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The acceptance and use of information and communication technologies by staff members in Khartoum state’s universities (Sudan)Osman, Negla Ahmed Albasheer 26 August 2014 (has links)
This study is mainly designed to investigate the issue of acceptance and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), and examine factors that influence and predict acceptance and use of ICTs among Staff Members (SMs) of Khartoum State Universities (KSUs) (Sudan). To achieve these objectives the study was structured in seven chapters that represent the chronological development of the study.
The review of the literature allows for the development of a study conceptual framework, instruments, and methodology of the study. A mixed methodology, mainly quantitative questionnaire of a deductive nature and qualitative methods, was employed. Of 787 questionnaires randomly distributed 527 (a response rate 67 %,) was received and analysed. The analysis was performed using SPSS, Smart Partial Least Squire (Smart-PLS), and qualitative analysis.
Thus, descriptive, explanatory, and content analyses were presented and discussed. The results of the analysis of the situations and variations provide important information on SMs’ skills, experience, purposes and duration of ICT use. The result revealed that, ICTs were widely used by most SMs. However, relatively low numbers of SMs used ICTs in teaching. Perceived usefulness (PU) and SMs’ intrinsic motivation were the main reasons that motivated SMs to use ICTs. Amongst different purposes of using ICTs, SMs use it principally for teaching and academic purposes.
Among many suggested constrains, specific infrastructure, organization, and individual level were strongly agreed on as the main problem that hinder SMs’ ICT use. The statistical analysis revealed that the use of ICTs for teaching and the duration of this use vary significantly with variations in SMs’ demographic and personal characteristics. In order to examine factors influencing SMs’ acceptance and use of ICTs, a conceptual framework and relevant instruments of data collections, which was based on technology acceptance model (TAM) supported by other models, were developed. The analysis of Structural equation modelling (SEM) via smart-PLS confirmed the reliability and validity of the measurements and the structural models.
The results of the analysis of the structural models indicate that nine out of thirteen claimed hypotheses were proved and supported. The findings proved applicability and the validity of TAM in predicting SMs’ acceptance and use of ICTs in the study context. SMs’ acceptance of ICTs was found to. / Die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet die Fragen der Akzeptanz und Nutzung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT). Sie untersucht am Beispiel des Lehrpersonals von staatlichen sowie privaten Universitäten im Bundesland Khartum (Sudan), welche Faktoren und Einflüsse eine Vorhersage von IKT-Akzeptanz und Nutzung ermöglichen. Die Darstellung gliedert sich in sieben Kapiteln, die die chronologische Entwicklung der Studie repräsentieren. Ein vorausgehendes umfangreiches Literaturstudium ist die Grundlage für den konzeptionellen Rahmen und die Methodik der vorgelegten Arbeit. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit beruhen auf einer Mischung von quantitativen (Fragebogen) und qualitativen (Interviews und eigene Beobachtung) Untersuchungsmethoden.
Die Hauptuntersuchungsmethode war ein bereits vorhandener Fragebogen, dessen inhaltliche Gliederung ergänzt, präzisiert und weiter entwickelt wurde für die Anwendungsgebiete im Sudan. Die Grundlage war die Befragung von 787zufällig ausgewählten Lehrkräften aus sieben privaten sowie sieben staatlichen Universitäten. Von den 787 ausgegebenen Fragebögen konnten 527 (67%) ausgewertet werden. Diese Auswertung erfolgte mittels SPSS, Smart PLS. Dazu wurde zusätzlich eine qualitative analyse genutzt. So wurden deskriptive, explorative und enthaltene Analysen vorgestellt und diskutiert.
Die Ergebnisse der Analyse der Situationen und Variationen liefern wichtige Informationen über SMs 'Fähigkeiten, Erfahrung und Dauer der IKT-Nutzung. Dabei konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass eine IKT-Nutzung unter den Befragten Lehrkräften zwar generell weit verbreitet ist, in Lehrkontexten jedoch erkennbar seltener Anwendung findet.
