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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Erfarenheter av att leva med en livslång tarmsjukdom : En litteraturöversikt / Experiences of living with a life-long bowel disease : A literature review

Karin, Pettersson, Bodemark Korkkinen, Marthina January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: IBD är ett samlingsnamn för de livslånga mag-och tarmsjukdomarna Crohns sjukdom och ulcerös kolit och karaktäriseras av perioder med remission och skov. Under ett skov befinner sig personen i ett utsatt läge vilket ställer stora krav på omvårdnaden där sjuksköterskans främsta uppgift är att lindra lidande och främja hälsa och att leva med sjukdomen kan påverka den upplevda hälsan. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva upplevelsen av att leva med den livslånga mag- och tarmsjukdomen IBD. Metod: I litteraturöversikten användes tio vetenskapliga studier med kvalitativ ansats. Studierna söktes med relevanta sökord i avsikt att besvara översiktens syfte. Utifrån studiernas resultat utformades fyra huvudkategorier. Resultat: Resultatet i översikten presenterades under fyra huvudkategorier; begränsningar i det sociala livet, värdefulla strategier i önskan att skapa en kontrollerbar vardag, känslomässig påverkan och upplevelser av möten med sjukvården. Diskussion: Upplevelsen av att leva med IBD medförde omställningar och begränsningar för personerna i vardagen. Detta diskuteras utifrån Erikssons (1994) teori om den lidande människan, utifrån litteraturöversiktens bakgrund och utifrån nya artiklar. / Background: IBD is a collective term for the life-long gastrointestinal diseases Crohn´s disease and ulcerative colitis and is characterized by periods of remission and relapse. During a relapse the person is in a vulnerable position which places great demands on nursing where the nurse´s primary task is to alleviate suffering and promote health and living with the disease can affect the perceived health. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe the experience of living with the life-long gastrointestinal disease IBD. Method: The literature review was based upon ten scientific studies with qualitative approach. The studies were searched with relevant keywords in order to answer the purpose of the review. The results of the studies were designed under four main themes. Results: The results of the survey were presented under four main themes; limitations in social life, valuable strategies in the desire to create a controllable living, emotional impact and experiences of encounters with health care. Discussions:  The experience of living with IBD resulted in changes and limitations of the people in everyday life. This was discussed on the basis of Eriksson's (1994) theory of the suffering human being, based on the background of the literature review and new articles.

Změny střevního mikrobiomu u pacietů s idiotypickými střevními záněty léčenými pomocí anti-TNF-α / Změny střevního mikrobiomu u pacietů s idiotypickými střevními záněty léčenými pomocí anti-TNF-α

Damašková, Dagmar January 2016 (has links)
English Abstract Crohn's disease together with ulcerative colitis, is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with increasing incidence and prevalence in developed countries. IBD is an immunologically mediated multifactorial disease and it's mechanism of action is still unknown. Current well- established treatment targets the inflammation with corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs. Apart from the intestinal inflammation, which is the primary target of the treatment, patients are characteristically afflicted with intestinal dysbiosis. Therefore, possible interventions might be an adjuvant or biological therapy. Adjuvant therapy directly aims the microbiota with probiotics, whereas the target of biological therapy is TNF-α, a pro- inflammatory cytokine excessively secreted by macrophages. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate intestinal microbiota composition changes in IBD patients with regard to courses of adjuvant and biological therapy. Bacterial diversity was analyzed using three different DNA extraction techniques. Rapid beat beating + column (RBB+C) was chosen for analyzing patient samples, as it showed the highest DNA yield and the highest DNA purity. Primarily the bacterial diversity was analyzed using degradation gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) with subsequent sequencing of bands of...

