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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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江明洲 Unknown Date (has links)
面對越來越不確定性的環境下及大量客製化(Mass-Customization)的時代來臨,且要符合顧客對成本(C)的降低、品質(Q)的要求,速度或交期(D)的縮短、較高的彈性(F)、更好的服務是業界所必須發展的趨勢,亦是產業必須面對的事項。 研究者在資訊科技產業歷練近二十年,在此瞬息萬變的產業中深深體悟到「成本、品質、速度/交期、彈性」對產業競爭之重要性,亦是企業面對將來挑戰不可或缺之要項。根據個人工作領域及參閱許多模組化之相關文獻之後,深深以為只有模組化管理才能同時達到上述相關要項之需求。 特地以B公司個案為例針對模組化理論及相關實際應用加以討論,試著從產品規劃、研發、製造等各階段之模組化實務應用上著手,期望得到一些研究發現,更期盼能得到一些心得,以供產業界參考並為學術上貢獻一些心力。進而以此研究結果,作為本公司未來在規劃新產品計劃及模組化管理之參考依據,此為本論文最主要之研究動機。 本研究主要是在探討B公司於產品規劃、研發到上市之間的價值活動,透過以模組理論與實務運用為研究主題加以探索。藉著個案深入分析、求證模組化對企業競爭能力之提昇,及滿足顧客需求之相關性。 研究結果發現,模組化是一種創新策略,是達成大量客製化的有效推手,其能將一些標準的單元,整合不同功能的模組,快速有效的組合成新的功能,所以是企業彈性化的最佳途徑,亦是達到企業兼顧「大量生產」之好處及符合「客製需求」之「大量客製化」產品的基礎。模組化之管理確實能提昇企業的整體競爭力;滿足消費者的需求,產品又能兼具低成本、高品質、短交期,也較能有彈性化策略來應付市場的不確定因素。 模組化之理論驗證到實務上的運用是行得通的。模組化是使得企業將已有的知識和智慧先單元化,使其趨近於標準化,並有系統的整理成各常用之模組;重複性的使用常用之單元,使得既有的知識不斷的使用,也算是一種知識管理(KM)。 模組化推動之限制 —模組化的推動具有規模考慮;不是任何事務均要模組化,規模太小或延續性不足的事物,推行下來將不符規模經濟。 —規模化之適切性,規模化程度到底怎麼才算恰當?單元化要細到多小才算對?個人以為當視其效率及資源運用之能耐而定,也沒有絕對性。 —規模化之推動,須考慮長期進行,短期是不適合的;剛開始的成本會高於非模組化的安排,但長期整體下來成本會降低。 「預測不是一種值得做的活動」管理大師杜拉克早有提醒。面對充滿不確定的環境,只有具備彈性的企業可拋開預測,擁抱不確定性,更可以從中勝出。又因模組化的推動正是開創企業彈性的基礎。因此模組化實務運用之相關研究顯得重要,值得學界繼續從事相關研究,以期貢獻於實務界。


謝宏暉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要在說明研究體育頻道邁向數位化過程,並以緯來體育台最為個案研究,探討藉由模組化生產建構體育頻道的數位平台。 本研究發現,以模組化概念生產緯來體育台的棒球內容,本研究提出五項策略性建議: 1.解構原產品策略:重點為Live直播賽事的解構與後製作。 2.棒球賽事的知識編碼:依據棒球規則對內容單元的前製編碼。 3.棒球運動的創意編碼:針對棒球內容架構的創意編碼。 4.多媒體轉換策略:著重生產過程內容的跨平台應用,如以網際網路為主要平台,建製【網路影音資料庫】。 5.特殊功能編碼策略:基於影視內容的產品特性,利用畫面的高度解析與分格特性等,呈現展現棒球運動的力與美及其他趣味性的特質。 而建構緯來體育台的數位平台,本研究歸納為三大架構,由「模組化生產資訊產品族」創造具創意的內容價值源頭,並透過知識管理的概念建構多樣多元「內容平台」;再藉由功能導向的「寬頻應用平台」進行整合、加工與篩選、互動、編輯與應用等功能;並以策略聯盟方式用建構無障礙的「傳輸平台」將價值傳遞到消費者手中,以完成數位平台架構。

類型廣播電台節目模組化數位產製研究 / A study of the modular digitalized program production for format stations

