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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Credit demand and credit rationing in the informal financial sector in Uganda

Okurut, Francis Nathan 4 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was motivated by the need to determine the key factors that influence credit demand and credit rationing in the informal financial markets so as to contribute to policy formulation to improve access for the poor in Uganda to the broader (formal and informal) financial sector. The results of the study suggest that credit demand in the informal financial sector is positively and significantly influenced by capacity related variables (education level, and household expenditure) at the household level, and the informal lenders' credit rationing behaviour is also negatively and significantly influenced by household wealth factors (asset values). The same variables have similar effects in the models for credit demand and credit rationing in the broader financial sector. Since households demand credit for both investment and consumption smoothing, improved access to the broader financial sector will enable them to acquire more wealth, and move out of poverty in the long run. The policy options to improve small borrower access to the broader financial sector include provision of incentives to banks to serve the smaller borrowers, development of credit reference bureaus, provision of innovative insurance products to the poor, and broader economic policies that enable households to acquire more wealth. In addition appropriate linkages need to be developed between the formal and informal financial sectors so as to broaden the financial system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is gemotiveer deur die behoefte om die sleutelfaktore te identifiseer wat die vraag na krediet en kredietrantsoenering in die informele finansiele markte bemvloed ten einde In bydrae te kan maak tot beleid om beter toegang vir die armes tot die bree (formele en informele) finansiele sektor in Uganda te bewerkstellig. Die resultate van die studie dui aan dat die vraag na informele krediet In betekenisvolle en positiewe verwantskap toon met kapasiteitsverwante veranderlikes (vlak van opvoeding en huishoudelike besteding) op die huishoudingvlak. Informele uitleners se kredietrantsoeneringsoptrede toon In betekenisvolle en negatiewe verwantskap met huishoudings se vlak van rykdom (batewaardes). Dieselfde veranderlikes toon soortgelyke verwantskappe in die geval van die modelle vir kredietvraag en kredietrantsoenering in die bree finansiele sektor. Huishoudings se vraag na krediet is vir beide investeringsdoeleindes en om In meer egalige verspreiding van verbruik te verkry. Daarom sal verbeterde toegang tot die bree finansiele sektor hulle in staat stel om meer rykdom te bekom en so uit armoede in die langer termyn te ontsnap. Die beleidsopsies om kleiner leners beter toegang tot die bree finansiele sektor te bied, sluit in voorsiening vir insentiewe aan banke om klein leners te bedien, die ontwikkeling van kredietverwysingsburo's, die voorsiening van innoverende versekeringsprodukte aan die armes, en breer ekonomiese beleid wat huishoudings in staat sal stel om meer rydom te bekom. Toepaslike skakeling tussen die formele en informele finansiele sektore moet ook ontwikkel word ten einde In verbreding van die finansiele sektor te bewerkstellig.

In search of appropriate media (mass media) for the informal sector in a post apartheid South Africa : the city of Durban's street vendors.

Cebekhulu, Nhlanhla Michael. January 1995 (has links)
The investigation to the appropriate mass media for the micro-enterprises (informal sector) is in line with the principle of economic development for post-apartheid South Africa envisaged by the Reconstruction and Development Programme. In many countries, such as Latin America, Japan, United States of America, small business sector is the backbone of the economy, providing jobs and means for large companies to out-source tasks. This also applies to South Africa, the micro-enterprise in this country ''fulfils a social and economic function which neither state owned corporations nor the foreign transnational corporations, can perform. Due to their knowledge of the clientele they are able to determine more precisely the real and basic needs of the society and thereby render people-oriented, as against a purely commercial service" (Mersham and Skinner 1992 :33). However, lack of access to appropriate, relevant and understandable information and advice is one of the most critical aspect which hinders development of small enterprises, particularly, micro-enterprises and survivalist and small start-up enterprises. Due to the past discrimination and lack of opportunities this problem is most serve among black entrepreneurs who are participating in this sector. In addition, the central problem that has an impact in the process of reaching the micro-enterprises is the fact that the nature of communication systems and their relevance for the micro-enterprise activities, seem to have more over-emphasis on the print media. Subsequently, over-emphasis on the print media concentrate efforts on more easily and receptive individuals and communities, ignoring the micro-enterprises that require the service, since the majority of the micro-enterprises are comprised of people who have been disadvantaged by an incomplete education. It becomes therefore, essential to investigate how micro-enterprises consume mass media and the central role it plays so that an appropriate mass medium to reach this sector could be identified. Since my perception is that there is no assurance that the formulated policies and strategies by the Department of Trade and Industry become known to the intended beneficiaries . Most importantly, the approach taken in this study, is the one which tries to understand the role of the mass media in national development but which is more specific to the micro-enterprises. The media are seen as educators or teachers of the micro-enterprises. The ideal is that mass media can be used to teach people skills of different kinds and, under some conditions, to influence the attitudes and behaviour of the micro-enterprises. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1995.

