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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reformatų bažnyčios teisiniai aspektai Lietuvos Respublikoje 1918-1940 metais / The Legal Aspects of Evangelical Reformed Church in the Republic of Lithuania in 1918-1940

Aukščionienė, Regina 28 June 2005 (has links)
The reformation was a very complicated process which coffected all spheres of social and personal life. Its research can be carriet out in many scietific studies and its importance can be reflected upon from different points of view. The trend of the reformation which developed in Switzerland is colled differently in different historical sources: helvetian after the old name of Switzerland (Helvetia); Calvinizm, after the name of a famous religions reformer J.Calvin. The Calvinist church in the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania was colled the Evangelical Reformed Church, in short-the reformed Church. Since its establishment in 1555 the Evangelical reformed Church was independent. The activities and the relationship of the Evangelical reformed Church with Lithuanian state during the period of independence in 1918-1940 is analized in this thesis, the main part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of the self-govermment of the Evangelical reformed Church, which is the fundamental thing in the reformed Church. The reformed Church has never been governed by a hierarchic structure. Its higest self-governing institution was the Synod. The analysis shovs how the Synod of the Reformed Church independently, without direct interference of the state and without demand for special conditions managed to reorganize its administration and territorial network, retaining self-governing, real property and cult buildings under the changed political circumstances 9after Vilnius, the... [to full text]

XIX amžiaus pirmosios pusės surinkimininkų giesmynų istorija (genezė ir kalba) / The History of the Hymn Books from the 19th Century Fellowship Movement (Language and Genesis)

Strungytė Liugienė, Inga 09 December 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos objektas yra XIX amžiaus pirmosios pusės Mažosios Lietuvos surinkimininkų giesmynų ir jų giesmių istorija tekstologiniu, lingvistiniu požiūriu. Tyrimo šaltiniai – giesmynai: „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ (1817, Tilžė), „Mažos giesmių knygelės“ (1819, Tilžė), manoma parengti Kristijono Endrikio Mertikaičio. Šioje disertacijoje pirmą kartą išsamiai analizuojama giesmynų ir jų dalių sandara, kalba ir šaltiniai, apžvelgiami XVIII amžiaus Karaliaučiaus vokiški giesmynai, atskleidžiamas Halės pietizmo vaidmuo, sudarant vokiškų ir lietuviškų giesmynų repertuarą. Ištyrus lietuviškus giesmynus buvo prieita prie tokių išvadų: Mertikaitis, sudarydamas surinkimininkų reikmėms skirtą giesmyną „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ (1817, Tilžė), iš principo laikėsi oficialiųjų bažnytinių giesmynų formavimo principų. Dalis verstų ir originalių giesmių (iš viso 52) tiesiog perimta iš lietuviškų šaltinių. Giesmyno „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ (1817, Tilžė) giesmės kalbos požiūriu skirtinos į dvi grupes – pasauliečių ir dvasininkų giesmes. Kalbos tyrimai patvirtino istoriografų spėjimą, kad Mažos giesmių knygelės parengtos to paties asmens Mertikaičio. Nustatyta, kad vokiškieji giemynų šaltiniai yra Karaliaučiaus teologijos profesoriaus, pietisto Frantzo Alberto Schultzo 1752 metų giesmynas Kern Alter und Neuer geiſtreicher Lieder, Als der Ʒweyte Theil, jaunosios kartos Halės pietisto Ernsto Gottliebo Woltersdorfo sudarytas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of the dissertation is the history of the hymn books and hymns of the first half of 19th century Fellowship Movement in Lithuania Minor in textual and linguistic approach. The sources of the research are the hymn books „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ (1817) and „Mažos giesmių knygelės“ (1819), supposedly composed by Kristijonas Endrikis Mertikaitis. For the first time, the detailed analysis of the structure, language and sources of the hymn books and their parts, the overview of the 19th century German hymn books from Königsberg, and the explanation of the role of Halle Pietism in composing the repertoire of the German and Lithuanian hymn books are provided in this dissertation. The examination of Lithuanian hymn books has led to the following conclusions: when composing the hymn book „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ for the needs of Fellowship Movement, Mertikaitis essentially followed the official line for the formation of church hymn books. The portion of translated and original songs (52 in total) is simply taken from Lithuanian sources. The hymnal „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ have to be divided linguistically into two groups - the hymns for laity and the hymns for clergy. Linguistic research confirmed the presumption of historians that hymn book „Mažos giesmių knygelės“ is composed by the same person, i. e. Mertikaitis. It was established that German sources of the hymn books are the hymn book „Kern... [to full text]

