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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jacopo Sannazaro a pastorální básnictví / Jacopo Sannazaro and Pastoral Poetry

Rubý, Michal January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this work is to examine the pastoral theme in literature, including its origin, the main characteristics, and its transformation from ancient times until the Renaissance, with particular focus on the author's originality, cultural environment, and social progress. This work is divided into five chapters and the conclusion. The second chapter deals with the origin of this genre and analyses idyllic poetry of the Greek poet Theokritos and his Roman follower Vergilius who introduced the pastoral tradition in literature. The third chapter focuses on the persistence of this tradition during the Middle Ages, and the manner in which the theme was incorporated into Christian literature. The Boccaccio's stories of nymphes and shepherds will be analysed. The fourth chapter explores the arrival of humanism and introduces the figure of Lorenzo de'Medici whose pastoral compositions carry on the tradition of mythic Arcadia wherein the shepherds suffer repeatedly the anguish of unhappy love. The popularity of this genre exceeds the limits of humanism and impacts the renaissance poets as well. The fifth chapter presents the life and work of Jacopo Sannazaro. The sixth chapter is dedicated to the analysis of Sannazaro's pastoral novel Arcadia. The conclusion compares the influence of ancient literature...

Women's writing and the "anxiety of authorship" in nineteenth-century Italy : Bruno Sperani and others

Balletti-Thomas, Joanne. January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Invited Roundtable Participant, “‘Deliver'd at Second Hand’? Mediated Translations in Early Modern Europe

Reid, Joshua S. 02 April 2020 (has links)
This roundtable gathers scholars of early modern translation and book culture to investigate the various forms of mediation (textual, linguistic, material, interpretive etc.) that intervene in the production of indirect translations – that is translations based on previous translations – in the early modern period. Traditionally perceived as merely derivative, “second-hand” literary works, indirect translations have been given marginal attention (apart from a few famous examples) in early modern scholarship. Conversely, researchers in Translation Studies have recently started to address this phenomenon and to offer some theoretical and methodological tools towards its study, but with little attention to the early modern period. The objectives of the proposed roundtable are therefore to present some cases of early modern indirect translations, to explore conceptual, archival, and digital resources available to study them, and to highlight the critical relevance of examining the various mediations involved in their production and dissemination.

Hybridization and Enunciation in Arab-Italian Migrant Literature

Lammendola, Daniel Julian 27 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Giudizi letterari di Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi nel carteggio inedito della Raccolta Piancastelli

Fonsato, Vanna Marisa January 1992 (has links)
The present work examines the literary criticism expressed by Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi in several of her unpublished letters. / The first part outlines the cultural and historical tradition of Venice during the Eighteenth Century. Particular attention is subsequently given to the intellectual role of women, their contribution to the literary salons of the time, and the neoclassical tradition. This first part is essential in that it supplies a valuable context to Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi's writings. / In the second part, I examine Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi's literary criticism of major European authors and works. Through these criticisms she exposes her misvision of the literary world to which she aspired, and reveals that although she was influenced by the subtle preromantic tendencies, she remained faithful to the neoclassical school.

Giudizi letterari di Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi nel carteggio inedito della Raccolta Piancastelli

Fonsato, Vanna Marisa January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Le Décaméron de Boccace au prisme des « théories du roman » / Boccaccio's Decameron through the prism of the theories of the Novel

