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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Napredni distributivni menadžment sistem zasnovan na Cloud infrastrukturi / Cloud Infrastructure-based Advanced Distribution Management System

Popović Nemanja 24 May 2018 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ispitana je mogućnost prebacivanja Naprednog Distributivnog Menadžment Sistema (NDMS) zasnovanog na zajedničkoj operaciono tehnološkoj platformi na virtualno Cloud infrastrukturno okruženje. Prvo je odabrano tradicionalno NDMS rešenje zasnovano na fizičkoj računarskoj arhitekturi i identifikovani su funkcionalni blokovi. Zatim su profilirane njihove performanse prema četiri ključna resursa: procesor, operativna memorija, računarska mreža i stalna memorija. Dalje predloženo je virtualno rešenje zasnovano na Cloud infrastrukturi koje je verifikovano na dve zamišljene elektrodistributivne mreže realnih veličina (maloj i velikoj) i u dva testna scenarija (stabilnog stanja i visoke aktivnosti). Na kraju predstavljeni su rezultati testiranja koji pokazaju da se NDMS može prebaciti u virtualno Cloud okruženje bez negativnog uticaja na funkcionalne i nefunkcionalne zahteve NDMS rešenja.</p> / <p>This dissertation inspects the possibility of transferring the Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) based on a common operating technology platform to the virtual Cloud Infrastructure Environment. First, a traditional ADMS solution based on physical computing architecture was chosen and functional blocks were identified. Furthermore, their performances were profiled to four key resources: processor, operating memory, computer network, and storage. Then, virtual cloud-based solution was proposed based on Cloud infrastructure which is verified on two imaginary power distribution networks of real size (small and large) and in two test scenarios (steady state and high activity). Finally, the test results show that ADMS can be transferred to a virtual Cloud environment without adversely affecting the functional and non-functional requirements of the ADMS solution.</p>
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Predicting the rate of adoption of IT/OT integration in the Swedish electricity grid system / Estimera spridningen av IT/OT integration i Sveriges elnät

Due to the increasing threat of global warming, today’s grid system faces large changes and challenges as more renewable sources are being implemented in the grid. In order to handle these changes and secure future distribution, new technologies and components are necessary. This study investigates the innovation – IT/OT integration and its rate of adoption among potential adopters – Distribution System Operators. Based upon 8 expert interviews, 19 interviews with Swedish DSOs and literature, the study has concluded the following: - Increased micro production in the Swedish electricity grid system is the main drivers for IT/OT integration. IT Security and Swedish Energy Market Inspectorates current pricing model are two of the main inhibitors for IT/OT integration. - Key factors, such as perceived attributes of the innovation and business transformation speed are of high importance when analyzing rate of adoption. - Medium-sized DSOs with high ambition are likely to adopt before other customer segments. Thus, they are potential target customers for suppliers, such as Ericsson. The thesis contributes to literature by providing research of a technical innovation within a complex market. Future research of interest is to apply similar methodology for predicting rate of adoption of IT/OT integration in other nations, since drivers and regulations might differ. / Det ökade hotet från klimatförändringar har medfört att dagens elnätssystem står inför stora förändringar och utmaningar då allt fler förnyelsebara källor implementeras i elnätet. För att hantera denna förändring och säkra framtidens eldistribution krävs att ny teknik och nya komponenter implementeras i elnätet. Denna rapport undersöker innovationen - IT/OT integration och hur denna sprids bland potentiella kunder – elnätsdistributörer. Baserat på 8 expertintervjuer, 19 intervjuer med svenska elnätsdistributörer och litteratur har studien kommit fram till följande slutsatser: - Ökad mikroproduktion i det svenska elnätet är den främsta drivaren för IT/OT integration. IT säkerhet och Energimarknadsinspektionens nuvarande regleringsmodell är idag två av de främsta barriärerna för IT/OT integration. - Huvudfaktorer, så som förväntade uppfattningen av innovationen och företags omvandlingshastighet är av stor betydelse för att uppskatta spridningshastigheten av innovationen. - Mellanstora DSOer med höga ambitioner kommer troligast ta till sig tekniken tidigare än andra kundsegment och bör därför vara potentiell målgrupp för leverantörer, så som Ericsson. Rapporten bidrar till forskningen genom att en teknisk innovation analyserats i en komplex marknad. Vidare undersökningar som kan genomföras är att applicera motsvarande metodik för estimera spridningen av IT/OT integration i andra länder, då drivare och regleringar där kan skilja sig från Sverige.
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Prise en compte des problèmes inter-métiers lors de l’introduction d’une innovation relative aux automatismes et systèmes d’information d’une entreprise : processus de spécification et de conception de l’offre / Consideration of inter-trades issues when introducing an innovation related to automation and information systems within an enterprise : integration to a specification and offer design process

