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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Longitudinella förändringar av yttranden inom variationsmängder i barnriktat tal : En korpusstudie av yttrandetyper och verb / Longitudinal change in utterance type within variation sets in child-directed speech : A corpus study of utterance types and verb

Drangert, Lisette January 2016 (has links)
Variationsmängder är en egenskap i barnriktat tal som karaktäriseras av successiva yttranden i vilka den vuxne talaren upprepar och omformulerar sitt budskap med en konstant intention. Syftet med studien var att undersöka variationsmängder över tid i tal riktat till barn i åldrarna 7-33 månader. Målet var att studera vilka typer av yttranden som dominerar variationsmängderna vid olika åldrar, samt vilka yttrandetyper som tenderade att förekomma tillsammans inom variationsmängderna. Vidare undersöktes intention och tempusförändringar hos verb i dessa variationsmängder. Ett skript skrevs för att kategorisera yttrandetyper med data från en korpus över barnriktat tal. Resultatet undersöktes sedan kvantitativt utifrån fyra åldersgrupper. Yttrandenas komplexitet inom variationsmängder visade sig stiga ju äldre barn det rörde sig om. Vidare sågs en skillnad i den vuxnes intention då barnen blev äldre, samt en minskning i användandet av interjektioner i kombination med ja/nej-frågor och komplexa satser ju äldre barnen blev. En tolkning av resultatet föreslogs vara att den vuxne själv tenderar att hålla i båda sidor av konversationen då de talar med yngre barn till skillnad från när de talar med äldre, mer verbala, barn som själva kan bidra med svaret. / Variation sets are a feature in child-directed speech characterized by successive utterances in which the adult speaker repeats and reorders their message with a constant intent. The aim of this study was to investigate variation sets over time in speech directed to children in the ages 7-33 months. The purpose was to study which types of utterances that dominates the variation sets at different ages, and which utterance-types that tend to co-occur within the variation sets. Furthermore intent was studied as well as change in verb tense in these variation sets. A script was written to categorize types of utterances with data from a corpus consisting of child directed speech. A quantitative research was performed on the results based on four different age groups. The complexity of the utterances within variation sets was shown to grow with the increasing age of the children. Furthermore a noticeable difference was observed in the intent of the adult speaker, correlating with the age of the child, and also a decrease in use of interjection combined with yes/no- questions and complex utterances the older the children were. A suggested interpretation of the result was that the adult tend to take both sides of the conversation when the children are young as opposed to when they speak to older, more verbal, children that can provide the answer themselves.

Faculty Perceptions of Core Components Perceived to be Effective in Their Prominent Graduate Entrepreneurship Education Programs

Taylor, James Grant 16 November 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify Core components perceived by faculty to be effective in their prominent graduate entrepreneurship education programs. The study sought to identify the best practices in graduate entrepreneurship education programs from the perceptions of faculty in the field. Research questions guiding the study were: (1) What Core components related to the following Broad question areas are perceived by faculty to be effective in their prominent graduate entrepreneurship education programs: Activities and initiatives; Adult education principles and practices; Alumni and mentoring; Course offerings; Curriculum and degrees; Faculty data; Institutional characteristics; Instructional methods; Student companies; and Student data. (2) What other Core components and/or general observations are identified by faculty in the survey comments? (3) What are faculty perceptions of the popular marketplace publication rankings of graduate entrepreneurship education programs? A survey was distributed via the internet to faculty at 54 prominent graduate entrepreneurship education programs identified by The Princeton Review, US News & World Report, or the AACSB Entrepreneurship Spotlight Challenge. The survey was developed through several phases using panels of individuals with expertise related to this study. The resulting 106 Core components were divided into 10 Broad question areas and were evaluated individually and averaged for each Broad question area. Questions regarding the accuracy of graduate program rankings and student intent were also included, along with demographics, open-ended questions regarding additional Core components, and additional survey comments. The results of the study indicated the most important Core components in the Broad question areas were Alumni and mentoring and Institutional characteristics, while the Curriculum and degrees area was perceived to be much less important to graduate entrepreneurship education effectiveness. The results also indicated that student intent and popular marketplace publications were only moderately accurate in evaluating entrepreneurship education effectiveness. Four top programs dominated the perceptions of faculty as effective programs: Stanford, Babson, MIT, and Harvard. Findings indicated that faculty perceptions differed from other measures of effectiveness of graduate entrepreneurship education programs.

