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Caracterização do uso e ocupação do solo e qualidade da água com utilização das técnicas de geoprocessamento. / Characterization of soil and water quality use and occupation based on geoprocessing technologies applicationsWrublack, Suzana Costa 01 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-01 / the interest of many researchers who have studied the characteristics and environmental realities of agriculture in order to improve its sustainable development. Thus, this trial aimed at characterizing the use and occupation of soil and water quality according to the GIS techniques. Physical parameters as turbidity, temperature were analyzed as well as chemical ones: pH, electrical conductivity, bicarbonate, chloride, phosphate and nitrate and biological parameters as thermotolerant coliform in two annual distinct raining periods (1 and 2). Based on field surveys, by georeferencing of sampling points, farms perimeters and survey data concerning soil use and occupation, some information was recorded on water quality for irrigation and the area management, especially the permanent preservation areas. Google Earth program provided the images used to map soil use and occupation. The determination of influence areas was obtained according to Thiessen polygons technique. The data obtained from the mapping of soil use as well as water quality for irrigation in periods 1 and 2 were statistically analyzed by techniques of Principal Component Analysis, Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis to record the relation of soil use and occupation on water quality. The interpretation of satellite imagery from Google Earth with ArcGIS 9.3 software allowed a map drawing regarding soil use and occupation in four categories: areas with temporary crops, permanent crops, urban areas and forests. Thiessen polygons technique allowed the recognition of influence areas on each point of irrigation water catchment and identification of soil use categories in representing polygons of the points where there were restrictions to use irrigation water according to phosphate and thermotolerant coliform parameters. The Principal Component Analysis of chemical, physical and biological parameters data of water explained 53.27% variation of water quality among the sampled properties. Among the analyzed parameters, it was observed that nitrate, thermotolerant coliform, temperature, electrical conductivity and bicarbonate were the ones that best explained the spatial variation of water quality, with the highest correlations with the major axis. The relation among soil use and occupation and water quality parameters by canonical correspondence analysis identified two significant axes of variation in order to explain variation in water quality. In the first axis, the highest values of electrical conductivity, nitrate, bicarbonate and phosphate were identified in period 2 and period 1 as well as variables as temperature and thermotolerant coliform. The second axis was positively related to the permanent preservation areas and reforestation, with some positive influence on turbidity and electrical conductivity. The restriction on irrigation water use based on parameters as phosphate and thermotolerant coliform was associated to the development of agricultural activities. / A necessidade de conservação dos recursos hídricos, aliada à demanda crescente por alimentos, tem despertado o interesse de muitos pesquisadores que contribuem com a agricultura, devido ao conhecimento das características e realidades ambientais, em busca do desenvolvimento sustentável. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho consiste na caracterização do uso e ocupação do solo e da qualidade da água com a utilização de técnicas ligadas ao Geoprocessamento. Foram analisados parâmetros físicos como turbidez e temperatura; os químicos: pH, condutividade elétrica, bicarbonato, cloro, fosfato e nitrato e o parâmetro biológico referiu-se aos coliformes termotolerantes, em dois períodos anuais distintos de precipitação (1 e 2). Com base nos levantamentos de campo, por meio do georreferenciamento dos pontos de amostragem e dos perímetros das propriedades rurais e levantamentos dos dados de uso e ocupação do solo, obtiveram-se informações sobre a qualidade da água utilizada para irrigação e o atual uso do solo, com destaque para as áreas de preservação permanente. Foram utilizadas imagens disponibilizadas no site Google Earth para o mapeamento do uso e ocupação do solo. A determinação das áreas de influência foi obtida a partir da aplicação da técnica de polígonos de Thiessen. Os dados resultantes do mapeamento do uso e ocupação do solo e a qualidade da água de irrigação nos dois períodos de precipitação foram submetidos às análises estatísticas pelas técnicas de Análise de Componentes Principais, Análise de Correspondência Destendenciada e Análise de Correspondência Canônica para verificar a relação do uso e ocupação do solo sobre a qualidade da água. A interpretação da imagem do Google Earth com o software ArcGIS 9.3 possibilitou a elaboração do mapa de uso e ocupação do solo em quatro classes: áreas com culturas temporárias; culturas permanentes; área urbana e mata. A técnica dos polígonos de Thiessen permitiu o reconhecimento das áreas de influência sobre cada ponto de captação da água de irrigação e a identificação das classes de uso do solo nos polígonos representativos dos pontos em que houve restrição ao uso da água de irrigação nos parâmetros fosfato e coliformes termotolerantes. A técnica de Análise dos Componentes Principais dos dados químicos, físicos e biológicos da água explicou 53,27% da variação na qualidade da água entre as propriedades amostradas. Dentre os parâmetros analisados, verificou-se que o Nitrato, os Coliformes Termotolerantes, a temperatura, a condutividade elétrica e o bicarbonato foram os parâmetros que melhor explicaram a variação espacial da qualidade da água e apresentaram as maiores correlações com o eixo principal. A relação do uso e ocupação do solo e dos parâmetros de qualidade da água pela Análise de Correspondência Canônica permitiu identificar dois eixos de variação significativos para explicar a variação na qualidade da água. No primeiro eixo, foram identificados os maiores valores de condutividade elétrica, nitrato, bicarbonato e fosfato no período 2 e no período 1, bem como as variáveis temperatura e coliformes termotolerantes. O segundo eixo esteve positivamente relacionado com as áreas de preservação permanente e de reflorestamento, com influência positiva sobre a turbidez e a condutividade elétrica. A restrição ao uso da água de irrigação nos parâmetros fosfato e coliformes termotolerantes esteve relacionada ao desenvolvimento das atividades agropecuárias.