Für eine IKT-Nutzung wesentliche Gründe stellen die intrinsische Motivation eine Person sowie soziale, kulturelle und organisatorische Normen dar. Als Hemmnisse eine IKT-Nutzung werden nicht nur organisatorische und administrative Mängel und Schwächen, sondern auch individuelle Einflüsse bennant. Die Nutzung von IKT für die Lehre und die Dauer ihrer Verwendung konnte dargestellt werden als einige erheblich variierte demographische und persönliche Eigenschaften Zur Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf die Lehrpersonal Akzeptanz und die Nutzung von IKT wurden ein konzeptioneller Rahmen und relevante Instrumente der Datensammlungen auf der Basis des Technologieakzeptanz Modells (TAM), unterstützt von anderen Modellen, entwickelt.
Die Analyse von Strukturgleichungsmodellen (SEM) via Smart-PLS bestätigen die Zuverlässigkeit und Gültigkeit der Messmodelle. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse der Strukturmodelle zeigen, dass neun von dreizehn Hypothesen geprüft und bestätigt wurden. Im Rahmen der Studie bewiesen die Ergebnisse die Anwendbarkeit und Gültigkeit der TAM in der Vorhersage SMs Akzeptanz und Nutzung von IKT. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Lehrpersonal Akzeptanz von IKT vor allem von PU und Benutzerfreundlichkeit (PEU) beeinflusst und bestimmt werden.
Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Situationsfaktoren (SFs) dominanten Einfluss auf die Nutzung von IKT SMs haben Dagegen wurden Einschränkungen (COs) gefunden, um negative nicht signifikante Wirkungen zu haben. Die Erleichterungs-Faktoren (FF) haben jedoch positive dominant signifikante Wirkungen. Bei der Nutzung und Akzeptanz von IKT wurde außerdem festgestellt, dass sie direkt und indirekt von sozialen Faktoren (SIP) und kulturellen Faktoren (CUFs) beeinflusst werden. Die Tests mit Hilfe der Multigruppenanalyse(MGA) zeigen, dass die Kultur mäßigende Wirkung auf SMs IKT Akzeptanz und Nutzung hat.
Die Ergebnisse wurden weiter unterstützt und ergänzt durch Informationen aus eingehenden Interviews und Beobachtungen. Bei der abschließenden Diskussion wurde festgestellt, dass einige Ergebnisse in der einschlägigen Literatur nicht unterstützt werden. Die Diskussion schlussfolgert zu den entwickelten Modellen von IKT, dass sie die positiven signifikanten (direkten und mäßigenden) Beziehungen von reflektierenden Faktoren enthalten, die die IKT Nutzung und Akzeptanz durch das Lehrpersonal in KSUs beeinflussen. Die Studie impliziert: Beiträge zu Wissen, Theorie und Praxis wurden weiter diskutiert, gefolgt von Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen.
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Being Together through ICTs : Transnational Family Practices in the Context of Ukrainian Forced Migration / Estar juntos a través de las TIC : Prácticas familiares transnacionales en el contexto de la migración forzada ucranianaSANCHEZ GIL, LARA January 2023 (has links)
According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR, 2023), some 117.2 million people will be forcibly displaced or stateless by 2023. In this scenario, a large number of families will have to be reconfigured within a transnational setting. The ways in which they maintain their familiar ties and their feeling of being close despite the distance is worth further research. Since the Russian full-scale invasion, several countries in the European Union provided temporary protection for the first time to those arriving, who were mainly females with some of their relatives. The demographic reality of this displacement and the novelty of temporary protection open up a fruitful context to address family maintenance. This thesis explores how Ukrainian females who sought temporary protection in Burgos (Spain) have experienced the ties to their families across distance, delving in their meanings of being together, their practices of co-presence and the role of ICTs in them. / Según la Agencia de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR, 2023), alrededor de 117.2 millones de personas estarán desplazadas forzosamente o apátridas para el año 2023. En este escenario, un gran número de familias deberán reconfigurarse en un entorno transnacional. Las formas en que mantienen sus lazos familiares y su sensación de cercanía a pesar de la distancia merecen una investigación más detallada. Desde la invasión rusa a gran escala, varios países de la Unión Europea brindaron protección temporal por primera vez a quienes llegaban, en su mayoría mujeres acompañadas de algunos de sus familiares. La realidad demográfica de este desplazamiento y la novedad de la protección temporal generan un contexto fructífero para abordar el mantenimiento de las familias. Esta tesis explora cómo las mujeres ucranianas que buscaron protección temporal en Burgos (España) han experimentado los lazos con sus familias a través de la distancia, profundizando en sus significados de estar juntas, sus prácticas de co-presencia y el papel de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) en ellas.
