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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact des inhibiteurs de l'intégrase sur la constitution et la compartimentalisation du réservoir viral / Impact of integrase inhibitors on HIV reservoirs dynamics and compartmentalization

Gantner, Pierre 22 May 2018 (has links)
L’étude de stratégies visant à diminuer la taille du reservoir viral, et notamment l’impact des traitements antirétroviraux, permettront peut-être de s’approcher des objectifs de guérison de l’infection à VIH. Nous avons analysé la dynamique de ce réservoir chez des personnes vivant avec le VIH débutant un traitement comprenant du dolutegravir (TCD) à différents stades de l’infection. L’étude DRONE a inclus des personnes débutant et répondant à un TCD et suivies pendant 48 semaines. L’ADN-VIH dans les cellules mononucléées du sang périophérique (CMSP), l’ADN-VIH dans les sous-populations lymphocytaires TCD4+ (Effecteur mémoire, TEM; Transitionnel mémoire, TTM; Central mémoire, TCM and Naïf, TN), le séquençage à haut débit de l’ADN-VIH et des marqueurs inflammatoires (CD14s, CD163s, IL-6us and IP- 10) ont été analysés. Au total, 169 participants ont été inclus dans différents groupes: infections aiguës (AI, n=20), infections chroniques (CI, n=21), en succès virologique sous traitement (VS, n=116) et dans un contexte d’échec virologique à l’initiation du TCD (VF, n=12). L’ADN-VIH dans les CMSP et les sous-populations lymphocytaires, et les marqueurs inflammatoires ont diminué sous TCD dans les groupes AI, CI et VF mais pas dans le groupe VS. La diminution la plus prononcée a été observée dans le groupe AI. La diversité génétique du reservoir viral a, quant à elle, été modifiée rapidement après l’initiation du TCD dans tous les groupes. Un TCD efficace permet une diminution rapide du réservoir viral chez des personnes naïves de traitement mais aussi en cas d’échec virologique. L’effet du dolutegravir sur la latence virale devrait être étudié plus avant. / Strategies aimed at reducing the latent HIV reservoir size, including combined antiretroviral therapy, may enhance the probability of a possible cure. Here, we assessed the dynamics of HIV reservoir among HIV-infected adults initiating a dolutegravir-based regimen (DBR) at different stages of HIV infection. The DRONE trial enrolled individuals starting and responding to a DBR on a 48 weeks follow-up. HIV-DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), HIV-DNA in sorted CD4+ T cell subsets (Effector memory, TEM; Transitional memory, TTM; Central memory, TCM and Naive, TN), HIV-DNA ultra-deep sequencing and serum immune activation biomarkers (sCD14, sCD163, IL-6us and IP-10) were assessed. Overall, 169 participants were allocated to different groups: acute infections (AI, n=20), chronic infections (CI, n=21), individuals in virological success on treatment (VS, n=116), and in the aftermath of virological failures at baseline (VF, n=12). HIV-DNA in PBMCs and in sorted CD4+ T cell subsets, and immune activation markers decreased on DBR in the AI, CI and VF groups but not in the VS group. Participants from the AI group experienced the most dramatic decline. Genetic diversity of the viral reservoir was also affected shortly after DBR initiation in all groups of individuals. Successful DBR produced a rapid decline in the viral reservoir in treatment-naive but also in treatment-failing individuals. More studies on the effect of dolutegravir on viral latency are needed.

Equações estruturais aplicadas a modelos causais de câncer de pulmão / Structural equation models applied to lung cancer causal models

