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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling Knowledge and Functional Intent for Context-Aware Pragmatic Analysis

Vedula, Nikhita January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Strong Intents Against Weak Links : Towards a Holistic Integration of Behavioral Information Security in Organizations with Strategic Intent

Koller, Teresa Marie, Ljung, Migle January 2021 (has links)
The human factor has been detected as the weakest link in the information security of organizations. Methods like training and awareness programs and the implementation of security policies have been developed, but they still seem to be less effective than desired. Authors have suggested integrating information security more holistically in organizations. In this study we discuss how strategic intent can influence an information security culture and improve information security behavior, thereby strengthening the weakest link. This thesis aims to develop a conceptual framework for organizations to integrate behavioral information security holistically with strategic intent. This thesis is based on a qualitative study with an abductive approach consisting of nine exploratory, semi-structured interviews. This way we could find today’s most prominent factors that might reinforce information security behavior in organizations and discuss the interrelations among those factors together with their potential facilitators and barriers. To improve behavioral InfoSec holistically in organizations, strategic Intent and InfoSec culture are promising factors. All factors have clear interrelations, but also potential facilitators and barriers.

Factores determinantes en la intención de compra a través del comercio electrónico B2C en los vacacionistas nacionales que pertenecen a la Generación X entre 35 a 50 años de Lima Metropolitana en la industria turística durante el 2020 a partir del Modelo Unificado de Adopción y Uso de Tecnología (UTAUT 2) / Determining factors in the intention of purchase through the electronic commerce B2C in the domestic tourist who belong to the Generation X between 35 to 50 years of Lima Metropolitan in the tourist industry during the 2020 from The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2)

Felices Huanchi, Alexandra Pamela, Olano Estela, Fiorella 23 April 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación busca determinar la incidencia de los factores a partir del Modelo Unificado de Adopción y Uso de Tecnología (UTAUT 2) en la intención de compra a través del comercio electrónico B2C de los vacacionistas nacionales que pertenecen a la Generación X entre 35 a 50 años de Lima Metropolitana en la industria turística durante el 2020. Se presentarán como parte de la investigación la definición del comercio electrónico, la industria del turismo en el Perú y la definición de vacacionista nacional. Asimismo, se desarrollarán las características de las personas que pertenecen a la Generación X de Lima Metropolitana, así como la evolución de las teorías de modelos de adopción de tecnologías. Se empleó una investigación cuantitativa, de alcance explicativo, diseño transversal no experimental. A través de encuestas realizadas a 384 personas pertenecientes al público objetivo de la investigación; donde se recolectó la data y mediante el uso de la herramienta estadística informática SPSS; se comprobó que los factores del modelo UTAUT 2 si influyen en el comercio electrónico en la industria del turismo del Perú para los vacacionistas nacionales pertenecientes a la Generación X. También se encontró el nivel de relación de los factores del UTAUT 2 con la intención de compra, siendo el factor Precio el más significativo. / The present investigation seeks to identify the incidence of the factors from The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT 2) in the intention of purchase through the B2C e-commerce of the domestic tourist who belong to the Generation X between 35 to 50 years of Metropolitan Lima in the tourist industry during the 2020. The definition of e-commerce, the tourism industry in Peru, and the definition of domestic tourist will be presented as part of the research. Likewise, the characteristics of the people who belong to Generation X of Metropolitan Lima will be developed, as well as the evolution of the theories and models of adoption of technologies. A quantified research was used, with an explanatory scope, non-experimental transversal design. Through surveys carried out on 384 people belonging to the target public of the investigation; where the data was collected and through the use of the computer statistical tool SPSS; it was verified that the factors do influence the electronic commerce in the tourism industry for the national vacationers belonging to Generation X. We also found the level of relationship of the UTAUT 2 factors with the intention to purchase, being the price factor the most significant one. / Tesis

Luxury value perceptions that drive South African female consumers' purchase intent for luxury exotic leather accesories