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Knowledge management practices in rural areas of South AfricaMbhalati, Oliver Jan 28 September 2011 (has links)
This research report captures a detailed exposition of an investigation on Knowledge Management (KM) practices in public and private sector entities in three industries (health, education and business loans) of Limpopo province – a proxy of the rural areas of South Africa. The investigation was necessitated by a need to understand KM in organisational context experiencing constraints in terms of resources that enable KM. It was found through an intensive literature review that there were very few empirical studies on KM practices of organisations operating in the rural areas, particularly in Africa.
The theoretical framework of the study emanates from the knowledge-based view which has been popularised by the seminal work of Peter Drucker and Nonaka in the early half of the 90s. The knowledge-based view as presented in chapter 2 recognises the strategic role of knowledge in organisations. Its genesis is traced from the theories of classical scholars such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Various empirical studies of entities which have adopted the knowledge-based view are presented in chapter 2 of this report.
The researcher observes from an intensive KM literature study that the average modern organisation could be categorised as knowledge-intensive considering that knowledge workers constitute the majority of its workforce. The definitions of a knowledge-based organisation and knowledge workers are presented in the operational definitions of key concepts. Arising from the identified gaps in KM literature as presented towards the end of chapter 2, this study was conducted as a comparative study between public and private sector entities in three research industries focusing on their extent of ICT application and degree of knowledge-oriented social factors for information and knowledge sharing.
The investigation was guided by three research objectives as discussed in chapter 1 of this research report. The main purpose of the study was to answer two fundamental research questions as reflected in chapter 1. In answering the two research questions, the researcher identified four research hypotheses in line with the findings established from KM literature. These hypotheses are discussed in chapter 2 of this report.The underlying hypothesised statement guiding the study was to determine whether there were any significant differences in KM implementation between public and private sector entities in the three research industries in terms of four research constructs. These are: application of ICTs for knowledge and information sharing, degree of achievement of knowledge-based outcomes, tacit knowledge acquisition and the degree of knowledge-oriented social factors. Organisational culture, organisational structures, human resource practices and leadership comprised the social factors tested in the study. The research data were collected through a mixed research design approach combining the advantages of a survey instrument and interviews (this is fully reflected in chapter 3 of this research report).
The research results (as presented in chapter 4) pointed to some form of significant differences in KM implementation between public and private sector entities in the education and business loans industry, but there were no significant differences in KM implementation between public and private sector entities in the health industry. Arising from the findings of the study, a model for improved KM implementation is presented in chapter 4 (figure 4.16).
It was found during the investigation that all the research entities approached KM implicitly through KM related practices. KM related practices were found to be far more entrenched in the health industry (both public and private sector entities), the private sector entities in the education and business loans industries than was the case with the public sector entities in the education and business loans industries. In the entities where KM related practices were found to be entrenched, there were concerted efforts towards improved organisational processes. The study has managed to unravel the importance of KM related practices in laying the foundation for a formalised KM approach. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.
