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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attitudes and beliefs of students towards wearing bicycle helmets : A study carried out at Linköping University, Sweden

Pröstl, Susanne January 2009 (has links)
The most common diagnoses after bicycle accidents are head injuries and fractures on arms and legs. At two of three injured cyclists, head injuries are the primary cause of death and bicycle helmets are a good protection against these injuries. Because the brain is very fragile, even a moderate hit can cause a serious injury. Arms and legs can often be treated, while brain damage could be a permanent disability. The main goal of this paper is to find out what makes students at Linköping University wear a bicycle helmet. The specific aim of this paper is to find out why students at Linköping University do not wear a bicycle helmet when they are cycling. The paper is divided into a literature review and a case study. The literature review delivers an insight into the road traffic safety system and the contributing factors that influence road traffic safety. It covers research analysis of experts about human behavior and gives an overview of relevant facts and figures concerning cycling within Sweden as well as within the European Union. The case study is a survey carried out at Linköping University. The method used is paper questionnaire with the target group of students at Linköping University. The result of the questionnaire is that more information regarding bicycle helmets and cycling as such, bicycle helmets for free or at least for reduced prices and to somehow change the attitudes towards bicycle helmets is important to increase the number of students wearing a bicycle helmet at Linköping University. As the most important reasons for not wearing a bicycle helmet, practical problems due to having no opportunity to fix the bicycle helmet secure to the bicycle, the fear of negative appearance and the discomfort of wearing a bicycle helmet have been mentioned. To increase the usage of bicycle helmets measures like increasing the awareness, reducing the helmet price or providing extra features with the helmet, based on the results of the literature review and the questionnaire, are suggested at the end of this paper.

Elektronisk rese- och upplevelseguide, konceptuell modell som nyttjar nationella databaser

Johansson, Maria, Johansson, Lena January 2004 (has links)
Resandet ökar i dagens samhälle och människor söker nya upplevelser och utmaningar. Konkurrensen om besökarna är stor. Med hjälp av den nya informations- och kommunikationstekniken kan en elektronisk rese- och upplevelseguide utgöra ett alternativ i syfte att attrahera besökarna och få dem att stanna längre. Genom tekniken kan intressanta berättelser presenteras med både ljud, bild och video, s k multimedieteknik. För att besökaren ska kunna vara rörlig och samtidigt ta emot information krävs en mobil utrustning som exempelvis en handdator.Denna magisteruppsats i informatik ingår i ett projekt, uppdelat i tre steg. Projektet, som drivs på uppdrag av Vision Vimmerby och Högskolan Dalarna, har som mål att ta fram en elektronisk rese- och upplevelseguide, avsedd för vuxna bilburna besökare i Astrid Lindgrens landskap. Den elektroniska guiden ska presenteras via en handdator som besökare kan hyra vid Turistbyrån i Vimmerby.Målet för uppsatsen, som utgör första fasen av dessa tre, är att redogöra för en konceptuell generell modell för en elektronisk rese- och upplevelseguide. Grundtanken är att modellen lätt ska kunna appliceras på vilket resmål som helst. Förutsättningar för det skapas genom att använda befintliga nationella databaser.Vi har strävat efter att den konceptuella modellen ska vara komponentbaserad så att andra datakällor kan väljas utan att konceptet faller. Vidare har vi analyserat om VITSA-projektets tekniska grundplattform, som innehåller funktionalitet som är anpassad för den här typen av tjänster, är lämplig att använda.I arbetet har vi använt oss av befintliga teorier om mobilitet, tjänster och systemarkitekturer. Parallellt med att de befintliga teorierna har använts, har en strukturell modell för IT-tjänster vidareutvecklats. Vår tanke är att den vidareutvecklade modellen ska inspirera till användning och eventuellt användas som stöd vid fortsatt forskning om IT-tjänster.

