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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Teachers' perceptions of spreadsheet algebra programs as curriculum materials for high school mathematics in Namibia

Rodrigues Losada, Ricardo J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in the form of spreadsheet algebra programmes (SAPs) is important in the professional development of high school mathematics teachers. This is in line with The Namibian government‟s Vision 2030 in which ICT skills and competencies are regarded as core elements of living and participating in the 21st century. ICTs are also considered to be fundamental to the development of a dynamic knowledge-based economy (KBE) through the Education and Training Sector Improvement Program (ETSIP). ETSIP‟s aim is to embed ICT at all levels of the education system. It also aims to integrate the use of ICTs as tools in the delivery of curriculum and learning and in so doing, lead to a marked improvement in the quality of the learning and teaching process across all levels. Education has a key role in achieving Vision 2030. The aim of this research was to investigate mathematics teachers‟ perceptions of SAPs as curriculum materials in selected Namibian secondary (high) schools. This research adopted a qualitative methodology, which in this instance was a case study. The sample population consisted of five teachers from Okamu (pseudonym) secondary school in the Ohangwena Region of Namibia. Four of them had been teaching mathematics at different levels in the mentioned school for a period of four years, and one of them was teaching physical science. Three methods of data collection were used. The first two were semi-structured interviews and focus group interviews based on teachers‟ experiences using SAPs. The third method was an audio taped observation of a lesson taught by one of the teachers,. This research provides evidence about teachers‟ perceptions regarding time concerns and constraints with regards to the SAPs and the use of the SAPs. The teachers showed willingness and enthusiasm to use SAPs on linear and quadratic functions in their teaching. Some of the teachers became more aware of the epistemic dimensions associated with mathematical and algebraic symbols. Interview data reveal that the teachers had not considered these dimensions when teaching with the usual paper-and-pen format. The research also provides evidence of a teacher‟s early vision about the use of spreadsheets as an instrument to teach linear functions. This teacher did not consider any epistemic value for the instrumented spreadsheets techniques, or that they might contribute to a deeper understanding of the linear functions. His concern was focused more on getting the learners to acquire computer skills, such as learning how to use spreadsheets. It is recommended that in-service professional development about ICT integration into mathematics teaching be offered. This might help teachers to learn how their knowledge and skills could be used in the classroom more effectively in order to save time. It is also suggested that professional development programmes be designed to stimulate and promote teachers‟ willingness to develop an understanding of the characteristics of ICTs such as SAPs and their uses. Lastly, it is recommended that new SAPs be designed in order to deepen the understanding of algebra at the secondary level. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van inligting- en kommunikasietegnologieë (IKT's) in die vorm van sigblad-algebra-programme (SAP's) is belangrik vir die professionele ontwikkeling van hoërskoolwiskunde-onderwysers. Dit is in pas met die Namibiese regering se visie vir 2030, Vision 2030, waarin IKT-vaardighede en -bevoegdhede beskou word as kernelemente van die lewe in en deelname aan die 21ste eeu. IKT's word ook beskou as grondliggend aan die ontwikkeling van ‟n dinamiese kennisekonomie (KE) deur middel van die Verbeteringsprogram vir die Onderwys- en Opleidingsektore (ETSIP). ETSIP het as oogmerk om IKT op alle vlakke van die onderwysstelsel vas te lê. Dit het ook ten doel om die gebruik van IKT's as hulpmiddele te integreer in die lewering van kurrikulum en leer en sodoende ‟n duidelike verbetering in die gehalte van die onderrig-en-leerproses oor alle vlakke heen tot gevolg te hê. Onderwys het ‟n sleutelrol te speel by die bereiking van Vision 2030. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om wiskundeonderwysers se persepsies van SAP's as kurrikulummateriaal in geselekteerde Namibiese sekondêre (hoër-) skole te ondersoek. Hierdie navorsing het ‟n kwalitatiewe metode gevolg, in hierdie geval ‟n gevallestudie. Die proefgroep het bestaan uit vyf onderwysers van die sekondêre skool Okamu (skuilnaam) in die Ohangwena-streek van Namibië. Vier van hulle het reeds vier jaar lank wiskunde op verskillende vlakke in die betrokke skool gegee en een van hulle het fisiese wetenskap gegee. Drie metodes is ingespan om data in te samel. Die eerste twee was semigestruktureerde onderhoude en fokusgroeponderhoude gebaseer op onderwysers se ervaringe ten opsigte van die gebruik van SAP's. Die derde metode was ‟n klankopname van ‟n waarnemingsessie van ‟n les wat deur een van die onderwysers gegee is. Hierdie navorsing getuig van onderwysers se persepsies ten opsigte van tydskwessies en -beperkinge met betrekking tot die SAP's en die gebruik van die SAP's. Die onderwysers het ‟n gewilligheid en geesdrif geopenbaar om by lineêre en kwadratiese funksies SAP's in hul onderrig te gebruik. Party onderwysers het meer bewus geraak van die epistemiese dimensies in verband met wiskundige en algebraïese simbole. Onderhouddata onthul dat die onderwysers nie hierdie dimensies in ag geneem het toe hulle met die gewone papier-en-pen-formaat klasgegee het nie. Die navorsing bevestig ook ‟n onderwyser se aanvanklike insig oor die gebruik van sigblaaie as 'n instrument om lineêre funksies te onderrig. Hierdie onderwyser het nie die epistemiese waarde vir die geïnstrumenteerde sigbladtegnieke in ag geneem nie, of dat hulle sou kon bydra tot ‟n grondiger begrip van die lineêre funksies nie. Sy belangstelling was eerder daarop gefokus om die leerders sover te kry om rekenaarvaardighede, soos om sigblaaie te kan gebruik, te verwerf. Daar word aanbeveel dat indiens- professionele ontwikkeling oor IKT-integrasie in wiskundeonderrig aangebied word. Dit sal onderwysers moontlik help om te leer hoe hulle kennis en vaardighede meer doeltreffend in die klaskamer gebruik kan word om tyd te bespaar. Daar word ook voorgestel dat professionele ontwikkelingsprogramme ontwerp word, ter stimulering en bevordering van onderwysers se bereidwilligheid om ‟n begrip te ontwikkel van die kenmerke en gebruike van IKT's soos SAP's. Laastens word daar aanbeveel dat nuwe SAP's ontwerp word om die verstaan van algebra op sekondêre vlak te verdiep.

