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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Antarctic Subglacial Lakes as Environmental Analogues for Possible Hidden Biospheres on the Moons Europa and Enceladus / Subglaciära sjöar på Antarktis som analoga miljöer till möjliga biosfärer på månarna Europa och Enceladus

Fahlman, Jonas January 2023 (has links)
The evolving science of astrobiology for the search for life beyond Earth has put focus on the possibility of subsurface bodies of liquid water beneath the surface of icy moons within our Solar System. Specifically, the Jovian moon of Europa and the Saturnian moon of Enceladus show telling characteristics of endogenous heating through their complex tidal resonances with their parent planets – suggesting the presence of oceans of liquid water and therefore a potential for astrobiology. Today, the planning of upcoming satellite missions to guarantee the identification of completely unknown, possibly habitable environments has become an intriguing task for space agencies worldwide. A method of guidance, ground-truthing, debugging and testing of the viability of planned satellite missions is to utilize relatively accessible analogue environments on the Earth. Fortunately, the research of Antarctic subglacial water environments has been acknowledged as the most suitable analogues to the environments of Europa and Enceladus. Given its recorded motions of ice dynamics, erosion, complex thermal systems, and occasions of sampled microbes within – these sensitive, exotic environments beneath the Antarctic ice bed are currently assessed for their suitability as habitats for extremophilic microorganisms, which may provide important insights into the potential existence of habitats, perhaps even life, on icy moons. Ultimately, viable lessons can be drawn from the research of Antarctic subglacial environments given the uncovering of reliable sanitary methodologies that are going to be required during future approaches and sampling of natural systems of extraterrestrial subglacial environments in order to minimize irreparable anthropogenic disturbances on any potential astrobiology. Regardless of the question if the future investigation of Europa’s and Enceladus environments is going to reveal astrobiology within beneath their icy surfaces; this investigation is going to be of invaluable information for the improving familiarity of physical systems beyond Earth. / Sedan länge har forskare vetat att flytande/rinnande vatten är en av de viktigaste förutsättningar för allt liv på Jorden. Under de senaste decennierna har frågan om liv på Jupiters måne Europa, och Saturnus måne Enceladus aktualiserats, efter upptäckten av frusna islager på deras månytor. Evidens från respektive månars omloppsbanor, gör att forskare idag tror att månarnas djupa islager hettas upp inifrån av en aktiv, inre geologi, vilket i sin tur kan tyda på större mängder av flytande vatten. I och med omvandlingen av is till flytande vatten, får detta forskare att tro att cirkulationen av vatten, ihop med den aktiva geologin, möjligtvis har skapat och upprätthåller beboliga förutsättningar för mikroskopiskt liv. I dagsläget planeras ett flertal satelliter skjutas upp till månarna med uppdrag att bekräfta fallet om flytande vatten och beboliga miljöer på månarna, och därmed även undersöka frågan om månarna möjligtvis bär på liv. På den frusna kontinenten Antarktis har ett flertal motsvarande subglaciala miljöer undersökts för att fastställa deras kvalifikationer att upprätthålla liv under extrema levnadsförhållanden. Under dessa undersökningar har ett flertal mikroorganismer påträffats i prover från iskärnor från två subglaciala sjöar (Vostoksjön och Whillanssjön), varav några blivit omstritt påstådda som inhemska extremofiler. Ifall detta stämmer, betyder det att de två subglaciala sjöarna underhålls av ett unikt samspel av drivande faktorer som upprätthåller de nödvändigaste levnadsförutsättningarna för att mikroorganismer kan överleva, även frodas i uppenbart extrema miljöförhållanden. Med forskningen av Antarktis subglaciala sjöar som rapporterar ett unikt samspel mellan is, vatten och underliggande geologi; kan den fortsatta fastställningen av detta fysiska samspel, samt vidare identifikationer av inhemska mikroorganismer att bli en viktig lärdom för framtida satelliters datainsamling av subglaciala vattenmiljöer på Europa och Enceladus. För att underlätta och effektivisera sökandet efter potentiella livsmiljöer, samt möjligtvis hitta utomjordiskt liv på isiga månar bör framtidens satellituppdrag dra stor lärdom och väga in de erfarenheter och resultat som gjorts på subglaciala sjöar i Antarktis.

