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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epidemiologia e bioquímica do controle do oídio do meloeiro por silício / Epidemiology and biochemistry of powdery mildew control on melon by silicon

Leandro José Dallagnol 21 January 2011 (has links)
Embora não seja reconhecido como um nutriente essencial, o silício (Si) reduz a severidade de oídios em diversas espécies vegetais quando acumulado na parte aérea. Contudo, apesar deste efeito benéfico ser amplamente relatado na literatura, ainda pouco se sabe dos mecanismos envolvidos. Este estudo avaliou o efeito das aplicações foliar e radicular de silicato de potássio, uma importante fonte de Si solúvel, na severidade de oídio e na indução de mecanismos de defesa pós-infecção em meloeiro. Os efeitos na doença foram avaliados em plantas inoculadas artificialmente ou naturalmente mantidas em casa de vegetação através da mensuração da dinâmica da epidemia e de seus componentes. Os resultados indicaram que tanto aplicações foliares como radiculares de silicato de potássio reduziram a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença em 65% e 73%, respectivamente, comparadas ao tratamento controle sem aplicação. Tal redução foi resultado da alteração dos seguintes componentes epidemiológicos: eficiência de infecção, taxa de expansão da colônia, área da colônia, produção de conídios por área colonizada e taxa de progresso da epidemia. Contudo, a aplicação radicular foi mais eficiente que a foliar em atrasar o início da epidemia e em reduzir todos os componentes epidemiológicos, exceto a eficiência de infecção. A maior eficiência do silicato de potássio quando aplicado via raiz decorreu da maior concentração foliar do Si, a qual induziu uma antecipação (efeito priming) e um aumento da intensidade de expressão de mecanismos de defesa, fenômenos que não foram detectados no tratamento foliar. A aplicação radicular resultou na alteração de enzimas envolvidas na produção e catabolismo de espécies reativas de oxigênio, onde foi verificado aumento na atividade das enzimas superóxido dismutases e redução na atividade das enzimas catalases, principalmente nas primeiras 96 horas após a inoculação. O efeito priming também foi observado para as enzimas peroxidases, 1,3(4)-glucanases e quitinases e para o acúmulo de compostos fenólicos. Neste tratamento também ocorreu aumento na concentração de lignina em resposta à inoculação, contudo a concentração de malondialdeído foi reduzida, indicando que o Si aplicado nesta forma aliviou o estresse oxidativo sobre os lipídeos das membranas celulares da planta. Por outro lado, quando o silicato de potássio foi aplicado via foliar apenas a deposição de lignina aumentou comparado ao tratamento controle. Assim, depreende-se que os mecanismos de atuação do Si no controle da doença quando aplicado nesta forma, são distintos e envolvem, segundo a literatura, a formação de uma barreira físicoquímica sobre a cutícula resultado da polimerização do silicato de potássio. Tomados em conjunto, os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que o Si tem papel ativo na modulação do sistema de defesa da planta, mas que sua efetividade depende de sua presença na forma solúvel no interior da planta, obtido por meio de sua absorção via raiz. Não obstante, os efeitos do silicato de potássio aqui relatados permitem concluir que a incorporação do produto a um sistema de manejo integrado, principalmente se fornecido via sistema radicular, terá efeitos positivos tanto na redução da epidemia de oídio como no meio ambiente, neste caso em função da redução no uso de fungicidas. / Silicon (Si) is not considered an essential nutrient of plants, but when it accumulates in the shoots it reduces powdery mildew severity on several species. However, despite this beneficial effect being widely reported in the literature, the mechanisms involved are still little understood. In this study, the effects of both foliar and root applications of potassium silicate, an important soluble source of Si, on the severity of powdery mildew and on the induction of postinfection defense mechanisms of melon were evaluated. Treatment effects were assessed by measuring the epidemics dynamic and its components in both artificially and naturally inoculated plants kept in the greenhouse. Results showed that the area under the disease progress curve was reduced by 65% and 73%, respectively by foliar and root application of potassium silicate, compared to control plants that were not supplied with potassium silicate. This effect accrued from the reduction of the infection efficiency, colony expansion rate, colony area, conidia production per colonized area and the epidemic progress rate. However, root application was more effective than foliar application on both delaying the onset of the epidemic and reducing most epidemic components, except for the infection efficiency. The greater efficiency of potassium silicate in controlling the disease when supplied via roots by irrigation correlated with higher foliar concentrations of Si which induced both a priming effect and increased expression of key defense responses. These phenomena, however, were not observed when potassium silicate was sprayed on leaves. Root supply of Si altered the activity of enzymes involved in the production and catabolism of reactive oxygen species, resulting in the increased activity of superoxide dismutase and reduced activity of catalases mainly in the first 96 hours after inoculation. Root application also primed the activity of peroxidases, 1,3(4)-glucanases, chitinases and the accumulation of phenolic compounds. Lignin concentration also increased in response to inoculation while the concentration of malondialdeide reduced indicating that Si decreased the oxidation of lipids of the plant cell membranes. In contrast, when Si was sprayed on the leaves, only an increase in lignin deposition was observed compared to the control treatment. Thus, it appears that the mechanisms of powdery mildew control in this case are distinct and, according to literature data, could include the formation of a physical-chemical barrier on the cuticle as the result of potassium silicate polymerization. Taken together, the results showed that Si plays an active role in modulating the host defense system, but only when present in the soluble form inside the plant which can be achieved by root uptake. Nevertheless, the effects of potassium silicate reported here allowed concluding that the inclusion of this compound in an integrated management system, mainly if supplied via roots, will render positive effects both on reducing the disease in melon plants and on the environment, in this case through reducing the use of fungicides.

