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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Morphologisch-funktionelle Charakterisierung equiner endometrialer Epithel- und Stromazellen in Monokultur unter Einbeziehung ausgewählter zellulärer Differenzierungsmarker

Theuß, Tobias 01 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war zunächst in der Methodenoptimierung eines bereits grundlegend etablierten Protokolls zur Isolierung und Kultur equiner endometrialer Epithel (EEZ) und Stromazellen (ESZ) (BUSCHATZ 2007) zu sehen. Zudem wurde die Entwicklung weiterer Möglichkeiten des Handlings angestrebt (Passagierung, Kryokonservierung). So sollten den Zellen optimierte Rahmenbedingungen in vitro geboten werden, welche den Verhältnissen im Organismus weitgehend nahe kommen. Im Anschluss daran wurden die Zellen in vitro hinsichtlich ihrer morphologisch-funktionellen Charakteristika untersucht und die Befunde vergleichend zu den Gegebenheiten in situ betrachtet. Besonderes Augenmerk galt dabei der Expression von Progesteron- (PR) und Östrogenrezeptor-α (ERα) und von Inhibin-α. Wären vergleichbare Konstellationen in vitro und in vivo anzutreffen, könnte ein solches Kultursystem als Modell zum Studium interzellulärer Wechselwirkungen oder pathogenetischer Abläufe am Endometrium dienen. Voraussetzung hierfür wäre jedoch eine fortgeschrittene zelluläre Differenzierung, wie sie beispielsweise durch die Expression von Inhibin-α und der Steroidhormonrezeptoren angezeigt wird. Es wurden transzervikale Uterusbioptate und vollständige Uteri euthanasierter Stuten für die Zellaufreinigung sowie die vergleichende histologische Untersuchung gewonnen. Einer mechanischen und enzymatischen Dissoziation des Gewebes folgte die Separation beider Zellarten durch Filtration, Dichtegradientenzentrifugation und Differenzialadhärenz. Die Kultur erfolgte in wasserdampfgesättigter Raumluft bei 37 °C in 5 % CO2-Atmosphäre. Als Kulturmedium diente DMEM/Ham´s F-12 unter Zusatz von 2,5 % fötalem Kälberserums und diverser Additive. Es wurde eine morphologische Charakterisierung der Zellen während der Kultur vorgenommen und zudem ERα, PR und Inhibin-α an allen Kulturen und Gewebeproben immunhistologisch bestimmt. Das Ablösen der Zellen zur Passagierung erfolgte mit Trypsin-EDTA (ESZ) bzw. Alfazyme® (EEZ). Entsprechend abgelöste Zellen wurden zudem in DMSO-haltigem Nährmedium kryokonserviert. Die Kultivierung von EEZ und ESZ gelang sowohl bei Verwendung transzervikaler Uterusbioptate als auch bei Uteri euthanasierter Pferde. Zudem konnten alle physiologischerweise bei der Stute auftretenden Zyklusstände (Anöstrus, Interöstrus, Östrus) sowie ein gravider Uterus kultiviert werden. Die Konfluenz wird von EEZ nach 4 bis 16 d und von ESZ innerhalb von 7 bis 18 d erreicht, wobei Zellen aus ursprünglich proliferativen endometrialen Funktionszuständen tendenziell eher konfluent sind als sekretorisch aktive. Während der Kultur kann eine eindeutige morphologische Unterscheidung beider Zellarten voneinander erfolgen. ESZ besitzen eine spindelige, teils sternförmige, insgesamt „fibroblastenartige“ Gestalt. EEZ sind in zwei morphologischen Subtypen anzutreffen. Der monomorphe Zelltyp „A“ stellt kleine, polygonale Zellen mit regulären und regelmäßigen Zellgrenzen dar. Zelltyp „B“ ist größer, pleomorph, ebenfalls polygonal, mehrkernig und besitzt unregelmäßige, schlecht erkennbare Zellgrenzen. Subkultivierungen waren bis zu 20 (ESZ) bzw. 24 mal (EEZ) möglich. Zudem konnten beide Zellarten in flüssigem Stickstoff gelagert (kryokonserviert) und danach erfolgreich kultiviert werden. Weiterhin gelang der Nachweis von Inhibin-α im Uterus des Pferdes. Hierbei wurde eine zyklische Dynamik in der Expression festgestellt (stärkere Expression während der sekretorischen Phase), welche als Hinweis für eine sekretorische Differenzierung der EEZ anzusehen ist. Ebenfalls konnte dieses Protein in kultivierten EEZ und in viel geringerem Maße auch in den ESZ gefunden werden. Darüber hinaus war erstmalig der Nachweis von PR und ERα in beiden Zellarten in vitro möglich. Insgesamt ist die Expression dieser drei für uterines Gewebe essentiellen Rezeptoren/Proteine in kultivierten EEZ und ESZ als Hinweis für eine fortgeschrittene Differenzierung anzusehen, welche mit der vorgestellten Methode der Isolierung und Kultur auch erreicht werden konnte. Im Hinblick auf die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit in vitro fanden sich zudem Hinweise auf eine Beibehaltung der ursprünglich im Gewebeverband erlangten zellulären Differenzierung, welche sich bei der Expression von ERα, PR bzw. Inhibin-α allerdings nicht nachvollziehen ließ. Abschließend betrachtet, deuten die vorliegenden Ergebnisse somit auf eine partielle Beibehaltung in situ erlangter endometrialer Funktionen und Spezifika hin, welche als Grundlage für weitere Arbeiten an endometrialen Zellkulturen des Pferdes anzusehen sind.