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Användbarhet hos journalsystem : En fallstudie om upplevd användbarhet hos Cosmic på Akademiska SjukhusetNordlander, Henrik, Mjöberg, Olof January 2019 (has links)
Det har i Sverige gjorts stora åtaganden om att vara världsledande inom digitalisering av vården. Ett av de verktyg som möjliggör för vårdpersonalen att uppnå dessa åtaganden är de digitala journalsystem som idag används. I detta arbete genomför vi en fallstudie i syfte att undersöka hur användarna av det största digitala journalsystemet Cambio Cosmic upplever användbarheten hos systemet samt vilka förändringar och åtgärder som kan öka användbarheten. Datan i studien har insamlats med hjälp av fem intervjuer, tre läkare och två sjuksköterskor vid Akademiska sjukhuset som sedan analyserats utifrån modellen Quality in Use Integrated Measurement(QUIM) om användbarhet. En modell som används för att mäta användbarhet hos ett informationssystem. Resultatet av studien tyder på att Cosmic är användbart, men användbarheten är bristande vad gäller tillgänglighet av information och möjligheter att överblicka relevanta patientdata är undermålig. Studien visar att datorvana inte nödvändigtvis är synonymt med enkelhet att lära sig använda Cosmic, men att datorvana möjliggör en mer intuitiv navigering. Datorvana räcker däremot inte för att användaren ska bemästra Cosmic. Vi identifierar därför behovet av en introduktionsutbildning och regelbunden fortbildning inom systemet. Sett till hur användare söker kunskap om, och lösningar på, problem som kan uppstå i arbetet, försöker de ofta skapa egna lösningar än de Cosmic förser dem med. Vi identifierar i studien att en större delaktighet av användarna i vidareutvecklingen av systemet krävs för att nå bättre användbarhet. Vidare finner vi även att det bör implementeras utbredd funktionalitet och rutiner för återkoppling mellan användarna och ansvariga av systemet. Delaktigheten och återkopplingen ses som nära sammankopplade i resultatet. Återkoppling kan vara en del av, eller i helhet utgöra den delaktighet användarna efterfrågar och studien visar vara nödvändig. Det är dessa faktorer som studien sammanfattningsvis visar vara avgörande för att genom digitala journalsystem göra vården mer effektiv.
