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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beitrag zum Thema VERBUNDWERKSTOFFE - WERKSTOFFVERBUNDE: Status quo und Forschungsansätze

Nestler, Daisy Julia 04 November 2013 (has links)
Vielschichtige Eigenschaftsprofile benötigen zunehmend moderne Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde einschließlich der raschen Entfaltung neuer Fertigungstechnologien, da der monolithische Werkstoff bzw. ein einziger Werkstoff den heutigen komplexen Anforderungen nicht mehr genügen kann. Zukünftige Werkstoffsysteme haben wirtschaftlich eine Schlüsselposition und sind auf den Wachstumsmärkten von grundlegender Bedeutung. Gefragt sind maßgeschneiderte Leichtbauwerkstoffe (tailor-made composites) mit einem adaptierten Design. Dazu müssen Konzepte entwickelt werden, um die Kombination der Komponenten optimal zu gestalten. Das erfordert werkstoffspezifisches Wissen und Korrelationsvermögen sowie die Gestaltung komplexer Technologien, auch unter dem Aspekt der kontinuierlichen Massen- und Großserienfertigung (in-line, in-situ) und damit der Kostenreduzierung bislang teurer Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird in vergleichbarer und vergleichender Art und Weise sowie abstrahierter Form ein Bogen über das Gesamtgebiet der Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde gespannt. Eine zusammenfassende Publikation über dieses noch sehr junge, aber bereits breit aufgestellte Wissenschaftsgebiet fehlt bislang. Das ist der Separierung der einzelnen, fest aufgeteilten Gruppierungen der Verbundwerkstoffe geschuldet. Querverbindungen werden selten hergestellt. Dieses Defizit in einem gewissen Maße auszugleichen, ist Ziel der Arbeit. Besondere Berücksichtigung finden Begriffsbestimmungen und Klassifikationen, Herstellungsverfahren und Eigenschaften der Werkstoffe. Es werden klare Strukturierungen und Übersichten herausgearbeitet. Zuordnungen von etablierten und neuen Technologien sollen zur Begriffsstabilität der Terminologien „Mischbauweise“ und „Hybrider Verbund“ beitragen. Zudem wird die Problematik „Recycling und Recyclingtechnologien“ diskutiert. Zusammenfassend werden Handlungsfelder zukünftiger Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte spezifiziert. Aus dem Blickwinkel der verschiedenen Herstellungsrouten insbesondere für Halbzeuge und Bauteile und der dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden verallgemeinerte Konzepte für tailor-made Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde vorgeschlagen („Stellschraubenschema“). Diese allgemeinen Werkstoffkonzepte werden auf eigene aktuelle Forschungsprojekte der Schwerpunktthemen Metallmatrix- und Polymermatrix-Verbundwerkstoffe sowie der hybriden Werkstoffverbunde appliziert. Forschungsfelder für zukünftige Projekte werden abgeleitet. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt den hybriden Verbunden als tragende Säule zukünftiger Entwicklungen im Leichtbau. Hier spielen in-line- und in-situ-Prozesse eine entscheidende Rolle für eine großseriennahe, kosteneffiziente und ressourcenschonende Produktion. / Complex property profiles require increasingly advanced composite materials and material compounds, including the rapid deployment of new production technologies, because the monolithic material or a single material can no longer satisfy today's complex requirements. Future material systems are fundamentally important to growth markets, in which they have an economically key position. Tailor-made lightweight materials (tailor-made composites) with an adapted design are needed. These concepts have to be developed to design the optimum combination of components. This requires material-specific knowledge and the ability to make correlations, as well as the design of complex technologies. Continuous large-scale and mass production (in-line, in-situ), thus reducing the costs of previously expensive composite materials and material compounds, is also necessary. The present work spans the entire field of composite materials and material compounds in a comparable and comparative manner and abstract form. A summarizing publication on this still very new, but already broad-based scientific field is not yet available. The separation of the individual, firmly divided groups of the composite materials is the reason for this. Cross-connections are rarely made. The objective of this work is to compensate to some extent for this deficiency. Special consideration is given to definitions and classifications, manufacturing processes and the properties of the materials. Clear structures and overviews are presented. Mapping established and new technologies will contribute to the stability of the terms "mixed material compounds" and "hybrid material compounds". In addition, the problem of recycling and recycling technologies is discussed. In summary, areas for future research and development projects will be specified. Generalized concepts for tailor-made composite materials and material compounds are proposed ("adjusting screw scheme") with an eye toward various production routes, especially for semi-finished products and components, and the associated findings. These general material concepts are applied to own current research projects pertaining to metal-matrix and polymer-matrix composites and hybrid material compounds. Research fields for future projects are extrapolated. Particular attention is paid to hybrid material compounds as the mainstay of future developments in lightweight construction. In-line and in-situ processes play a key role for large-scale, cost- and resource-efficient production.