L'influence des trois formes de tensions de rôle sur l'absentéisme et l'intention de départ du personnel infirmier / The influence of the three forms of role stressors on absenteeism and intent to leave of nursing staff

Randon, Sophie 25 September 2015 (has links)
De plus en plus de contraintes pèsent sur les organisations avec de plus en plus de règles et de procédures à respecter. Ces contraintes ont une répercussion sur les salariés et se traduisent notamment par un surcroît de pression et de stress. Le secteur de la santé n’est pas épargné par ce phénomène de société avec des défis majeurs à relever : contenir l’augmentation des dépenses de santé, faire face aux progrès de la médecine et de la technologie, faire face également à la pression du public pour l’amélioration de la qualité et de la sécurité des soins, et répondre à une demande accrue due au vieillissement de la population. Ces défis peuvent générer chez le personnel soignant de l’absentéisme et du turnover. L’absentéisme et le turnover du personnel infirmier représentent un problème de santé publique coûteux et désorganisant. Les travaux réalisés sur l’absentéisme et l’intention de départ montrent qu’il s’agit de concepts à la mécanique complexe. Une lecture de ces comportements à travers les concepts d’implication organisationnelle, de satisfaction au travail et de tensions de rôle permet d’appréhender la complexité de ces phénomènes. Les précédents travaux sur les tensions de rôle n’ont jusqu’à présent jamais mesuré conjointement les trois formes de tensions de rôle. En effet, ils ont en majorité porté sur le conflit de rôle au détriment des deux autres formes de tensions de rôle (ambiguïté de rôle et surcharge de rôle). Une analyse simultanée des trois formes de tensions de rôle représenterait pourtant un intérêt managérial important puisqu’elle permettrait d’orienter préférentiellement les actions managériales sur la ou les formes de tensions de rôle qui sont véritablement des facteurs explicatifs des variables dépendantes. Cela conduirait à une meilleure adaptation des pratiques de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, et à terme favoriserait leur efficacité. Telle est l'ambition de notre travail de thèse. Une première étude qualitative exploratoire, adossée à une revue rigoureuse de la littérature, nous a permis de construire des modèles de recherche que nous avons ensuite confrontés à l'épreuve des faits dans une étude quantitative mobilisant plus de 300 personnels infirmiers et une trentaine de cadres de santé. Notre travail contribue à éclairer le déterminisme des tensions de rôle dans le phénomène de turn-over, ou plus précisément dans les intentions de départ des personnels, ainsi que dans la satisfaction au travail, et l'implication organisationnelle. Nos résultats sont plus décevants s'agissant de l'absentéisme, ce qui souligne la difficulté de son étude et tend à confirmer la complexité de ce phénomène. / There are more and more constraints weighing on organizations, with more and more rules and procedures to respect. These constraints have a repercussion on employees, in particular through increased pressure and stress. The health sector has not been spared by this societal phenomenon and must face major challenges that lie ahead: contain increased health care costs, face technological and medical advances, deal with public pressure to improve the quality and security of health care and respond to a rising demand due to the ageing population.These challenges may give rise to absenteeism and turnover among caregivers. Absenteeism and turnover among nursing staff constitutes a major public health problem that is both costly and disrupting. Work carried out on absenteeism and departure intentions shows that complicated, intricate concepts are involved. Interpreting these behaviours through the concepts of organisational commitment, job satisfaction and role stressors allows one to grasp the complexity of these phenomena. Previous work done so far on role tensions has never jointly measured the three different forms of role tensions. In fact, the majority have concentrated on role conflict, to the detriment to the two other forms (role ambiguity and role overload). A simultaneous analysis of the three forms of role tensions, however, would be of great managerial interest as it would preferentially orientate management action on the form or forms of role tension which are the true explanatory factors in dependent variables. This would lead to better adaptation of the Human Resources Management practices and, in the end, boost their efficiency. This is the aim of our research. An exploratory qualitative study, supported by rigorous review of the literature, allowed us to construct research models that were tested in a quantitative study involving 300 nurses and around 30 health professionals. Our work contributes to shedding light on the determination of role tensions in the turnover phenomenon, or more precisely on the intent to leave of personnel, as well as job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Our findings are more disappointing in regard to absenteeism, which highlights the difficulty of its study and tends to confirm the complexity of this phenomenon.

