Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cnstitutional care"" "subject:"constitutional care""
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Optimalizace péče o ohrožené dítě do 6 let věku / Optimalization of care for vulnerable child till the age of 6FARKAŠOVÁ, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The diploma work processes the present issues if it is important or even necessary keeping the institutional care for the children under 3 years of age or if it can be replaced by short term foster care. The research was done by quantitative strategy and with the method of forms. The forms were addressed to fosters [short term and long term fosters] and to the child care institutions for children under 3 years of age under the direction of Ministry of Health. The data from ÚZIS also served the research these data confirm that about 85% of children return to their own or substitute families. The return to biological families did not go under 50% between 2011 and 2015. The inquiry also revealed the different view on the issue of short term foster care where fosters [long and short time] prefer the short time foster care method, while the child care institutions for children under 3 years of age under the direction of Ministry of Health mention the risks connected with the foster [short term] deficiency. The work also shows the problem that short time foster care is not convenient for disabled children and children from different ethnic groups, the institutions see a big problem in this too. The ways how the children are distributed into substitute family care are also connected with above mention. The children come to short time foster care generally from social issues and to institutional care mostly from health-social issues. The fosters themselves mention the situations when they would fear doing the care. These situations mostly correspond with the cases of children placed to the institutions with special care. Finally it is obvious the short time foster care and the institutional care play their own irreplaceable role in the substitute family care system. Together they make the necessary balanced system for children at risk and they complement each other. Well, not every child is suitable for institutional care and otherwise. For example the children hardly disabled or children from repetitively non-functional families would be in high risk of failing again in the foster care. That is the reason, why the planned closing down of the special facilities should be discussed and reconsider again.
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Následná péče po ukončení ústavní výchovy / Institutional care education and follow-up projects for children leaving institutional care education programmesSYNKOVÁ GROESLOVÁ, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with consequential care after release from institutional care and relations between absence of binding person and incorporation of a young adult terminating his or her institutional care into society. The thesis focuses on institutional care, stressing its termination, it suggests changes for improvement and offers an example of good practices from Germany. Also, the thesis identifies the most serious issues of children after institutional care and describes, in detail, consequences of lack of emotional support. Utilizing case studies, the experimental part looks into whether children living in children's home can find a binding person and how presence or absence of such a person can affect their future life.
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A needs assessment of caregivers in children's homesGreyvenstein, Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Caregivers in children’s homes are the front-end workers who care for looked-after
children daily. Looked-after children in children’s homes constitute a particularly
vulnerable group, who are known to reveal mental health problems, which
complicate the care-giving role. In conjunction with the lack of training and support,
caregivers experience great challenges. This research study explores and describes
the training and holistic care-giving needs of caregivers, by applying qualitative
needs assessment design, where the responses of 12caregivers are explored and
described. Data from the literature and semi-structured interviews and
questionnaires was categorised into themes. Overarching findings include altruistic
needs, the need for support and to be valued, with the researcher making
recommendations and providing a convincing argument for immediate therapeutic
support for caregivers. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)
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Bydraes wat kernrolspelers kan lewer om huisouers binne die huisouermodel in die uitvoering van hulle take te ondersteunVan Niekerk, Karen 19 September 2011 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die huisouermodel word tans internasionaal in kinderhuise gevolg. ’n Huisouer of huisouerpaar tree as surrogaatouer(s) op en woon saam met die kinders in ’n huis in ’n gewone woonbuurt, weg van die hoofkampus van die kinderhuis. Direkte waarneming van die daaglikse funksionering van huisouers binne die huisouermodel het die navorser bewus gemaak van die kompleksiteit van die huisouer(s) se take.
Die doel van hierdie navorsing was gevolglik om ’n verkennende studie te onderneem, ten einde te bepaal watter bydrae kernrolspelers kan lewer om huisouers binne die huisouermodel van ’n kinderhuis in die uitvoering van hulle take te ondersteun. Om hierdie doel te bereik is ’n kwalitatiewe navorsingstudie uitgevoer waartydens semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met huisouers en kernrolspelers van drie satelliethuise van ’n kinderhuis, as data-insamelingsmetode benut is.
Die kwalitatiewe data is geanaliseer en die bydrae wat kernrolspelers kan lewer om huisouers in die uitvoering van hulle take te ondersteun, is beskryf. / Internationally, children’s homes follow the houseparent model. A houseparent or houseparent couple act as surrogate parent(s) and live with children in a home, away from the main campus of the children’s home. Direct observation of the functioning of houseparents within the houseparent model brought awareness with regards to the complexity of houseparents’ tasks.
