Spelling suggestions: "subject:"independence"" "subject:"lndependence""
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Obligatorisk byrårotation : En studie av internationella erfarenheters applicerbarhet i en svensk miljö / Mandatory audit firm rotation : A study of the applicability of international experiences in a Swedish contextHoverbrant, Nicklas, Sandblom, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Senast den 17 juni 2016 ska Sverige ha implementerat regleringar kring obliga- torisk byrårotation i nationell rätt vilket då kommer kräva att noterade bolag och finansiella företag roterar revisionsbyrå i huvudregel var 10:e år. Målet från EU:s sida med att införa obligatorisk byrårotation i dess medlemsländer är att regleringen ska ha positiva effekter på revisorns oberoende, revisionskvali- teten och konkurrenssituationen på revisionsmarknaden. Syftet med vår studie är att ge ökad förståelse om hur revisionskvaliteten och revisorns oberoende påverkas av ett införande av obligatorisk byrårotation utifrån den forskning som finns internationellt. Eftersom studier kring obliga- torisk byrårotation ännu har kunnat genomföras i Sverige vill vi också bidra med kunskap om hur väl dessa internationella studier kan appliceras i ett svenskt sammanhang. Studien är baserad på inhämtning av sekundärdata där vi utgått från existe- rande forskning kring obligatorisk byrårotation. Val av vårt tillvägagångssätt kan motiveras med att en stor mängd forskning redan existerar och vi har velat samla in data som är så neutral som möjligt. Vår studie visar att resultaten från internationellt genomförda studier tyder på att revisionskvaliteten sjunker vid ett införande av obligatorisk byrårotation. Forskningen visar även att regleringen kan få en motsatt effekt på marknads- dynamiken än vad som önskas. Majoriteten av forskningen visar också att revi- sorns oberoende inte påverkas vid ett införande av obligatorisk byrårotation. I den del av vår studie som behandlade hur väl internationell forskning skulle kunna tillämpas i Sverige fann vi inga belägg på att skillnaderna mellan de un- dersökta länderna och Sverige skulle vara tillräckligt stora för att kunna ifråga- sätta dess applicerbarhet i ett svenskt sammanhang. / June 17, 2016, is the final date for Sweden to implement the new rules regard- ing mandatory audit firm rotation which will require listed and financial com- panies to change their current audit firm every 10 years. The aim of the intro- duction of mandatory audit firm rotation is that the regulation should have positive effects on the independence of auditors, audit quality and the compet- itive situation within the audit market. The aim of this study is to provide a better understanding of how auditor in- dependence and audit quality is affected by the introduction of the regulation on the basis of the available international research. Since there isn’t any Swe- dish research on the subject, we want to contribute knowledge about how well these international studies can be applied in a Swedish context. The study is based on secondary data which is collected from already existing research on mandatory audit firm rotation. The choice of approach in the study can be justified by the fact that much research already exists on the sub- ject and we wanted the data to be as neutral as possible. Our study shows that the results from international research suggest that audit quality will decrease with the introduction of such regulation and that the regu- lation may have an adverse effect on the dynamic of the audit market. A ma- jority of the research suggests that auditor independence is not affected by the introduction of mandatory audit firm rotation. In the part of our study, which dealt with how well international research is applicable in Sweden, we found no evidence that the difference between the examined countries and Sweden would be large enough to allow us to question the research applicability in a Swedish context.
