Spelling suggestions: "subject:"omance linguistics"" "subject:"pomance linguistics""
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Developments of the lateral in occitan dialects and their romance and cross-linguistic contextMüller, Daniela 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyses sound changes that affected the lateral approximant inherited from Latin in Occitan dialects, in the Romance languages, and in a number of other languages from around the world. Chapter 1 gives a comprehensive overview of the research carried out on the lateral approximant; it discusses articulation and acoustics as well as abstract representations of the sound. Chapters 2 to 5 are devoted to specific sound changes which occurred in Occitan dialects at different points in time. These developments are systematically compared to similar phenomena in Romance and other languages. In chapter 2, I discuss the vocalisation of the dark lateral in preconsonantal and word-final position as well as intervocalically. It is argued there that Occitan and more generally Romance followed an unexpected pathway towards vocalisation, which cannot be explained by phonetic factors alone. Chapter 3 deals with palatalisation of the lateral in onsetclusters. Rather than in articulatory assimilation, I propose that the origin of this sound change is to be sought in the frication which accompanied the obstruent + lateral onset clusters. Rhoticisation of the lateral, and its opposite, lambdacisation of the rhotic, is the topic of chapter 4. In this chapter, I discuss duration factors in these sound changes and present experimental evidence to substantiate the idea that duration plays an important role. Finally, chapter 5 looks at thedevelopments of the Latin geminate lateral in Gascon and other Romance dialects; according to common opinion, the Latin geminate lateral underwent a retroflexion process, and I discuss how this might have been possible from a phonetic point of view.
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Developments of the lateral in occitan dialects and their romance and cross-linguistic context / Développements de la latérale dans les dialectes occitans et leur contexte roman et à travers les langues du mondeMüller, Daniela 01 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’analyser les changements phonétiques qui ont affecté l’approximante latérale héritée du latin dans les dialectes occitans, dans les langues romanes ainsi que dans un certain nombre d’autres langues du monde. Le premier chapitre donne une vue d’ensemble des recherches phonétiques sur la latérale. Les aspects articulatoires, acoustiques et les questions de représentation abstraite y sont notamment discutés. Les chapitres suivants, 2 à 5, sont consacrés à certains changements phonétiques spécifiques survenus dans les dialectes occitans à des moments divers de leur histoire. Ces évolutions seront comparées de façon systématique à des phénomènes semblables dans les autres langues romanes et non-romanes. Le chapitre 2 traite de la vocalisation de la latérale vélarisée en position réconsonantique et finale de mot aussi bien qu’à l’intervocalique. Je propose dans ce chapitre que l’évolution de la vocalisation de la latérale en occitan et dans les langues romanes en général ne peut être expliquée à partir des seuls faits phonétiques. Dans le chapitre 3, je discute de la palatalisation de la latérale dans un groupe consonantique en attaque syllabique. J’y fais l’hypothèse que l’origine de ce changement phonétique est à rechercher plutôt dans la friction qui accompagne le groupe consonantique du type obstruante + latérale que dans une assimilation de type articulatoire. La rhotacisation de la latérale, et son contraire, la latéralisation d’une rhotique sont traitées dans le chapitre 4. Dans ce chapitre, je discute des facteurs de durée dans ces changements phonétiques et je présente des résultats expérimentaux qui soutiennent l’idée que la durée y joue un rôle important. Finalement, le chapitre 5 regarde de près l’évolution de la latérale géminée latine en gascon et dans d’autres dialectes romans; étant donné qu’il est communément admis que cette évolution est due à un processus de rétroflexion, je discute les chemins possibles de ce changement d’un point de vue phonétique. / This thesis analyses sound changes that affected the lateral approximant inherited from Latin in Occitan dialects, in the Romance languages, and in a number of other languages from around the world. Chapter 1 gives a comprehensive overview of the research carried out on the lateral approximant; it discusses articulation and acoustics as well as abstract representations of the sound. Chapters 2 to 5 are devoted to specific sound changes which occurred in Occitan dialects at different points in time. These developments are systematically compared to similar phenomena in Romance and other languages. In chapter 2, I discuss the vocalisation of the dark lateral in preconsonantal and word-final position as well as intervocalically. It is argued there that Occitan and more generally Romance followed an unexpected pathway towards vocalisation, which cannot be explained by phonetic factors alone. Chapter 3 deals with palatalisation of the lateral in onsetclusters. Rather than in articulatory assimilation, I propose that the origin of this sound change is to be sought in the frication which accompanied the obstruent + lateral onset clusters. Rhoticisation of the lateral, and its opposite, lambdacisation of the rhotic, is the topic of chapter 4. In this chapter, I discuss duration factors in these sound changes and present experimental evidence to substantiate the idea that duration plays an important role. Finally, chapter 5 looks at thedevelopments of the Latin geminate lateral in Gascon and other Romance dialects; according to common opinion, the Latin geminate lateral underwent a retroflexion process, and I discuss how this might have been possible from a phonetic point of view.