A study of factors shaping learners' perceptions of ICT-based teaching and learning by applying personality and technology adoption theories on indigenous knowledge students

Ngcobo, Khumbuzile Mornica January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Information and Communications Technology, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Existing literature indicates that the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKSs) in the school curriculum have the potential to increase academic performance. However, formal education is still unable to integrate ICTs into the teaching and learning of school subjects, especially, those that are related to IKSs. This research therefore aims to construct a model of the factors shaping learners’ perceptions on the usefulness of ICTs for the teaching and learning of IKSs. This aim is sub-divided into four research objectives: (a) to identify appropriate technology diffusion theories for the investigation of the factors shaping learners’ perceptions on the usefulness of ICTs for the teaching and learning of IKSs, (b) to construct a theoretical model of the factors shaping learners’ perceptions on the usefulness of ICTs for the teaching and learning of IKSs, (c) to perform an empirical confirmation of the above announced theoretical model of the factors shaping the perceptions of learners on the usefulness of ICTs for the teaching and learning of IKSs, and (d) to suggest new ideas for future research on learners’ perceptions on the usefulness of ICTs for the teaching and learning of IKSs. A review of existing literature on eLearning adoption by students and learners was conducted in order to achieve objectives a, b, and d. As for objective c, it was achieved through the survey of 115 Hospitality studies learners from the ILembe and UMgungundlovu municipality districts in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province of South Africa. The study’s findings can be summarized as follows: (a) The Technology Adoption Model (TAM) is the backbone of the model designed by this study on the factors affecting learners’ perceptions of the usefulness of ICTs for the teaching and learning of IKSs; (b) Learners’ perceived usefulness of ICTs is hypothetically affected by the following factors: demographics, computer self-efficacy, trust in ICTs, and level of conscientiousness, (c) All these factors were empirically confirmed through a survey conducted by the current study, except that the only validated demographics were : school location, cell phone access, class grade and preferred subject; (d) This research recommends further investigation on the factors affecting learners’ perceived usefulness of ICTs for the teaching and learning of IKSs, mainly because of the insufficient literature on this subject. / M

Do estado virtual ao estado penal: transformações no estado de bem estar social na era da informação / From Virtual State to the Penal State: transformations in the Welfare State in the Information Age

