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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling and identification of nonlinear and impulsive systems

Mattsson, Per January 2016 (has links)
Mathematical modeling of dynamical systems plays a central roll in science and engineering. This thesis is concerned with the process of finding a mathematical model, and it is divided into two parts - one that concentrates on nonlinear system identification and another one where an impulsive model of testosterone regulation is constructed and analyzed. In the first part of the thesis, a new latent variable framework for identification of a large class of nonlinear models is developed. In this framework, we begin by modeling the errors of a nominal predictor using a flexible stochastic model. The error statistics and the nominal predictor are then identified using the maximum likelihood principle. The resulting optimization problem is tackled using a majorization-minimization approach, resulting in a tuning parameter-free recursive identification method. The proposed method learns parsimonious predictive models. Many popular model structures can be expressed within the framework, and in the thesis it is applied to piecewise ARX models. In the first part, we also derive a recursive prediction error method based on the Hammerstein model structure. The convergence properties of the method are analyzed by application of the associated differential equation method, and conditions ensuring convergence are given. In the second part of the thesis, a previously proposed pulse-modulated feedback model of testosterone regulation is extended with infinite-dimensional dynamics, in order to better explain testosterone profiles observed in clinical data. It is then shown how the analysis of oscillating solutions for the finite-dimensional case can be extended to the infinte-dimensional case. A method for blind state estimation in impulsive systems is introduced, with the purpose estimating hormone concentrations that cannot be measured in a non-invasive way. The unknown parameters in the model are identified from clinical data and, finally, a method of incorporating exogenous signals portraying e.g. medical interventions is studied.

Existência de soluções periódicas para equações diferenciais do tipo neutro / Existence of periodic solutions for differential equations of neutral type

Rabelo, Marcos Napoleão 05 October 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudaremos a existência de soluções fracas, pseudo quase periódicas e periódicas, para uma classe de sistemas não autônomo do tipo neutro com retardamento não limitado modelados na forma \' d SUP. dt\' (u(t) + F(t, ut)) = A(t)u(t) + G(t, \'u IND.t\' ), t \'PERTENCE A\' (0, a), \'u IND. 0\' = \'varphi\' \'PERTENCE A\' B, onde {A(t)} ´e uma família de operadores lineares fechados, com um dom´?nio comum D =D(A(t)), a história ut : (-\'INFINITO\'1, 0] \'SETA\' X, \'u IND. t\'(THETA) = u(t+\'THETA\'), pertence a um espaço de fase abstrato B definido axiomaticamente e F,G : [0, a] × B \'SETA\' X são funções apropriadas. Para obter alguns de nossos resultados, precisaremos usar as propriedades da família de operadores de evolução (U(t, s))\'t > OU=\'s, para o sistema u? (t) - A(t)u(t) = 0, t \'Pertencer A\' (0, a), \'u IND.0\' = \'phi\', onde U(t, s) ´e uma fam´?lia de operadores lineares limitados em X / In this work we study the existence of mild, pseudo almost-periodic and periodic solution, concepts introduced be later for a class of abstract neutral functional systems with unbounded delay in the form \'d SUP dt\' (u(t) + F(t, \'u IND.t\')) = A(t)u(t) + G(t, \'u IND. t\'), t IT BELONGS\' (0, a), \'u IND.0\' = \'varphi\' \'IT BELONGS\' , where is a family of closed linear operator in a Banach space X, with a common domain D = D(A(t)), t \'IT BELONGS\' R, densely defined in X; the history \'u IND. t\' : (-\'THE infinite\', 0] \' ARROW\' X, ut(\'THETA\') = x(t+\'THETA\'), belongs to some abstract phase space B defined axiomatically and F,G : I ×B \'ARROW\' X are appropriate functions and I is a bounded or unbounded interval in R. To establish some of our results, we will use the properties of a systems of evolution (U(t, s))\' t IND. > OR =\'s, for a system in the form u? (t) - A(t)u(t) = 0, t \'IT BELONGS\' (0, a), \'u IND.0\' = \'PHI\', where (U(t, s))\'t IND. > 0R =\'s is a family of bounded linear operators on X

Existência de soluções periódicas para equações diferenciais do tipo neutro / Existence of periodic solutions for differential equations of neutral type