Bonnetto, Émilie 06 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse propose une démarche méthodologique pour caractériser et anticiper les perturbations organisationnelles dues à l’introduction d’un concept d’offre innovant dans un contexte « business to business ». Elle s’intéresse donc à des produits dont la mise en oeuvre induit conjointement une création de valeur pour le client et une modification des interrelations professionnelles entre métiers de cette entreprise cliente. L’enjeu est de concevoir des nouveaux produits ou services qui soient mieux acceptés par les clients internes des sociétés acheteuses par anticipation et intégration, dans la démarche de conception, de ces impacts. Les apports de cette recherche se positionnent à deux niveaux. D’une part, une démarche méthodologique est proposée. Elle s’intègre au processus de création de l’offre et permet de mieux décrire les opportunités de création de valeur induites par une meilleure définition des structures et attentes des acteurs des organisations clientes. Ces acteurs sont vus comme des individus mais aussi comme un réseau évolutif. D’autre part, une capitalisation des données recueillies auprès des clients est proposée. Ces dernières reposent sur une utilisation revisitée des concepts de « customers concerns » et de personas. Les informations recueillies et interprétées sont la base de nouveaux standards des cahiers des charges concepteurs. La première contribution, d’ordre méthodologique est appelée processus RACCP. Elle a été élaborée à partir d’un cas d’étude : la phase amont d’un processus de conception déployée chez un fournisseur d’automatisme industriel. Elle aide le concepteur à modéliser les évolutions induites par un concept d’offre sur le fonctionnement de tous les acteurs chez son client. Ceci est possible par l’utilisation conjointe de trois modèles opérationnels dès la phase amont d’un processus de conception : le modèle descriptif des problèmes clients, des profils d’acteurs associés à ces problèmes et une représentation des interrelations entre ces acteurs. La seconde contribution est constituée de l’ensemble des trois modèles opérationnels instanciés au cas de la convergence IT OT. Cet apport permet une meilleure compréhension des systèmes humains et techniques liés à ce contexte, riche en opportunités de création de valeur. Cette instanciation apporte également des premiers éléments de preuve d’efficacité du processus RACCP. / This thesis proposes a methodological approach to characterize and anticipate organizational disruptions due to the introduction of an innovative concept offer in a « business to business » context. Therefore, it concerns products whom implementation induced both value creation for the customer and a change of professional interrelationships between trades within the client company. The challenge is to design new products or services that are better accepted wihtin purchasing companies by anticipating and integrating these impacts into the design process. The contributions of this research are positioned at two levels. First, a methodological approach is proposed. It is integrated into the creative process of suppliers. It enables to better describe the value creation opportunities by a better definition of structures and expectations of actors within customer organizations. These actors are seen as individuals but also as a scalable network. Moreover, a capitalization of data collected from customers is proposed. It is based on an adapated use of "customers concerns" and personas concepts. The information collected and interpreted are the basis of new standards for designers’ specifications. The first methodological contribution is a process called RACCP. It was developed from a case study: the upstream phase of a design process used in an industrial automation supplier. It helps the designer to model the changes implied by an offer concept on the operations of all stakeholders within the client company. This is possible by the combined use of three operational models since the upstream phase of the design process: the descriptive model of customer pains, actors profiles involved in these pains and representation of the interrelationships between them. The second contribution consists of an instanciation of all these three operational models in the convergence IT OT context. This contribution enables a better understanding of human and technical systems related to this context, sources of high value creation opportunities. This instantiation also provides the first proof of RACCP process efficiency.
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The effect of the IT/OT gap on the NIS 2 implementation