Phenotypic variation in host quality of pines for the European pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifer)

Chorbadjian, Rodrigo A. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Wechselwirkung zwischen Schwarzerlen und Erlenblattkäfer: Signaltransfer zwischen Bäumen und induzierte Resistenz / Relationship between black alders and black alder leaf beetle: interplant signal transfer and induced resistance

Thiessen, Sabine 01 November 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Transporte em nanoestruturas: fenômenos quânticos em poços duplos e triplos / Transport in nanostructures: quantum phenomena in double and triple quantum wells

Momtaz, Zahra Sadre 22 March 2016 (has links)
Nesta tese apresentamos os estudos de magnetotransporte em poços quânticos largos,\\\\ estreitos e triplos em campos magnéticos baixos. Dependendo dos estudos desejados, me-\\\\dimos a magnetoresistência em regime linear e não linear e sob a aplicação de corrente AC, irradiação de microondas e em gradiente de temperatura ao longo das amostras. Relatamos a observação de efeitos não lineares de corrente alternada em oscilações magneto-inter-sub-bandas de poços quânticos triplos. A oscilação MIS em sistemas de poços quânticos individuais e duplos e também os efeitos não lineares devido à corrente contínua foram estudados antes nestes sistemas. Nossos resultados são explicados de acordo com um modelo generalizado baseado na parte de não equilíbrio da função de distribuição de elétrons. A magnetorresistência não local sob irradiação de microondas é também estudada nesta tese. Os resultados obtidos proporcionam evidências para uma corrente de estado de borda estabilizada por irradiação de microondas, devido às ressonâncias não lineares e foram descritas por um modelo baseado em dinâmica não linear e mapa padrão de Chirikov. Finalmente, observamos uma correlação estreita entre as oscilações de resistência e oscilações de tensão de arraste do fônon induzidas por irradiação de microondas em um sistema bidimensional de eletrons sob campo magnético perpendicular. A influência da resistividade de dissipação modificada por microondas na tensão de arraste do fônon perpendicular ao fluxo de fônons pode explicar nossas observações. Além disso, características nítidas observadas na tensão de arraste do fônon sugerem que os domínios de corrente associados a estes estados podem existir na ausência de condução DC externa. / In this thesis, we present the studies of magneto-transport in narrow , wide and triple quantum wells in low magnetic fields. Depending on the desired studies, we have measured the magneto-resistance both in linear and nonlinear regimes and under the application of AC current, microwave irradiation and temperature gradient along the samples. We have reported the observation of nonlinear effects of AC current on magneto-inter-sub-band oscillations (MIS) of triple quantum wells (TQWs). The MIS oscillations in single and double quantum well system and also nonlinear effects due to DC current have been studied before in these systems. Our results are explained according to a generalized model based on non-equilibrium part of electron distribution function. The nonlocal magneto-resistance under microwave irradiation is also studied within this thesis. The obtained results provide evidence for an edge-state current stabilized by microwave irradiation due to nonlinear resonances and have been described by a model based on the nonlinear dynamics and Chirikov standard map. Finally, we have observed the phonon-drag voltage oscillations correlating with the resistance oscillations under microwave irradiation in a two-dimensional electron gas in perpendicular magnetic field. The influence of dissipative resistivity modified by microwave on phonon-drag voltage perpendicular to the phonon flux can explain our observations. Moreover, sharp features observed in phonon drag voltage suggest the current domains associated with these states can exist in the absence of external DC driving.

Indução de resistência em feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) por acibenzolar-S-metil e Bacillus cereus: aspectos fisiológicos, bioquímicos e parâmetros de crescimento e produção\" / Resistance induced in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) by acibenzolar-S-methyl and Bacillus cereus: physiological and biochemical aspects, growth and production parameters