Marcos Napoleão Rabelo 05 October 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudaremos a existência de soluções fracas, pseudo quase periódicas e periódicas, para uma classe de sistemas não autônomo do tipo neutro com retardamento não limitado modelados na forma \' d SUP. dt\' (u(t) + F(t, ut)) = A(t)u(t) + G(t, \'u IND.t\' ), t \'PERTENCE A\' (0, a), \'u IND. 0\' = \'varphi\' \'PERTENCE A\' B, onde {A(t)} ´e uma família de operadores lineares fechados, com um dom´?nio comum D =D(A(t)), a história ut : (-\'INFINITO\'1, 0] \'SETA\' X, \'u IND. t\'(THETA) = u(t+\'THETA\'), pertence a um espaço de fase abstrato B definido axiomaticamente e F,G : [0, a] × B \'SETA\' X são funções apropriadas. Para obter alguns de nossos resultados, precisaremos usar as propriedades da família de operadores de evolução (U(t, s))\'t > OU=\'s, para o sistema u? (t) - A(t)u(t) = 0, t \'Pertencer A\' (0, a), \'u IND.0\' = \'phi\', onde U(t, s) ´e uma fam´?lia de operadores lineares limitados em X / In this work we study the existence of mild, pseudo almost-periodic and periodic solution, concepts introduced be later for a class of abstract neutral functional systems with unbounded delay in the form \'d SUP dt\' (u(t) + F(t, \'u IND.t\')) = A(t)u(t) + G(t, \'u IND. t\'), t IT BELONGS\' (0, a), \'u IND.0\' = \'varphi\' \'IT BELONGS\' , where is a family of closed linear operator in a Banach space X, with a common domain D = D(A(t)), t \'IT BELONGS\' R, densely defined in X; the history \'u IND. t\' : (-\'THE infinite\', 0] \' ARROW\' X, ut(\'THETA\') = x(t+\'THETA\'), belongs to some abstract phase space B defined axiomatically and F,G : I ×B \'ARROW\' X are appropriate functions and I is a bounded or unbounded interval in R. To establish some of our results, we will use the properties of a systems of evolution (U(t, s))\' t IND. > OR =\'s, for a system in the form u? (t) - A(t)u(t) = 0, t \'IT BELONGS\' (0, a), \'u IND.0\' = \'PHI\', where (U(t, s))\'t IND. > 0R =\'s is a family of bounded linear operators on X

Guidance and robust control methods for the approach phase between two orbital vehicles with coupling between translational and rotational motions / Méthodes de guidage-contrôle robuste pour la phase d'approche entre deux véhicules orbitaux avec couplage des mouvements de translation et de rotation

