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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Sassen, Jacobus January 2017 (has links)
This research paper makes an attempt at closing the gap in literature by testing agency considerations as an influencing factor for dividend policy of IPO firms. Dividend data of 642 firms from seven countries are used to make statistical interferences about the time it takes an IPO to issue dividend, influenced by different institutional factors of countries. An OLS is used to make these interferences. The results presented here indicate that there is a robust effect of legal enforcement on the time it takes before an IPO firm in a certain country pays its first dividend.


MARCELO GAZINEU CEZAR DE ANDRADE 07 December 2012 (has links)
[pt] A Oferta Publica Inicial de Ações (IPO) tem sido objeto de estudo em diversos países, em função da importância destas operações, principalmente em mercados desenvolvidos. Especialmente no Brasil, este ainda é um assunto relativamente novo, com crescimento no volume de operações nos últimos anos. Este trabalho busca avaliar as operações através da metodologia de Múltiplos, verificando se as empresas foram superavaliadas, ou tiveram seu valor subestimado. Em seguida, foi estimado o custo de capital próprio das empresas, com base nas informações disponíveis no momento da operação e comparado ao retorno observado após o lançamento. Da mesma forma, foi estimado o beta, com base na média de cada setor e comparado ao realizado nos meses seguintes, buscando testar a assertividade das estimativas utilizadas para o cálculo do Custo de Capital. O presente trabalho teve como ponto de partida o estudo realizado por Felipe Casotti (2007), analisando as operações entre 2004 e 2006, tendo agora uma amostra maior e um histórico mais longo de dados, possibilitando análises mais robustas e resultados mais conclusivos. É possível constatar que as precificações das emissões não foram superestimadas, pois apesar das altas valorizações no curto prazo, os retornos de longo prazo ficaram abaixo do médio do mercado e em linha com o Custo de Capital estimado. / [en] Initial Public Offerings (IPO) have been the subject of studies in many countries due to its importance, mainly in developed markets. Especially in Brazil, it is still a new topic, as the number of operations has grown over the last years. This research intends to evaluate these operations, using the Relative Valuation Methodology, to verify if the companies were overpriced or underpriced. Following that, the Cost of Equity for these companies was estimated, based on the information available at the time of the offer and then compared to the return observed after the shares issue. Besides that, the beta was estimated based on the average for each industry, and then compared to the actual observed on the following months, aiming at testing the accuracy of the estimate used in the Cost of Capital calculation. This research was based on a previous study, undertaken by Felipe Casotti (2007), which analyzed the operations between 2004 and 2006, with the added benefit of now having a larger sample and a longer record of actual data, enabling more robust analyses and more conclusive results. It is possible to observe that the price of IPOs were not overestimated, as despite the high upsides in the short term, the returns in the long run performed below market average and were very close to the estimated Cost of Capital.


FELIPE PRETTI CASOTTI 30 May 2008 (has links)
[pt] A precificação das ações emitidas em ofertas públicas iniciais tem sido alvo de estudos em diversos países. Abordando o conceito de avaliação por múltiplos, este trabalho busca verificar se as ações das empresas estavam sub-avaliadas ou super-avaliadas no momento das suas Ofertas Públicas Iniciais (Initial Public Offerings). Posteriormente, são determinados os custos de capital próprio adotados na emissão, verificando-se a diferença entre betas utilizados no modelo CAPM, no momento da IPO, e os betas dos 12 meses após a oferta inicial. Para tal, foi utilizada uma amostra composta por empresas que abriram capital entre 2004 e 2006. Observou-se que as ações não foram sub- avaliadas, mesmo após serem observados elevados retornos iniciais. No entanto, não há evidências estatísticas de que foram super-avaliadas. Por fim, verificou-se que os betas de 12 meses são significativamente maiores do que os betas utilizados no momento da precificação. Como esperado, o modelo CAPM determinou retornos abaixo dos retornos ocorridos após a emissão. / [en] The pricing of assets issued in initial public offerings has been the subject of many studies in several countries. Using the concept of relative valuation, this study intends to verify if the shares of selected companies were undervalued or not at the time of their IPOs (Initial Public Offering). Later, the cost of equity is determined and betas used in the CAPM model, at the time of the IPO, and the betas verified 12 months after the initial issue are compared. The sample is composed of companies with IPOs during the period 2004-2006. The results show that the shares were undervalued, although high initial returns were observed. However, there is no statistical evidence that they are overvalued. Finally, it was found that the betas after 12 months are significantly higher than the ones used at the time of the pricing. As expected, the CAPM model determined returns below the returns that occurred.