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Prisoners' Rights Activism in the New Information AgeJacqueline N Henke (6632246) 11 June 2019 (has links)
<p>New information and communication technologies (ICTs), such
as cell phones, email, and social media, have been transforming how social
movements recruit, organize, participate in collective action, and experience
repression. Yet, limited scholarship has addressed the uses of these
technologies by social movements organizing within American prisons. Using a
dialectical interpretive approach, I examine how a coalition of prisoners’
rights organizations uses ICTs to plan and participate in collective resistance
across prison walls. The coalition, referred to here as the New Prisoners’
Rights Coalition (NPRC), organizes against low and no-wage prison labor,
unhealthy and unsafe prison conditions, and inhumane prisoner treatment. The NPRC
has a multi-platform public digital presence and mobilizes prisoner activists
and free activists. Through narrative description, I summarize the ways NPRC
activists use ICTs from December 2013 through September 2016, noting changes in
ICT use over time and in response to movement repression. I find that new ICTs
offer innovative ways for NPRC activists to record and document their
environments, communicate privately, and communicate publicly. ICTs, however,
do not remove all barriers to activism or ensure that activists’ concerns are
resolved or even taken seriously. NPRC activists struggle to overcome stigma
and mischaracterization online. They face physical repression, interpersonal
hostilities, institutional sanctions, economic repression, legal sanctions,
interpretive repression, surveillance, and monitoring. In different
circumstances, the NPRC responds to repression by increasing ICT use,
decreasing ICT use, going dark, migrating from one online platform to another,
and shifting digital responsibilities from prisoner activists to free
activists. I explain how, most of the time, the digital unreachability of the
prison environment makes it difficult for NPRC activists to substantiate their
claims of mistreatment, abuse, and injustice. Moreover, I consider how current
prison technology policies may be inadvertently pushing NPRC activists into difficult-to-monitor
online spaces and exacerbating safety concerns of corrections workers.</p></div>
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Access to and use of library electronic resources at the National Open University of NigeriaOpeyemi, Oluwaseun Babarotimi January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the extent of access to and use of library electronic resources and their implications on remote users at the National Open University of Nigeria. Specific objectives were formulated to: find out the different types of electronic resources available in the NOUN Library; investigate academic staffs’ and students’ level of awareness of electronic resources available in the NOUN library; explore the various types of electronic resources used by academic staffs and students of NOUN; find out how academic staffs and students access and use electronic resources in NOUN library; analyze the policies that enable access to and use of electronic resources by academic staffs and students at NOUN; find out the perceptions and attitudes of academic staffs and students toward the electronic resources available in the NOUN library; and identify the challenges associated with access to and use of electronic resources by the academic staffs and students of NOUN.
The study adopted a quantitative research approach and survey research method was employed. The study targeted 1,680 population samples of which include 1,513 Students, 140 Academic staffs, and 27 Academic Librarians. Probability (Stratified random and systematic) sampling and nonprobability (purposive) sampling methods were adopted. Two sample frames were used: Students - classified into subgroups (Level) in each selected study centers and Academic staff - classified into subgroups (academic staff/academic librarian). Online (Google form) self-administered closed-ended questionnaire was sent to participants’ email. Data collected were analyzed through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
This finding revealed that electronic journals and electronic books are readily available in the NOUN library. Academic staff most likely, interact with the library staff or visit the library to be aware of library electronic resources, however, the students struggled to be aware through personal efforts. NOUN library creates awareness through the email and notice boards. The academic staff and students access and use the library electronic resources for various multidimensional purposes, however, there is a low patronage of these electronic resources by academic staff and students as less than 40% of academic staff and students access and use the library electronic resources. Electricity outage, low internet connectivity speed and high cost of access to internet were presented as challenges encountered while accessing and using electronic resources. Recommendations: the library management should develop awareness programmes that is appropriate for an ODL university community through the use of modern communication tools, and emphasy should be on the use of electronic resources in the university curriculum. / Information Science
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The influence of Web 2.0 technologies on the use of public libraries in Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, South AfricaMatobako, Molaodi Margaret 06 1900 (has links)