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Att anmäla eller att inte anmäla, det är frågan... : Hur kan brist i oberoende påverka revisorns anmälningsplikt / To report or not to report, that is the question : How can a lack of auditor independence affect the reporting obligationLingebrant, Kristina, Sandell, Evelina January 2016 (has links)
Problemformulering: För att minska beroendet i noterade bolag kommer nya reglerkring rotation införas. I onoterade bolag finns det inga reglerkring detta, kravet på revisorns oberoende är dock detsamma. Hur skulle ett införande av rotationsregel påverka beroendet och har det någon inverkan på revisorns vilja att anmäla ekonomisk brottslighet? En relation kan trots allt ändra mycket i hur man tänker och hur man agerar… Syfte: Syftet är att se hur kravet på revisorns oberoende påverkas av att det i Sverige inte finns någon rotationsregel och om detta påverkar revisorns anmälningsplikt av ekonomiskbrottslighet. Metod: Studien har genomförts genom en kvalitativ metod. För att samla in empiriska data har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Resultat: Studien kom fram till att en rotationsregel skulle minska beroendet, det skulle dock kosta mer än vad det ger och därav är det ingen bra lösning. Vidare har studien visat att en brist i revisorns oberoende påverkar viljan att anmäla ekonomisk brottslighet. Denna ovilja syns främst när hoten mot oberoendet handlar om vänskap, jäv eller intäkter. / Problem definition: In order to reduce the dependency in listed companies, new rules of rotation will be established. For unlisted companies there are no existing rules and there will not be any, however the requirement of auditor independence is the same. How would an introduction of a rotation rule affect the auditor independence and would there be any effect on the auditor’s willingness to report crimes of economic nature. After all a relationship can change the way you think and act. Purpose: The purpose is to see how the requirement of auditor independence is affected by the lack of a rotation rule in Sweden and if this has any affect on the auditors reporting obligation. Method: The study was conducted through a qualitative method. To collect the empirical data, semi-structured interviews were used. Conclusion: The study concludes that a rotation rule would reduce the dependence, however this may not be a good solution as the costs exceeds the benefits. Further the study concludes that a lack of auditor independence affects the willingness to report crimes of economic nature. This reluctance appears mainly when the independence is threated by friendship, conflict of interest or revenues from clients.
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Revisorns oberoende : En kvantitativ studie av revisorers upplevda press och revisionsutskotts inverkan på upplevd press / Auditor independence : A quantitative study of the auditors perceived pressure and audit committees' impact on perceived pressureJangenfeldt, Andreas, Schröder, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Vårt första delsyfte med den här studien är att undersöka om press är ett hot mot revisorns oberoende genom att undersöka om det är skillnad på den press revisorer upplever och den press de bedömer att de klarar av. Vårt andra delsyfte är att redogöra för hur och i vilken omfattning ett revisionsutskotts existens kan sänka revisorns upplevda press och därmed stärka revisorns oberoende. Metod: Denna studie är utförd med kvantitativ metod. Data har samlats in med hjälp av dataenkäter som har skickats via e-post till 316 revisorer i Sverige som arbetar med noterade bolag. Revisorerna har skattat sin upplevda press från klienterna med hjälp av Borg CR100 (centiMax) Scale®. Analys av data har utförts med korrelationsanalys, regressionsanalys och t-test med hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat & slutsats: Vi fann signifikant skillnad mellan den press revisorerna upplever och den press revisorerna bedömer att de skulle klara av innan de godkänner en felaktig finansiell rapport. Studien indikerar en liten skillnad i upplevd press vid revision av företag med revisionsutskott jämfört med revision av företag utan revisionsutskott. Dock var denna skillnad inte signifikant. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: I kapitel 5.5 tar vi upp förslag till fortsatt forskning varvid huvudfrågorna vi diskuterar är följande: hur sammansättningen av revisionsutskotten påverkar revisionsutskottens effektivitet, vad som orsakar de stora skillnaderna i huruvida revisorerna upplever press eller inte från VD och styrelse och hur hälsan påverkas av den press revisorerna bedömer att de upplever. Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen bidrar med empiriskt underlag för fortsatt forskning då denna studie är den första i sitt slag som har utförts i Sverige. Vidare bidrar studien praktiskt till en ökad kunskap om hur mycket press en revisor upplever i förhållande till vad en revisor bedömer att de klarar av samt hur revisionsutskott påverkar revisorns upplevda press. / Aim: Our first subsidiary aim of this study is to investigate whether the pressure is a threat to auditor's independence by investigating whether there is a difference between the pressure experienced by auditors and the pressures they estimate that they can handle. Our second subsidiary aim is to explain how and to what extent an audit committees' existence can lower the auditor's perceived pressure and thereby strengthen the auditor's independence. Method: This study is conducted by a quantitative method. Data were collected using data questionnaires sent by e - mail to 316 auditors in Sweden working with listed companies. The auditor has estimated his or hers perceived pressure from clients using the Borg CR100 (centiMax) Scale®. Data analysis has been performed by correlation analysis, regression analysis, and t-test with the statistical program SPSS. Result & Conclusions: We found a significant difference between the experienced pressure by auditors and the pressure auditors estimated that they could handle before approving a false financial report. The study indicates a small difference in the perceived pressure for audits in co-operation with companies with audit committees, compared with companies without audit committees. However, the difference was not significant. Suggestions for further research: In Chapter 5.5 we bring up suggestions for further research and the main issues we discuss are: how the composition of audit committees influences audit committees' effectiveness, what the large differences in whether the auditors are experiencing pressure or not from the President and Board of the company are caused by and how the health is affected by the estimated pressure auditors experiencing. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with the empirical foundation for continued research because this study is the first of its kind in Sweden. Furthermore, the study contributes practically to a greater knowledge of how much pressure an accountant experience in relation to what the auditor believes that they are capable of and how audit committees affect the auditor's perceived pressure.
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Ekonomisk förlust för revisionsbyråer : En studie över revisorers fortlevnadsvarningar i Sverige / Financial Loss for Audit Firms : A Study of Auditors’ Going Concern Modified Opinions in SwedenArvidsson Wallberg, Angelica, Åhlén, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Inom revisionsbranschen har rapporteringen om ett företags fortlevnad under en lång tid varit ett omtvistat ämne. Detta specifikt till följd av revisorsskandaler, då företag gått i konkurs utan att ha erhållit en fortlevnadsvarning från sin revisor. I redovisningslitteraturen finns det motstridiga argument kring huruvida revisorer anses oberoende eller inte utifrån deras benägenhet att utfärda fortlevnadsvarningar och de finansiella incitament som finns. Uppsatsens syfte är att: Undersöka om det finns något samband mellan utfärdandet av fortlevnadsvarningar och ekonomisk förlust för revisionsbyrån. Metod: Utifrån tidigare forskning har forskningsbara hypoteser deducerats fram, vilka sedan undersökts empiriskt. En kvantitativ metod har använts för att samla in data från svenska företags årsredovisningar åren 2011-2014. Dessa data har sedan testats och analyserats i ett statistikprogram och har därefter redovisats i olika tabeller. Resultat & slutsats: Denna studie har funnit bevis för den självuppfyllande profetian, vilket indikerar att revisorer drar sig för att utfärda fortlevnadsvarningar. Gällande undersökningen kring ekonomiska incitament som hot mot revisorns oberoende, ger denna studie bevis på att storleken på NAS-arvodet kan utgöra ett potentiellt hot. Studiens resultat visar även att det inte finns någon kvalitetsskillnad mellan Big 4 och icke Big 4 revisorer när det gäller utfärdandet av fortlevnadsvarningar. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Förslag till fortsatt forskning är att kombinera de finansiella faktorerna med de icke finansiella faktorerna för att studera revisorers oberoende. En tredje begränsning med uppsatsen är att vi utgått från revisorns perspektiv, vilket innebär att förslag till fortsatt forskning är att byta till företagens perspektiv eller kombinera dessa. Uppsatsens bidrag: Denna uppsats har bidragit med mer kunskap kring den självuppfyllande profetian, ekonomiska incitaments påverkan på revisorns oberoende. Uppsatsen har även bidragit med ytterligare förståelse kring hur problematiskt det kan vara att utfärda en fortlevnadsvarning. / Aim: The reporting of an organizations going concern has been center for debate during a long period of time. This is mainly due to auditing scandals where organizations have gone bankrupt without a modified going concern opinion from their auditor. In accounting literature there are conflicting claims about whether auditors are considered independent or not due to their tendency to issue a going concern modified opinion and the influence financial incentives have on auditor independence. The aim of