Mobil IT-tjänst för trafikinformation baserad på vald resväg

Larsson, Carina, Mähönen, Mirva January 2004 (has links)
Trafikinformation som finns tillgänglig idag är generell, med detta menas att det inte sker något urval i den insamlade trafikinformationen. Ibland påverkar trafikhändelserna den egna resvägen och ibland inte. Den här trafiktjänsten ger målinriktad trafikinformation baserat på den enskilde trafikantens resväg och är tillgänglig dygnet runt. Presentationen sker i en handdator med hjälp av en kartbild och symboler vilket ger en ökad trafiksäkerhet vid användning.Trafiktjänsten kräver tillgång till information om trafikhändelser, vägnät, trafikantens position samt geografisk information för att kunna producera kartor. Informationen är en viktig resurs och finns tillänglig hos externa aktörer. Informationen behöver sammanföras i informationssystemet som hanterar trafiktjänsten. Den standard som används idag för trafikmeddelanden tillämpas på olika sätt vilket kan ge vissa kvalitetsbrister i trafiktjänsten.Inriktningen för arbetet var att undersöka och belysa de problemställningar som kan uppstå i samband med en trafiktjänst baserat på vald resväg. Delar av metoden Kunskapande användes som stöd för vår kunskapsutveckling. Arbetet inleddes med kartläggning och perspektivanalys, vilket gav oss en uppfattning om arbetets inriktning och omfattning. Resultaten från analyserna av strukturen för trafiktjänsten, vald resväg samt systemarkitektur användes i arbetet med utveckling av en prototyp. Vi har haft en deduktiv ansats eftersom vi till största delen har utgått från teorier och använt oss av standarder. De dominerande teorierna var IT-tjänster och systemarkitektur.

Molecular comparisons of Babesia odocoilei using the internal transcribed spacers of ribosomal RNA

Schoelkopf, Lorien 01 November 2005 (has links)
Babesia odocoilei is an intraerythrocytic apicomplexan parasite which infects cervidae, sometimes causing babesiosis. It is vectored by the tick Ixodes scapularis and is distributed throughout the southeastern United States. The geographic and host range continue to extend as new incidence of infection is detected. A genomic DNA region spanning the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), 5.8S rRNA gene, and ITS2 of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from 18 B. odocoilei isolates (speciation confirmed by small subunit rRNA analysis) was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction, cloned and sequenced. The isolates originated from 6 different cervidae or bovidae hosts in various U.S. geographic areas. Included in the analysis was a previously described reindeer B. odocoilei-like isolate, RD61, which showed only 99.0% identity in SSU rRNA analysis to B. odocoilei. Percent identity pairwise comparisons among the samples were calculated for both the full ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and individual genomic regions. Identity values for all comparisons ranged from 90% to 100%, with the exception of RD61, which showed no higher than 88% identity for all gene regions. An analysis of fixed differences identified in the ITS1 and ITS2 gene regions of all clones revealed 21 fixed differences in ITS1, and only 11 in ITS2. Most isolates were found to have 2 overall patterns of fixed differences, although some had 1 or 3. Phylogenetic analysis of all sequences for the entire ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 gene region placed most isolates into 2 distinct groups corresponding to those observed in the analysis of fixed differences. This suggested the presence of at least 2 rRNA transcription units in B. odocoilei. ITS analysis failed to demonstrate host or geographic differences that might serve to pinpoint the source of outbreaks of B. odocoilei in farmed and managed host animals. This failure might result from genetic recombination of ITS genomic regions during the tick vector stage. Lack of conspecificity between the RD61 isolate and B. odocoilei was supported by this study; however, more data are needed to clarify the taxonomic status of this B. odocoilei-like isolate.

