Spelling suggestions: "subject:"independence"" "subject:"lndependence""
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Decision Making at College Student NewspapersKelley, Roger 09 April 2012 (has links)
This study provides a literature review of presidential leadership styles, how college presidents communicate with constituencies, shared student governance and independence of student newspapers. The study involved two surveys: one to Pennsylvania college public relations directors and a second to Pennsylvania college student editors. The combined survey results examined whether presidential leadership style affected interactions with faculty, administration and student newspapers. The study concluded that the type of presidential leadership style did not correlate with interactions with student newspapers or the paper's coverage of the president, that there was no correlation between the independence of newspapers and its treatment of the president and that an institution's religious or secular structure had no influence on the president's interactions with the student newspaper. / School of Education / Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program for Education Leaders (IDPEL) / EdD / Dissertation
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Merdeka Papua : integration, independence, or something else?Stiefvater, James January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 151-167). / viii, 167 leaves, bound 29 cm
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ARMA Identification of Graphical ModelsAvventi, Enrico, Lindquist, Anders, Wahlberg, Bo January 2013 (has links)
Consider a Gaussian stationary stochastic vector process with the property that designated pairs of components are conditionally independent given the rest of the components. Such processes can be represented on a graph where the components are nodes and the lack of a connecting link between two nodes signifies conditional independence. This leads to a sparsity pattern in the inverse of the matrix-valued spectral density. Such graphical models find applications in speech, bioinformatics, image processing, econometrics and many other fields, where the problem to fit an autoregressive (AR) model to such a process has been considered. In this paper we take this problem one step further, namely to fit an autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) model to the same data. We develop a theoretical framework and an optimization procedure which also spreads further light on previous approaches and results. This procedure is then applied to the identification problem of estimating the ARMA parameters as well as the topology of the graph from statistical data. / <p>Updated from "Preprint" to "Article" QC 20130627</p>
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The Origin and Setting of the National Goals and Directive Principles in the process of writing the Constitution of Papua New GuineaKari, Sam Sirox January 2005 (has links)
This thesis reveals the origins and meaning of the National Goals and Directive Principles, the processes leading to their tabling, discussion and drafting and the role of the Constitutional Planning Committee and Australia in this process. This thesis investigates for the first time the vision embedded in the National Goals and Directive Principles. The vision of the five National Goals and Directive Principles compelled post- independence governments to deliver social, economic and political development with consideration to equality, economic self-reliance, national sovereignty and protection of the natural environment. The goals were integrated in the constitution of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, however the National Goals and Directive Principles were ignored or only given passing acknowledgement by successive governments. The National Goals and Directive Principles were a road map, which the new nation could follow when the colonial rulers Australia had departed, but some subsequent policies actually contradicted the aspirations, advice and nationalist blueprint declared in the constitution. The translation of the National Goals and Directive Principles to policies implemented by government departments and debated in the House of Assembly comprises the final, but significant, element of this investigation. There has been no major study on the declaration of the National Goals and Directive Principles although 29 years has passed since independence. This thesis reveals the genesis of a national vision and ideas expressed by an educated indigenous elite in Papua New Guinea but mostly influenced by expatriates and foreign consultants over the brief period between responsible government and full independence (1959-1975). The thesis argues that it was more a foreign than home-grown idea that Papua New Guinea would be a viable nation. It identifies the origin of the idea that a nation needed a unifying set of guiding principles and how this vision ended up being embedded in the constitution of the new nation. The central assertion of this thesis is that a vision of the new nation was never agreed upon nor did it emerge from the unique cultures, knowledge and history of Papua New Guinea's people. It argues that Papua New Guinea went through the expected, conventional process of decolonisation and constitution writing, and that declaring a national vision was never central to the rapid development of a political structure. The National Goals and Directive Principles were made to look like a collective indigenous vision, but they emerged from foreign ideas, theory and practice and were used by an educated elite obsessed with and overwhelmed by the rush to take over political and economic power. There was no long-term national vision merely the continuation of the colonial order and the maintenance of borrowed, western ideas, disguised as a national discourse.
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Do helicopter parents cause life turbulence for their offspring? implications of parental psychological control for college students' adjustment /Bendikas, Emily A. January 2010 (has links)
Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 29-43).