Abertura de capitais no Brasil : processos e custos para as empresas que ingressam no mercado de capitais através de Oferta Pública de Ações (IPO)

Zorzan, Marcos Antonio January 2016 (has links)
Ao longo do tempo o contexto da economia mundial e brasileira é de expansão, salvo alguns períodos de retração, onde a economia fica estagnada, a exemplo do momento atual que vivemos. Apesar disso, as produções de riqueza vêm crescendo nos últimos anos e, por consequência, as empresas brasileiras, de um modo geral, têm buscado se desenvolver da mesma forma. Para financiar este desenvolvimento as empresas podem captar recursos através de instituições financeiras com que se relacionam. Entretanto este modelo apresenta limitações em relação ao volume de crédito disponível e também tem se mostrado um dos mais caros do mundo. Desta forma buscam-se outras alternativas de financiamentos não convencionais, como por exemplo o Mercado de Capitais. Este mercado tem amadurecido bastante no Brasil nos últimos anos, tornando-se uma alternativa para as empresas que buscam acompanhar este crescimento. São inúmeras as vantagens proporcionadas, mas, por outro lado, também são muitas as dificuldades do processo de preparação para acessar a este mercado, principalmente pelo pouco preparo das empresas para atender níveis elevados de governança corporativa. O objetivo, então, nesse contexto, na esfera do mercado de capitais é de identificar quais são as adaptações necessárias para as empresas ingressarem neste mercado, através da Oferta Pública de Ações (IPO), bem como identificar quais as mudanças necessárias na empresa, suas regras e principais custos que envolvem a operação, além das exigibilidades legais com a implantação de IPO. Conclui-se que alternativas e soluções existem para as dificuldades encontradas, e que o desafio é justamente enfrenta-las, para o próprio amadurecimento da empresa e também para criar diferencial competitivo frente à concorrência. / Over time, the context of the global and the Brazilian economy's has been the expansion, except for some periods of retraction or stagnant, like the current moment that we are living. Nevertheless, the wealth of productions has been growing in recent years ended, consequently, in general, Brazilian companies has sought to develop in the same way. To finance their development, companies can raise funds through financial institutions. However, this model has limitations, like line of credit and volume, and also Brazilian cost has been one of the most expensive in the world. Thus, some companies are seeking others alternatives for unconventional financing, such as Capital Markets. That market increase a lot in Brazil, in recent years and became an alternative for companies that are seeking to monitor this growth. There are many advantages provided, and by the other hand, many difficulties in preparation of process to access the market, especially in to meet high standards governance corporate. The goal, then, in this context, is to identify what are the adaptations necessary for companies to enter in this market through Initial Public Offering (IPO), just like identified the necessary changes in the company, their rules and main costs involving on the operation, and in addition, legal liabilities with the IPO deployment. It is concluded, that there are alternatives and solutions to the difficulties find, and the challenge is to confront them, for to get the own maturity and also to create a competitive over the competition.