Patterns of Genetic Variation in Rosette-Brachyglottis are Inconsistent with Current Species Delimitation

Millar, Timothy Robert January 2014 (has links)
Brachyglottis (Asteraceae) is a genus of approximately 30 species in the Brachyglottidinae, a recently recognised sub-tribe of tribe Senecioneae. Within Brachyglottis is a clade of five species of rosette-forming herbs: B. bellidioides, B. haastii, B. lagopus, B. southlandica and B. traversii. A sixth species, B. saxifragoides, has recently been synonymised with B. lagopus. The rosette-Brachyglottis have historically been recognised as a taxonomically problematic group because species overlap in both morphology and geographical distribution. A recent molecular study of rosette-Brachyglottis using AFLP data indicated that genetic distances among populations of rosette-Brachyglottis in the South Island appear to be correlated with geographical distance between populations rather than taxonomic identification. This is problematic as the currently described rosette-Brachyglottis species have overlapping ranges which implicitly hypothesises reproductive barriers other than geographic distance. We conducted an investigation into the species delimitation of rosette-Brachyglottis with the aim of answering two related questions: Does the current delimitation of rosette-Brachyglottis accurately reflect patterns of genetic similarity? Do the patterns of genetic structure in rosette-Brachyglottis support the presence of multiple biological species? A total of 46 populations of rosette-Brachyglottis were represented in this study. Herbarium specimens collected from these populations were identified following the taxonomic treatment of Allan (1961). Twenty one discrete and numerical morphological characters were measured from herbarium specimens including those collected for this study and previously collected herbarium specimens. Morphological dissimilarity of 354 herbarium specimens was investigated by performing a PCoA on Gower’s pairwise morphological distances among individuals. The pattern of genetic similarity was explored using DNA fragment length variation in nine markers for 273 individuals and this resulted in a total 177 unique alleles. Bayesian clustering analysis was performed on this data set using STRUCTURE, in addition, pairwise genetic distances were calculated among individuals and populations using Jaccard and Nei’s dissimilarity coefficient’s respectively. Jaccard genetic distances among individuals were analysed using PCoA and Nei’s genetic distances among populations were analysed using a Neighbour-Net analysis. The relationship between pairwise genetic and geographic distances among populations was analysed using a combination of linear regression and a Mantel Test. The pattern of morphological similarities among specimens was generally congruent with the currently delimited species in rosette-Brachyglottis. However, many morphologically intermediate specimens confound the recognition of distinct morphological entities. Comparison of patterns of genetic similarity and the current morphologically-based species delimitation showed that the delimitation does not accurately reflect the genetic structure of rosette-Brachyglottis. Furthermore, patterns of genetic dissimilarity did not indicate discrete genetic groups at the individual or population levels. The finding of incongruence between patterns of genetic and morphological similarity and absence of morphologically or genetically discrete groups suggests that rosette-Brachyglottis are best considered a single, yet morphologically diverse, biological species. In addition genetic structure within this species appears to be primarily driven by geographical isolation.

Représentations sociales de la sexualité de jeunes fréquentant des lycées gabonais en lien avec les stratégies de prévention des infections transmissibles sexuellement

