), outros autores estenderam este conceito para realizar a avaliação, seleção e priorização de projetos, criando o que atualmente se denomina de Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos. A Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos, por sua vez, foi posteriormente estendida para os projetos de TIC e foi proposta então a abordagem de Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos de TIC. Além das questões meramente técnicas ou metodológicas, vários fatores organizacionais estão presentes na execução deste processo e podem influenciá-lo. Este trabalho identifica os fatores organizacionais que envolvem a Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos de TIC e analisa as influências que estes fatores trazem sobre o processo citado. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo e é operacionalizada através da realização de estudos de caso múltiplos em 3 (três) bancos médios comerciais brasileiros. A principal contribuição deste trabalho é a proposição de uma estrutura conceitual que representa os diversos fatores organizacionais que influenciam a Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos de TIC em uma organização. Há indícios de que os fatores organizacionais têm grande influência sobre este processo dadas as respostas obtidas nas entrevistas com os profissionais dos bancos analisados.
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