Determinantes da performance de longo prazo de IPOs no mercado brasileiro

Navarro Filho, Danilo Mattes January 2016 (has links)
Estudos recentes, realizados principalmente no mercado norte-americano, trazem in-dícios de fatores determinantes para o resultado de longo prazo das emissões primá-rias de ações (IPOs, do inglês Initial Public Offerings). Porém, trabalhos com esse enfoque no mercado brasileiro ainda são escassos e inconclusivos, pois utilizam pe-quenas bases de dados e analisam horizontes de tempo de até dois anos. Buscando ampliar a análise de IPOs no mercado brasileiro, o objetivo desta dissertação foi es-tudar os determinantes do desempenho de longo prazo das IPOs realizadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo com horizontes de tempo de três e cinco anos após o pri-meiro dia de negociações. A amostra foi composta por 97 emissões primárias de ações ocorridas entre 2004 e 2012 para o horizonte de três anos e 77 ocorridas entre 2004 e 2010 para o horizonte de cinco anos. O cálculo de retorno de longo prazo seguiu a metodologia de Buy-and-Hold Abnormal Return (BHAR), ajustado ao Ibo-vespa, e os possíveis determinantes do BHAR das IPOs foram submetidos a análises multivariadas através de estimações pelo método de Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO). Os resultados levam à conclusão de que o desempenho de longo prazo das IPOs brasileiras está positivamente relacionado com: 1) a Idade das firmas, 2) o nível de Governança Corporativa, 3) o Setor e 4) o Desempenho Operacional pós IPO. Pôde-se concluir, também, que o desempenho de longo prazo das IPOs está negati-vamente relacionado com: 1) o Retorno Anormal do Primeiro Dia de negociações, 2) a Quantidade de IPOs realizadas no Ano e 3) o Percentual de Investidores Institucio-nais na emissão primária. Os testes de robustez realizados apontam para uma relação também positiva entre o Crescimento do PIB do período pré IPO com o resultado de longo prazo das ações. / Recent studies, conducted mainly in the North American market, have presented evi-dence regarding decisive factors for the long-run performance of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). However, the number of similar studies applied in the Brazilian market is yet limited and inconclusive, because they employ reduced databases and short time win-dows up to two years. Seeking to extend the analysis of IPOs in the Brazilian market, the purpose of this study was to explore the determinants of the long-run performance of IPOs held at BM&F Bovespa, with time windows of three and five years after the first trading day. The sample was composed of 97 initial public offerings occurred be-tween 2004 and 2012 for three-year horizon and 77 occurred between 2004 and 2010 for the five-year horizon. The long-run return calculation followed the methodology of Buy-and-Hold Abnormal Return (BHAR), adjusted to the Ibovespa index, and the pos-sible determinants of BHAR related to IPOs were subjected to multivariate analysis using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) approach. The results lead to the conclusion that the long-run performance of Brazilian’s IPOs is positively related with: 1) Age of the Firms, 2) the level of Corporate Governance, 3) Sector and 4) post IPO Operating Performance. In addition, it was noticed that the long-run performance of IPOs is neg-atively related with: 1) the Abnormal Return of the First Trading Day, 2) the IPO amount held in the year and 3) percentage of Institutional Investors the IPO. Robustness tests were performed, and their conclusions highlighted a positive relationship between GDP growth of previous IPO period with the long-run performance.