Tigalekou Ognaligui, Cynthia January 2013 (has links)
Au Gabon, les infections transmissibles sexuellement (ITS) constituent le principal problème de santé auquel sont confrontés les jeunes. Les représentations sociales permettent, entre autres, de comprendre les comportements, les pratiques, les valeurs afin de mettre en place des démarches de prévention des ITS qui prennent en compte la culture des jeunes du Gabon. Ainsi, la présente ethnographie ciblée vise à comprendre les représentations sociales de la sexualité sur lesquelles reposent les stratégies de prévention des ITS de jeunes fréquentant des lycées gabonais. L'échantillon de convenance était composé de 30 jeunes gabonais âgés de 14 à 18 ans (14 filles et 16 garçons), dont la moyenne d'âge était de 17 ans, provenant de quatre lycées différents. Au total, nous avons réalisé 26 entrevues individuelles, enregistrées en version audio auprès de 15 participants, procédé à 15 observations non participantes et effectué trois entrevues de groupe auprès de 15 participants. Des données complémentaires ont été recueillies à l'aide du journal de bord et d'un questionnaire sociodémographique. Le matériel a été transcrit et a fait l'objet d'une analyse qualitative selon la méthode préconisée par Miles et Huberman (2003). La représentation de la sexualité des jeunes du Gabon comporte trois dimensions : un besoin affectif, un besoin physique et un besoin de sécurité. Les résultats montrent aussi que divers moyens leur permettent de satisfaire ces différents besoins. Par ailleurs, les résultats révèlent que les jeunes se représentent les stratégies de prévention comme une bonne idée, mais peu pratique. En effet, d'un côté, les jeunes reconnaissent les qualités protectrices des stratégies de prévention des ITS (abstinence sexuelle, fidélité, préservatif), mais, de l'autre, ils ont une attitude légère ou désinvolte à leur égard, les considèrent comme plutôt lourdes ou inappropriés et estiment qu'elles ne cadrent pas avec leur réalité. Les résultats incitent la réflexion de la part des professionnels de la santé, dont les infirmières et infirmiers, quant aux meilleures stratégies de promotion d'une sexualité saine adaptée à la culture gabonaise. Enfin, des pistes pour la recherche future ont été proposées afin d'avoir une meilleure compréhension des représentations de la sexualité des jeunes du Gabon en lien avec les stratégies de prévention des ITS.

Routing in Terrestrial Free Space Optical Ad-Hoc Networks

Dong, Yao, Sadegh Aminian, Mohammad January 2014 (has links)
Terrestrial free-space optical (FSO) communication uses visible or infrared wavelengths to broadcast high speed data wirelessly through the atmospheric channel. The performance of terrestrial FSO channel mainly depends on the local atmospheric conditions. Ad hoc networks offer cost-effective solutions for communications in areas where infrastructure is unavailable, e.g., intelligent transport system, disaster recovery and battlefield scenarios. Traditional ad hoc networks operate in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum, where the available bandwidth faces the challenge of rapidly increasing demands. FSO is an attractive alternative for RF in ad-hoc networks because of its high bandwidth and interference-free operation. This thesis investigates the influencing factors for routing traffic from given s-d pair while satisfying certain Quality of Services in terrestrial FSO ad hoc mesh networks under the effect of stochastic atmospheric turbulence. It starts with a comprehensive review of FSO technology, including the history, application, advantages and limitations. Subsequently the principle of operation, the building blocks and safety of FSO communication systems are discussed. The physics of atmosphere is taken into account to investigate how propagation of optical signals is affected in terrestrial FSO links. A propagation model is developed to grade the performance and reliability of the FSO ad hoc links in the network. Based on that model and the K-th shortest path algorithm, the performance of the path with highest reliability, the path with a second highest possible reliability and an independent path with no common links shared with the former two paths, were compared according to the simulation scenarios in node-dense area and node-sparse area. Matlab simulation shows that the short/long range dependent transmission delay are positively proportional to number of hops of the paths. Lower path reliability only dominate the cause of severe delay when traffic flow approaches near its upper link capacity in node-sparse area. In order to route traffic from given s-d pairs with satisfying certain Quality of Services, the path with highest reliability may not be the best choices since they may hold more hops which will degrade the QoS. Meanwhile, in case of exponential traffic congestion, it is recommended that both traffic demand and traffic flow propagating through the links should be pressed below a value close to the effective capacity, where the nonlinearity of the transmission delay curve starts to obviously aggravate.