Valéria Troncoso Baltar 21 February 2011 (has links)
Introdução: O câncer de pulmão (CP) é o tipo de câncer que mais mata no mundo e o cigarro ainda é sua causa mais importante. Além disso, a alimentação tem sido associada ao CP, por ser fonte de vitaminas e aminoácidos que fazem parte do metabolismo do carbono (MC). O MC é considerado mecanismo chave na manutenção da integridade do DNA e na regulação da expressão gênica, que, dessa forma, deve estar relacionado à carcinogênese. A ativação da imunidade está associada ao envelhecimento em indivíduos saudáveis, assim como a uma série de patologias, incluindo o câncer. Objetivo: Estudar como o MC, a ativação da imunidade e o tabaco estão relacionados ao risco de CP em um estudo caso-controle aninhado à coorte do EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition). Métodos: Para avaliar se os níveis plasmáticos de cotinina são um bom biomarcador da exposição ao tabaco, foram utilizados modelos lineares generalizados. Para avaliar os efeitos do tabaco, do MC e da ativação da imunidade no risco de CP, foram aplicados modelos de equações estruturais (MEE) de duas maneiras diferentes (com e sem variáveis latentes). Resultados: Com base nas respostas aos questionários de qualidade de vida, com relação às questões sobre fumo ativo e passivo, a cotinina se mostrou um bom biomarcador de exposição recente ao tabaco (tanto o aumento da exposição passiva quanto ativa foram significativas, P<0,001 e P<0,001 respectivamente). Em um MEE com variáveis observadas, incluindo o MC e a via de ativação da imunidade, a metionina e o folato como causas proximais apresentaram uma forte e inversa associação com o risco de CP. O aumento em um desvio-padrão nos níveis séricos de metionina e de folato significou uma redução no risco de 19 por cento (P<0,01) e 12 por cento (P=0,03) respectivamente. Em um MEE com variáveis latentes (cada uma representando o conjunto de vitaminas e aminoácidos importantes para promover: metilação de DNA, síntese de núcletídeos e imune ativação), foram encontrados efeitos protetores diretos da metilação do DNA (P=0,018) e da imune ativação (P=0,037); por outro lado, a síntese de nucletídeos não apresentou efeito no risco do câncer (P=0,098). Nas duas abordagens de MEE o cigarro permaneceu como a causa de maior impacto. Conclusões: A cotinina mostrou-se um bom biomarcador da exposição ao tabaco (ativa e passivamente). Confirmou-se que a via de metilação é um fator de proteção contra o CP. A ativação da imunidade apresentou um efeito direto de proteção contra o CP no modelo com variáveis latentes, equanto que, a síntese de nucletídeos não apresentou relação com o CP. O tabaco continua sendo o fator de maior impacto no risco de CP / Background: Lung cancer (LC) continues to be the most common cancer death in the world. Tobacco exposure continues to be the most important cause. In addition, micronutrient intake has been linked to LC, because they are the main source of vitamins and amino acids involved in the one-carbon metabolism (OCM) which is considered key in maintaining DNA integrity, regulating gene expression, and may thus affect carcinogenesis. Immune activation is involved in the aging process in normal healthy individuals as well as in a number of pathologies, including cancer. Objectives: To investigate how OCM, immune activation and tobacco are related to LC incidence in a nested case-control study from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Methods: To validate plasma cotinine levels as a good biomarker for tobacco exposure, a generalized linear model was applied. To evaluate the effects of tobacco, OCM and immune activation in LC, structural equation models (SEM) were applied in two different ways. Results: Based on questions about smoking, passive smoking and number of cigarettes smoked, it was shown that cotinine is a good biomarker for tobacco exposure (passive and active exposure with significant relation, p<0.001 and P<0.001, respectively). In a SEM model with only observed variables, including OCM and immune activation, methionine and folate as proximal causes presented a strong and inverse relation with LC risk. An increase in one standard deviation of serum levels of methionine and folate meant a 19 per cent (P<0.01) and 12 per cent (P<0.01) reduction in LC risk, respectively. In a SEM including latent variables (each one including vitamins and amino acids important to promote DNA methylation, nucleotide synthesis and immune activity), a direct and protective effect for DNA methylation (p=0.018) and immune activation was found (p=0.037), whereas nucleotide synthesis did not present a significant total effect. In both approaches of SEM, tobacco exposure remains with the highest impact on LC risk. Conclusions: It was found that cotinine is a good biomarker of tobacco exposure (active and passive). It was confirmed that methylation protects against LC. Immune activation presented a direct protective effect in the latent model, while nucleotide synthesis was not confirmed to be related to LC risk. Tobacco effect remains as the factor with highest impact in lung cancer

Étude de la réponse immunitaire au traitement antirétroviral au cours de l'infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine / Immune response to antiretroviral therapy during HIV infection

