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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A aprendizagem da busca bibliográfica pelo estudante de graduação em enfermagem / Learning concerning bibliographic search of nursing undergraduate students

Maria Bernadete Malerbo 21 September 2011 (has links)
O advento da internet e sua constante evolução exigiu o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação em saúde, permitindo aos alunos de enfermagem o acesso à informação mais amplo, rápido e eficaz, agregando qualidade às buscas bibliográficas. Apesar da evolução e dinâmica atualização desses recursos informacionais, além da sua disponibilização gratuita, alguns alunos ainda apresentam fragilidades quando se envolvem com a busca e recuperação dessa informação. O objetivo desse estudo qualitativo é conhecer e analisar como são realizadas as buscas bibliográficas quanto à elaboração das estratégias de busca, determinação dos descritores de assunto, uso de bases de dados bibliográficas, recuperação de documentos em texto completo e quais são as dificuldades e os avanços encontrados nesse processo por alunos de graduação em enfermagem, dos cursos de Bacharelado e Bacharelado e Licenciatura da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto-USP. Foram entrevistados 21 alunos desses cursos no mês de novembro de 2010. A partir da análise temática, foram configurados alguns temas: 1 - necessidades e práticas de busca da informação: dificuldades experimentadas pelos estudantes de enfermagem; 2 - a organização do ensino da busca bibliográfica e o papel do professor e 3 - o bibliotecário como educador. O Google destaca-se como principal recurso de busca da WEB privilegiado pelos estudantes, tendo em vista dificuldades de acesso às bases de dados bibliográficas, de domínio da língua inglesa e de recuperação de texto completo. Os alunos apontam a necessidade de orientações e apoio por parte dos professores, assim como destacam atividades educativas desenvolvidas pelo bibliotecário de modo pontual. Nesse contexto, faz-se necessário rever o ensino da busca bibliográfica, inserindo atividade educativa de modo mais integrado às disciplinas dos currículos dos cursos envolvidos, ao longo do processo de formação; reconstruir as práticas pedagógicas dessas atividades, a partir de referencial problematizador e fortalecer a parceria entre professor e bibliotecários. Este estudo também desperta reflexões sobre a formação e a prática profissional do bibliotecário, tendo em vista sua inserção mais significativa no apoio ao desenvolvimento dos cursos de graduação, no contexto da Universidade. / The advent of the Internet and its constant evolution demanded the development of health information systems, which has provided nursing students broad, fast and efficient access to information, adding quality to bibliographic searches. Despite the improved and dynamic actualization of these information resources and their free access, some students still experience difficulties when attempting to search and retrieve information. This qualitative study identifies and analyzes how these bibliographic searches are performed in terms of search strategies, choice of subject descriptors, use of bibliographic databases, recovery of full text documents and also investigates the difficulties faced and advancements achieved in this process by undergraduate nursing students from the Bachelor and Teaching Degree Programs at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto, College of Nursing. A total of 21 students from these programs were interviewed in November 2010. Some themes emerged from the thematic analysis: 1 - Needs and information-seeking practices: difficulties faced by nursing students; 2 - Organization of teaching bibliographic searches and the role of professors; and 3 - The librarian as an educator. Google stands out as the main search resource on the web used by students given the difficulties faced in accessing bibliographic databases, English-based databases, and in the recovery of full texts. Students point to the need to obtain guidance and support from professors and also stress one-time educational activities developed by the librarian. The need to review the teaching of bibliographic searching is identified in order to include educational activities in a more integrated manner with the courses from the involved programs over the educational process, reconstruct the pedagogical practices of such activities based on the problematizing framework, and strengthen the partnership between professors and librarians. This study also encourages reflecting on the education and professional practice of librarians toward a more significant participation in supporting the development of undergraduate programs in the university context.

Middle School Students in Virtual Learning Environments

Wyatt, Erin Drankwalter 08 1900 (has links)
This ethnographic study examined middle school students engaged in a virtual learning environment used in concert with face-to-face instruction in order to complete a collaborative research project. Thirty-eight students from three eighth grade classes participated in this study where data were collected through observation of student work within the virtual learning environment, an online survey, and focus group sessions with students involved in the project. Results indicated students found the virtual learning environment to be valuable as a platform to complete a collaborative research assignment because of portability, ease of use, and organization. Embedded resources within the environment were helpful because of the convenience. Other people, including peers and teachers, were the preferred source of help when problems navigating the environment or finding information arose. Students communicated within the virtual learning environment as a social outlet, a way to check in, and a means to offer content related comments. Ideally the study's findings will give insight into student experiences in a virtual learning environment in order to help educators design more effective learning experiences and incorporate useful supports within such environments.