this essay is to: Examine if there is a relation between the tendency to issue a going concern modified opinion and the financial loss for the audit firm. Method: From previous research hypotheses have been deduced. These hypotheses have then empirically been studied. A quantitative method was used to gather data from Swedish companies’ annual reports from the year 2011-2014. After gathering the data, it was tested and analyzed with a stats program and then presented in different tables. Result & Conclusions: This study has found evidence of the self-fulfilling prophecy, which indicates that the auditor withdraws from issuing a going concern modified opinion. Regarding the financial incentives as threats of audit independence, this study gives evidence that the size of Non-audit service fees poses a potential threat. The results of the study also show that there is no significant difference in quality between Big 4 and Non-Big 4 auditors regarding the issuance of going concern modified opinions. Suggestions for future research: In this study the financial factors have been taken into account, a combination of both the financial and non-financial factors is the suggestion for future research. A third limitation of this study is that is based upon the auditors’ perspective, therefore a study based solely on the companies' perspective or a combination of both is our suggestion for future research. Contribution of the thesis: This thesis contributes with more knowledge to the accounting literature. The study has provided more knowledge about the self-fulfilling prophecy, financial incentives on audit independence and the quality among Big 4 and non-Big 4 audit firms. This thesis has also contributed to further understanding of how problematic it can be for an auditor to issue a going concern modified opinion.
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La constitutionnalisation de la juridiction inhérente au Canada : origines et fondementsDesjardins Mallette, Jonathan 03 1900 (has links)
Bien que la juridiction inhérente des cours superIeures constitue une notion souvent
utilisée par les tribunaux au Canada, plusieurs facettes importantes de cette notion
demeurent inconnues et incomprises. Le présent mémoire s'attarde à retracer l'origine
et les fondements des pouvoirs inhérents afin d'en expliquer la constitutionnalisation
dans l'ordre constitutionnel canadien contemporain. Pour ce faire, nous avons retracé
l'essence des pouvoirs inhérents au moyen d'une démarche historique afin d'énoncer
une théorie constitutionnelle cohérente des pouvoirs inhérents qui permettra de juger du
bien-fondé de leurs nombreuses manifestations contemporaines. L'enchâssement de la
juridiction inhérente dans la Constitution canadienne repose sur le statut, la nature et les
caractéristiques uniques des cours supérieures. Plus particulièrement, le principe
constitutionnel de l'indépendance judiciaire constitue le fondement contemporain de la
constitutionnalisation de la juridiction inhérente. Cette constatation permet alors
d'avancer l'idée selon laquelle les pouvoirs inhérents nécessaires au maintien de
l'indépendance judiciaire des cours supérieures doivent être élevés au rang de normes
constitutionnelles supralégislatives. / The inherent jurisdiction of the superior courts is frequently used by the courts in
Canada. However, many of its major aspects are still unknown or misunderstood. This
paper tries to identify the origins and foundations of the inherent jurisdiction to explain
its constitutionalization in contemporary Canadian constitution law. To achieve this
purpose, we retrace the essence of the inherent powers by way of an historical approach.
This allows us to construct a coherent constitutional theory of the inherent jurisdiction
which will be useful to evaluate the legitimacy and appropriateness of its manifold
modern uses. The constitutionalization of the inherent jurisdiction rests on the unique
status, nature and characteristics of the superior courts in Canada. More specifically, the
constitutional principle of judicial independence is the modern foundation of the
constitutionalization of the inherent jurisdiction. This assertion allows us to advance the
idea that the inherent powers needed to maintain the judicial independence of the
superior courts must be elevated to the level of supralegislative norms.
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The Prostitution of Self-Determination by Hitler in AustriaBates, Stephen S. 01 1900 (has links)
The right of national independence, which came to be called the principle of self-determination, is, in general terms, the belief that each nation has a right to constitute an independent state and determine its own government. It will be the thesis of this paper to show that the Nazi regime under the rule of Adolph Hitler took this principle as its own insofar as its relations with other nations were concerned, but while they paid lip service to the principle, it was in fact being prostituted to the fullest degree in the case of Austria and the Anschluss of 1938.