Saison, Julien 07 September 2015 (has links)
Plus de 30 ans après la découverte du virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH), entre 20 et 30% des patients sous trithérapie anti rétrovirale (TARV) ne récupèrent pas un taux normal de lymphocytes (LT) CD4, ce qui est associé à une plus grande morbi-mortalité. Il existe de nombreux résultats discordants dans la littérature concernant le rôle joué par l'activation immunitaire des LT CD4 et CD8, ainsi que des incertitudes sur celui des LT régulateurs (Treg), dans cette non réponse immunologique (NRI). Dans le but de clarifier les liens entre NRI, activation immunitaire et Treg, nous avons formulé deux hypothèses : (i) il existe un lien entre le pourcentage de Treg, l'activation immune des LT CD4 et/ou LT CD8, et NRI; et (ii) le pourcentage de Treg mesuré à l'introduction de la TARV est utilisable en tant que marqueur indépendant de risque de NRI à la TARV. Afin de tester nos hypothèses, nous avons dans un premier temps amélioré le phénotypage des Treg en pratique quotidienne, d'abord en comparant différents phénotypes de Treg, puis en validant dans des échantillons cliniques une nouvelle méthode de marquage de FoxP3 intracellulaire en un temps. Puis nous avons analysé dans une étude transversale les liens entre NRI, activation immune, différentes sous populations de Treg et la détection d'une virémie résiduelle, au sein d'une population de patients infectés par le VIH-1, en succès virologique sous TARV depuis de nombreuses années. Les facteurs prédictifs associée à la NRI ont été analysés au moyen d'une analyse multivariée. Nous avons parallèlement étudié au moyen d'une étude prospective le rôle pronostic de la mesure du pourcentage de Treg à l'introduction de la TARV, sur la réponse immune en LT CD4 dans les 2 ans suivant le début du traitement. Nous avons montré que la NRI après 7 ans de TARV en moyenne était associée de façon indépendante au nadir de LT CD4 et au pourcentage de Treg. Nous avons retrouvé une augmentation significative de l'activation immune des LT CD4 en cas de NRI, mais pas des LT CD8. Enfin, nous avons montré que le pourcentage de Treg était, avec le nadir de LT CD4, un facteur prédictif de NRI dans les 2 ans suivant le début de la TARV, et que son impact sur la réponse immune était d'autant plus marqué que le nadir de CD4 était bas. La mesure du pourcentage de Treg à l'introduction de la TARV pourrait être un outil simple et facilement utilisable en routine pour mieux cibler les patients à risque de NRI, en association avec la mesure du nadir des LT CD4. Un suivi de la cohorte permettra de confirmer ces résultats à plus long terme. D'autres études devront être conduites, en se focalisant sur les patients avec un nadir de LT CD4 bas, ainsi que chez des patients plus âgés, afin d'explorer les interactions entre immunosénescence, activation immune et Treg / More than 30 years after the discovery of HIV, between 20 and 30% of patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (ART) do not recover normal levels of CD4 T lymphocytes (CD4). This immunological non response (INR) to ART is associated with an increased morbidity and mortality. There are many conflicting results in the literature related the role of T cells immune activation of T regulator cells (Treg), in INR. In order to clarify the links between INR, immune activation and Treg, we made two hypotheses: (i) there is a link between Treg’s percentage, immune activation of CD4 and / or CD8, and INR; and (ii) the percentage of Treg measured at ART introduction can be used as an independent predictor for INR. To test our hypotheses, we initially improved the immunophenotyping of Treg in daily practice, by comparing different Treg’s phenotype, and by validating in clinical samples a new « one step» staining method of intracellular FoxP3. Then we analyzed in a crosssectionnal study the links between INR, immune activation, different Treg’s subpopulations and detection of very low level viremia, in a population of HIV-1 infected patients, under suppressive ART for many years. Predictive factors associated with the INR were analyzed using multivariate analysis. Simultaneously, we performed a prospective study to analyse the prognostic role of Treg’s percentage at ART introduction on the CD4 reconstitution within 2 years. We have shown that INR after 7 years of ART was independently associated with CD4 nadir and Treg’s percentage. We found in INR patients a significant increase of CD4 immune activation, but not of CD8. Finally, we showed that the Treg’s percentage and the CD4 nadir were independant predictors of INR within 2 years from the start of ART. The effect of Treg at baseline on CD4 evolution was as lower as the CD4 nadir was higher. Measuring the percentage of Treg at ART introduction could be a simple and easy tool to use in daily routine. It could help to better target patients at risk of INR in association with the measurement of CD4 nadir. A follow-up of the cohort will confirm these results in the long term. Further studies will be conducted, focusing on patients with a low CD4 nadir, and on older patients, in order to explore the interactions between immunosenescence, immune activation and Treg