Morphologisch-funktionelle Charakterisierung equiner endometrialer Epithel- und Stromazellen in Monokultur unter Einbeziehung ausgewählter zellulärer Differenzierungsmarker

Theuß, Tobias 04 October 2011 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war zunächst in der Methodenoptimierung eines bereits grundlegend etablierten Protokolls zur Isolierung und Kultur equiner endometrialer Epithel (EEZ) und Stromazellen (ESZ) (BUSCHATZ 2007) zu sehen. Zudem wurde die Entwicklung weiterer Möglichkeiten des Handlings angestrebt (Passagierung, Kryokonservierung). So sollten den Zellen optimierte Rahmenbedingungen in vitro geboten werden, welche den Verhältnissen im Organismus weitgehend nahe kommen. Im Anschluss daran wurden die Zellen in vitro hinsichtlich ihrer morphologisch-funktionellen Charakteristika untersucht und die Befunde vergleichend zu den Gegebenheiten in situ betrachtet. Besonderes Augenmerk galt dabei der Expression von Progesteron- (PR) und Östrogenrezeptor-α (ERα) und von Inhibin-α. Wären vergleichbare Konstellationen in vitro und in vivo anzutreffen, könnte ein solches Kultursystem als Modell zum Studium interzellulärer Wechselwirkungen oder pathogenetischer Abläufe am Endometrium dienen. Voraussetzung hierfür wäre jedoch eine fortgeschrittene zelluläre Differenzierung, wie sie beispielsweise durch die Expression von Inhibin-α und der Steroidhormonrezeptoren angezeigt wird. Es wurden transzervikale Uterusbioptate und vollständige Uteri euthanasierter Stuten für die Zellaufreinigung sowie die vergleichende histologische Untersuchung gewonnen. Einer mechanischen und enzymatischen Dissoziation des Gewebes folgte die Separation beider Zellarten durch Filtration, Dichtegradientenzentrifugation und Differenzialadhärenz. Die Kultur erfolgte in wasserdampfgesättigter Raumluft bei 37 °C in 5 % CO2-Atmosphäre. Als Kulturmedium diente DMEM/Ham´s F-12 unter Zusatz von 2,5 % fötalem Kälberserums und diverser Additive. Es wurde eine morphologische Charakterisierung der Zellen während der Kultur vorgenommen und zudem ERα, PR und Inhibin-α an allen Kulturen und Gewebeproben immunhistologisch bestimmt. Das Ablösen der Zellen zur Passagierung erfolgte mit Trypsin-EDTA (ESZ) bzw. Alfazyme® (EEZ). Entsprechend abgelöste Zellen wurden zudem in DMSO-haltigem Nährmedium kryokonserviert. Die Kultivierung von EEZ und ESZ gelang sowohl bei Verwendung transzervikaler Uterusbioptate als auch bei Uteri euthanasierter Pferde. Zudem konnten alle physiologischerweise bei der Stute auftretenden Zyklusstände (Anöstrus, Interöstrus, Östrus) sowie ein gravider Uterus kultiviert werden. Die Konfluenz wird von EEZ nach 4 bis 16 d und von ESZ innerhalb von 7 bis 18 d erreicht, wobei Zellen aus ursprünglich proliferativen endometrialen Funktionszuständen tendenziell eher konfluent sind als sekretorisch aktive. Während der Kultur kann eine eindeutige morphologische Unterscheidung beider Zellarten voneinander erfolgen. ESZ besitzen eine spindelige, teils sternförmige, insgesamt „fibroblastenartige“ Gestalt. EEZ sind in zwei morphologischen Subtypen anzutreffen. Der monomorphe Zelltyp „A“ stellt kleine, polygonale Zellen mit regulären und regelmäßigen Zellgrenzen dar. Zelltyp „B“ ist größer, pleomorph, ebenfalls polygonal, mehrkernig und besitzt unregelmäßige, schlecht erkennbare Zellgrenzen. Subkultivierungen waren bis zu 20 (ESZ) bzw. 24 mal (EEZ) möglich. Zudem konnten beide Zellarten in flüssigem Stickstoff gelagert (kryokonserviert) und danach erfolgreich kultiviert werden. Weiterhin gelang der Nachweis von Inhibin-α im Uterus des Pferdes. Hierbei wurde eine zyklische Dynamik in der Expression festgestellt (stärkere Expression während der sekretorischen Phase), welche als Hinweis für eine sekretorische Differenzierung der EEZ anzusehen ist. Ebenfalls konnte dieses Protein in kultivierten EEZ und in viel geringerem Maße auch in den ESZ gefunden werden. Darüber hinaus war erstmalig der Nachweis von PR und ERα in beiden Zellarten in vitro möglich. Insgesamt ist die Expression dieser drei für uterines Gewebe essentiellen Rezeptoren/Proteine in kultivierten EEZ und ESZ als Hinweis für eine fortgeschrittene Differenzierung anzusehen, welche mit der vorgestellten Methode der Isolierung und Kultur auch erreicht werden konnte. Im Hinblick auf die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit in vitro fanden sich zudem Hinweise auf eine Beibehaltung der ursprünglich im Gewebeverband erlangten zellulären Differenzierung, welche sich bei der Expression von ERα, PR bzw. Inhibin-α allerdings nicht nachvollziehen ließ. Abschließend betrachtet, deuten die vorliegenden Ergebnisse somit auf eine partielle Beibehaltung in situ erlangter endometrialer Funktionen und Spezifika hin, welche als Grundlage für weitere Arbeiten an endometrialen Zellkulturen des Pferdes anzusehen sind.