工業用電腦主機板的快速客製化服務之研究-以研華科技為例 / To Study The Fast Customization Service of Industrial PC Maker - A Case Study for Advantech Co., Ltd

廖漢雄, Barry Liaw Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對工業電腦產業,探索其創新產品服務:快速客製化(半客製化)服務的兩大產品服務模組化系統SOM(System On Module)及接單設計服務DTOS(Design To Order Service)-客製底板CSB的客製化服務之間的關聯影響,及對快速客製化(半客製化)服務的影響及關聯性。本研究以個案訪談法,以研華科技為研究對象;加上部份的問卷調查,為主要的研究方法。   本研究歸納分析研究發現如下:   【研究發現1】共通性模組的共通性程度會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現2】變異性模組的變異性程度會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現3】模組的介面標準化程度會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現4】設計延遲會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現5】最佳資源統治形式會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現6】接單後生產機制會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現7】共通性模組的共通性程度會影響設計延遲   【研究發現8】變異性模組的變異性程度會影響最佳資源統治形式   【研究發現9】模組化是接單後生產機制的必備條件   研究結果發現:快速客製化服務是結合「快速設計客製化」及「大量客製化」的新興事業模式;並發現模組化及設計延遲理論對快速客製化服務的重大影響。   因此本研究建議:廠商應該致力於推動模組化系統SOM的產業標準化,運用延遲理論於接單設計DTOS及接單生產BTO服務,及運用交易成本理論於最佳資源統治形式來提高客製底板CSB快速客製化服務的績效。 / This research focused on studying the new business model for Fast Customization Service which is the combination of Fast Design Customization Service and Mass Customization Service.   The research result shows that Fast Customization Service is significantly influenced by “Modularity” and “Design Postponement” .   The Author suggests that the IPC makers should endeavor for promoting the industrial standardization of SOM (System On Module) , implementing Postponement theory into DTOS (Design To Order Service) and BTO (Build To Order) , and implementing Transaction-Cost Theory into the best Governance Structure .

Vers la prédiction de performance de modèles compositionnels dans les architectures GALS

Coste, Nicolas 24 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La validation, incluant vérification fonctionnelle et évaluation de performance, est un processus critique pour la conception de designs matériels complexes : un design fonctionnellement correct peut s'avérer incapable d'atteindre la performance ciblée. Plus un problème dans un design est identifié tard, plus son coût de correction est élevé. La validation de designs devrait donc être entreprise le plus tôt possible dans le flot de conception. Cette thèse présente un formalisme de modélisation par composition, couvrant les aspects fonctionnels et temporisés des systèmes matériels, et définit une approche d'évaluation de performance afin d'analyser les modèles construits. Le formalisme de modélisation défini, appelé Interactive Probabilistic Chain (IPC), est une algèbre de processus a temps discret. Nous avons défini une bisimulation de branchement et prouvé sa congruence par rapport à l'opérateur de composition parallèle, nous permettant une approche compositionnelle. les IPCs peuvent être vues comme une transposition des Interactive Markov Chains dans un espace de temps discret. Pour l'évaluation de performance, une IPC complètement spécifiée est transformée en une chaîne de Markov à temps discret, qui peut être analysée. De plus, nous avons défini une mesure de perfor- mance, appelée latence, et un algorithme permettant de calculer sa distribution moyenne sur le long terme. A l'aide d'outils permettant de traiter les IPCs, développés sur la base de la boîte à outils CADP, nous avons étudié les aspects de communication d'un design industriel, l'architecture xSTream, développée chez STMicroelectronics.

Conception et évaluation de performance d'un Bus applicatif, massivement parallèle et orienté service.

Benosman, Mohammed Ridha 12 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) est actuellement l'approche la plus prometteuse pour l'implémentation d'une architecture orientée services (SOA : Service-Oriented Architecture) par l'intégration des différentes applications isolées dans une plateforme centralisée. De nombreuses solutions d'intégration à base d'ESB on été proposées, elles sont soit open-source comme : Mule, Petals, ou encore Fuse, soit propriétaires tels que : Sonic ESB, IBM WebSphere Message Broker, ou Oracle ESB. Cependant, il n'en existe aucune en mesure de traiter, à la fois des aspects : d'intégration et de traitement massivement parallèle, du moins à notre connaissance. L'intégration du parallélisme dans le traitement est un moyen de tirer profit des technologies multicœurs/multiprocesseurs qui améliorent considérablement les performances des ESBs.Toutefois, cette intégration est une démarche complexe et soulève des problèmes à plusieurs niveaux : communication, synchronisation, partage de données, etc.Dans cette thèse, nous présentons l'étude d'une nouvelle architecture massivement parallèle de type ESB.