許泰然 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探討是否我國新上市公司盈餘管理的現象與証券交易法上所規定的上市申請的門檻有關。我國新上市公司在上市後多有業績衰退及上市前盈餘管理之現象(曾國楊,民國84年)。這種人為的業績擴充或增加盈餘,往往是為了符合法規中上市申請的規定,特別是上市門檻的規定。倘若公司上市可以為原始股東帶來大量的邊際利益,列在可接受的範圍內,申請上市公司自有動機從事上市前業績人為擴充及盈餘管理的現象。本研究就在探討這項研究問題。 本研究以民國74年至83年間斬上市的公司為樣本,測試獲利能力較差或存續期間較短之新上市公司,是否較有動機在上市前從事盈餘管理。實証結果顯示: 就獲利能力來說,獲利能力較差之第一類上市公司在上市前會以應計項目及與營業有關之應計項目來操縱盈餘;但就第二類上市公司而言,實証結果反而與假說所預測的相反,即獲利能力較優的新上市公司反而會在上市前操縱盈餘。 就存續期間來說,第一類上市公司之實証結果大致與假說所預測的一致,但未達顯著水準,即存續期間較短之新上市公司,並不會在上市前以應計項目式與營業有關之應計項目來進行盈餘管理。就第二類上市公司來說,實証結果則與假說相反,但也未達顯著水準。 / This study aims to investigate whether the earnings management prior to IPO (Initial Public Offerings) relates to the qualifications of an IPO. In general, a firm will manage its earnings prior to IPO and have sales recess subsequent to IPO. Due to mandated IPO qualifications, perhaps, the motivation of earnings management or artificial sales expansion comes from the mandated IPO qualifications. The empirical sample period covers from 1985 to 1994 on which the empirical findings can be summarized as follows. 1. Low profitability first class firms will manage their earnings prior to IPO by the use of net accruals and net accruals from operations. In contrast, high profitability second class firms will manage their earnings prior to IPO. 2. This study cannot conclude that a younger IPO firm has a stronger incentive in managing its earnings than an older firm does.

Do Chinese underwriters grandstand to attract more firms when they are ready to go public?

Jiao, Jian, Guo, Xuan January 2010 (has links)
<p>The concept of grandstanding comes from Gompers (1996), in his article, he defined “to grandstand” as “to act or conduct oneself with a view to impressing onlookers”. The idea of grandstanding does not only apply solely to venture capital but also could apply to underwriters of IPOs industry as well.</p><p>IPOs activities provide huge revenues for underwriters, so underwriters compete with each other for IPO business. China’s stock market grows explosively after 2006, and it has the highest underpricing, as well as more and more underwriters have emerged recently, so our paper is constrained under Chinese stock market environment. We empirically examine whether inexperienced underwriters grandstand when they conduct IPOs in order to achieve more market shares, for example by deliberate underpricing or charging lower fee rates.</p><p>This study is conducted from the underwriter’s perspective. We use two kinds of reputation measurement methods to define “inexperienced” and “prestigious underwriters” and employ a quantitative approach to analyze the data. Evidence from a sample of 392 IPOs from June 19, 2006 to March 24, 2010 suggests that inexperienced underwriters do not have incentives to grandstand. The number of IPOs that underwriters have conducted and recent IPO performance do not always contribute to a gain of market share directly. Therefore, inexperienced underwriters do not provide more underpriced IPOs nor do they charge lower fee rates. Evidence also marginally supports that underwriters do not intend to conduct small offer sized IPOs.</p>

Les introductions en bourse, la structure de propriété et la création de valeur : étude comparative entre l'Euro.NM et le NASDAQ