Santos, Marcelo Bidóia dos 20 November 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho visou analisar as transformações relativas ao setor de bem-estar social dos Estados nacionais, responsável pelos direitos sociais e econômicos, inseridos na Era da Informação. Para tanto, fez-se um apanhado histórico das razões político-filosóficas que deram causa à construção do Estado Social, desde seus primórdios até sua consolidação como fundamento da cidadania inerente à um Estado Democrático de Direito, momento em que se analisou o conteúdo desse modelo estatal para a formulação de um conceito que propiciasse melhor entendimento do objeto. Posteriormente, tendo Manuel Castells por marco teórico, os esforços se focaram em uma análise ampla das transformações política, econômica e culturais ocorridas a partir da Terceira Revolução Industrial com o advento das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, e que criaram a sociedade em rede. Nesse contexto, verificou-se que os Estados-Nação contemporâneos passam por uma crise, em que parte de sua soberania é abalada (sobretudo sua autonomia econômica) pelo poder dos fluxos das redes - é o processo de disfonia estatal - levando-os à condição de Estado Virtual, um estágio em que o Estado deverá optar por um caminho a ser seguido (atualização), o que implicará em grandes modificações para seu setor de bem-estar. Ao final, fez-se uma análise das consequências de uma atualização voltada para a desconstrução do Estado do Bem-Estar Social, a partir dos estudos de Loïc Wacquant sobre os Estados Unidos da América, local considerado, ao mesmo tempo, berço da revolução informacional e das políticas de retração do Estado Social, cujos deslindes terminaram na construção de um outro paradigma: o Estado Penal, caracterizado pela punição dos pobres, abandonados pelo recuo do Estado Social e abraçados pela malha punitiva, em que as novas tecnologias típicas da Era da Informação assumem um novo propósito - as funções de vigiar e punir. / This work aimed to analyze the transformations related to the welfare sector of national states, responsible for social and economic rights, inserted in the Information Age. In order to do so, it was made a historical survey of the political-philosophical reasons that gave rise to the construction of the Social State, from its beginnings until its consolidation as a foundation of citizenship inherent to the Democratic Rule of Law, at which point the content of this state model was analyzed for the formulation of a concept that provided a better understanding of the object. Later, with Manuel Castells as a theoretical framework, the efforts focused on a broad analysis of the political, economic and cultural transformations that occurred since the Third Industrial Revolution started with the advent of new information and communication technologies, and which created the networked society. In this context, it was found that the contemporary nation-states go through a crisis, in which part of their sovereignty is shaken (mainly their economic autonomy) by the power of the networks flows - it\'s the state dysphonia process - leading them to the condition of a Virtual State, a stage in which the State must choose a path to be followed (update), which will result in major changes to its welfare sector. At the end, it was analyzed the consequences of an update turned to the dismantlement of the welfare state, up from the studies from Loïc Wacquant about the United States of America, a place considered at the same time as the cradle of the informational revolution and of the retraction policies of the Welfare State, whose delineations ended in the construction of another paradigm: the Penal State, characterized by the punishment of the poor, abandoned by the retreat of the Welfare State and embraced by the punitive network, in which the typical technologies of the information age take on a new purpose - the functions of discipline and punish.

Mapas conceituais: um caminho para a aprendizagem significativa

Costa, Sandra Aparecida da 26 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:32:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandra Aparecida da Costa.pdf: 2060189 bytes, checksum: a1bce2d71b51ae3a14014c22ba96e2e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-26 / The aim of this work is to point out the contributions of conceptual maps and the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as strategies in the construction of a significant learning. The intention is to head for the writing development of our students so that we can get contributions to the use of the Information and Communication Technologies in the school environment. As a theoretical fundamentation in the search for the comprehension of the subject, some writers as Jonassen, Moreira, Ontoria and Okada, give us subsidies so much that we can understand the concepts of conceptual maps, technology and significant learning. The research teacher and the fifth-grade students in tutorial situation of a public and elementary school participated in the research. We use the qualitative methodology in our work. At the end of this research, we have made it clear that to develop the concept of mapping, it is necessary to select, link, integrate, reorganize and open concepts so that the construction of the knowledge goes through the interaction, organization and share. The concept of construction is intrinsically linked to the concept of sharing. From this confirmation derives the proposal of the ampliation of this knowledge net to all the school scope from the ICTs that were important elements in the construction of the practice and researches route / O objetivo desta pesquisa é destacar as contribuições dos mapas conceituais e das Tecnologias da Comunicação e Informação (TIC) como estratégias na construção de uma aprendizagem significativa. A intenção é procurar encaminhamentos para o desenvolvimento da escrita de nossos alunos numa visão de rede de modo a buscar contribuições para o uso das Tecnologias de Comunicação e Informação no ambiente escolar. Como fundamentação teórica na busca da compreensão do tema alguns autores, como Jonassen, Moreira, Ontoria e Okada, forneceram subsídios de modo a compreender os conceitos de mapas conceituais, tecnologia e aprendizagem significativa. Participaram da pesquisa a professora pesquisadora e alunos do 5º ano do ensino fundamental em situação de recuperação, em uma escola pública de ensino fundamental. Empregamos a metodologia qualitativa nesse trabalho. No final desta pesquisa ficou claro que, para desenvolver o conceito de mapeamento, é necessário selecionar, relacionar, conectar, integrar, reorganizar e abrir conceitos, ou seja, que a construção do conhecimento passa pela interatividade, organização e partilha. O conceito de construir está intrinsecamente ligado ao conceito de partilhar. A partir dessa constatação nasce a proposta de ampliação dessa rede de conhecimento por todo âmbito escolar por meio das TIC que foram elementos importantes na construção do percurso de práticas e pesquisas