The Evolution of Warfare, the Laws of War, and the Ethical Implications of U.S. Detainee Policy in the Global War on Terror and Beyond

Sheie, Marc A. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release / The atrocities committed by Americans at Abu Ghraib shocked the collective American moral conscience. Guilty of inhumane treatment of its prisoners there, Abu Ghraib did immeasurable damage to U.S. credibility and made clear that American detainee policy is off-track and needs to comply with objective standards of law, morality, and operational effectiveness. The emotional aftermath of 9/11 created a politically permissive environment within which the military organizational structures was unsuited for the critical tasks assigned to them relative to the context of the Bush Administration’s “new paradigm.” Two issues sit at the forefront of the political context of U.S. detainee policy: war powers and human rights. This thesis will utilize a synthesized decision-making model to analyze the President’s decisions leading to the current detainee policy. Policy alternatives require smaller corrections to bureaucratic process, not a major reorganization of bureaucratic structure. This thesis will provide policy-makers with a moral and legal framework for a corrected detainee policy. Adoption of the full framework of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, including U.S. ratification of Additional Protocols I and II (1977), provides the best framework to combat transnational insurgency, while retaining the moral and legal high ground required of the world’s superpower. / Major, United States Air Force

Intensionele kommunikasie-ontwikkeling van jong kinders met kogleêre inplantings (Afrikaans)

Kaltenbrünn, Inge Johanna 12 January 2005 (has links)
This research describes the development of communicative intention of young children with cochlear implants in order to study the relationship between the early communicative intention of these children and their later verbal communication. Five children under the age of three years with cochlear implants were selected from the records of the University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Academic Hospital’s Cochlear Implant Unit, Cape Town as subjects. Video recordings of each of the five subjects in unstructured free play interaction with their caregivers, before cochlear implantation and each six months after cochlear implantation over a period of two years were used to identify the development of their communicative intention. The Communicative Intention Inventory (Coggins&Carpenter, 1981) was used to classify the communicative behaviour of the subjects according to the types of communication functions that were used, as well as the way in which they expressed the functions of communication. Results of the study show that the development course of the functions of communication that the subjects used over a two-year period, were consistent with the development patterns found in younger children with normal hearing. There was however marked individual differences between the subjects during the transition from nonverbal to dominantly verbal ways of communication as far as the rate of development of verbal communication was concerned. A strong relationship was found among the five subjects regarding the use of the nonverbal communication functions, request for object or action and protest before cochlear implantation and their total verbal communication two years after cochlear implantation, which could account for these individual differences in the rate of verbal communication development after cochlear implantation. Indications for clinical application and future research were identified on the basis of these conclusions. The data collected during the research is seen as meaningful in clinical decision-making regarding the suitability of young children under the age of three years with a profound hearing loss for cochlear implantation and their therapeutic management. / Dissertation (M (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / Unrestricted

La fabrique du document carte : vers une méthode d'analyse d'une représentation de territoires / The making of map document : to a method of analyzing a representation territories

Joubert, Nathalie 13 November 2015 (has links)
En se fondant sur une enquête documentographique, issue de plusieurs méthodes de commentaire de documents, notamment en géographie, en histoire, en analyse des spectacles, cette thèse vise à explorer les capacités informatives de la carte, objet de contemplation et de fascination, mais aussi de visualisation de territoires. La carte est, en effet, une re-présentation, c'est-à-dire une " mise sous les yeux " iconique d'informations spatialisées, qui bénéficie d'un langage visuel et textuel efficace. L'objectif de cette enquête sur l'élaboration, la production et les usages des cartes, est de définir, du point de vue des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, et dans la continuité des travaux de Jean Meyriat, le document carte, et de préciser ce qui relève de ses fabriques infocommunicationnelles, celle par l'intention de son auteur, et celle à réception. La carte est construite et élaborée pour assumer une ou des fonctions, définies par celui qui la fabrique. Mais elle peut être exploitée et interrogée par des utilisateurs, dans d'autres contextes de réception que celui prévu par l'auteur. La carte remplit alors d'autres fonctions et se révèle kaléidoscopique : chacune de ses utilisations crée une autre image, chaque utilisateur fabrique un nouveau document. A travers cette exploitation de la carte, réalisée à partir d'un échantillon du fonds cartographique de l'Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, nous contribuons ainsi, au sein de l'équipe MICS, Médiations en Information-Communication Spécialisées du Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches Appliquées en Sciences Sociales, LERASS, à l'élaboration collective du concept de document dans ses formes diverses. / Based on a documentographic investigation, following several methods comment of documents, including geography, history, analysis shows, this thesis aims to explore the informative capacity of the map, an object of contemplation and fascination, but also territories visualization. The map is, in fact, a re-presentation, that is to say, an iconic "deposit under the eyes" of spatial information, which has a visual and textual language effectively. The objective of this investigation on the development, production and uses of maps, is to define, in terms of Information and Communication Sciences, and continuity in the work of Jean Meyriat, the document map, and clarify what comes under its infocommunicationals factories, one by the intention of its author, and one upon receipt. The map is built and developed to assume one or more functions defined by the person who makes. But it can be exploited and interrogated by users, in other receptions contexts than that provided by the author. The map then performs other functions and proves kaleidoscopic: each of its use creates another image, each user makes a new document. Through this exploitation of the map, made from a sample of cartographic funds of University of Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, we contribute, within MICS team, Mediations in Specialized Information-Communication Studies, of Laboratory and Applied Research in Social Sciences, LERASS, of the collective concept development document in its various forms.