Promoting Educational Change: Reflections on a Namibian Non-Governmental Educational Organisation 1989 - 1992

Collett, Karen Suzette January 1999 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / In this dissertation I set out to reflect on and examine a case study of a Namibian nongovernmental educational organisation (NGEO),the Primary Teachers Project (PTP),from 1989to 1992 focusing on issuesof educational change and the role of NGEO'sin this process. My aim is to highlight some of the factors which helped and hindered the Primary Teachers Project playing a role in educational change. The study focuses on the following four aspects: The Primary Teachers Project'sin-service education and training (INSET)model. The relationship between the Namibian Ministry of Education and the PTP. Funding relationships and their influence on the project's development. Internal dynamics within the Primary Teachers Project The dissertation begins by locating the Primary Teachers Project within the broader geographical, political and educational context of Namibia. The PTP's development between 1989 and 1992is then described. The four focus areas above are highlighted within the case study. Topical reflections on each of these areas are integrated with relevant national and international literature on INSET, educational change and the role of NGEO's. Central learnings with regard to the PTP and its role in educational change in Namibia are raised. Some of the key factors which worked for and against this NGEO's influence on educational change are highlighted. Finally, I make a number of general recommendations with regard to the role of NGEO's in the Southern African context. This study raises key factors relating to the influence of NGEO's on educational change. These are: NGEO's need to develop their understanding of the complexity of educational change processes, in order to inform INSET strategies. School-focused INSET models need to strengthen strategies for follow-up support to assist teachers to implement new ideas and practices. A combination of curriculum-based INSET and organisation development support needs to be provided at the school level to assist educational change. Organisation development processes within NGEO's can strengthen their internal capacity and critically inform their INSET strategies. NGEO's need to research and reflect on their practice and disseminate their findings, in order to improve their own practice and influence educational change at other levels of the educational system, Collaboration between different INSET providers builds the capacity for sustainability of educational change processes at school level and supports NGEO's in disseminating their knowledge and expertise throughout the formal educational system. An enabling INSET policy framework is required at national and local level to support INSET work in schools and assist the work of NGEO's and donors.

Jednoúčelový stroj zajišťující lisování kanystrových nálevek / Dedicated machine for forming of jerrican spouts

Podolan, Luděk January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is detail description of theory, design process and final realization of single-purpose machine for pressing canister funnels. Theoretical section of this work covers manufacturing standards of the electrical cabinets, options for the single-purpose machine control with focus on the programmable logic controller e.g. PLC, PLC control program concept with definition of the main alarm states and description of two types of electrical cabinet. Practical part contains description of the electrical cabinet, its block diagram, photo documentation of the wiring (chapter 4.), chosen PLC type, its advantages and detail program description using Ladder diagram notation, communication with operator realized with touch LCD panel, programming environment for this LCD panel and program realization process. Finalized machine description and its photo documentation in manufacturing process is covered in the end. This diploma thesis is based and extends previously successfully defended semester project.

Multimódový VKV rozhlasový přijímač / Multimode VHF Broadcasting Receiver

Hradňanský, Vladimír January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work is to design a microprocessor-controlled multimode VHF radio can receive AM, FM and DAB. The first step is to become familiar with digital radio broadcasting DAB and RDS. Then we can proceed to the design of the receiver circuit solution using modern component base. Next it is necessary to write utility software and construct a prototype of receiver, verify its functionality and parameters. The result of the work is the multi-mode VHF broadcasting receiver controlled using touch screen display and supported by web management.