Urbina Iglesias, Laura Sofia 22 June 2017 (has links)
Les techniques liées au vol en formation et aux opérations de proximité de satellites autonomes font partie des technologies opérationnelles spatiales les plus marquantes et les plus ambitieuses de ces dernières années. En particulier, cela nécessite la complète maitrise des phases de rendez-vous proche et de survol par un satellite actif avec un satellite, une station ou un débris passif. Le développement de systèmes GNC (Guidage Navigation Contrôle) associés performants et sûrs repose sur la connaissance d'un modèle dynamique réalisant un bon compromis entre faible complexité et prise en compte suffisante des principales caractéristiques dynamiques et cinématiques de ce type de systèmes. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée au développement d'une modélisation unifiée de la dynamique relative couplée entre un satellite coopératif chasseur et un satellite cible non coopérative. En effet, lorsque deux satellites sont proches l'un de l'autre, ils ne peuvent plus être traités comme des masses ponctuelles, car leur forme et leur taille affectent le mouvement relatif entre les points de masse décentralisés, conduisant à un couplage des mouvements de translation et de rotation. Ce développement est abordé de manière progressive: le mouvement de translation relatif non linéaire est décrit sous hypothèses képlériennes dans le repère orbital de la cible ainsi que le modèle linéarisé associé. Ensuite, le modèle non linéaire d'attitude relative est présenté au moyen des paramètres d'Euler-Rodrigues. Enfin, le formalisme des quaternions duaux est utilisé afin d'obtenir le modèle relatif couplé en translation et en attitude. La phase de modélisation du mouvement relatif linéaire de translation a ainsi permis de mettre en évidence certaines transformations de coordonnées conduisant à une caractérisation intéressante des trajectoires périodiques du chasseur et ainsi de proposer un premier type de loi de contrôle de guidage pour la phase d'approche et de survol. Dans l'ensemble de notre travail, nous considérons un chasseur équipé de propulseurs chimiques et l'hypothèse classique des poussées impulsionnelles. Ce type de systèmes dynamiques conciliant dynamique continue et contrôle impulsionnel se définit naturellement comme une classe particulière de systèmes dynamiques hybrides. Plusieurs lois de contrôle hybrides sont alors proposées afin de stabiliser le chasseur sur une trajectoire de référence périodique proche de la cible. Les propriétés de stabilité et de convergence de ces différentes lois sont analysées et de nombreuses simulations numériques montrent les forces et les faiblesses de chaque contrôleur en termes d'indices de performance comme le temps de convergence, la consommation ainsi que des contraintes de sécurité. Dans un second temps, des contraintes opérationnelles supplémentaires (contraintes de visibilité par exemple) sont prises en considération en imposant une direction d'approche rectiligne (glideslope) au chasseur. Cette trajectoire impose au satellite chasseur de suivre une droite dans n'importe quelle direction du repère local reliant l'emplacement courant du chasseur à sa destination finale. Sous l'hypothèse de propulsion impulsionnelle, les résultats existant dans la littérature pour ce type d'approche ont été généralisés aux orbites elliptiques en identifiant une nouvelle formulation du problème comprenant des degrés de liberté utiles qui permettent de minimiser la consommation de carburant tout en contrôlant l'excursion de la trajectoire libre en dehors de la droite de glideslope en la confinant dans un couloir d'approche défini par l'utilisateur. La synthèse des lois de guidage ainsi obtenues repose sur la résolution de problèmes d'optimisation SDP dans le cas général ou linéaire pour les cas plus simples d'approche standards du type V-bar ou R-bar. / The techniques related to formation flying and proximity operations of autonomous satellites belong to the most significant and challenging operational space technologies of the last years. In particular, they require full mastery of the close-range rendezvous and observation phases by an active satellite with a passive satellite, station or debris. The development of efficient and safe associated GNC systems relies on the knowledge of a dynamic model that achieves a good trade-off between low complexity and sufficient inclusion of the main dynamic and kinematic characteristics of this type of systems.The first part of this thesis is devoted to the development of a unified modeling of the relative coupled dynamics between a cooperative chaser satellite and a non-cooperative target satellite. Indeed, when two satellites are close to each other, they can no longer be treated as point masses because their shape and size affect the relative motion between the decentralized points, leading to a translational-attitude motions coupling. This development is addressed in a progressive way: the relative nonlinear translational motion is described under Keplerian assumptions in the target's orbital reference frame, as well as the associated linearized model. Then, the nonlinear relative attitude model is presented by means of the Euler-Rodrigues parameters. Finally, the dual quaternion formalism is used to obtain the relative translational and attitude coupled model. The modeling phase concerning the linear relative translational motion has allowed us to highlight certain coordinates transformations leading to an interesting characterization of the chaser's periodic trajectories and thus, to propose a first type of control law for the close-phase rendezvous and observation phases.All along this work, we consider a chaser satellite equipped with chemical thrusters under the classical hypothesis of impulsive thrusts. This type of dynamic systems gathering continuous dynamics and impulsive control naturally belongs to a particular class of dynamical hybrid systems. Several hybrid control laws are then proposed in order to stabilize the chaser on a periodic reference trajectory close to the target. The stability and convergence properties of these different laws are analysed and several numerical simulations show the strengths and weaknesses of each controller in terms of performance indices such as convergence time, consumption and safety constraints. In a second step, additional operational constraints (line-of-sight constraints for example) are taken into account by imposing a rectilinear (glideslope) direction to the chaser. This trajectory requires the chaser satellite to follow a straight line in any direction of the local reference frame and connecting the current location of the chaser to its final destination. Under the impulsive propulsion assumptions, the results in the literature for this type of approach have been generalized to elliptic orbits by identifying a new formulation of the problem including useful degrees of freedom, which allow minimizing the fuel consumption while controlling the humps of the trajectory outside the glideslope line by enclosing it in a user-defined approach corridor. Guidance laws are therefore synthetized via the solution of an SDP optimisation problem in the general case and via a linear programming when considering standard cases like the V-bar or R-bar approaches.