Scheepers, Sunette January 2016 (has links)
The study investigated South African female consumers' purchase intent for luxury exotic leather accessories, with specific reference to exotic crocodile leather, as well as their perceived values of luxury exotic leather products and brands. A survey was conducted across South Africa that included representation of the following ethnic groups: African, White, Coloured, Asian and Indian. All the individuals surveyed were female. Consulta Research, a consumer research company, assisted the research study in collecting data. Data was collected by means of a non-probability convenient sampling method. Consulta Research distributed an online questionnaire to female participants on their database. Three hundred and thirty seven (337) usable questionnaires were completed and returned. Data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, Spearman's correlation analysis and Cohen's d correlation analysis. All of the demographic and lifestyle characteristics were useful in describing the South African female consumer. The findings indicated that the majority of the respondents were not willing to spend market-related prices for genuine crocodile leather accessories. The study confirmed that luxury value perceptions may include five dimensions that are distinguished in literature, namely Social, Individual gifts, Individual pleasure, Financial, and Functional value perceptions. Functional value perceptions were found to be more important to South African respondents, although previous studies in other countries have shown that Social and Individual value perceptions are more important. According to the literature presented in the study, it was confirmed that purchasing intent is part of the decision-making process, since intention is evident in an individual's readiness to perform a given behaviour. The findings showed that South African female respondents have a weak Purchasing intent for exotic crocodile leather accessories. The study, however, also showed that in the future at some point a substantial percentage of respondents might buy (24.00% + 18.60% + 20.70%), have the intention to buy (23.40% + 17.50% + 21.30%) and have an interest to buy (23.10% + 17.80% + 18.90%) an exotic crocodile leather accessory. A high practical significance was also found for the correlation between Purchasing intent and Functional value perceptions. This might be an indicator of the important role that functionality would play in respondents' final decision to buy or not buy an exotic crocodile leather accessory. This has implications for industry stakeholders because Functional value perceptions, according to the study, can be described as superior quality, quality assurance, high quality standards and substantive attributes and performance factors. Therefore industry stakeholders within the luxury exotic crocodile leather industry, be it suppliers, manufacturers, breeders, farmers, retailers or marketers, should take these consumer values into consideration in order to maximise the ultimate value delivered by the supply chain. Various recommendations are made based on the findings of this study, to either expand or build onto this existing research. Topics related to luxury exotic crocodile leather accessories and luxury consumers in South Africa can definitely be explored further to fill the current gap in knowledge in this field. / Dissertation (MConsumer Science)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Consumer Science / MConsumer Science / Unrestricted

The role of knowledge and importance of country-of-origin information in female consumers’ purchase intent of exotic crocodile leather accessories