Personers upplevelser av att anpassa sitt liv utifrån sin kroniska inflammatoriska tarmsjukdom (IBD)

Blom, Sandra, Wenhov, Evelina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) inkluderar Ulcerös kolit och Crohns sjukdom som kännetecknas av återkommande inflammation i tarmen. Etiologin för sjukdomarna är fortfarande okänd och forskning visar en ökning, framför allt i Europa. För att främja hälsa trots en livslång sjukdom behöver individen ta ansvar för att anpassa sin sjukdom genom egenvård, detta för att förebygga exacerbation. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa personers upplevelser av att anpassa sitt liv utifrån sin kroniska inflammatoriska tarmsjukdom.  Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie baserat på 12 kvalitativa studier. Databaserna som användes vid artikelsökningarna var PubMed och CINAHL. Sökbegränsningarna var engelska, människor och 10 år.  Resultat: En återkommande upplevelse bland personerna med IBD var att livet blev begränsat både gällde skola- och arbetsliv, det sociala livet och kosten. För att anpassa sitt liv med en IBD-sjukdom upplevde personerna att kunskap och stöd från andra var betydande. För att hålla sjukdomen i remission upplevdes behandlingar och kostanpassningar vara en viktig fördel. Upplevelsen av sig själv förändrades där en känsla av att inte vara normal var vanligt, att acceptera och hitta mening i livet var en viktig anpassning och resulterade i ett bättre mentalt välbefinnande. Slutsats: Sjukdomen upplevdes skapa begränsningar i det dagliga livet och ändrade självbilden hos personerna. Att acceptera sitt liv med IBD ansågs vara en viktig anpassning för att skapa möjlighet till att leva sitt liv utan dessa upplevda begränsningar. Enligt författarna kommer resultatet ge sjuksköterskor en ökad förståelse gällande omvårdnaden för personer med en IBD-sjukdom samt möjliggöra en fungerande egenvård för dessa personer. / Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) include Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease who are characterized by recurrent inflammation in the bowel. The etiology of the diseases is still unknown, and research shows that it’s increasing, especially in Europe. To promote health despite a lifelong illness, the individual needs to take responsibility for their self-care to keep the disease in check. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe persons experience of adapting their life with their inflammatory bowel disease. Method: A descriptive literature study based on 12 qualitative studies. The databases used were PubMed and CINAHL. The study's limitations were English, humans, and 10 years.  Results: A recurring experience among people with IBD was that life was limited in school, work, social life and diet. Knowledge and support from others were important to adapt to a life with IBD. To keep the disease in remission, treatments and dietary adjustments were perceived as an important advantage. The experience of yourself changed, where a feeling of not being normal was common. Patients who were able to accept their disease, and who also transcended to find a higher purpose, ultimately improved their mental health.   Conclusion: The disease creates limitations in daily life and changes the self-image of people. Accepting a life with IBD was an important adjustment to create the opportunity to live one's life without these perceived limitations. According to the authors, the results will give nurses an increased understanding of caregiving and improved self-care for people with IBD.

Approche multilocus du génome dans les modèles de génétique des populations / Multilocus Approach of the genome in the population genetics models

Tiret, Mathieu 08 March 2018 (has links)
La génétique des populations est l’étude de l’évolution des fréquences alléliques au sein d’une population et de l’influence des pressions évolutives sur ces fréquences. Au sein de cette discipline, des modèles de population et des mesures génétiques sont développés pour pouvoir expliquer et prédire les données génétiques. Toutefois, au fur et à mesure des avancées technologiques, de nouveaux types de données sont disponibles, et il devient primordial de développer de nouveaux modèles et de nouvelles mesures pour pouvoir expliquer ces nouvelles données génétiques, plus denses et plus riches en marqueurs génétiques grâce à l’avènement de techniques comme la Next Generation Sequencing. Pour ce faire, nous proposons dans cette thèse de développer de nouvelles mesures avec une approche dite multilocus, qui considère le génome comme un tout plutôt que comme un agglomérat de locus indépendants. Dans un premier temps, nous avons tenté de construire une base théorique de l’approche multilocus en génétique des populations. Ensuite, nous avons illustré une telle approche à travers l’étude de l’identité par descendance, des graphes de recombinaison ancestraux et des autocorrélogrammes dans les modèles de génétique des populations. À travers ces différentes études de cas, nous avons tenté d’identifier les principaux enjeux et questions que soulève la génétique des populations multilocus. / Population genetics is the study of the evolution of allelic frequencies within a population and the influence of evolutionary pressures on these frequencies. Within this field, one could develop population models and measures to explain and predict genetic data. However, as technologie evolves new types of data are available, and it becomes essential to develop new models and new measures to reflect these new genetic marker data, increasingly richer and denser thanks to the advent of new techniques such as the Next Generation Sequencing. To this end, we propose in this thesis to develop new measures with the so-called multilocus approach, which considers the genome as a whole rather than an agglomerate of independent loci. We have first tried to build a theoretical basis for the multilocus approach in population genetics. Then, we have illustrated this multilocus approach with the case studies of identity by descent, ancestral recombination graphs and autocorrelograms in population genetics models. Through these different studies, we tried to identify the main issues and questions that the multilocus population genetics raises.