Kuhn, Odair José 26 February 2007 (has links)
A indução de resistência envolve a ativação de mecanismos de defesa latentes existentes nas plantas em resposta ao tratamento com agentes bióticos ou abióticos. As plantas apresentam sistema de defesa induzível, com a finalidade de economizar energia. Desse modo, a resistência induzida em condições naturais representará custo apenas na presença do patógeno. Porém, plantas que investem seus recursos para se defenderem na ausência de patógenos arcarão com custos que refletirão na produtividade, uma vez que as alterações metabólicas que levam a resistência apresentam custo adaptativo associado, o qual pode pesar mais do que o benefício. O efeito negativo na produtividade ocorre principalmente onde indutores químicos são utilizados repetidas vezes ou em doses mais elevadas. Assim, em alguns casos podemos estar caminhando sobre uma estreita linha entre custo e benefício, onde a cura pode ser tão ruim quanto a própria doença. Neste trabalho foram conduzidos experimentos objetivando verificar alterações bioquímicas e fisiológicas, correlacionando-as com parâmetros de produção do feijoeiro entre a indução mediada por acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM), indutor químico, e, a mediada por Bacillus cereus, indutor biológico, antes da chegada do patógeno. Para tanto, foram avaliados plantas de feijão, induzidas por esses dois indutores e desafiadas com Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, para constatar a ocorrência do fenômeno da indução de resistência. Na ausência do patógeno, foram avaliados os parâmetros fisiológicos respiração e fotossíntese, determinada a atividade de enzimas envolvidas no processo de defesa como peroxidase, quitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, fenilalanina amônia-liase e polifenoloxidase e a atividade de enzimas envolvidas no catabolismo como proteases, a síntese de compostos do metabolismo secundário como fenóis totais e lignina, a síntese de compostos do metabolismo primário como proteínas e açúcares redutores. Também se avaliou o crescimento das plantas, a produtividade e parâmetros de produção e alguns parâmetros de qualidade dos grãos. Observou-se a ocorrência da indução de resistência em função da aplicação dos dois indutores utilizados, porém para o indutor ASM a indução de resistência estava associada a aumentos na atividade de peroxidase, quitinase, β-1,3-glucanase e proteases, aumento da síntese de lignina e redução no teor de fenóis, aumentos no teor de proteínas solúveis e de açúcares redutores nas folhas, redução do crescimento e da produtividade, aumento do teor de proteína dos grãos e redução do teor de amido nestes. Já o B. cereus apenas ocasionou aumento na atividade de peroxidase de forma atenuada e tendeu a aumentar a atividade de proteases, e reduzir o teor de proteínas nas folhas sem interferir no crescimento ou na produtividade, mas reduziu o teor de proteína dos grãos, mas aumentou o teor de amido nestes. Portanto, o indutor B. cereus , aparentemente alterou muito pouco o metabolismo do feijoeiro, sem interferir na produtividade e melhorando a qualidade da produção, enquanto que o indutor abiótico ASM alterou muito mais seu metabolismo, gerando um custo metabólico e redirecionando os fotoassimilados para investir em defesas, a custo da redução da produtividade. / The induction of systemic resistance involves the activation of latent resistance mechanisms in plants against pathogens in response to the treatment with biotic or abiotic agents. The plants present latent defense system that can be activated with the goal of saving energy. Thus, the induced resistance under natural conditions will represent cost only in the pathogen presence. In this way, plants that invest their resources to defend themselves in the absence of the pathogen will pay off with costs that will reflect in productivity, since the metabolic changes that led to resistance have associated fitness cost which could outweigh the benefit. The negative effects on plant productivity usually occur when chemical inducers are used repeatedly or in higher doses, mainly in the absence of the pathogen. Thus, we can say that in some cases we can be walking on a fine line between cost and benefit, where the cure may be as bad as the disease itself. In this work, experiments were carry out to verify biochemical and physiologic alterations, correlating them with production parameters of bean plants treated with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), chemical inducer, or Bacillus cereus , biological inducer, before the pathogen arrival. Initially, bean plants were evaluated for induced resistance against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli when treated with the two inducers. In the absence of the pathogen, it was evaluated the physiological parameters respiration and photosynthesis and the activity of enzymes involved in the defense as peroxidase, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and polifenoloxidase and activity of enzymes involved in the catabolism as proteases, and the synthesis of compounds of the secondary metabolism as phenols and lignin, and the synthesis of compounds of the primary metabolism as proteins and sugars. The growth of the plants was evaluated as well as their productivity and production parameters. Some quality parameters of the grains were also evaluated. The occurrence of the resistance induced in the bean plants against the pathogens was observed for the two inducers. However, for the ASM the resistance induced was associated to increases in peroxidase, chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase activities, increase in the protease activity, increase in lignin synthesis and reduction in the phenol content, increase in soluble proteins and sugar content in the leaves, reduction of the growth and productivity, increasing the protein and reducing the starch content of the grains. The B. cereus only increased peroxidase activity in a lower way and showed a tendency to increase protease activity, and to reduce the protein content in the leaves without interfering in the growth or in the productivity, but it reduced the protein content and it increased the starch content of the grains. Therefore, the biotic inducer, B. cereus altered a minimum the metabolism of the bean plant, without interfering in the productivity and improving the quality of the production, while the abiotic inducer ASM altered its metabolism, generating a metabolic cost and consuming the plant photosyntathes to invest in defenses, causing a reduction in the productivity.