Linear Impulsive Control Systems: A Geometric Approach

Medina, Enrique A. 08 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Impulsive Control and Synchronization of Chaos-Generating-Systems with Applications to Secure Communication

Khadra, Anmar January 2004 (has links)
When two or more chaotic systems are coupled, they may exhibit synchronized chaotic oscillations. The synchronization of chaos is usually understood as the regime of chaotic oscillations in which the corresponding variables or coupled systems are equal to each other. This kind of synchronized chaos is most frequently observed in systems specifically designed to be able to produce this behaviour. In this thesis, one particular type of synchronization, called impulsive synchronization, is investigated and applied to low dimensional chaotic, hyperchaotic and spatiotemporal chaotic systems. This synchronization technique requires driving one chaotic system, called response system, by samples of the state variables of the other chaotic system, called drive system, at discrete moments. Equi-Lagrange stability and equi-attractivity in the large property of the synchronization error become our major concerns when discussing the dynamics of synchronization to guarantee the convergence of the error dynamics to zero. Sufficient conditions for equi-Lagrange stability and equi-attractivity in the large are obtained for the different types of chaos-generating systems used. The issue of robustness of synchronized chaotic oscillations with respect to parameter variations and time delay, is also addressed and investigated when dealing with impulsive synchronization of low dimensional chaotic and hyperchaotic systems. Due to the fact that it is impossible to design two identical chaotic systems and that transmission and sampling delays in impulsive synchronization are inevitable, robustness becomes a fundamental issue in the models considered. Therefore it is established, in this thesis, that under relatively large parameter perturbations and bounded delay, impulsive synchronization still shows very desired behaviour. In fact, criteria for robustness of this particular type of synchronization are derived for both cases, especially in the case of time delay, where sufficient conditions for the synchronization error to be equi-attractivity in the large, are derived and an upper bound on the delay terms is also obtained in terms of the other parameters of the systems involved. The theoretical results, described above, regarding impulsive synchronization, are reconfirmed numerically. This is done by analyzing the Lyapunov exponents of the error dynamics and by showing the simulations of the different models discussed in each case. The application of the theory of synchronization, in general, and impulsive synchronization, in particular, to communication security, is also presented in this thesis. A new impulsive cryptosystem, called induced-message cryptosystem, is proposed and its properties are investigated. It was established that this cryptosystem does not require the transmission of the encrypted signal but instead the impulses will carry the information needed for synchronization and for retrieving the message signal. Thus the security of transmission is increased and the time-frame congestion problem, discussed in the literature, is also solved. Several other impulsive cryptosystems are also proposed to accommodate more solutions to several security issues and to illustrate the different properties of impulsive synchronization. Finally, extending the applications of impulsive synchronization to employ spatiotemporal chaotic systems, generated by partial differential equations, is addressed. Several possible models implementing this approach are suggested in this thesis and few questions are raised towards possible future research work in this area.

Impulsive Control and Synchronization of Chaos-Generating-Systems with Applications to Secure Communication