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The Spanish postnominal demonstrative in synchrony and diachronyAlexander, David B. 19 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Pokračovatelé posesiv suus a illorum v románských jazycích / Continuators of the possessives suus and illorum in the Romance languagesJančík, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
English abstract: The text looks into the working of the 6th person possessivity exponence on the base of the analysis of two concrete paradigms - paradigms SUUS and ILLORUM. Its proposal is to comprend and to describe all changes of the semiosis of both of the two paradigms on their transition from the Latin diasystem to the Protoromance and the Romance one. These changes will be mesured and described on the base of the eight parameters of semiotic and semiologic description as changes of (1) formal aspect, (2) conceptual aspect, (3) reference, (4) extension, (5) intension, (6) differential value, (7) paradigmatic relations, (8) syntagmatic relations. On the base of the analysis of the individual diasystems we try to identify the connection, the relationship among the Romance centres, with the objective to identify the sources of the importation of linguistic innovations. English keywords: 6th person possessivity, reflexive possessivity, non-reflexive possessivity, possessives, ILLORUM, SUUS, semiosis, grammaticalization, suppletion, linguistic innovation, exportation of linguistic models, endophoricity, logophoricity, exophoricity, vulgar Latin, classical Latin, Romance languages
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Uma leitura do De vulgari eloquentia de Dante Alighieri / A reading of De vulgari eloquentia of Dante AlighieriVivai, Cosimo Bartolini Salimbeni 09 April 2009 (has links)
Idealizado e composto nos primeiros anos do exílio, escrito em latim, o De vulgari eloquentia é concebido por Dante como um tratado de retórica e de poética que fixe as normas para o uso da língua vulgar, consagrando dessa forma sua legitimidade e seu valor como instrumento de expressão literária; nascido da necessidade de uma redefinição e uma reavaliação do próprio papel e significado de intelectual no âmbito da cultura italiana e européia, representa uma teorização retórico-literária baseada na sua própria experiência poética. A obra trata da origem da linguagem, da diferenciação dos vários idiomas conseqüente à confusão bíblica de Babel até a análise das línguas européias e dos vários dialetos italianos; uma vez identificada uma linguagem que atenda às exigências de uma língua literária verdadeiramente italiana, que supere os restritos limites municipais e regionais, isto é, um vulgar ilustre, cardinal, áulico e curial, Dante pretende estabelecer as regras dos gêneros e dos estilos com as quais esse vulgar possa ser explicitado, partindo da expressão mais alta, a canção: esse vasto projeto, porém, é interrompido repentinamente no décimo quarto capítulo do segundo livro. A leitura desse pequeno tratado torna possível, por um lado, uma melhor compreensão de muitos aspectos da pessoalidade e da obra dantesca, por outro, nos revela um precioso e original documento, extremamente interessante e importante para a história da lingüística românica e em particular da língua italiana. / Conceived and composed during the first years of his exile, written in Latin, De vulgari eloquentia was intended by Dante as a treatise on poetry and rhetoric that would set the rules for the use of the vulgar (i.e. commonly spoken by the people) language, establishing once and for all its value as a legitimate instrument of literary expression. The project was born out of the authors need to better define his own role and significance as an intellectual against the background of Italian and European culture, and its structure, although theoretical, is based on his own experience as a poet. The work deals with the origin of language, relating how many different idioms originated from Babels biblical confusion, then goes on to analyse the European languages and the various Italian dialects. Having identified what he considers to be an idiom which meets the requirements of a genuinely Italian literary language, free from any local or regional influence, a vulgar tongue, yet at the same time illustrious, cardinal, courtly and curial, Dante endeavours to define the rules that should apply to the various genres and styles, starting with the highest, the canzone (lyric poem); but this vast project comes to an abrupt end with the fourteenth chapter of the second book. This short treatise not only gives us a deeper understanding of Dantes work and personality, but is also a valuable and original document in its own right, of the utmost importance for the development and history of Romance linguistics and particularly of the Italian language.
