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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pokročilé metody zabezpečení sítě proti útokům / Advanced network security methods against attacks

Kusy, Filip January 2018 (has links)
This student work focuses on security against network attacks. It focus on network attacks and ways to prevent them. Subsequently, it deals with the Snort variant of the IPS/IDS system. It deal with the connection between Mikrotik and the Snort Linux server

Návrh monitoringu kritické komunikační infrastruktury pro energetickou společnost / A concept of monitoring critical information infrastructure for energetic company

Ševčík, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with monitoring critical infrastructure, critical information infrastructure and network monitoring in energetic industry. The goal is to create analytical environment for processing logs from the network, to map the most critical segments of the network and implementation of monitoring and network devices, that increase security and mitigate risks of security events or security incidents

Modelování a detekce útoku SlowDrop / Modeling and detection of SlowDrop attack

Mazánek, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
The work's main topic is a recently published slow DoS attack called SlowDrop. The work focuses on the subject of describing the current state of the DoS problem as a whole and the SlowDrop attack as well. It works with this theoretical basis during the implementation of it's own SlowDrop attack model. This model is tested in various scenarios and the outcome results are analyzed and constructively discussed. Furthermore defensive mechanisms against this threat and DoS attacks in general are proposed, specific methods shown and configurations recommended. These methods are followingly tested and evaluated. Last but not least the traffic of a SlowDrop attacker and a legitimate client with bad connection, which the SlowDrop attack is trying to immitate, are compared. From this comparison final conclusions of this work are drawn.

Behaviorální analýza síťového provozu a detekce útoků (D)DoS / Behavioral Analysis of Network Traffic and (D)DoS Attack Detection

Chapčák, David January 2017 (has links)
The semestral thesis deals with the analysis of the modern open-source NIDPS tools for monitoring and analyzing the network traffic. The work rates these instruments in terms of their network location and functions. Also refers about more detailed analysis of detecting and alerting mechanisms. Further analyzes the possibilities of detection of anomalies, especially in terms of statistical analysis and shows the basics of other approaches, such as approaches based on data mining and machine learning. The last section presents specific open-source tools, deals with comparison of their activities and the proposal allowing monitoring and traffic analysis, classification, detection of anomalies and (D)DoS attacks.

Stanovení těkavých izoprenoidů jako markerů vlivu vodního stresu na rezistenci smrku vůči kůrovcům / Determination of volatile isoprenoids as water stress markers of spruce resistance against bark beetle

Slušná, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
Isoprenoids are important components of conifer resin and represent an important part of constituted defence system against herbivores and pathogens. Drought is one of the most important factors that influences the tree physiology and resitance. Due to decreased turgor of resin canal cells, the water insufficiency affects the pressure of the resin and thereby the ability of trees to physically prevent pathogen or herbivore invasion by effective outpouring of the resin. In addition, drought can also change the resin composition and thus can influence the quality of volatiles emitted by the tree. The Norway spruce, Picea abies, is the predominant species of production forests in moderate climate zone. Bark beetles, Ips typographus, represent the most important pest species of spruce. In general, pioneer bark beetles use host volatiles to orient themselves toward the tree suitable for colonization and in many species host volatiles synergize bark beetle aggregation pheromones. Thus the host volatile composition could affect significantly host colonization. This diploma thesis studied the influence of drought on the production and composition of isoprenoid volatile organic compounds in 80 - 100 years old spruce trees. Using I. typographus antennae as biological detectors, we also studied which resin...

Metaboliter från svampar associerade till granbarkborren (Ips typographus) och deras effekter på andra svampars tillväxt / Metabolites produced by fungi associated with bark beetle (Ips typographus) and their effects on other fungi growth