Lipidų apykaitos sutrikimo gydymui ir profilaktikai vartojamų vaistų ir maisto papildų įvertinimas Lietuvos vaistinėse / Evaluation of Medicine and Food Supplements used to Treat and Prevent the Disorder of Lipid Metabolism in the Lithuanian Pharmacies

Macijauskaitė, Simona 18 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: nustatyti, vaistinėse besilankančių pacientų, lipidų apykaitos sutrikimo profilaktikai ir gydymui rekomenduojamų vaistinių preparatų ir maisto papildų suvartojimo tendencijas. Uždaviniai: 1) išanalizuoti statinų grupės preparatų suvartojimą Lietuvoje 2005-2012 metais, naudojant tarptautinę, PSO patvirtintą, vaistų suvartojimo ATC/DDD metodiką ir gautus rezultatus palyginti su kitomis ES šalimis, 2) įvertinti, vaistinėse besilankančių pacientų, lipidogramos rodiklius ir jų dinamiką, vartojant antilipideminius vaistus ir maisto papildus, 3) įvertinti lipidų apykaitos sutrikimo profilaktikai ir gydymui rekomenduojamų vaistų ir maisto papildų atitikimą tarptautinėms rekomendacijoms (NCEP ATP III). Metodika: vaistų, kurie priklauso C10AA (HMG KoA reduktazės inhibitorių) ir C10BX (HMG KoA reduktazės inhibitorių, kitų derinių) pogrupiams, suvartojimas buvo analizuojamas ATC/DDD metodika, išreiškiant duomenis DDD/1000 gyventojų per dieną (DDD/1000 gyv/d). Vaistinėje besilankančių pacientų lipidogramos rodikliai ir vartojami vaistai/maisto papildai buvo vertinami atliekant anketinę apklausą. Surinktų duomenų statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS programinį paketą, 17,0 versiją. Rezultatai: statinų suvartojimas Lietuvoje padidėjo nuo 3,873 DDD/1000 gyv/d 2005 m. iki 12,787 DDD/1000 gyv/d 2012 m., o išlaidos išaugo nuo 6,19 mln Lt 2005 m. iki 9,12 mln Lt 2012 m. Anketinėje apklausoje dalyvavo 358 pacientai, kurie vaistinėje įsigijo vaistus ir/ar maisto papildus lipidų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective of the work: to determine the usage tendencies of the medicinal products and food supplements recommended for prevention and treatment of the disorder of lipid metabolism to the patients coming to the pharmacies. Tasks: 1) to analyze the usage of the products of statin group in Lithuania in 2005-2012 using the international, WHO approved methodology of the medicine usage ATC/DDD, and to compare the results with other EU States, 2) to assess the indexes of lipidogram and their dynamics of the patients coming to the pharmacies, who use antilipidemic medicine and food supplements, 3) to assess the conformity of the medicinal products and food supplements recommended for prevention and treatment of the disorder of lipid metabolism to the international guidelines (NCEP ATP III). Methodology: the usage of the medicine that belongs to the sub-groups of C10AA (HMG CoA reductase inhibitors) and C10BX (Other combinations) was analyzed by the ATC/DDD methodology expressing the data as DDD/1000 inhabitants per day (DDD/1000 inhabitants/d). The indexes of lipidogram and the medicine/food supplements used by the patients coming to the pharmacies were assessed using the survey by questionnaires. The statistical analysis of the collected data was done using the SPSS program package, version 17.0. Results: the usage of statins in Lithuania increased from 3,873 DDD/1000 inhabitants/d in 2005 until 12,787 DDD/1000 inhabitants/d in 2012, while the expenses for statins increased from 6... [to full text]

Incidence trends and environmental determinants of type 1 diabetes in Lithuania and Sweden /

Pundziūtė-Lyckå, Austė, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2003. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

The scope of politics in early modern imperial systems : the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and Poland-Lithuania in the seventeenth century in comparison

Preusse, Christian January 2014 (has links)
It is the aim of this thesis to shed light on and gain a more nuanced understanding of the negotiation of the political and constitutional order at the German Imperial Diet and the Polish-Lithuanian Sejm in the crisis-ridden seventeenth century. Both assemblies had to reach collectively-binding decisions on questions of institutional and procedural development in order to keep the constitutional order intact and functional and to process the challenges and changes occurring in the late sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries. The question of this thesis is how the scope for necessary institutional and procedural adjustments was enabled or constrained by political languages and rhetoric which key actors used in the deliberations at the two central estate assemblies. Why do we have an institutional standstill and comparative decline in Poland-Lithuania until the reform period in the eighteenth century, and a stabilization and gradual institutional adjustment until the 1720s in the Holy Roman Empire? This question is answered by analyzing the communication about the scope of politics in its concrete historical context and institutional setting. Through the analysis the thesis comes to a new interpretation of the role and impact of orality and writing in both assemblies. Establishing socially relevant meaning depended on the means of communication and on the relationship between different media in the process of political decision-making and how they formed communication, in this case oral and written communication. The central claim of the thesis is that political culture and material culture were intricately linked in both imperial systems as the available media in the political process shaped the sayable, and the sayable shaped the doable.