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Estudo descritivo da pandemia da Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 no Brasil, 2009-2010 / Descriptive study of pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Brazil, 2009-2010Rossetto, Erika Valeska 15 September 2014 (has links)
A influenza ou gripe é uma doença aguda do sistema respiratório, de alta transmisssibilidade e presente em todo o mundo. Os vírus influenza A tem freqüente capacidade de mutação antigênica, podendo assim causar epidemias sazonais e pandemias com repercussão social e econômica. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a pandemia de influenza pelo vírus A(H1N1)pdm09 no Brasil. Foi desenvolvido um estudo descritivo, nos anos de 2009 e 2010. Utilizou-se como fonte de dados os casos notificados no SINAN, módulo influenza pandêmica e da declaração de óbito do SIM. Foram calculadas medidas de frequência, medida de tendência central e medidas de dispersão. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da FM-USP. Foram notificados no SINAN 105.054 casos suspeitos de influenza A(H1N1)pdm09. Destes, 53.797 (51,20%) foram encerrados como influenza por novo subtipo viral. Entre os casos confirmados, 56,73% eram do sexo feminino. A média de idade dos confirmados foi de 26,31 (dp ± 18,10) anos. O período mais freqüente de início de sintomas compreende as SE 31 a 34 de 2009. A febre foi o sinal mais freqüente entre os confirmados (99,74%) e a presença de comorbidades foi notificada em 32,53% dos casos. Em 2009, foram confirmados casos nos 26 Estados e no Distrito Federal. A incidência de SRAG por influenza na população no ano de 2009 foi de 28,03/100.000 habitantes e em 2010, 0,51/100.000 habitantes. Os estados do PR (301,34), SC (36,00), RS (27,42), RJ (20,12) e SP (19,72) apresentaram as maiores incidências por 100.000 habitantes. Foram hospitalizados 46,42% dos casos confirmados. Evoluíram para cura 47.643 (93,77%) casos. A taxa de letalidade foi de 4,04%. Entre todas as causas de óbitos nos anos de 2009 e 2010, as de doenças do aparelho respiratório correspondem a aproximadamente 10% em cada ano. Após o relacionamento entre os registros, foram identificados 173.063 óbitos que atendiam a definição de SRAG e 5.973 óbitos de casos notificados como influenza pandêmica. Desses, 36,33% foram classificados no SINAN como confirmados para influenza pandêmica. Entre esses confirmados, pelo SINAN, 73,36% evoluíram para óbito por influenza pandêmica e 21,01% foram encerrados como curados. A estimativa de subnotificação de casos no SINAN, partindo do pressuposto da subnotificação de óbitos, foi de 96,55%. Concluiu-se que a pandemia pelo vírus A(H1N1)pdm09 atingiu o Brasil entre abril/2009 e dezembro/2010. As crianças e os adultos jovens foram os mais acometidos. Embora o comportamento epidemiológico da pandemia de influenza no Brasil tenha apresentado predomínio de casos clinicamente leves e com baixa letalidade, os casos de influenza que apresentem os fatores de risco conhecidos para complicações, devem ser acompanhados. As informações dos casos notificados representam apenas os casos captados pelo sistema de vigilância de doenças de notificação compulsória, sendo necessário considerar diferentes fontes de informação para monitoramento epidemiológico e formulação de ações de vigilância e controle. / Influenza or flu is an acute disease of the respiratory system, highly transmissible, and distributed worldwide. Influenza A viruses undergo frequent antigenic shift and may thus cause seasonal epidemics and pandemics with social and economic repercussions. The aim of this study was to describe the pandemic caused by influenza virus A(H1N1)pdm09 in Brazil. A descriptive study was conducted in the years 2009 and 2010. SINAN, the Brazilian Information System for reportable diseases, and SIM, the Brazilian Mortality Information System were the sources of the data used in the study. We calculated measures of frequency, of central tendency and of dispersion. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the FM-USP. 105,054 suspected cases of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 were reported in SINAN. Of these, 53,797 (51.20%) were classified as the new influenza virus subtype. Among the confirmed cases, 56.73% were female. The mean age of confirmed cases was 26.31 (SD ± 18.10) years. The most frequent period of onset of symptoms comprised the weeks 31-34/2009. Fever was the most common sign among confirmed cases (99.74%) and the presence of comorbidities was reported in 32.53% of cases. In 2009 there were confirmed cases in all 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District. The incidence of SARS caused by influenza in the population in 2009 was 28.03/100,000 inhabitants and in 2010, 0.51/100,000 inhabitants. The states of PR (301.34), SC (36.00), RS (27.42), RJ (20.12) and SP (19.72) presented the highest incidence per 100,000 inhabitants. 46.42% of the confirmed cases were hospitalized, 47,643 were cured (93.77%). Among all causes of deaths in the years 2009 and 2010, the respiratory diseases accounted for approximately 10%. After the linkage between the databases, 173,063 deaths that met the definition of SARS cases and 5,973 deaths had been reported as pandemic influenza cases in SINAN. Of these, 36.33% were classified as confirmed cases for pandemic influenza. Among those confirmed by SINAN, 73.36% died due to pandemic influenza and 21.01% had been classified as cured. The estimate of underreporting in SINAN, assuming underreporting of deaths was 96.55%. We concluded that the pandemic virus A(H1N1) pdm09 hit Brazil between April 2009 and December 2010. Children and young adults were the most affected. Although the epidemiological pattern of pandemic influenza in Brazil has shown a prevalence of clinically mild and low lethality cases, cases of influenza presenting the known risk factors for complications, should be followed. The information of the reported cases represents only the cases detected by the surveillance of notifiable diseases system. It is necessary to consider different sources of information for epidemiological monitoring and formulation of strategies for surveillance and control.