Termomechanická interakce vnějších ledových slupek a podpovrchových oceánů na ledových měsících Jupiteru a Saturnu / Thermomechanical interaction between outer ice shells and deep oceans on icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn

Malík, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The thesis contains a survey of numerical tools for studying thermomechanical interactions of a two-phase system contained in a domain with an upper bound- ary that forms a free surface. The enthalpy diffused-interface formulation is used for an approximation of the phase change interface and the computing algorithm is benchmarked against an analytical solution of the Stefan problem. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian kinematical description of the continuum is applied to over- come the difficulty in the form of the free surface. The validity of the approach is examined on a thermal convection benchmark problem. 1

Pétrologie et rhéologie des glaces planétaires de haute pression / Petrology and rheology of high pressure planetary ices

Journaux, Baptiste 17 December 2013 (has links)
La glace de H2O est présente dans de nombreux environnements planétaires, et notamment sous forme de polymorphe de haute pression au sein des satellites de glaces ainsi que dans le manteau des planètes extrasolaires, dites planètes océan. La diversité des conditions thermodynamiques prédite au sein de ces corps planétaires a souligné le besoin de nouvelles données de laboratoire et de calculs sur les glaces de H2O afin de pouvoir modéliser leur évolution et leur structure interne.Si les propriétés structurales et spectroscopiques des pôles purs de ces glaces sont déjà relativement bien connues, une description pétrologique plus réaliste des solutions solides et des phases riches en impureté, manque encore à la communauté. Ce travail de thèse s’est concentré sur l’étude de la fusion des glaces VI et VII dans le binaire H2O-NaCl grâce aux techniques de cellules à enclumes en diamants et la spectroscopie vibrationelle Raman. Ces données ont été complétées par des mesures du fractionnement du sel analogue RbI entre les glace VI et VII et le fluide aqueux en utilisant la cartographie de fluorescence X et de diffraction des rayons X réalisées à l’European Synchrotron Research Facility (Grenoble). Ceci as permis de mettre en évidence une inversion de densité entre le fluide riche en sel et la glace VI et de révéler une forte différence de partage du sel entre la glace VI et la glace VII avec un coefficient de partage du RbI estimé à Kd(VI-VII)=4.5(±2.7)10-2.Au sein des plus gros corps riches en H2O appelés planète océan, le manteau de glace potentiellement épais de plus de 1000 km abrite un type de glace de ultra haute pression appelé glace X. Cette phase de la glace d’eau est unique de part sa structure cristallographique ionique, contrairement aux autres glaces de plus basse pression, toutes de structure moléculaire. Cette caractéristique structurale et l’absence de données concernant ses propriétés mécaniques ont motivé l’étude de ses propriétés élastiques et plastiques. Ainsi à partir de calcul ab initio et du modèle de Peierls Nabarro, j’ai pu déterminer une forte variation de l’anisotropie élastique avec la pression, les différentes structures de cœurs des dislocations vis et coin et les systèmes de glissement préférentiels au sein de la glace X dans son champ de stabilité de 100 à 350 GPa. Nos calculs suggèrent que la déformation de la glace X est toujours localisée sur le plan {110} et que le système <110>{110} contrôle la déformation plastique en dessous de 250 GPa et que le système <100>{110} est dominant à plus haute pression. Nos résultats montrent aussi que si l’anisotropie élastique augmente rapidement avec la pression, la plasticité de la glace X devient quasi-isotrope à 350 GPa. / H2O ice is found in a variety of planetary environments, notably in the form of high pressure polymorphs inside icy moons and extrasolar ocean planets. The great diversity of thermodynamic conditions predicted inside such planetary bodies, reveals the need for new experimental and computational data to allow modeling of their internal structure and dynamics.Structural and spectral properties of H2O pure ices have been intensively studied, but surprisingly there is a lack of petrological data on impurities rich ice solid solutions. This Ph.D. thesis work focused on the study of ice VI and ice VII fusion curves in the H2O-NaCl binary, using diamond anvil cell and Raman spectroscopy. We later determined the partitioning of the NaCl analog salt, RbI, between ice VI and VII and the aqueous fluid using X- ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction techniques at the European Synchrotron Research Facility (Grenoble). Our results enable us to observe a density inversion between ice VI and the salty fluid, and to measure a strong difference in salt partitioning between ice VI and ice VII with a partition coefficient of Kd(VI-VII)=4.5(±2.7)10-2. Inside the largest H2O rich planetary bodies, called ocean planets, the icy mantle, putatively more than 1000 km thick, shelters an ultra high pressure ice form called ice X. This H2O ice phase is unique because of its ionic crystallographic structure, in contrast with lower pressure ices polymorphs, all being molecular solids. This characteristic coupled with the fact that no data are available yet on its mechanical properties, encouraged us to study its elastic and plastic properties. Using ab initio calculations and the Peierls Nabarro model, I showed the strong variation of elastic anisotropy with increasing pressure and determined the dominant slip system inside the structure of ice X over its entire pressure stability range from 100 to 350 GPa. Our calculations suggest that plasticity in ice X is dominated by displacement always occurring on the {110} glide plane. Also, it reveals that the <110>{110} glide system is dominant below 250 GPa and that the <100>{110} slip system controls the plasticity of ice X. Our results also show that, if elastic anisotropy of ice X is strongly increasing with increasing pressure, the plasticity becomes almost isotropic at 350 GPa.

