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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os fatores da governança da informação e seus efeitos diretos e indiretos sobre o valor na percepção dos executivos de TI : um modelo para a indústria bancária

Faria, Fernando de Abreu January 2013 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias tem provocado o crescimento da quantidade de informações disponíveis no mundo em escala exponencial. As organizações convivem com o excesso de dados e informações, muitas vezes desperdiçando ou não aproveitando o potencial que eles oferecem. Parece não haver dúvidas de que a informação é um ativo essencial nas organizações, mas o problema é que ela nem sempre está estruturada ou armazenada em bancos de dados. Muito já se estudou sobre governança corporativa e sobre governança de TI. A área de TI da grande maioria das organizações está focada no ‘T’ da TI, e isto é natural graças ao fascínio que a tecnologia exerce sobre os indivíduos. Mas a essência do termo TI não está no ‘T’, está no ‘I’. Como resposta à incapacidade da governança de TI de tratar da informação, surge o novo paradigma nas questões de governança, a governança da informação (GI). A governança da informação recoloca a informação como questão central para as organizações. Este trabalho identificou por intermédio dos elementos teóricos recuperados da teoria da Agência, da teoria da Visão Baseada em Recursos da Firma (RBV) e da teoria das Capacidades Dinâmicas, alguns fatores que devem compor um modelo de governança da informação (MGI). Para investigar esta questão da governança da informação, escolheu-se a indústria bancária. Dentre as motivações para a escolha desta indústria estão: o fato de ser uma das que mais investe em TI no Brasil e no mundo, de possuir processos de negócios muito bem definidos, e de ser muito dinâmica na adoção de novas tecnologias e processos. Neste contexto, a questão central de pesquisa proposta é: “Quais os efeitos dos fatores da governança da informação sobre o valor nos bancos?”. Para responder a esta questão, o trabalho realizou três fases complementares: revisão da literatura, análise qualitativa e análise quantitativa. Na primeira fase, foi feita uma revisão da literatura com o intuito de identificar os fatores da GI. Na segunda fase, foi feita uma série de entrevistas com altos executivos de TI em bancos no Brasil, em Hong Kong e nos Estados Unidos para a apresentação e validação dos itens e fatores da GI. Na terceira e última fase, foram utilizados os dados de uma pesquisa survey, realizada com os executivos de TI de bancos que atuam no Brasil, para testar o modelo de GI, que envolve mediação múltipla entre as variáveis, com a técnica de modelagem de regressão estrutural. Os resultados permitiram concluir que, na percepção dos executivos de TI dos bancos brasileiros que participaram da pesquisa, os fatores da governança da informação - políticas, sistemas (SI/TI) e estrutura - têm efeitos diretos e indiretos sobre o valor. E os fatores sistemas (SI/TI) e estrutura medeiam a relação entre o fator políticas e o valor. / The development of new technologies has caused the growth of the amount of information available in the world in exponential scale. Organizations coexist with the excess of data and information, often wasting or not leveraging the power they offer. There seems no doubt that information is a key asset in organizations, but the problem is that it is not always structured or stored in the databases. Much has been studied about corporate governance and IT governance. The IT department of most organizations is focused on the 'T' of IT, and it is natural due to the fascination that technology carries on individuals. But the essence of the term IT is not in the 'T' is in the 'I'. As a response to the inadequacy of IT governance to deal with information a new paradigm rises in governance issues, information governance (IG). Information governance puts back the information as a central issue for organizations. This work identified through the theoretical elements of the Agency theory, the theory of Resource Based View of the Firm (RBV) and the theory of Dynamic Capabilities, some factors that should compose an information governance framework (IGF). To investigate this issue was chosen the banking industry. Among the motivations for the choice of this industry, the fact that it is one of the biggest investors in IT in Brazil and in the world, it also has well defined business processes, and it is very dynamic in the adoption of new technologies and processes. In this context, the central research question was " What are the effects of information governance factors on value in banking?". To answer this question, the research was conducted in three complementary phases, literature review, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. In the first phase, a review of the literature was performed in order to identify the factors of GI. In the second phase, there was a series of interviews with senior IT executives at banks in Brazil, Hong Kong and the United States for the presentation and validation of the items and factors of IG, with the subsequent content analysis. In the third and last phase, we used data from a survey research conducted with IT executives from Brazilian banks to test the IG model, which involves multiple mediation between the variables, with the technique of structural regression modeling. The results showed that in the perception of the IT executives of Brazilian banks who participated in the survey, the factors of information governance - policies, systems (IS / IT) and structure - have direct and indirect effects on value. And the factors systems (IS/IT) and structure mediate the relationship between the factor policies and value.

