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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samverkan mellan IT och verksamhet - Ett IT-styrningsperspektiv / Aligning IT and business - An IT governance perspective

Stomberg, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
För dagens verksamheter ter sig marknaden allt tuffare och för dess långsiktiga överlevnad måste dess olika delar fungera och tillsammans bilda en väl fungerande helhet. Samverkan (alignment) är en allt mer betydelsefull pusselbit i det som idag utgör en framgångsrik verksamhet. Ur ett strategiskt perspektiv är IT-styrning en stor del i denna framgång. IT-styrning är en av flera komponenter nödvändiga för att åstadkomma samverkan mellan IT och verksamhet och den har därmed en viktig roll i att få denna att fungera. Denna studie tittar närmre på den specifika roll IT-styrning har i att åstadkomma IT/Verksamhetssamverkan. Genom en kvalitativ ansats, bestående av sex djupintervjuer, har 15 framgångsfaktorer och 15 utmaningar som existerar inom IT-styrning identifierats. Hur dessa faktorer påverkar IT-styrningens förmåga att bidra till samverkan mellan IT och verksamhet kommer i denna rapport att presenteras. Med hjälp av styrmodellen PDCA kommer faktorerna på ett tydligare och mer lättöverskådligt sätt att redogöras för. Genom framtaget resultat bidrar studien med värdefull kunskap om de framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar som existerar inom IT-styrning. Denna kunskap kan av verksamheter användas för att uppnå framgångsrik IT-styrning, något som i en förlängning också bidrar till tillfredsställande IT/Verksamhetssamverkan. / Todays businesses are experiencing a tougher market and for their long-term survival the need for their various parts to work as a whole is becoming increasingly important. Alignment is an essential piece of what constitutes a successful business. From a strategic perspective IT governance play a big part in this success. IT governance is one of several components necessary to achieve what is called IT/Business alignment and has therefore an important role to play in making this alignment work. This study takes a closer look at IT governance and its contribution to IT/Business alignment. Through a qualitative approach, consisting of six in-depth interviews, 15 success factors and 15 challenges existing within IT governance have been identified. How these factors affect IT governance and its ability to contribute to the alignment between IT and business will be presented in this paper. With the aid of the PDCA management model these factors will be presented and accounted for in a clearer and more accessible way. The results produced in this study will provide valuable knowledge about existing success factors and challenges within IT governence. This knowledge can be used by businesses to achieve successful IT governance, which in an extension also contributes to satisfactory IT/Business alignment.

Messagingová infrastruktura a produktová analýza trhu / Message infrastructure and market analysis

Klimeš, Ivo January 2008 (has links)
There are considered modern messaging architectonical concepts SOA and EDA in this diploma thesis. There are presented the elementary principals of functioning of these paradigms and principals are given into the wider context with the business processes and IT Governance. The aim of this thesis is to compare two preselected software solutions of the operational monitoring. There is always one solution per architectonical style and predefined comparative criteria. This thesis is divided into five consequential parts. The first part is focused on the putting the modern architectures into the historical context. The historical context is the way out for the modern architectonical styles. The part afterwards is closely focused on the concepts of SOA and EDA, and also on the comparison of the mentioned architectonical styles. There are put the concepts into the connection with business processes and maturity models In the next chapters. That all together has a influence on the successful implementation and governance. The chapters continuously flow into the last theoretical part of the thesis, IT Governance. There are described all the elements connected with the successful IT systems operating based on the paradigm SOA or EDA. The context in the practical part is link to the all these previous chapters. There are selected and described two software solutions in the practical part of this thesis. These solutions are then compared by the predefined criteria. The conclusion summarizes all the knowledge acquired during the paradigm comparison and there are also summarized knowledge acquired during the comparison of selected monitoring products.

Vztah Enterprise Architecture a strategického managementu / The relationship of Enterprise Architecture and strategic management

Vašíček, Václav January 2009 (has links)
Enterprise Architecture is so far the highest development step in IT's architectural description of enterprises. At the beginning, just technological architecture existed. However, with the quickly growing complexity of IT other domains occurred, that had to be described. Information or application architectures can serve as examples. IT then realized, that it needed to add to its IT architectures a business view and consequently the discipline Enterprise Architecture came into being. Strategic management is crucial for the development of each enterprise. The thesis focuses on the strategic management of business and the strategic management of IT. The strategic management of business consists of a business strategy and an operating model. To the strategic management of IT then belongs an information strategy and IT governance. Business-IT alignment further explores and ensures the accord between the strategic management of business and the strategic management of IT. The aim of the thesis is to describe the relationship of Enterprise Architecture and the different forms of strategic management and to express to which rate Enterprise Architecture supports them. The explored relationships are: - The relationship of Enterprise Architecture and business strategy - The relationship of Enterprise Architecture and operating models - The relationship of Enterprise Architecture and information strategy - The relationship of Enterprise Architecture and IT governance - The relationship of Enterprise Architecture and business-IT alignment The goals of the thesis are reached via theoretical research and subsequent deduction. The author's personal asset consists of creating a hierarchical model of Enterprise Architecture, of defining Enterprise Architecture's reaction to business strategies, of modifying the methodology MMDIS in respect of information strategy, of depicting, how Enterprise Architecture can be used in IT governance, of illustrating, where Enterprise Architecture contributes to business-IT alignment and of assessing, to which rate Enterprise Architecture supports the different forms of strategic management.

