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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Information System Implementation process from an Organizational Politics Perspectives

Chang, Ling-hsing 29 July 2002 (has links)
This paper explores the political behavior process in information system implementation process. The organizational politics is the critical success/failure factor in the IS implementation process. We expect to understand, in different organizational contexts, what kind of political behavior will occur? What will be the events and processes of these political behaviors? Who's idea? At what time? In what setting? What will be the interaction among these dimensions? How will these political behaviors affect IS outcome and organization? This study will explain political behavior in IS implementation process from different interpretations and perspectives. This study relies on qualitative data collected from two cases--manufacturer Theta and government enterprise Delta--in the forms of interviews, documented data, archival data, and observation over eight month. The data are interpreted through five internally coherent theoretical perspectives: personal perspective, strategic contingency theory, conflict theory, social exchange theory, and structuration theory. Contributions include the following. In practice, we group 35 kind of political behavior into four types: aggression, defense, strengthen, withdrawal. Besides the adverse effects, some kinds of political behavior can lead to the success of the project. The detailed descriptions we use to describe the political behavior process in IS implementation process can help in similar cases to show how to reduce or prevent any negative consequences. Academically, we conduct contextual and process theory analyses of these processes, and use five theoretical perspectives to interpret these phenomena.

A Security Solution on Availability for Next Generation Telecommunication Networks Management Information Systems

Wu, Ming-Yi 04 September 2009 (has links)
With the development of the internet protocol (IP) and digitization for the global telecommunication industry, the convergence rate of communications and broadcasting has been improved. According to these motives, the domestic telecommunication industry modify present commercial operation managements and combine with the communication networks, the fixed-mobile communication (FMC) networks, and the mobile communication networks into the all-internet protocol (all-IP) communication network structure based on the extended upgrade communication network system. The domestic telecommunication industry expect that the integrated heterogeneous network, including the speech data, the video data, and the communication services, which can provide the omnipresent customizable mobile communication network services and obtain the advance business opportunities in terms of the future development of digital convergence. Hence, the domestic telecommunication industry not only build the next generation network structure to satisfy their demands, but also develop the management information system (MIS) to monitor the operation of telecommunication networks for ensure the quality of communication services and achieve the development of next generation networks. A primary consideration is to assure the usability of MIS for the telecommunication industry and the customers based on the profit rates and the omnipresent mobile network services, respectively¡C However, the current status of the telecommunication industry that meet the many difficult challenges and problems to construct the next generation MIS. For examples, the all-IP-based open network structure will be used instead of the close network structure, the different generation telecommunication systems combine with the operation and maintenance information system, the information security incident, and so on. It is must to consider highly of these situations between the major links above. Otherwise, the service usability of MIS will be destroyed. In this thesis, we adopt the case study approach to analyze the MIS construction process of the domestic telecommunication operator. During the build process, the MIS construction of next generation telecommunication networks must to suffice for the flexibility, the safety, and the stabilization and need to make sure the critical mission on stable operation condition, the lower service interruption, the higher usability. The implementation of the next generation MIS, which will help support the crucial operation procedure of the conglomerate and cope with the fast variation of the market demands.

Real-time estimation of arterial performance measures using a data-driven microscopic traffic simulation technique

Henclewood, Dwayne Anthony 06 June 2012 (has links)
Traffic congestion is a one hundred billion dollar problem in the US. The cost of congestion has been trending upward over the last few decades, but has experienced slight decreases in recent years partly due to the impact of congestion reduction strategies. The impact of these strategies is however largely experienced on freeways and not arterials. This discrepancy in impact is partially linked to the lack of real-time, arterial traffic information. Toward this end, this research effort seeks to address the lack of arterial traffic information. To address this dearth of information, this effort developed a methodology to provide accurate estimates of arterial performance measures to transportation facility managers and travelers in real-time. This methodology employs transmitted point sensor data to drive an online, microscopic traffic simulation model. The feasibility of this methodology was examined through a series of experiments that were built upon the successes of the previous, while addressing the necessary limitations. The results from each experiment were encouraging. They successfully demonstrated the method's likely feasibility, and the accuracy with which field estimates of performance measures may be obtained. In addition, the method's results support the viability of a "real-world" implementation of the method. An advanced calibration process was also developed as a means of improving the method's accuracy. This process will in turn serve to inform future calibration efforts as the need for more robust and accurate traffic simulation models are needed. The success of this method provides a template for real-time traffic simulation modeling which is capable of adequately addressing the lack of available arterial traffic information. In providing such information, it is hoped that transportation facility managers and travelers will make more informed decisions regarding more efficient management and usage of the nation's transportation network.