Redes eletrônicas e necessidades de informação : abordagem do Sense-Making para estudo de comportamento de usuários do Instituto de Fisica da USP / Electronic Networking and Information needs: the SenseMaking Approach to study information seeking behavior with users at Physics Institute at University of São Paulo

Sueli Mara Soares Pinto Ferreira 06 June 1995 (has links)
Redes eletrônicas e necessidades informacionais, integradas para evidenciar comportamento de busca e uso da informação e compreender o papel dessa tecnologia no ambiente universitário, são os objetivos desta tese. Dividida em três partes, enfoca primeiro o plano metodológico. A seguir, dois estudos de revisão fundamentam o trabalho: (1) rastreando a evolução de redes eletrônicas internacional e nacionalmente para sistematizar a matéria; (2) evidenciando pontos tradicionais de estudos de necessidades de informação para alcançar aqueles centrados no usuário. Na terceira parte apresenta pesquisa peculiar, em ambiente da USP cujo Instituto de Física constitui o universo de observação. Por meio do correio eletrônico é perscrutada a conduta de busca e uso da informação de 87 usuários da rede local do IFUSP, no período outubro / novembro de 1994. A abordagem metodológica utilizada é adaptada do Sense-Making de Brenda Dervin, uma abordagem alternativa ou da percepção, que tem o usuário como objeto de pesquisa. Submetidos a três tipos de análise, os resultados obtidos assim se configuram: (a) utilização das redes: tempo de experiência, freqüência, propósitos, barreiras e dificuldades, treinamentos; (b) busca e uso de informação: contexto de uso, natureza e foco das necessidades de informação, estratégias empregadas para solucionar problemas, esforço dependido para localizar respostas as necessidades, expectativa de uso da informação, recursos informacionais utilizados, completeza e satisfação com as respostas obtidas e fontes efetivas de auxílio e (c) necessidades de informação não solucionadas: contexto de uso, natureza e foco das necessidades, expectativa de uso e estratégias para solução. Ponto significativo da pesquisa foi à categorização de usuários em 4 grupos, conforme as etapas gradativas do seu desempenho no uso das redes: fase 1 descobrindo a existência das redes eletrônicas e seus benefícios; fase 2 - já utilizando as três funções básicas da rede (correio eletrônico, ftp e telnet), porém de modo restrito, apenas usufruindo mais agilmente os recursos computacionais locais; fase 3 - buscas de solução a questões imediatistas, pontuais e de caráter variado; fase 4 - uso denotando experiência, segurança nas várias funções das RE. Dessa categorização e pelas VÍ solução a questões imediatistas, pontuais e de caráter variado; fase 4 - uso denotando experiência, segurança nas várias funções das RE. \"Dessa categorização e pelas freqüências observadas em cada fase, infere-se que as redes eletrônicas têm sido utilizadas mais como um instrumento de comunicação do que real fonte de informação. Similaridades nos procedimentos de busca e uso da informação entre os grupos estudados contribuíram também para delinear o perfil de necessidades informacionais de comunidade acadêmica que utiliza redes eletrônicas. Para otimizar o uso das RE, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de estudos específicos das necessidades dos usuários; serviços pertinentes a essas necessidades; programas de capacitação de profissionais intermediários entre serviços e usuários finais, de formação em serviços e treinamento de usuários. / Electronic Networks and Information Needs are integrated in order to search information seeking behavior of the academic community and to understand the impact of this technology in the university activities. Those are the issues of this dissertation, which is presented in 3 parts. First - the methodology. Second - review studies which contain the fundamentation of this work: (1) electronic networking evolution; and (b) traditional versus oriented approach to study the user needs. Third - information seeking behavior research of the electronic networking users at the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo based in Brenda Dervin\'s Sense-Making Approach. The electronic mail was used in order to get information from 87 users of IFUSP local network. The results were submitted to three types of analysis: (a) use of the electronic network: amount of experience, frequency and purpose of use, barriers and difficulties, amount of training and context of use; (b) search and use of information: nature and entity focus, strategy used, amount of effort, resource used, user expectation and actual uses, completeness of the answers obtained, usefulness of the answers, sources that effectível y helped to find the information; (c) unsolved information needs: failure, analysis of user\'s problems when their information needs remained unsolved was performed. Users were classified in 4 groups, according their performance in networking: (1) those in discovering electronic networks benefits stage; (2) those using basic functions (email, ftp and telnet) but only locally; (3) those seeking for solutions or immediate issues; (4) expert users. From this characterization and due to the user\'s frequencies in each of these stages, an inference of IFUSP net is done: most users are just at the communication stage, not using networks as an information source. Similarities in the information seeking behavior of those IFUSPnet users contribute to outline the community user needs characterization. As suggestions in order to improve the electronic networks use, it should develop specific studies of user needs, offer users competence program and professional in service training.