Prática discursiva, prática pedagógica e estrutura de conhecimento em comunicação síncrona online / Discursive practice, pedagogic practice and knowledge structure in online synchronous communication

Victoriano, Erisana Célia Sanches 26 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Erisana Celia Sanches Victoriano.pdf: 3011444 bytes, checksum: 0077e3316d46d2f7b287c64a52b1f91d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The new ICTs have been used in face-to-face and distance courses to support and enrich teaching-learning processes. However, their use demands planning and adequacy so that it corresponds to educational goals. For this reason, many studies have been developed. They usually focus on the use of the tools, or on the roles teachers and students play during the interactions (Gervai, 2007; Costa, 2005; Leal, 2005). However, these investigations do not seem to consider language as central in teaching-learning processes; they do not discuss the importance of pedagogic practice and the knowledge structure that are involved in the interactions. In order to contribute to the filling of these gaps, this research was suggested. Therefore, the general objective of this study is to contribute to the improvement on the use of ICTs, more specifically to the use of synchronous communication tools in educational contexts, by considering language as central in teaching-learning processes. In order to reach this goal, seven synchronous sessions (chats) were collected from a distance course that was offered for teachers of English. In addition, the data were analysed under two theoretical frameworks: the systemic-functional theory and the Bernstenian social theory. The analysis developed during this research favoured detailed comprehension about some kinds of interactions that can take place in online synchronous communication in educational contexts, as it highlighted differences in the pedagogic and discursive practices, and in the knowledge structure during the sessions. The analysis developed with the support of the systemic-functional approach for the description of conversations, exchange structure (Martin, 1992), allowed a detailed study of some discursive practices that can take place during this kind of communication. This analysis, combined with the concepts of regulative and instructional discourse suggested in the Bernsteinian theory (Bernstein, 1990), allowed reflections about pedagogic practices that had been involved in the online synchronous sessions. Finally, the concept of entity (Martin and Rose, 2003) and the concepts of horizontal and vertical discourse (Bernstein, 1990) contributed to the comprehension about the nature of knowledge which had been involved in the interactions. This research indicates that the combination of the systemic-functional theory and the Bernsteinian theory can be powerful for the comprehension of language, pedagogic practices and different nature of knowledge that were brought to the interactions; and, it presents results which can contribute to an adequate use of chats in educational contexts , and to the quality of distance education / As tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) vêm sendo usadas em cursos presenciais e a distância com o objetivo apoiar e enriquecer o ensino-aprendizagem. Porém, seu uso exige planejamento e adequação para que corresponda aos objetivos educacionais. Por esse motivo, muitos estudos vêm sendo conduzidos. Esses estudos geralmente focam o uso das próprias ferramentas, ou o papel de professores e alunos durante as interações (Gervai, 2007; Costa, 2005; Leal, 2005). No entanto, essas investigações não consideram a centralidade da linguagem no ensino-aprendizagem, e não discutem a importância da prática pedagógica e das naturezas do conhecimento envolvidas nas interações. Para contribuir com o preenchimento dessas lacunas, esta pesquisa foi proposta. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é contribuir para o aprimoramento do uso das TICs, mais especificamente com o uso de ferramentas de comunicação síncrona, em contexto educacional considerando a centralidade lingüística em contextos de ensino-aprendizagem. Para tal, sete sessões síncronas online (bate-papos) foram coletadas de um curso a distância, oferecido para professores de inglês. Além disso, os dados foram analisados sob duas perspectivas teóricas: a teoria sistêmico-funcional e a teoria social Bernsteiniana. Ao apontar diferenças nas práticas discursivas e pedagógicas, e na estrutura do conhecimento durante as sessões, a análise conduzida durante essa pesquisa ajudou a compreender mais detalhadamente o tipo de interação que pode acontecer em comunicações síncronas online em contexto educacional. A análise conduzida com ajuda do conceito sistêmico-funcional de estrutura da troca (Martin, 1992) possibilitou um estudo detalhado de algumas práticas discursivas que podem acontecer neste tipo de comunicação online. Essa análise, combinada com os conceitos de discurso regulador e instrucional propostos na teoria bernsteiniana (Bernstein, 1990) permitiu reflexões sobre as práticas pedagógicas que estiveram envolvidas nas sessões síncronas online. Por fim, o conceito de entidade (Martin e Rose, 2003) e os conceitos de discurso horizontal e discurso vertical (Bernstein, 1990), colaboraram para o entendimento sobre a natureza dos conhecimentos envolvidos nas interações. Esta pesquisa indica que a combinação da teoria sistêmico-funcional com a teoria Bernsteiniana mostra-se ferramenta poderosa para a compreensão da linguagem, da prática pedagógica e das diferentes naturezas de conhecimentos trazidos para contextos educacionais; e, apresenta resultados que podem contribuir com usos adequados de ferramentas síncronas digitais em contexto educacional e, assim, com a melhoria da qualidade da educação a distância.