Screening for latent M. tuberculosis infection in HIV-positive patients residing in low tuberculosis incidence settings: Investigation of the current practices and identification of clinical- and immune-based strategies for improvement

Wyndham-Thomas, Chloe 13 December 2016 (has links)
Tuberculosis (TB) remains the main cause of death in people living with HIV (PLHIV). Indeed, PLHIV have a 20-30% greater risk of developing TB compared to HIV-uninfected subjects and have lower TB treatment success rates. In 2014, among the 9.6 million incident cases of TB reported worldwide, 12% occurred in PLHIV and 0.4 million deaths from HIV-associated TB were recorded.Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the main etiological agent for TB. For a majority of individuals, the immune response upon infection by M. tuberculosis is sufficient to prevent the development of disease, but insufficient to clear the bacteria. This leads to the persistence of viable M. tuberculosis in diverse cells with no resulting clinical manifestations, an entity known as latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). The resulting reservoir of M. tuberculosis is vast, and an estimated one third of the world population is concerned. For subjects with LTBI, the life-time risk of reactivation and progression to TB lies between 5 and 10%. However, if co-infected with HIV, the risk is much greater and reaches 10% per year. According to a Cochrane review in 2010, the screening and treatment of LTBI in PLHIV reduces this risk by 30-60%. This prevention strategy is therefore widely recommended. However, the implementation of LTBI screening and treatment into standard HIV-care has been limited. In this work, three different approaches have been used to understand and address this issue, focusing on a low TB-incidence and high-income setting.The first approach was to assess the implementation of LTBI screening in HIV-care across Belgium and identify its barriers as perceived by the caregivers on the field. Raising awareness to this issue was an indirect objective of the study. A multi-choice questionnaire was sent to 55 physicians working in a Belgian AIDS reference center or satellite clinic. A response rate of 62% was obtained. Only 20% of participants performed LTBI screening on all their patients and notable variations in the screening methods used were observed. A large majority of participants were in favor of targeting LTBI screening to HIV-infected patients at highest risk of TB rather than a systematic screening of all PLHIV. These results have been communicated to the Belgian LTBI working group, currently updating the national LTBI screening guidelines. Indeed, targeting screening to those at highest risk of TB is an attractive strategy in low-TB incidence countries and is already recommended in the United Kingdom. However, to date, no score assessing the risk of TB in PLHIV has been validated. Among the barriers to LTBI screening identified by the participants of this first study, the most frequently reported were lack of sensitivity of screening tools, risk associated to polypharmacy and toxicity of treatment. Improving the sensitivity of LTBI screening was the cornerstone of the second approach. The available screening tools for LTBI are the tuberculin skin test (TST) and two Interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs): the QuantiFERON-TB Gold-IT (QFT-GIT) and the T-SPOT.TB®. All three lack sensitivity in PLHIV. Various strategies to discover superior LTBI screening tools are therefore being explored, including the development of IGRAs in response to alternative M. tuberculosis antigens to those used in the QFT-GIT or T-SPOT.TB®. A potential candidate is the native Heparin-Binding Haemagglutin (nHBHA), a methylated M. tuberculosis protein regarded as a latency-associated antigen. An in-house IGRA based on nHBHA (nHBHA-IGRA) has been shown to be a promising LTBI screening tool both in immunocompetent adults and in hemodialysed patients. The contribution of this nHBHA-IGRA to the detection of M. tuberculosis in PLHIV was therefore investigated. Treatment-naïve HIV-infected subjects were recruited from 4 Brussels-based hospitals. Subjects underwent screening for latent TB using the nHBHA-IGRA in parallel to the classical method consisting of medical history, chest X-ray, TST and QFT-GIT. Prospective clinical and biological follow-up ensued, with repeated testing with nHBHA-IGRA. Among 48 candidates enrolled for screening, 9 were diagnosed with LTBI by combining the TST and QFT-GIT results (3 TST+/QFT-GIT+, 1 TST+/QFT-GIT- and 5 TST-/QFT-GIT+). All 3 TST+/QFT-GIT+ patients, the TST+/QFT-GIT- patient as well an additional 3 subjects screened positive with the nHBHA-IGRA. These 3 additional patients had known M. tuberculosis exposure risks compatible with LTBI. During follow-up (median 14 months) no case of TB was reported and nHBHA-IGRA results remained globally constant. Multiplex analysis confirmed IFN- as the best read-out for the assay. From this study, we concluded that the nHBHA-IGRA appears complementary to the QFT-GIT for the screening of LTBI in PLHIV and the combination of the two tests may increase the sensitivity of screening. A large-scale study is however necessary to determine whether combining nHBHA-IGRA and QFT-GIT offers sufficient sensitivity to dismiss TST, as suggested by our results. In the same study, a group of HIV-infected adults with clinical suspicion of active TB were also recruited and tested with nHBHA-IGRA. Contrary to results in HIV-uninfected subjects, the nHBHA-IGRA could not discriminate between LTBI and active TB in PLHIV. This is an important caveat as HIV-infected subjects may present subclinical TB.A different angle was used for the third approach to the problem of LTBI in PLHIV. Systemic immune activation (SIA) is one of the principal driving forces in the natural course of HIV-infection. Despite long-term viral suppression by combination antiretroviral treatment (cART), a low-level SIA persists and is associated with an early-onset of age-associated disorders such as cardiovascular disease, dementia and osteoporosis. Causes of SIA in PLHIV are multiple and certain chronic infections appear to be implicated. A recent study in South Africa found that LTBI in PLHIV was associated with an increase in circulating activated CD8+ T-cells. If LTBI should contribute to the persistence of SIA, its screening and treatment could have an additional benefit on the clinical outcome of PLHIV. To investigate this theory, the expression of T-cell activation markers (CD38 and HLADR) as well as the level of plasmatic markers of immune activation (IL-6, sCD14, D-Dimers) were compared between subjects presenting active TB, subjects with LTBI and M. tuberculosis-free persons, with and without HIV-infection. In accordance with previous studies, active TB was associated with higher levels of SIA biomarkers in both HIV-infected and -uninfected groups. Among the HIV-uninfected subjects, no significant difference in biomarker level was found between those presenting LTBI and those with no evidence of M. tuberculosis. The effect of LTBI on activation biomarkers in the HIV-infected groups remained inconclusive because of the small number of individuals in the HIV+/LTBI group. Further investigation is therefore warranted. Interestingly, it was found that plasmatic markers may have a greater sensitivity for the detection of M. tuberculosis-associated SIA than the T-cell activation markers, an important result for future studies.Overall, LTBI in PLHIV is a challenging topic, in particular because of the lack of a gold-standard for the diagnosis of LTBI. Despite suboptimal tools, the evident clinical impact of LTBI screening and treatment in PLHIV on TB incidence justifies its implementation in standard HIV-care. In low TB-incidence countries, who, when and how to screen for LTBI in PLHIV remains unclear. This work offers an overview on the subject with particular focus on possible measures for improvement in the field. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales (Médecine) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Compartmentalization, adaptive evolution and therapeutic response of HIV-1 in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of African patients infected with Subtype C: implications for the enhancement of therapeutic efficacy