Kybernetická bezpečnost a legislativa ČR / Cyber security and legislation of the Czech Republic

Kratochvíl, David January 2012 (has links)
Contemporary society is increasingly influenced by computers and internet environment and it meets with issues related to cybercrime. There are already a number of laws, whether at EU or national governments, which are trying to reduce or prevent risks associated with hackers, cyber terrorism or any other illegal activities in cyberspace. Thesis "Cyber security and legislation of the Czech Republic", is divided into two main parts. In the first theoretical part, the reader apprise with cybercrime in general. You can read about methods of investigation, types of illegal activities and how to prevent such practices. The second part consists of an analysis of the current legislation of the Czech Republic, EU and Legislative intent of the law on cyber security. I will describe the bill, analyze and appraise its benefits to society. In conclusion of this thesis, I will summarize the achievement of results and objectives of the work.

Intenção empreendedora: validação de modelo em universidades federais de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil / Entrepreneurial intention: model validation in universities federal of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Souza, Roosiley dos Santos 16 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-20T14:50:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Roosiley Dos Santos Souza.pdf: 1731739 bytes, checksum: 1f07502a21f8578370ddfd9ad1d27a64 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-20T14:50:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roosiley Dos Santos Souza.pdf: 1731739 bytes, checksum: 1f07502a21f8578370ddfd9ad1d27a64 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-16 / Entrepreneurship is seen as promoting the generation of new knowledge, new technology, and the ability to enhance the role of entrepreneurs in society as agents of development in their local and regional context. A promising field for research is on higher education, given its key role of promoter and developer of entrepreneurial intentions. The objective of this research is to apply and validate the Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire - EIQ as measurement instrument of entrepreneurial intention in Brazil, in a regional context. The EIQ is a psychometric measuring instrument proposed by Liñán (2008), Liñán and Chen (2009) and reviewed by Liñán, Urban and Guerrero (2011), whose base is the Theory of Planned Behavior of Ajzen (1991). Thus, the research was with students who attend graduate of Management and Production Engineering at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul and the Federal University of Grande Dourados, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The methodology used in the study was quantitative. The survey data was conducted by applying the EIQ, with a sample of 505 students of the two institutions of higher education. The data were first exploited through Microsoft Excel 2007 software, then statistically analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling with partial least squares model paths (PLSPM), using the SmartPLS 2.0 M3 software. It was found that the constructs showed significant positive relationships and explaining 13% of the variance of Personal Attitude (AP), 21.2% of Perceived Behavior Control (PBC) and 57.3% of Entrepreneurial Intent (IE). The relationship between attitude and intention showed the greatest strength from the relationships observed denoting the consolidated role of theoretical observed relationship between attitudes and intentions. The main results indicate that the EIQ was validated in a regional context. Thus, there was understanding that this thesis has contributed to validation of a psychometric scale regional context and Brazil. / O empreendedorismo é visto como promotor da geração de novos conhecimentos, de novas tecnologias, tendo a capacidade de potencializar o papel dos empreendedores na sociedade como agentes de desenvolvimento em seu contexto local e regional. Um campo promissor para investigação está no ensino superior, dado o seu papel fundamental de promotor e fomentador das intenções empreendedoras. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é aplicar e validar o Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire - EIQ como instrumento de mensuração da intenção empreendedora no Brasil, num contexto regional. O EIQ é um instrumento de medida psicométrica proposto por Liñán (2008), Liñán e Chen (2009) e revisto por Liñán, Urbano e Guerrero (2011), cuja base é a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado de Ajzen (1991). Dessa forma, a pesquisa foi com alunos que cursam graduação de Administração e Engenharia de Produção, na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul e na Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. A metodologia empregada na pesquisa foi de natureza quantitativa. O levantamento dos dados foi realizado com a aplicação do EIQ, com uma amostra de 505 alunos das duas Instituições de Ensino Superior. Os dados foram inicialmente explorados por meio do software Microsoft Excel 2007, depois submetidos à análise estatística por meio de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais com mínimos quadrados parciais e modelo de caminhos (PLSPM), usando-se o software SmartPLS 2.0 M3. Verificou-se que os constructos apresentaram relações positivas e significantes explicando 13% da variância da Atitude Pessoal (AP), 21,2% do Controle do Comportamento Percebido (CCP) e 57,3% da Intenção Empreendedora (IE). A relação entre a atitude e a intenção demonstrou a maior força dentre as relações observadas denotando o papel consolidado da relação teórica observada entre as atitudes e intenções. Os principais resultados indicam que o EIQ foi validado em contexto regional. Desta forma, houve entendimento de que a presente tese contribuiu para validação de uma escala psicométrica em contexto regional e no Brasil.

