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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autism and Inclusion in England’s Multi Academy Trust: A Case Study of a Senior Leadership Team

Lane, Danielle 01 April 2019 (has links)
In this study, I explore how the senior leadership team at an Academy Trust in England understands and operationalizes inclusion, particularly for pupils whose learning profile includes autism. England’s policies regarding inclusion appear to focus on the placement of pupils with disabilities in the mainstream provision; however, the Academy Trust, a specialist provision, suggests their school is inclusive. Gaining insight into the senior leadership team’s understandings and operationalization of inclusion will provide further understandings of inclusion in Multi Academy Trusts that are specialist provisions. In this study, I examine the understandings of eight members of a senior leadership team at a Multi Academy Trust. Participants were recruited through the Director of Research and Development at the Trust during their regularly scheduled meetings. Data were collected and triangulated though interviews, document reviews, and a focus group. Data was analyzed through qualitative thematic analysis. This study highlights the importance of strategic planning, Trust structure, pupil placement, curriculum, and evaluation systems in operationalizing inclusions for pupils with disabilities including autism. The findings also suggest inclusion, for senior leaders at the Multi Academy Trust, means meeting the individual needs of pupils, facilitating pupil voice, facilitating a sense of belonging, promoting independence, and maximizing pupil potential.

Combinatorial methods for counting pattern occurrences in a Markovian text

Yucong Zhang (9518483) 16 December 2020 (has links)
In this dissertation, we provide combinatorial methods to obtain the probabilistic mul-tivariate generating function that counts the occurrences of patterns in a text generated by a Markovian source. The generating function can then be expanded into the Taylor series in which the power of a term gives the size of a text and the coeÿcient provides the proba-bilities of all possible pattern occurrences with the text size. The analysis is on the basis of the inclusion-exclusion principle to pattern counting (Goulden and Jackson, 1979 and 1983) and its application that Bassino et al. (2012) used for obtaining the generating function in the context of the Bernoulli text source. We followed the notations and concepts created by Bassino et al. in the discussion of distinguished patterns and non-reduced pattern sets, with modifications to the Markovian dependence. Our result is derived in the form of a linear matrix equation in which the number of linear equations depends on the size of the alphabet. In addition, we compute the moments of pattern occurrences and discuss the impact of a Markovian text to the moments comparing to the Bernoulli case. The methodology that we use involves the inclusion-exclusion principle, stochastic recurrences, and combinatorics on words including probabilistic multivariate generating functions and moment generating functions.<br>

Investigating the relationship between financial inclusion and poverty in South Africa

Mahalika, Ratema David January 2020 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / The literature on financial inclusion and poverty connections has received considerable attention recently. There exist a scarcity of local studies examining the relationship between financial inclusion (FI) and poverty. Precisely, there is a lack of local studies who previously used FinScope data to investigate the mentioned relationship in South Africa. This study is motivated to fill the gap. To achieve the aims, the study will source data from FinScope (a secondary data) for the periods of 2011 and 2016. The Foster-Greer-Thorbecke indices were used to measure the level of poverty, while the lower-bound poverty (LBPL) line was used to differentiate the poor from the non-poor. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was also applied to derive the financial inclusion index (FII). Probit regressions were run to measure the likelihood of being poor and being financially excluded. Ordinary Least Squares were run to identify the nature of the relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. Lastly, bivariate regression was also run to test the relationship between poverty and financial exclusion.

Being involved in the community:  A qualitative study of social inclusion for people with physical disabilities in Mexico

Andersson, Vilma, Tidblom, Alma January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe participant experiences of how a rehabilitation centre can facilitate social inclusion for people with physical disabilities in Mexico. This research was a qualitative interview study with a semi-structured interview approach. Ten participants were recruited using purposive sampling. The participants were individuals with physical disabilities, including both mobility and visual impairments, who had a connection with the rehabilitation centre. Content analysis was used while examining the collected data. The result consisted of one main category ‘individual experiences of achieving social inclusion’, four categories; ‘being supported by a community’, ‘acceptance of disability’, ‘the centre's work and its effect in the society’ and ‘the importance of work’. Each category contained several sub-categories. In conclusion, the rehabilitation centre facilitates inclusion through work opportunities and the sense of belonging to a community which has a positive impact on persons with a disability. Changing attitudes in the society by raising awareness about disability and generating an acceptance of one’s disabilities were important facilitating factors.


Marks, Lori J., Conroy, Maureen 01 October 1994 (has links)
No description available.