Informationsbedarf und Informationsverhalten von Melanom-Patienten zertifizierter deutscher Hauttumorzentren

Brütting, Julia 29 April 2020 (has links)
Hintergrund: Das Informationsbedürfnis zählt zu den wichtigsten Bedürfnissen von Melanom-Patienten (MP). Diesem zu entsprechen und Patienten adäquat über ihren gesundheitlichen Zustand zu informieren, ist daher auch eine der wichtigsten supportiven Maßnahmen der Krebstherapie. Über die eigene Situation konkret Bescheid zu wissen, trägt dazu bei, Angst zu reduzieren, das persönliche Krankheitskontrollgefühl zu erhöhen sowie die Erkrankung besser bewältigen zu können. In Konsequenz ist die Zufriedenheit und Lebensqualität bei Krebspatienten höher, die sich gut aufgeklärt fühlen. Dennoch bleibt das Informationsbedürfnis häufig auch unerfüllt. Primäre Informationsquelle für Krebspatienten in Deutschland ist das persönliche Gespräch mit dem Arzt oder der Ärztin. Ist die Zeit für Arzt-Patienten- Gespräche jedoch knapp und/oder werden viele (medizinische) Informationen auf einmal vermittelt, ist es möglich, dass sich die Patienten überfordert und anschließend nicht angemessen informiert fühlen. Krebs- und so auch MP, nutzen verschiedene weitere Informationsquellen um Informationsdefizite auszugleichen. Trotz der steigenden Bedeutung des Internets, variieren Nutzung und Präferenzen der Informationsquellen mit Patientensubgruppen – so u.a. mit dem Alter, dem Bildungsstatus, dem sozio-ökonomischen Status, der Nationalität und dem generellen Bedarf nach umfassender Aufklärung über den eigenen Gesundheits- und Behandlungsstand. Analog variieren Inhalte und Umfang der Informationsbedürfnisse von MP u.a. mit dem Geschlecht, dem Alter, dem Stadium im Verlauf der Tumorerkrankung und der Erkrankungsschwere. An Primärdaten aus Deutschland fehlt es jedoch bislang. Zudem werden auch die spezifischen Bedürfnisse von MP mit Metastasen in der Literatur nur unzureichend abgedeckt. Um die Informationsbereitstellung und -versorgung von MP in Deutschland optimieren sowie bedarfsgerechter gestalten zu können, ist es grundlegend deren Informationsbedarf und Informationsverhalten zu kennen. Fragestellung: Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, a) die Informationsbedürfnisse von MP in Deutschland (und deren Subgruppen) sowie b) die durch sie bevorzugten Informationsquellen explorativ zu ermitteln. Es sollten Ansatzpunkte für Optimierungen bei der Informationsversorgung, insbesondere im Hinblick auf mediale Neu- oder Weiterentwicklungen aufgezeigt werden. Methodik: Zwischen Juli und Oktober 2016 wurde an insgesamt 27 zertifizierten deutschen Hauttumorzentren eine multizentrische (Querschnitts-)Befragung unter MP durchgeführt. MP konnten daran teilnehmen, wenn sie mindestens 18 Jahre alt und der deutschen Sprache mächtig waren. Patienten, die während des Befragungszeitraums eines der Hauttumorzentren besuchten, wurden konsekutiv zur Teilnahme eingeladen. Für die Befragung wurde ein eigens entwickelter, standardisierter Papierfragebogen genutzt, der kollektiv mit Patienten deutscher Hautkrebsselbsthilfegruppen, medizinischem sowie Sozialwissenschaftlichem Personal entwickelt wurde. Ein Pretest der präfinalen Version erfolgte mit zwanzig MP am Hauttumorzentrum Dresden. Die Auswertung der Daten erfolgte mittels SPSS (Version 23). Um Subgruppenunterschiede bei den Informationsbedürfnissen sowie dem Informationsverhalten zu ermitteln, wurde für kategoriale Variablen der Chi² Unabhängigkeitstest und für metrische Variablen der nichtparametrische U-Test nach Mann-Whitney bzw. der Kruskal-Wallis-Test angewandt. Die binär logistische Regression wurde angewandt, um Prädiktoren für a) die Präsenz unerfüllter Informationsbedürfnisse, b) die Zufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Informationsstand sowie c) die Präferenzen verschiedener medialer Informationsquellen (Internet, Broschüren, TV/Videos, Journale/Magazine) zu ermitteln. Die statistische Signifikanz für alle Tests wurde für p < 0.05 festgelegt. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt 542 Melanom-Patienten nahmen an der Befragung teil. Die Daten von 529 Patienten (Response-Rate: 54%) konnten ausgewertet werden. Von den Teilnehmern waren 56% männlich, 61% älter als 55 Jahre, 67% waren von Metastasen betroffen (klinisches Stadium III oder IV), 49% erhielten zum Befragungszeitpunkt eine medizinische Behandlung und 47% befanden sich in der Nachsorge. 14% der MP wurden stationär und 83% ambulant betreut. Informationsbedarf: 69% der Befragten gaben an, sich generell so viele Informationen wie möglich über ihre Erkrankung und deren Behandlung zu wünschen und 78% gaben an sehr oder eher zufrieden mit dem eigenen Informationsstand zu sein. Gleichzeitig äußerten 55% der Befragten jedoch auch, weiteren Informationsbedarf zu haben. Am wenigsten fühlten sich die MP über psychosoziale Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten (24-31% kaum oder gar nicht) informiert. Am häufigsten (von jeweils 35%) wurden sich mehr Informationen zum voraussichtlichen Krankheitsverlauf, Behandlungsoptionen und Heilungschancen gewünscht. Den höchsten Informationsbedarf gaben MP mit Tumorprogression an. Außerdem berichteten MP < 55 Jahren signifikant häufiger als ältere MP (63% vs. 50%; p = .003) weiteren Informationsbedarf zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Erkrankung, ebenso wie MP die sich aktuell in Behandlung befanden im Vergleich zu Nachsorgepatienten (63% vs. 47%; p < .001). Die binäre Regressionsanalyse ergab u.a., dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit unerfüllte Informationsbedürfnisse zu haben bei MP, die sich generell viele Informationen wünschten, um 2.4 Mal höher war als bei denen, die sich durch viele Informationen eher überfordert fühlten. Subguppenunterschiede zeigten sich zudem bei den inhaltlichen Präferenzen, so z.B. wünschten sich Frauen und MP < 55 Jahren häufiger Informationen zu psychologischer Unterstützung als Männer (28% vs. 15%; p < .001) und MP ≥ 55 Jahre (25% vs. 17%; p = .038). Informationsverhalten: 81% der Befragten nutzten am häufigsten das persönliche Gespräch mit dem Arzt/der Ärztin um sich über ihre Erkrankung zu informieren. 