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Criticality of the lower domination parameters of graphsCoetzer, Audrey 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Mathematical Sciences. Applied Mathematics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / In this thesis we focus on the lower domination parameters of a graph G, denoted ¼(G), for
¼ 2 {i, ir, °}. For each of these parameters, we are interested in characterizing the structure of
graphs that are critical when faced with small changes such as vertex-removal, edge-addition and
edge-removal. While criticality with respect to independence and domination have been well
documented in the literature, many open questions still remain with regards to irredundance.
In this thesis we answer some of these questions.
First we describe the relationship between transitivity and criticality. This knowledge we then
use to determine under which conditions certain classes of graphs are critical. Each of the
chosen classes of graphs will provide specific examples of different types of criticality. We also
formulate necessary conditions for graphs to be ir-critical and ir-edge-critical.
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'A nation nobler in blood and in antiquity' : Scottish national identity in Gesta Annalia I and Gesta Annalia IIYoung, John Finlay January 2018 (has links)
The origins and development of a sense of Scottish national identity have long been a matter of critical importance for historians of medieval Scotland. Indeed, this was also the case for historians in medieval Scotland itself: this period saw the composition of a number of chronicles that sought to describe the history of Scotland and the Scottish people from their earliest origins until the chroniclers' own time. The dissertation explores ideas of national identity within two medieval Scottish chronicles, known today as Gesta Annalia I and Gesta Annalia II. Taken together, these two chronicles, one written before the Wars of Independence, the other after, can offer valuable insights into the development of the identity of the Scottish kingdom and its people, and the way in which this was affected by the Wars of Independence, providing evidence both of continuity and of contrast. This is of particular interest with respect to their portrayals of the role of the Scottish king and his relationship with the kingdom, given the way in which Robert I and his supporters later apparently attempted to shape the narrative of Scotland's past and the position of its king to their own ends. The dissertation therefore seeks to investigate how such issues of Scotland's identity are presented in Gesta Annalia I and Gesta Annalia II. The first section of the study discusses the construction of these texts. The second then looks at how terms such as 'Scotland' and 'Scot' are understood in the two chronicles, and the relationship between these ideas of the Scottish kingdom and the Scottish people. The third section examines the presentation of the crown, church and language in the chronicles, and the role of these elements in uniting the kingdom and fostering this sense of identity, arguing that the continuity of these ideas between the two texts suggests that many elements of Scotland's national identity were well-established by the later thirteenth century.
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An exploration and study of the human resource management practices in the post-Soviet state of Latvia (public sector) : a study of the journey of HRM from a command controlled politically motivated system of the cadre to present dayCook, Caryn January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the public sector in Latvia and the research question is “what is the nature of transition of Human Resource Management ideologies and paradigms against the backdrop of larger scale dynamic development in Latvia?” The interest within this research is that of the contextual paradigmatic view of Human Resource Management (HRM) (Brewster et al., 2010; Brewster, 1999; Moreley, 2004) exploring the contextual factors, or surrounding antecedents of HRM (Brewster, et al., 2010). The research is a case study of the public sector within the State of Latvia for what became a journey through the complex history of this country revealing a state with a varied and dramatic past which has been subject to various invasions, occupations and subjected to the control and command society of the Soviet Union for a considerable number of years. The journey from Soviet control of the politically motivated ‘cadre’ system into independence has provided a rich source of research exploring how human resource management (HRM) has developed within the public sector. This was investigated as a case study since it is a ‘constant’ in relation to changes and a good indicator of attitudes to management from a national perspective. As well as past ‘models’ or attitudes to HRM from a Soviet perspective, various models of HRM have been explored and discussed, particularly in relation to the universalistic nature of Westernised typologies. The concept of a European model has been considered and discussed with consideration of various ‘clusters’ of practices which take into account cultural aspects, in particular national culture, as an important element within the study. Overarching this is the growing interest in convergence or divergence of HRM as the Central Eastern European states have developed post-independence (Brewster, 2004). The mixed methods approach used is firmly place within the qualitative field or phenomenological approach and explores aspects such as behaviour, perspectives, experiences and feelings (Atkinson et al., 2001; Marshall and Rossman, 2006). The research utilises grounded theory building (Glaser and Straus, 1967; Charmaz, 2014; Bryant and Charmaz, 2007; Strauss and Corbin, 1997; Glaser, 2002)) combining multiple data collection methods taking a pragmatic approach to research. The level of analysis explores the macro, meso and micro level environments of the Latvian public sector. The macro-level concerns interactions between state and society from a broad perspective, fundamentally this is the level where decision-making takes place, the meso-level explores individual ‘behaviours’ embedded in every day social practices shaped or constrained by material and infrastructural contexts and the micro-level of individual behaviour and action). Exploratory research has considered historical accounts along with what was sparse research within the area. A Soviet perspective was considered for the period immediately preceding independence. Elite interviews were carried out followed by a survey questionnaire. The opportunity to enter the organisation and undertake observations was thwarted by a change of government and therefore ‘access’ afforded to the researcher. The findings are integrated throughout this work as is the nature of grounded theory building, and given the paucity of research has become part of a wider social study of a system finding its identity through difficult times. The results and analysis takes into account not only elite interviews and the survey questionnaire but also background historical research. The result is a fertile breeding ground for investigation which offers many avenues for further research. Various questions for future research are raised within the thesis and remain an interest of the researcher to take forward.