Leva med en kronisk sjukdom : En litteraturöversikt om inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom och hälsorelaterad livskvalitet / To live with a chronic disease : A literature review about inflammatory bowel disease and health-related quality of life

Hansen, Linda, Lindh, Louise January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) inkluderar ulcerös kolit och Crohns sjukdom. De är kroniska och uppkommer i skov då tarmslemhinnan blir inflammerad och sårig vilket ger en komplex symtombild med akuta diarréer, rektalblödning och buksmärtor. Behandlingen går ut på att minska symtom och förebygga uppkomst av skov. Då dessa sjukdomar påverkar det dagliga livet så påverkas också den individuella hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten, vilket mäter den fysiska, psykiska och sociala aspekten av ett hälsoproblem. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva upplevelsen av hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos personer med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts där tolv vetenskapliga artiklar har utgjort grunden till resultatet och skapat en översikt på befintlig forskning. De har lästs, sammanfattats och analyserats där likheter och skillnader har hittats och teman bildats. Resultat: Resultatets fyra huvudteman är Fysisk funktion, Psykisk funktion, Social funktion och Att återställa sin livskvalitet. Det framkom i resultatet att de fysiska symtomen och sjukdomsaktiviteten är det som i huvudsak styr såväl det psykiska välmåendet som de sociala restriktionerna. Detta visade sig även ha en negativ inverkan på den hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten. Men med tiden blev dock sjukdomen en normal del av livet och en bättre livskvalitet upplevdes. Diskussion: Metodens tillvägagångssätt samt fördelar och nackdelar diskuteras och analyseras. Vid diskussion av resultatet tas främst kunskap, utbildning och tidsperspektivet upp samt återkopplas till Orems egenvårdsteori. / Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) encompasses ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. They are chronic and occur in relapses when the mucosal becomes inflamed and ulcerated, causing complex symptoms such as acute diarrhoea, rectal bleeding and abdominal pain. The treatment aims to reduce symptoms and prevent the occurrence of relapses. As these diseases affect the daily life it also affects the individual health-related quality of life, which measures the physical, psychological and social aspects of a health problem. Aim: The purpose was to describe the experience of health-related quality of life in people with inflammatory bowel disease. Method: A literature review has been done where twelve original articles have formed the basis of the results, this creates an overview of existing research. They have been read, summarized and analysed where the similarities and differences were found and themes were formed. Results: The four main themes of the result is Physical function, Psychological function, Social function and Rebuilding their quality of life. It emerged in the results that physical symptoms and disease activity are those which essentially controls the psychological well-being as well as social constraints. This was shown in studies to have a negative impact on the health-related quality of life. But overtime the disease became a normal part of one's life and gave a better quality of life experience. Discussions: The method approach, benefits and weaknesses will be discussed and analysed. When discussing the results of the current study mainly knowledge, education, and time perspective will be addressed and analysed with Orem’s self-care theory.

Životní styl pacientů s chronickým střevním onemocněním / Patients with chronic bowel disease and their lifestyles

FRANKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the lifestyle of patients with chronic intestinal disease. The theoretical part contains topics of theoretical knowledge essential to the orientation in the issue. It describes the principles of a healthy lifestyle, the issue of chronic intestinal disease, especially Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis as a disease of clinical manifestations, from diagnosis to treatment. An important chapter of the theoretical part of the work are the impacts of IBD on lifestyle at chronically ill patients. The empirical part deals with the qualitative research. For datas collecting was chosen and used the method of questioning with narrative interview technique. Methodology of narrative interview was expanded to include specific methods of collection datas, the life curve method. The content of each interpretation is the final report that summarizes the observed facts associated with answers to research questions. Significant elements of the interviews are recorded in tables. The aim of the thesis was to find out in what areas and how the selected people with chronic intestinal diseases have changed their lifestyle. To provide information to the public about the limitations of patients with chronic intestinal diseases that directly affect their everyday lives. Finally to assist society tolerance to constraints of patients with chronic intestinal disease.