58% wünschten sich von diesem jedoch auch Empfehlungen zu Informationsquellen, die sie außerhalb der Klinik nutzen können. Das Internet (63%) und Patientenbroschüren (58%) wurden am häufigsten als erst- oder zweitwichtigstes Medium für die indikationsbezogene Informationsbeschaffung angegeben. Die Angebote von Selbsthilfegruppen und Krebsberatungsstellen wurden nur durch 8 bzw. 12% jemals oder überhaupt genutzt. Als Prädiktoren für die präferierte Internetnutzung erwiesen sich das Alter < 55 Jahre, ein höherer Bildungsabschluss, ein generell hoher Informationsbedarf sowie Unwissenheit über den eigenen, aktuellen Stand der Erkrankung. Audiovisuelle Medien wurden hingegen von MP mit geringeren Bildungsabschlüssen präferiert. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Ergebnisse sensibilisieren dafür, welche Inhalte MP deutscher Hauttumorzentren primär interessieren, welche Defizite bei der Informationsversorgung aktuell bestehen und welche Inhalte für bestimmte Subgruppen wichtig sind. Diese Kenntnisse sind für die Führung von Arzt-Patienten-Gesprächen wichtig. Zum anderen liefern sie wichtige Anhaltspunkte für die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung bedarfsgerechter Informationsangebote. Die Ermittlung der wichtigsten medialen Informationsquellen ist richtungsweisend für künftige Entwicklungen im Bereich der Medien zur Informationsversorgung von MP. Den Gründen für die geringe Inanspruchnahme der Angebote von Selbsthilfegruppen und Krebsberatungsstellen durch MP sollte weiter nachgegangen werden, da beide Institutionsformen wichtige, unterstützende, supplementäre Angebote zur klinischen Versorgung darstellen.:Abkürzungen 4 1. Einführung in die Thematik 5 1.1 Wissenschaftliche Ausgangssituation 6 1.1.1 Verbreitung des Melanoms in Deutschland 6 1.1.2 Forschungsstand zu Informationsbedürfnissen von Melanom-Patienten 7 1.1.3 Forschungsstand zum Informationsverhalten von Melanom-Patienten 8 1.2 Theoretischer und wissenschaftlicher Ansatz der eigenen Arbeiten 9 1.2.1 Fragebogenentwicklung 9 1.2.2 Studiendurchführung 10 1.2.3 Datenauswertung 10 1.3 Erarbeitete wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 11 1.3.1 Charakteristika der teilnehmenden Melanom-Patienten 11 1.3.2 Informationsstand der Patienten zu verschiedenen Aspekten ihrer Erkrankung 11 1.3.3 Zufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Informationsstand 11 1.3.4 Präsenz unerfüllter Informationsbedürfnisse 12 1.3.5 Inhaltliche Informationsbedürfnisse und -präferenzen 12 1.3.6 Nutzung verschiedener Informationsquellen 12 1.3.7 Präferenzen medialer Informationsquellen 13 1.3.8 Rolle des Arztes bzw. der Ärztin 13 1.3.9 Zufriedenheit mit erhaltenen Informationen aus verschiedenen Informationsquellen 13 2. Publikation 1: Unmet information needs of patients with melanoma in Germany 15 3. Publikation 2: Information-seeking and use of information resources among melanoma patients of German skin cancer centers 25 4. Diskussion und Ausblick 35 4.1 Limitationen 40 4.2 Ausblick 41 5. Zusammenfassung 43 6. Summary 46 7. Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis 49 Anlagen / Background: The need for information is one of the greatest needs reported by melanoma patients (MP). Satisfying unmet information needs (UIN) is an important measure of supportive cancer care since it can reduce anxiety, improve compliance with therapy and, increase the feeling of personal control, thereby improving coping with the disease itself. Cancer patients in Germany prefer consultations with the physician to acquire information about their condition. However, the physician’s time is usually limited and sometimes many detailed medical facts are provided at once. In such cases patients may have difficulty in understanding or be unable to absorb all the information and recall them correctly. This can lead to their feeling inadequately informed. Another problem is that patients may fail to address all their concerns during medical consultations and thus some questions may remain unanswered. To compensate for information deficits, many cancer patients search and use other information resources (IR). Recent research suggests that the information-seeking behavior of cancer patients, including those with melanoma, has been changing alongside the application of modern media. However, not all cancer patients use and prefer the internet or smartphone apps to seek for information, for instance. Rather, usage and preferences of IR vary with the patient’s age, education, socioeconomic status, nationality and the general need in receiving comprehensive information about their own condition. Previous research further has shown that information and supportive care for melanoma patients has to be adapted to the stage of disease, the patients’ gender age and educational level. So far, the UIN of melanoma patients in Germany and of MP with metastases are not covered well in the literature. In order to optimize and adapt information provision to the needs of MPs in Germany, it is essential to know about their specific UIN and informationseeking behavior. Objective: The aim of the present study was therefore, to exploratively investigate a) the UIN of MP in Germany (and their subgroups), and b) to determine the IR they prefer. Starting points for the optimization of information provision in MP should be determined, in particular in terms of developments in the media. Methods: From July to October 2016, a multicenter cross-sectional survey of MP was conducted at 27 accredited German skin cancer centers. MPs were eligible for participation if they had a minimum age of 18 years and were able to understand and speak the German language. Patients attending a skin cancer center during the survey period were consecutively invited to participate. For the survey, a standardized paper questionnaire was specially devised, and was developed collectively with patients of German skin cancer self-help groups as well as medical and scientific staff. A pretest was done by twenty MP at the Dresden skin cancer center. For data analysis SPSS (version 23) was used. The Chi² test was used for categorical variables and the non-parametric U-test (Mann-Whitney) or the Kruskal-Wallis test were used for metric variables to identify subgroup differences in UIN and the information-seeking behavior. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictors of a) the presence of UIN, b) satisfaction with the MPs’ own information level, and c) the preferences of various media (internet, booklets, TV/videos, journals/magazines). Statistical significance was set at p <0.05 for all tests. Results: 542 questionnaires were returned, and the data of 529 questionnaires was analyzed, corresponding to a response rate of 54%.Of the participating MP, 56% were male, 61% aged > 55 years, 67% were affected by metastatic melanoma, and 49% received medical treatment at the time of the survey. 14% of participants were inpatients and 83% received outpatient care. Unmet information needs: In general, 69% of the MP preferred to be informed on their condition as much as possible, and 78% described themselves as rather or even very satisfied with their knowledge about their condition. However, more than half of the participants (55%) reported UIN. They most often felt poorly or not at all informed about social (31%) and psychological support (24%), and about the consequences of the disease for their private life (23%). Most MP wished more information on treatments, the course of disease and chances of cure (each for 35%). The significantly highest number of UIN was reported by MP with tumor progression. Furthermore, MP aging < 55 years as well as MPs currently receiving medical treatment reported UIN significantly more often than older MPs (63% vs. 50%, p = .003) and post-treatment MP (63% vs. 47%, p <.001). Binary regression analysis indicated that the probability of having UIN was 2.4 times higher for MPs who generally preferred as much information as possible, than for those who felt overwhelmed by too much information. Subgroup differences were also found in the content preferences, e.g. women and MP aging < 55 years more often wished information on psychological support than men (28% vs. 15%, p <.001) and MP ≥ 55 years (25% vs. 17%, p = .038). Information-seeking: 81% of the MP reported consultations with the physician as the source of information they most frequently used to acquire information about their own condition. However, 58% also wanted recommendations on sources of information that they could use outside the clinic. When asked about how important particular media were, 63% of MP awarded the internet and 58% awarded booklets as first or second most important for information-seeking. Services from self-help groups and cancer counseling centers were used by only 8% - 12% of the surveyed MP at all. Aging < 55 years, a higher education, a generally high need for information as well as unawareness about the own current condition proved to be predictors of the preferred internet use. Audiovisual media, however, were preferred by MP with lower education. Conclusions: The results raise awareness of topics that are primarily of interest for MP of German skin cancer centers, which deficits in information provision currently exist and what topics are more important to several subgroups. The findings are important to be considered during medical consultations. On the other hand, they indicate what content MPs expect to be educated about, even by media. The identification of media preferences points out what information resources will be important to MPs for information acquisition in the future, and in which area developments should be forced. Current underuse of peer support from self-help groups and cancer counseling centers by MP should be further explored and ideally remedied because both types of facility provide help in various respects and can supplement clinical care.:Abkürzungen 4 1. Einführung in die Thematik 5 1.1 Wissenschaftliche Ausgangssituation 6 1.1.1 Verbreitung des Melanoms in Deutschland 6 1.1.2 Forschungsstand zu Informationsbedürfnissen von Melanom-Patienten 7 1.1.3 Forschungsstand zum Informationsverhalten von Melanom-Patienten 8 1.2 Theoretischer und wissenschaftlicher Ansatz der eigenen Arbeiten 9 1.2.1 Fragebogenentwicklung 9 1.2.2 Studiendurchführung 10 1.2.3 Datenauswertung 10 1.3 Erarbeitete wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 11 1.3.1 Charakteristika der teilnehmenden Melanom-Patienten 11 1.3.2 Informationsstand der Patienten zu verschiedenen Aspekten ihrer Erkrankung 11 1.3.3 Zufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Informationsstand 11 1.3.4 Präsenz unerfüllter Informationsbedürfnisse 12 1.3.5 Inhaltliche Informationsbedürfnisse und -präferenzen 12 1.3.6 Nutzung verschiedener Informationsquellen 12 1.3.7 Präferenzen medialer Informationsquellen 13 1.3.8 Rolle des Arztes bzw. der Ärztin 13 1.3.9 Zufriedenheit mit erhaltenen Informationen aus verschiedenen Informationsquellen 13 2. Publikation 1: Unmet information needs of patients with melanoma in Germany 15 3. Publikation 2: Information-seeking and use of information resources among melanoma patients of German skin cancer centers 25 4. Diskussion und Ausblick 35 4.1 Limitationen 40 4.2 Ausblick 41 5. Zusammenfassung 43 6. Summary 46 7. Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis 49 Anlagen