Elementos del webrooming en instagram en relación a la intención de compra de marcas slow fashion en mujeres de 25 a 35 años de Lima Metropolitana / Elements of webrooming in Instagram in relation to the purchase intention of slow fashion brands in women of 25 to 35 years old from Metropolitan Lima

Echegaray Cajo, Julio César Jesús, Ríos Ortiz, Alisson Alondra 27 November 2019 (has links)
Con la evolución de las redes de internet, las empresas han desarrollado una estrategia omnicanal para incrementar sus ventas. Sin embargo, los consumidores aún mantienen cierto grado de desconfianza que los limita a realizar compras por internet. Por ello, estos desarrollan un comportamiento Webrooming que es la búsqueda de información online del producto para luego comprarlo en la tienda física. Con ello, algunas marcas de moda han logrado identificar ese comportamiento y desarrollar su estrategia utilizando a las redes sociales como vitrinas digitales y, a través del presente trabajo de investigación, se enfoca el desarrollo de las marcas de moda sostenible, las cuales otorgan un valor más ético e ideal a sus productos a través de la calidad de su post, la información ofrecida dentro del post y la percepción de las variables del producto en la tienda física. / With the evolution of internet, companies have developed an omnichannel strategy to increase sales. However, consumers still maintain a degree of distrust that limits them to making purchases over the Internet. For this reason, they are developing a Webrooming behavior that is the search of online information of the product to buy it at the physical store. With it, some fashion brands have been able to identify their behavior and develop their strategy using social networks as digital showcases and, through this research, focus on developing sustainable fashion brands whose gives more ethical and ideal thoughts with their products through the quality of your post, the information offered within the post and the perception of the variables of the product in the physical sales store. / Trabajo de investigación

Brand Image, Brand Trust y su relación con la Intención de Compra en la categoría de bebidas gaseosas para consumidores de 20 a 35 años en Lima Metropolitana / Brand Image, Brand Trust and its relation with Purchase Intention in the carbonated drinks category for consumers between 20 and 35 years old from Metropolitan Lima

Diaz Guzman, Sheila Rocio, Figueroa Nuñez, David Atilio 26 February 2020 (has links)
La industria de bebidas sin alcohol, específicamente en la categoría de gaseosas, es una de las más competitivas dentro del mercado peruano, generando cada año significativos ingresos y volumen de venta. Sin embargo, frente a las nuevas tendencias en el mercado, el consumo de estos productos ha disminuido en los últimos años y apunta a seguir así, obligando a los fabricantes a idear nuevas formas de atraer al público y mantener vigencia en el mercado. Gradualmente los participantes de esta categoría, han ido entendiendo la importancia de un buen manejo de la marca para hacer frente a situaciones desfavorables, ya que esta permite no solo una mayor presencia, sino que influye en la retención y atracción de consumidores para la compra. Teniendo como objetivo a consumidores de gaseosas de 20 a 35 años de Lima Metropolitana, se diseñó un cuestionario que posteriormente será distribuido de manera digital. La aplicación de dicha encuesta tendrá como objetivo validar las hipótesis propuestas respecto a la relación entre las variables de Brand Image, Brand Trust, e Intención de Compra. / The soft drinks industry, specifically in the carbonated drinks category, is one of the most competitive markets in Peru, generating significant income and sales volume each year. Nevertheless, in the face of new consumer trends, the consumption of these products has decreased in recent years and aims to continue this way, forcing manufacturers to devise new ways to attract public and to maintain validity in the market. Gradually, the participants of the category have understood the importance of a good brand management to deal with unfavorable situation, since it allows them not only to have a better presence, but also influences the retention and attraction of consumers for the purchase. Aiming at carbonated drinks consumers between 20 and 35 years old of Metropolitan Lima, a questionnaire was designed and will be later distributed digitally. The application of this survey will aim to validate the hypotheses proposed regarding the relationship between the variables of Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Purchase Intention. / Trabajo de investigación

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