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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito do inibidor de α-amilase do feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) em Animais normais e diabéticos / Effect of α-amylase inhibitor of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in normal and diabetic animals

Elizabete Wenzel de Menezes 30 September 1985 (has links)
Não consta resumo na publicação. / An α-amylase inhibitor purified from black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) prevents the utilization of starch either in normal or diabetic rats during short-time starch loading tests. It causes hypoglycaemia and alters accordingly the serum insulin and non esterified fatty acids levels. These effects are dose dependent and doses higher than 31 mg of the inhibitor can promote the complete smoothing on serum glucose level. The existence of starch in the presence of the inhibitor in the intestine doesn\'t alter the secretion or production of α-amylase by the pancreas.

Anwendung mathematischer Modelle zur Vorhersage des Therapieverlaufs von CML-Patienten

Rothe, Tino 22 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund Die chronische myeloische Leukämie (CML) ist eine myeloproliferative Er- krankung, die aufgrund ihres Modellcharakters unter der Behandlung mit Tyrosin-Kinase- Inhibitoren (TKI) gut für eine Beschreibung mittels computerbasierter Modelle geeignet ist. Grundlage für die Entstehung einer CML ist die Bildung eines Philadelphia-Chromosoms durch eine Translokation der Chromosomen 9 und 22. Es resultiert das Onkogen BCR- ABL1, welches für eine konstitutiv aktive Tyrosinkinase codiert. Diese führt zu ungeregelter Proliferation der betroffen Zellen und zur Verdrängung der gesunden Blutbildung. Das überaktivierte Protein kann durch TKIs gezielt gehemmt werden. Damit ist es möglich, die Tumorlast erheblich zu senken und das Fortschreiten der Erkrankung aufzuhalten. Aktuell werden in der klinischen Anwendung außerhalb von Studien TKIs für die gesamte Lebensdauer der Patienten eingesetzt. Absetzstudien zeigten, dass circa 50% der Patienten nach einer über zwei Jahren nicht nachweisbaren BCR-ABL1-Last nach Behandlungsstopp kein erneutes Anwachsen der Tumorlast aufwiesen. Die Anwendung von computergestützten Modellsimulationen hilft, Zugriff auf die klinisch nur schwer zu messenden leukämischen Stammzellen zu bekommen und darüber Vorhersagen über den weiteren Therapieverlauf zu treffen. Aufgabenstellung Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollen Möglichkeiten der Übertragung von Patientendaten auf das etablierte Modell nach Roeder und Loeffler (2002) verbessert werden. Die vom Modell vorhergesagten Stammzellkinetiken sollen abschließend auf Praxistauglichkeit geprüft werden. Material und Methoden Aufgrund der Vergleichbarkeit zu früheren Untersuchungen erfolgte die Auswahl von 51 Patienten des deutsches Armes der IRIS-Studie. Deren Therapieverläufe wurden analysiert und können über eine biphasische exponentielle (biexponentielle) bzw. über eine stückweise lineare Funktion beschreiben werden. Als Erweiterung der Arbeiten von Horn et al. (2013) wurden alle Parameter der biexponentiellen Funktion in die Entwicklung neuer Methoden einbezogen. Zusätzlich wurde untersucht, ob die Einbeziehung von zensierten Messpunkte die Form der biexponentiellen Funktion verändert. Basierend auf den Therapiedaten der IRIS-Patienten erfolgte die Ermittlung eines Para meterraumes für Eingangsparameter der Modellsimulation (Modellparameter), welcher in 270.400 individuelle Paramterkombinationen unterteilt wurde. Es erfolgten anschließend die Simulation und Auswertung nach der biexponentiellen Beschreibung. Auf Basis dieser erheblich größeren Datengrundlage konnten zwei neue Verfahren der Modellparameteridentifikation für individuelle Patienten entwickelt werden. Einerseits wurde in Anlehnung an die Arbeit von Horn et al. (2013) ein Verfahren unter Nutzung der Regression vorgestellt. Andererseits konnte über den Vergleich der Abstände zwischen simulierten und realen Therapieverläufen eine Suche (lookup-table) etabliert werden. Die Berechnung des Abstandes zwischen Therapieverläufen ermöglicht gleichzeitig den Vergleich der verschiedenen Verfahren und damit eine Aussage über deren Anpassungsgüte. Zum Schluss wurde beispielhaft für einen Patienten das Verfahren der lookup-table angewendet und die resultierende Stammzellkinetik weiter analysiert. Ergebnisse Einführend erfolgte die Analyse der resultierenden biexponentiellen Funktion mit und ohne Einbeziehung von Messunsicherheiten. Es zeigte sich, dass der Verlauf dieser Funktion besonders in Bereichen, die von einbezogenen Messunsicherheiten betroffen sind, abweichend ist. Die Beschreibung des Langzeitverlaufs erfolgt jedoch annähernd gleich. Anschließend erfolgte die Validierung der Größe des vorsimulierten Datenpool anhand eines Vergleichs der statistischen Parameter von Patienten und Simulationen. Dieser zeigte sich dabei für die weiteren Untersuchungen geeignet. Die Nutzung der lookup-table zur Identifikation der am besten zu einem Patienten passenden Therapiesimulation ist überlegen sowohl gegenüber von der Horn et al. (2013) beschriebenen als auch in dieser Arbeit neu entwickelten Regressionsverfahren. Diese ergeben deutliche Abweichungen zwischen Patientendaten und Simulation. Eine Analyse des vorhergesagten Therapieverlaufes im Stammzellkompartiment ergibt jedoch, dass ähnliche Therapieverläufe im peripheren Blut durch stark unterschiedliche Stammzellkonfigurationen beschrieben werden können. Es resultiert eine starke Streuung der vorhergesagten Zeitpunkte eines möglichen Therapieendes. Schlussfolgerungen Die Nutzung der lookup-table zu Identifikation einer passenden Therapiesimulation ist hoch effektiv und anderen Verfahren, die auf Regression basieren, überlegen. Die etablierte Computersimulation nach Roeder und Loeffler (2002) bietet Zugriff auf die Therapie in der Ebene der Stammzellen. Die in weiteren Analysen gezeigten Streuungen der vorhergesagten Therapieverläufe im Stammzellkompartiment lassen den Schluss zu, dass Methoden zur Eingrenzung der Stammzellverläufe entwickelt werden müssen, um die Vorhersagen klinisch nutzbar zu machen. Weiterhin muss anhand von Messungen an Knochenmarkproben von realen Patienten geprüft werden, ob die von der Simulation postulierten Verläufe der Tumorlast im Stammzellkompartiment der realen Behandlung entsprechen. Ausblick Die in aktuellen Arbeiten beschriebene Rolle des Immunsystems im Therapieverlauf der CML (Saussele et al. 2016; Clapp et al. 2016) sollte in eine Verbesserung des Stammzellmodells nach Roeder und Loeffler (2002) einfließen. Weiterhin kann die Validierung der im Rahmen der Individualmedizin zu treffenden Absetzvorhersagen letztendlich nur über klinische Absetzuntersuchungen ermöglicht werden. / Background Chronic myeloic leukaemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative disease, which is well suited for modelling approaches. It is characterized by the oncogenic BCR-ABL1 fusion gene originating from an inverse translocation of the chromosomes 9 and 22 leading to the Philadelphia chromosome. The result is a constitutively activated tyrosine-kinase. This is followed by an extensive proliferation of leukaemic stem cells leading to a displacement of normal haematopoesis. The molecular specificity of CML forms the basis of a highly efficient, targeted therapy by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). TKIs can decrease the tumour burden and slow down or eventually stop progressing of the disease. Currently, in clinical applications drugs are administered for the remaining life span. Interestingly, in recent treatment cessation trials patients were stopped after two years of non-detectable tumour burden and about 50% remained without relapse. The application of computer-based modelling helps to gain access to stem cell counts being difficult to measure clinically. This forms the basis for predictions of long-term therapy outcomes. Aim of this work This work aims on identifying a suitable algorithm to efficiently identify model simulations that optimally decribe individual patient kinetics. Furthermore, the clinical usability of the new methods was investigated. Material and methods The analysed group of patients was chosen out of the German cohort of the IRIS trial to ensure comparability to former investigations. It consists of 51 individuals. The course of leukaemic burden , i. e. leukaemic vs. non-leukaemic cells on a single patient level can be described as a biphasic exponential (bi-exponential) or a piecewise linear function. As an extension to former methods described by Horn et al. (2013) all parameters are included into further method development. Additionally, an investigation was conducted whether censored data points change the functional behaviour of a bi-exponential fit based on patients’ data. According to therapy data of all patients an input parameter space for the model simulation was delimited, such that all observed patient kinetics can be mimicked by the model. This parameter space was uniformly divided into 270.400 discrete parameter combinations. The therapy simulation of each combination was conducted and described by a bi-exponential function likewise to the patients’ fit. With the help of these huge variety of in silico therapies two new methods of model parameter identification for individual patients were developed. The first one is an advanced approach based on a regression model proposed by Horn et al. (2013). The second one by comparing distances between the patients’ and the models’ bi-exponential functions (lookup table). The comparison of the distances between different therapy courses (either simulated or patients’ data) was also used to compare the quality of different methods. As an example, for one patient the stem cell kinetics from the model were analysed in more detail and checked for robustness. Such a strategy, which might build the basis for clinical applications. Results A comparison between the different bi-exponential functions with and without censored data points revealed differences especially in the area in which censoring was performed. However, for the long-term tumour burden censored data had no influence. Secondly, an investigation was performed showing the sufficiency of the pre-simulated therapy courses for the new methods, i. e. lookup-table and regression models. The lookup- table turns out to be superior to identify a therapy simulation for a unique patient, since the complexity of linear regression models lead to increased deviations between patients’ therapy courses and the simulations. Unfortunately, distinct stem cell configurations lead to similar therapy descriptions in peripheral blood, assuming the correctness of the model. As a result, the prediction of a safe treatment cessation is often widely spread. Conclusions The new developed lookup-table to identify model simulations suitable for an individual patient is highly effective and superior to other methods using regression models. The simulation of the TKI treatment using the agent-based model of Roeder und Loeffler (2002) gives easy access to therapy courses on the level of leukaemic stem cells. Unfortunately, the finding of a well fitting simulation within the peripheral blood is not enough to provide a point of safe treatment cessation, since different stem cell configurations can lead to similar therapy courses. Additionally, it is necessary to check which of the assumed therapy courses on the stem cell level is appropriate. This could be done by gathering more information from bone-marrow punctures during the course of treatment. Outlook Investigations of new data showed the important role of the immune system in CML treatment (Saussele et al. 2016; Clapp et al. 2016). This should be taken into account by improving the model of Roeder und Loeffler (2002). Additionally, data from cessation trials can be used to validate the model assumptions.