Behovsbaserad framtagning av informationssystemet ReFlex : Verksamhetsanalys och systemutveckling / Requirement based development of the      information system ReFlex : Business study and system development

Bjerkstig, Jenny, Carlsson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Flextronics Design i Linköping tillverkar prototypskretskort till telekomindus-trin. Examensarbetet tog de fram eftersom de upplever att de har problem medolika områden inom den funktion där själva tillverkningen sker, SMA (SurfaceMount Assembly). De var inte säkra på exakt vilka problemen var men de vis-ste att de rör rutiner, kommunikation, samt materialtillförsel. Genom att i ettexamensarbete definiera och lyfta fram problemen samt ta fram åtgärdsförslag,hoppades företaget att vissa av problem skulle kunna uppmärksammas ochlösas och på det sättet skulle kvaliteten i processerna öka. Genom att förbättravissa områden hoppades de även kunna bli effektivare i sitt arbetssätt vilketi sin tur skulle kunna frigöra värdefull kapacitet, något som är mycket viktigtför Flextronics i Linköping, eftersom de har hög beläggning.Syftet med examensarbetet var att genom en kartläggning tydligt definieraproblemen och ta fram förbättringsområden. Fokus lades sedan på det om-råde som ansågs viktigast att ta tag i. Målet var att ta fram ett konkret åtgärds-förslag, som löser de mest angelägna problemen, och som kan implementeraspå företaget.Kartläggningen bygger främst på ett stort antal intervjuer som gjordes med oli-ka personer som är involverade i SMA och dess stödprocesser. Det visade sigatt det var inom områdena strategier, kommunikation och informationssprid-ning, ansvarsområden, materialrutiner samt personalfrågor som problemenfrämst finns. Inom dessa områden definierades ett stort antal problempunkter,som var och en kategoriserades efter vilket ursprungligt problem de härstam-mar ur, alltså vad som skulle behöva förbättras för att få respektive problem-punkt åtgärdad. Det resulterade i åtta olika förbättringsområden, nämligenåterrapportering, kommunikation, spårbarhet, spill, sårbarhet, plock check, SMA-fel och ansvarsfördelning.Det förbättringsområde som ansågs viktigast att ta tag i var återrapportering.För att kunna förbättra den, och lösa de problem som fanns knutna till detproblemområdet, låg fokus under andra halvan av examensarbetet på att tafram ett informationssystem. Först togs strategier för både utveckling och im-plementering fram och därefter utvecklades systemet med hjälp av program-varan Microsoft SharePoint. Resultatet av arbetet blev informationssystemetReFlex som kommer att implementeras och börja användas på företaget.Med hjälp av ReFlex finns nu möjligheten att effektivisera arbetet på en radpunkter. Tack vare en effektiv återanvändning av informationen kan de frånoch med nu på ett bra sätt utnyttja tidigare erfarenheter, vilket gör att misstaginte behöver upprepas. Problem kommer inte behöva lösas flera gånger, vilketsparar mycket värdefull tid och frigör kapacitet. Kvaliteten i processerna kanöka, då problem kan uppmärksammas på ett smidigare sätt och därmed åtgär-das snabbare.</p> / <p>Flextronics Design in Linköping is an Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS)company and manufactures printed circuit boards assemblies (PCBAs) for thetelecommunication industry. The site in Linköping is focused on prototypingPCBAs. They have problems regarding their SMA (Surface Mount Assembly)line, where the PCBAs are manufactured. The problems were not clearly de-fined in the beginning, but regarded routines, communication and materialsupply. By defining exactly where the major problems were and by solvingsome of these, they hoped that both the quality of their processes and the effi-ciency regarding their methods of working could improve. That could increasetheir capacity, something that would be valuable to Flextronics, since they areoften working above their capacity level.The purpose of this master thesis was to clearly define the problems through asurvey and suggest different ideas about which areas that should be improved.The area considered most important was then chosen for further work. Theobjective was to create a solution that solves as many problems as possible, asolution that could be implemented at Flextronics.The survey that was carried out is based on interviews with people involvedin the processes concerning SMA. The problems showed to involve strategies,communication and information sharing, management of responsibilities, rou-tines regarding material supply, and human resource issues. Within these ar-eas a large number of problem matters were defined. Each of these were cate-gorised based on what type of action that could solve that particular problem.The result was eight different action areas, that each could be the solution todifferent kinds of problems. The areas were; improving possibilities for report-ing and giving feedback, improving communication, improving traceability,decrease waste, decrease the vulnerability, improve routines for plock check,reduce the number of defect PCBAs due to SMA-problems and make the re-sponsibiliies more clear.The action area that was considered most important was increasing the possi-bilities for giving feedback. To make that happen, an information system wasdeveloped. First strategies for development and implementation was formu-lated and after that, the system was developed in Microsoft SharePoint. Thework resulted in the system ReFlex, that will be implemented at Flextronics.ReFlex will give the possibility to make work more efficient in many ways.Thanks to improved feedback possibilities they can now reuse information andtake advantage of prior experiences when starting a new build. The risk ofmaking the same mistake twice will decrease, which will save a lot of timeand thereby increase their capacity. The quality of the processes can also beincreased, since mistakes are more likely to be paid attention to and can therebybe solved faster.</p>