Le changement social et l'État moderne en Mongolie

Floret, Arthur P. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une analyse socio-historique d'un cas extrême de changement social par son ampleur et sa rapidité: l'apparition ex-nihilo, à partir des années 1990, d'une population de plus de 100 000 mineurs artisanaux en Mongolie. Pour ce faire, il offre, premièrement, des outils théoriques au lecteur pour comprendre la tension entre permanence et mouvement qui anime les sociétés humaines. Deuxièmement, il identifie les tendances récurrentes de l'histoire mongole pour rendre le présent plus intelligible. Troisièmement, il détaille les principales caractéristiques contemporaines de ce nouveau phénomène, ainsi que ses potentialités pour le proche avenir. Mais surtout, à chaque étape, il construit une théorie locale et partielle du changement social, qui montre l'impact croissant de l'État moderne et de son idéologie du progrès et de la rationalité dans la vie de tous les individus, qui laisse les plus marginaux d'entre eux de plus en plus dépourvus d'influence sur leur environnement. / This paper outlines a socio-historic analysis of an extreme case of social change in Mongolia in the 1990s, which saw the sudden emergence of more than 100 000 artisanal miners. The first chapter discusses the relevant concepts which assist to develop an understanding of the tensions between stability and movement in human societies and how this in turn produces change. The next chapter identifies the recurring trends of Mongolian history and how that contributes to the present situation. The final chapter details the characteristics of this phenomenon and how it might develop in the near future. This paper proposes a new theory that, applied to this specific case, illustrates the impacts of the modern state on each individual and how it diminishes control from the marginalised groups of society.

Invisibility, struggle and visibility : women workers' strategies of survival in the informal sector

Ustek, Funda January 2015 (has links)
Across the world, women constitute the bottom segments of the informal labour market hierarchy, and the story is no different for Turkish women, except they are further constrained by a patriarchal family culture and corporatist welfare state structure which favours high-skilled workers in full-time employment. A reading of the literature on the reasons for participating in the informal sector suggested that workers either end up in the informal sector as a result of structural factors, such as high unemployment, horizontal and vertical labour market discrimination and limited job opportunities for the low-skilled and low-educated, or they actively chose to participate in the labour market to seize the opportunities it provides, such as evading tax and/or bureaucratic costs, or testing out business ideas. However, this dichotomous understanding provided little scope, if any, to understand why women also entered the informal sector, in ever growing numbers and what the gender-specific constraints and opportunities in the informal sector are. Against this background, this thesis aims to show that this dichotomous theorisation of the informal sector is an exaggeration of reality, and that women workers position presents a middle ground, in which they recognise the constraints on their ability to improve their lives but they are also not powerless. Hence, by focusing on the variety of survival strategies used by women workers in the informal sector, the thesis attempts to show the choice among these strategies, including the conditions in which these strategies can be adopted and the barriers to do so.