李鈺琦 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究宗旨在於發展、建構一理想的類型廣播電台節目模組化數位產製模式與流程,並針對各階段作業技巧提出建議。 研究發現目前類型電台節目產製具有模組化的雛形,但規劃節目架構時未妥善安排元素與產製行為,造成欲再次使用節目內容時事倍功半。另外,節目產製者對於模組的功能定位認識不清,且一體成型的節目重播方式仍存在,模組化組裝的真義尚未被普遍落實,而版權問題以及缺乏多媒體內容也讓模組組裝形式受限制。 因此,研究建議在節目規劃階段設計標準鐘時,須妥善安排節目內容元素,並發掘各種有機會製成模組的內容,落實一次生產多次使用。而界定模組功能時須調整模組功能屬性,並積極規劃生產核心屬性模組。在元素製作階段,節目產製人員藉由觀察大環境的變遷,解讀聽眾的需求及喜好,製作模組時才能激發創意,另外,模組單元數量多多益善,因為將來這些單元都能夠重覆使用。儲存模組時,應衡量電台需求設計類目欄位,將模組明確分類定義,不管是模組單元或是模組半成品都是電台資產須妥善保存。再者,資料庫管理須劃分使用權限,並定期檢視模組效能,作淘汰或更新。組裝播出階段則應將模組單元重新組合取代一體成型的節目重播方式,且善用模組成品與半成品,因應不同通道特性組裝成新的節目或商品,並走向多媒體的呈現方式。而模組化數位產製的最終目的就是透過資料庫生產,提供客製化服務,讓類型電台的經營從分眾市場走向小眾及個人市場,帶來更多收益。

以模組化對應機械設備業少量多樣客製化的策略─以S公司為例 / Modular design as a strategy for small amount but variety types of production in automation equipment industry. ----- Take S company as an example.

王年清 Unknown Date (has links)
自1995年WTO成立以來,全球化使得企業進入高度競爭時代,為因應環境快速變遷與少量多樣化的產業趨勢,企業不再以傳統大量生產的模式作為競爭獲利的優勢,企業需升級成為獨具特色的客製化製造服務業,才能迎合趨勢,貼近市場需求,並降低經營風險,以更具彈性與機動性的競爭條件,脫穎而出。 個案研究是以印刷電路版科技產業自動化的設備供應商為研究對象,在面臨客製化少量多樣且快速變遷的產業趨勢衝擊下,企業遭遇生產瓶頸與營運壓力,研究分析以模組化的策略來解決此產業環境變遷的問題,透過個案分析與文獻探討模組化的研究,藉由資料收集和訪談與整理,釐清企業經營所面臨的問題,然後分析出可執行的策略方案。 研究中並分析個案公司陸續針對功能性機構,開始執行模組化的設計與生產概念後,產生的效益與核心技術、成本、產品與品牌價值等主要競爭優勢,關鍵在於必須持續更大量地運用模組化,企業模組化策略的整個活動仍需持續不斷推行,建議企業如何持續改善與創新,讓模組化的研發成為企業經營的核心技術之ㄧ,並使這種管理精神發展成為活化企業文化的元素,以具備達到永續經營與因應環境變遷的能力。 關鍵字:機械設備業、少量多樣客製化、模組化 / Since the WTO was established in 1995, the enterprise into the highly competitive global era, in response to a rapidly changing environment with a small amount of a variety of industry trends, companies are no longer the traditional mass production model as a competitive advantage to profit, and the need to upgrade a unique characteristics of customized manufacturing services, in order to reduce business risk, and close to the market needs to be more flexibility and mobility of competitive conditions, come to the fore. Case study is based on printed circuit board technology industry automation equipment suppliers for the study, a small amount of customization in the face of diverse and rapidly changing under the impact of industry trends, companies face production bottlenecks and operating pressure, research and analysis to modular strategy environmental changes in the industry to solve the problems through case analysis and literature review of research modules, through interviews and data collection and collation, to clarify the problems faced by business, and then analyze the executable modular approach. Research and analysis for the case companies have functional organizations, started with the modular design of the production concept, the benefits and core technology, cost, product and brand value of the other major competitive advantage, the key is still in a lot more to be continued use of modular, modular strategy for the entire enterprise still continue ongoing activities, and recommends how the continuous improvement and innovation, and allow the development of a modular core technology business, and let the spirit of the development of this management activation of the elements of a corporate culture in order to achieve sustainable management with the response to environmental changes and the ability. Key words: machine suppliers, Small Lot but Variety Types of Production, Modular Design