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Sig arqueologia: aplicação em pesquisa arqueológica / GIS Archaeology: application in archaeological researchNazareno, Nilton Ricetti Xavier de 29 March 2005 (has links)
A Arqueologia investiga os diferentes processos de constituição, funcionamento e transformação ocorridos nos sistemas sócio-culturais de populações humanas, desde os períodos mais recuados até os dias atuais. A investigação arqueológica é feita por meio de procedimentos técnicos e metodológicos já consagrados, utilizando-se da prática interdisciplinar e do aproveitamento, cada vez mais crescente, de recursos tecnológicos de domínio científico. A introdução dos sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG) como uma ferramenta de análise no âmbito da arqueologia brasileira é algo recente. A literatura mostra que em outros países o uso de tecnologia é parte da rotina, envolvendo aspectos locais, regionais e de gerenciamento do patrimônio. Neste trabalho é proposto o uso do SIG como um instrumento de devolução do conhecimento arqueológico, de modo a funcionar como um fator de inclusão social. Para isso é feito um estudo sobre os conceitos envolvidos na tecnologia de SIG e uma análise da problemática na construção de SIGs preditivos em função da precariedade da cartografia nacional. A partir deste estudo é concebido um sistema SIG/Multimídia denominado SIG Arqueologia, onde os dados do Projeto de Salvamento Arqueológico da UHE Corumbá IV (PA-SALV-C/IV) são utilizados para comprovar a eficiência da proposta. / Archeology examines different proceedings of constitution, performance and changes occurred in policies of human populations, social and cultural, since old time till this day. Archaeological search is made through consecrated technical and methodological procedures, using interdisciplinary and profiting training, increased more and more in technological resources of scientific origin. The introduction of geographical information systems (GIS) as an utensil of analysis in the field of brazilian archaeology is recent. Literature shows that in other countries the use of this technology is part of routine, involving local aspects, regional and patrimony management. In this work is proposed the use of GIS as an instrument of devolution of archeological knowledge, so to operate as a factor of social inclusion. It is made a study for this about concepts involved in GIS technology and an analysis of problematic in predicted GIS in function of precariousness of national cartography. Following this study is conceived a GIS/Multimedia system named SIG Arqueologia, were data of archeological salvation project of the UHE CORUMBÁ IV (PA-SALV-C/IV) are utilized to show the efficiency of proposal.
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Využití ICT v potravinářském průmyslu / Use of ICT in the food industryBEDNÁŘ, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study is to analyse the usage of information and communication technologies in the food industry. Nowadays, information and communication technologies are an essential element on the path to business success. As these technologies evolve, the environment in which businesses operate changes and companies have to adapt to this dynamic progression. The first part of the thesis is the literature review, which offers the necessary theoretical basis. It focuses on the very essence of information and communication technologies, historical development, information systems and their components. The thesis does not omit the currently used tools of information and communication technologies or elements of the Industry 4.0. The empirical part is based on data obtained from the questionnaires and offers analysis of food industry enterprises in connection with the usage of information and communication technologies. A number of statistical tools were used to analyse the data, the findings were further compared with similar researches dealing with the same or similar issues. At the very end of the thesis, the findings were evaluated and the key points were set out to help companies on the way to effective usage of information and communication technologies and competitiveness.