Chambers, Hanri January 2017 (has links)
The study investigated the role of knowledge (objective knowledge and subjective knowledge) and the importance of country-of-origin in female consumers’ purchasing intent of exotic crocodile leather accessories. The study was conducted across South Africa and specifically concentrated on exotic crocodile leather accessories, which is a subset category in the luxury apparel industry. Consulta Research is a professional research company and was consulted to assist with the data collection. A quantitative descriptive approach was followed by developing an electronic survey design. Data was collected by using a selfadministrated online questionnaire, which was distributed by a research company. A crosssectional study was used to conduct the research. The data was collected by means of nonprobability convenient sampling. A total of 337 questionnaires were completed. Scales from previous research studies were adapted for the purpose of this study. The questionnaire was part of a bigger study and only five sections of the questionnaire were relevant to this specific study. Descriptive and association methods were used to analyse the data. Pearson correlation and Spearman correlation were used to analyse the data by means of relationships between variables. This study attempts to differentiate between consumers’ objective and subjective knowledge of luxury leather accessories. The construct objective knowledge was theoretically divided into intrinsic-related attributes and extrinsic-related attributes of the products of investigation. The relationship between objective knowledge and purchasing intent as well as the relationship between the importance of country-of-origin information and purchasing intent of exotic crocodile leather accessories was investigated. The findings regarding exotic crocodile leather accessories showed that females’ objective and subjective knowledge is limited, did not seem to find country-of-origin information important, had a weak purchase intent, and indicated that there was statistical significance only between the female consumers’ purchasing intent and their objective knowledge regarding the intrinsicrelated attributes of exotic crocodile leather accessories. The limitations of the study are that the results are based on non-probability convenience sampling, therefore the findings cannot be generalized to the whole South Africa, or to all the exotic leather industry markets for affluent consumers. One would have liked to have approached a population group that consisted of affluent respondents with an annual household income of more than R100 000. The study’s findings can contribute to the South African exotic crocodile leather industry and specifically to retailers, manufacturers, tanneries, and marketers. The findings and conclusions drawn in this study contribute to existing theory and could serve as the basis for future research in consumer behaviour, consumer science and the luxury exotic leather industry in South Africa. / Die studie het die rol van produk-kennis (objektiewe kennis en subjektiewe kennis) en die belangrikheid van inligting aangaande land-van-oorsprong in vroulike verbruikers se koopintensie met betrekking tot eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede ondersoek. Die studie is regoor Suid-Afrika uitgevoer, en daar is spesifiek gekonsentreer op eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede, wat ʼn sub-kategorie in die luukse klerebedryf uitmaak. Consulta Research is ʼn professionele navorsingsmaatskappy en is geraadpleeg om te help met die data-insameling. ʼn Kwantitatiewe deskriptiewe benadering is gevolg deur ʼn elektroniese opname-ontwerp te ontwikkel. Die data is ingesamel deur die gebruik van ʼn selftoegepaste aanlyn-vraelys, wat deur ʼn navorsingsmaatskappy versprei is. ʼn Dwarssneestudie is gebruik om die navorsing te doen. Die data is ingesamel deur middel van niewaarskynlikheids- gerieflikheid-steekproefneming. ʼn Totaal van 337 vraelyste is voltooi. Skale uit vorige navorsingstudies is aangepas vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie. Die vraelys het deel gevorm van ʼn groter studie en slegs vyf afdelings van die vraelys het betrekking op hierdie spesifieke studie. Pearson-korrelasie en Spearman-korrelasie is gebruik om die data deur middel van die verhoudings tussen veranderlikes te analiseer. Hierdie studie poog om te onderskei tussen die verbruikers se objektiewe en subjektiewe produk-kennis van luukse leer-produkte. Die produk wat genavors word se objektiewe kennis is teoreties onderverdeel in intrinsiek-verwante kenmerke en ekstrinsiek-verwante eienskappe. Die verhouding tussen objektiewe kennis en koopintensie, asook die verhouding tussen die belangrikheid van inligting aangaande die land-van-oorsprong en die koopintensie met betrekking tot eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede is ondersoek. Die bevindinge met betrekking tot eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede het getoon dat vroulike verbruikers beperkte objektiewe kennis en subjektiewe kennis beskik, blykbaar nie inligting aangaande land-van-oorsprong as belangrik beskou nie, ʼn swak koopintensie het, en het aangedui dat daar statistiese beduidendheid was slegs tussen die vroulike verbruikers se koopintensie en hul objektiewe kennis aangaande die intrinsiek-verwante eienskappe van eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede. Die beperkinge van die studie is dat die resultate gebaseer was op nie-waarskynlikheidsgerieflikheidsteekproefneming, wat beteken dat die bevindings nie veralgemeen kan word na die hele Suid-Afrika nie, of na al die eksotieseleer-bedryfsmarkte vir welgestelde verbruikers nie. ʼn Mens sou graag ʼn populasiegroep wou kon bestudeer wat bestaan uit welgestelde respondente met ʼn jaarlikse huishoudelike inkomste van meer as R100 000. Die studie se bevindinge kan bydra tot die Suid-Afrikaanse eksotiese krokodilleerbedryf en spesifiek vir kleinhandelaars, vervaardigers, leerlooierye, en bemarkers. Die bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings in hierdie studie dra by tot bestaande teorie en kan dien as die basis vir toekomstige navorsing in verbruikersgedrag, verbruikerswetenskappe en die luukse, eksotiese leerbedryf in Suid-Afrika. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Consumer Science / MConsumer Science / Unrestricted

From Fast to Slow: Can influencers make us shop more sustainably? : A quantitative study investigating the impact of influencers and their communities on fashion purchase intent and circular behavior

Bertilsson, Ellinor, van Alphen, Laura January 2020 (has links)
Research questions:  How do social media influencers affect fashion purchase intent? How is slow fashion behavior affected by social media influencers?                                 Purpose:                  The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possible effects that social media influencers have on slow fashion behavior, in addition to explore the effects of social media influencers on fashion purchase intent. Method:                   This research was conducted through a quantitative study and the data was collected using an online survey. The survey was constructed and distributed in collaboration with a research group at Mälardalen University.  Conclusion:             This study confirms that influencers have the possibility to influence consumers’ behavior and provides initial insight into how their communities can affect consumers. The study concludes that influencers can persuade consumers to purchase fashion products online. However, there is ambiguity into how much influencers affect consumers. The study showed that the relationship between influencers and their communities is not clear, and especially how the two concepts interact in the way they influence consumers to behave more sustainably. Despite the complex relationship, both have the capability to positively and negatively affect consumers’ slow fashion behavior. While consumers may not employ all behaviors favorable in the slow fashion movement, any positive behavior will make a difference.