Wallerman, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Granbarkborren, Ips typographus, är den mest destruktiva skadeinsekten för svensk barrskog och orsakar årligen stora ekonomiska förluster för landets skogsägare. Granbarkborren kan endast föröka sig i döda träd. För att döda ett stående friskt träd kan de med feromoner signalera till andra granbarkborrar att tillsammans inleda en massattack. Granbarkborren är även beroende av blånadssvampar för att kunna slå ut friska träd. Med dessa blånadssvampar kombinerat med en massattack kan granbarkborren döda trädet inom några veckor. Blånadssvampen ger en missfärgning i virket vilket innebär en värdeminskning av den erhållna veden. I detta examensarbete har de tillväxthämmande effekterna mellan blånadssvamparterna Ophiostoma picea, Grosmannia penicillata och Ceratocystis polonica undersökts. De tillväxthämmande effekter svamparna utövar på varandra har studerats visuellt med odlig i artificiellt såväl som naturligt medium representerad av bark. Tillväxthastigheterna hos respektive svamp har uppmätts. G. penicillata fanns ha den högsta tillväxthastigheten samt de största tillväxthämmande effekterna mot de andra svamparna. Kemiska analyser har utförts med SPME och GCMS för att se vilka ämnen svamparna och barken producerar. Resultaten tyder på att vissa ämnen som produceras av barken inte finns närvarande efter att svampen vuxit i barken. Många ämnen produceras av alla tre svampar men en del är även unika för en viss svampart. Som exempel var G. penicillata ensam om att producera seskviterpenen β-Guaiene, det aromatiska kolvätet m-Cymene och terpenen Borneol. Barken producerade ämnen, bland dessa seskviterpen-alkoholen δ-Cadinol, som sedan inte gick att finna när svamparna var närvarande. Detta tyder på att svamparna konsumerat dessa ämnen alternativt att barken inte producerar samma ämnen i svamparnas närvaro. / The spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, is the most destructive insect pest of Swedish pine forests and causes major economic losses annually for the forest owners. The spruce bark beetle can only reproduce in dead trees. To kill a healthy tree they can, with pheromones, signal other spruce bark beetles to launch a mass attack. The spruce bark beetle is also dependent on the blue stain fungi in order to beat out healthy trees. With these blue stain fungus combined with a mass attack, the spruce bark beetles can kill the tree within a few weeks. The fungus causes a discoloration in the wood, resulting in a reduction in economic value of the obtained wood. In this thesis, the growth inhibitory effects of blue stain fungi species Ophiostoma picea, Grosmannia penicillata and Ceratocystis Polonica have been investigated. The growth inhibitory effects that the fungi have on each other have been studied visually by cultivation in an artificial as well as a natural medium represented by bark. The growth rates of the respective fungi have been measured. G. penicillata were found to have the highest growth rate and the largest growth inhibitory effects on other fungi. Chemical analyses were performed with SPME and GCMS to see what chemical substances fungi and bark produces. The results show that some substances produced by the bark are not present when the fungi are growing in the bark. Various substances are produced by all three fungi, but there are also many unique compounds from a particular fungal species. For example, G. penicillata was the only one that produced the sesquiterpene β-Guaiene, the aromatic hydrocarbon m-cymene and the terpene Borneol. The bark also produced unique substances, among these the sesquiterpenoid alcohol δ-Cadinol, which then could not be found when the fungi were present. This suggests that the fungi consume these substances or that the bark does not produce the same substances in fungi presence.

Explorative Design of an Indoor Positioning based Mobile Application for Workplaces : To ease workflow management while investigating any privacy concerns in sharing one’s location data indoors

Saxena, Vidhu Vaibhav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis elaborates on the design process of a mobile phone based application for indoor positioning at workplaces. The aim of the application is to ease workflow management and help increase the work efficiency of individuals and teams by reducing the amount of time spent in looking and waiting for each other. In doing so, the research takes a closer look on the user’s perspective on sharing one’s location data. An attempt is made to explore users’ behavior, investigating if any privacy concerns arise out of sharing one’s indoor location data and how it effects the adoption of the service within the context of a workspace. This exploratory approach employed a number of qualitative tools in order to gather data and analyze it. In order to understand the complex context of a work environment where activities (or actions) are defined by a number of factors, actors, mediators, communication channels, etc., the research followed an activity centred approach. The resulting solution is in the form of a service that provides layers of contextual information, responding to the overall activity being performed and the smaller actions that constitute it. A prototype of this application is then taken for user testing. The test results show that the users were hesitant in sharing their location data; citing a number of speculated scenarios where this information may be used in ways that induced a sense of being spied upon. However, in the overall acceptance and adoption of the system, the context of use (the workspace) was found to play a very crucial role.

(O)sökt : Svensklärare på gymnasiet om digital informationssökning / (Un)searched : Swedish teachers on searching digital information