The goal of this research was to conduct an exploratory study to determine what contribution key role players can make to support houseparents within the houseparent model with the fulfilment of their tasks. To achieve this goal, data was gathered through the application of a qualitative research study, utilising semi-structured interviews that were conducted with houseparents and key role players within three satellite homes.
The qualitative data was analysed and the contribution that key role players can make to support houseparents in the fulfilment of their duties was described. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie-rigting)
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An investigation into the implementation of early childhood development policy in community based child care centres. A case of Namatubi Kanyenjere area development programme in Chitipa, MalawiKathyanga, Rachael Shacreen 02 1900 (has links)
The study was carried out to investigate the implementation of the Malawian ECD policy in CBCCC in Namatubi Kanyenjere area. Both primary and secondary techniques were used to carry out the research.
Literature review was carried out to ascertain the evolvement of ECD over the years and establish the basis of the current policy. Interviews were carried out with three respondent groups namely CBCCC committees, care givers and government officials. This was done to assess perceptions, attitudes and knowledge of the ECD policy among communities as well as the roles played by different stakeholders in the policy implementation.
Over 90% of the CBCCC in Chitipa were initiated by communities and duly registered by the government. However there is little monitoring thereof by the government officials which dwindles the activities of the centres. Communities, stakeholders and government face various challenges that require concerted efforts to help improve the implementation of the ECD policy. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)
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Bejaarde se reg op selfsorg : 'n proffessioneleprakyk-perspektiefStrydom, Gerda Louisa 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Verpleegktmdiges het 'n etiese en professionele verantwoordelikheid om elke
bej aarde se reg op selfbeskikking te erken, bulle in die uitvoering daarvan te
ondersteun en op volgehoue basis te ontwikkel met die oog op die bereiking
van die hoogste moontlike vlak van onafhanklikheid in die daaglikse lewe. Die
doel van hierdie studie was om die mate te bepaal waarin professionele
verpleegkundiges werksaam in geregistreerde, gesubsidieerde tehuise vrr
bejaardes in die Pretoria-omgewing hierdie verantwoordelikl1eid uitleef
Ontleding van die data, wat deur 'n vraelys ingewin is, dui daarop dat
verpleegktmdiges sonder twyfel die bejaarde se reg op selfaktualisering erken.
V erpleegkundiges ervaar egter onsekerheid oor die praktiese wyse van
selfsorgondersteuning sowel as die wenslik11eid van gesondheidsbevordering
by die gelnstitusionaliseerde bejaarde.
Ten einde die sinvoll1eid van die gelnstitusionaliseerde bejaarde se bestaan te
verseker, sentreer die belangrikste aanbevelings in hierdie studie rondom die
voorsiening van opleidingsprogramme aan gerontologiese verpleegktmdiges
asook gesondheidsvoorligting aan die bejaarde self / Nurses have an ethical and a professional responsibility to acknowledge the
elderly's right to self-determination, to support them in this regard and to ensure
ongoing development so that they may attain the highest possible level of
independence in their daily life. The purpose of tllis study was to determine to
what extent nurses working in registered, subsidized homes for the aged in the
Pretoria area live up to tllis responsibility.
Analysis of tl1e data, obtained by questimmaire, has clearly shown that nurses
acknowledge the right of the elderly to self-actualization, but they feel
uncertain about the practical ilnplementation of self-care support and tl1e
desirability of promotil1g health amongst the il1stitutionalized aged.