Governança da informação no modelo de governança judicial : um estudo de caso sobre a relação da GI nos desafios da atividade jurisdicional do sistema de justiça

Sena, Roseneide Mendonça de January 2018 (has links)
A evolução da digitalização e virtualização dos processos judiciais, aliado ao crescente investimento na área de tecnologia da informação (TI), permitiu ao sistema de justiça criar e armanezar uma vasta quantidade de informações. Porém, apesar de todo investimento realizado em TI e o reconhecido avanço na normatização da estrutura do ambiente informacional, as informações jurídicas não tem gerado o esperado valor à atividade jurisdicional do sistema de justiça, que muitas vezes ainda recorrem a buscas manuais, incorrendo em informações sem a qualidade necessária, com maior demora para acessar informações com a utilidade desejada. O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar como a Governança da Informação se relaciona com os desafios da atividade jurisdicional no modelo de governança judicial do sistema de justiça, considerando que a Governança da Informação surge para preencher esse espaço não atendido pela governança da Tecnologia da Informação (TI), primeiro recolocando a informação como o recurso essencial e, segundo, demonstrando que o uso da informação, e não apenas a sua produção e armazenamento, deve ser considerado no processo de governança. Sendo assim, a Governança da Informação é um instrumento para reduzir problemas entre os agentes interessados na informação, baseando-se na teoria da agência, aliando sua estrutura à governança corporativa. Para atingir o objetivo foi utilizado o método de estudo de caso único, em unidades do sistema de justiça localizadas no estado do Acre: Tribunal de Justiça, Ministério Público e Defensoria Pública. Como contribuições dessa pesquisa estão a análise dos fatores e elementos que se espera contribuir para os desafios do ambiente informacional das empresas no diagnóstico e eventual adoção de programas de Governança da Informação, provendo um modelo particularmente associado à gestão mais célere, ética e estratégica das informações no ambiente das organizações do sistema de justiça. / The evolution of the digitalization and virtualization of judicial processes, together with the increasing investment in the area of information technology (IT), allowed the justice system to create and armanezar a vast amount of information. However, despite all the investment made in IT and the acknowledged advance in the normalization of the structure of the information environment, legal information has not generated the expected value of the judicial activity of the justice system, which often still resort to manual searches, incurring information without the necessary quality, with more delay to access information with the desired utility. The objective of the research is to analyze how Information Governance relates to the challenges of judicial activity in the justice system model of judicial system, considering that Information Governance arises to fill this space not served by the governance of Information Technology ), first by replacing information as the essential resource and secondly by demonstrating that the use of information, not just its production and storage, should be considered in the governance process. Thus, Information Governance is an instrument to reduce problems among agents interested in information, relying on agency theory, combining its structure with corporate governance. In order to reach the objective, the single case study method was used in units of the justice system located in the state of Acre: Court of Justice, Public Prosecutor's Office and Public Defender's Office. As contributions of this research are the analysis of the factors and elements that are expected to contribute to the challenges of the informational environment of companies in the diagnosis and eventual adoption of Information Governance programs, providing a model particularly associated with the faster, ethical and strategic management of information in the environment of justice system organizations.