The difficult task of finding digitized music manuscripts in online library collection

Peetz-Ullman, Juliane January 2020 (has links)
Music researchers are seldom at the center of attention as a user group within LIS. Thus, investigations of search possibilities for digitized music manuscript collections with a user perspective are lacking. Here, three digitized music manuscript collections (the Schrank II collection in Dresden, the Utile Dulci collection in Stockholm, and the Düben collection in Uppsala) are examined with regard to the accessibility of their contents to the target user group in two steps: First, music researchers are asked about their information seeking process and queries. They are observed in surveys, interviews, and think-aloud protocols. Second, the three retrieval systems are subjected to a performance evaluation by means of precision, recall, and F1 measures. The results show that music researchers are seeking information either with known-item searching, browsing, or subject search, yet the latter with considerably different subjects than, for example, in the domain of literature. In addition, while music researchers are expressing their satisfaction with the discovery systems, the observations from protocol analysis and the performance evaluation show that all three have issues in retrieving relevant documents for music-specific queries.

Modeling Cognitive Authority Relationships

Johnson, Barbara Denise 12 1900 (has links)
Information-seeking behavior is a mixture of activities and attitudes, oftentimes motivated by an individual's need to make a decision. One underlying element of this mixture is cognitive authority - which sources (e.g., individuals, institutions, texts, etc.) can be trusted to fulfil the information needs? In order to gain insight into the dynamics of cognitive authority selection behavior which is an information seeking behavior, this study explored primary source text data (316 text records) that reflected selection in the mundaneness of life (advice column submissions and responses). Linguistic analysis was performed on the data using the Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC2015) software package. Pearson correlation and 1-sample T tests revealed the same 45 statistically significant relationships (SSRs) in the word usage behavior of all subgroups. As a result of the study, the gap in research formed from the lack of quantitative models of cognitive authority relationships was addressed via the development of the Wordprint Classification System which was used to generate a cognitive authority relationship model in the form of a cognitive authority intra-segment wordprint. The findings and implications of this study may provide a contribution to the body of work in the area of information literacy and information seeker behavior by revealing factors that information scientists can address to help meet information seekers' needs. Additionally, the Wordprint Classification System may be used in such disciplines as psychology, marketing, and forensic linguistics to create to create models of various relationships or individuals through the use of written or spoken word usage patterns.