Gelatinases, their tissue inhibitors and p53 in lymphomas

Kyllönen, H. (Heli) 26 May 2009 (has links)
Abstract Lymphomas are a heterogeneous group of malignancies, which usually have a good prognosis and high cure rates. Lymphomas are sensitive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and many patients can be cured even after a relapse, resulting in a need for effective follow-up. However, the cost-benefit ratio of radiological imaging in predicting the forthcoming relapses is poor. Consequently, there is a need for biological prognostic and predictive markers to distinguish patients at the highest risk of relapse at the time of diagnosis or during follow-up. Despite rapid progress in lymphoma treatments, some patients still die from lymphoma. Thus, more data on the basic biological features of lymphomas are also needed. Gelatinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2) have been found to play a role in the progression of solid tumours. TP53 is a tumour suppressor gene, the mutations and protein over-expression of which have been demonstrated to be associated with survival in most cancer types. There is also some evidence that these proteins could have prognostic significance in lymphomas as well. In the present study, the tissue expression, plasma concentrations and clinical value of gelatinases and their tissue inhibitors were evaluated in lymphomas. 249 primary tissue samples from patients with Hodgkin, follicular, or diffuse large B-cell lymphoma were analysed for expression of gelatinases and/or their inhibitors using immunohistochemistry. In follicular lymphoma, p53 protein expression was also investigated. The plasma samples of 126 lymphoma patients and a control group of 44 healthy volunteers were collected and studied by ELISA. TIMP-1 expression correlated with bulky tumour and nodular sclerosis subtype of Hodgkin lymphoma. In follicular lymphoma, p53 over-expression was an independent adverse prognostic factor for survival and a predictor of histological transformation. Plasma MMP-2-TIMP-2 complex appeared to be a potential follow-up marker predicting the risk of relapse in lymphoma patients. Plasma levels of the MMP-2-TIMP-2 complex, proMMP-2, TIMP-2 and proMMP-2/TIMP-2 ratio were at abnormal levels both in patients with newly diagnosed lymphoma and those in remission compared to healthy controls. The clinical significance of these markers needs further studies.