Lutte biologique contre un champignon pathogène impliqué dans l’esca de la vigne, par utilisation de l’oomycète Pythium oligandrum / Biological control by the oomycete, Pythium oligandrum, of a pathogenic fungus involved in esca, a grapevine trunk disease

Gerbore, Jonathan 24 October 2013 (has links)
Les recherches sur la lutte biologique (ou biocontrôle) par utilisation de micro-organismes connaissent un essor remarquable, les applications au champ étant cependant encore limitées en raison des variations d’efficacité dans la protection des plantes. Celles-ci sont souvent imputées à la non persistance des agents de biocontrôle dans la rhizosphère ou sur le végétal qu’ils sont censés protéger. Afin de réduire ce risque, une solution consiste à utiliser des micro-organismes isolés du végétal que l’on souhaite protéger. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, Pythium oligandrum, un oomycète colonisateur de la rhizosphère de nombreuses plantes dont la vigne, a été étudié pour lutter contre l’esca, une maladie du bois de la vigne pour laquelle il n’existe actuellement aucune méthode de lutte disponible. Des souches de P. oligandrum ont été isolées de la rhizosphère de ceps cultivés dans 3 régions viticoles (12 vignobles) du Bordelais présentant des sols variés : argilo-calcaire, sable-graveleux et graveleux. Les analyses des communautés fongiques et bactériennes obtenues par empreinte moléculaire (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism) ont montré que, contrairement aux bactéries, les espèces fongiques différaient selon les régions. Des Pythium spp. aux oospores échinulées ont été isolées à partir des racines des ceps échantillonnés, avec une prédominance de P. oligandrum (séquençage de la région ITS). L’analyse des séquences des gènes codant pour le cytochrome oxydase I et une tubuline a permis de constituer 3 groupes de souches. Le séquençage d’autres gènes codant pour des protéines « élicitines-like » a indiqué que chaque souche présentait au moins un gène codant pour chacun des 2 types d’éliciteurs de P. oligandrum : l’oligandrine et les protéines de la paroi cellulaire (CWPs). Il apparaît que le type de sol et la microflore associée à la rhizosphère n’exerceraient pas une influence suffisante pour que la structure génétique des populations de P. oligandrum soient associées à un contexte tellurique particulier. En revanche, le type de porte-greffe et la méthode de désherbage (chimique ou mécanique) pourraient avoir une incidence sur la colonisation racinaire par P. oligandrum. Les relations entre P. oligandrum et les racines de la vigne ont été étudiées par analyse transcriptomique (microarray Vitis vinifera de 29 549 gènes). Les résultats obtenus montrent que de jeunes plants de vigne ont répondu à la colonisation racinaire par P. oligandrum en modifiant l’expression de gènes intervenant dans plusieurs voies métaboliques. Deux aspects a priori opposés ont été observés : P. oligandrum serait perçu comme (1) un agresseur contre lequel la plante a mis en place des réactions de défense mais en même temps, comme (2) un micro-organisme symbiotique car un certain nombre de modifications transcriptionnelles étaient similaires à celles reportées dans les interactions rhyzosphèriques symbiotiques (e.g. forte stimulation de gènes codant pour des subtilases). Un essai visant à induire chez la vigne une protection contre un champignon pathogène impliqué dans l’esca, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, grâce à P. oligandrum, a été réalisé. La colonisation des racines par P. oligandrum a été associée à une réduction de la longueur des nécroses dues à P. chlamydospora. En adéquation avec ce résultat, l’analyse transcriptomique par RT-PCRq et microarrays a montré une surexpression de la voie de l’éthylène. Plusieurs gènes spécifiquement induits constitueraient des marqueurs de résistance qu’il conviendra de valider lors de prochaines expérimentations. / Biocontrol research based on the use of microorganisms is expanding very rapidly. However, the use of such bioncontrol agents is still too inconsistent to effectively protect plants in field applications. This phenomenon is often attributed to the non-persistence of biocontrol agents in the rhizosphere or on the plants. In order to reduce the risk of this happening, one solution consists in using microorganisms that are isolated from the plants needing protection. In this thesis, an oomycete called Pythium oligandrum, which colonizes the rhizosphere of many plants, including grapevine, was assessed for the control of esca, a grapevine trunk disease for which no control method is currently available. P. oligandrum strains have been isolated from the rhizosphere of vines cultivated in 3 wine-growing regions (12 grapevines) of Bordeaux with different types of soil: stony-sandy, silty and stony. Analyses of fungal and bacterial communities using a molecular fingerprinting method (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism) showed that, unlike bacteria, the fungal species varied according to the sampling region. Roots of all the vines sampled were colonized by echinulated-oospore Pythium spp., with P. oligandrum strains predominating. Phylogenetic analyses based on the genes encoding the cytochrome oxidase I and one tubulin allowed these strains to be clustered into three groups. The sequencing of the elicitin-like genes, whose proteins are key components in inducing systemic resistance in plants, showed that each strain held at least one gene encoding for each of the two kinds of P. oligandrum elicitors (i.e. oligandrin and Cell Wall Proteins). Sequencing and molecular fingerprinting analyses showed thus that the type of soil and the rhizosphere microbiota did not shape the population structure of P. oligandrum. However, other factors such as the different kinds of rootstock and weeding management can also have an influence on the root colonization by P. oligandrum. The relationship between P. oligandrum and grapevine was studied using a transcriptomic approach (microarray Vitis vinifera, 29 549 genes). The results highlighted the modifications induced by young vines in response to P. oligandrum root colonization, in the genetic expression of several genes belonging to different metabolic pathways. Two aspects, that are usually opposed, were observed: P. oligandrum was perceived by the plant either (i) as a pathogen because certain defence reactions were triggered (e.g. calcium signalling, resistance genes, abscissic acid metabolism) or as (ii) a symbiotic microorganism since several transcriptional changes were similar to those reported in symbiotic interactions (e.g. induction of subtilase genes). An assay aimed at protecting grapevine against a pathogenic fungus involved in esca, and known to be responsible for wood necrosis, i.e. Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, was carried out. The root colonization by P. oligandrum was associated with a reduction in the length of necroses. In line with this result, transcriptomic analyses by microarrays and RT-qPCR showed overexpression of several genes, particularly those of the ethylene pathway. Some of these induced genes could be thus used as resistance markers, but this needs to be validated in further experiments.