Contrôle génétique et physiologique de la prolificité en race ovine lacaune : caractérisation de la mutation causale et role fonctionnel du gene FECL / Genetic and physiological control of prolificacy in Lacaune sheep breed : chararcterization of the causal mutation and the functional role of the FecL gene

Mansanet, Camille 10 December 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était d’identifier une mutation nommée FecLL affectant le nombre d’ovulations et la prolificité des brebis de race Lacaune et d’en analyser les conséquences physiologiques. En associant des approches de génétique et de biologie fonctionnelle à haut débit telles que le séquençage Roche 454 et la spectrométrie de masse, j’ai mis en évidence que la mutation FecLL est un haplotype de 2 SNPs présents dans des régions non-codantes d’un locus de 194,6kb porté par le chromosome 11 ovin. Cette mutation induit la surexpression ovarienne et l’activité du gène B4GALNT2 (beta-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl transferase 2) codant une enzyme de glycosylation capable de transférer un sucre N-acétyl-galactosamine sur des glycoprotéines cibles, dont l’inhibine A, une hormone importante pour la fonction ovarienne. Les conséquences de cette glycosylation atypique sont une altération de la production d’inhibine A chez les brebis Lacaune mutées, proposée comme mécanisme initiateur de leur hyper-prolificité. / The aim of this thesis was to identify a mutation called FecLL affecting ovulation rate and prolificacy of Lacaune sheep and to study its physiological consequences. By combining genetics and functional highthroughput biology approaches such as Roche 454 sequencing and mass spectrometry, I evidenced the FecLL mutation as a 2 SNP haplotype present in non-coding regions of a 194.6 kb locus on ovine chromosome 11. This mutation induces ectopic overexpression and ovarian activity of the B4GALNT2 (beta-1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase 2) gene encoding a glycosylation enzyme capable of transferring a N-acetylgalactosamine sugar on target glycoproteins. Among those targets, I highlighted inhibin A, an important hormone in ovarian function. The consequences of this atypical glycosylation lead to impaired production of inhibin A in Lacaune mutated sheep proposed as an initiator mechanism of their hyper- prolificacy.