Mahasha, Phetole Walter January 2014 (has links)
Background: Due to its continuous exposure to food antigens and microbes, the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is in a constant state of low level immune activation and contains an abundance of activated CCR5+CD4+ T lymphocytes, the primary target HIV-1. As a result, the GIT is a site of intense viral replication and severe CD4+ T cell depletion, a process that begins during primary HIV-1 infection and continues at a reduced rate during chronic infection in association with increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, a breakdown in the epithelial barrier, microbial translocation, systemic immune activation and the continued recruitment and infection of new target cells. AntiRetroviral Therapy (ART) is only partially effective in reversing these pathogenic changes. Despite the importance of the GIT in HIV-1 pathogenesis, and as a reservoir of persistent virus during ART, little is known about the diversity of HIV-1 in the GIT, or how different tissues in the GIT respond to ART. Objectives: Primary objectives of this thesis were to: 1) characterize the diversity of HIV-1 RNA variants in different parts of the GIT; 2) determine whether there is compartmentalized evolution of HIV-1 RNA variants in the GIT and whether these variants are likely to have different biological properties; 3) investigate the impact of ART on immune restoration in the GIT. Methods: A prospective study of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon of African AIDS patients with chronic diarrhea and/or weight loss, sampled before and during 6 months of ART. RNA extracted from gut biopsies was reverse transcribed and PCR amplified. Env and gag PCR fragments were cloned, sequenced and subjected to extensive phylogenetic analysis; pol PCR fragments were analyzed for drug resistance. CD4+, CD8+ and CD38+CD8+ T cells levels in biopsies collected at baseline (duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon) and after 3 (duodenum) and 6 (duodenum and colon) months of ART were quantified by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry, plasma and tissue VL by the Nuclisens assay. Results: Viral diversity varied in different regions of the GIT with env HIV-1 RNA variants being significantly more diverse than gag variants. Gag HIV-1 RNA variants were widely dispersed among all tissue compartments. Some env variants formed tight monophyletic clusters of closely related viral quasispecies, especially in the colon, a finding that is suggestive of compartmentalized viral replication and adaptive evolution. CD4+ T cell and VL levels were significantly lower, while CD8+ including activated CD38+CD8+ T cell levels were higher in the duodenum and jejunum versus the colon. After 6 months of ART, a significant but incomplete recovery of CD4+ T cells was observed in the colon but not in the duodenum. Failed restoration of CD4+ T cells in the duodenum was associated with non-specific enteritis and CD8+ T cell activation. Conclusions: These results advance our understanding of the GIT as a host-pathogen interface by providing new insights into the diversity, evolution and dissemination of HIV-1 variants in the GIT. Strategies aimed at decreasing immune activation, especially in the small intestine, may be highly beneficial in enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of ART. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lk2014 / Immunology / PhD / Unrestricted