A qualitative study into the advocacy and activism of carers of adolescents with Down Syndrome in Oshana, Namibia

Kambowe, Hannah 02 March 2020 (has links)
Background: Down Syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal defect known to cause intellectual disability. Adolescents with DS may need to live with their families beyond the transition period into adulthood because they require lifelong care due to the disabling consequences of the genetic condition. Evidence is lacking about the actions that carers in remote rural communities are taking to enhance the rights of their adolescents with DS as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Aim: To describe the advocacy and activism actions of carers that promote the disability rights of adolescents with DS. Objectives: To describe carers’ understanding of 'activism’ in relation to the needs of adolescents with DS; to explore what actions carers are engaging with in order to promote participation and equal opportunities for social inclusion of adolescents with DS; to describe barriers encountered and strategies used and to describe carers’ advocacy priority list for social inclusion of adolescents with DS. Methodology: A descriptive qualitative approach was used where three carers told their stories of activism and advocacy actions through a semi-structured in-depth interview method. Their stories were audio-recorded, transcribed into textual form and an inductive data analysis followed a framework approach guided by the research aims. Findings: One overriding theme Puuyelele (bringing adolescents with DS into the open) emerged with four categories: namely, “Speaking for and acting on behalf of adolescents with DS”, “Enabling a continuous enlightening process”, “Ensuring ongoing care and services” and “Raising public awareness on human rights of adolescents with DS”. Discussion: Three concepts about DS advocacy and activism for adolescents with DS formed the discussion; first, it is a strategic process requiring togetherness, courage and perseverance; second, it proceeds from vigilant care-giving and service provision and, lastly, it requires rising of human rights awareness. Conclusion: A strategic and contextualised DS advocacy and activism process such as Puuyelele requires human rights awareness and emerges from vigilant care that enhances community participation and social inclusion of adolescents with DS. The process creates a possible and realistic conceptual framework for further strengthening of disability-inclusive development initiatives in Namibia.

FILLING IN THE GAP : redefining the places of abandonment in Athens

The economic and the political crisis that Greece experiences has as a consequence a social degradation, which is linked and followed by a spatial one. The humanitarian crisis in the city of Athens visualizes physically-spatially in the abandonment of public and private spaces. Today, there are more than 1,200 abandoned buildings in the city center remaining unused and empty.  On the other side, there are more than 10,000 homeless people experiencing the consequences of the economic crisis. Taking into consideration this contrast, our basic proposal is the redefinement and the reuse of the abandoned buildings in order to  provide homeless people with the means to satisfy their needs. During our investigation we came to the conclusion that  what is  needed is much more than just physical shelter. Thus, land for food production as well as public spaces for social inclusion are also crucial for our proposal. The model that we seek to develop proposes shelter for the homeless people through the reuse of the buildings, supported by urban farming and public spaces. In order to visualize how this model could be implemented in the city of Athens we decided to work with a case study that combines all the parameters mentioned above.The area selected is a complex of three abandoned buildings within Drakopoulou park situated in the area of Ano Patissia. The three structures are in different conditions and each one of them is being treated in a different way. Moreover, Drakopoulou park constitutes a suitable public space for urban farming and social activity.   For the case study area we have developed three basic typologies for the renovation and the reuse of the abandoned buildings, according to their conditions. Additionally, three main typologies have been developed for urban farming proposals, according to the potential use of the land. Following the example of Drakopoulou park our final vision is the implementation of this model and its typologies in multiple neighborhoods of Athens where abandoned buildings and suitable land for urban farming are situated.

Immigrant Inclusion as a Determinant of Naturalization Success

Craft, Lindsey January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Formation of oxide-inclusions by ladle glaze and a preliminary examination on the possibility of inclusion seperation by bubble floatation

Tripathi, Nagendra January 2003 (has links)
The present work was to study the role of ladle glaze as apotential supplier of inclusions to the steel melt during theladle refining process. In this study, the total number ofinclusions at the beginning and at the end of the ladletreatment process was found to be increasing with ladle age,which is the number of heats, the ladle being used. Asubstantial increase in inclusion population was noticed aftera certain ladle age. Totally four types of inclusions named as; type-1 (MgO),type-2 (spinel), type-3 (an oxide solution) and type-4 (spinelin the center surrounded by the oxide solution of type-3) wereobserved in the beginning of the ladle refining process.Thermodynamic calculation revealed that the type-3 and type-4inclusions were generated by the reactions between EAF slag andladle glaze. Even a part of inclusions of type-2 (spinel phase)could be formed by these reactions. Three types of inclusionswere found before casting, viz. type-5 (oxide solution with lowcontents of MgO and SiO2), type-6 (small MgO islands embeddedin an oxide solution) and type-7 (spinel in the centersurrounded by the oxide solution of type-5). Inclusions of bothtype-5 and type-7 were the products of the reaction betweeninclusions of type-2 and the liquid metal. On the other hand,the occurrence of pieces of MgO having sharp edges in the oxidesolution suggested that the type-6 inclusions were generated bythe ladle glaze. A preliminary examination on the possibility of inclusionseparation by bubble floatation, experiments using cold modelswere also carried out. De-ionised water and silicon oil wereused as the bulk phase. Charcoal particles of different sizeranges were employed as the dispersed phase. The examination ofcharcoal-water-gas system indicated that the positivefloatation coefficient is not a sufficient condition for theinclusion separation. The experimental results were found to bein contradiction with the prediction of a typical model thatconsiders interfacial energies. The omitting of the drag forcewas believed to be the reason causing the failure of the modelprediction in the charcoal-water-gas system. The failure of themodel prediction suggested a need of a new model taking intoaccount interfacial energies, drag force, buoyancy force andgravity force. <b>Key words:</b>oxide inclusions, ladle metallurgy, ladleglaze, inclusion population, ladle age, interfacial tension,inclusion separation / NR 20140805