Khadra, Anmar January 2004 (has links)
When two or more chaotic systems are coupled, they may exhibit synchronized chaotic oscillations. The synchronization of chaos is usually understood as the regime of chaotic oscillations in which the corresponding variables or coupled systems are equal to each other. This kind of synchronized chaos is most frequently observed in systems specifically designed to be able to produce this behaviour. In this thesis, one particular type of synchronization, called impulsive synchronization, is investigated and applied to low dimensional chaotic, hyperchaotic and spatiotemporal chaotic systems. This synchronization technique requires driving one chaotic system, called response system, by samples of the state variables of the other chaotic system, called drive system, at discrete moments. Equi-Lagrange stability and equi-attractivity in the large property of the synchronization error become our major concerns when discussing the dynamics of synchronization to guarantee the convergence of the error dynamics to zero. Sufficient conditions for equi-Lagrange stability and equi-attractivity in the large are obtained for the different types of chaos-generating systems used. The issue of robustness of synchronized chaotic oscillations with respect to parameter variations and time delay, is also addressed and investigated when dealing with impulsive synchronization of low dimensional chaotic and hyperchaotic systems. Due to the fact that it is impossible to design two identical chaotic systems and that transmission and sampling delays in impulsive synchronization are inevitable, robustness becomes a fundamental issue in the models considered. Therefore it is established, in this thesis, that under relatively large parameter perturbations and bounded delay, impulsive synchronization still shows very desired behaviour. In fact, criteria for robustness of this particular type of synchronization are derived for both cases, especially in the case of time delay, where sufficient conditions for the synchronization error to be equi-attractivity in the large, are derived and an upper bound on the delay terms is also obtained in terms of the other parameters of the systems involved. The theoretical results, described above, regarding impulsive synchronization, are reconfirmed numerically. This is done by analyzing the Lyapunov exponents of the error dynamics and by showing the simulations of the different models discussed in each case. The application of the theory of synchronization, in general, and impulsive synchronization, in particular, to communication security, is also presented in this thesis. A new impulsive cryptosystem, called induced-message cryptosystem, is proposed and its properties are investigated. It was established that this cryptosystem does not require the transmission of the encrypted signal but instead the impulses will carry the information needed for synchronization and for retrieving the message signal. Thus the security of transmission is increased and the time-frame congestion problem, discussed in the literature, is also solved. Several other impulsive cryptosystems are also proposed to accommodate more solutions to several security issues and to illustrate the different properties of impulsive synchronization. Finally, extending the applications of impulsive synchronization to employ spatiotemporal chaotic systems, generated by partial differential equations, is addressed. Several possible models implementing this approach are suggested in this thesis and few questions are raised towards possible future research work in this area.

Embedded and validated control algorithms for the spacecraft rendezvous / Algorithmes de commande embarqués et validés pour le rendez-vous spatial

Arantes Gilz, Paulo Ricardo 17 October 2018 (has links)
L'autonomie est l'une des préoccupations majeures lors du développement de missions spatiales que l'objectif soit scientifique (exploration interplanétaire, observations, etc) ou commercial (service en orbite). Pour le rendez-vous spatial, cette autonomie dépend de la capacité embarquée de contrôle du mouvement relatif entre deux véhicules spatiaux. Dans le contexte du service aux satellites (dépannage, remplissage additionnel d'ergols, correction d'orbite, désorbitation en fin de vie, etc), la faisabilité de telles missions est aussi fortement liée à la capacité des algorithmes de guidage et contrôle à prendre en compte l'ensemble des contraintes opérationnelles (par exemple, saturation des propulseurs ou restrictions sur le positionnement relatif entre les véhicules) tout en maximisant la durée de vie du véhicule (minimisation de la consommation d'ergols). La littérature montre que ce problème a été étudié intensément depuis le début des années 2000. Les algorithmes proposés ne sont pas tout à fait satisfaisants. Quelques approches, par exemple, dégradent les contraintes afin de pouvoir fonder l'algorithme de contrôle sur un problème d'optimisation efficace. D'autres méthodes, si elles prennent en compte l'ensemble du problème, se montrent trop lourdes pour être embarquées sur de véritables calculateurs existants dans les vaisseaux spatiaux. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est le développement de nouveaux algorithmes efficaces et validés pour le guidage et le contrôle impulsif des engins spatiaux dans le contexte des phases dites de "hovering" du rendez-vous orbital, i.e. les étapes dans lesquelles un vaisseau secondaire doit maintenir sa position à l'intérieur d'une zone délimitée de l'espace relativement à un autre vaisseau principal. La première contribution présentée dans ce manuscrit utilise une nouvelle formulation mathématique des contraintes d'espace pour le mouvement relatif entre vaisseaux spatiaux pour la conception d'algorithmes de contrôle ayant un traitement calculatoire plus efficace comparativement aux approches traditionnelles. La deuxième et principale contribution est une stratégie de contrôle prédictif qui assure la convergence des trajectoires relatives vers la zone de "hovering", même en présence de perturbations ou de saturation des actionneurs. [...] / Autonomy is one of the major concerns during the planning of a space mission, whether its objective is scientific (interplanetary exploration, observations, etc.) or commercial (service in orbit). For space rendezvous, this autonomy depends on the on-board capacity of controlling the relative movement between two spacecraft. In the context of satellite servicing (troubleshooting, propellant refueling, orbit correction, end-of-life deorbit, etc.), the feasibility of such missions is also strongly linked to the ability of the guidance and control algorithms to account for all operational constraints (for example, thruster saturation or restrictions on the relative positioning between the vehicles) while maximizing the life of the vehicle (minimizing propellant consumption). The literature shows that this problem has been intensively studied since the early 2000s. However, the proposed algorithms are not entirely satisfactory. Some approaches, for example, degrade the constraints in order to be able to base the control algorithm on an efficient optimization problem. Other methods accounting for the whole set of constraints of the problem are too cumbersome to be embedded on real computers existing in the spaceships. The main object of this thesis is the development of new efficient and validated algorithms for the impulsive guidance and control of spacecraft in the context of the so-called "hovering" phases of the orbital rendezvous, i.e. the stages in which a secondary vessel must maintain its position within a bounded area of space relatively to another main vessel. The first contribution presented in this manuscript uses a new mathematical formulation of the space constraints for the relative motion between spacecraft for the design of control algorithms with more efficient computational processing compared to traditional approaches. The second and main contribution is a predictive control strategy that has been formally demonstrated to ensure the convergence of relative trajectories towards the "hovering" zone, even in the presence of disturbances or saturation of the actuators.[...]