Ecologie des moisissures présentes sur les baies de raisin

Diguta, Filofteia Camelia 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La microflore des raisins est importante d'un point de vue technologique car elle conditionne en partie la qualité du vin. Or, la diversité des flores fongiques présentes sur baies de raisin ainsi que leur potentiel de contamination du produit final ne sont pas encore pleinement connus. Dans ce cadre, la caractérisation des flores fongiques cultivables présentes sur baies de raisin a été réalisée par PCR ITS-RFLP. 41 espèces de moisissures différentes sur les 43 étudiées appartenant à 11 genres différents ont été caractérisées de façon fiable. Seules les espèces Penicillium thomii et Penicillium glabrum ont présenté le même profil. Ainsi 96.3% des souches étudiées ont été caractérisées avec au maximum 4 enzymes de restriction et 41.5% des souches ont pu l'être avec seulement 2 enzymes de restriction. Ces résultats ont permis d'enrichir les bases de données, moyennement pourvues en séquences ITS caractéristiques de genres ou d'espèces de moisissures présentes sur baies de raisin. De plus, une étude exhaustive des moisissures présentes sur baies de raisin en Bourgogne a permis, par PCR ITS-RFLP, d'identifier 199 souches au niveau de l'espèce et ce quelque soit le genre. Penicillium spinulosum est l'espèce majoritaire isolée pour le millésime 2008 en Bourgogne. Parallèlement, la quantification de Botrytis cinerea, choisi comme micro-organisme modèle, a été réalisée par qPCR. La technique qPCR décrite dans ce travail présente (i) une bonne sensibilté avec une limite de détection de 6.4 pg d'ADN correspondant à 540 spores, (ii) l'originalité de travailler en échantillons naturellement contaminés et la fiabilité d'utiliser un standard interne. L'évaluation de l'efficacité de différentes stratégies de traitements anti-Botrytis a confirmé l'importance de la prophylaxie (effeuillage) dans la lutte contre Botrytis cinerea.

Variabilita \kur{Calamagrostis phragmitoides} v ČR a srovnání s morfologicky podobnými druhy / The variability of \kur{Calamagrostis phragmitoides} in the Czech Republic and its comparison with morphologically similar species

SCHAABOVÁ, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Calamagrostis phragmitoides belongs to taxonomically complex C. purpurea aggregate with circumpolar distribution area. The relations between morphologically similar taxa of this aggregate are not clear. Populations of C. purpurea agg. from Central Europe, Scandinavia and Siberia (including one plant from the North America) were genetically studied (cpDNA, ITS, ploidy level by FCM). Allozyme and morfological variability of populations C. phragmitoides and morphologically similar C. canescens was also studied in the Czech Republic. This study was supported by grant SGA PrF JU in 2014.

Analýza genetické variability jírovce maďalu pomocí DNA markerů

Bačovský, Václav January 2015 (has links)
Some species of the genus Aesculus are every year heavily infested by horse chestnut leaf miner (Cameraria ohridella), whose larvae are mining the leaves, and under appropriate conditions may damage up to 100% of the leaf area. The effect of lower defense capability of infested trees lead to invasion of fungal (Erysiphe flexuosa, Guignardia aesculi) and bacterial (Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi) pathogens, and later to higher mortality of infected individuals. In this study were measured the genetic diversity of species A.hippocastanum, A. turbinata, A. glabra, A. parviflora, A. glabra var. arguta, A. x carnea, A. marilandica, A. pavia, and their genotypes with different susceptibility to the leaf miner. Analysis of 8 microsatellite loci, using the SB buffer for separation, showed high polymorfic information content 0.45 -- 0.77 (0,60 in average) and high genetic diversity. For each loci was found average 5.5 aleles. During two vegetation period, leaf area damage of these genotypes was evaluated in statistical software Assess 2.0. Different pressure of leaf miner and different development at each locality was recorded, and even in some cases lower damage was found, in one case it occured permanently. According to the data obtained, the pathological scale was established and the dendogram of similarity was created. Three groups of resistant, non -- resistant and immune individuals were distinguished and five main section of Aesculus was found. By cloning and analysing the inner transcribed spacers, ITS1 and ITS2, inner and inter species variability was examined. For the sequence of hybrid species A. x carnea no compliance was found in NBCI, therefore first sequence of this genotype was obtained.

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