Les lieux de l'ordure de Dakar et d'Addis Abäba : territoires urbains et valorisation non institutionnelle des déchets dans deux capitales africaines / Rubbish spots of Dakar and Addis Ababa : urban territories and non institutional recycling in two african capitals

Pierrat, Adeline 04 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse questionne les liens entre les territoires urbains et la valorisation non institutionnelle des déchets dans deux capitales africaines, Dakar au Sénégal et Addis Abäba en Éthiopie. Ces relations sont interrogées à l’aune du contexte actuel de modernisation de ces agglomérations, qui ont fait du « vert » et surtout du « propre », de nouveaux paradigmes de leur développement. Tandis que la plupart des études portent sur les carences ou les défaillances de la gestion officielle des services urbains, cette recherche se focalise sur la valorisation des déchets, qui considère ces derniers comme une ressource. Celle-ci, de plus en plus mise en avant au Nord, est une forme de traitement qui redonne de la valeur aux ordures. Au Sud, et dans les deux capitales étudiées, elle est aux mains du secteur informel et des ménages. Dans ce cadre, cette thèse a pour ambition de comprendre, à travers leur valorisation non institutionnelle, comment les déchets participent à la construction de territoires et influent sur les évolutions urbaines actuelles à Dakar et Addis Abäba. La dimension spatiale du processus est étudiée à travers l’analyse et la mise en relation de ce que nous appelons les « lieux de l’ordure » (décharges, marchés des déchets, etc.) perçus comme marginaux. La comparaison et les enquêtes de terrains qualitatives (questionnaires et entretiens) donnent à voir les modalités du développement de la valorisation, ses spécificités et les dynamiques territoriales qu’elle produit. Cette thèse montre que ces dernières peinent à s’insérer dans les nouvelles donnes urbaines, voire interfèrent négativement avec les tentatives de régulation en cours. En revisitant la thématique de l’informel, ce travail questionne les possibilités de développement pour ‐ et les risques encourus par ‐ un processus fondamental pour faire des déchets une ressource urbaine en Afrique. / This thesis examines the links between urban areas and non-institutional recycling in two African capitals : Dakar, Senegal and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. These connections are studied regarding the current state of modernisation of these metropolises, which have been going green and above all keeping it clean and became models of development. Most of the studies are about the lacks and the flaws of the bureaucratic management of the urban transit. This research focuses on recycling, which they see as resource. The latter, more and more promoted in the North, is a way of handling the rubbish that puts more value into it. As for the South and in those two capitals in particular, recycling is the hands of the informal sector and households. In this case, this thesis aims to understand through informal recycling how rubbish plays a part in the creation of territories and the current expansions of Dakar and Addis Ababa. The spatial dimension of the procedure is studied through the analysis and the links of what we call “rubbish spots” (rubbish tips, the waste market) are considered marginal. The comparison and qualitative field surveys (questionnaires and interviews) sho how recycling is developed, its specific features and the regional dynamism coming out of it. This thesis shows that the latter can barely be part of the new urban deal and that they have negative interference with the current regulations attempt. By revisiting the platform of the informal, this job questions the possible developments for – and the risks taken – for a fundamental process to trun rubbish into an urban resource on the African continent.

Factors impacting the adoption of an electronic payment solution in the South African taxi industry: a study of taxi owners in the Johannesburg metropolitan area

Tshambula, Asanda January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management specialising in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation / Resistance to technological innovation by its end users is a crucial indicator which highlights information which could be utilised for a successful implementation of an innovation. The adoption of a technological innovation puts in jeopardy the internal environment, culture, identity and traditional practices of an industry. End-users have been known to be receptive to innovations as long as they do not change industry practices and help improve industry performance. This research seeks to address how an industry in the second economy characterised by high poverty, less education and minimum skills adopts and diffuse technological innovations. A survey was conducted and responses from 182 taxi owners was analysed. The research has identified that education, technology experience, relative advantage and trialability influence the probability of adoption. The results indicated that due to the nature of a social system there are different results about innovation attributes and different adopter categories can be identified in different social systems. Education and knowledge need to be addressed in order to formalise and modernise the taxi industry not just taxi owners but for taxi drivers and other members of the social system. The results have indicated that most taxi owners have positive attitudes about the electronic fare collection system. This research can contribute to the actual adoption and diffusion of the electronic payment system in the south African taxi industry. The electronic fare collection system needs to be sold for its commercial benefit to the taxi industry instead of being presented as a regulatory case for change. / MT2017