影視節目模組化生產研究 - 以科學傳播內容素材資料庫為例 / The Research on Modular Production of Films and Television Programs - A Case Study of Database for Scientific Communication Content

鍾珮甄 Unknown Date (has links)
數位化時代的來臨不僅為影視節目帶來了包括節目內容品質提升、產製無帶化等變革,更由於數位化資訊具有容易複製、存取與再分配,且在傳遞過程中低耗損率等特性,影視節目內容產製開始有了資源再利用之可能。 本研究為探討影視節目內容產製如何透過導入模組化與素材之概念,實現「一次生產、多元加工、多次使用、多功傳輸」之節目產製理念,透過實地落實《科學傳播內容素材資料庫建置》,自資料庫建置、素材模組化、至資料庫生產之完整流程中歸納出以下研究發現: 一、平台資料庫之建置應著重資料庫架構、分類、欄位與檢索方式設計,並以使用者友善為介面設計依歸; 二、素材模組化之流程應先落實節目內容特性分析,並以使用者經驗與內容產製之需求為基礎,制定素材模組化之規格與原則,同時建立模組化之標準作業程序; 三、影視內容資料庫生產之應用應先建立應用之情境,並解析情境中包括「情境特色」與「影片受眾」等特性,據以重組資料庫中適用之素材,實現素材再利用之內容產製模式。 本研究並於研究後對影視節目內容邁向資料庫生產(database production)之願景提出建議,未來內容產製流程應於源頭即考慮到資源後續應用之各種形式,以利素材的生產與累積;其次應持續強化建立「素材」之觀念,以確保累積之「素材」皆可再進行多樣化編輯,真正發揮建置素材資料庫之效益。

網際網路應用系統開發之模組化趨勢及人力資源配置研究~以Java 2 Servlet & JSP技術進行農民曆日期轉換為例

錢雲山 Unknown Date (has links)
如同硬體元件的模組化,軟體元件的模組化在應用系統開發領域也取得的普遍的認知。以Web為基礎的應用系統在分散式運算環境中日趨重要。美國昇陽公司開發Servlet & JSP技術來作為網際網路應用系統開發的工具。在本研究中採用 Model-View-Controller架構,就網際網路應用系統開發中的模組化趨勢透過使用 Servlet & JSP技術來加以檢驗。為了實作的需要,採用了農民曆法轉換程式來作為處理Model部份之運算邏輯。最後並自然導引出從系統開發過成中合理有效之人力資源配置原則。 / Just like the modularization of hardware component, the trend of modularization of software component has gained also general recognition in the field of application system development. Recently, web-based application has become more and more important in the distributed computing environment. The Sun Inc. has been developing the servlet & JSP technology to be used for developing interactive web application. In this research, a software component study following the model-view-Controller architecture is inspected to verify the software modularization trend in the web application development using servlet & JSP technology. For implementation purpose, a business logic dealing with Chinese Calendar Transformation is selected as the model part. The implication of human resource allocation from point of view the application system development is also outlined as a deductive conclusion.

少量多樣的生產管理與營運策略-以工業電腦專業設計製造商為例 / The production management and operational strategy for small lot and large variety manufacturing - The case of the manufacturer of professional design for industrial computer.