Sotgiu, Antonio 08 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail se compose de deux parties. La première décrit et évalue, dans les premiers deux chapitres, l’interprétation du Décaméron de Boccace dans les travaux de Schlegel, Hegel, Lukács, Bakhtine et Auerbach. Ensuite, à partir de cette opération de comparaison, un troisième chapitre analyse des nouvelles perspectives interprétatives et historiques sur le roman, et pose les bases herméneutiques pour une nouvelle lecture du Décaméron.La deuxième partie aborde, dans un premier chapitre, la réécriture boccacienne de l’épisode de Paolo et Francesca de la Commedia de Dante (Enfer V). Dans le cadre de ce même chapitre, on analyse la théorie de la « fable » développée par Boccace dans les Genealogie deorum gentilium en montrant surtout les aspects liés aux d’allégorie, de connaissance et de consolation. À cela fait suite une analyse de la structure narrative du Filocolo et une hypothèse sur la fonction de l’épisode des « Questioni d’amore » dans l’économie globale de l’œuvre. Le deuxième chapitre propose une lecture du Décaméron qui prend appui sur la notion de « compassion » et qui offre une analyse du récit-porteur à partir d’instances éthiques et philosophiques. Les sous-chapitres centraux explorent les modalités de mise en jeu des croyances. Le chapitre se termine par une analyse de la notion de « fortune », sa théorisation et sa représentation dans le Décaméron. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à l’interprétation individuelle d’un groupe de cinq nouvelles (IV, 4 ; V, 1 ; II, 7 ; II, 9 ; X, 10). / This work is composed of two parts. In the first one, I critically analyze how Boccaccio was read by the main theorists of the novel (Schlegel, Hegel, Lukács, Bakhtine, Auerbach); once described individually, these authors are later confronted with each other. A third chapter deals with new perspectives in the theory of the novel, which provide the foundation for a new interpretation of Boccaccio’s Decameron.The second part is devoted to Boccaccio’s works in themselves. First, I analyze Boccaccio’s rewriting of the dantean episode of Paolo and Francesca (Inf. V). In the same chapter I also discuss Boccaccio’s theory of the fabula as it is developed in his Genealogie deorum gentilium, by focusing on crucial issues such as allegory, knowledge and consolation. I conclude the chapter with an inquiry on the Filocolo’s narrative framework; particular attention is devoted to the episode of the «Questioni d’amore» and to its functions in the economy of the whole work. The second chapter puts forward a new reading of the Decameron, based on the notion of ‘compassion’; I analyze the Decameron’s narrative framework on the ground of philosophical and ethical categories. I also explore how the beliefs’ device is shaped by Boccaccio; the chapter ends with an enquiry around the concept of fortune, its theorization and representation in the Decameron. The third and final chapter is devoted to the individual interpretation of five novellas (IV, 4; V, 1; II, 7; II, 9; X, 10).

Medicina e letteratura nella narrativa del secondo novecento / Medicine and literature in the narrative of the second half of the twentieth century / Médecine et littérature dans le récit de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle

Incarnato, Palma 15 April 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche nait de l’intention de retrouver l’influence du « paradigme médical » dans le récit italien de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle. Aussi, nous sommes nous donné comme objectif celui de reparcourir l’histoire de la médecine, et de voir comment celle-ci a pu influencer tant le texte littéraire que les différents domaines dans lesquels cette discipline s’est imposée comme modèle interprétatif et cognitif. Notre travail a consisté en une revisitation des principales révolutions médicales dans le but de déterminer les ruptures épistémiques qui ont fourni un modèle, applicable à différents domaines (éthique, politique, épistémologie, littérature). En effet, comme l’a affirmé Kuhn, les théories scientifiques devant être considérés comme des « idées », donc le changement de tout paradigmes ne grave pas seulement sur le domaine disciplinaire où celui-ci se vérifie, car il comporte une transformation de tout le système conceptuelle, c’est-à-dire, la manière par laquelle le monde, et donc l’homme, sont perçus. Les principaux changements épistémiques qui se sont succédés – à partir de la naissance de l’anatomie pathologique jusqu’à la génétique – a permis de déterminer quelques éléments forts à travers lesquels ont été décomposés et analysés les textes littéraires pris en examen. Le cadre théorique a permis d’acquérir des renseignements grâce auxquels il a été possible de (re)lire les « cas littéraires » affrontés dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, constitué de certaines œuvres de Primo Levi, de Stefano D’Arrigo et de Valerio Magrelli, dans lesquelles on a trouvé des aspects du même « paradigme » de connaissance. / This research has originated from the intention of finding the influence of the “medical paradigm” in the Italian literature of the second half of the twentieth century. Also, we want to retrace the history of Medicine, and see how it influenced both literary texts and several areas in which it dictate as interpretative and cognitive model. Our work consisted of a revisitation of the main medical revolutions with the aim of determining the epistemic ruptures which supplied a model applicable to different domains (ethics, politics, epistemology, literature). Indeed, as stated by Kuhn, the scientific theories that must be considered as “ideas”, as well as the change of all paradigms, engraves not only on the disciplinary area where it occurs, because it involves a transformation of the conceptual system, that is to say, the way by which the world and the humans are perceived. The main epistemic changes which took place – from the birth of pathological anatomy up to the genetics – has identified some strong elements through which several texts were decomposed and analyzed. The theoretical frame allowed to acquire information which allowed to read the “literary cases” faced in the second part of the thesis, constituted by certain works of Primo Levi, Stefano D’Arrigo and Valerio Magrelli, in which we found aspects of the same “paradigm” of knowledge.