Anämien bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen und die mögliche Bedeutung von Erythropoetin (EPO) - Eine retrospektive Analyse des Göttinger mit Anti-TNF-alpha-Antikörpern behandelten Patientenkollektivs - / Anemia in inflammatory bowel disease and the potential role of erythropoietin (EPO) - A retrospective analysis of the Göttingen patient collective treated with anti-TNF-alpha antibodies -

Feldhaus, Cosima 01 March 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Analyzing the Safety and Efficacy of Fecal Microbiota Transplantations for Inflammatory Bowel Disease using Clostridium difficile Infection as a Reference

Chan, Cassie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is the process by which fecal suspension from a healthy individual is transferred into the gastrointestinal tract of another individual in an attempt to cure certain diseases. This transplantation process has been accredited as being a potential remedy for a growing number of diseases that have been associated with gut microbial imbalances. Interest in FMT has largely been driven by the science community’s increasing interest in the gut microbiome and its role in potentially regulating a multitude of different functions and processes within the human body. One disease that has been found to respond exceptionally well to FMT treatments is Clostridium difficile infection (CDI). However, while FMT has demonstrated high cure rates for CDI, this transplantation process is no panacea. In fact, the results from FMT treatments on other diseases, such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), have not been as impressive as CDI’s. This review will examine the existing literature surrounding FMT usage on IBD and will propose a series of experiments and studies needed to truly test the safety and efficacy of FMT for IBD patients. This review will also reference current literature documenting FMT treatments for CDI as a comparative tool for investigating if this form of bacteriotherapy is indeed a viable therapeutic option for treating IBD.

Defining the Inflammation Biomarkers of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Colorectal Carcinomas

Li, Jianxu 14 December 2016 (has links)
Ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD) are the two common forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). They share similar clinical and demographic features as well as harbor key differences in tissue damage and prognosis. Previous studies indicated that they contributed to the increased rick to Colorectal cancer (CRC). However, whether UC and CD share inflammatory signatures still remains controversial. In addition, no inflammatory signatures have been reported on CRC. To answer these questions, a comprehensive study has been conducted on collected microarray datasets. Our analysis suggests that although CD and UC share common inflammatory pathways, they also present difference. Especially, CD patients are likely to have type I response, while UC patients are inclined to undergo type II response. Pathway enrichment analysis on CRC uncovered two potential CRC-specific inflammatory pathways.

Příprava a charakterizace lidských buněčných kofaktorů retrovirové integrace / Preparation and characterization of human cellular cofactors of retroviral integration.

Čermáková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
Lens epithelium-derived growth factor/p75 (LEDGF/p75) is a prominent cellular binding partner of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase. It is a human nuclear protein, which has been implicated in transcriptional regulation and cell survival. The role of LEDGF/p75 in HIV integration is well characterized, the HIV integrase binding domain (IBD) was identified and structural studies, which provide detail information about this interaction, were done. However, very little is known about its physiological function. As a transcriptional co-activator, LEDGF/p75 is implicated not only in HIV replication, but also in human cancer and autoimmunity. Key feature for both, the viral and cellular role of this protein, is its ability to act as a molecular adaptor tethering proteins to the chromatin fiber. Recently, PogZ (Pogo transposable element derived protein with zinc finger domain) was identified and validated as a new cellular interaction partner of LEDGF/p75. It was shown, that their interaction is mediated by IBD of LEDGF/p75 and the C-terminal domain of PogZ. To gain more insight in this interaction, we have initiated structural studies of their complex. Structural information is crucial for understanding the LEDGF/p75 biological role and might help in design of inhibitors selectively blocking...

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