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Förväntningsgapet mellan revisor och klient : En kvalitativ studie om dess orsaker och betydelse för revisorns oberoendeKallsäby, Sofia, Hollstrand, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Det finns klienter som har vissa förväntningar på revisionen men det är inte alltid dessa förväntningar stämmer överens med revisorns. Den här skillnaden kallas för förväntningsgap. Revisorns granskning ska genomföras enligt väsentlighet och risk samtidigt som revisorn ska vara oberoende i förhållande till klienten. Syftet med denna studie är att få insikt i hur förväntningsgapet mellan revisorer och deras klienter uppfattas av auktoriserade revisorer och varför fenomenet uppkommer. Vidare syftar även studien till att förklara om revisorns oberoende ställning påverkas av förväntningsgapet. I studien används en kvalitativ metod där författarna genomför fyra stycken intervjuer med auktoriserade revisorer från två olika revisionsbyråer. Resultatet visar på att det går att identifiera olika typer av förväntningsgap och att det finns fler än en anledning till att gapen uppkommer. Den främsta anledningen till varför fenomenet uppkommer är bristen på kommunikation mellan revisor och klient. Det här gäller åt båda håll. Det framgår dessutom att de framtagna förväntningsgapen inte har någon direkt påverkan på revisorns oberoende. Ett indirekt samband skulle dock kunna existera mellan vänskapshotet och förväntningsgapet. / There are clients who have different expectations of the audit, but it is not always as theseexpectations are consistent with the auditor’s. This difference is called expectation gap. Theauditor’s review shall be conducted according to materiality and risk while the auditor should be independent of the client. The purpose of this study is to gain insight into how the expectation gap between auditors and their clients is perceived by authorized auditors and why thephenomenon arises. Furthermore, the study also aims at explaining whether the auditor’sindependent position is affected by the expectation gap. The study uses a qualitative method in which the authors conduct four interviews with authorized auditors from two different audit firms. The result shows that it is possible to identify diverse types of expectations gap and that there is more than one reason for the gaps to arise. The main reason why the phenomenon arises is the lack of communication between the accountant and the client. This applies in both directions. It is also apparent that the expected expectations have no direct impact on theauditor’s independence. However, an indirect relationship could exist between the threat of friendship and the expectation gap.
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Menos plata pero más papas: consecuencias económicas de la independencia en el PerúContreras, Carlos 12 April 2018 (has links)
This articles is divided into two sections: the first presents the most solid quantitative series on Peruvian production and commerce during the transitional period of independence. From the series is can be deduced that emancipation brought with it a contraction of production and commerce which was prolonged well into the second half of the nineteenth century. The second section deals with the characteristics of the state political economy after independence, particularly between 1821 and the 1870s. What stands out is official state neutrality with regards to mining and fiscal mitigation. These measures provoked complaints at the time and brought about the contraction mentioned above. But it also meant a certain amount of wellbeing for the Indians which was manifested in their demographic growth during the nineteenth century. / El artículo se divide en dos secciones: la primera presenta las series cuantitativas más consistentes que se tienen sobre la producción y el comercio del Perú durante la transición de la independencia. Se desprende de ellas que la emancipación trajo consigo una contracción de la producción y el comercio que se prolongó hasta bien entrada la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. La segunda sección aborda los rasgos que caracterizaron a la política económica desplegada por el Estado tras la independencia, concretamente entre 1821 y la década de 1870. Entre estos aspectos se destacan la neutralidad frente a la minería y el alivio fiscal. Estas medidas levantaron quejas en su momento y provocaron la contracción de la producción antes señalada, pero significaron un cierto bienestar para la población indígena, que se manifestó en su robusto crecimiento demográfico durante el siglo XIX.
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