Zlepšování procesního řízení bankovního oddělení IT / Bank's IT department process management improvement

Holub, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of process management as a part of IT Governance. Cobit is the standard for the IT Governance. For the purpose of the thesis we use Cobit 5, the latest Cobit version published in 2012. Next part of the thesis is focused on describing the principles of process management and analyzing differences between line and process management. To be able to choose the appropriate modeling notation, the work uses the most common notation of process modeling -- BPMN, EPC and UML. The second part of the thesis analyses the current status of process management in an international bank using methods of questionnaire, document analysis and observation. Following the analysis, new concept of process management is created and applied to two specific processes.

Governança de TI em projetos de sistemas de informações gerenciais : uma aplicação de caso / IT governance in management information system implementation: an application case

Rosangela Locatelli 03 March 2013 (has links)
O alinhamento do portfólio de projetos das empresas às estratégias de negócios das organizações é uma relevante e complexa tarefa. A Governança Corporativa e a Governança de Tecnologia da Informação são apontadas como importantes elementos para atingir esse objetivo. Entretanto, ainda são recentes os estudos sobre os benefícios e a importância da Governança de TI nas empresas e na condução de projetos de TI. Nesta dissertação, é apresentado um estudo sobre a percepção dos consultores e gerentes de projetos quanto à importância da Governança de Tecnologia da Informação na implementação de Sistemas de Informações Gerenciais (SIGs). Adotou-se, como método, a pesquisa exploratória que utilizou como delineamento um estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram obtidos pela aplicação de um questionário e analisados por meio das técnicas estatístico-descritivo. Os resultados obtidos apontam que o uso das melhores práticas de Governança de TI, na percepção dos consultores e gerentes de Projetos de TI, são importantes para o sucesso na implementação de SIG. Com destaque para as questões de planejamento que apresentaram maior relevância em contrapartida as questões de controle consideradas de menor relevância. / The alignment of the project portfolio of the companies to the business strategies of the organizations is an important and complex task. The Corporate Governance and Governance of Information Technology are identified as important elements to achieve this goal. However, recent studies are still about the benefits and importance of IT governance in enterprises and conducting IT projects. This dissertation presents a study on the perceptions of consultants and project managers on the importance of Information Technology Governance implementation of Management Information Systems. It was adopted as a method, exploratory research design that used as a case study, with qualitative approach. Data were collected through questionnaire and the results based on descriptive statistical method. The results indicate that the best practices of IT governance, perceptions of consultants and managers of IT projects are important to the success of Management Information Systems implementation. Highlighting the issues of planning that was more relevant, on the other hand, control issues was considered less relevant.

Towards a framework to ensure alignment among information security professionals, ICT security auditors and regulatory officials in implementing information security in South Africa

Basani, Mandla 02 1900 (has links)
Information security in the form of IT governance is part of corporate governance. Corporate governance requires that structures and processes are in place with appropriate checks and balances to enable directors to discharge their responsibilities. Accordingly, information security must be treated in the same way as all the other components of corporate governance. This includes making information security a core part of executive and board responsibilities. Critically, corporate governance requires proper checks and balances to be established in an organisation; consequently, these must be in place for all information security implementations. In order to achieve this, it is important to have the involvement of three key role players, namely information security professionals, ICT security auditors and regulatory officials (from now on these will be referred to collectively as the ‘role players’). These three role players must ensure that any information security controls implemented are properly checked and evaluated against the organisation’s strategic objectives and regulatory requirements. While maintaining their individual independence, the three role players must work together to achieve their individual goals with a view to, as a collective, contributing positively to the overall information security of an organisation. Working together requires that each role player must clearly understand its individual role, as well the role of the other players at different points in an information security programme. In a nutshell, the role players must be aligned such that their involvement will deliver maximum value to the organisation. This alignment must be based on a common framework which is understood and accepted by all three role players. This study proposes a South African Information Security Alignment (SAISA) framework to ensure the alignment of the role players in the implementation and evaluation of information security controls. The structure of the SAISA framework is based on that of the COBIT 4.1 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology). Hence, the SAISA framework comprises four domains, namely, Plan and Organise Information Security (PO-IS), Acquire and Implement Information Security (AI-IS), Deliver and Support Information Security (DS-IS) and Monitor and Evaluate Information Security (ME-IS). The SAISA framework brings together the three role players with a view to assisting them to understand their respective roles, as well as those of the other role players, as they implement and evaluate information security controls. The framework is intended to improve cooperation among the role players by ensuring that they view each other as partners in this process. Through the life cycle structure it adopts, the SAISA framework provides an effective and efficient tool for rolling out an information security programme in an organisation / Computer Science / M. Sc. (Computer Science)

Förvaltningsledarensroll i digital transformation / The role as business solution manager in digital transformation