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Du déploiement d’un système PLM vers une intégration des connaissances / From a deployment of a PLM system to the integration of knowledgeBissay, Aurélie 12 January 2010 (has links)
Les systèmes PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) permettent une traçabilité de l'information et facilitent la réduction du cycle de développement des produits. Ils ont vocation à fédérer l'ensemble des données techniques nécessaires à l'élaboration de nouveaux produits et contribuent aussi à l'amélioration des processus de l'entreprise.Nos travaux de thèse proposent une méthodologie globale de déploiement d'un système PLM qui intègre la dimension spécifique de la capitalisation des connaissances. A partir d'une formalisation des processus métier, des éléments de connaissance sont extraits et permettent d'enrichir le modèle de données. Ce modèle s'articule autour de deux axes: un axe "information" et un axe "connaissance". Chaque axe est composé de quatre étapes : identifier, modéliser, utiliser et évaluer. L'étape d'identification permet de définir le modèle de données du système et de repérer les activités nécessitant des connaissances métier particulières. La phase de modélisation consiste à paramétrer le système pour intégrer le modèle défini dans le PLM mais également formaliser les connaissances tacites extraites. l'utilisateur intervient ensuite dans le cadre de l'utilisation du système paramétré. Enfin, nous proposons d'évaluer le système d'un point de vue de la modélisation Produit, Process, Organisation mais également d'un point de vue des connaissances générées au sein du système.L'étude de cas d'un processus d'appel d'offre de l'entreprise Marmillon SAS, sous-traitant de rang 2 dans le secteur de la plasturgie et spécialiste des processus d'injection et d'extrusion pour des pièces du secteur automobile, a permis de valider notre démarche. / PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Systems allow traceability of information and facilitate the reduction of products development cycle. Besides the aspect related to information management, they aim at bringing together all technical data needed to develop new products and also they contribute to improve business processes. Our PhD work define a methodology of PLM system deployment that incorporates the knowledge capitalization dimension. Based on a business processes formalization, elements of knowledge are extracted and used to enrich the data model. This model revolves around two axes: an "information" axis and a "knowledge"axis. Each axis is devided into four steps: identify, model, use and evaluate. The identification stage is to define the data model of the system and activities requiring specific business knowledge. The modeling phase is to configure the system to integrate the defined model in the PLM system but also to formalize extracted tacit knowledge. Then comes the user through the use of the system. Finally, we propose to evaluate the system from product, process and organization modeling but also from generated knowledge within the system. The case study of a process of bidding for the Marmillon SAS company which is a subcontractor in the field of plastics, specialist of injection and extrusion processes for automotive parts allow to validate our approach.
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Data Support of Advanced Traveler Information System Considering Connected Vehicle TechnologyIqbal, Md Shahadat 04 October 2017 (has links)
Traveler information systems play a significant role in most travelers’ daily trips. These systems assist travelers in choosing the best routes to reach their destinations and possibly select suitable departure times and modes for their trips. Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies are now in the pilot program stage. Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications will be an important source of data for traffic agencies. If this data is processed properly, then agencies will be able to better determine traffic conditions, allowing them to take proper countermeasures to remedy transportation system problems under different conditions.
This research focuses on developing methods to assess the potential of utilizing CV data to support the traveler information system data collection process. The results from the assessment can be used to establish a timeline indicating when an agency can stop investing, at least partially, in traditional technologies, and instead rely on CV technologies for traveler information system support. This research utilizes real-world vehicle trajectory data collected under the Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) program and simulation modeling to emulate the use of connected vehicle data to support the traveler information system. NGSIM datasets collected from an arterial segment and a freeway segment are used in this research. Microscopic simulation modeling is also used to generate required trajectory data, allowing further analysis, which is not possible using NGSIM data.
The first step is to predict the market penetration of connected vehicles in future years. This estimated market penetration is then used for the evaluation of the effectiveness of CV-based data for travel time and volume estimation, which are two important inputs for the traveler information system. The travel times are estimated at different market penetrations of CV. The quality of the estimation is assessed by investigating the accuracy and reliability with different CV deployment scenarios. The quality of volume estimates is also assessed using the same data with different future scenarios of CV deployment and partial or no detector data. Such assessment supports the identification of a timeline indicating when CV data can be used to support the traveler information system.
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Traffic Sign Management: Data Integration and Analysis Methods for Mobile LiDAR and Digital Photolog Big DataKhalilikhah, Majid 01 May 2016 (has links)
This study links traffic sign visibility and legibility to quantify the effects of damage or deterioration on sign retroreflective performance. In addition, this study proposes GIS-based data integration strategies to obtain and extract climate, location, and emission data for in-service traffic signs. The proposed data integration strategy can also be used to assess all transportation infrastructures’ physical condition. Additionally, non-parametric machine learning methods are applied to analyze the combined GIS, Mobile LiDAR imaging, and digital photolog big data. The results are presented to identify the most important factors affecting sign visual condition, to predict traffic sign vandalism that obstructs critical messages to drivers, and to determine factors contributing to the temporary obstruction of the sign messages. The results of data analysis provide insight to inform transportation agencies in the development of sign management plans, to identify traffic signs with a higher likelihood of failure, and to schedule sign replacement.