Recent innovations and advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) have resulted into radical changes in the way information resources are provided, and have also brought about several options to handle a wide-range of information services effortlessly. Web 2.0 or social media is one of these innovations which expands the option in information services provision. Against this backdrop, this study intended to investigate the use of Web 2.0 technologies in the public libraries in the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality in South Africa. The study was guided by mixed-methods of quantitative and qualitative approaches, because the approach enables the researcher to cover a wide variety of issues. The study adopted a sample survey research design to guide selection of subjects. Two data collection tools namely: a self-administered questionnaire were used for collecting data from 248 library users, while unstructured interview schedules were used to collect qualitative data from 16 library officials. The response rate for the survey of library users was 69%, a good rate for an unsolicited survey. The findings revealed that Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality libraries have ICT equipment with access to Web 2.0 technologies and that these technologies are also highly utilised. However, lack of training, low bandwidth, and short time allowed to access WIFI makes it difficult for the library users and staff to fully benefit from the web-based services offered by these libraries. Other factors include poor staff attitudes, technical problems, and challenges in marketing of online public access and catalogue, restrictions of social networking sites, non-linkage of the library OPAC to social media, geographical distances, and load shedding. The study concluded by recommending allocation of sufficient funds to cater for ICT trainings, free WIFI, uninterrupted power supply, increased bandwidth, amongst others which will enhance the quick and effective service that will meet the information needs of their users. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)
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Strengthening agricultural knowledge systems for improved rural livelihoods in Morogoro region of TanzaniaMtega, Wulystan Pius 03 1900 (has links)
The importance of agricultural knowledge systems (AKS) especially in rural communities cannot be overemphasized. AKS are important for creation, sharing and enhancing access and usage of agricultural knowledge. They link agricultural research and farms; increase adoption of good agricultural practices; improve the performance of agricultural marketing systems; and enhance effective post-harvest management. Despite the importance of agriculture to the economy and livelihoods of majority of Tanzanians, there is a consensus from scholars that the sector has been performing poorly. This is partially due to limited access to agricultural knowledge resulting into irrational decisions on agricultural activities thus dwarfing the sector. The modified Knowledge Management Processes Model guided the study in investigating how AKS can be strengthened to enhance access and usage of agricultural knowledge among stakeholders. The study adopted a pragmatic paradigm and used mixed method research by applying a survey, key informant interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs) and document reviews. Structured questionnaires were administered to 314 farmers while key informant interviews involved 57 respondents among village executives, councillors, input-suppliers, information providers, buyers, agricultural extension officers and researchers. Moreover, three FGDs involving 24 farmers were conducted. Qualitative data were analysed through classical content and constant comparison analysis, while SPSS software was used to analyse quantitative data. Quantitative and qualitative data were mixed during analysis, interpretation and discussion of results. The study identified farmers, the private sector and the government as major actors, but not working in unison. Most actors used human based systems while few used ICT and paper based systems. Actors needed agricultural knowledge on weather, farm preparation, seeds, crop maintenance, post-harvest practices, agricultural marketing and credits. Most actors shared agricultural knowledge through face-to-face interactions and mobile phones, few through internet. It was concluded that poor linkage among actors limited accessibility of agricultural knowledge. To improve accessibility to agricultural knowledge, a model for strengthening AKS usage is proposed. It is recommended that actors should be linked together and involved in enhancing access and usage of agricultural knowledge. Moreover, the proposed model should be validated before applying it. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil (Information Science)
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Knowledge management practices in rural areas of South AfricaMbhalati, Oliver Jan 28 September 2011 (has links)
This research report captures a detailed exposition of an investigation on Knowledge Management (KM) practices in public and private sector entities in three industries (health, education and business loans) of Limpopo province – a proxy of the rural areas of South Africa. The investigation was necessitated by a need to understand KM in organisational context experiencing constraints in terms of resources that enable KM. It was found through an intensive literature review that there were very few empirical studies on KM practices of organisations operating in the rural areas, particularly in Africa.