An Examination of the Impacts of Urbanization on Green Space Access and Water Resources: A Developed and Developing World Perspective

Wright Wendel, Heather E. 01 January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the impact of urbanization and land use change on the availability and accessibility of two urban amenities that are often inequitably distributed: green space and water features. Diverse methodologies were utilized in order to gain a better understanding of the role of these amenities in improving urban quality of life and integrated water management. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this research provides a unique perspective within both a developed and developing world context by evaluating aspects of urbanization to emphasize more sustainable and integrated approaches to development. A preliminary analysis highlights potential drivers of green space revitalization in Santa Cruz, Bolivia by identifying perceived benefits of brownfields redevelopment projects between developed and developing countries. These include environmental benefits (creation of green space, reduced health risks), economic benefits (job creation, retention of residents and businesses), and social benefits (community enhancement, improved city services). Building on this analysis, an in-depth anthropological study then examines the preferences, perceptions, and barriers to accessing green spaces in Santa Cruz. Utilizing qualitative and quantifiable research methods, it was determined that although green spaces can help ensure greater equality in urban areas by providing access to public spaces, significant gender discrepancies were noted in Santa Cruz. Disparities in the distribution and accessibility of green space and water features were further assessed in Tampa, Florida. Using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and census data, access to these urban amenities was examined. The inner-city community of East Tampa was found to have greater inequalities, relative to other areas in Tampa, in terms of the quality, diversity, and size of green spaces within their community. The revitalization of urban water infrastructures, such as stormwater ponds, was evaluated as a way to address these environmental justice issues. Lastly, impacts of urbanization, land use change, and population growth on water resources were analyzed using a regional water balance model for the city of Santa Cruz. Development scenarios were examined based on historical and future spatial and temporal changes. Between 1970 and 2010, a decreasing trend was observed for the aridity index (potential evapotranspiration over precipitation) while future climate projections (2011-2050) indicate a trend reversal, with the IPCC's emission scenario A1B having the strongest increasing trend. The increasing trend in the aridity index suggests a long-term shift in the regional hydroclimatology towards less humid conditions. Each chapter of this research builds on the idea of green space as an indicator of urban quality of life (particularly for urban poor who rely more heavily on public spaces for leisure and recreation activities) as well as an important facilitator of urban hydrology due to their predominately permeable surfaces (including water features). Yet rapid change occurring in cities around the world has resulted in the under-valuation of both green space and water resources and thus these amenities have been degraded or destroyed through the urbanization process.