林中彪 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣工業電腦產業近三十年的發展,已步入成熟期。而工業電腦發展、應用層面極廣,從工業電腦產業價值鏈分析發現,不同公司在策略及資源投入依其核心能力及技術卻有相當大的差異。台灣企業大多以代工為主,雖然整體營收水準不錯,但是毛利卻很低,若鄰近國家逐漸擁有類似的基本生產要素,產業就勢必會外移。本論文希望探討工業電腦少量多樣的製造特性,如何轉化成為企業的核心競爭力,並透過營運策略不斷的修訂、執行與改善,藉此達到企業永續經營的終極目標。 工業電腦產業因為零組件眾多,透過導入豐田的精實生產管理方式可以有效減少存貨、降低生產成本、增加生產力及提昇產品品質,以建構少量多樣的製造模式,進而強化公司獲利及企業競爭優勢。本研究提出工業電腦少量多樣、客製化生產等特性,透過精實生產、單元生產、模組化生產,來闡述其具體內涵、功能及可行策略。同時,以艾訊公司作為個案研究的對象,探討公司過去經營概況,現在的發展瓶頸及未來的挑戰目標。當下的產業環境變化競爭且劇烈,台灣的工業電腦業者,唯有善用合縱連橫的經營策略,全面提升競爭力,才能突出重圍,再創成長動能。 關鍵詞: 工業電腦產業、精實生產管理、模組化生產 / After 30 years of progress,Industrial Computer Business in Taiwan is maturing into a period of full development. The evolution of Industrial computer techniques can be widely used on multiple application levels. From the analysis of industrial computer Business’ value chain,there is a large gap among companies in terms of the strategies according to their capability to invest in resources and techniques. In Taiwan,most enterprises’ earnings are based around OEM/ODM. Although the revenue is satisfactory,gross profit is too low. If our neighbor countries proceed to develop the same industry,the enterprises will eventually relocate abroad. This thesis is about the research on how the industrial computer business’ new strategy of “Fewer Products but More Brands” can make a difference in transforming the enterprise to be more competitive and how to reach the ultimate goal of an everlasting enterprise by continuously implementing,amending,and improving the policies. There are numerous components in industrial computer enterprises and we have finally found a way to reduce the merchandise stock,lower production costs to improve productivity,as well as elevate product quality. This is to be achieved by using the “Toyota Refining-and-Practical Management Protocols.” By applying the “Fewer Products but More Brands” concept,we can gain a more competitive margin and intensify our capabilities. This thesis proposes not only the “Fewer Products but More Brands” idea,but also the customization concept. Through refining production,unit production,and model production,this research elaborates on the contents,functions and feasibilities of the concept. At the same time,the research uses Axiomtek company as an example to explore their past management experiences,their current developing bottle-necks,and their future challenging goals. We are facing difficult competition now. As Taiwan’s Industrial Computer leading professionals,we know that the only way to advance our competing potential is to use the comprehensive management strategy in the hopes of dishing out of the predicaments and recreating growth energy. Keywords: Industrial Computer, Lean Production, Modulization

模組化經濟下雙占產業之演化與競爭: 基於代理人基模型模擬之分析 / Pricing competition in the duopolistic market: analysis based on agent-based simulation

蘇信璋, Su, Hsin Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是利用代理人基模型 (Agent-Based model) 結合遺傳規劃法(genetic programming) 在模組化經濟體系下價格動態對市占率之影響。現今企業多數以市占率作為公司在市場上表現的主要指標,如果擁有高市占率的廠商,可以確定在這產業中生存。以往的文獻顯示模組化經濟下高價格廠商在市場上的表現會優於低價格廠商,取決重要因素為品質,因為高價產品通常品質也較高,容易取得消費者喜愛。本研究想探討是否在這個體系下,消費者所考量的都是以品質高低來決定是否購買產品,是否會有過去以往的價格競爭情形,以及在價格動態體系,市場所呈現的風貌如何。本研究設計39組的加成率參數組,並依據兩間廠商的決策上製作成價格動態矩陣圖表。試圖以這些已知參數組與線性內插法所預測之市占率的參數組進行分析。此研究模擬中發現,在模組化經濟下,價格競爭並不一定會讓市占率趨向於某一點均衡,也可能會趨向於一條路徑上。而且不一定是高價位的廠商會有很大機會獲得市場,也沒有所謂的贏家擁有超高市占率的情況產生。 / This study is the use of agent-based model combined with genetic programming to explore the impact of the price dynamics for the market share in the modular economy. Nowadays, the majority of enterprises use market share as the key performance indicators in the market, if the enterprise has a high market share, it can be determined to survive in this industry. The previous literature shows that manufacturers of high prices on the market under the modular economy will be better than the low-price manufacturers, depending on the important factors for quality. Expensive products are usually higher quality, easily favorite by consumers. My study is to investigate whether consumers consider in this system are based on the level of quality to decide to buy the product or not, and whether there will be price competitive situation, as well as the outlook presented by the market price dynamics system. In this paper, we design 39 markup rate’s parameter set and making price dynamic matrix diagram in accordance with the decisions of two manufacturers. Trying to analyze these known parameter set and the parameter set of the market share predicted by the linear interpolation. The simulation of the study found that in the modular economy price competition does not necessarily make the market share tends to a equilibrium point, or it may also tend to be a equilibrium path. But not necessarily high-priced manufacturers get to the market, there is no so-called winners with higher market share.