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Uma leitura do De vulgari eloquentia de Dante Alighieri / A reading of De vulgari eloquentia of Dante AlighieriCosimo Bartolini Salimbeni Vivai 09 April 2009 (has links)
Idealizado e composto nos primeiros anos do exílio, escrito em latim, o De vulgari eloquentia é concebido por Dante como um tratado de retórica e de poética que fixe as normas para o uso da língua vulgar, consagrando dessa forma sua legitimidade e seu valor como instrumento de expressão literária; nascido da necessidade de uma redefinição e uma reavaliação do próprio papel e significado de intelectual no âmbito da cultura italiana e européia, representa uma teorização retórico-literária baseada na sua própria experiência poética. A obra trata da origem da linguagem, da diferenciação dos vários idiomas conseqüente à confusão bíblica de Babel até a análise das línguas européias e dos vários dialetos italianos; uma vez identificada uma linguagem que atenda às exigências de uma língua literária verdadeiramente italiana, que supere os restritos limites municipais e regionais, isto é, um vulgar ilustre, cardinal, áulico e curial, Dante pretende estabelecer as regras dos gêneros e dos estilos com as quais esse vulgar possa ser explicitado, partindo da expressão mais alta, a canção: esse vasto projeto, porém, é interrompido repentinamente no décimo quarto capítulo do segundo livro. A leitura desse pequeno tratado torna possível, por um lado, uma melhor compreensão de muitos aspectos da pessoalidade e da obra dantesca, por outro, nos revela um precioso e original documento, extremamente interessante e importante para a história da lingüística românica e em particular da língua italiana. / Conceived and composed during the first years of his exile, written in Latin, De vulgari eloquentia was intended by Dante as a treatise on poetry and rhetoric that would set the rules for the use of the vulgar (i.e. commonly spoken by the people) language, establishing once and for all its value as a legitimate instrument of literary expression. The project was born out of the authors need to better define his own role and significance as an intellectual against the background of Italian and European culture, and its structure, although theoretical, is based on his own experience as a poet. The work deals with the origin of language, relating how many different idioms originated from Babels biblical confusion, then goes on to analyse the European languages and the various Italian dialects. Having identified what he considers to be an idiom which meets the requirements of a genuinely Italian literary language, free from any local or regional influence, a vulgar tongue, yet at the same time illustrious, cardinal, courtly and curial, Dante endeavours to define the rules that should apply to the various genres and styles, starting with the highest, the canzone (lyric poem); but this vast project comes to an abrupt end with the fourteenth chapter of the second book. This short treatise not only gives us a deeper understanding of Dantes work and personality, but is also a valuable and original document in its own right, of the utmost importance for the development and history of Romance linguistics and particularly of the Italian language.
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Étude synchronique contrastive des descendants romans d’ESSE et de STARE : les signifiants italiens essere et stare à la lumière des signifiants espagnols ser et estar / A contrastive synchronic study of Romance descendants of ESSE and STARE : Italian signifiers essere and stare in light of Spanish signifiers ser and estarZalio, Damien 30 November 2013 (has links)
Les verbes latins ESSE et STARE ont trouvé un prolongement dans toutes les langues romanes. Parmi celles-ci, l’espagnol présente une nette opposition entre ser et estar. Les rôles syntaxiques et sémantiques de ces verbes sont répartis de façon relativement homogène, sans cesser pour autant d’être l’un des sujets les plus étudiés de l’hispanisme. Les verbes italiens essere et stare font quant à eux l’objet d’une littérature lacunaire, probablement en raison du fait que le choix du sujet parlant n’y apparaît pas aussi contraint qu’en espagnol : ces deux verbes sont alors considérés comme pratiquement interchangeables. Faisant nôtre l’axiome de la motivation du signe linguistique, nous ne pouvons poser deux formes de langue comme strictement équivalentes. Ce travail se propose d’analyser les signifiants italiens essere et stare à la lumière de leurs homologues espagnols ser et estar. Nous y formulons le postulat selon lequel essere et ser véhiculent chacun les mêmes instructions mais que celles-ci se déploient différemment dans les deux langues, et nous faisons le même pari pour stare face à estar. Dans la première partie, nous parcourrons la littérature spécialisée, nous aborderons la notion d’existence, puis nous remonterons aux sources latines pour mieux cerner les évolutions de ces quatre verbes. La deuxième partie sera consacrée aux tours périphrastiques, où ser, estar mais aussi essere et stare jouent un rôle prépondérant. Leur emploi avec un circonstant et un attribut fera l’objet de la troisième partie, tandis que la quatrième et dernière partie se focalisera sur certaines structures présentant un ordre syntaxique marqué. / The latin verbs ESSE and STARE have derivatives in all Romance languages. Among the latter, Spanish draws a clear distinction between ser and estar. The syntactic and semantic roles of these two verbs are quite homogeneously divided but it is still one of the questions most discussed in Spanish studies. Italian verbs essere and stare, however, have not received as much critical attention, probably because the speaking subject is less compelled to choose between the two than in Spanish: these two verbs are then considered interchangeable. In keeping with the axiom of linguistic sign motivation, I will argue that two linguistic forms cannot be strictly equivalent. In the present study, I will analyse the Italian signifiers essere and stare in light of their Spanish equivalents ser and estar. I posit that essere and ser both convey the same instructions but that these take effect differently in the two languages, just as stare and estar. In the first part, I will present an overview of the literature on the issue, I will tackle the notion of existence, and finally, I will go back to the Latin sources to better outline the evolutions of these four verbs. The second part will focus on the periphrastic turns in which ser, estar but also essere and stare play a dominating role. Their use with an adverbial and a predicative adjective will be discussed in the third part, while the fourth and final part will be devoted to certain structures presenting a marked syntactic order.