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The importance of fisheries waste in the diet of Westland Petrels (Procellaria westlandica)Freeman, A. N. D. January 1997 (has links)
Westland petrels Procellaria westlandica breed only near Punakaiki on the West Coast
of New Zealand. About 80 km offshore from their breeding colony, New Zealand's largest commercial fishery (for hoki Macruronus novaezelandiae) operates from mid June to early September, coinciding with the Westland petrel's breeding season.
It has been assumed that Westland petrels feed extensively on fisheries waste and that
this habit has been at least partly responsible for the increase in the Westland petrel
population. Some seabird biologists have expressed concern that if a species comes to
depend on scavenging at fishing vessels, such a species could experience a food crisis if
fishing operations changed in a way that reduced the quantity of waste discharged. The aim of this research was to assess how dependent Westland petrels have become on fisheries waste for food.
Diet studies showed that during the hoki fishing season, waste accounts for more than half by weight of the solid food Westland petrels bring back to the colony to feed their chicks. After the hoki season, waste contributes only about a quarter of their diet as birds switch to more natural prey and scavenge a wider variety of fish species presumably from smaller, inshore fishing vessels.
Much of the fisheries waste eaten by Westland petrels was flesh which could not be identified using traditional techniques. The electrophoretic technique iso-electric focusing increased the number of fish samples that could be identified and consequently the diet was interpreted differently than it would have been had only traditional diet analysis been used.
The survey of Westland petrel distribution off the west coast of the South Island, found
that although hoki fishing vessels influence the distribution of Westland petrels, only a small proportion of the Westland petrel population appears to utilise this food resource at any one time.
Westland petrels were tracked at sea by VHF radio telemetry and then by satellite tracking. Satellite tracking showed that there is considerable variation in the amount of
time Westland petrels spend in the vicinity of fishing vessels. On average, satellite tracked birds spent one third of their time near vessels, but they foraged over much larger areas than that occupied by the West Coast South Island hoki fishing fleet.
Although fisheries waste is an important component of the Westland petrel diet, it appears that the situation is one of opportunistic use of a readily available resource, rather than one of dependence. Several features of the Westland petrel's breeding biology and foraging ecology suggest that Westland petrels could compensate for a reduction in waste from the hoki fishery by switching to other sources of waste and
increasing their consumption of natural prey.
Nevertheless, much remains unanswered concerning the role of fisheries waste in the Westland petrel's diet. In particular, quantifying the waste available to seabirds, and the
success of Westland petrels in acquiring that waste compared to other scavenging species, is needed in order to better predict the effect of a reduction in fisheries waste on Westland petrel population size.
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Small area market demand prediction in the automobile industryLu, Hongwei, Marketing, Australian School of Business, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The general aim of this research is to investigate approaches to: improve small area market demand (i.e. SAMD) prediction accuracy for the purchase of automobiles at the level of each Census Collection District (i.e. CCD); and enhance understanding of meso-level marketing phenomena (i.e. geographically aggregated phenomena) relating to SAMD. Given the importance of SAMD prediction, and the limitations posed by current methods, four research questions are addressed: What are the key challenges in meso-level SAMD prediction? What variables affect SAMD prediction? What techniques can be used to improve SAMD prediction? What is the value of integrating these techniques to improve SAMD prediction? To answer these questions, possible solutions from two broad areas are examined: spatial analysis and data mining. The research is divided into two main studies. In the first study, a seven-step modelling process is developed for SAMD prediction. Several sets of models are analysed to examine the modelling techniques effectiveness in improving the accuracy of SAMD prediction. The second study involves two cases to: 1) explore the integration of these techniques and their advantages in SAMD prediction; and 2) gain insights into spatial marketing issues. The case study of Peugeot in the Sydney metropolitan area shows that urbanisation and geo-marketing factors can have a more important role in SAMD prediction than socio-demographic factors. Furthermore, results show that modelling spatial effects is the most important aspect of this prediction exercise. The value of the integration of techniques is in compensating for the weaknesses of conventional techniques, and in providing complementary and supplementary information for meso-level marketing analyses. Substantively, significant spatial variation and continuous patterns are found with the influence of key studied variables. The substantive implications of these findings have a bearing on both academic and managerial understanding. Also, the innovative methods (e.g. the SAMD modelling process and the model cube based technique comparison) developed from this research make significant contributions to marketing research methodology.
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