Effects of the proposed Licensing of Businesses Bill on migrant traders in Soweto

Motsoeneng, Mbali January 2017 (has links)
Research presented for the degree of Master of Management in the field of Public and Development Management to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management of the University of Witwatersrand. March 2016 / As an economic hub of Africa, South Africa has been experiencing an influx of economic and political migrants leading to the ethnic diversification of its population. This trend has incited a xenophobic atmosphere due to frustrations from locals, and has led to violent attacks towards foreign nationals. In particular, the Somali population has endured a high number of attacks as this group has successfully penetrated the informal business market in the townships of South Africa. Government has responded to these xenophobic attacks by proposing, amongst others, a Licensing of Businesses Bill in 2013. The bill has been criticised by the public as it is considered a hostile policy that aims to enforce regulations that restrict foreign nationals from operating businesses in the informal sector. This political dilemma has also led to questions as to how this policy response may have an effect on social cohesion in unequal societies where violence against Somalis is prevailing. The Klipspruit community was selected as it forms part of the City of Johannesburg that has a significant amount of Somali informal traders. The purpose of the study was to examine the root causes of violence against Somalis and the potential of the governments’ policy response to mitigate this phenomenon. In particular, the study also investigated the effect of the proposed Licensing of Businesses Bill on social cohesion development between Somalis and South Africans in Klipspruit. The qualitative research findings indicate that violence against Somalis was due to the economic situation, lack of regulation, competition and business miscommunication. The responses were generally driven by the perception that the government of South Africa introduced a bill that is fostered by nationalistic interests to the detriment of foreign nationals such as Somalis. It is therefore recommended that the government develops a way to enhance power sharing in decision-making processes, monitoring and correcting inequalities amongst culturally distinct groups, promoting cultural diversity and integration through education and lastly ensuring that the government acts in a constitutional manner. / GR2018

O Setor Informal Urbano: A Organização e as Condições de Saúde de um Grupo de Vendedores Ambulantes / The Urban Informal Sector: the Organizations and the Health Conditions of a Street Salesman Group