Maex, Steven, 0000-0002-9221-8706 January 2022 (has links)
In May 2018, the European Union enacted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). I examine its impact on firms’ internal information quality (IIQ) and operating efficiency in the United States. Although privacy regulations, such as GDPR, target one subset of firms’ information assets (i.e., personal data), academics and practitioners have emphasized the ability of these regulations to drive broad improvements in firms’ information management practices resulting in higher quality information available for decision making and, by extension, more efficient operations. At the same time, GDPR’s regulatory mandates are likely to burden operations. Using multiple modeling approaches to identify the effect of GDPR on US firms and a variety of IIQ proxies from financial reports and disclosures, I find that (a) GDPR leads to improvements in IIQ for impacted firms and (b) that these improvements in IIQ are beneficial to firm operations. However, the regulatory burden of GDPR has overwhelmed these benefits resulting in a negative net effect on firms’ operating efficiency. / Business Administration/Accounting

Informační management podle Cobit 5 / Information Management According to Cobit 5

Smažil, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the concept of information management, its history and definition by various authors and also according to Cobit 5 methodology particularly its part Cobit 5: Enabling Information. The aim of the thesis is the application of Cobit 5 information model on a specific problem with information in the selected company and assessing the suitability of this application.

Towards effective governance of information in a Brazilian agricultural research organisation

Rocha-Bello-Bertin, Patricia January 2014 (has links)
There are three different uses of the term 'information' in ordinary language: in the restricted sense, it means diverse types of material objects, such as data or documents ('information as thing'); alternatively, the term is used as in reference to the act of informing or becoming informed ('information as process'), or to equate to knowledge ('information as knowledge'). Each of these connotations represents a legitimate view of information in its own right, being equally significant to information-intensive organisations. The literature lacks studies that approach information from an integrative viewpoint, however. The purpose of this study was to explore and develop the notion of 'information governance' as an integrative, systemic approach to information in the context of research organisations. Soft Systems Methodology was used in a case study involving the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation. Qualitative data was gathered through in-depth interviews with researchers and information/knowledge managers, followed by a thematic, two-level analysis. From a 'macro level' of analysis (the wider Brazilian agricultural research system) it was found that, to solve increasingly complex research problems, collaborative, multidisciplinary networking is needed. On the other hand, competitive forces are continuously emanating from the systems of research steering, funds and resources' allocation, quality control, and recognition and reward. This conflict inhibits the collaborative sharing of 'information as thing' and 'as knowledge', disturbs internal communication flows and contributes to low levels of synergy and cross-departmental partnerships, ultimately affecting research outcomes. At a 'meso level' (the local practices and culture of agricultural knowledge production), different epistemic cultures were identified (named in vitro, in situ and in silico research), which respond differently to the opposing forces of collaboration and competition. Based on a deep understanding of the agricultural research system and underlying epistemic cultures, a framework for effective governance of information was developed. Action to improve the governance of information at Embrapa would involve nurturing an information culture that supports collaborative work. Given that interactions between researchers are determined by their individual pursuits and struggles, this would require a change in the corporate system of performance evaluation and reward, according to the different epistemic cultures.

Governança da informação: viabilizadores e inibidores para adoção organizacional. / Information governance: enablers and inhibitors for orgazational adoption.