The Phenomenon Of Blastocyst Hatching : Role Of COX-2 And NF-kB

Roy, Shubhendu Sen 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The zona-pellucida (zona, ZP) is an adhesion-refractory, acellular coat enclosing the rapidly growing, free-living mammalian preimplantation embryo which undergoes successive cleavage divisions to form the blastocyst, composed of ICM-cells surrounded by outer TE-cells. For further development, the blastocyst must ‘hatch’ or ‘escape’ out of the zona before it can implant into the endometrium for further development (Fig. 5.1A). Hence, the event of hatching or ‘zona escape’ assumes critical importance for the establishment of a successful pregnancy. The golden-hamster blastocyst offers a very unique paradigm to understand hatching, whereby upon attainment of a fully-expanded state, the blastocyst undergoes a dramatic (and molecularly unexplained) deflation event, followed by appearance of TE-derived dynamic cellular projections called TE-projections, whose appearance in an embryonic-stage and -time dependant manner suggest an intimate association with the hatching phenomenon (Fig. 5.1B). Thirdly, embryo-derived zonalytic proteases have been shown to bring about a focal-lysis of the ZP followed by global zona dissolution. Earlier work in the laboratory had demonstrated the intimate involvement of signaling molecules like LIF, HB-EGF, TGF-β and (ER)-α with hatching (Seshagiri et al., 2002, 2009). Investigations also revealed the involvement of cysteine-proteases of the cathepsin (cts) family, especially cts-L, -B and-P to be involved in zona lysis (Sireesha et al., 2008). In order to achieve a better understanding of mammalian preimplantation development, especially hatching, it was important to investigate the role and impact of other critical regulators of developmental and reproductive physiology. COX-2 is one such key signaling moiety and it was decided to investigate the role, if any, of COX-2 and its derived PGs in hamster peri-implantation events. COX-2 transcripts and immunoreactive COX-2 protein were detected in the different preimplantation stages, from 8-cell onwards. COX-2 protein was abundant in both the ICM and TE, but was especially enriched in the TE-cells of the late blastocyst. In order to investigate the function of this enzyme in preimplantation development and hatching, two very-specific inhibitors of COX-2 catalytic action, NS-398 and CAY-10404, were tested in identical concentrations of 25, 50 and 75 μM on in vitro cultured hamster blastocysts. In order to assess the impact of COX-2 inhibition on an embryo-stage and time-dependant manner, inhibitors were tested on freshly recovered 8-cell embryos or early blastocysts, continuously for 72 h or 48 h, respectively. COX-2-selective inhibitors inhibited hamster blastocyst hatching in a dose-dependant manner with maximum inhibition observed in the 75 μM dose. Surprisingly, there was a profound dose-dependent failure of deflation of late-blastocysts upon inhibitor treatment and embryos which hatched, did so in an inflated state and retained intact zonae in cultures. Moreover, embryos subjected to NS-398 treatment phenocopied those subjected to CAY-10404 treatment. Results demonstrate that the effect of inhibitors, and hence the need for COX-2 mediated signaling events is more pronounced in 8¬cell embryos than with early-blastocysts, indicating that COX-2 dependant molecular and cellular processes required for blastocyst morphogenesis and ZP-lysis may have been initiated prior to compaction and cavitation. The reversal of effects of COX-2 inhibition on hatching with exogenous addition of PGE2 and Iloprost (a stable PGI2 analogue) to inhibitor cultures, show that COX-2-derived eicosanoids could, in effect bring about hamster hatching, which is in agreement with previous reports (Davis et al., 1999) and augment peri-implantation development including hatching (Huang et al., 2003). Additionally, it has been successfully demonstrated that PGE2 was superior to PGI2 in augmenting blastocyst hatching in inhibitor-cultures. In this study, the modulation of critical cts-L, -B, -P proteases in COX-2 mediated hamster zona hatching has been verified by quantifying cts in transcripts in control and inhibitor-subjected embryonic samples which was further substantiated by the decreased intra-embryonal protein levels of cts-L and -P. These results demonstrate that COX-2 mediated signaling components directly and effectively modulate hamster preimplantation development, especially zona-hatching phenomenon by transcriptional-regulation of the critical zonalytic proteases. Another potential hatching-associated molecule i.e., NF-κB which is known to exert a great deal of influence on overall reproductive and developmental biology, was investigated in this study. Its specific effects on mammalian preimplantation development, especially hatching, remain totally uninvestigated. This formed the rationale to investigate the reach and impact of NF-κB signaling network in the modulation of peri-hatching events. Transcripts and immunoreactive NF-κB protein of crucial pathway-components like IKK, IκB-β and RelA were detected from 8-cell embryo to the zona-free blastocyst. In order to ascertain the impact of NF-κB signaling on peri-hatching events, two very-specific inhibitors of the NF-κB pathway, BAY-11-7082 and JSH-23 were employed which acted at two strategic signaling points. In order to assess the impact of NF-κB inhibition on an embryo-stage and time-dependant manner, inhibitors were tested on freshly recovered 8-cell embryos or early blastocysts, continuously for 72 h or 48 h, respectively. NF-κB-selective inhibitors inhibited blastocyst hatching in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, a profound dose-dependent failure of deflation of late-blastocysts upon inhibitor treatment was observed and embryos which hatched did so in an inflated state and also retained intact zonae in cultures. Moreover, embryos subjected to BAY-11-7082 treatment phenocopied those subjected to JSH-23 treatment, indicating specificity of inhibitor action. Time-course experiments demonstrated that the need for efficient NF-κB mediated signaling is distinctively more for 8-cell embryos than early-blastocysts, indicating that NF-κB dependant molecular and cellular processes required for blastocyst morphogenesis and ZP-lysis may have been initiated prior to compaction and cavitation. Moreover, modulation of zonalysins cts-L, -B and -P by NF-κB-signaling, during the event of zona lysis, both by real-time quantitation of its transcripts and intracellular protein levels has been demonstrated. These results demonstrate that NF¬κB mediated signaling components directly and effectively modulate hamster preimplantation development, especially zona-hatching phenomenon by transcriptional-regulation of the critical zonalytic proteases. The profound inhibition of hatching and effects on blastocyst morphogenesis observed by inhibition of COX-2 and NF-κB signaling systems demonstrate a fundamental need of the growing embryo for these critical signaling moieties. Moreover, the underlying similarity of consequences obtained upon inhibition of both signaling networks i.e., NF-κB and COX-2, perhaps indicate a linear mode of signaling between these principles. It remains to be tested, though, if it really is the case. A striking observation made in this study was the detection of immunoreactive signals for critical signaling moieties like ER-α, COX-2 and RelA onto TEPs of the deflated hamster blastocyst, in addition to earlier TEP-localisation of cathepsins. A B C (Figure) ENDOMETRIUM ENDOMETRIUM ENDOMETRIUM Fig 5.1. Schematic representation of the role of molecular and cellular factors in the regulation of concordant phenomena of mammalian blastocyst hatching and endometrial implantation. (A) Depicts a zona-intact well-formed blastocyst. Preimplantation embryo development and blastocyst formation involves close cooperation between several molecular principles (discussed in sections 1.3.1 to 1.3.3), (B) as the embryo prepares to hatch, prior to implantation, it initiates egression from the non-adhesive ZP coat by cathepsin (cts) protease-mediated lysis of zona (pink circles); there is concomitant appearance of cellular principles such as TEPs (undulating projections shown in green). Of interest is the intimate association of hatching-promoting molecules such as COX-2, NF-κB, ER-α, Cts etc. with the TEPs. (C) depicts a zona-free, TEP-rich blastocyst initiating implantation into the maternal endometrium. It is possible, that the embryonic TEPs with the associated hatching-regulatory molecules are also critical for implantation phenomena during the embryo-maternal recognition and implantation during the establishment of early pregnancy. Preliminary results indicate that TEPs could be the site of membrane lipid-rafts, focal points of membrane-based signaling. The definitive role of TEPs in peri-hatching events is yet to be confirmed, but it is presumed that these actin-based undulating structures, harboring several key molecules involved in peri-implantation events in the embryo as well as the maternal uterus could be instrumental in successfully bringing about the concomitant processes of hatching and implantation. Interestingly, during rodent implantation (hamster, guinea-pig, mouse and rat), the blastocyst orients in such a way that the ICM is oriented away from the endometrium and, at least in the hamster, the TEP-carrying abembryonic (mural) pole remains closest to the luminal epithelium (LE) (Gonzales et al., 1996b; Seshagiri et al., 2009; Fig. 5.1C). In contrast, in humans and other primates, the embryonic pole is closest to LE before implantation (Kirby, 1971; Lee and DeMayo, 2004). Although direct evidence is lacking, but these observations gives rise to a possibility that both hatching and implantation could be intimately related to the polar appearance of TEPs in the embryo. Several key signaling molecules like ER-α, LIF, HB-EGF and TGF-β have been already demonstrated to play crucial roles in mammalian hatching. In this thesis, we have exemplified the need for COX-2 mediated prostanoid signaling and the pleotropic NF-κB signaling system in bringing about mammalian blastocyst hatching. How exactly do these molecular entities communicate among themselves and with cellular principles like TEPs thereby effectively enabling peri-implantation development, remain to be understood. Taken together, these results demonstrate, for the first time, the involvement of embryo-derived signaling molecules, like COX-2 and NF-κB in an embryo stage-and time-dependant manner in mammalian peri-implantation events, especially blastocyst hatching. The association of TEPs with key molecules common to embryonic and maternal preparation for hatching and implantation, respectively, indicates towards a molecular and cellular continuity between the concomitant events. These fundamental findings on hamster blastocyst biology have profound clinical implications in the management of human infertility. (For figures pl see the abstract file).