In order to ensure that tl1e institutionalized aged person leads a meanil1gfullife,
the mail1 recommendations of tllis study centre on providil1g educational
progrmes for gerontological nurses as well as health education for the
elderly. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing)
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Perfil do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e aspectos familiares de crianças institucionalizadas na cidade do RecifeAna Karolina Pontes de Lima 12 January 2011 (has links)
O presente Estudo teve, por objetivos, caracterizar o perfil do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de crianças, de 0 a 4 anos, institucionalizadas, na cidade do Recife, e identificar a constituição familiar dessas crianças, o tempo de afastamento da família e os possíveis prejuízos da ausência familiar sobre o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Participaram da Pesquisa 22 crianças que residiam em duas Unidades de Acolhimento
(A e B), localizadas na Cidade de Recife, Pernambuco. Utilizamos como instrumento de coleta de dados, o Teste de triagem de Denver II, aplicado, individualmente, em cada
uma das crianças participantes da Pesquisa e avaliamos o desenvolvimento das crianças, em quatro áreas (pessoal-social, motricidade fina, linguagem e motricidade ampla), de
acordo com sua idade. Posteriormente, realizamos uma análise documental da ficha de dados pessoais das crianças, com o objetivo de coletar o máximo de informações sobre
a história familiar da criança. Os resultados revelaram que, de uma maneira geral, as crianças de ambas as unidades, apresentaram maior comprometimento na área de
linguagem e menor comprometimento na área de motricidade ampla. No que diz respeito a história familiar, foi possível identificar que a maioria das crianças residia na
Unidade de Acolhimento, em média, há um ano; eram crianças advindas de famílias com história de dependência química e com configuração monoparental. Nas crianças
do nosso Estudo foi possível detectar o quanto o abandono e a negligência da família se fizeram presentes nas histórias de suas vidas. Como conclusão, podemos dizer que apesar da situação de risco e abandono, estas crianças não apresentam severo comprometimento no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Quanto as instituições, mesmo não sendo objeto de nosso estudo, percebemos que elas ocupam de forma satisfatória a função de cuidadora, quando a Família representa um provável risco para o desenvolvimento pleno da criança / This study has aimed at characterizing from 0 to 4 years old children neuropsychomotor development profile institutionalized from Recife city and at identifying these children family constitution, the withdrawal time from their family and the possible damages on account of their family absence upon their neuropsychomotor development. Twentytwo (22) children that lived in two (2) Shelter Unities (A and B), localized in Recife,
Pernambuco, have participated in this research. We have used data gathering instrument, Denvers Test II, applied individually, in each of the children, in this research participant ones and has evaluated the children evelopment, in four different areas (personal social, fine motor adaptive, language and gross motor), according to
their age. Further on, we have performed a documentary analysis concerning the childrens personal data record, aiming at gathering together the information maximum,
regarding to the child family history. The results have shown up that, in a general way, the both unities children have presented a bigger endamagement in language area and a
smaller one in gross motor area. Regarding to their family history, it has been possible identifying that the greater number of these children lived in the Shelter Unit, since
about one year, on average, were children came from families with chemical dependency history and that have a monoparental configuration. In the children of our
Study it was possible to detect how much the abandonmet and neglect of the family were present in the stories of their lives. As conclusion, we can say that although the
situation of risk and abandonment, these children do not present sever endamagement in their neuropsychomotor development. As to the Institutions, while not being the object of our Study, we have noticed that they fulfill satisfactorily the role of caregiver, when
the Family represents a probable risk for the full development of the child
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Postoj veřejnosti k náhradní rodinné péči / The attitude of the public to foster careNESNÍDALOVÁ, Klára January 2007 (has links)
My thesis deals with the attitude of public to foster care. One of the paradoxical issues is the fact that the number of children who are not reared by their biological parents remains quite high while the number of childless partnerships (though desiring offspring) is growing. In the Czech Republic, similarly as in other European countries, about 1% of children (about 20,000) do not grow up in their biological families. Only 2% of that group are full orphans. The remaining 98% of children have living biological parents who do not or cannot take care of them. I endeavored to find out how well individual members of the Czech society are informed about one of the possible solutions of infertility: alternate family care. Using questionnaires, I focused on several age and level of education groups and asked general as well as more personal questions. In the general part, I wanted to find out whether the individual knew what alternate family care was, the different kinds of alternate family care, who provides support during the process, what are the different options, the difference between adoption and foster care, etc. Then I inquired about their own willingness to take in a child, whether sex of the child, somatic and intellectual predisposition were criteria for them and whether they would take in a child of a different ethnicity. It is interesting to note that women are usually more prone to blame themselves for infertility.
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Bydlení na půli cesty - možnosti realizace v Jindřichově Hradci / Halfway Living {--} Implementation Possibilities in Jindřichův HradecPECHKOVÁ, Šárka January 2009 (has links)
The theoretical part of the Thesis is aimed at explanation of certain terms of the sphere of institutional and protected upbringing. It also tries to map the situation among the young adults leaving institutional or protected upbringing. The work is aimedat assessment whether clients of children's homes are interested in halfway living and to elaborate a halfway house project for the town of Jinřichův Hradec. A model project of a halfway house specific for the town of Jindřichův Hradec was developed upon the data observed, in which the project risks are considered and exaples of good practice included.
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Lidové písně a jejich úloha v hudebním rozvoji dětí v mateřské škole / Folk songs and their role in the musical development of nursery school childrenBohatá, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to address the important role and benefit of folk songs in the development of child's musical skills. The theoretical part studies children currently attending nursery schools and their development. Children are often in heterogeneous by age classes but each age category is on a different level of development and has own specific needs. At the same time it is necessary to work in accordance with the education system and follow its curriculum. The thesis offers guidelines that give suggestions and examples of how to fulfil this requirement by working with a selection of folk songs. The majority of exercises address the all-round development of the child's musical skills (activities: exercises with music, instrumental, singing and listening). There are examples of other activities facititating all- round development of the child based on the topic of the song.
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