Kong, Wei 07 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / With the continuous growth of health information on the Internet, providing user-orientated health service online has become a great challenge to health providers. Understanding the information needs of the users is the first step to providing tailored health service. The purpose of this study is to examine the navigation behavior of different user groups by extracting their search terms and to make some suggestions to reconstruct a website for more customized Web service. This study analyzed five months’ of daily access weblog files from one local health provider’s website, discovered the most popular general topics and health related topics, and compared the information search strategies for both patient/consumer and doctor groups. Our findings show that users are not searching health information as much as was thought. The top two health topics which patients are concerned about are children’s health and occupational health. Another topic that both user groups are interested in is medical records. Also, patients and doctors have different search strategies when looking for information on this website. Patients get back to the previous page more often, while doctors usually go to the final page directly and then leave the page without coming back. As a result, some suggestions to redesign and improve the website are discussed; a more intuitive portal and more customized links for both user groups are suggested.

Exploring the search functionalities on a website designed for children / Utforskning av sökfunktionen för en webbplats designad för barn

Johansson Sjöwall, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The usage of Internet has increased among children. Much of that use comes from watching videos and playing games. There are a few services that cater to this need and Barnkanalen is one of them. However, in order for the service to be usable to children it needs to be adapted for them and content needs to be easily available. Children with no or little reading ability and writing skills need extra attention since they simply can not type correctly what they are searching for into a search field. This paper explores children’s preferred search strategies and what problems they experience on one of the major websites designed for children by conducting a user study. The user study was based upon a usability evaluation method called Constructive Interaction, where the children collaborated in pairs to solve search related tasks given to them. It was conducted at an after-school center in Bromma, Stockholm. 19 children aged 6-8 participated. The results indicate that the computer user interface and search functionalities of Barnkanalen need some improvements. The children with more developed spelling skills often have no problems, finding what they are supposed to find, when they know the title of the show. When the children did not have the knowledge of the titles or could not spell them they experienced some difficulties in finding what they were looking for. Most would browse the page, scrolling through the content being presented in horizontal lists. Some children got stuck in repetitive search loops; some were not paying enough attention and missed what they were looking for when it showed up on the screen. The children also had a hard time clicking on what they wanted to click at. Only four children had prior experience of visiting Barnkanalen on a computer but almost all of the children had experience using Barnkanalen on tablets or smartphones. The results led to recommendations on how to improve the site. For example, show titles in English should be allowed to be spelled phonetically, certain buttons need to be bigger, making Barnplay the start page of Barnkanalen and a virtual assistant is proposed. / Barns användande av internet ökar.  En stor del av användningen består av att titta på videos och spela spel. Det finns ett par tjänster som uppfyller det här behovet och Barnkanalen är en av dem. För att tjänsten ska vara användbar för barn så måste den vara anpassad för dem och innehållet måste vara lättillgängligt. Barn med lite eller som helt saknar läs och skriv-färdigheter behöver extra hjälp eftersom de inte utan problem kan skriva in vad de söker efter i ett sökfält. Den här uppsatsen undersöker barns föredragna sökstrategier och de problem de upplever på en av de största webbsidorna som är designad för barn genom att genomföra en användarstudie. Användarstudien var baserad på en användbarhetsutvärderingsmetod som heter konstruktiv interaktion (Constructive Interaction), där barnen samarbetar i par med att lösa sökrelaterade uppgifter. Studien utfördes på ett fritidshem i Bromma, Stockholm. 19 barn i åldrarna 6-8 år deltog. Resultaten indikerar att datorgränssnittet och sökfunktionerna på Barnkanalen behöver vissa förbättringar. Barn med bättre utvecklad skrivkunnighet hade oftast inga problem med att söka rätt på vad de skulle hitta, när de visste vad programmet de letade efter hette. När barnen saknade kunskap om vad programmet hette eller inte kunde stava till det så hade de problem med att finna vad de letade efter. De flesta undersökte sidan, skrollade genom innehållet som var placerat i horisontella listor. Vissa barn fastnade i ett repetitivt sökbeteende; vissa var inte uppmärksamma nog och missade det de letade efter när det dök upp på skärmen. Barnen hade också en del problem att klicka på det de ville klicka på. Bara fyra barn hade tidigare erfarenhet av att använda Barnkanalen på en dator medan nästan alla hade använt Barnkanalen på en pekplatta eller smarttelefon. Resultaten från studien ledde fram till ett par rekommendationer kring hur sidan kan förbättras. Till exempel, program med engelsk titel bör kunna sökas med fonetisk stavning, vissa knappar bör förstoras, göra Barnplay till startsida för Barnkanalen och en virtuell assistent föreslås.