Poremećaj funkcionalnosti fibrinoliznog mehanizma kod bolesnika sa venskom trombozom / Fibrinolytic mechanism disorders in patients withvenous thrombosis

Vučković Biljana 30 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Tromboza danas, u većini razvijenih zemalja, predstavlja vodeći uzrok obolevanja i umiranja. Poslednjih godina veoma aktuelna su istraživanja venskog tromboembolizma, obzirom da je incidenca ovog oboljenja 2/1000 osoba godi&scaron;nje, a njegov razvoj posledica udruženog delovanja vi&scaron;e genetskih i stečenih faktora rizika. &Scaron;to preciznije prepoznavanje i sagledavanje &scaron;to većeg broja ovih faktora osnovni je cilj u borbi, kako protiv prve epizode venske tromboze, tako i protiv recidiva ove bolesti. Brojni faktori rizika već su prepoznati kao sastavne karike patofiziolo&scaron;kog lanca venskog trombotskog procesa, ali je evidentno da otkrića mnogih od njih tek predstoje. Među najaktulenijim istraživanjima na ovom polju nalazi se i ispitivanje uloge poremećaja fibrinoliznog mehanizma u venskoj tromboembolijskoj bolesti. Iako su već pruženi dokazi da suprimirana fibrinolizna aktivnost povećava rizik od nastanka ovog oboljenja, jo&scaron; uvek postoje brojna otvorena pitanja, koja se pre svega odnose na ulogu pojedinačnih činilaca fibrinoliznog mehanizma u venskoj trombozi, kao i na globalnu ulogu fibrinoliznog mehanizma u različitim tipovima i lokalizacijama venske trombotske bolesti. Pored toga, ispitivanje uticaja pojedinih genskih mutacija na pojadinačne činioce fibrinoliznog mehanizma, njegovu globalnu funkcionalnost i posredno na rizik za nastanak venske tromboze, takođe zaokuplja pažnju stručne javnosti, obzirom na nekonzistentnost rezultata dobijenih studijama koje se bave ovom problematikom. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je ispitivanje kako globalne funkcionalnosti fibrinoliznog mehanizma, tako i njegovih pojedinačnih činilaca, kod bolesnika sa različitim tipovima i lokalizacijama venske tromboze i poređenje ovih parametara sa njihovim vrednostima u zdravoj populaciji. Pored toga, cilj istraživanja je i ispitivanje zastupljenosti 4G/5G PAI-1 polimorfizma kod bolesnika sa venskom trombozom u poređenju sa zdravim osobama. Ispitivanu grupu je sačinjavalo 100 bolesnika koji su doživeli trombozu dubokih vena a kontrolnu grupu je činilo 100 zdravih ispitanika, koji nikada nisu imali trombozni incident. Iz ispitivanja su isključene: osobe sa prethodno dokazanim poremećajem hemostaznog mehanizma, osobe koje uzimaju lekove za koje se zna da mogu imati uticaja na hemostazni mehanizam, osobe koje su imale akutnu bolest u momentu uzorkovanja krvi ili 6 nedelja pre toga, osobe sa malignitetom, trudnice, osobe sa težim du&scaron;evnim bolestima, bolestima jetre i bubrega, autoimunim bolestima, ispitanici koji su odbili da potpi&scaron;u pristanak informisanog ispitanika. Kao test za procenu globalne funkcionalnosti fibrinoliznog mehanizma kori&scaron;teno je euglobulinsko vreme lize koaguluma, dok su od pojedinačnih činilaca određivani: tkivni aktivator plazminogena (t-PA) i trombinom aktivi&scaron;ući fibrinolizni inhibitor (TAFI) - ELISA metodom, kao i inhibitor aktivatora plazminogena-1 (PAI-1) - metodom hromogenog substrata. Genetskim ispitivanjem je utvrđivano prisustvo PAI-1 4G/5G genskog polimorfizma. Prema rezultatima istraživanja kod 56% bolesnika bila je prisutna spontana venska tromboza, dok je 44% njih imalo trombozu provociranu jednim od priznatih faktora rizika. U odnosu na lokalizaciju venskog tromboznog procesa proksimalna venska tromboza bila je prisutna kod 63% bolesnika, izolovana distalna venska tromboza kod 29% bolesnika, a atipično lokalizovana venska tromboza kod 8% bolesnika. Posmatrajući zastupljenost pojedinih faktora rizika uočili smo da je značajno vi&scaron;i procenat osoba sa hipertenzijom bio prisutan u grupi bolesnika sa primarnom trombozom dubokih vena u odnosu na grupu bolesnika sa provociranom trombozom dubokih vena (61% vs.16%; p=0.000). &Scaron;to se funkcionalnosti fibrinoliznog mehanizma tiče, prema na&scaron;im rezultatima bolesnici koji su doživeli trombozu dubokih vena imaju značajno duže vreme lize koaguluma, odnosno suprimiranu funkcionalnost fibrinolize u poređenju sa zdravim kontrolama (204.34&plusmn;51.24 vs. 185.62&plusmn;42.30; p=0.011), a kada posmatramo podgrupe bolesnika u odnosu na lokalizaciju i vrstu venske tromboze uočavamo da podgrupa bolesnika sa izolovanom distalnom venskom trombozom ima značajno duže euglobulinsko vreme lize koaguluma u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu (218.32&plusmn;41.12 vs.185.62&plusmn;42.30: p=0.001), kao i bolesnici koji su imali provociranu vensku trombozu u poređenju sa kontrolama (208.18&plusmn;48.53 vs. 185.62&plusmn;42.30; p=0.018). Ispitivanjem pojedinačnih komponenti fibrinoliznog mehanizma do&scaron;li smo do rezultata da bolesnici koji su doživeli venski trombozni incident imaju značajno vi&scaron;e koncentracije TAFI u poređenju sa osobama koje nikada nisu imale vensku trombozu (19.70 ng/ml &plusmn; 5.17 vs.17.13 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.25; p=0.001). Poređenjem bolesnika sa provociranom trombozom dubokih vena i kontrolnih ispitanika uočili smo da bolesnici iz ove podgrupe imaju značajno vi&scaron;e vrednosti plazminogena u poređenju sa zdravim osobama (127.14 % &plusmn; 27.73 vs.117.09 % &plusmn; 24.49; p= 0.044), kao i značajno vi&scaron;e koncentracije t-PA (20.02 ng/ml &plusmn; 11.07 