Wellander, Christine, Karlsson Brottare, Ella January 2021 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka hur svensklärare på gymnasiet resonerar om digital informationssökning och hur digital informationssökning inkluderas i deras undervisning. I styrdokumenten för gymnasieskolan formuleras strävan efter livslångt lärande och delaktighet i det demokratiska samhället. En parameter som anges är förmågan att söka sig till och ta ställning till information (Skolverket, 2021a). Inom lärarkollegium är det dock inte självklart vilket ämne som ansvarar för att utveckla elevernas förmågor inom digital informationssökning. För blivande ämneslärare inom svenska på gymnasiet är det därför av intresse att undersöka vilket ansvar svenskämnet tar och har inom digital informationssökning. För detta syfte har vi genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med sju lärare verksamma inom Malmö stad, varav sex stycken undervisar i svenska på gymnasiet och en i svenska som andraspråk på Komvux. Att avgränsa urvalet till lärare verksamma inom Malmö stad har gjorts med hänsyn till att detta arbete kommer att fungera som underlag för aspekter som undersöks vidare i forskningsprojektet “Skolors och förskolors digitalisering och digitala kompetens i praktiken” (Godhe, 2020).  I bakgrunden redogörs för svenskämnets syfte inom gymnasial utbildning samt definitioner av begreppen information, informationssökning samt sökkritik. Därefter följer en genomgång av studiens teoretiska ramverk vilken innefattar begreppen stöttning och New Literacy, utifrån en sociokulturell syn på lärande, samt en schematisk modell av digital informationssökning. Resultatet leder vidare till slutsatser som relateras till tidigare forskning inom digital informationssökning. Analysen och tolkningen visar på att det råder en stor samstämmighet mellan deltagarna gällande deras förståelse av vad digital informationssökning innebär. Resultatet visar även att källkritik har en tendens att dominera undervisningen. Lärarna belyser ett behov av att kontrollera elevernas informationssökande och undviker moment med fri digital informationssökning. Detta kan både ses som begränsning och stöttning. Utifrån resultatet görs en reflektion över vilken plats digital informationssökning har inom svenskämnet på gymnasiet tillsammans med förslag på potentiella metoder för att förstärka närvaron av digital informationssökning inom svenskämnet.

Dendrokronologisk undersökning av granbeståndet i Siggaboda naturreservat / Dendrochronologic study of Norway spruce stand in Siggaboda nature reserve, Sweden

Regnér, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Med hjälp av såg- och borrprover studerades åldern på 41 granar och en tall i Siggaboda naturreservat i sydligaste Småland, med syfte att undersöka granens etablering och döende på lokalen. Vidare har reservatet delats in i tre områden för att undersöka om några geografiska skillnader i granarnas etablerings- och dödsår förekommer. Analysarbetet utfördes på Nationella laboratoriet för vedanatomi och dendrokronologi vid Lunds universitet. På lokalen har tidigare bland annat en pollenanalys utförts (Björkman & Bradshaw 1996) samt en kombinerad pollenanalytisk och dendrokronologisk studie (Hannon et al. 2010). Enligt dessa har granen etablerats i Siggaboda under sista halvan av 1700-talet. Någon undersökning med sågprover som material har tidigare inte genomförts på lokalen. Resultaten visar att det äldsta trädet grodde runt 1771 och att en kraftig expansion skedde under mitten av 1800-talet. De visar även att merparten av granarna har dött mellan åren 2005 och 2008, vilket indikerar att granbarkborre etablerade sig till följd av januaristormen 2005 och därefter spred sig även till stående träd - något som har fått omfattande konsekvenser för granarna i reservatet.

Evaluation of Exoskeleton Using XSENS System Including Scalefit

Mora Quiles, Elia, Borrell, Diego January 2021 (has links)
Although the level of automation in the automotive industry is currently high, real humans are still required for assembly tasks, for example, during overhead tasks. This type of work can cause injuries in workers in this sector, especially musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), being a cause for the inability to work in developed countries and, in turn, becoming a significant health problem. There is an aim to reduce the risk for these type of injuries during the development processes of this type of assembly operations. Various options are currently being considered where technology and the human factor can be combined. Among them, we find the object of study for this project, an exoskeleton.The aim of this project is to study the biomechanical effects as well as the ergonomics of a passive exoskeleton called Paexo Shoulder, developed by the company Ottobock, with the aim of relieving tensions in the shoulder joints and upper part of the shoulders, during its use in assembly tasks. For this purpose, an experiment will be designed in which several participants will carry out a series of tasks both with and without the exoskeleton, in such a way that the effects of its use and how they affect the users of the product can be observed. For this purpose, an experiment was designed to evaluate the effects of the use or non-use of this exoskeleton on 10 participants when performing a task similar to an overhead task in an assembly line. For the evaluation of the product, the Xsens motion capture system, in particular the Awinda model, was used together with the ScaleFit software to evaluate the results obtained through the motion capture recordings. In addition, in order to improve Digital Human Modelling (DHM) tools, the same task was simulated with the IPS-IMMA software, where the results were later analysed and compared with the motion capture results through ScaleFit.The results showed relatively large improvements in the respective moment reduction at the shoulder joint when using the exoskeleton. However, it was also observed that due to the upward force exerted by the exoskeleton on the arms, participants spent less time in low-risk areas evaluated by ScaleFit and therefore, this effect needs to be studied further.

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