Wistrand, Julia, Rahme, Tove January 2019 (has links)
På grund av digitala teknologins framväxt står organisationer inför utmaningar där de behövergenomgå digitala transformationer för att möta omgivningens nya krav och behov. För attlyckas i den digitala transformationen behöver organisationer arbeta aktivt med att styraorganisationens digitala resurser och se till att IT och verksamhet samverkar. Rollen somförvaltningsledare återfinns inom ramverket pm³, vilket är en förvaltningsstyrningsmodell somappliceras för att på ett strukturerat sätt kunna prioritera mellan förvaltningens uppdrag, skapaen samverkan mellan IT och verksamhet samt ge en helhetsbild över de digitala resurser somfinns inom organisationen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och skapa förståelse för rollensom förvaltningsledare i praktiken i en kontext som karaktäriseras av förändring, digitaltransformation samt IT-styrning. Vilket görs genom att studera förvaltningsledarrollen i enmyndighet i Sverige vilken genomgår en digital transformation. Den empiri som studiengrundar sig i är interna dokument, observationer och intervjuer för att ge en rättvis bild av denkontext som studerats. Studiens resultat visar att förvaltningsledarna har en central roll inomden digitala transformationen eftersom de både leder och driver den framåt. De förutsättningarsom har visat sig nödvändiga för att förvaltningsledare ska vara framgångsrika i sin roll ärbland annat: att de har förtroende och stöd; att de har en gemensam vision; att de har deninformation som behövs för att kunna utföra sitt arbete; att samarbetet inom förvaltningen samtäven mellan förvaltningen och övriga delar av organisationen fungerar; att de har förståelse förderas roll som ledande i den digitala transformationen; att de har en organisationsstruktur ochorganisationskultur som främjar arbetet med förvaltning och den digitala transformationen.

Assessing Information Technology and Business Alignment in Local City Government

D'Anjou, Leslie Milbourne 01 January 2016 (has links)
Top executives are interested in more transparent and formalized structures, applicable measurements, and clear justification of alignment. Limited or improper information technology governance (ITG) affects the business strategy that will ultimately influence the overall business alignment in local city government agencies (LCGAs). The problem addressed in this study was the lack of information regarding LCGAs IT/business strategic alignment maturity model (SAMM) level and the LCGAs' employment size. The purpose of this survey study was to evaluate 48 LCGA participants in the Southwestern part of the United States and compare their alignment perceptions with their cities' employment size. The theoretical framework for this study was based on ITG and business strategy as measured by the SAMM instrument. An online survey was used for data collection and data results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and an Analysis of Variance. After using the SAMM instrument, the current snapshot maturity level of LCGAs was 2.49 out of a maximum 5.0 level. Results illustrated no significant relationship between LCGAs alignment maturity levels and a city's size. This study empowers positive social change by providing LCGAs 6 incremental steps to improve the overall alignment maturity level in areas of transparent and formalized structures, applicable measurements, and improved alignment measures.

Exploring Critical Success Factors for Managing Complex Information Technology Projects in Federal Agencies

Boyles, Kyle Dean 01 January 2015 (has links)
The problem addressed in this study was the lack of understanding about failures of government leadership in accomplishing complex information technology (IT) projects and the ways such failures can negatively affect organizational performance. The purpose was to query subject matter experts and leaders with the intent to identify methods to reduce complex IT project failure rates in government organizations. This qualitative study drew on the technology acceptance model and the capability maturity model integration framework to evaluate organizations' abilities to manage complex IT projects. The research questions focused on exploring senior managers' experiences, the tacit knowledge of project management methodologies, and IT governance frameworks. The Delphi method was suitable for collecting and analyzing opinions of subject matter experts to help reach group consensus. Qualitative data analysis was used to identify themes, categories, and subcategories for thematic analysis. The result of the study was the identification of critical success factors and leadership attributes to increase the success rate of complex IT projects in federal agencies. This research may be beneficial to federal government program leaders who, as the result of increased insights and knowledge, can more effectively provide online government services using technology-enabled end-users' computing devices in a cost-effective and secure method.

MAINTAINING MAINTENANCE : The Importance of Evaluation and Upkeep in Maintenance Management Models

Berglin, Sebastian, Wennberg, Albin January 2022 (has links)
This thesis explores the consequences of neglect and lack of proper support and implementation in maintenance management models, specifically an old implementation of the Pm3 model. The area of study is not widely explored, with studies and evaluation of the specific model we have looked at being almost non-existent. We have conducted a qualitative case study at an IT department/company at a Swedish university and the data has been collected through interviews with different IT department leaders, as well as one interview with a representative with the company that owns and distributes the Pm3 model. The current software development methodology at the IT company studied in this thesis are agile methods but is locked down to a micro level, while the Pm3 model handles the macro level. The consequences of this are then compared against research within fields such as IT governance and IT/business alignment to find discrepancies from which the phenomena’s can be explained. With this thesis we want to explore the consequences of not maintaining maintenance management models in organizations, especially the Pm3 model as this is widely in Swedish institutions such as universities and government authorities. This thesis provides a word of caution and argue for the importance of maintenance in maintenance management models for such organizations.

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