Predictors of Online Health Information Seeking Behavior and Health Information Seeking Experience of Elderly Cancer Survivors Using the Internet

Oh, Young Sam 27 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

台北市公立幼稚園教師利用資訊資源之研究 / A Study on the use of information resources of kindergarten teachers in Taipei

許修嬋, Hsu, Hsiu Chan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,我國出生率逐年遞減,少子化的現象普遍存在,家長及社會對於幼兒的教育十分重視,幼教老師在教學實施上備受壓力;而網路與科技媒體的蓬勃發展,更促使幼教老師必須重新思考教學的方式。教師如要運用教學媒體教授幼兒知識,須具備一定的資訊素養,懂得從各種管道尋獲教學資源。 / 本研究針對台北市公立幼稚園教師進行研究,期瞭解幼兒教師的資訊尋求行為概況;探討教師如何利用圖書館和網路資源準備教學;分析教師如何運用資訊資源進行專業成長;並瞭解幼教老師利用Blog的經驗。透過問卷調查和深度訪談來瞭解幼教老師利用資訊資源於教學上之概況。 / 研究發現,台北市公立幼稚園教師仍以女性教師為主,大部分教育程度在大學以上,年齡則以41~50歲居多,教師教學經驗豐富,六成的教師已從事教學達15年以上。高達92.5%的教師會使用網際網路,教師具有中上的資訊素養能力,且學歷較高和新進教師的教師具有較高的資訊素養。教師使用多種管道找尋合適的資源與媒體以支援教學,並將其評估、處理成為教材。在找尋資源時會考量資訊的正確性與方便性。 / 關於利用圖書館資源準備教學方面:教師至圖書館的目的為找尋教學相關資源;使用校內圖書室和台北市立圖書館找尋教學資源;使用繪本和影音資料為主。在利用網路資源協助教學上:教師利用網路資源準備教學;應用網路多媒體協助教學實施;參與網路社群分享教學資源及經驗;藉由網路平台紀錄教學活動;與家長進行親師溝通。而利用資訊資源進行專業成長上教師透過閱讀獲取專業知識;利用網路資源自我學習,並進行個人知識管理。此外,教師亦會運用Blog搜尋教學資源、分享教學經驗、整理學生學習歷程檔案、建置幼稚園網頁、記錄教學與整理教師教學檔案及建置個人Blog。 / 最後建議:(1)教育主管機關應鼓勵教師參與線上讀書會與成長團體,精進個人之專業知識;辦理各式資訊素養研習以提昇教師的資訊素養能力;委託相關單位編製資源示意圖協助教師準備教學;建置幼教專業知識共享平台,便於教師找尋及取得資源、整理個人教學知識,持續進行個人專業成長。(2)幼稚園圖書室應與鄰近圖書館合作並共享資源;協助教師充分利用圖書館資源準備教學。(3)幼稚園教師應充分利用資訊資源支援教學活動、進行終身學習;積極參與網路社群,利用Blog等網路平台與家長共同指導幼兒。 關鍵字:幼稚園教師;資訊尋求行為;教師專業成長;部落格 / This research focused on the utilization of information resources of public kindergarten teachers in Taipei. The purpose is to reveal the information seeking behaviors of kindergarten teachers, such as how the teachers use the library and internet resources to prepare for teaching; how teachers use the information resources to upgrade teachers' professional development; and the use of Blog. The study applies the questionnaire and in-depth interview to find out how the kindergarten teachers use the information resources. / According to this study, most of public kindergarten teachers in Taipei are female, hold bachelor degree, and the majority of them are about forties to fifties. Teachers are well experienced. Ninety two point percent teachers are able to use internet, most teachers are well equipped with information literacy. / Finally, suggestion were made as follows: (1) The Department of Education, Taipei City Government should encourage teachers to participate the online reading club and growth group for enhancing professional development; conducting all kinds of information literacy courses, compiling the pathfinders and setting up professional portal for professional growth. (2) The kindergarten library should cooperate with the neighboring libraries to share resources, and play the important role in assisting teachers using information resources. (3) Kindergarten teachers should learn how to utilize the information resources widely for supporting the teaching and achieve the life-long learning; participating in internet communities to upgrade their professional knowledge and core competences; and use the Blog and other social software to instruct kids with their parents together. Keywords:Kindergarten Teachers;Information Seeking Behavior;Teachers' professional development;Blog

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