Ibanhes, Lauro Cesar 02 July 1999 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Este trabalho analisa a organização e as condições de vida e problemas de saúde referidos de um grupo de vendedores ambulantes em um espaço geográfico delimitado no bairro de Santana na cidade de São Paulo, através de uma amostra intencional disponível de 54 sujeitos. Os objetivos são: identificar as formas básicas de inserção, relacionamento e permanência no grupo, identificar os aspectos físicos, ambientais e organizacionais do processo de trabalho e levantar os itens básicos referentes à situação de emprego, instrução, tipo de moradia, renda individual e familiar e acesso aos serviços de saúde. MÉTODO: Os dados foram coletados por meio de formulários, entrevistas e observações sistematizadas. Busca-se interpretar as representações sociais através de análises de conteúdo. RESULTADOS: Tendo em vista as alterações econômico-socias e o crescimento do setor informal urbano, procura-se melhor conhecer o problema a fim de contribuir na discussão das políticas públicas, particularmente na organização e administração dos serviços de saúde. CONCLUSÕES: Dada a não absorção da mão de obra disponível e o desemprego registrados, parte destes ambulantes, na faixa dos 18 a 24 anos, se inserem no mercado de trabalho através desta atividade; outros, neste grupo de idade e até 30 anos, seguem na precariedade ou informalidade, uma vez que exerciam anteriormente ocupações sem seguir uma profissão ou carreira; outros, nas faixas anteriores, e acima dos 40 anos, são ex-pequenos e médios proprietários e/ou donos de melhores padrões escolares e experiência profissional. O grupo se pauta pela manutenção de padrões mínimos de sobrevivência, de modo particularista e sem uma organização de fato, restrita à tentativa de alguns em articular ações e padrões de comportamentos comuns, como em relação aos clientes. Não se indica atendimento de saúde para as queixas referidas dores de cabeça, costas, estômago e pernas, associadas pela maioria à postura corporal e às tensões advindas da vulnerabilidade e insegurança. São entendidas como problemas de saúde apenas quando os afastam do trabalho. Embora indique-se restrições ao acesso aos serviços de saúde do tipo ambulatorial, os casos relatados de urgência, emergência e controle são suportados pelo setor público. Observa-se um considerável consumo de remédios, inclusive sem prescrição médica. / OBJECTIVE: This paper analyse the organization, life and health conditions and referred health disease of a street salesman group in a delimited geographic space at the district of Santana, in São Paulo city, Brazil. The sample consists of a 54 selected intentional subjects. The aims are: identify the beginning in the group, continue and the relationship among them; identify the fisical, environmental and organizational aspects of this occupation and to obtained a basic dates to describe the employment, instruction, habitation, familial and individual gains profile and the accesibility to health service at a quantitative approaches. METHODS: The data were colected by forms, interviews and systematics observations, and examines the data by a social representations technic and theme analysis. RESULTS: In order to contribute to formulate health policy it requires news strategies of interventions and organization of the health services, according the changes of the economical and social rules and the increasing of the urban informal sector and the fisical and psychological risks around their activity. CONCLUSIONS: Due to unemployment, the results show that part of this group at 18-24 year bracket starts their worklife as a street salesman; an other important part, remains at the informal sector as street salesman, cause their temporary or irregular job and career; and a third part is composed by a previously olds owners and high levels profissional and educational background. The group have no organization, actually, but a particular ways to practice. Some of them takes charge to establish a common behaviours, as regarding to costumers. Most of them referred health disease, such as headache, back pain, legs pain and stomachache, due to corporal posture and stress matters. Althought they indicate difficulty to use the ambulatorial public health services, all of the refer urgency and emergency cases are attended by public health units. There is a high numbers of medicine usuary, included no medical prescription.

O Setor Informal Urbano: A Organização e as Condições de Saúde de um Grupo de Vendedores Ambulantes / The Urban Informal Sector: the Organizations and the Health Conditions of a Street Salesman Group