Propriétés optiques d'un gaz d'électrons bidimensionnel soumis à un champ magnétique

z Drozdowa Byszewski, Marcin 22 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Les propriétés d'un gaz électronique bidimensionnel soumis à champs magnétiques intenses et à bas champs magnétiques sont étudiés par la spectroscopie optique: l'effet Hall quantique fractionnaire (FQHE) par photoluminescence et diffusion inélastique de la lumière, puis un nouvel effet oscillatoire de la résistance induit par micro-ondes (MIROs) par transport et absorption des micro-ondes. Les effets des interactions entre électrons du 2DEG sont à l'origine de FQHE. Jusqu'à maintenant, les expériences d'optiques n'ont pas permis les études des interactions entre électrons sur toute la gamme de fractions. Les fractions 1/3, 2/5, 3/7, 3/5, 2/3 et 1 sont clairement observées dans les spectres non traités et montrent une symétrie autour du facteur de remplissage 1/2. La symétrie des fermions composites ets observée dans les spectres. A bas champ magnétique, sous irradiation micro-onde, les propriétés de transport s'écartent nettement des oscillations bien connues de Shubnikov - de Haas pour évoluer vers une série d'états de résistance zéro. Les résultats des mesures d'absorption des micro-ondes sont présentés pour deux échantillons. L'échantillon de basse mobilité montre seulement une absorption autour de la résonance cyclotron (CR). L' échantillon de haute mobilité montre aussi des signaux d'absorption aux harmoniques de la CR. Les mesures ont permis d'inférer l'existence de deux processus d'absorption différents et séparés. L'absorption non résonante est mieux visible en transport et observée comme MIROs, et l'absorption résonante, mieux observée dans les mesures d'absorption, suit probablement les règles de polarisation de résonance cyclotron.

Biological control of clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) by an endophytic fungus (Acremonium alternatum) / Biologische Kontrolles der Kohlhernie (Klumpfusskrankheit; Plasmodiophora brassicae) durch einen endophytischen Pilz (Acremonium alternatum)