Assessing GIS-based indicator methodology for analyzing the physical vulnerability of water and sanitation infrastructure

Karlson, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Climate related problems such as droughts, heat waves, increased levels of precipitation and storms threaten the functionality of several infrastructural systems. This thesis focus on infrastructure that provides for water and sanitation services because it has been identified as being particular at risk when the climate is changing. The identification and mapping of the vulnerability of a system can improve the prerequisites to choose more appropriate measures to facilitate the situation at hand. In this study a set of GIS based methodologies using indicators (simple and composite) of vulnerability are proposed and assessed. “Physical” vulnerability is used as a measure combining the intrinsic characteristics of a system and the climate related hazard resulting in a measure for physical vulnerability. GIS software is used to manage the spatial data sets and to combine the indicators into indexes of physical vulnerability. The assessed systems and related climate hazards are: - Water and sewage pipe network and an increased risk of pipe breakage due to increased frequencies of landslides and – An increased risk for ground and surface water supplies related to pollution from the point sources sewage infiltration and polluted ground”. The resulting GIS applications are tested on pilot areas located in the Stockholm region and GIS based sensitivity analyses are performed. The availability and accessibility of relevant digital spatial data is also assessed and discussed.

A services stack architectural model for the CUAHSI-HIS

Seppi, James Adam 14 February 2011 (has links)
The Hydrologic Information System Project of the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) has successfully created a large-scale prototype Hydrologic Information System (HIS). This system catalogs and provides access to over 23 million time series of hydrologic data, which are distributed across the United States at various academic, research, and governmental data providers. The service-oriented architecture that enables the HIS comprises distributed hydrologic data servers, a centralized series catalog, and various client software applications, and is supported by WaterML, a standardized language for transmission of hydrologic data. The current architectural model, termed the Network-Observations Model, of the HIS relies on a searchable central catalog of series metadata. Harvesting series metadata from large federal data providers, such as the USGS, EPA, and NCDC, has proven a laborious undertaking and involves custom database migration tools. This time-consuming harvesting task, coupled with a multitude of custom-coded solutions at the central series catalog has led to concerns with the long-term sustainability of the current architectural model. A new architectural model, termed the Services Stack Model, is proposed in this thesis. In the proposed model, a catalog of services metadata, rather than of series metadata is used to connect hydrologic data consumers with data providers. Internationally-recognized web service and data encoding standards, including the upcoming WaterML2.0 specification, from the Open Geospatial Consortium are used as the backbone of the new model. The proposed model will hopefully lead to greater acceptance of the CUAHSI-HIS, and result in increased sustainability and reduced maintenance of the system in the long-term. / text

Multi-scale hydrological information system using an OGC standards-based architecture

Dong, Jingqi 08 July 2011 (has links)
A Multi-Scale Hydrological Information System (HIS) includes three levels of HIS, which are the national CUAHSI HIS, the Texas HIS and the local Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) HIS. The CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System has succeeded in putting water data together using a Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA). However, maintaining the current metadata catalog service has been problematic. An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard transformation procedure is happening to transfer the current web services into OGC adopted services and models. The transformation makes CUAHSI HIS compliant with the international OGC standards and to have the capability to host tremendous water data. On a scaled down level, the Texas HIS has been built for the specific Texas hydrologic data, concerning the variables and the web services listed in this thesis. The CAPCOG emergency response system was initiated for the purpose of the Texas flash flood warning, including several data services, such as the USGS NWIS, the City of Austin (COA) and the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA). By applying the consistent mechanism, which is the OGC standards-based SOA, in these three scales of HIS, three catalogs of services can be created within the architecture, and hydrologic data services included in different catalogs can be searched across. Each catalog of services has a different scale or purpose. A technique, called KiWIS developed by the KISTERS Company, of publishing OGC standard web services through the WISKI hydrologic database was then described. The technique has been applied to the City of Austin’s water data hosted at CRWR. The OGC standard transformation progress reviewed in the thesis and the technique described can give a reference on how to synthesize Multi-Scale HIS within a standard mechanism. / text