Uma leitura do De vulgari eloquentia de Dante Alighieri / A reading of De vulgari eloquentia of Dante Alighieri

Vivai, Cosimo Bartolini Salimbeni 09 April 2009 (has links)
Idealizado e composto nos primeiros anos do exílio, escrito em latim, o De vulgari eloquentia é concebido por Dante como um tratado de retórica e de poética que fixe as normas para o uso da língua vulgar, consagrando dessa forma sua legitimidade e seu valor como instrumento de expressão literária; nascido da necessidade de uma redefinição e uma reavaliação do próprio papel e significado de intelectual no âmbito da cultura italiana e européia, representa uma teorização retórico-literária baseada na sua própria experiência poética. A obra trata da origem da linguagem, da diferenciação dos vários idiomas conseqüente à confusão bíblica de Babel até a análise das línguas européias e dos vários dialetos italianos; uma vez identificada uma linguagem que atenda às exigências de uma língua literária verdadeiramente italiana, que supere os restritos limites municipais e regionais, isto é, um vulgar ilustre, cardinal, áulico e curial, Dante pretende estabelecer as regras dos gêneros e dos estilos com as quais esse vulgar possa ser explicitado, partindo da expressão mais alta, a canção: esse vasto projeto, porém, é interrompido repentinamente no décimo quarto capítulo do segundo livro. A leitura desse pequeno tratado torna possível, por um lado, uma melhor compreensão de muitos aspectos da pessoalidade e da obra dantesca, por outro, nos revela um precioso e original documento, extremamente interessante e importante para a história da lingüística românica e em particular da língua italiana. / Conceived and composed during the first years of his exile, written in Latin, De vulgari eloquentia was intended by Dante as a treatise on poetry and rhetoric that would set the rules for the use of the vulgar (i.e. commonly spoken by the people) language, establishing once and for all its value as a legitimate instrument of literary expression. The project was born out of the authors need to better define his own role and significance as an intellectual against the background of Italian and European culture, and its structure, although theoretical, is based on his own experience as a poet. The work deals with the origin of language, relating how many different idioms originated from Babels biblical confusion, then goes on to analyse the European languages and the various Italian dialects. Having identified what he considers to be an idiom which meets the requirements of a genuinely Italian literary language, free from any local or regional influence, a vulgar tongue, yet at the same time illustrious, cardinal, courtly and curial, Dante endeavours to define the rules that should apply to the various genres and styles, starting with the highest, the canzone (lyric poem); but this vast project comes to an abrupt end with the fourteenth chapter of the second book. This short treatise not only gives us a deeper understanding of Dantes work and personality, but is also a valuable and original document in its own right, of the utmost importance for the development and history of Romance linguistics and particularly of the Italian language.

A psicanálise em La coscienza di Zeno: contribuições literárias e abordagem questionadora da terapêutica / Psychoanalysis in La coscienza di Zeno: literary contributions and questioning approach to therapeutics

Frantz, Adroaldo José 24 April 2015 (has links)
O nosso objetivo neste trabalho é examinar em que medida a psicanálise está presente na principal obra de Italo Svevo, La coscienza di Zeno, abordando as concepções psicanalíticas empregadas no texto, diretamente ou em variados graus de transfiguração, e verificando se surgem tensões relevantes em relação a elas. O campo de atuação da psicanálise é muito amplo, de forma que nos restringimos basicamente a dois setores da sua atuação que julgamos cruciais para o exame proposto. O principal para o nosso trabalho é aquele no qual ela se constitui como sistema de compreensão do psiquismo: pretendemos determinar qual é o uso literário de tal sistema no romance, tanto na construção dos seus personagens quanto na constituição da sua narração. Também é importante para o nosso trabalho que levemos em consideração a psicanálise como método terapêutico, principalmente ao analisarmos o último capítulo do livro, no qual o protagonista Zeno efetivamente é psicanalisado pelo doutor S. e o processo de cura torna-se de grande relevância. / Our goal in this paper is to examine the extent to which psychoanalysis is present in the main work of Italo Svevo, La coscienza di Zeno, addressing psychoanalytic concepts used in the text, directly or in varying degrees of transfiguration, and verifying that arise relevant tensions about them. The scope of psychoanalysis is very broad, so basically restricted ourselves to two sectors of its operation that we consider crucial for the proposed examination. Central to our task is its operation as psyche understanding system: we intend to determine what the literary use of such a system in the novel, both in the construction of his characters as in the constitution of his narration. It is also important for our task we take into account the psychoanalysis as a therapeutic method, especially when we look at the last chapter of the book, in which the protagonist Zeno is actually psychoanalyzed by doctor S. and the healing process becomes highly relevant.

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