Auer, Susann 18 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The biological control of plant pests with beneficial microbes has become increasingly important over the last decades. Soil microbes such as fungi and bacteria colonise the roots of plants and promote their growth. Some beneficial microbes can trigger a weak plant defence response that enhances the immune response of the plant at subsequent pathogen attacks and therefore increase the resistance of the plant to other invaders. This mechanism is called “priming”. While biocontrol agents are applied against a variety of plant pests fundamental knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of plant-microbe interactions is still lacking. Especially molecular studies on the role of resistance genes in the interaction of plants with beneficial endophytic fungi are rare. In this study it was investigated how the fungal biocontrol agent Acremonium alternatum affects the development of the clubroot pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae within the plant host Arabidopsis thaliana. Clubroot is a devastating disease in crop plants such as cabbage and rapeseed and causes abnormal root growth that leads to so called “club roots”. P. brassicae develops within the plant roots and forms resting spores that are very durable and stay infective in soils for up to 2 decades. The control of clubroot by chemical means is difficult and the disease continues to spread on all continents and was also found in Saxony, Germany in recent years. In 2 preliminary studies the co-inoculation of clubroot plants with the fungus A. alternatum resulted in reduced clubroot symptoms in Chinese cabbage and Arabidopsis. It was therefore hypothesised that A. alternatum induces resistance mechanisms in the plant and thus enhances immunity. The focus of this study was to test this hypothesis by carrying out expression analyses on root tissue of infected Arabidopsis plants. For this the plants were inoculated with spores of P. brassicae and A. alternatum before RNA was extracted from the roots, followed by cDNA synthesis and quantitative Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). A microarray of root tissue of infected Arabidopsis plants was carried out to depict the events at the stage of initial root hair infection with the clubroot pathogen. The findings from the gene expression analyses were verified for 2 genes with Arabidopsis mutants that are defective in the respective gene and with 2 overexpressor lines. Clubroot symptoms were assessed by rating the root galls according to their stage of development. The overall plant health was further evaluated by recording the developmental stage of the plants (generative vs. vegetative), stem lengths and plant biomass. In addition, 2 local varieties of the economically important crop plant rapeseed (Brassica napus var. Ability and var. Visby) were investigated with qRT-PCR and by recording the disease parameters just described. A second goal of this study was to assess the general biocontrol potential of the yet relatively unknown endophyte A. alternatum in terms of enzymatic activity and competitive behaviour against other phytopathogenic fungi. The potential of this fungus for the use in integrative pest management was investigated. The results presented here are novel findings for this fungus and have not been studied before. The microarray from Arabidopsis roots revealed that the clubroot pathogen P. brassicae suppresses its recognition by pathogen receptors of the plant and thus prevents the host to induce resistance mechanisms. The fungus A. alternatum boosted the level of the pathogen recognition-related genes BAK1 and FLS2 and thus helped to establish early plant defence responses. PCR analyses confirmed that these early responses led to salicylic acid-dependent resistance in the plants which was maintained for several days as shown by elevated levels of the PATHOGENESIS-RELATED gene PR1. Marker genes for an alternative resistance pathway that is mediated over the plant signals jasmonate and ethylene were not activated in Arabidopsis. The co-inoculation of Arabidopsis plants with the endophyte A. alternatum resulted in a significant reduction of clubroot symptoms by up to 24%. In rapeseed the reduction of disease symptoms was 19% and 28% when the plants were treated with a crude cell wall extract of A. alternatum before inoculation with the clubroot pathogen. PCR analyses from Arabidopsis showed a strong response of pathogen recognition genes to the cell wall extract and spores of the endophytic fungus. In rapeseed all of the investigated pathogen recognition genes were upregulated after the endophyte treatment but not with the clubroot pathogen. Together with the PCR results from the microarray these findings suggest that A. alternatum primes its host plant and enhances the resistance of the plant towards P. brassicae. In addition, the fungus increased biomass, stem lengths and survival rates of clubroot-infected plants. In vitro tests revealed that the endophyte can solubilise phosphate and is not very competitive against other phytopathogenic fungi such as Aspergillus or Fusarium which is likely an effect of the relatively slow growth of the endophyte on agar plates. From this study it can be concluded that i) the fungus Acremonium alternatum induces resistance mechanisms in Arabidopsis and 2 Brassica napus cultivars and facilitates the recognition of the clubroot pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae; ii) that Arabidopsis and Brassica react differently to this beneficial microbe, a fact that has been observed for Plasmodiophora and other microorganisms as well; iii) living spores are not necessary for clubroot biocontrol in rapeseed as a crude cell wall extract reduces symptoms more efficiently. Overall the endophyte A. alternatum is a very promising candidate for the use in integrative pest management in plant strengtheners or as biocontrol agent. / Die biologische Kontrolle von Pflanzenkrankheiten gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Bodenbewohnende Mikroben wie Pilze oder Bakterien kolonisieren die Wurzeln von Pflanzen und fördern deren Wachstum. Einige dieser förderlichen Mikroben aktivieren eine schwache Abwehrreaktion in der Pflanze die sich verstärkt bei einer weiteren Infektion mit einem Krankheitserreger. Dieser Mechanismus, den man “Priming” nennt, führt zu einer verbesserten Resistenz der Pflanze gegenüber Pflanzenpathogenen. Obwohl natürliche Schädlingsbekämpfer bereits gegen eine Vielzahl an Krankheiten eingesetzt werden, weiss man über grundsätzliche molekulare Mechanismen dieser Pflanzen-Mikroben-Interaktionen nur wenig. Besonders die Rolle von Resistenzgenen ist bisher wenig erforscht, welche bei der Beziehung zwischen Pilzen und Pflanzen eine Rolle spielen. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie der endophytische Pilz Acremonium alternatum die Entwicklung des Krankheitserregers Plasmodiophora brassicae in der Pflanze Arabidopsis thaliana beeinflusst. Die Kohlhernie, ausgelöst von P. brassicae, ist eine verheerende Krankheit die u. a. bei Kohl und Raps auftritt und Wurzelgallen, so genannte “Hernien”, hervorruft. Der Krankheitserreger entwickelt sich im Wurzelsystem der Pflanze und bildet Dauersporen, die bis zu 20 Jahre lang im Boden infektiös überdauern können. Ein Eindämmen der Krankheit mit Pflanzenschutzmitteln ist durch den komplexen Lebenslauf des Erregers sehr schwierig, das führte zu einer weltweiten Verbreitung der Kohlhernie. Auch in Sachsen wurden in den letzten Jahren Fälle von Kohlhernie gemeldet. Wie 2 Studien zeigen, führt die Ko-Inokulation von Kohlhernie-erkrankten Pflanzen mit A. alternatum zu einer Verringerung der Symptome in Chinakohl und Arabidopsis. Es wurde daher die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass der Pilz Resistenzmechanismen in der Pflanze anschaltet und damit ihre Immunität erhöht. Um diese Hypothese zu testen, wurden in der hier vorliegenden Studie Genexpressionsanalysen an infizierten Arabidopsiswurzeln durchgeführt. Dafür wurden die Pflanzen zunächst mit Sporen des Kohlhernieerregers und des Pilzes inokuliert, es wurde RNA aus den Wurzeln extrahiert, in cDNA umgeschrieben und diese mittels quantitativer Reverse-Transkriptase-Polymerasenkettenreaktion (RT-qPCR) untersucht. Ein Microarray von Wurzeln infizierter Pflanzen wurde durchgeführt um die Ereignisse abzubilden, die sich zeitnah nach der Infektion in den Wurzeln abspielen. Die Ergebnisse der Genexpressionsanalysen wurden dann an Arabidopsismutanten, die einen Gendefekt im jeweiligen Gen haben, und an Überexprimierer-Pflanzen verifiziert. Kohlherniesymptome an Pflanzen wurden durch eine Kategorisierung der Schadsymptome erfasst. Die allgemeine Pflanzengesundheit sowie der Entwicklungsstand der Pflanze, Stengellängen und das Frischgewicht wurden bestimmt. Zusätzlich wurden 2 Rapssorten, die in Sachsen angebaut werden, untersucht im Hinblick auf die Krankheitsenwicklung und die Reguation von Abwehrgenen. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war es das Biokontrollpotential des bisher schlecht untersuchten Pilzes A. alternatum zu bestimmen. Dazu wurde in vitro die Enzymaktivität des Pilzes getestet sowie seine Konkurrenzfähigkeit gegenüber anderen pflanzenpathogenen Pilzen. Das Potential des Pilzes für die Anwendung im integrierten Pflanzenschutz wurde getestet. Die hier präsentieren Ergebnisse stellen neue Erkenntnisse dar, die für diesen Pilz noch nie untersucht wurden. Der Microarray von Arabidopsiswurzeln zeigte, dass der Kohlhernieerregers die Erkennung durch die Pflanze verhindert und damit Abwehrmechanismen verhindert. Der Pilz A. alternatum förderte die Aktivität der pflanzlichen Erkennungsrezeptoren FLS2 und BAK1 und setzte damit die Erkennung von P. brassicae in Gang. PCR-Analysen ergaben, dass diese früh induzierten Abwehrmechanismen zu einer systemischen Resistenz in der Pflanze führte durch die Aktivierung des Pathogenese-relevanten Gens PR1. Genmarker, die die Aktivität eines alternativen, von Jasmonat und Ethylen vermittelten Abwehrweges anzeigen, waren nicht ativiert. Die Ko-Inokulation von Arabidopsis mit dem Endophyten führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Krankheitssymptome um 24%. In Raps betrug die Reduktion 19% und 24% wenn die Pflanzen vor der Kohlhernie-Infektion mit einem Zellwandextrakt des Pilzes behandelt wurden. Mittels PCR konnte gezeigt werden, dass Gene für das Erkennen von Pathogenen in der Wurzel von Arabidopsis auf den Zellwandextrakt und Sporen des Pilzes reagieren. In Raps wurden alle der untersuchten Erkennungsgene aufreguliert nach der Infektion mit A. alternatum, nicht jedoch bei der Infektion mit P. brassicae. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass der endophytische Pilz A. alternatum die Wirtspflanze auf eine folgende Infektion vorbereitet (Priming) und systemische Abwehr-mechanismen in der Pflanze induziert, wenn diese mit Kohlhernie infiziert ist. Außerdem treibt der Pilz das Sprosswachstum voran, erhöht die Biomasse und fördert das Überleben von Kohlhernie-infizierten Pflanzen. In vitro-Tests ergaben, dass der Endophyt Kalziumphosphat löslich machen kann und wenig kompetitiv gegenüber Pflanzenpathogenen wie Aspergillus oder Fusarium ist. Dies ist vermutlich mit dem langsameren Wachstum des Endophyten im Gegensatz zu den anderen Pilzen zu erklären. Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit lassen sich folgende Schlüsse ziehen: i) der endophytische Pilz Acremonium alternatum induziert Resistenzmechanismen in Arabidopsis und Raps und und fördert die Erkennung des Kohlhernieerregers Plasmodiophora brassicae; ii) Arabidopsis und Raps reagieren unterschiedlich auf diesen förderlichen Pilz, ein solcher Unterschied wurde bereits für Plasmodiophora und andere Mikroben beschrieben; iii) lebende Sporen des Pilzes sind nicht notwendig um Krankheitssymptome der Kohlhernie in Raps zu verringern, ein Zellwandextrakt von A. alternatum ist dafür besser geeignet. Ganz allgemein lässt sich sagen, dass der endophytische Pilz Acremonium alternatum ein sehr vielversprechender Kandidat ist für den Einsatz im integrierten Pflanzenschutz in Pflanzenstärkungsmitteln oder als Biokontrollorganismus.