vs. 16.78 ng/ml &plusmn; 8.08; p=0.042). &Scaron;to se tiče TAFI, bolesnici sa distalnom trombozom dubokih vena u poređenju sa kontrolama (20.72 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.96 vs.17.13 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.25; p=0.001), kao i bolesnici sa proksimalnom trombozom dubokih vena u poređenju sa kontrolama (19.37 ng/ml &plusmn; 5.33 vs.17.13 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.25; p=0.013) imaju značajno vi&scaron;e koncentracije TAFI. Koncentracija ovog inhibitora fibrinoliznog procesa značajno je veća i kod bolesnika sa provociranom trombozom dubokih vena u poređenju s zdravim osobama (19.93 ng/ml &plusmn; 3.97 vs.17.13 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.25; p=0.000), kao i kod bolesnika sa primarnom trombozom dubokih vena u poređenju sa zdravim ispitanicima (19.53 ng/ml &plusmn; 5.97 vs.17.13 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.25; p=0.023). &Scaron;to se genetskih analiza tiče, u okviru grupe bolesnika imali smo 25% homozigotnih i 58% heterozigotnih nosilaca mutacije gena za PAI-1, dok 17% bolesnika nije imalo pomenutu gensku mutaciju. U okviru kontrolne grupe pak, bilo je 30% homozigotnih i 56% heterozigotnih nosilaca mutacije a 14% ispitanika nije imalo mutaciju. Nije uočena značajna razlika u zastupljenosti 4G/4G genotipa između bolesnika sa različitim lokalizacijama venskog trombotskog procesa (distalna DVT 29% vs. proksimalna DVT 21% vs. DVT retke lokalizacije 12%; p=0.501), kao ni u zastupljenosti ovoga genotipa kod provocirane i spontane tromboze dubokih vena (27% vs. 23%; p=0.642), niti kod izolovane tromboze dubokih vena u poređenju sa plućnom tromboembolijom (25% vs. 33%; p=0.735). Procena rizika za nastanak venske tromboze u odnosu na postojanje poremećaja globalne funkcionalnosti fibrinoliznog mehanizma, u odnosu na patolo&scaron;ke koncentracije pojedinih komponenti fibrinoliznog mehanizma, kao i u odnosu na postojanje 4G/4G mutacije u genu za PAI-1, pokazala je da suprimirana funkcionalnost fibrinoliznog mehanizma trostruko povećava rizik za nastanak tromboze dubokih vena (OR 3.02; CI 1.26-7.22), povi&scaron;en nivo PAI-1 nema uticaja na rizik od nastanka tromboze dubokih vena, na &scaron;ta ukazuje OR od 0.86 sa CI 0.59-1.25, povi&scaron;en nivo t-PA antigena ne utiče na rizik od nastanka tromboze dubokih vena (OR 1.53; CI 0.79-2.94), ali povi&scaron;ena koncentracija TAFI vi&scaron;e od dvostruko povećava ovaj rizik (OR 2.25; CI 1.16-4.35). Prema na&scaron;im rezultatima PAI-1 4G/4G genotip nema uticaja na rizik od nastanaka venske tromboze, &scaron;to potvrđuje OR koji iznosi 0.57 (0.27-1.20). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključujemo da bolesnici sa trombozom dubokih vena imaju suprimiranu funkcionalnost fibrinoliznog mehanizma u poređenju sa zdravim osobama, da je nivo t-PA antigena, kao i plazminogena značajno vi&scaron;i kod bolesnika sa provociranom venskom trombozom nego kod zdravih osoba, da nema razlike u koncentraciji PAI-1 između bolesnika sa venskom trombozom i zdravih osoba, ali da bolesnici sa trombozom dubokih vena, bez obzira na njenu lokalizaciju ili vrstu imaju značajno vi&scaron;e nivoe TAFI u poređenju sa zdravim ispitanicima. Pored toga možemo zaključiti da ne postoji razlika u zastupljenosti 4G/5G polimorfizma između bolesnika sa venskom trombozom i zdravih ispitanika. Konačno, možemo reći da na osnovu na&scaron;ih rezultata možemo zaključiti da suprimirana funkcionalnost fibrinoliznog mehanizma trostruko povećava rizik od nastanka tromboze dubokih vena, a povi&scaron;en nivo TAFI-a dvostruko povećava ovaj rizik, dok 4G/5G PAI-1 polimorfizam nema uticaja na rizik za nastanak venskog tromboembolizma.</p> / <p>Thrombosis is nowadays leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Lately, studies dealing with venous thromboembolism are very actual, since incidence of this disease is 2/1000 persons per year and its development is consequence of joint action of many different inherited and acquired risk factors. Precise recognition and understanding as many of those factors as possible represents imperative in fight against the first episode of venous thrombosis, and also against the recurrence of the disease. Numerous risk factors have been already recognized as constituent links of pathophysiological chain of venous thrombotic process, but it is also clear that the discovery of many of them are yet to come. Investigations of the role of fibrinolytic mechanism disorders in venous thrombosis are topical in the field. Although, we have some evidences that suppressed fibrinolytic activity increases the risk of this disease, still there are many open issues, especially those dealing with the role of individual factors of fibrinolytic mechanism in venous thrombosis, and with the role of global fibrinolytic function in different types and localizations of venous thrombotic disease. Further, investigation of the effects of gene mutations on individual fibrinolytic mechanism components, its global functionality and indirectly to the risk of venous thrombosis, also attracts the attention of experts, given the inconsistency of results obtained from studies dealing with this issue. The aim of this study was to evaluate fibrinolytic mechanism global functionality, as well as functionality of its integral individual components in patients with different venous thrombosis types and localizations, and to compare them with those