Factores claves del comportamiento del consumidor mayor de edad de Lima metropolitana que influye en la intención de compra de productos funerarios a futuro en parques cementerio / Key factors that influence purchase intention in consumers from metropolitan Lima who are eighteen years and older to acquire funerary products for the future

Rivera Estrada, Horacio Jerry, Torres-Calderón Arrieta, Andrés Sebastián 09 September 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar los factores claves del comportamiento del consumidor de Lima metropolitana mayor de edad, que influyen en la intención de compra de productos funerarios a futuro en parques cementerio. Esta investigación se realizó con el fin de brindar un sustento valido a la industria funeraria para alinear las necesidades de los consumidores con la oferta de valor de los parques cementerios realizando una investigación mixta. La investigación cualitativa se aplicó a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas a expertos en la industria. Posteriormente se aplicó la investigación cuantitativa, donde se encuestó a una muestra representativa de la población. El primer paso para la investigación fue la búsqueda y análisis de las principales teorías que explican el tema. Seguidamente se aplicó la investigación cuantitativa y tras su análisis, se concluyó que la hipótesis general es aceptada. Se concluyó que los factores que influyen en el comportamiento del consumidor y la intención de compra en orden de relevancia son: 1. Personales, 2. Sociales, 3. Psicológicos y 4. Culturales. Esto permite definir a los participantes del mercado estrategias y decisiones más relevantes con respecto a los consumidores. Secundariamente se concluyó que los cuatro factores son relevantes para el comportamiento del consumidor. Además, se descubrió que a diferencia de lo que indica la teoría, no es el factor cultural el más relevante, sino los factores personales. Finalmente, se recomienda el uso de la herramienta de investigación cuantitativa y el marco teórico para futuros análisis de la industria. / The present investigation has as objective to identify the key factors that influence the consumer behavior on future funerary products in the Metropolitan Lima area. The end investigation was to provide a valid source of facts that would allow the industry to align its value offer to the public needs. To reach this goal, a mixt research was done, for the qualitative research, three industry experts where interviewed. For the quantitative research, a representative sample was surveyed. The first step for this investigation was a profound theory research and its analysis. Next, the application of the quantitative research, and after its analysis, it was conclusive that the general hypothesis was accepted. The key factors that influence consumer behavior on purchase decision in relevance order are: 1. Personal, 2. Social, 3. Psychological and 4. Cultural. This allows the market participants to define their strategies and decisions in a relevant manner to the consumers preferences. Secondly, it was concluded that this for factors are relevant for consumer behavior. Also, it was discovered that differently to what the theory states, it is not the cultural factor the most relevant but the personal factor for the consumer behavior in this specific market. Finally, the use of the present research tool and theory for the future analysis of the funeral industry. / Tesis

The relevance of sustainability labeling for Chinese consumers perception of the luxuriousness of, and purchase intent for sustainabilitu-labelled exotic leather accessories