Miloud, Tarek 28 March 2003 (has links)
L'introduction en bourse, en anglais : Initial Public Offering (IPO), est une étape majeure de la vie d'une entreprise. Bien préparée et opportunément décidée, l'introduction permet non seulement de trouver des fonds propres supplémentaires et de diversifier les sources de financement de l'entreprise, mais aussi d'acquérir notoriété et crédibilité à l'échelle nationale et internationale. La recherche s'inscrit dans un vaste courant de pensée économique qui porte sur le corporate governance. Elle a pour objectif de présenter les introductions en bourse sur les différents segments de l'Euro.NM entre 1997 et 1999 et les compare à des opérations similaires réalisées sur le NASDAQ. Elle analyse aussi leurs coûts qui peuvent être divisés en coûts explicites et en coûts implicites. Les coûts explicites concernent la rémunération des intermédiaires financiers, les campagnes de communication, etc. ; ils représentent, en règle générale, moins de 1% de la capitalisation boursière des sociétés étudiées. La recherche s'intéresse particulièrement aux coûts implicites qui sont liés à la sous-évaluation des titres à l'introduction, c'est-à-dire la différence entre le cours d'équilibre et le prix payé par les investisseurs lors de l'introduction. Les modèles théoriques n'expliquent que très partiellement l'existence d'une telle sous-évaluation. La thèse aborde successivement quatre thématiques : (i) la sous-évaluation initiale des introductions en bourse ; (ii) la structure de propriété ; (iii) la liquidité de ces opérations et (iv) la performance boursière à long terme (à trois ans) après l'introduction en bourse. Nos résultats empiriques confirment et prolongent les résultats obtenus sur les marchés anglo-saxons. Ils peuvent se résumer à six points principaux : (1) la sous-évaluation des introductions en bourse sur l'Euro.NM est en moyenne plus forte que celle des opérations équivalentes réalisées sur le NASDAQ ; (2) les actionnaires d'origine des sociétés de l'Euro.NM jouent un rôle plus important dans l'introduction en bourse en proposant plus de titres que ceux du NASDAQ ; (3) les marchés financiers ajustent les erreurs d'évaluation dès le premier jour de cotation ; (4) la sous-évaluation initiale d'une offre d'introduction peut aider à stabiliser la structure de propriété après l'introduction : cela signifie que les gros investisseurs sont discriminés dans le processus d'allocation du capital ; (5) une dégradation est observée dans la performance des entreprises étudiées du NASDAQ tandis que, sur notre échantillon Euro.NM, on note une performance boursière à long terme significativement positive ; finalement, (6) il ressort que les entreprises dont « la part détenue » par les actionnaires d'origine dans le capital est la plus importante semblent ne pas présenter de meilleures performances à long terme par rapport aux autres.

Do Chinese underwriters grandstand to attract more firms when they are ready to go public?

Jiao, Jian, Guo, Xuan January 2010 (has links)
The concept of grandstanding comes from Gompers (1996), in his article, he defined “to grandstand” as “to act or conduct oneself with a view to impressing onlookers”. The idea of grandstanding does not only apply solely to venture capital but also could apply to underwriters of IPOs industry as well. IPOs activities provide huge revenues for underwriters, so underwriters compete with each other for IPO business. China’s stock market grows explosively after 2006, and it has the highest underpricing, as well as more and more underwriters have emerged recently, so our paper is constrained under Chinese stock market environment. We empirically examine whether inexperienced underwriters grandstand when they conduct IPOs in order to achieve more market shares, for example by deliberate underpricing or charging lower fee rates. This study is conducted from the underwriter’s perspective. We use two kinds of reputation measurement methods to define “inexperienced” and “prestigious underwriters” and employ a quantitative approach to analyze the data. Evidence from a sample of 392 IPOs from June 19, 2006 to March 24, 2010 suggests that inexperienced underwriters do not have incentives to grandstand. The number of IPOs that underwriters have conducted and recent IPO performance do not always contribute to a gain of market share directly. Therefore, inexperienced underwriters do not provide more underpriced IPOs nor do they charge lower fee rates. Evidence also marginally supports that underwriters do not intend to conduct small offer sized IPOs.

Leveraged Buyouts and Value Creation: Examining the Performance of Reverse Leveraged Buyouts

Morell, Blake A 01 January 2013 (has links)
Using 196 reverse leveraged buyout (RLBO) transactions between 1981 and 2006, I examine the operational benefits to leveraged buyouts (LBO). Operational drivers of firm value are defined as: increases in gross profits, operating income, return on assets, net income, working capital management, and cash flow generation. Initial analysis supports the literature of minimal deterioration of post-IPO performance. Where most studies analyze RLBOs as a whole, I find that when broken into top and bottom performance group pre-IPO, data show performance increases for bottom performers and performance decreases for top performers. Top performing firms pre-IPO lose up to 50% of industry adjusted performance by five years after going public, consistent with the hypothesis that LBO structures increase efficiency.

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