Interactive multimedia problem-based learning for enhancing pre-service teachers' self-efficacy beliefs about teaching with computers: design, development and evaluation

Albion, Peter January 2000 (has links)
[Abstract]: Research has suggested that, despite support through policy and resource provision,information and communications technologies (ICTs) have made little impact on the practiceof education and that limited teacher preparation for the use of ICTs represents a partialexplanation. The purpose of this study was to investigate what form of professionaleducation might be effective in preparing pre-service teachers to integrate ICTs into theirteaching. Self-efficacy beliefs about teaching with computers were identified as a potentiallysignificant source of influence on teachers' use of ICTs for teaching. It was proposed thatinteractive multimedia using a problem-based learning design (IMM-PBL) should be aneffective tool for increasing self-efficacy. Principles for the design of IMM-PBL were derivedfrom the relevant literature.An IMM-PBL package was designed and developed for delivery in a web browser formatusing content relevant to the integration of ICTs into teaching. Interviews with and sampleresponses prepared by computer-using teachers provided the basis for ensuring therelevance of content.The completed materials were evaluated in use with a group of 24 final year pre-serviceteachers in a Queensland university. Participants in the trials reported that the materialswere engaging and assisted their learning about integrating computers in their teaching. Astatistically significant increase in self-efficacy for teaching with computers was found forusers who had initially low self-efficacy for teaching with computers.The principles proposed for IMM-PBL design were found to offer a practical basis for thedevelopment of effective learning materials. With further development, IMM-PBL promisesto be a powerful and flexible approach to supporting learning for teachers and otherprofessionals.

Going Up the Down Escalator: An ethnographic case study of the uptake and utilisation of information and communication technologies by three Women in Film and Television (WIFT) organisations at the State, National and International level, 1995-2000