Assis, Celia Barbosa 02 April 2018 (has links)
A Governança da Informação (GI) é uma nova abordagem para a governança dos ativos informacionais nas organizações, resultando de desafios como o crescimento exponencial de dados, novas e mais complexas regras do negócio e de um contexto competitivo mais regulado e litigioso. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi investigar como fatores organizacionais, relacionais e de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) podem atuar como viabilizadores, inibidores ou componentes da adoção da Governança da Informação em instituições. Alicerçada na revisão de literatura, foi feita uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva e exploratória, baseada em vinte e um estudos de caso de empresas brasileiras escolhidas por apresentarem alta intensidade de utilização de informações em seus processos, produtos e serviços. A pesquisa apresenta como contribuições teóricas a proposta de dois modelos: uma Matriz para Comparação entre Governanças Institucionais, usada para diferenciar aspectos das Governanças Corporativa, da Informação, de TI e de Dados; e uma Matriz de Fatores Viabilizadores e Inibidores, com fatores derivados da teoria e das observações dos estudos de caso. As contribuições práticas compreendem: diferentes visões sobre o impacto dos fatores previstos em teoria, principalmente considerando-se a atuação dos entrevistados, a segmentação econômica e os portes das empresas; e fatores não previstos na teoria, como a falta de alinhamento entre TI e áreas de negócios, a cultura da empresa, os avanços da tecnologia e a gestão de mudanças. A comparação entre teoria e prática sugere maior polarização em fatores como: cultura de acumulação de dados; práticas e políticas organizacionais; comunicação entre áreas; e, educação dos usuários. Como conclusão destaca-se que a GI é entendida nas empresas como uma disciplina específica dos negócios, fundamental para atribuir sentido aos estudos empresariais e para suportar projetos e processos coerentes e eficazes. / Information Governance (IG) is a new approach to the governance of the organizational information assets, resulting from challenges such as exponential data growth, new and more complex business rules and a more regulated and litigious competitive context. The main objective of the research was to investigate how organizational, relational and Information Technology (IT) factors can act as enablers, inhibitors or components for IG adoption in companies. Supported by a literature review, an exploratory-descriptive qualitative research was carried conducted, based on 21 case studies from Brazilian companies selected by information high intensity usage in processes, products and services. The theoretical contributions of the research are two proposed models: a Matrix for Institutional Governance Comparison, to be used for differentiating Corporate, Information, IT and Data governance; and an Enablers and Inhibitors Matrix, with factors derived from theory and case studies. Practical contributions are different views from theory, especially related to the interviewee\'s professional area, industry and company size; unpredicted factors such as lack of alignment between IT and business areas, institutional culture, technology advancements and change management. The comparison between theory and practice suggests greater polarization in factors such as data accumulation mentality, organizational practices and policies, communication between areas and users education. The research concludes that IG is a business-specific discipline, fundamental to sensemaking for company studies and support to coherent and effective organizational projects and processes.

Governança da informação: viabilizadores e inibidores para adoção organizacional. / Information governance: enablers and inhibitors for orgazational adoption.

Celia Barbosa Assis 02 April 2018 (has links)
A Governança da Informação (GI) é uma nova abordagem para a governança dos ativos informacionais nas organizações, resultando de desafios como o crescimento exponencial de dados, novas e mais complexas regras do negócio e de um contexto competitivo mais regulado e litigioso. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi investigar como fatores organizacionais, relacionais e de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) podem atuar como viabilizadores, inibidores ou componentes da adoção da Governança da Informação em instituições. Alicerçada na revisão de literatura, foi feita uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva e exploratória, baseada em vinte e um estudos de caso de empresas brasileiras escolhidas por apresentarem alta intensidade de utilização de informações em seus processos, produtos e serviços. A pesquisa apresenta como contribuições teóricas a proposta de dois modelos: uma Matriz para Comparação entre Governanças Institucionais, usada para diferenciar aspectos das Governanças Corporativa, da Informação, de TI e de Dados; e uma Matriz de Fatores Viabilizadores e Inibidores, com fatores derivados da teoria e das observações dos estudos de caso. As contribuições práticas compreendem: diferentes visões sobre o impacto dos fatores previstos em teoria, principalmente considerando-se a atuação dos entrevistados, a segmentação econômica e os portes das empresas; e fatores não previstos na teoria, como a falta de alinhamento entre TI e áreas de negócios, a cultura da empresa, os avanços da tecnologia e a gestão de mudanças. A comparação entre teoria e prática sugere maior polarização em fatores como: cultura de acumulação de dados; práticas e políticas organizacionais; comunicação entre áreas; e, educação dos usuários. Como conclusão destaca-se que a GI é entendida nas empresas como uma disciplina específica dos negócios, fundamental para atribuir sentido aos estudos empresariais e para suportar projetos e processos coerentes e eficazes. / Information Governance (IG) is a new approach to the governance of the organizational information assets, resulting from challenges such as exponential data growth, new and more complex business rules and a more regulated and litigious competitive context. The main objective of the research was to investigate how organizational, relational and Information Technology (IT) factors can act as enablers, inhibitors or components for IG adoption in companies. Supported by a literature review, an exploratory-descriptive qualitative research was carried conducted, based on 21 case studies from Brazilian companies selected by information high intensity usage in processes, products and services. The theoretical contributions of the research are two proposed models: a Matrix for Institutional Governance Comparison, to be used for differentiating Corporate, Information, IT and Data governance; and an Enablers and Inhibitors Matrix, with factors derived from theory and case studies. Practical contributions are different views from theory, especially related to the interviewee\'s professional area, industry and company size; unpredicted factors such as lack of alignment between IT and business areas, institutional culture, technology advancements and change management. The comparison between theory and practice suggests greater polarization in factors such as data accumulation mentality, organizational practices and policies, communication between areas and users education. The research concludes that IG is a business-specific discipline, fundamental to sensemaking for company studies and support to coherent and effective organizational projects and processes.