of the healthy persons. In addition, the aim was to evaluate presence of 4G/5G PAI-1 polymorphism in patients with venous thrombosis compared with healthy subjects. The case group consisted of 100 patients with deep vein thrombosis and the control group consisted of 100 healthy subjects who had never had thrombotic incident. Exclusion criteria were: documented haemostatic disease, taking drugs proven to affect fibrinolytic function, acute illness within 6 weeks before blood sampling, malignancy, pregnancy, severe mental illness, kidney or liver diseases, autoimmune diseases, examinee refusal to sign the informed consent. We used euglobulin cloth lysis time test as test for global fibrinolytic mechanism function estimation, and also determined: t-PA and TAFI concentrations using ELISA method and PAI-1 concentrations using chromogenic substrate method. The presence of PAI-1 4G/5G gene polymorphism was determined by genetic testing. According to results 56% of patients had unprovoked and 44% had provoked venous thrombosis. Proximal venous thrombosis was present in 63% of cases, distal venous thrombosis in 29% of cases and atypical venous thrombosis in 8% of them. Significantly higher frequency of hypertension was present in patients with primary deep vein thrombosis than in the group of patients with provoked deep vein thrombosis (61% vs. 16%, p = 0.000). Patients who have experienced deep vein thrombosis had a significantly longer clot lysis time, and suppressed fibrinolysis function compared with healthy controls (204.34 &plusmn; 51.24 vs. 185.62 &plusmn; 42.30, p = 0.011). Also, this parameter was significantly longer in patients with isolated distal deep vein thrombosis compared with healthy controls (218.32&plusmn;41.12 vs. 185.62&plusmn;42.30: p=0.001), such as in patients with provoked venous thrombosis compared with controls (208.18&plusmn;48.53 vs. 185.62&plusmn;42.30; p=0.018). Patients with venous thrombosis had significantly higher TAFI concentrations in comparison with healthy volunteers (19.70 ng/ml &plusmn; 5.17 vs. 17.13 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.25; p=0.001). Patients with provoked venous thrombosis had significantly higher concentrations of plasminogen (127.14 % &plusmn; 27.73 vs. 117.09 % &plusmn; 24.49; p= 0.044) and t-PA (20.02 ng/ml &plusmn; 11.07 vs. 16.78 ng/ml &plusmn; 8.08; p=0.042), in comparison with controls. Regarding TAFI, we noticed that patients with isolated distal deep vein thrombosis have higher values of this parameter compered with healthy people (20.72 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.96 vs. 17.13 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.25; p=0.001), such as patients with proximal deep vein thrombosis (19.37 ng/ml &plusmn; 5.33 vs. 17.13 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.25; p=0.013). The same was obtained when compared patients with provoked venous thrombosis and controls (19.93 ng/ml &plusmn; 3.97 vs. 17.13 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.25; p=0.000), and patients with unprovoked venous thrombosis and controls (19.53 ng/ml &plusmn; 5.97 vs. 17.13 ng/ml &plusmn; 4.25; p=0.023). As far as genetic analysis, in the group of patients we had 25% homozygous and 58% heterozygous carriers of PAI-1 gene mutation, whereas 17% of patients did&#39;t have this mutation. In controls, we had 30% homozygous and 56% heterozygous carriers of mutation and 14% of those without mutation. There was no significant difference in the frequency of 4G/4G genotype between patients with different localization of venous thrombotic process (distal DVT 29% vs. proximal DVT 21% vs. rare localization DVT 12%, p = 0.501), as well as the representation of this genotype in provoked and unprovoked deep vein thrombosis (27% vs. 23%, p = 0.642), or in isolated deep vein thrombosis compared to pulmonary thromboembolism (25% vs. 33%, p = 0.735). Finaly, our results show that suppressed fibrinolytic functionality threefold increases risk of venous thrombosis (OR 3.02, CI 1.26-7.22), elevated levels of PAI-1 have no effect on the risk of deep vein thrombosis, as evidenced by OR of 0.86 with CI 0.59-1.25, elevated levels of t-PA antigen do not affect the risk of deep venous thrombosis (OR 1.53; CI 0.79-2.94), but increased concentration of TAFI increases more than twice this risk (OR 2.25; CI 1.16-4.35). PAI-1 4G/4G genotype does not affect venous thrombotic risk (OR 0.57; CI 0.27-1.20). Based on these results, we conclude that patients with deep vein thrombosis have suppressed fibrinolytic mechanism functionality compared to healthy subjects, the levels of t-PA antigen and plasminogen are significantly higher in patients with provoked venous thrombosis than in healthy subjects, there is no difference in PAI-1 concentration in patients with venous thrombosis and healthy persons, but the patients with deep vein thrombosis, regardless of its localisation or the type have a significantly higher level of TAFI as compared with healthy subjects. In addition, we can conclude that there is no difference in the prevalence of 4G/5G polymorphism in patients with venous thrombosis and healthy persons. Finally, we can say that suppressed fibrinolytic mechanism functionality threefold increases risk of deep vein thrombosis, elevated level of TAFI-a double increases this risk, while PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphism has no influence on the risk of venous thromboembolism.</p>