Lauro Cesar Ibanhes 02 July 1999 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Este trabalho analisa a organização e as condições de vida e problemas de saúde referidos de um grupo de vendedores ambulantes em um espaço geográfico delimitado no bairro de Santana na cidade de São Paulo, através de uma amostra intencional disponível de 54 sujeitos. Os objetivos são: identificar as formas básicas de inserção, relacionamento e permanência no grupo, identificar os aspectos físicos, ambientais e organizacionais do processo de trabalho e levantar os itens básicos referentes à situação de emprego, instrução, tipo de moradia, renda individual e familiar e acesso aos serviços de saúde. MÉTODO: Os dados foram coletados por meio de formulários, entrevistas e observações sistematizadas. Busca-se interpretar as representações sociais através de análises de conteúdo. RESULTADOS: Tendo em vista as alterações econômico-socias e o crescimento do setor informal urbano, procura-se melhor conhecer o problema a fim de contribuir na discussão das políticas públicas, particularmente na organização e administração dos serviços de saúde. CONCLUSÕES: Dada a não absorção da mão de obra disponível e o desemprego registrados, parte destes ambulantes, na faixa dos 18 a 24 anos, se inserem no mercado de trabalho através desta atividade; outros, neste grupo de idade e até 30 anos, seguem na precariedade ou informalidade, uma vez que exerciam anteriormente ocupações sem seguir uma profissão ou carreira; outros, nas faixas anteriores, e acima dos 40 anos, são ex-pequenos e médios proprietários e/ou donos de melhores padrões escolares e experiência profissional. O grupo se pauta pela manutenção de padrões mínimos de sobrevivência, de modo particularista e sem uma organização de fato, restrita à tentativa de alguns em articular ações e padrões de comportamentos comuns, como em relação aos clientes. Não se indica atendimento de saúde para as queixas referidas dores de cabeça, costas, estômago e pernas, associadas pela maioria à postura corporal e às tensões advindas da vulnerabilidade e insegurança. São entendidas como problemas de saúde apenas quando os afastam do trabalho. Embora indique-se restrições ao acesso aos serviços de saúde do tipo ambulatorial, os casos relatados de urgência, emergência e controle são suportados pelo setor público. Observa-se um considerável consumo de remédios, inclusive sem prescrição médica. / OBJECTIVE: This paper analyse the organization, life and health conditions and referred health disease of a street salesman group in a delimited geographic space at the district of Santana, in São Paulo city, Brazil. The sample consists of a 54 selected intentional subjects. The aims are: identify the beginning in the group, continue and the relationship among them; identify the fisical, environmental and organizational aspects of this occupation and to obtained a basic dates to describe the employment, instruction, habitation, familial and individual gains profile and the accesibility to health service at a quantitative approaches. METHODS: The data were colected by forms, interviews and systematics observations, and examines the data by a social representations technic and theme analysis. RESULTS: In order to contribute to formulate health policy it requires news strategies of interventions and organization of the health services, according the changes of the economical and social rules and the increasing of the urban informal sector and the fisical and psychological risks around their activity. CONCLUSIONS: Due to unemployment, the results show that part of this group at 18-24 year bracket starts their worklife as a street salesman; an other important part, remains at the informal sector as street salesman, cause their temporary or irregular job and career; and a third part is composed by a previously olds owners and high levels profissional and educational background. The group have no organization, actually, but a particular ways to practice. Some of them takes charge to establish a common behaviours, as regarding to costumers. Most of them referred health disease, such as headache, back pain, legs pain and stomachache, due to corporal posture and stress matters. Althought they indicate difficulty to use the ambulatorial public health services, all of the refer urgency and emergency cases are attended by public health units. There is a high numbers of medicine usuary, included no medical prescription.

“Shopping trem”: uma análise das atividades de trabalho informal no interior das composições da Linha 8 (Diamante) da CPTM

Capelli, Rodrigo Dionisi 26 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-11-14T11:12:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Dionisi Capelli.pdf: 1121890 bytes, checksum: dd25318584e115f6e0bea1e6178d9221 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-14T11:12:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Dionisi Capelli.pdf: 1121890 bytes, checksum: dd25318584e115f6e0bea1e6178d9221 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-26 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present dissertation aims to analyze the commerce situation in the wagons of the train compositions crossing the West Zone of São Paulo Metropolitan Region, foccusing on Line 8 (Diamond), which is a part of CPTM (Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos) structure. Considering that, a historical contextualization of the phenomenon (informal work) in which my object is inserted was developed. The analysis of the literature addressing the subject as to its concepts, as well as the field observation of the commerce inside the compositions in different days and times, substantiate this study to faithfully de-scribe the informal work carried out, which despite the illegality, represents the sub-sistence of those individuals. The relation of those illegal activities and the society in a general perspective was approached, based on the field observations and on the interviews of a selected group of workers. The data collected underlie the description and analysis of the set of relations concerned as the objective aimed to this dissertation / Esta presente dissertação tem como intenção primordial, a análise da situação que se encontra o comércio no interior dos vagões das composições que cruzam parte da porção oeste da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo através da linha 8 (Diamante) que faz parte da estrutura da Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM). Para tanto, trabalhei a contextualização histórica do surgimento do fenômeno (Trabalho Informal) no qual meu objeto está inserido. A análise de obras que já conceituaram o fenômeno em conjunto com vários dias de observação do comércio no interior das composições, são o fundamento desse estudo que, espero, tenha conseguido descrever com fidedignidade o trabalho ali realizado que, apesar de ilegal, garante a subsistência daqueles que a praticam. Temos aqui, uma visão de como essas atividades ilegais se relacionam com a sociedade mais ampla. Através das observações de um trabalho de campo e de uma entrevista aplicada a um grupo desses trabalhadores, esta dissertação intentou em descrever e analisar o conjunto dessas relações

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