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Field Dependence and the Effectiveness of Training in Two Selected Orientations to CounselingJohnson, Mildred Ann 08 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the effect of Witkin's cognitive-style variable on training success in two different orientations to counseling. Field-dependent individuals exhibit more social orientation, social compliance, and emotional warmth than field-independent individuals. Conversely, field-independent individuals exhibit more internal directedness, achievement orientation, emotional distance, and analytical task orientation than field-dependent individuals. Traits associated with field dependence appeared more complementary to an interpersonal-skills counseling approach, while traits associated with field independence appeared more complementary to behavior-modification techniques. Thus it was hypothesized that field-dependent individuals would be significantly more successful and satisfied with interpersonal skills training than would field-independent individuals, and that field-independent individuals would be more successful and satisfied with behavior modification training.
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Arcivévodkyně Leopoldina Habsburská, císařovna Brazílie / The Archduchess Leopoldina of Austria, the Habsburg empress of BrazilJilemnická, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the historical figure of Leopoldina of Austria, daughter of the Austrian Emperor Francis I. Married in 1817 with the Portuguese Prince Pedro, the future emperor of Brazil. Chapter one. Introduces the reader in the context of the Portugal of the beginning of the nineteenth century including the departure of the royal court to Brazil and events occured during the period 1808 - 1822 in Brazil that led to the declaration of independence. Chapter two. Devoted to the Archduchess Leopoldina and her biography, with an important remark to the links established between Central Europe and Brazil, thanks to the marriage of Leopoldina and Pedro. Chapter three. Refers to Leopoldina's contribution to the independence of Brazil, which is neglected by some historians. The chapter describes the two main currents developed by historians: That one that attributes the independence achievement mainly to Pedro I, neglecting the influence of the Empress Consort on the process, revised through a selection of handbooks of Brazilian history; and the one, supported in the writings of Karl H. Oberackera Jr., assigning to Leopoldina a fundamental role during the declaration of independence of Brazil. Key words: Leopoldina of Austria, declaration of independence, Pedro I
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Centrální banka, její postavení a činnost / The Central Bank, its position and activitiesVeselý, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to describe the functioning of the central bank, the historical development of the Czech National Bank, its organizational structure and internal decision-making mechanisms, activities carried out, its purpose, function and objectives and to incorporate it in the legal system of the Czech Republic. This thesis addresses the involvement of the Czech National Bank for the European System of Central Banks, the functioning of the European Central Bank and the aforementioned European System of Central Banks. Part of the work is devoted to the process of adopting the euro and the relation between Czech Republic this currency. The thesis gives a comprehensive view of the functioning of the Czech National Bank. Thesis is divided into several chapters, and each chapter neatly summarized some part of the whole and to ensure easy orientation at work. The work is drawn from literature, case law and legislation. The work includes the connection of the scientific literature and the author's views. There is a widely used quotes personalities and capabilities in their field and provisions of the legislation, so that the work was valuable informative.
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Centrální banka, její postavení a činnost / The Central Bank, its position and activitiesVeselý, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to describe the functioning of the central bank, the historical development of the Czech National Bank, its organizational structure and internal decision-making mechanisms, activities carried out, its purpose, function and objectives and to incorporate it in the legal system of the Czech Republic. This thesis addresses the involvement of the Czech National Bank for the European System of Central Banks, the functioning of the European Central Bank and the aforementioned European System of Central Banks. Part of the work is devoted to the process of adopting the euro and the relation between Czech Republic this currency. The thesis gives a comprehensive view of the functioning of the Czech National Bank. Thesis is divided into several chapters, and each chapter neatly summarized some part of the whole and to ensure easy orientation at work. The work is drawn from literature, case law and legislation. The work includes the connection of the scientific literature and the author's views. There is a widely used quotes personalities and capabilities in their field and provisions of the legislation, so that the work was valuable informative.
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