The theoretical framework of the study emanates from the knowledge-based view which has been popularised by the seminal work of Peter Drucker and Nonaka in the early half of the 90s. The knowledge-based view as presented in chapter 2 recognises the strategic role of knowledge in organisations. Its genesis is traced from the theories of classical scholars such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Various empirical studies of entities which have adopted the knowledge-based view are presented in chapter 2 of this report.
The researcher observes from an intensive KM literature study that the average modern organisation could be categorised as knowledge-intensive considering that knowledge workers constitute the majority of its workforce. The definitions of a knowledge-based organisation and knowledge workers are presented in the operational definitions of key concepts. Arising from the identified gaps in KM literature as presented towards the end of chapter 2, this study was conducted as a comparative study between public and private sector entities in three research industries focusing on their extent of ICT application and degree of knowledge-oriented social factors for information and knowledge sharing.
The investigation was guided by three research objectives as discussed in chapter 1 of this research report. The main purpose of the study was to answer two fundamental research questions as reflected in chapter 1. In answering the two research questions, the researcher identified four research hypotheses in line with the findings established from KM literature. These hypotheses are discussed in chapter 2 of this report.The underlying hypothesised statement guiding the study was to determine whether there were any significant differences in KM implementation between public and private sector entities in the three research industries in terms of four research constructs. These are: application of ICTs for knowledge and information sharing, degree of achievement of knowledge-based outcomes, tacit knowledge acquisition and the degree of knowledge-oriented social factors. Organisational culture, organisational structures, human resource practices and leadership comprised the social factors tested in the study. The research data were collected through a mixed research design approach combining the advantages of a survey instrument and interviews (this is fully reflected in chapter 3 of this research report).
The research results (as presented in chapter 4) pointed to some form of significant differences in KM implementation between public and private sector entities in the education and business loans industry, but there were no significant differences in KM implementation between public and private sector entities in the health industry. Arising from the findings of the study, a model for improved KM implementation is presented in chapter 4 (figure 4.16).
It was found during the investigation that all the research entities approached KM implicitly through KM related practices. KM related practices were found to be far more entrenched in the health industry (both public and private sector entities), the private sector entities in the education and business loans industries than was the case with the public sector entities in the education and business loans industries. In the entities where KM related practices were found to be entrenched, there were concerted efforts towards improved organisational processes. The study has managed to unravel the importance of KM related practices in laying the foundation for a formalised KM approach. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.
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E-crimes and e-authentication - a legal perspectiveNjotini, Mzukisi Niven 27 October 2016 (has links)
E-crimes continue to generate grave challenges to the ICT regulatory agenda. Because e-crimes involve a wrongful appropriation of information online, it is enquired whether information is property which is capable of being stolen. This then requires an investigation to be made of the law of property. The basis for this scrutiny is to establish if information is property for purposes of the law. Following a study of the Roman-Dutch law approach to property, it is argued that the emergence of an information society makes real rights in information possible. This is the position because information is one of the indispensable assets of an information society. Given the fact that information can be the object of property, its position in the law of theft is investigated. This study is followed by an examination of the conventional risks that ICTs generate. For example, a risk exists that ICTs may be used as the object of e-crimes. Furthermore, there is a risk that ICTs may become a tool in order to appropriate information unlawfully. Accordingly, the scale and impact of e-crimes is more than those of the offline crimes, for example theft or fraud.
The severe challenges that ICTs pose to an information society are likely to continue if clarity is not sought regarding: whether ICTs can be regulated or not, if ICTs can be regulated, how should an ICT regulatory framework be structured? A study of the law and regulation for regulatory purposes reveals that ICTs are spheres where regulations apply or should apply. However, better regulations are appropriate in dealing with the dynamics of these technologies. Smart-regulations, meta-regulations or reflexive regulations, self-regulations and co-regulations are concepts that support better regulations. Better regulations enjoin the regulatory industries, for example the state, businesses and computer users to be involved in establishing ICT regulations. These ICT regulations should specifically be in keeping with the existing e-authentication measures. Furthermore, the codes-based theory, the Danger or Artificial Immune Systems (the AIS) theory, the Systems theory and the Good Regulator Theorem ought to inform ICT regulations.