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Dictionnaire de l’ancien francoprovençal : conception d’un projet lexicographique et réalisation sectorielle / Old Francoprovençal dictionary : conception of a lexicographic project and partial realisationBerchtold, Elisabeth 19 December 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de combler des lacunes scientifiques dans la connaissance de l’histoire du francoprovençal et de son lexique. En effet, à l'heure actuelle aucun travail de synthèse ne regroupe les matériaux anciens du francoprovençal et dans le Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (FEW), qui pourrait remplir cette fonction, les états anciens du francoprovençal sont sous-représentés en raison de l'absence d'un tel travail. La conséquence est un grand déséquilibre avec la connaissance que nous avons de l'ancien français et occitan qui sont les langues romanes anciennes les mieux décrites. Les sources en francoprovençal sont relativement peu nombreuses parce que cette langue a été de tout temps confiné à un usage essentiellement oral. La littérature ancienne se borne à quelques textes d'édification et un traité juridique, surtout des traductions. À partir du XVIième siècle se développe une littérature en patois le plus souvent fortement ancrée localement. Les auteurs qui voulaient toucher un publique plus large ont très tôt opté pour le français. Les sources documentaires sont plus nombreuses, mais très inégalement réparties dans l'espace. Les sources issues de la partie française du domaine ont pour la plupart été éditées, mais beaucoup d'entre elles sont difficilement exploitables en l'absence de glossaires. La situation est plus favorable en Suisse romande où le Glossaire des patois de la Suisse romande (Gl.) documente non seulement les dialectes modernes, mais aussi leurs états anciens. Pour cette raison nous nous sommes concentrée sur la partie française du domaine et nous nous sommes basée sur le Gl. pour la partie suisse. En collaboration avec une autre doctorante, Laure Grüner, nous avons rassemblé les sources intéressantes pour l'étude de l'ancien francoprovençal de France et nous avons procédé à des dépouillements étendus. Sur cette base, nous avons élaboré un modèle de description lexicographique adapté à l’ancien francoprovençal et nous avons rédigé la tranche f de ce Dictionnaire de l'ancien francoprovençal, qui représente environ un vingtième du dictionnaire complet, afin de prouver la faisabilité du projet et d'évaluer son apport à la connaissance de l’ancien francoprovençal. Plus de la moitié de nos articles documentent des unités lexicales qui n'étaient pas encore attestées en ancien francoprovençal de France dans le FEW et dans une bonne partie des autres cas nous pouvons compléter les matériaux. Sur la base des 386 articles rédigés, nous évaluons la nomenclature complète du dictionnaires à 7’500 articles et le temps de rédaction à une bonne douzaine d'années de travail d'une personne à temps plein. Nous avons aussi envisagé plusieurs possibilités pour obtenir des résultats tangibles dans des délais plus courts / The aim of this thesis is to fill in the scientific gaps concerning the knowledge of the history of Francoprovençal and its vocabulary. Currently, there is no synthesis of the available documentation of Old Francoprovençal. In the Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (FEW), that could fulfil this function, the older states of Francoprovençal are underrepresented because of the lack of this kind of work. The consequence is a huge imbalance with the knowledge we have for instance of Old French and Occitan which are the best known Romance languages of the past.There are few sources in Francoprovençal because this language has always been mostly oral. The oldest literature consists of a few religious texts and a legal treaty. Most of them are translations. From the 16th century onward, a locally based literature emerges generally with modest ambitions. Authors wanting to reach a larger audience chose French at a very early stage. The documentary sources are more numerous but very unevenly spread. Most sources from the French part are edited, but many of them lack a glossary and are difficult to handle. The situation is better in Switzerland, where the Glossaire des patois de la Suisse romande (Gl.) provides documentation not only regarding the modern dialects but also their older stages. For this reason, we concentrated our work on the French part and relied on the Gl. for the Swiss part. Together with an other PhD student, Laure Grüner, we gathered the sources and extracted the interesting lexical forms.Based on this documentation, we elaborated a lexicographical description template suitable for Old Francoprovençal. We wrote the articles of this Dictionnaire de l'ancien francoprovençal beginning with the letter f which represents about one twentieth of the whole dictionary. Not only did this provide a proof of its feasibility, but it also assessed its contribution to the knowledge on Old Francoprovençal. More than a half of the articles gather evidence for lexical units not yet documented in this language regarding the French part of the linguistic area, whereas for most of the others we could complete the existing documentation. Based on the 386 articles written, we estimate the complete nomenclature at approximately 7’500 articles and the time needed to write them at about twelve years. We also considered various possibilities to get tangible outcomes in a shorter amount of time