A Raman technique applicable for the analysis of the working principle of promoters and inhibitors of gas hydrate formation

Bräuer, Andreas, Hankel, Robert Fabian, Mehnert, Markus Konstantin, Schuster, Julian Jonathan, Will, Stefan 27 July 2020 (has links)
We report a Raman technique applicable for the in situ analysis of the development of hydrogen bonds in the liquid water‐rich phase just before the onset of gas hydrate formation. Herewith, the phase transition as well as the working principle of hydrate formation inhibitors and promoters can be analyzed.

Studium účinnosti korozně inhibičních látek ve správkových hmotách a optimalizace jejich dávkování / Studying the effectiveness of corrosion-inhibiting substances in the repair materials and optimization of their dosage

Kroča, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete structures poses a risk reduction of durability and ability to perform the required function of structures for which they were designed.The objective of this work was to study the effectiveness of a new type of corrosion inhibitor with different concentrations of the active substance and its comparison with commercial products. The corrosion inhibitors were part of a comprehensive system repair materials from Betosan s.r.o. and using the electrical measurements was studied their effect in reducing corrosion activity caused by aggressive chloride environments.

Conception, synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux inhibiteurs de méthyltranférases d'ADN à visée anticancéreuse / Conception, sy,thesis and characterization of new DNA methyltransferase inhibitors as anticancer drug