Judge, Chelsey J. 08 February 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Longitudinal investigation of vaccine specific antibody levels and cellular markers of adaptive immune responses in HIV Exposed Uninfected (HEU) and Unexposed (UE) infants

Naidoo, Shalena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: In South Africa alone, 30% of women of child-bearing age are infected with HIV. With the increasing focus and success of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programmes, an estimated 300 000 infants are born exposed to HIV every year. The underlying impact of in utero HIV exposure on infant immune health has not been extensively characterised. Clinical follow-up of these HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) infants reveals increased infectious morbidity and mortality compared to their unexposed (UE) counterparts. Objectives: (i) To evaluate and characterise adaptive immune properties by measuring vaccine-specific antibody levels in children from 2 weeks to 2 years of age in the presence and absence of maternal HIV infection. (ii) To investigate specific cellular markers of immune activation, immune regulation, apoptosis and B cell memory on T and B cell populations in HEU and UE children measured at 18 and 24 months of age. Methods: This sub-investigation formed part of a collaborative pilot study between the universities of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) and Stellenbosch. A total of 95 HIV-positive and HIV-negative mothers were recruited after delivery at Tygerberg Hospital, and signed informed consent for their infants to be included in the study. Of these infants, only 27 HEU and 30 UE infants were eventually enrolled and followed up at various time points, starting at two weeks of age. Four of these infants were confirmed to be HIV-positive at 2 weeks and clinically followed up according to the protocol, but were excluded from statistical data analyses. Blood was collected at 2, 6 and 12 weeks and again at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of age. Quantitative IgG-specific antibodies to Haemophilus influenzae B (Hib), Bordetella pertussis, tetanus and pneumococcus were measured at each time point, using commercially available ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent) kits. Cellular markers of immune activation, immune regulation, apoptosis and memory were measured in various populations of T and B cells at 18 and 24 months only, by using four-colour flow cytometry and validated whole-blood staining methods. In addition, a functional assay was developed to evaluate cell susceptibility to apoptosis (spontaneously) by measuring the expression of Annexin V on both CD4+ T and CD20+ B cells after 16 and 24-hour incubation periods. The statistical analysis of the antibody data was conducted by repeated-measures ANOVA (i.e. analysis of variance), using a mixed-model approach. Differences in the expression of the two groups’ cellular markers were compared by employing one-way ANOVA. An F test p value (which assumes normality) was reported, while the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test served as confirmatory tool. Repeated-measures ANOVA was used for the evaluation of the functional spontaneous apoptosis assay at three time points (ex vivo, 16 and 24 hours) on the 18-month samples, while one-way ANOVA was used for the 24-month samples. Results: The HEU group (n = 23) displayed significantly lower levels of antibodies to pertussis (20.80 vs 28.01 Food and Drug Administration [FDA] U/ml; p = 0.0237), tetanus (0.08 vs 0.53 IU/ml; p < 0.001) and pneumococcus (31.67 vs 80.77 mg/l; p = 0.003) than the UE group (n = 23) at 2 weeks of age. No statistical differences were noted for Hib antibody levels between the two groups at this time point. At 6 weeks of age, HEU infants displayed lower mean levels of all antibodies measured; however, these differences did not reach statistical significance. Following vaccination, compared to UE controls, the HEU group presented with statistically significantly higher antibody levels to pertussis at 6 months (155.49 vs 63.729 FDA U/ml; p = 0.0013), 12 months (26.54 vs 8.50 FDA U/ml; p < 0.001) and 18 months of age (1658.94 vs 793.03 FDA U/ml; p = 0.0362). A significant difference in tetanus antibody levels between the two groups was only evident at 24 months, with the HEU group displaying higher levels (3.28 vs 1.70 IU/ml; p = 0.018) than the UE group. No differences were observed between the two groups following vaccination for Hib. At 18 and 24 months, the HEU group showed increased expression of cellular markers of immune activation (CD69 and CD40L) on CD4+ T cells compared to UE controls. The two groups showed similar expression of the cellular marker of activation CD38 on CD8+ T cells. The HEU group displayed significantly higher levels of CD127, the interleukin (IL) 7 receptor, on CD4+ T cells compared to UE controls at 18 months of age. The HEU group also showed increased expression of cellular markers of apoptosis on both CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells. No statistical significance was noted for the expression of Fas on CD4+ T cells at 18 and 24 months of age. However, at 24 months, the HEU group showed significantly increased expression of FasL on both CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells. During cell culture experiments, the HEU group displayed increased susceptibility to spontaneous apoptosis shown by increased Annexin V expression on CD4+ T cells after a 16-hour incubation period at both 18 and 24 months. At 18 and 24 months, no difference was noted in the two groups’ immune regulation as measured by the expression of CTLA-4. The HEU group displayed increased levels of the cellular markers of immune activation CD80 on CD20+ B cells at 18 and 24 months of age. The HEU group also showed significantly increased levels of CD69 on CD19+ B cells at 24 months. No statistical significance was reached for the expression of CD62L and CD10 at either 18 or 24 months. Although the HEU group displayed increased levels of apoptosis (Fas) on CD20+ B cells, no statistical significance was reached at 18 or 24 months of age. In addition, the HEU group showed no difference in the expression of programmed death 1 (PD-1) at 18 and 24 months. HEU and UE groups showed similar expression of Annexin V after 16 hours of incubation in the 18 and 24-month samples. The expression of the biomarker of B cell memory CD27 on CD20+ B and CD19+ B cells was comparable between the two groups at both time points. Conclusion: At 2 and 6 weeks, lower mean antibody responses in HEU infants suggest poor placental transfer due to maternal HIV infection, while increased responses to specific antibodies may reflect an exaggerated immune response to immunisation. These robust responses may be due to the lack of competition with maternal antibodies, or may be ascribed to indirect stimulation of B cells via the activation of T cells. A hyper-inflammatory state is an imminent danger, with increased expression of cellular markers of immune activation and apoptosis that may be consistent with early HIV exposure that persists following infancy. These observations may serve as contributing factors to the extensively documented increased susceptibility to infections in the HEU population. Although these findings are consistent with a primed immune system, larger