Carriere, Glenda Mary January 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines the implementation of the new digital information and communications technologies (ICTs) by the Women in Film and Television (WIFT) Non-government organisation (NGO) at the state, national and international levels through an ethnographic, participant observation case study, informed by the precepts of feminist research. A quantitative survey of Australian peak women's NGOs participating in the electronic mailing list - Pamela's List is also conducted mapping the context in which WIFT operates and providing an overview of Australian women's peak NGOs' uptake and use of ICTs. The findings are situated in relation to a review of the international surveys available on women's NGOs and the surveys and research reports available on the overall NGO sector, nationally and internationally. The study addresses two neglected areas in the ICT literature. For over a decade Feminist theorists have pointed to the omission of gender as a focus in studies on the new information and communications technologies. There has also been little research and few surveys into the uptake of ICTs by either women's NGOs or the broader NGO sector, nationally or internationally. The detailed, longitudinal case study of the implementation process from pre-establishment through to advanced use of digital communications by a women's NGO at state, national and international level is also unique. Combined with the survey, it affords the opportunity to not only document which ICTs are being adopted but also why particular technologies are being used over others and how they are being used. Despite key successes, the results show less than optimum uptake, a lack of advanced or strategic use, and the myriad of challenges shared by all three WIFT organisations, Australian women's peak NGOs, and the national and international NGO sector in utilising ICTs. The reasons for this are analysed revealing the conflicting values between the NGO sector and those underlying the development of ICTs and demonstrates that difficulties systemic to both the technology and the NGO sector are limiting access and utilisation by women's NGOs. While the myths of women as technophobic are seriously challenged by the findings, the study highlights the importance of gender factors in limiting access and uptake and shaping the use of ICTs. Australian women's NGOs' uptake is shown to be less than their mixed gender counterparts and the study also reveals a lack of acknowledgement by government of gender as a key factor in the uptake of ICTs. It is also shown that significant funding, infrastructure support and policy initiatives recognising the special technological and communication challenges of women's NGOs and the overall NGO sector are needed, if both are to fully and strategically embrace these technologies and function effectively in the new millennium. The significant contribution to knowledge of this thesis lies foremost in furthering the understanding of gender as a key factor in the uptake and utilisation of the new ICTs while at the same time challenging the patriarchal myth of women as technophobic. It thus contributes to the reconstruction of the epistemologies surrounding women's relationship to technology. The study also contributes to furthering the current very limited knowledge and understanding of women's NGOs and the overall NGO sector's uptake and use of information and communications technology. The knowledge and the critical insight provided is not purely historical but rather as the push to take up broadband begins, has relevance to this and future technological innovations. Without an understanding of the process, requirements and challenges faced by women's NGOs and the NGO sector in general, the existing problems will continue to be replicated. The material presented in this study will be useful to all women's organisations and NGOs contemplating establishing digital communications or wishing to review their current use of these technologies. It will also be of value to government and policy makers seeking to establish policies and initiatives that will enable NGOs to take up the new information and communication technologies.

Les enjeux de l'utilisation des TIC dans les institutions de formation des enseignants au Costa Rica

Caneva, Christiane 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Economía digital, sitios web y PYMES del sector artesanía en el Perú / Digital economy, Websites and SMEs of the handicraft industry in Peru

Duarte Cueva, Franklin 10 April 2018 (has links)
The companies are operating in complex, dynamic and uncertain environments that it difficult to compete. The e-economy each time has a major presence in business world, then, the small entrepreneurs must design strategies based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), particularly the use of Internet, to improve company performance. Thus, the efficient implementation of websites is a mechanism that should exploit exporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or with export potential, of the handicrafts industry, to communicate desired company image and optimize customer service, this it has implications who require to be analyzed to make an effective use of the ICTs. / Las empresas actualmente se desenvuelven en entornos complejos, dinámicos e inciertos que hacen difícil competir. Ya que la economía digital cada vez tiene mayor presencia en el mundo de los negocios, entonces, los pequeños empresarios deben diseñar estrategias basadas en las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), particularmente el uso de Internet, para mejorar el desempeño de la empresa. Así, la implementación de sitios web eficientes es un mecanismo que deben explotar las PYMES exportadoras o con potencial exportador del sector artesanías para comunicar la imagen deseada de la empresa y optimizar así la atención al cliente; esto tiene implicancias que requieren ser analizadas para hacer un uso eficaz de las TIC.

O outro lado do rio: um estudo sobre a Agência Barco e seu papel na inclusão financeira mediada pela tecnologia nas comunidades ribeirinhas da Amazônia

