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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La relación entre los programas de fidelización y la lealtad hacia los supermercados en hombres y mujeres de 25 a 35 años de Lima Metropolitana / The relationship between loyalty programs and loyalty to supermarkets in men and women aged 25 to 35 in Metropolitan Lima

Escalante Costa, Mariana de los Angeles 24 February 2020 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación se realizó con el fin de determinar el nivel de relación existente entre los programas de fidelización y la intención de compra, específicamente de los supermercados en sus clientes de 25 a 35 años. A través de este trabajo se evaluarán las principales variables del marketing de lealtad que existe entre el consumidor y las diversas estrategias pertenecientes a los programas de fidelización.    Los programas de fidelización son parte de una estrategia de marketing para capturar y retener gran parte de sus clientes a través de tarjetas que permiten acumular puntos tras la compra de productos, cupones, descuentos e incluso canje por otros productos. A partir de ello, esta investigación busca descubrir la relación existente entre estas estrategias generadas por los supermercados que incitan la compra en sus distintos consumidores. / This research work was carried out in order to determine the level of relationship between loyalty programs and the purchase intention, specifically in supermarkets with their clients from 25 to 35 years old. Through this work we will evaluate the main variables of loyalty marketing that exist between the consumer and the different strategies belonging to the loyalty programs. Loyalty programs are part of a marketing strategy to capture and retain a large part of your customers through cards that allow you to accumulate points after purchasing products, coupons, discounts and even exchanges for other products. From this, this research seeks to discover the relationship between these strategies generated by supermarkets that encourage the purchase of their different consumers. / Trabajo de investigación

Impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intent at further education and training (FET) colleges in South Africa

Malindi, Muzikayise Musawakhe January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intent at FET colleges. The background to the study is guided by the action plans detailed in the national development plan to increase the capacity of the post college sector and the drive to improve early stage entrepreneurial training. The proposed research has contextual value and urgency for both business and academia given the level of youth unemployment, quality of education and South Africa’s below average Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) rate. The literature review on entrepreneurship education learning and teaching framework, measurement of entrepreneurial intent and the impact of entrepreneurship suggest that entrepreneurship programs have a positive impact on entrepreneurial behaviour. Three hypothesis were tested, the research hypothesis are H1: Learner satisfaction with the entrepreneurship curriculum has a positive effect on entrepreneurial intentions for FET College students. H2: Inclusion of experiential learning and practical exposure in the teaching and delivery methods has a positive effect on entrepreneurial intent. H3: Entrepreneurship education at FET College has a positive effect in promoting entrepreneurship as a career choice. The research findings concluded that there is a positive relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intent at FET colleges. The literature that encourages a combination of learning the start-up process and entrepreneurial activity is well supported. In addition, the entrepreneurship education program seems to have a positive relationship in promoting entrepreneurial career. The level of experiential learning and practical exposure was highlighted as a concern. Suggestions for future research were made to investigate level of experiential learning. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lmgibs2015 / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted

Practicing Teachers' Perceptions of Their Whole Child Preparedness and Intent to Stay in Their Current Placement

George, Ashley Rae 28 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Frameworks for Part Generation in Multiple CAD Systems and for CAD Simulation with Multiple Users

Sadler, Jonathan Edwin 10 December 2020 (has links)
Companies often require designers to work with and operate between different computer-aided design (CAD) systems. To interoperate between these systems, a neutral design standard for CAD models is needed that allows for generation, customization, and parameterization. Current standards often fail to incorporate file history and design intent. The research proposes a simplified, neutral design format that can be used to generate models in different CAD systems. The format proposes additional functionality not yet found in existing neutral formats or scripts. The system was tested by generating models in both NX and CATIA, then comparing the models for accuracy, flexibility, and similarity of the results. Utilizing the principles established with the neutral framework, a system was developed that facilitates a collaborative CAD modeling environment that supports the interaction of models within virtual reality (VR). A framework is presented that allows for the models to be created and then used in VR without the need for conversion. Strategies are discussed for minimizing the impacts of latency and unit testing was conducted to evaluate functionality. Furthermore, feasibility of using modern game engines such as Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot to aid in the development of both VR and physics simulations are discussed. The above foundation and frameworks enhance collaboration in training and simulation in VR environments. This research demonstrates that by using neutral design standards, collaboration could be improved between different software, as well as between different engineers. Common strategies can be used for solving issues with conversions across the design space and integrated into future VR systems. This research will be indispensable to furthering studies of collaboration and design in remote environments.