Automatic Patent Classification

Yehe, Nala January 2020 (has links)
Patents have a great research value and it is also beneficial to the community of industrial, commercial, legal and policymaking. Effective analysis of patent literature can reveal important technical details and relationships, and it can also explain business trends, propose novel industrial solutions, and make crucial investment decisions. Therefore, we should carefully analyze patent documents and use the value of patents. Generally, patent analysts need to have a certain degree of expertise in various research fields, including information retrieval, data processing, text mining, field-specific technology, and business intelligence. In real life, it is difficult to find and nurture such an analyst in a relatively short period of time, enabling him or her to meet the requirement of multiple disciplines. Patent classification is also crucial in processing patent applications because it will empower people with the ability to manage and maintain patent texts better and more flexible. In recent years, the number of patents worldwide has increased dramatically, which makes it very important to design an automatic patent classification system. This system can replace the time-consuming manual classification, thus providing patent analysis managers with an effective method of managing patent texts. This paper designs a patent classification system based on data mining methods and machine learning techniques and use KNIME software to conduct a comparative analysis. This paper will research by using different machine learning methods and different parts of a patent. The purpose of this thesis is to use text data processing methods and machine learning techniques to classify patents automatically. It mainly includes two parts, the first is data preprocessing and the second is the application of machine learning techniques. The research questions include: Which part of a patent as input data performs best in relation to automatic classification? And which of the implemented machine learning algorithms performs best regarding the classification of IPC keywords? This thesis will use design science research as a method to research and analyze this topic. It will use the KNIME platform to apply the machine learning techniques, which include decision tree, XGBoost linear, XGBoost tree, SVM, and random forest. The implementation part includes collection data, preprocessing data, feature word extraction, and applying classification techniques. The patent document consists of many parts such as description, abstract, and claims. In this thesis, we will feed separately these three group input data to our models. Then, we will compare the performance of those three different parts. Based on the results obtained from these three experiments and making the comparison, we suggest using the description part data in the classification system because it shows the best performance in English patent text classification. The abstract can be as the auxiliary standard for classification. However, the classification based on the claims part proposed by some scholars has not achieved good performance in our research. Besides, the BoW and TFIDF methods can be used together to extract efficiently the features words in our research. In addition, we found that the SVM and XGBoost techniques have better performance in the automatic patent classification system in our research.

Microstructural Investigation of Al/Al-Fe alloy-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Interpenetrating Phase Composites Produced by Reactive Metal Penetration

Yurcho, Anthony M. 14 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Medidas da velocidade da luz usando observações e simulações astronômicas das luas de Júpiter

Valido Filho, Manoel Messias Pereira 25 July 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this work we propose an interdisciplinary modular teaching sequence on the measurement of the speed of light which is compatible with the traditional basic education’s sillabus. Based on the Römer method to measure the time difference between the occultation of Jupiter's moons in different orbital configurations with respect to the Earth, we developed educational activities that include: (a) observations of Jupiter's moons occultations through amateur telescopes; (b) data analysis using professional Astronomy softwares; (c) simulations using the software Stellarium and (d) the use of spreadsheets for the calculations involved to explore the physics contents. The modules can be applied independently and they are associated to educational products like didactic sequences, tutorials, video tutorials and info-animation in PowerPoint to support the lectures. We add three extra classes to the usual curriculum, which however can be easily adapted to the usual lecture. For these classes we prepared two info-animations employing the Peer Instruction and Just-in-time teaching methods besides practical activities centered on the students, following the Meaningful Learning approaches. With these resources we explore kinematics concepts (linear and circular movements), systems of reference, vectors and scientific epistemology. By mean of a pre and post-tests using questions from the High School National Exams (ENEM) involving the topics of Physics and Astronomy proposed in this work, we verified a considerable progress in the pattern of responses before and after our intervention to more than 90% of the addressed questions. Based on publicly available data by the National Institute for Studies and Educational Research (INEP) we identify a significantly higher yield of right answers of our students when compared with the average responses of all students from Sergipe who participated of the National Exams. Methodological corrections to this work based on the problems identified during the application of our products are proposed. / Neste trabalho propomos uma sequência didática modular, de caráter interdisciplinar e compatível com o currículo do ensino básico, sobre a medida da velocidade da luz. Inspirados no método de Römer para medir a diferença de tempo entre as ocultações das luas de Júpiter em configurações orbitais distintas com relação à Terra, elaboramos atividades que contemplam: (a) observações das ocultações das luas de Júpiter por meio de telescópios amadores; (b) análise de dados por meio de softwares profissionais da Astronomia; (c) simulações das observações utilizando o software Stellarium e (d) o uso de planilhas tanto para os cálculos quanto para explorar a física envolvida. Os módulos podem ser aplicados de forma independente e têm como produtos, além da sequência didática, tutoriais, vídeo-tutoriais e info-animações em PowerPoint para apoio às aulas teóricas. Utilizando três aulas complementares à grade tradicional, mas que podem ser facilmente adaptadas à grade de aulas normais, elaboramos duas info-animações em que, empregando a técnica de Instrução pelos Colegas – IpC, Ensino sob Medida - EsM e atividades práticas centradas no aluno, com base nas abordagens da Aprendizagem Significativa, exploramos os conceitos de cinemática (retilínea e circular), sistemas de referência, vetores e epistemologia científica. Por meio das asserções de um pré-teste e um pós-teste, utilizando questões do ENEM envolvendo os tópicos de Física e Astronomia, pudemos constatar uma evolução considerável no padrão de respostas antes e depois de nossa intervenção para mais de 90% das questões abordadas, com um rendimento significativamente superior à média das respostas apresentadas por todos os alunos de Sergipe participantes do ENEM, com base nos dados publicamente disponíveis pelo INEP. Correções metodológicas com base nos acerto e erros aferidos também são exploradas.

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