Börjar man tänka på det så har man ett tungt ansvar : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares perspektiv på inkludering i förskolan / If you start thinking about it, we have a heavy responsibility : A qualitative study of preschool teacher’s perspective on inclusion in preschool

Haugen, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute to knowledge about inclusion in preschool from the perspective of preschool teachers by making it visible how preschool teachers view their work to include all children in preschool, regardless of the children's conditions or needs. Qualitative interviews have been used as a research method and six interviews have been conducted with working preschool teachers. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed, after that the collected data material was analyzed from a categorically perspective and a relational perspective.  The results show that the preschool teachers describe that inclusion concerns a sense of community, where children can experience full participation and meaning in the preschool activities, which can be linked to a community-oriented definition of inclusion. Through the analyses a relational perspective can be made visible when the preschool teachers regard that inclusion in the preschool is achieved by creating an environment that is accessible to all children regardless of needs or conditions. The results also show that preschool teachers work to include all preschool children by making the environment clear and accessible. They also describe that their own attitudes and knowledge about inclusion are important factors for inclusion in preschool to be achieved. The preschool teachers emphasize that if inclusion is seen as children’s experience of participation, meaningfulness and community, inclusion can benefit children's development and learning. The preschool teachers also believe that external factors can obstruct and preclude, which can be connected to the view that inclusion is about all children being in the same physical space. Preschool teachers emphasize that inclusion can benefit children's development and learning, but that external factors can obstruct and preclude.  This study concludes that these preschool teachers have good knowledge about how to include all children in preschool and that they have the ability to do so if they are given the right conditions and not preclude by external factors. This study can be seen as relevant to read for anyone who is interested in inclusion in preschool and hopefully this study can contribute with an interest in further research on the subject. / Syftet med undersökningen är att bidra med kunskap om inkludering i förskolan ur förskollärares perspektiv genom att synliggöra hur förskollärare ser på sitt arbete att inkludera alla barn i förskolan, oavsett barnens förutsättningar eller behov. Kvalitativa intervjuer har använts som forskningsmetod och sex intervjuer har genomförts med verksamma förskollärare. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades sedan i sin helhet, därefter analyserades det insamlade datamaterialet utifrån ett kategoriskt perspektiv och ett relationellt perspektiv. Resultatet redovisar att förskollärarna beskriver att inkludering handlar om att barnen i förskolan ska uppleva delaktighet, meningsfullhet och gemenskap, vilket kan kopplas till en gemenskapsorienterad definition av inkludering. Genom analysen kan ett relationellt perspektiv synliggöras då förskollärarna anser att inkludering i förskolan uppnås genom att skapa en miljö som är tillgänglig för alla barn oavsett behov eller förutsättningar. Resultatet visar även att förskollärare arbetar med att inkludera alla förskolans barn genom att göra miljön tydlig och tillgänglig. De beskriver även att det egna förhållningssättet och kunskaper är betydelsefulla faktorer för att inkludering i förskolan ska kunna uppnås. Förskollärarna lyfter fram att om inkludering ses handla om upplevd delaktighet, meningsfullhet och gemenskap kan inkludering gynna barns utveckling och lärande. Förskollärarna anser även att yttre faktorer kan försvåra och utgöra hinder för inkludering, vilket kan kopplas till de avseenden inkludering ses handla om att alla barn är i samma fysiska rum. Studiens slutsats är att dessa förskollärare har goda kunskaper kring hur de ska arbeta för att inkludera alla barn i förskolan och att de har möjligheten att göra det om de ges rätt förutsättningar och inte hindras av utomstående faktorer. Denna studie kan ses vara relevant att läsa för alla som är intresserade av inkludering i förskolan och förhoppningsvis kan denna studie bidra med ett intresse för vidare forskning kring inkludering i förskolan.

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