Assessment of Fertility Potential in Bottlenose Dolphins (<i>Tursiops truncatus</i>): An ELISA-based Biomarker Analysis

Wade, Leslie Schwierzke 01 January 2011 (has links)
As apex predators in coastal systems, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are susceptible to persistent organic pollutant (POP) accumulation and retention over time, which has prompted continued interest in understanding the extent to which contaminant body burdens or other stressors are sufficient to cause adverse sublethal effects on energetic fitness, immune function, or reproduction. Increasing our knowledge of reproductive endocrinology in bottlenose dolphins may provide insight into changes in reproductive rates, thereby expanding the capacity to assess conservation status. This study used the Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) technique to examine peptide fertility hormones [inhibin A, inhibin B and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)] measured in serum of free-ranging dolphins (n = 129) of varying age, gender, and maturity status from three locations (Sarasota Bay, FL, Indian River Lagoon, FL, and southern Georgia). The primary research objectives were to establish hormone baselines, investigate AMH and inhibin use as reproductive biomarkers, and examine the potential use of these hormones as biomarkers of toxicant or other stressor effects on reproduction. AMH secretion differed significantly with gender (p < 0.001), where levels were approximately 1,000-fold higher in males than females (1,122 ± 427 ng mL-1 and 1.15 ± 1.25 ng mL-1, mean ± SD). Male AMH levels were related to maturity status, and linear regression analysis revealed a significant, negative relationship between male AMH and age, body length, body weight, and maximum girth in all populations. Of the parameters assessed, age was the best indicator of AMH levels in males. AMH concentrations in females did not vary significantly over time or with maturity status, but exhibited a decrease in some older individuals, potentially indicating an AMH decline in long-lived female dolphins. Inhibins did not differ significantly between age classes in males, but appeared to be an estrous cycle indicator in females, where inhibin peaks were likely related to follicular and luteal phases. These data provide new information on circulating serum AMH and inhibin levels in bottlenose dolphins, which appear to reflect a degree of gonadal function and show promise as reproductive biomarkers. Our findings suggest the possibility of toxicant effects on AMH and inhibin production, but not conclusively. Further investigation of mechanism(s) of action for contaminant-related reproductive toxicity will elucidate the diagnostic value of these hormones to assess the effects of POPs on fertility potential in bottlenose dolphins.

Ativina A regula eventos importantes para a tumorigênese oral e é um fator prognóstico de sobrevida livre de doença para pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular oral / Activin A play important roles in oral tumorigenesis and is a prognostic factor for disease-free survival in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma

Bufalino, Andreia, 1983- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Della Coletta / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T21:07:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bufalino_Andreia_D.pdf: 2552060 bytes, checksum: 9156e1c08764322bea090809a2b166d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Ativina A é um membro da família dos fatores de crescimento transformante-? e sua expressão têm sido associados ao desenvolvimento tumoral. Contudo, sua expressão, função e mecanismos de regulação, por exemplo, via folistatina, no carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) oral é parcialmente conhecida. Diante disto, nosso estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a participação de ativina A na tumorigênese dos CECs orais. Para alcançar este objetivo, a expressão imuno-histoquímica de ativina A foi analisada em 115 amostras de CEC oral e sua expressão foi correlacionada com características clínico-patológicas e de sobrevida. In vitro a influência de ativina A sobre os principais eventos biológicos relacionados à tumorigênese oral foi verificada por 3 abordagens: 1) exposição da linhagem celular HaCAT a ativina A recombinante nas concentrações de 0, 1, 10 e 100 ng/ml, 2) tratamento das linhagens tumorais LN2 com folistatina recombinante nas concentrações de 0, 1, 10 e 100 ng/ml e 3) silenciamento estável da expressão de ativina A na linhagem LN2 com RNA de interferência (shINHBA). A expressão aumentada de ativina A em CECs orais foi significantemente correlacionada com a presença de metástases regionais (estádio N, p=0,034), tumores classificados como pobremente diferenciados (p=0,013) e demonstrou ser preditiva de um menor período de sobrevida livre de doença em 5 anos (HR: 1,74; 95% CI: 1,39-2,97; p=0,016). Os resultados dos estudos in vitro revelaram que ativina A apresenta um efeito pleotrópico no controle dos principais eventos associados à tumorigênese oral. A exposição das células HaCAT a ativina A resultou em um significante bloqueio da morte celular por apoptose e necrose, promoveu alteração do padrão de expressão dos marcadores da transição epitélio mesenquimal (TEM), aumentou a adesão celular aos componentes da matriz extracelular (MEC) e induziu a invasão e migração celular. Por outro lado, o tratamento das células LN2 com folistatina foi capaz de induzir significantemente a apoptose e a morte celular por necrose, reduzir a proliferação celular, alterar o padrão de expressão dos marcadores da TEM, além de reduzir a adesão celular aos componentes da MEC e os potenciais invasivo e migratório. O bloqueio de ativina A com a transdução estável de shINHBA na linhagem tumoral LN2 promoveu significantemente a apoptose e a morte por necrose, alterou a expressão dos marcadores da TEM de maneira similar aos efeitos da folistatina e reduziu a proliferação, invasão, migração e motilidade celular, que foi avaliada por formação de filopódios e lamelipódios. Interessantemente, o bloqueio com shINHBA significantemente facilitou a adesão das células LN2 aos componentes da MEC, diferente do que foi observado no tratamento com folistatina. Em conclusão, os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a ativina A regula eventos biológicos essenciais para a tumorigênese oral e é um fator prognóstico independente de sobrevida livre de doença em pacientes com CECs orais / Abstract: Activin A is a member of the transforming growth factor-? family and its deregulated expression has been described in different cancers. However, its expression, function and regulatory mechanisms, particularly via follistatin, in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) are partially known. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of activin A in the promotion of oral tumorigenesis. To achieve this goal, immunohistochemical expression of activin A was analyzed in 115 samples of OSCCs and its expression was correlated with clinicopathological features and outcome. In vitro, the influence of activin A on oral tumorigenesis was determined by 3 different approaches: 1) exposition of HaCaT cells to recombinant activin A in different concentrations (0, 1, 10 and 100 ng/ml), 2) treatment of LN2 tumor cells with recombinant follistatin in different concentrations (0, 1, 10 and 100 ng/ml) and 3) stable knockdown of activin A expression in the LN2 tumor cells by using interferencing RNA (shINHBA). Increased activin an expression in OSCCs was significantly correlated with the presence of regional metastases (stage N, p=0.034), poorly differentiated tumors (p=0.013), and shown to be predictive of a shortened disease-free survival (HR: 1.74, 95% CI: 1.39-2.97, p=0.016). In vitro studies showed a pleotropic effect of activin an on control of key events associated with oral tumorigenesis. Activin A resulted in a reduction of cell death by apoptosis and necrosis, promoted changes in the expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers, increased cell adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) components and induced cell invasion and migration in HaCAT cells. On the other hand, the inhibition of activin a using follistatin induced apoptosis and cell death by necrosis, reduced cell proliferation, changed the expression of EMT markers, reduced cell adhesion to ECM components and reduced the cell invasion and migration in LN2 cells. The activin a knockdown with shINHBA stable transduction in the tumor cell line LN2 significantly promoted death by apoptosis and necrosis changed the expression of EMT markers, and decreased cell proliferation, invasion, migration and motility evaluated by lamellipodia and filopodia formation. Interestingly, knockdown with shINHBA significantly promoted the adhesion of cells to ECM components in LN2 cells, different to the results observed in the treatment with follistatin. In conclusion, our results suggest that activin A regulate biological events essential for oral tumorigenesis, and is an independent prognostic factor for disease-free survival in patients with OSCCs / Doutorado / Patologia / Doutora em Estomatopatologia

Studies On Intracrine Regulators Of Ovarian Function : Examination Of Progesterone Action On Structure And Function Of Corpus Luteum In The Monkey