Compliance issues within Europe's General Data Protection Regulation in the context of information security and privacy governance in Swedish corporations : A mixed methods study of compliance practices towards GDPR readiness

Stauber, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
The European Union has introduced a new General Data Protection Regulation that regulates all aspects of privacy and data protection for the data of European citizens. To transition to the new rules, companies and public institutions were given two years to adapt their systems and controls. Due to the large area of changes the GDPR requires, many companies are facing severe problems to adapt the rules to be ready for enforcement. This marks the purpose of this study which is to look into compliance practices in the implementation of GDPR requirements. This includes a prospect of compliance mechanisms that may remain insufficiently addressed when the regulation comes into force on May 25, 2018. The study is conducted in Sweden and aims to investigate the situation in corporations and not in public institutions. Mixed methods have been applied by surveying and interviewing Swedish GDPR experts and consultants to gain an understanding of their view by using capability maturity scales to assess a variety of security processes and controls. The analysis shows a low implementation in GDPR requirements while having seen improvements over the past two years of transition. It points out that a holistic strategy towards compliance is mostly missing and many companies face obstacles that are difficult to overcome in a short period. This may result in non-compliance in many Swedish corporations after the regulation comes into force on May 25.

Can Audits be an Effective Method to Improve Information Governance Compliance Objectives?

du Fresne, Andrew J. 29 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Manal Alduraibi (15265348) 29 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Data Governance and Data Privacy are critical aspects of organizational management that are widely utilized across all organizational scales. However, this research focused specifically on the significance of Data Governance and Data Privacy in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). While the importance of maintaining these systems is paramount across all organizations, the challenges faced by SMEs in maintaining these systems are greater due to their limited resources. These challenges include potential errors such as data leaks, use of corrupted data, or insufficient data, as well as the difficulty in identifying clear roles and responsibilities regarding data handling. To address these challenges, this research investigated the impact of utilizing Lean Six Sigma (LSS) tools and practices to overcome the anticipated gaps and challenges in SMEs. The qualitative methodology utilized is a grounded theory design, chosen due to the limited understanding of the best LSS practices for achieving data governance and data privacy in SMEs and how LSS can improve the adoption of data governance concerning privacy in SMEs. Data were collected using semi-structured interview questions that were reviewed by an expert panel and pilot tested. The sampling method included purposive, snowballing, and theoretical sampling, resulting in 20 participants being selected for interviews. Open, axial, and selective coding were performed, resulting in the development of a grounded theory. The obtained data were imported into NVivo, a qualitative analysis software program, to compare responses, categorize them into themes and groups, and develop a conceptual framework for Data Governance and Data Privacy. An iterative data collection and analysis approach was conducted to ensure that all aspects were considered. The applied grounded theory resulted in retrieving the themes used to generate a theory from the participants’ descriptions of LSS, SMEs, data governance, and data privacy. Finally, ISM technique has been applied to identify the relationships between the concepts and factors resulted from the grounded theory. It helps arranging the levels the criteria, drawing the relationships in a flowchart, and providing valuable insights to the researcher. </p>

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