A hydrologic information system for water availability modeling

Siler, Clark D., 1978- 12 October 2011 (has links)
Texas water availability modeling has undergone a transition from paper-based documents to digital databases and GIS maps. This results in many discrete components: a water rights database, a GIS database, a monthly flow simulation model to quantify water availability, and an environmental flows assessment to quantify how much water should remain in Texas rivers. This dissertation examines how these components can be connected by a conceptual model and automated as a Hydrologic Information System (HIS) for Texas water availability modeling using custom GIS toolsets and data processing. The HIS is defined using three tools that combine components of the conceptual model. These tools automate the processes of water availability modeling and synthesize the conceptual model components. This dissertation also explores how desktop-based Texas water availability modeling can be informed by web services and how a services-oriented architecture for water availability modeling could be constructed. Existing hydrologic information models are used as a guide in creating an Arc Hydro Web information model as a framework for this activity. This model is demonstrated using scenarios highlighting its capabilities for representing desktop and web-informed analyses. The functionality of Arc Hydro Web is demonstrated via a use case of five associated component studies in the San Jacinto Basin illustrating the functionality of the HIS of water availability modeling in Texas. The shift from desktop-based analyses to web-enabled processing enables certain aspects of water availability modeling being moved to cloud computing. The network aspects of the Texas water availability modeling environment can be informed by web services using a centrally-stored network, negating the current system of having nearly-identical duplicate networks. This could foster communication and sharing of water resources models. It is recommended that Arc Hydro Web be implemented, that aspects of water availability modeling processing become web-enabled through the combination of web processing and web services, and that additional services be developed to meet the needs of web-based water availability modeling. / text

Ειδική περιβαλλοντική - οικιστική μελέτη του συμπλέγματος λιμνοθαλασσών Μεσολογγίου - Αιτωλικού με τη χρήση Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών (G.I.S) / Environmental study of the lagoons system Mesolongiou - Aitolikou with the use of Geographical Information Systems

Λαγκαδινού, Μαρία 28 June 2007 (has links)
Ο σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι η πραγματοποίηση μιας περιβαλλοντικής μελέτης για την ευρύτερη περιοχή του συμπλεγματος λιμνοθαλασσών Μεσολογγίου - Αιτωλικού με τη χρήση Γεωγραφικών συστημάτων Πληροφοριών. Στην ερσασία αυτή γίνεται μια προσπάθεια χαρτογράφησης με την βοήθεια των ΓΣΠ με τους ακόλουθους στόχους¦ 1. Τη δημιουργία μιας βάσης σύγκρισης για τον συσχετισμό γεωλογικών και εδαφολογικών στοιχείων,και 2. Την εύρεση προτεινώμενων περιοχών, όπου μπορεί να αναπτυχθεί ένα μοντέλο οργανωμένης Οικιστικής Ανάπτυξης που θα πληρεί όλες τις προϋποθέσεις που θέτει το Υ.ΠΕ.ΧΩ.ΔΕ / The purpose of this work is an environmental study of the lagoons system of Mesolongi - Aitoliko with te use Geographycal Information Systems,with the two following directions: 1. To create a base of comparison between the geological and the soil data,and 2. To show an area where a new city could take place that follows all the instractions of Y.ΠΕ.ΧΩ.ΔΕ

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