The relationship between efficacy and teacher turnover intent

Kolwyck, Bradley J 01 May 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between efficacy and teacher turnover intent in small, poor, rural schools. The researcher focuses on small, poor, rural schools in a Midwest state in the United States due to the state’s annual teacher turnover rate (16.4%) which mirrors the national rate. A sample of 730 teachers was solicited to participate in the study through their building principal with a final response of N = 220 participating. This non-experimental study explores the relationship between efficacy (independent variable) and turnover intent (dependent variable) by collecting data utilizing the online platform of Survey Monkey. The Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001) measured the level of self-efficacy for participants in the study. Additionally, the Collective Teacher Efficacy Scale (CTES) (Tschannen-Moran & Barr, 2004) measured the level of participants’ sense of collective efficacy. The Turnover Intent Scale (TIS) (Tiplic, Brandmo, & Elstad, 2015) measured the level of turnover intent for each participant. The research questions and hypotheses were used to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and turnover intent as well as collective efficacy and turnover intent. In addition, three research questions focused the investigation on the relationship between the variables by exploring the subscales of self-efficacy: student engagement, instructional strategies, and classroom management. The mean scores for each scale show that generally participants displayed a moderately high level of efficacy and were not searching for a new job. Additionally, the results show a statistically significant relationship between participants’ sense of collective efficacy and turnover intent. The significant relationship suggests that school leaders should focus on increasing teachers’ sense of collective efficacy to help with teacher turnover.

Frameworks for Part Generation in Multiple CAD Systems and for CAD Simulation with Multiple Users

Sadler, Jonathan Edwin 10 December 2020 (has links)
Companies often require designers to work with and operate between different computer-aided design (CAD) systems. To interoperate between these systems, a neutral design standard for CAD models is needed that allows for generation, customization, and parameterization. Current standards often fail to incorporate file history and design intent. The research proposes a simplified, neutral design format that can be used to generate models in different CAD systems. The format proposes additional functionality not yet found in existing neutral formats or scripts. The system was tested by generating models in both NX and CATIA, then comparing the models for accuracy, flexibility, and similarity of the results. Utilizing the principles established with the neutral framework, a system was developed that facilitates a collaborative CAD modeling environment that supports the interaction of models within virtual reality (VR). A framework is presented that allows for the models to be created and then used in VR without the need for conversion. Strategies are discussed for minimizing the impacts of latency and unit testing was conducted to evaluate functionality. Furthermore, feasibility of using modern game engines such as Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot to aid in the development of both VR and physics simulations are discussed. The above foundation and frameworks enhance collaboration in training and simulation in VR environments. This research demonstrates that by using neutral design standards, collaboration could be improved between different software, as well as between different engineers. Common strategies can be used for solving issues with conversions across the design space and integrated into future VR systems. This research will be indispensable to furthering studies of collaboration and design in remote environments.

The electric upswing: A quantitative study ofelectric vehicle attributes and consumerattitudes influence on purchase intent inSweden

Kelecsenyi, Miklos, Nilsson, Johan, Safari, Hemen January 2022 (has links)
Purpose:The aim of this study is to measure the attributes of electric vehicles that influence consumers'attitudes towards EVs. The consumers’ attitude and their intent to purchase is also measured in thisstudy. This is done in order to explore whether the attributes of EVs have an influence on the attitudetowards innovation and whether the attitude of a consumer has an influence on their purchase intent. Method:Employing the innovation of electric cars in Sweden as the empirical setting, a quantitative researchapproach was adopted. The primary data was collected through a questionnaire that was conductedamong non-car and car owners over the age of 18 in Sweden. Conclusion:As a result of the conducted study, it was found that the importance of the selected attributes has apositive influence on the consumers’ attitude towards electric cars. Moreover, it was found that theattitude of the given respondent has a statistically significant correlation with their intention topurchase one in the future. However, a non-correlation was found between the variable of attributesand intent to purchase.

A Journey of Missional Intent : Organizational Strategy in the Context of God’s Mission

Van Wynen, Susan Elaine January 2020 (has links)
This research addresses the following issue: Traditional strategic planning philosophies and methodologies were not created or developed to reflect or support organizational participation in missio Dei (God’s mission). The following questions provided the focus for the research— Can the concept of a journey: • provide a more biblically and missiologically-aligned, helpful, and effective basis for creating new ways of leading and participating in organizational thinking and planning in and among mission and church organizations?” • address organizations’ desires to flourish in and respond to the complex local and global environments of today and tomorrow? • be effective in multicultural and global contexts? The questions above were addressed through three key areas of research: Metaphor and strategy, multi-cultural impressions of journey, and journey and Scripture. A process of qualitative inquiry drew from literature review, survey and case studies. The literature review included contributions from theology, missiology, business, history, and literary classics. The research was also enriched by the wisdom, cultures, contexts, and experiences of survey and case study participants, organizational leaders from more than forty nations. The findings come together to make a unique contribution to the study of strategy as relates to organizations that seek to be a part of God’s mission. The research primarily, but not exclusively, addresses the needs of Christian organizations, including churches. The study of strategy metaphors and the journey concept could be of benefit to any organization’s leaders. The research is informed by the work and journey of the Wycliffe Global Alliance, but the application potential and implications of the research are broader and deeper than any one group or type of organizations. Exploring the concept of journey led to findings concerning the importance of metaphor, the near-universality of journey as a metaphor, and the many rich facets of this concept when voices from many nations are heard. The case studies and research associated with the literature review also provided insights into how the journey concept can be practically applied across cultures and in ever-changing, and often complex, global and local contexts. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Biblical and Religious Studies / PhD / Unrestricted