Andersson, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
Cyber attacks are steadily increasing, and their impact is becoming more significant. To combat this, the European Union has created directives to enhance the cyber security in critical services in the Union, one example being the NIS 2 directive. The directive comes into force during the fourth industrial revolution, where the Operational Technology (OT) is connected to the Information Technology (IT). This creates new vulnerabilities in the OT environments since they can now suffer from cyber attacks. The historical ways of securing OT and IT environments differ, which has caused what is called the IT/OT gap now that they are converging. In order to implement the NIS 2 directive and to enhance the cyber security of the entire organization, the IT/OT gap needs to be minimized. The problem this study then aims to investigate is how the effects of the IT/OT gap can be reduced in the implementation of the NIS 2 directive. This was done by answering the research question: To what extent is the IT/OT gap a challenge for the implementation of the NIS 2 directive in Sweden? The sub-question: In what areas is the IT/OT gap problematic for the implementation of the NIS 2 directive in Sweden? To gain an answer to the research question semi-structured interviews were conducted with respondents with knowledge in IT and OT security as well as the NIS 2 directive. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a thematic analysis. The thematic analysis resulted in 6 themes, Need for technical solutions, Lacking resources, Differences in security culture, Lack of cooperation, Supervisory authority and Standards, and six subthemes. The result showed that the IT/OT gap is a challenge for the implementation of the NIS 2 directive in a varying degree depending on the company. Further, it was shown that the IT/OT gap is most likely a problem in the areas regarding the supervisory authority, lacking resources, and cooperation. To comply with the directive and, more importantly, raise the level of cyber security, organizations and companies must handle all their risk in both IT and OT environments. The OT and IT personnel will need to talk to each other and collaborate to do it, and that might be a significant first step to minimizing the IT/OT gap in the long term.
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IT/OT-Sicherheit in der Trinkwasserversorgung: Vernetzung in Anlagen der kritischen Infrastruktur

Sprotten, J., Kuck, P., Rütters, R. 21 February 2025 (has links)
Die Sicherstellung der Versorgung mit Trinkwasser ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für das Funktionieren unserer Gesellschaft. Dieses Paper untersucht mit einem ganzheitlichen Blick Maßnahmen, die für die Sicherheit in der Trinkwasserversorgung erforderlich sind. Zu Beginn wird ein Einblick in die gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen für KRITIS-Betreiber gegeben. Anschließend erfolgt die Betrachtung eines Fallbeispiels bei einem regionalen Trinkwasserversorger im Kontext von kritisch anzusehenden Einrichtungen. Es wird dargestellt, wie Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in der Praxis nach dem Stand der Technik umgesetzt werden. Das Paper verfolgt das Ziel, ein Verständnis für die Bedeutsamkeit von Schutzmaßnahmen in derWasserversorgung zu schaffen und stellt dabei in der Praxis eingesetzte Methodiken vor. In Bezug auf kleine und mittlere Unternehmen soll ein Ansatz geboten werden, um die wesentlichen Empfehlungen, welche im „SektorWasser“ gelten, zu prüfen und kritisch zu bewerten.

Applying information security to the operational technology environment and the challenges it brings

Holmström, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Information security risks in the operational technology (OT) environment is becoming legitimate challenges for businesses pursing an industrial digitalisation. IT and OT di˙erences reach across managerial, technical and operational aspects, creating unique challenges in developing a suÿcient security posture. The goal of the study is to gain an understanding of the challenges businesses face when applying information security in the operational technology environment in the context of an increased connectivity to the IT environment. In order to understand how information security is adapted to an OT environment, semi-structured interviews was conducted with respondents working with information security in process and production industries. These findings suggest that businesses tends to view the interconnection of IT and OT as two separate environments rather than one shared, which is causing managerial challenges when adapting an information security strategy to cover both the IT and the OT aspect of an organisation.

Leveraging IoT Protocols : Integrating Palletization Algorithm with Flexible Robotic Platform

Ferm Dubois, Mathias January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the integration of IoT protocols to enhance supply chain efficiency and sustainability by developing a flexible automated system. The research covers the integration of a palletization optimizer with a flexible robotic platform, a project conducted in collaboration with OpiFlex and Linköping University. Flexibility and sustainability in production, particularly in the food and beverage industry, are critical yet challenging to achieve. This research addresses these challenges by proposing a system that aligns the output with customer needs by combining these technologies. The research employs a combination of case study and exploratory methodologies. The development approach synthesizes elements from Set-Based Design, Point-Based Design, and Agile development frameworks. The primary research questions focus on identifying the best system architecture for integrating the palletization optimizer with a lower-level automation platform and outlining the steps needed to transform this integration into a commercially viable product. The system includes the optimizer, capable of processing customer orders and configuring products on mixed output pallets, integrated with a flexible robotic system provided by OpiFlex. The work involved evaluating communication protocols, MQTT, OPC UA, and TCP/IP, and designing robust interactions and interfaces between the subsystems. The results demonstrate the system's architecture and interaction protocols.  The thesis concludes with a discussion of the results in comparison to the application scenario and the standards consulted. The conclusion is that the chosen interface practices should remain largely intact but be re-developed using an OPC UA-based architecture. The main reasons for this are its support for both pub/sub and client-server models, increased security, and greater support for enterprise application integration. However, depending on the specific application, the downsides of OPC UA may outweigh its benefits.
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