studies are required to confirm these observations in relation to clinical outcomes and to assess further whether these differences persist in later years. / AFRIKAANSE OPSMOMMING: Agtergrond: In Suid-Afrika alleen het 30% van vroue van ʼn vrugbare leeftyd MIV. Met die toenemende fokus en sukses van programme vir die voorkoming van moeder-na-kind-oordrag (sogenaamde PMTCT-programme) word ongeveer 300 000 babas jaarliks aan MIV blootgestel. Die onderliggende impak van intra-uteriene MIV-blootstelling op ʼn baba se immuunstelsel is nog nie omvattend beskryf nie. Kliniese opvolgondersoeke van hierdie MIV-blootgestelde dog onbesmette babas (sogenaamde HEU’s) dui op ʼn hoër siekte- en sterftesyfer weens infeksies as hul nieblootgestelde eweknieë (sogenaamde UE’s). Doelstellings: (i) Om kinders met MIV-positiewe en MIV-negatiewe moeders se aangepaste (verworwe) immuuneienskappe te beoordeel en te beskryf deur hulle vaksienspesifieke teenliggaamvlakke vanaf die ouderdom van twee weke tot twee jaar te meet. (ii) Om ondersoek in te stel na bepaalde sellulêre merkers van immuunaktivering, immuunregulering, apoptose en B-selgeheue by die T- en B-selgroepe van sowel HEU’s as UE’s op die ouderdom van 18 en 24 maande. Metodes: Hierdie subondersoek het deel uitgemaak van ʼn samewerkende loodsondersoek tussen die universiteite van Brits-Columbië (Vancouver, Kanada) en Stellenbosch. Altesaam 95 MIV-positiewe en MIV-negatiewe moeders is gewerf nadat hulle by Tygerberghospitaal geboorte geskenk het, en het ingeligte toestemming verleen dat hul babas by die studie ingesluit kon word. Van dié babas is slegs 27 HEU’s en 30 UE’s uiteindelik in die studie opgeneem en in verskillende stadia vanaf die ouderdom van twee weke opgevolg. Vier van die babas is op twee weke as MIV-positief bevestig en volgens die protokol klinies opgevolg, maar is van die statistiese dataontleding uitgesluit. Bloedmonsters is op twee, ses en 12 weke en weer op ses, 12, 18 en 24 maande geneem. Kwantitatiewe IgG-spesifieke teenliggame teen Haemophilus influenzae B (Hib), Bordetella pertussis, tetanus en pneumokokkus is telkens met behulp van kommersieel verkrygbare ELISA- (“Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent”-)stelle bepaal. Sellulêre merkers van immuunaktivering, immuunregulering, apoptose en geheue is op slegs 18 en 24 maande by verskillende populasies T- en B-selle deur middel van ʼn vierkleurvloeisitometrie en geldig verklaarde volbloedkleuringsmetodes bepaal. Voorts is ʼn funksionele toets ontwikkel om selvatbaarheid vir apoptose te bepaal deur die ekspressie van Annexin V op sowel CD4+ T- as CD20+ B-selle ná 16 en 24 uur van inkubasie te meet. Die statistiese ontleding van die teenliggaamdata is met behulp van herhaaldemetings-ANOVA (d.w.s. afwykingsontleding) volgens ʼn gemengdemodel-benadering gedoen. Verskille in die twee groepe se sellulêre merkervlakke is deur middel van eenrigting-ANOVA vergelyk. ʼn F-toets-p-waarde (wat normaliteit veronderstel) is bereken, terwyl die nieparametriese Mann-Whitney-U-toets as bevestigende instrument gedien het. Vir die 18 maande-monsters is herhaaldemetings-ANOVA gebruik om die funksionele toets vir spontane apoptose in drie stadia (ex vivo, op 16 uur en op 24 uur) te beoordeel. Vir die 24 maande-monsters is eenrigting-ANOVA gebruik. Resultate: Op die ouderdom van twee weke het die groep HEU’s (n = 23) aansienlik laer teenliggaamvlakke teen kinkhoes (20.80 vs 28.01 Food and Drug Administration [FDA] U/ml; p = 0.0237), tetanus (0.08 vs 0.53 U/ml; p < 0.001) en pneumokokkus (31.67 vs 80.77 mg/l, p = 0.003) as die UE-groep (n = 23) getoon. In dié stadium is geen statistiese verskille in Hib-teenliggaamvlakke tussen die twee groepe opgemerk nie. Op ses weke het die groep HEU’s laer gemiddelde vlakke van ál die betrokke teenliggame getoon, hoewel hierdie verskille nie statisties beduidend was nie. In vergelyking met die UE-kontrolegroep het die groep HEU’s ná inenting statisties beduidend hoër teenliggaamvlakke teen kinkhoes getoon op ses maande (155.49 vs 63.729 FDA U/ml; p = 0.0013), 12 maande (26.54 vs 8.50 FDA U/ml; p < 0.001) én 18 maande (1658.94 vs 793.03 FDA U/ml; p = 0.0362). ʼn Beduidende verskil in die twee groepe se tetanus-teenliggaamvlakke het eers op 24 maande geblyk, met die groep HEU’s s’n hoër (3.28 vs 1.70 IE/ml; p = 0.018) as die UE’s s’n. Ná inenting teen Hib is geen verskille tussen die twee groepe waargeneem nie. Op 18 en 24 maande het die HEU’s verhoogde ekspressie van sellulêre merkers van immuunaktivering (CD69 en CD40L) op CD4+ T-selle getoon in vergelyking met die UE-kontrolegroep. Soortgelyke vlakke van die sellulêre merker van aktivering CD38 is ook op die CD8+ T-selle van die twee groepe opgemerk. Op 18 maande het die HEU-groep ʼn beduidend verhoogde ekspressie van CD127, die IL-7-reseptor, op CD4+ T-selle getoon in vergelyking met die UE-kontrolegroep. Die HEU groep het ook verhoogde ekspressie van sellulêre merkers van apoptose op sowel CD4+ T- as CD8+ T-selle getoon. FAS-ekspressie op CD4+ T-selle op 18 en 24 maande was nie statisties beduidend nie, hoewel die HEU-groep op 24 maande beduidend verhoogde ekspressie van FasL op CD4+ T- sowel as CD8+ T-selle getoon het. In selkwekingseksperimente het die HEU-groep ʼn verhoogde vatbaarheid vir apoptose getoon na aanleiding van die ekspressie van Annexin V op CD4+ T-selle ná 16 uur van inkubasie op sowel 18 as 24 maande. Op 18 en 24 maande was immuunregulering, aan die hand van die ekspressie van CTLA-4, bykans dieselfde by albei groepe. Op sowel 18 as 24 maande toon die HEU’s verhoogde ekspressie van die sellulêre merker van immuunaktivering CD80 op CD20+ B-selle. Op 24 maande het die HEU’s ook aansienlik hoër vlakke van CD69 by CD19+ B selle getoon. Op nóg 18 nóg 24 maande was die ekspressie van CD62L en CD10 statisties beduidend. Hoewel verhoogde vlakke van apoptose (Fas) by CD20+ B-selle by die HEU-groep opgemerk is, was dit nie statisties beduidend op 18 óf 24 maande nie. Daarbenewens was daar ook geen verskil in die ekspressie van geprogrammeerde seldood 1 (PD-1) op 18 en 24 maande nie. Op 18 en 24 maande het die HEU’s en UE’s ʼn soortgelyke ekspressie van Annexin V ná 16 uur van inkubasie getoon. Op sowel 18 as 24 maande was die twee groepe se ekspressie van die biomerker van B-selgeheue CD27 op CD20+ B- en CD19+ B-selle vergelykbaar. Gevolgtrekking: Op twee en ses weke dui laer gemiddelde teenliggaamreaksies by HEU’s op swak plasentale oordrag weens die moeder se MIV-infeksie, terwyl verhoogde reaksies op bepaalde teenliggame weer op oordrewe immuunreaksie op inenting dui. Hierdie robuuste reaksie kan toegeskryf word aan die gebrek aan mededinging met die moeder se teenliggame, of kan deur indirekte stimulasie van die B-selle via die aktivering van die T-selle veroorsaak word. ʼn Hiperinflammatoriese toestand is ʼn dreigende gevaar, met verhoogde ekspressie van sellulêre merkers van immuunaktivering en apoptose wat met vroeë MIV-blootstelling met ʼn latere nawerking verbind kan word. Hierdie waarnemings kan bydraende faktore wees tot HEU’s se goed gedokumenteerde verhoogde vatbaarheid vir infeksies. Hoewel hierdie bevindings met ʼn geaktiveerde immuunstelsel strook, moet groter studies dit aan die hand van kliniese uitkomste bevestig en ook bepaal of hierdie verskille in later jare voortduur. / The Harry Crossley Foundation, Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (PRF) / NHLS Research Grant Trust