The basis for all this should be to establish a holistic approach to e-authentication. This approach must conform to the Precautionary Approach to E-Authentication or PAEA. PAEA accepts the importance of legal rules in the ICT regulatory agenda. However, it argues that flexible regulations could provide a suitable framework within which ICTs and the ICT risks are controlled. In addition, PAEA submit that a state should not be the single role-player in ICT regulations. Social norms, the market and nature or architecture of the technology to be regulated are also fundamental to the ICT regulatory agenda. / Jurisprudence / LL. D.
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Criação e uso de material instrucional digital multimídia para o ensino de conceitos de astronomia para o ensino médioFerreira, Rafael da Costa 24 January 2018 (has links)
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Texto com vídeos e animacoes - O nascimento do sistema solar - Versão Aluno.epub: 36975766 bytes, checksum: 2ab2ac6d60e2f7a2a3060773da37e4ed (MD5)
Texto com vídeos e animacoes - O nascimento do sistema solar - Versão Professor.epub: 37282915 bytes, checksum: 8f2f8f9ff9664640b09505430e2de6e1 (MD5)
Texto Estático - O nascimento do sistema solar.epub: 591589 bytes, checksum: 7ee6e9828b1ba5ed29a28d20bde48474 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O principal objetivo dessa Dissertação é avaliar o efeito, na aprendizagem, de textos com recursos de vídeos integrados, uma aplicação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) na sala de aula. Pesquisar os efeitos de tais formatos de texto justifica-se pelo fato de as mídias digitais estarem presentes no cotidiano dos jovens, que são o público alvo do estudo. Pesquisar formas alternativas de mídias educacionais pode representar avanços no processo de ensino e aprendizagem ao tornar mais evidentes quais as melhores formas de utilização desses. Para tanto foi produzido um texto sobre a formação do sistema solar e a energia de fusão nuclear do Sol, em formato EPUB3, o que possibilita qualquer pessoa o acessar nas principais plataformas digitais, com o auxílio de um leitor de ebooks. O mesmo material foi utilizado em dois momentos diferentes com os alunos: no primeiro, usamos um texto em formato tradicional, com imagens estáticas. No segundo momento, o mesmo texto escrito foi apresentado aos alunos, mas desta vez com vídeos substituindo algumas das imagens estáticas do primeiro, contendo animações referentes às imagens estáticas que substituíram. Antes e após a aplicação dos dois materiais, foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas referentes ao texto e aos vídeos. A análise dos questionários e opinião dos alunos participantes mostra uma melhora na aprendizagem e desempenho nos testes e sugere que vídeos em materiais digitais têm forte potencial para facilitar o aprendizado de conceitos físicos bastante abstratos e normalmente distantes do cotidiano dos alunos. / The main goal of this dissertation is to evaluate the effect of digital instructional materials with integrated text and videos, applying therefore an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in a High School environment. Probing the effects of such materials is justified in that digital media are ubiquitous in young learners’ lives, the target group of our study. Alternative educational media can lead to advances in the teaching and learning processes if the best strategies for their application is made evident. With that aim, we have produced a digital instructional material about the formation of the solar system and nuclear fusion energy in the Sun in EPUB3 format, which makes it readily accesible in the most important operating systems with the aid of an e-book reader. The same material was used in two different instances: in the first one, we used the text in its most traditional format, consisting only of written text and static images. In the second instance, we handed students the same written text, but with videos replacing some of the static images. The videos contained animations which intended to illustrate the same concepts covered in the static images they replaced. Before and after the application of the two materials, students answered a questionnaire about the written material and about the videos. The analysis of the answers to the questionnaire shows a significant improvement in the understanding of the concepts especially after the study of the materials with the videos, which suggests that videos in digital media can potentially enhance the learning of rather abstract physical concepts which are not usually present in the students’ everyday lives.
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