Juice/JDC ion measurement perturbations caused by spacecraft charging in the solar wind and Earth’s magnetosheath

van Winden, Derek January 2024 (has links)
In July 2031, a new chapter in the exploration of the Jovian system will begin with the arrival of the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (Juice) at Jupiter. Launched on April 14 2024 as part of ESA’s Cosmic Vision programme, the mission aims to study Jupiter and its icy Galilean moons Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede. Juice carries a whole suite of instruments for in-situ and remote ground observations, one of which is the Jovian plasma Dynamics and Composition analyser (JDC). As a part of the Particle Environment Package (PEP), the particle detector will measure the energy, mass, charge and arrival direction of ions and electrons in the Jovian magnetosphere. Spacecraft charging caused by interactions between the spacecraft and its surrounding plasma environment poses a significant problem for JDC because the electrostatic potential of the spacecraft accelerates/decelerates charged particles, resulting in distorted measurements, particularly for the lowest energy particles.  In this report, we show the results of spacecraft charging and instrument simulations performed in the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction System (SPIS) for the solar wind and Earth’s magnetosheath—two environments that Juice will encounter at the start of the cruise phase. We found that the conductive surfaces that cover the majority of the spacecraft become positively charged as a result of a large photoelectron current in both the solar wind and magnetosheath environments. We show that these surfaces are expected to reach potentials of 9 V in the solar wind and 4 V in the magnetosheath. The four radiators on Juice that are covered with dielectric paint and shaded by the sun shield become negatively charged in both simulated environments. The radiator potentials can be as low as -40 V in the solar wind and -100 V in the magnetosheath. We also conclude that due to blocking by the spacecraft main body, the ion population cannot be sampled in the solar wind unless a spacecraft roll is performed. Furthermore, due to the high ion f low energy, spacecraft charging will not influence JDC measurements in this environment.  In the magnetosheath, the ion population can be sampled by JDC, and we identified three distortion mechanisms: (1) repulsion by the main body, (2) attraction by two of the radiators, and (3) repulsion by the MAG boom. Of all the distortion modes, the one originating from a negatively charged (-67.8 V) radiator close to JDC is the strongest, affecting ions with energies above 80 eV. The least powerful but most prevalent mode is the repulsion of ions by the main body. Our results can be compared with future in-situ measurements to identify distortion mechanisms well ahead of the science phase in which the scientifically important measurements will be carried out.

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