A ativação imune materna e os efeitos sobre a imunidade, neuroinflamação e desenvolvimento da encefalomielite autoimune experimental na prole de camundongos / Maternal immune activation and the effects on immunity, neuroinflammation and development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the offspring

Zager, Adriano 15 October 2013 (has links)
Experiências vivenciadas durante o período pré-natal são determinantes para a saúde do feto. A ocorrência de infecções maternas e a consequente ativação do sistema imune da mãe ocasionam uma série de alterações estruturais e funcionais no cérebro da prole, podendo predispor o indivíduo a transtornos psiquiátricos na vida pós-natal, como esquizofrenia e autismo. No entanto, estudos que investigam as alterações imunes na prole ainda são escassos na literatura. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, na prole, o impacto da ativação imune materna sobre a atividade imune periférica, a resposta imune-inflamatória no sistema nervoso central (SNC), e sobre o desenvolvimento da encefalomielite autoimune experimental (EAE), o modelo murino de Esclerose Múltipla. Camundongos fêmeas prenhes receberam uma administração de salina ou lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) ao final da gestação (dia gestacional 17) e, quando adulta, a prole foi submetida a 3 experimentos principais, analisando: (1) produção de citocinas, atividade de células da periferia e desenvolvimento da hipersensibilidade do tipo tardia; (2) produção de mediadores inflamatórios por células residentes do SNC e; (3) desenvolvimento dos sintomas clínicos e da resposta imune no decorrer da EAE. Nossos resultados mostraram que a ativação imune materna provocou na prole alterações imunes periféricas, como aumento da produção de Interleucina(IL)- 12 e exacerbação da resposta de hipersensibilidade do tipo tardia; potencialização da produção das citocinas IL-1&#946; e IL-6 em cultura primária de células residentes do SNC e; piora na severidade dos sintomas clínicos causados pela EAE, que coincide com aumento do infiltrado de linfócitos e macrófagos no SNC e ativação imuneinflamatória das células da glia. Tomados em seu conjunto, os dados do presente trabalho sugerem que condições inflamatórias durante a gestação, particularmente durante o final da gestação, podem predispor o feto a distúrbios autoimunes e neurodegenerativos na vida adulta. / Prenatal period experiences are crucial for the fetal health. The occurrence of maternal infections and subsequent maternal immune system activation cause a number of structural and functional changes in the brain of the offspring that may predispose individuals to psychiatric disorders in post-natal life, such as schizophrenia and autism. However, studies investigating offspring´s immune alterations are still scarce in the literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in mice offspring taken from LPS-treated dams, the impact of maternal immune activation on peripheral immune cell activity, central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory response, and development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the murine model of multiple sclerosis. Pregnant female mice received a dose of either saline or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) during late gestation (gestational day 17), and offspring were used in three experiments to analyze: (1) cytokine production and activity by peripheral immune cells and development of delayed type hypersensitivity, (2) production of inflammatory mediators by resident CNS cells and, (3) development of clinical symptoms and immune response during the course of EAE. Our results showed that maternal immune activation resulted in immune alterations in the offspring, such as increased peripheral production of interleukin (IL) -12 and exacerbated response of delayedtype hypersensitivity; enhancement of IL-1&#946; and IL-6 productions in primary CNS resident cells culture and; increased severity of EAE clinical symptoms, which is positively correlated with the increased lymphocytes and macrophages infiltration within the CNS and also with the immune-inflammatory activation of glial cells. Taken together, the data from this study suggest that inflammatory conditions during pregnancy, especially during the late pregnancy, may predispose the fetus to autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders in adulthood.

A ativação imune materna e os efeitos sobre a imunidade, neuroinflamação e desenvolvimento da encefalomielite autoimune experimental na prole de camundongos / Maternal immune activation and the effects on immunity, neuroinflammation and development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the offspring

Adriano Zager 15 October 2013 (has links)
Experiências vivenciadas durante o período pré-natal são determinantes para a saúde do feto. A ocorrência de infecções maternas e a consequente ativação do sistema imune da mãe ocasionam uma série de alterações estruturais e funcionais no cérebro da prole, podendo predispor o indivíduo a transtornos psiquiátricos na vida pós-natal, como esquizofrenia e autismo. No entanto, estudos que investigam as alterações imunes na prole ainda são escassos na literatura. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, na prole, o impacto da ativação imune materna sobre a atividade imune periférica, a resposta imune-inflamatória no sistema nervoso central (SNC), e sobre o desenvolvimento da encefalomielite autoimune experimental (EAE), o modelo murino de Esclerose Múltipla. Camundongos fêmeas prenhes receberam uma administração de salina ou lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) ao final da gestação (dia gestacional 17) e, quando adulta, a prole foi submetida a 3 experimentos principais, analisando: (1) produção de citocinas, atividade de células da periferia e desenvolvimento da hipersensibilidade do tipo tardia; (2) produção de mediadores inflamatórios por células residentes do SNC e; (3) desenvolvimento dos sintomas clínicos e da resposta imune no decorrer da EAE. Nossos resultados mostraram que a ativação imune materna provocou na prole alterações imunes periféricas, como aumento da produção de Interleucina(IL)- 12 e exacerbação da resposta de hipersensibilidade do tipo tardia; potencialização da produção das citocinas IL-1&#946; e IL-6 em cultura primária de células residentes do SNC e; piora na severidade dos sintomas clínicos causados pela EAE, que coincide com aumento do infiltrado de linfócitos e macrófagos no SNC e ativação imuneinflamatória das células da glia. Tomados em seu conjunto, os dados do presente trabalho sugerem que condições inflamatórias durante a gestação, particularmente durante o final da gestação, podem predispor o feto a distúrbios autoimunes e neurodegenerativos na vida adulta. / Prenatal period experiences are crucial for the fetal health. The occurrence of maternal infections and subsequent maternal immune system activation cause a number of structural and functional changes in the brain of the offspring that may predispose individuals to psychiatric disorders in post-natal life, such as schizophrenia and autism. However, studies investigating offspring´s immune alterations are still scarce in the literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in mice offspring taken from LPS-treated dams, the impact of maternal immune activation on peripheral immune cell activity, central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory response, and development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the murine model of multiple sclerosis. Pregnant female mice received a dose of either saline or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) during late gestation (gestational day 17), and offspring were used in three experiments to analyze: (1) cytokine production and activity by peripheral immune cells and development of delayed type hypersensitivity, (2) production of inflammatory mediators by resident CNS cells and, (3) development of clinical symptoms and immune response during the course of EAE. Our results showed that maternal immune activation resulted in immune alterations in the offspring, such as increased peripheral production of interleukin (IL) -12 and exacerbated response of delayedtype hypersensitivity; enhancement of IL-1&#946; and IL-6 productions in primary CNS resident cells culture and; increased severity of EAE clinical symptoms, which is positively correlated with the increased lymphocytes and macrophages infiltration within the CNS and also with the immune-inflammatory activation of glial cells. Taken together, the data from this study suggest that inflammatory conditions during pregnancy, especially during the late pregnancy, may predispose the fetus to autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders in adulthood.

Mortalité et activation immunitaire chronique chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH naïves de traitement antirétroviral en Afrique de l’Ouest

Diouf, Assane 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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