Erdmann, Alexandre 20 April 2015 (has links)
Le domaine de l'épigénétique couvre l'ensemble des phénomènes héritables et transmissibles qui interviennent dans l'expression du génome sans modifier la séquence nucléotidique. L'information épigénétique est régulée par les modifications de la chromatine impliquant les histones et l'ADN. La méthylation de l'ADN est un phénomène réversible jouant un rôle crucial dans l'expression des gènes puisque la méthylation des promoteurs de gènes empêche leur transcription. La modulation aberrante de cette marque épigénétique est associée à diverses pathologies telles que le cancer. Cette méthylation étant réversible, elle peut être ciblée afin de reprogrammer la cellule cancéreuse. Les méthyltransferases d'ADN (DNMT), étant les enzymes responsables de la méthylation, représentent la cible principale de notre stratégie de recherche. Leur inhibition par des petites molécules est au centre de nos recherches de thérapies anticancéreuses dont les bases sont représentées par deux catégories d'inhibiteurs de DNMT existant. Les premiers sont des analogues de cytosine qui est la cible de la méthylation. Ils sont connus pour s'intégrer dans l'ADN et former un complexe covalent irréversible avec l’enzyme (complexe suicide) mais ils souffrent d'un manque de stabilité et de certains effets indésirables dus à leur incorporation dans l’ADN. Les seconds sont les inhibiteurs non nucléosidiques qui sont divers et parfois connus pour cibler d’autres enzymes. Ils ont l’avantage de pouvoir être utilisés comme sondes pour comprendre plus précisément le mécanisme d'inhibition mais ils manquent de spécificité et de sélectivité. Au cours de cette thèse, une banque de molécules a été criblée à partir de la combinaison d'un test enzymatique et d'un test cellulaire visant à inhiber ces enzymes. Les synthèses de trois familles de molécules potentiellement inhibitrices de DNMT issus de ce criblage sont décrites en expliquant le chemin de drug design emprunté pour obtenir des informations mécanistiques d’inhibition de la méthylation d’ADN, notamment de réactivité avec la cible. Les découvertes ont été inspirées par des études de modélisation permettant de mettre en évidence une sélectivité de certains inhibiteurs. La synthèse chimique a également abouti à une nouvelle voie de synthèse d’accès aux diaminopyrimidines dont l’impact permet de faciliter les études chimiques de dérivés quinazolines comme inhibiteur non nucléosidiques utiles pour les thérapies anticancéreuses. / Epigenetic is defined as the study of heritable changes in the genes expression without altering the DNA sequence. Two main processes are implicated in this field, the histones modifications and the DNA methylation. By introducing an acetyl or a methyl group on the histone tails or by methylation of DNA, the chromatin state is modified and the gene expression is controlled. Aberrant epigenetic modifications are associated with several diseases, in particular with cancer. In cancer cells, the whole DNA is hypomethylated, thus promoting genome instability, while the promoter region is hypermethylated, inducing silencing of these genes. Overall, these observations indicate that DNA methylation is a central epigenetic process in cancerogenesis. Since DNA methylation is reversible, it is possible to target the methylation process in order to reactivate tumor suppressor genes. The DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs), the enzymes responsible for DNA methylation, use the SAM co-factor at specific CpG sites to product 5-methylcytosine. Three main isoforms (DNMT1, DNMT3A and DNMT3B) are described to ensure efficient methylation process during replication. Two families of DNMT inhibitors already exist, the nucleosidiques analogues are cytidine derivatives and are toxic molecules because of their incorporation into DNA, and the non-nucleosidic analogues are less toxic but also less potent. Our strategy of drug design is based on docking study and high throughput screening (HTS) information. First, novel potent derivatives of reference inhibitors are designed from molecular modelling. Then, three different families of compounds from HTS are described with appropriate structure-activity relationship studies. Mechanistic information on DNA methylation process are described through the discovery of a reactive inhibitor of DNMT3A. The study on a family of hydrazone derivatives of gallic acid is depicted and shows its selectivity for DNMT3A, compared to DNMT1, based on docking study. An alternative chemical pathway to diaminopyrimidines is described and extended to the synthesis of quinazolone in order to synthesize new quinazoline derivatives as potent inhibitors of DNMT. Promising informations are described in this thesis to enrich epigenetic knowledge of tumor genesis and to provide new molecules for anticancer therapy.

Einfluss des Histondeacetylase-Inhibitors 4-Phenylbutyrat auf das Wachstum des experimentell-induzierten Pankreaskarzinoms

Friske, Alexandra 14 April 2015 (has links)
Das Pankreaskarzinom bleibt trotz verbesserter Diagnose- und Therapiemöglichkeiten weiterhin eine Krankheit mit einer sehr schlechten Prognose und Lebenserwartung nach Diagnosestellung. Eine innovative Therapiemöglichkeit stellt eine Gruppe von Histondeacetylase-Inhibitoren dar, die einen direkten Einfluss auf die Regulation der Genexpression in Tumorzellen haben. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin, die Wirkung des HDAC-Inhibitors 4-Phenylbutyrat auf Pankreaskarzinomzellen in-vitro und vor allem in-vivo zu untersuchen. Neben dem Einfluss auf die Zellproliferation in-vitro und in-vivo wurde in-vivo im subkutanen und orthotopen Tumormodell der Einfluss auf Tumorwachstum, Zellproliferation, Nekroseausbreitung, Regulation des Connexin 43 und Histonacetylierung im Tumorgewebe untersucht. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass 4-PB durch seinen hemmenden Effekt auf das Wachstum von Xenografttumoren und auf die Proliferation von Pankreastumorzellen sowie durch seine fördernde Wirkung auf die Expression von Connexin 43, Acetylierung von H4 und Bildung eine Pseudokapsel, ein potentiell wirksames Medikament bei der experimentellen Behandlung des Pankreaskarzinoms ist.

Transformace lilku bramboru genem kódujícím proteázový inhibitor SPI-2 / Transformation of potato with protease inhibitor gene SPI-2

Říhová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
The subject of my thesis was to genetically modify a potato for increased resistance against its pathogens and pests. In developing a resistant plant, it is quite common to use the same type of molecules that plants use themselves in their defense reactions. In this work I used the gene SPI-2 originating from a honeycomb moth (Galleria mellonella). The protein SPI-2 is a member of serine protease inhibitors. Since the previous attempts of the team to detect the protein in transformed plants haven't been successful, the basic form of the gene was modified by adding a Kozak sequence near the start codon, which should have increased the translation initiation and hence increase the level of the protein. Two constructs were prepared for the transformation: SPI-2-T a SPI-2-Y. They differ by one amino acid, which slightly changes their inhibitory activity. First, the construct SPI-2-T was used for a transient transformation of tobacco Nicotiana benthamiana by agroinfiltration of its leaves. Then both constructs were used for a stable transformation of Solanum tuberosum cv. Desireé. The detection of the protein has not been successful, although the inserted gene was transcribed and his sequence was verified by sequencing. It is therefore most likely that the protein has a low stability in the cytoplasm....

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