Qualitative Properties of Stochastic Hybrid Systems and Applications

Alwan, Mohamad January 2011 (has links)
Hybrid systems with or without stochastic noise and with or without time delay are addressed and the qualitative properties of these systems are investigated. The main contribution of this thesis is distributed in three parts. In Part I, nonlinear stochastic impulsive systems with time delay (SISD) with variable impulses are formulated and some of the fundamental properties of the systems, such as existence of local and global solution, uniqueness, and forward continuation of the solution are established. After that, stability and input-to-state stability (ISS) properties of SISD with fixed impulses are developed, where Razumikhin methodology is used. These results are then carried over to discussed the same qualitative properties of large scale SISD. Applications to automated control systems and control systems with faulty actuators are used to justify the proposed approaches. Part II is devoted to address ISS of stochastic ordinary and delay switched systems. To achieve a variety stability-like results, multiple Lyapunov technique as a tool is applied. Moreover, to organize the switching among the system modes, a newly developed initial-state-dependent dwell-time switching law and Markovian switching are separately employed. Part III deals with systems of differential equations with piecewise constant arguments with and without random noise. These systems are viewed as a special type of hybrid systems. Existence and uniqueness results are first obtained. Then, comparison principles are established which are later applied to develop some stability results of the systems.

Qualitative Properties of Stochastic Hybrid Systems and Applications

Alwan, Mohamad January 2011 (has links)
Hybrid systems with or without stochastic noise and with or without time delay are addressed and the qualitative properties of these systems are investigated. The main contribution of this thesis is distributed in three parts. In Part I, nonlinear stochastic impulsive systems with time delay (SISD) with variable impulses are formulated and some of the fundamental properties of the systems, such as existence of local and global solution, uniqueness, and forward continuation of the solution are established. After that, stability and input-to-state stability (ISS) properties of SISD with fixed impulses are developed, where Razumikhin methodology is used. These results are then carried over to discussed the same qualitative properties of large scale SISD. Applications to automated control systems and control systems with faulty actuators are used to justify the proposed approaches. Part II is devoted to address ISS of stochastic ordinary and delay switched systems. To achieve a variety stability-like results, multiple Lyapunov technique as a tool is applied. Moreover, to organize the switching among the system modes, a newly developed initial-state-dependent dwell-time switching law and Markovian switching are separately employed. Part III deals with systems of differential equations with piecewise constant arguments with and without random noise. These systems are viewed as a special type of hybrid systems. Existence and uniqueness results are first obtained. Then, comparison principles are established which are later applied to develop some stability results of the systems.

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