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Preface - An Interdisciplinary Vision towards New Avenues of ResearchSpina, Stefania 25 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Le participe dans les grammaires des langues romanes (XVe-XVIIIe siècles). Histoire comparée d'une classe grammaticale / The participle in the Romance Languages' grammars (15th-18th centuries). A compared history of a grammar category / El participio en las gramáticas de las lenguas románicas (siglos XV-XVIII). Historia comparada de una clase gramaticalDiaz Villalba, Alejandro 13 September 2017 (has links)
L’étude présente l’histoire de la classe du participe à travers un corpus de grammaires del’espagnol, du français, de l’italien et du portugais parues entre le XVe et le XVIIIe siècle.La démarche comparative s’appuie sur le principe méthodologique de la mise en série d’une centaine d’ouvrages regroupés et confrontés selon des paramètres variables : la chronologie, le thème ou la tradition grammaticale de la langue-objet.La première partie aborde la question de la catégorisation en linguistique et s’interroge sur la nature des formes non finies du verbe, tout particulièrement du participe et de son emploi dans les formes verbales analytiques. La deuxième partie traite de l’histoire du participe sous un angle général. Ainsi, après avoir donné un aperçu des aspects problématiques qui intéressent les grammairiens grecs et latins, l’analyse se centre sur le traitement de la classe dans les grammaires des langues romanes. La troisième partie s’attache à étudier les approches et les concepts dont se servent les grammairiens de la Renaissance pour traiter les temps composés ainsi que la façon dont ils décrivent et (re)catégorisent les formes participiales de ces temps verbaux. / The study investigates the history of the word-class of participle through a close study of a corpus of French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian grammars which were published between the 15th and 18th centuries. The comparative approach is based on the methodological principle of “series of texts”, by grouping and collating a hundred works according to several variable parameters: the chronology, the theme or the grammatical tradition of the language in question.The first part of the study deals with the linguistic categorization and questions the nature of the non-finite verbal forms, especially the participle and its use in an analytical verbal form. The second part deals with the history of the participle from a more general point of view. Thus, after an overview of the problematic aspects of Greek and Latin grammarians, the analysis focuses on the treatment of the word-class in the grammars of the Romance languages. The third part focuses on the approaches and concepts used by the Renaissance grammarians to deal with compound tenses and on how they described and (re)-categorized the participle forms of these verbal tenses. / El estudio presenta la historia de la clase del participio a través de un corpus de gramáticas de español, francés, italiano y portugués publicadas entre los siglos XV y XVIII. El enfoque comparativo se basa en el principio metodológico de la constitución de series textuales, que nos permite agrupar y cotejar un centenar de textos en función de parámetros variables: la cronología, el tema o la tradición gramatical de la lengua objeto.La primera parte aborda el asunto de la categorización en lingüística e indaga la naturaleza de las formas no finitas del verbo, especialmente la del participio y su utilización en las formas analíticas del verbo. La segunda parte propone una aproximacióna la historia del participio desde una perspectiva más general. Así pues, tras una cala en los aspectos problemáticos relacionados con el participio tratados por los gramáticos griegos y latinos, el análisis se centra en el tratamiento de la clase en las gramáticas de las lenguas romances. La tercera parte investiga sobre los enfoques y los conceptos que emplean los gramáticos del Renacimiento para tratar los tiempos compuestos, y sobre el modo en que describen y (re)categorizan las formas participiales de esos tiempos verbales.
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