工業用電腦主機板的快速客製化服務之研究-以研華科技為例 / To Study The Fast Customization Service of Industrial PC Maker - A Case Study for Advantech Co., Ltd

廖漢雄, Barry Liaw Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對工業電腦產業,探索其創新產品服務:快速客製化(半客製化)服務的兩大產品服務模組化系統SOM(System On Module)及接單設計服務DTOS(Design To Order Service)-客製底板CSB的客製化服務之間的關聯影響,及對快速客製化(半客製化)服務的影響及關聯性。本研究以個案訪談法,以研華科技為研究對象;加上部份的問卷調查,為主要的研究方法。   本研究歸納分析研究發現如下:   【研究發現1】共通性模組的共通性程度會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現2】變異性模組的變異性程度會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現3】模組的介面標準化程度會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現4】設計延遲會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現5】最佳資源統治形式會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現6】接單後生產機制會影響快速客製化服務績效   【研究發現7】共通性模組的共通性程度會影響設計延遲   【研究發現8】變異性模組的變異性程度會影響最佳資源統治形式   【研究發現9】模組化是接單後生產機制的必備條件   研究結果發現:快速客製化服務是結合「快速設計客製化」及「大量客製化」的新興事業模式;並發現模組化及設計延遲理論對快速客製化服務的重大影響。   因此本研究建議:廠商應該致力於推動模組化系統SOM的產業標準化,運用延遲理論於接單設計DTOS及接單生產BTO服務,及運用交易成本理論於最佳資源統治形式來提高客製底板CSB快速客製化服務的績效。 / This research focused on studying the new business model for Fast Customization Service which is the combination of Fast Design Customization Service and Mass Customization Service.   The research result shows that Fast Customization Service is significantly influenced by “Modularity” and “Design Postponement” .   The Author suggests that the IPC makers should endeavor for promoting the industrial standardization of SOM (System On Module) , implementing Postponement theory into DTOS (Design To Order Service) and BTO (Build To Order) , and implementing Transaction-Cost Theory into the best Governance Structure .

應用模組化概念於個人電腦售後服務委外計畫—一家國際電腦廠商台灣分公司的經驗回顧 / The Application of Modular Concept in Personal Computer After-sale Services Outsourcing

鄭欽中 Unknown Date (has links)
在當今瞬息萬變的商業市場上,許多大企業開始認知到過去那種集製造、行銷、服務於一身的整體經營方式需要因時制宜,將資源集中於具有競爭優勢的企業活動,發展企業的「核心能力」。結合企業本身的核心能力與其他企業之核心能力可以達到一加一大於二的效果,而委外正是發揮這種功效的策略之一。關於委外議題的討論,學界已將近飽和,產業界的實務操作也相當成熟。本研究希望能經由另一種思維模式,以廣泛應用於軟/硬體產品設計的模組化概念,藉由一家國際知名電腦廠商在台分公司之個人電腦售後服務業務委外的實務經驗,探討售後服務模組化委外的可行性。結果顯示,以模組化的概念將個人電腦售後服務委外可以有效地節省公司成本,使得整個運作與管理更有彈性和效率,為客戶、承包商與個案公司創造三贏的局面,讓異業結盟更有成效,組織能更迅速導入新功能、增加更多創新的售後服務項目,節省人員訓練的時間,並讓售後服務委外活動更加容易。最後建議有興趣的產學界,可以針對以模組化的概念將服務業務委外的議題多加探討,以鞏固模組化委外的實證基礎。 / Many large enterprises have realized that their companies cannot be versatile in all business activities in the rapid changing market nowadays. They need to develop their core business which is difficult for their competitors to mimic, allowing the companies to differentiate themselves. Outsourcing is one of the strategies that, by bringing in the outside specialists, the client company is able to redirect or conserve energy directed at the competencies of a particular business. Various dimensions of outsourcing have been explored and discussed academically, and the organizations have already mastered the practice of outsourcing as well. This present research intended to explore the possibilities of applying the concept of modulization, which is widely used in designing computer hardware/software and other physical products, to personal computer after-sale services outsourcing practice carried out by the Taiwan branch office of a famous global company. After exploring the experience of implementing an after-sale outsourcing practice with modular concept, several benefits were reveled: (1) the cost of an organization could be cut down effectively; (2) the operation and management of an organization could be more flexible; (3) a triple-win situation for the end-users, the client company, and the service providers could be accomplished; (4) the inter-industry alliance would be established more effectively; (5) the organization could import newer function and more creative after-sale activities, and save more time in personnel training; and (6) the outsourcing practice was made easier. To solidify the base of applying the concept of modulization on the service outsourcing, interested corporate managers and academic scholars were suggested to discuss and explore more issues on this matter.

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