Araujo, Ana Lucia Almeida 14 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Araujo (analu.aaraujo@gmail.com) on 2018-03-05T17:10:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_AnaAraujo_FINAL_aprovada.pdf: 12772557 bytes, checksum: 852bd655a15763a874fe50bd04b15a67 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2018-03-09T14:52:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_AnaAraujo_FINAL_aprovada.pdf: 12772557 bytes, checksum: 852bd655a15763a874fe50bd04b15a67 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-12T19:38:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_AnaAraujo_FINAL_aprovada.pdf: 12772557 bytes, checksum: 852bd655a15763a874fe50bd04b15a67 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-14 / Objetivo – Esse estudo busca investigar o papel da Agência Barco Chico Mendes na inclusão financeira mediada pela tecnologia nas comunidades ribeirinhas da Amazônia. Metodologia – Foi realizado um estudo de caso por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os atores locais. Para orientar o mapeamento e análise dos resultados foi utilizado um modelo teórico de inclusão financeira mediada por TICs (modelo 2iDf), a partir da investigação dos componentes presentes em iniciativas dessa natureza. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se análise léxica e análise de conteúdo. Resultados – Os resultados demonstraram que a Agência Barco exerce um papel positivo no acesso a produtos e serviços financeiros pela população ribeirinha. A pesquisa indicou, ainda, oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de parcerias com instituições locais e órgãos do governo, visando suprir as restrições locais e fortalecer a sustentabilidade política e econômica do projeto. O estímulo ao uso consciente e responsável do sistema financeiro é fragilizado, entretanto, devido ao baixo engajamento com stakeholders locais - como os empreendedores da região -, que atuam como influenciadores e promotores das mudanças de atitude e comportamento, da população ribeirinha, acerca das práticas financeiras informais locais. Finalmente, o estudo identificou a necessidade de aceleração do desenvolvimento das capacidades financeiras, ampliando o escopo do componente Educação Financeira, com o objetivo de contemplar o desenvolvimento de conscientização e crítica que resultem em mudança individual de atitudes e comportamentos relacionados ao uso de produtos e serviços financeiros. Contribuições práticas – A partir dos resultados, essa pesquisa indicou a oportunidade, para a CAIXA, de desenvolvimento de parcerias, tanto com órgãos públicos como com instituições de poder locais nas regiões de atuação da Agência Barco. A pesquisa indicou, ainda, a importância do engajamento de iniciativas de inclusão financeira nas comunidades ribeirinhas da Amazônia com empreendedores locais. Finalmente, a demanda por treinamento e capacitação financeira, pelos entrevistados, indicou a oportunidade de desenvolvimento de programas com esse fim, como componente de destaque em programas de inclusão financeira mediada por TICs em comunidades de baixa renda. Originalidade – O presente estudo resultou na proposta de continuidade e evolução do modelo 2iDf (SANTOS; JOIA, 2016) de inclusão financeira mediada por TICs em regiões de baixa renda, a partir da expansão do componente “Educação Financeira” para “Capacidade Financeira”, além da inclusão, no modelo 2iDf, do novo componente “Engajamento com Stakeholders Locais” / Purpose – This research aims to investigate the role of Agência Barco Chico Mendes in the ICT-mediated financial inclusion of the riverine communities of the Amazon. Design/ Methodology – A case study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with clients of the Agência Barco Chico Mendes, banking correspondents, CAIXA employees and local stakeholders. To guide the results mapping and analysis, a theoretical model of financial inclusion mediated by ICT (2iDf model) was used, based on the investigation of the components present in initiatives of this nature. Data was analyzed using lexical analysis and content analyses procedures. Findings – The outcome indicates that the Agência Barco has a positive role in the access to financial products and services by the riverine population. The research also indicated an opportunity for development of partnerships with local institutions and public agencies to overcome local constraints and strengthen the political and economic sustainability of the project. The promotion of a conscious and responsible use of the financial system is weakened, however, by the low engagement of the initiative with local stakeholders, such as local entrepreneurs. These agents act as influencers and promoters of attitude and behavioral changes by the riverine population, on the practices related to the use of the financial system. Finally, the study identified the need to accelerate the development of financial capabilities, expanding the scope of the Financial Education component, to develop more awareness and criticism needed to an individual change of attitudes and behaviors related to the use of financial products and services. Practical implications – Based on the results, this research indicated the opportunity for CAIXA to develop partnerships, both with public agencies and local power institutions in the regions served by Agência Barco. The research also indicated the importance of the engagement, of financial inclusion initiatives, in the riverine communities with local entrepreneurs. Finally, the demand for training and financial capabities by the interviewees indicated the opportunity to develop programs for this purpose, as a prominent component in financial inclusion programs mediated by ICTs in low-income communities. Originality/ Value - The present study resulted in the proposal of continuity and evolution of the 2iDf (SANTOS; JOIA, 2016) model of ICT-mediated financial inclusion in low income regions, from the expansion of the "Financial Education" component to "Financial Capabilities", and the addition, in the 2iDf model, of the new component "Engagement with Local Stakeholders"

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