Järnvägsstationer i Litauen 1861-2011 : Namngivare, namnbyten och språkbyten genom 150 år / Railway stations in Lithuania 1861-2011 : Name givers, name changes and language changes over 150 years

Bengtsson, Rune January 2011 (has links)
The names of railway stations and halts along the earliest railway lines on Lithuanian territory have been studied, i.e. along those railway lines built between 1861 and 1873. Especially, attention has been drawn to names that are not obvious regarding the geographical location of the station or halt. Some 50 percent of the names are showing some kind of irregularity in this respect. Most common (about 30 examples) are stations or halts that are serving a population centre situated at some distance from the station, but still bearing the name of that population centre. Another group of interesting cases is where the names have been changed over history for different reasons. These examples are about 20 in number. Among the examples of changed names are those, mostly minor halts, initially with no name but just a number, but later on provided with proper names. Most striking examples of name giving policy of the stations are railway junctions or border stations like Kaišiadorys, Virbalis/Kybartai, Švenčionėliai, Sniečkus/Visaginas, Maţeikiai/Muravjevo and Turmantas. Another dimension regarding names of railway stations in Lithuania is the fact that several languages (Lithuanian, Russian, Polish and German) have been used officially during the 150 years of the existence of Lithuanian railways.

Rovná daň / Flat tax

Zeťová, Stanislava January 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on comparation of flat tax in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech republic and Slovakia. In first part is characterization of the flat tax according to its authors Hall and Rabushka and comparison real tax systems in these economies with theoretical concept and demands on good tax system. In final part includes evaluation of economic developement of chosen countries.

How will Countries like Sweden Benefit or Suffer from a Minimum Wage?

Law, Anton, Shittu, Azeez January 2020 (has links)
Recently the European Union proposed a “Fair minimum wage initiative”. The proposal is to create a common framework across the EU 28 member countries. However, the Nordic countries have rejected the proposal. We investigate this issue through a literature review. We start with a presentation of empirical research on the effects of a minimum wage. In the theoretical analysis we use the simple classical monopsony model and the model with frictions in our examination of minimum wage effect on welfare and labour market participation. The conclusion is mixed concerning effects from an introduction of minimum wage, depending on how the countries adopt and implement the minimum wage. If the countries government implemented minimum wage correctly using specific industry minimum wage, there is clear evidence for a positive effect.

“Russophobia kernel”: an analysis of RT’s strategic narratives of Lithuania

Knyzelis, Milvydas January 2021 (has links)
This research aims to explore the dissemination of strategic narratives around Lithuania through the set of news articles of the Russian state-funded media agency RT. As an international media platform, RT has been previously identified by scholars as an important structural element of Russian information warfare strategy. To identify the strategic narratives, this research follows the procedures of thematic analysis informed by the strategic narrative framework. The findings of this study indicate that RT, through the strategic narratives of Lithuania, seeks to criticize Western leadership and indirectly promote a positive image of Russia as an alternative to the West. While at the national level, the goals of RT’s strategic narratives on Lithuania include creating an image that Lithuanian governmental institutions are broken; showing the Lithuanian government as incompetent, and associating it with a fascist regime; presenting Lithuania not only as Russophobic but as a failing state as well. Further research could contribute to elaborating the strategical framework of the Russian information warfare effort in the post-Soviet countries.

Mažosios Lietuvos Iiaudies muzikos instrumerttai ir ju̜ gamyba [Litauische Volksmusikinstrumente], in: Mažosios Lietuvos liaudies instrumentai ir apeiginė muzika, hrsg. von Lietuvininku̜ Bendrij a, Lietuvos Muzikos Akademijos Klaipėdos Fakultetas, Vilnius (Apyausris) 1994 [Zusammenfassung]

Butkus, Anatas 24 May 2017 (has links)
Der historische Ursprung Kleinlitauens, sein Alltag, seine Sitten, Bräuche, Sprache und Kultur stellten schon immer Forschungsziele für Fachleute und Wissenschaftler verschiedener Richtungen dar. Die ethnokulturellen Forschungen sind auch heute aktuell. Aus diesem Grund wird in den nachfolgenden Ausführungen versucht, die Volksmusikinstrumente darzustelle~ die in der Blütezeit Kleinlitauens gespielt wurden.

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