Computational models for intent recognition in robotic systems

Persiani, Michele January 2020 (has links)
The ability to infer and mediate intentions has been recognized as a crucial task in recent robotics research, where it is agreed that robots are required to be equipped with intentional mechanisms in order to participate in collaborative tasks with humans. Reasoning about - or rather, perceiving - intentions enables robots to infer what other agents are doing, to communicate what are their plans, or to take proactive decisions. Intent recognition relates to several system requirements, such as the need of an enhanced collaboration mechanism in human-machine interactions, the need for adversarial technology in competitive scenarios, ambient intelligence, or predictive security systems. When attempting to describe what an intention is, agreement exists to represent it as a plan together with the goal it attempts to achieve. Being compatible with computer science concepts, this representation enables to handle intentions with methodologies based on planning, such as the Planning Domain Description Language or Hierarchical Task Networks. In this licentiate we describe how intentions can be processed using classical planning methods, with an eye also on newer technologies such as deep networks. Our goal is to study and define computational models that would allow robotic agents to infer, construct and mediate intentions. Additionally, we explore how intentions in the form of abstract plans can be grounded to sensorial data, and in particular we provide discussion on grounding over speech utterances and affordances, that correspond to the action possibilities offered by an environment.

La significancia del e–Branding en la fidelización en Instagram del sector cosmético de clientes mujeres residentes de Lima Metropolitana que tienen un rango de edad de 18 a 35 años / The significance of e-Branding in the loyalty on Instagram of the cosmetic sector of female clients residing in Metropolitan Lima who have an age range of 18 to 35 years

Tataje Lima, Ginette Alicia 10 July 2020 (has links)
Con esta investigación se pretende averiguar si existe una significancia positiva entre el e-Branding y la fidelización en Instagram dentro del sector de cosméticos para el público mujeres residentes de Lima Metropolitana con un rango de edades de 18 a 35 años. Para averiguar ello, los principales objetivos son saber cuál es el nivel de fidelización del público objetivo según sus edades generacionales, conocer si existe una significancia positiva entre el sentido de pertenencia entre usuario-marca y la fidelización hacia la marca, identificar si la interacción con la marca tiene una significancia positiva por las usuarias en la plataforma de Instagram y por último determinar si el e-branding tiene una significancia positiva para lograr la fidelización de las usuarias en la plataforma de Instagram. Cabe destacar que la presente investigación es descriptivo correlacional, no experimental, con un diseño transversal y un enfoque mixto. En orden para corroborar la presente investigación, se realizaron estudios de forma cualitativa y cuantitativa. El estudio cualitativo consistió de entrevistas a expertos y dos focus group al público objetivo cuyos resultados están plasmados en el capítulo III. A su vez, el estudio cualitativo se centró en encuestas virtuales a 258 personas y sus resultados se encuentran en el capítulo IV. Finalmente, se puede concluir que sí se aprobó la hipótesis planteada mediante una prueba de Chi Cuadrado en IBM SPSS y se propusieron estrategias y tácticas de acuerdo a los objetivos planteados que se muestran en el capítulo V y recomendaciones a futuras investigaciones. / This research aims to find out if there is a positive significance between e-Branding and loyalty on Instagram within the cosmetics sector for the target, female residents of Metropolitan Lima with an age range of 18 to 35 years. The main objectives are to know what is the level of loyalty of the target audience according to their generational ages, to know if there is a positive significance between the sense of belonging between the user and brand loyalty, to identify whether the interaction with the brand has a positive significance for users on the Instagram platform and finally determine if e-branding has a positive significance for achieving user loyalty on the Instagram platform. It should be noted that this research is descriptive, correlational, non-experimental, with a cross-sectional design and a mixed approach. In order to corroborate the present investigation, studies were carried out in a qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative study consisted of interviews with experts and two focus groups to the target audience, the results of which are reflected in Chapter III. In turn, the qualitative study focused on virtual surveys of 258 people and its results are found in Chapter IV. Finally, it can be concluded that the hypothesis proposed was approved by means of a Chi Square test in IBM SPSS and strategies and tactics were proposed according to the stated objectives shown in Chapter V and recommendations for future research. / Trabajo de investigación

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