Lavis, Skye January 2019 (has links)
This study explored the relevance of sustainability labelling for Chinese consumers’ perception of the luxuriousness of, and purchase intent for sustainability-labelled exotic leather accessories. The Wiedmann, Hennigs and Siebels’ Luxury Value Perception Scale (2007), as well as the Vigneron and Johnson’s (2004) Brand Luxury Index (BLI) model as adapted by Kim and Johnson (2015) served as the conceptual framework for the study. An online questionnaire was distributed across China and completed by willing participants. Qualtrics, a reputable international market research platform, used their extensive database of consumers for sampling purposes and managed to collect 526 completed and usable questionnaires. All participants had visited South Africa in the last five years or have the intention of visiting in the next five years. Both males and females were included in the study provided that they fell into the millennial generational cohort as of the year 2019 (born between 1979 and 2000). Data analysis was achieved through exploratory factor analysis and the calculation of the Cronbach alpha coefficients and eigenvalues. The outcome of the factor analysis for the sample identified three factors instead of the four factors proposed by the original Wiedmann, Hennigs and Siebels (2007) scale, namely “Pleasure”, “Others” and “Financial”. It seems that the Chinese millennials in this study considered everything that exotic leather accessories can do for them on a functional an individual level as one concept, named “Pleasure”. Additionally, respondents indicated that the “Pleasure” value perception was also the most important to them. Social items of the original scale loaded on the “Others” factor and although a little less important than the “Pleasure” factor, it is particularly important to the respondents in this study to know what others think of people who use certain exotic leather accessories. Finally, Financial items of the original scale loaded on the respondents’ “Financial” factor, which was considered to be the least important for the respondents in this study. A repeated measures ANOVA was performed to investigate whether the sample differed with regard to their perceptions of the factors “Pleasure”, “Others” and “Financial”. Post hoc analyses showed that there were significant differences with regard to all pairwise comparisons. The highest score was obtained on Pleasure, followed by Financial and Others. The outcome of the factor analysis for the sample’s perception of the luxuriousness of the four different sustainability-labels identified one identical factor for each of the four labels, instead of the five factors of the revised Kim and Johnson (2015) scale. The factor was named “Luxuriousness”. A repeated measures ANOVA was performed to investigate whether the sample differed with regard to the respondents’ perceptions of the luxuriousness between the four labels, however post hoc analyses revealed no significant differences with regard to any pairwise comparison. The outcome of the factor analysis for the sample’s purchasing intent, based on Spears and Singh’s (2004) scale indicated that the respondents had in all four cases a very strong purchasing intent for the sustainable exotic accessories, with only small differences between the four differently labelled exotic leather accessories. A repeated measures ANOVA was performed to investigate whether the sample differed with regard to their purchase intentions for the four labels. Post hoc analyses showed that there was a statistically significant difference between respondents’ purchase intent for Label 2 and Label 4, as well as a statistically significant difference between respondents’ purchase intent for Label 3 and Label 4. Respondents’ purchase intentions for both Labels 2 and 3 were therefore significantly higher than their purchase intent for Label 4. According to the results, there were statistically highly significant strong, positive correlations between the respondents’ most important Pleasure luxury value perception and their Purchase Intent for all four labels. Therefore, the more important the Pleasure luxury value perception becomes, the stronger becomes the respondents’ Purchase Intent for all four sustainability labelled accessories. Results of this study make positive contributions for various role players within the exotic leather industry. Manufacturers, retailers and marketers can all benefit from the results of the study. Recommendations for industry and future research are made. / Dissertation (MConsumer Science)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Consumer Science / MConsumer Science / Unrestricted

To be or not to be – factors that influence entrepreneurial intention : a Botswana study

St Quintin, Paul 16 July 2011 (has links)
This study explores whether final year university students possess entrepreneurial intention and which factors determine such a career choice. A quantitative study of 228 fourth year undergraduate students from the University of Botswana was undertaken to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial self-efficacy and whether this is influenced by internal and environmental factors. This study offers empirical proof that entrepreneurial interests lead to entrepreneurial intent when students posses entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Students with a creative cognitive style show strong entrepreneurial intent irrespective of the level of self-concept. It is suggested that environmental factors do not have a significant influence on the decision to pursue self-employment. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Country of Origin Image Appeals and the Purchase Propensity of Consumers : An experimental study / Country of Origin Image Appeals and the Purchase Propensity of Consumers : An experimental study

Waltrick, Davi Rogerio January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how dimensions of Country of Origin Image (COI) can impact the purchase propensity of consumers. Drawing on the literature of international marketing, consumer behaviour, and social psychology, an experiment with a three-product category (experiential, functional, and symbolic) was designed to analyse purchase propensity of Swedish consumers for Brazilian products. To collect the data, Swedish consumers divided into three groups were part of the experiment. Each group had contact with one product category having five advertisements with different appeals, answering a survey sent via e-mail. Overall, COI appeals was found to have a higher purchase propensity benefit than no COI. Evidence was found that dimensions have different purchase propensity benefit among the product categories. The findings offer evidence that in a cultural distance setting, COI appeals should be implemented for the increase of purchase propensity, with adaptation based on context. / <p>Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the presentation took place on-line, in a Zoom conference.</p>

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