Suresh, P S 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The control of reproductive cycles in higher primates is largely dependent on negative and positive feedback mechanisms by both steroidal and non-steroidal substances of the ovaries which regulate the function of hypothalamo-pituitary system. To gain insights into the role of INH A, the non steroidal ovarian hormone in the feedback control of pituitary FSH secretion, studies were conducted to examine the interrelationships of hormones throughout the menstrual cycle of the bonnet macaque. The findings of chapter II provide a detailed description of endocrine hormone profile during the menstrual cycle of the bonnet macaques with special attention to the feedback role of INH A on pituitary FSH secretion. To characterize the endocrine profile of different hormones, both ovarian (E2, P4, INH A) and pituitary (FSH, LH) hormones were measured daily for more than 40 days. To further examine the site of secretion of INH A and its relationship with pituitary FSH dynamics, surgical lutectomy and pharmacological induction of luteolysis employing the third generation GnRH R antagonist, Cetrorelix (CET) studies were carried out in the subsequent experiments. The results obtained from these studies suggest that INH A and P4 secreted from the CL during luteal phase regulate pituitary FSH secretion. The selective rise in FSH observed during the late menstrual cycle and during menstruation (referred to as luteo-follicular transition), as has been reported previously in higher primates, considered necessary for initiation of follicular growth and recruitment of follicles for ensuing menstrual cycle was characterized in the monkey. Surgical lutectomy and induction of luteolysis by CET experiments suggested that increased GnRH secretion is essential for this selective rise in FSH following withdrawal of inhibition by P4 and INH A. In clinical cases of reproductive ageing, the shortened follicular phase in human females has been identified to be the result of occurrence of early onset of FSH rise during the luteal-follicular transition period. The cause(s) of declining fertility with age in women who still have regular menstrual cycles are not clear, but issues of relationship between dysregulation of selective FSH rise in the late luteal phase and associated infertility could be examined using bonnet monkey as a model system. INH A is secreted in significant quantities by CL in higher primates and the feto placental unit suggesting its importance during fertility and pregnancy. Apart from the negative feedback regulation of pituitary FSH secretion, the complete repertoire of actions of this hormone during pregnancy is yet to be fully understood. The data presented in this thesis is the first comprehensive report showing the endocrine hormone profile of gonadotropins and ovarian hormones including INH A throughout the menstrual cycle of the bonnet macaque. The characterization of INH A profile in bonnet monkey will be of significant value for studies examining the role of INH A in higher primates. Dimeric inhibin has been suggested to be important for regulation of fertility and reproductive functions. Also, inhibin-α (one of the subunits of the dimeric protein) knock out mice model has provided convincing evidence that it acts as a tumour suppressor. A great deal of new information has been generated in recent years regarding the potential clinical usefulness of monitoring inhibin levels in blood and biological fluids in gynaecological diseases, pathological pregnancies and other disorders. Emerging clinical roles of inhibin have made INH A an important candidate molecule to study its molecular regulation. The results presented in chapter II suggested that LH regulates luteal INH A secretion (induction of luteolysis by CET administration experiment). As a first step towards understanding molecular regulation of inhibin-α expression in the macaque CL, in silico promoter analysis of macaque inhibin-α was performed and it revealed several transcriptional factor binding sites that were conserved across species. In rats FSH up regulates while preovulatory LH surge suppresses inhibin-α mRNA expression in the ovary and this suppression has been suggested to be necessary for occurrence of secondary FSH surge during metestrus. To address differential regulation of inhibin-α by LH and FSH in rat ovary during the periovulatory period, studies employing immature rats were carried out and the results are presented in chapter III. The results suggest that immature rat ovaries respond to exogenous gonadotropins in terms of LH signaling (cAMP production), luteinization (P4 production) and as well induction of ICER expression required for repression of inhibin-α subunit expression. PDE4 inhibitor (rolipram) treatment enhanced the ovarian cAMP concentrations suggesting that PDE4 play a major role in controlling intraovarian cAMP concentrations in rat ovaries. However increased cAMP concentrations did not appear to up regulate the ICER expression at the time point examined in this study. In higher primates time course of second FSH surge and continued synthesis and secretion of INH A in the CL are different from non primate species. In the monkey, the second FSH rise occurs during the late luteal phase and experiments have been carried out to examine the regulation of inhibin-α subunit expression by ICER. Expressions of ICER (mRNA/protein) and INH A were examined during different stages of CL and the results indicated no clear