Nouvelles propriétés de transport dans les systèmes d'électrons multicouches / Novel transport properties in multilayer electron systems

Wiedmann, Steffen 01 October 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de cette thèse présente les études sur l'influence du nouveau dégrée de liberté quantique, causé par le couplage tunnel entre les couches, sur les propriétés de transport des multi-puits quantiques dans un champ magnétique, à basse température, et sous irradiation micro-ondes. De nouvelles oscillations de résistance sont observées dans les systèmes d’électrons bi- et multicouches. Elles résultent d'une interférence entre les oscillations entre les sous-bandes et les oscillations induites par les micro-ondes. Des états à résistance nulle apparaissent lorsque les systèmes bicouches de haute qualité sous irradiation micro-ondes même en présence d’une diffusion additionnelle. Le mécanisme inélastique de la photorésistance est la contribution dominante à basses températures et sous un champ électronique modéré. Ce modèle confirme l'intégrité des estimations théoriques pour le temps de relaxation inélastique et mène à une explication satisfaisante de la photorésistance dans les systèmes d’électrons bi-et multicouches. Dans un champ magnétique intense, la suppression de l’effet tunnel entre les couches provoque des nouveaux états corrélés à cause d’une interaction électron-électron entre les différentes couches. Dans cette thèse, les systèmes électroniques tricouches, formés par de triples puits quantiques révèlent de nouveaux états de l’effet Hall Quantique fractionnaire si l’effet tunnel est supprimé par une composante parallèle du champ magnétique aux très basses températures (mK). / This work is devoted to the investigation of the influence of the additional quantum degree of freedom caused by tunnel coupling on transport properties of multilayer electron systems in magnetic fields, at low temperatures and under microwave excitation. Microwave-induced resistance oscillations in bi- and multilayer electron systems are the consequence of an interference of magneto-intersubband and microwave-induced resistance oscillations which leads to peculiar oscillations in magnetoresistance. High-quality bilayer systems exposed to microwave irradiation exhibit zero-resistance states even in the presence of intersubband scattering. The inelastic mechanism of microwave photoresistance is found to be the dominant contribution at low temperatures and moderate microwave electric field. This model confirms the reliability of theoretical estimates for the inelastic relaxation time and leads to a satisfactory explanation of photoresistance in bi- and multilayer electron systems. In high magnetic fields, the suppression of tunnelling between layers causes new correlated states owing to electron-electron interaction in neighboured layers. In this thesis, trilayer electron systems formed by triple quantum wells reveal new fractional quantum Hall states if tunnelling is suppressed by a parallel component of the magnetic field at mK temperatures.

Transporte em nanoestruturas: fenômenos quânticos em poços duplos e triplos / Transport in nanostructures: quantum phenomena in double and triple quantum wells

Zahra Sadre Momtaz 22 March 2016 (has links)
Nesta tese apresentamos os estudos de magnetotransporte em poços quânticos largos,\\\\ estreitos e triplos em campos magnéticos baixos. Dependendo dos estudos desejados, me-\\\\dimos a magnetoresistência em regime linear e não linear e sob a aplicação de corrente AC, irradiação de microondas e em gradiente de temperatura ao longo das amostras. Relatamos a observação de efeitos não lineares de corrente alternada em oscilações magneto-inter-sub-bandas de poços quânticos triplos. A oscilação MIS em sistemas de poços quânticos individuais e duplos e também os efeitos não lineares devido à corrente contínua foram estudados antes nestes sistemas. Nossos resultados são explicados de acordo com um modelo generalizado baseado na parte de não equilíbrio da função de distribuição de elétrons. A magnetorresistência não local sob irradiação de microondas é também estudada nesta tese. Os resultados obtidos proporcionam evidências para uma corrente de estado de borda estabilizada por irradiação de microondas, devido às ressonâncias não lineares e foram descritas por um modelo baseado em dinâmica não linear e mapa padrão de Chirikov. Finalmente, observamos uma correlação estreita entre as oscilações de resistência e oscilações de tensão de arraste do fônon induzidas por irradiação de microondas em um sistema bidimensional de eletrons sob campo magnético perpendicular. A influência da resistividade de dissipação modificada por microondas na tensão de arraste do fônon perpendicular ao fluxo de fônons pode explicar nossas observações. Além disso, características nítidas observadas na tensão de arraste do fônon sugerem que os domínios de corrente associados a estes estados podem existir na ausência de condução DC externa. / In this thesis, we present the studies of magneto-transport in narrow , wide and triple quantum wells in low magnetic fields. Depending on the desired studies, we have measured the magneto-resistance both in linear and nonlinear regimes and under the application of AC current, microwave irradiation and temperature gradient along the samples. We have reported the observation of nonlinear effects of AC current on magneto-inter-sub-band oscillations (MIS) of triple quantum wells (TQWs). The MIS oscillations in single and double quantum well system and also nonlinear effects due to DC current have been studied before in these systems. Our results are explained according to a generalized model based on non-equilibrium part of electron distribution function. The nonlocal magneto-resistance under microwave irradiation is also studied within this thesis. The obtained results provide evidence for an edge-state current stabilized by microwave irradiation due to nonlinear resonances and have been described by a model based on the nonlinear dynamics and Chirikov standard map. Finally, we have observed the phonon-drag voltage oscillations correlating with the resistance oscillations under microwave irradiation in a two-dimensional electron gas in perpendicular magnetic field. The influence of dissipative resistivity modified by microwave on phonon-drag voltage perpendicular to the phonon flux can explain our observations. Moreover, sharp features observed in phonon drag voltage suggest the current domains associated with these states can exist in the absence of external DC driving.

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