inverse relationship between the ICER and inhibin-α mRNAs. With no conclusive role for the ICER in regulating luteal inhibin-α observed in the study, the role of transcriptional activators in the regulation of inhibin-α like GATA4, SF-1, β-catenin were further examined. Since luteal INH A secretion was dependent on pituitary LH as determined earlier in chapter II, expressions of transcriptional activators were examined in CL of different stages and also during induced luteolysis and the results are described in chapter IV. In conclusion, our results indicate cross talk between WNT, cAMP and P38 MAP kinase signaling pathways in the regulation of luteal INH A secretion. The pituitary gonadotropin, LH, is the primary luteotropin in primate species acting to maintain the structure and function of the CL during the menstrual cycle. However whether the actions of LH are direct or mediated by local factors such as P4 remain unknown. Moreover, P4 secretion which is dominant during luteal phase has any role in regulating CL structure and function is not clearly defined. To address these and issues concerning P4 actions, initially, experiments were performed in the rat model to study the importance of P4 in the regulation of ovarian functions. An antiprogestin, RU486, was employed as a tool to uncover the PR regulated pathways during ovulation in rats and the findings are presented in the chapter V. The results indicated that blockade of PR action by RU486 during gonadotropin-induced superovulation resulted in inhibition of follicular rupture and ovulation in immature rats. Further to understand the downstream effectors of PR action, and to identify the candidate target genes of PR activation, semi-quantitative RT-PCR and western blot analyses were performed. The results obtained indicated that betacellulin, a member of EGF family and MMP-9 a proteolytic enzyme, were markedly repressed in response to RU486 treatment in rat ovaries. Also, the down stream pathway of EGF signaling leading to activation of ERK was markedly repressed in RU486 treated ovaries. It was next examined what role the P4/PR system has in the regulation of CL structure and function. Surprisingly, PR expression is absent in CL of rats, while it is present in higher primates. Experiments were carried out to examine intracrine actions of P4 in the regulation of CL structure and function in monkeys. The recently reported model system of induced luteolysis yet capable of responsive to trophic support from the laboratory provided an ideal opportunity to examine direct effects of P4 on structure and function of CL in the monkey. A series of pilot experiments were carried out in monkeys experiencing summer amenorrhea, to determine dose and mode of administration of exogeneous P4 to simulate mid luteal phase circulating P4 concentrations in monkeys subjected to induced luteolysis. Based on the results of pilot experiments, implantation of Alzet pumps containing 97.5mg of P4 was selected for maintaining mid luteal phase P4 concentrations. The microarray data of induced luteolysis previously deposited by the laboratory in NGBI’s gene expression omnibus were mined for identification and validation of differentially expressed genes of PR and its target genes following LH depletion and LH replacement experiments. Expressions of PR, PR cofactors and expressions of PR downstream target genes through out the luteal phase and in CL from day1 of menses were also examined. Analysis of expressions of genes revealed that of the 45 genes identified to be regulated by LH treatment, 4 genes were found to be responsive to P4, and 14 were identified to be responsive to both P4 and LH. Morphology of CL tissue sections revealed that P4 treatment appeared to have reversed the induced-luteolysis changes. In another experiment, implantation of P4 during late luteal phase (i.e., the period of declining P4 concentrations) for 24h caused changes in expressions of genes associated with tissue remodeling and morphology of luteal cells. Taken together, the results suggest that induced luteolysis plus P4 replacement model is suitable for assessing the effects of P4 on CL function. The results also suggest that CL could serve as target tissue for examining the genomic and non genomic actions of P4. In summary, studies carried out in the present thesis provides a comprehensive endocrine hormone profile throughout the menstrual cycle of the bonnet monkey with special emphasis on time course of INH A and FSH secretion which is very useful for future investigations. Studies have been carried out in rats and monkeys with different experimental model systems to address molecular mechanisms underlying inhibin-α regulation in the ovary in general and CL in particular. Experimental findings in monkeys could help elucidate the underlying molecular nature of CL functionality and extrapolate to understand luteal insufficiency and infertility producing conditions in humans. Also different model systems have been validated to examine the actions of P4/PR system in rats and monkeys and more importantly to address the direct effects of P4 upon monkey CL structure and function were established. Future investigations based on findings of these studies should help clarify relative roles for LH and P4 during maintenance of CL function and luteolysis.

Association entre la thérapie antirétrovirale et les biomarqueurs de la fonction placentaire pendant la grossesse

Djeha, Améyo Xoxoabu 04 1900 (has links)
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