Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cnstitutional care"" "subject:"constitutional care""
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Transfer of household management skills from a board and care home to an experimental apartment via programming common stimuliCouch, Richard W. 01 January 1980 (has links)
A random multielement design was used in two replications to assess the effectiveness of programming common stimuli to enhance the transfer of household management skills from a group home for mentally disabled adults to an experimental apartment. Salient stimulus items were taken from the subjects' group homes (training site) and placed in an experimental apartment (testing site) as the participants were advancing through a program to teach them independent living skills. The results suggest that the transfer of household management skills was enhanced by programming in stimuli from the training site.
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Vliv institucionální péče a výchovy na dítě raného věku (především v jazykové a komunikační oblasti) / Influence of institutional care and education on a child of an early age (covering especially the issues of language and communication)Mouchová, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
The main idea of my thesis is to describe the influence of institutional care and education on the early development of a child. The theoretical part analyzes a child younger than three years, especially the child's personality development. Special attention is devoted to the development of communication and language skills of a child of this age, also the basic terms are defined there. The thesis observes the early age institutional care and education in the Czech Republic and abroad, describes its historical background and current situation. Related research studies and future trends and visions are also included. The aim of the research is to compare a group of children in early institutional care with a group of children growing exclusively in a family environment and check if the stay in the institutional care has positive effects on the development of communication skills.
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Možnosti zacházení s traumatem dítěte odděleného od rodiny v ústavní výchově / The possibility of dealing with a trauma of a child in institutional care that has been separated from their familyHejčová, Štěpánka January 2016 (has links)
Thesis deals with the possibilities of treating a child's trauma from being separated from its family and living in the institutions. Thesis is structured into a theoretical and practical parts. Theoretical part describes a child's development in the context of neurobiology, theory of attachment and the need of a child. Next chapters describes child's trauma happening inside of a family and the subseanent loss and separation from the close people during a transition into the institution. This part also outlines the possibilities of recovers from a traumatic experiences. Practical part professes the research, which was implemented throughout structured interviews with the workers and supplemented with content analysis of the internal document of the institution. In the discussion the author concentrated on the topics discovered in the analysis of the analitative datas and on the possibilities of insitution to react on the needs of a child after being separated from the family.
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Rodičovské kompetence matek s psychiatrickou diagnózou v kontextu rodinné politiky / Parenting skills of mothers with psychiatric diagnosis in the context of family policyPavlíčková, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of parental competence of mothers with psychiatric disorder, with an emphasis on the difficulties such diagnosis can have on the family's functionality. The most severe, in practice, seems to be the necessity to place the children in institutions, away from their families, in cases where no other family member can take care of these children during the mother's absence as a result of the attack. Due to the nature of the disorder, periodicity can be expected, which significantly disturbs the child's development and relationships within the family. The real impact was observed in the empirical part via a case study focusing on six families that have a mother diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. The needs of these families were mapped through interviews and were later compared to the current offer of non-profit organizations. The results were used to find out, which services are offered and in which areas do these families require support. Due to the nature of this problem and the necessity for systematic solution when it comes down to the provided psychiatric care, I reached out to the current Minister of Health, who commented on the present situation. The presumption that the biggest impact is observed in families with single mothers proved to be right,...
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Jóga a její vliv na psychiku dětí a mládeže v rámci charitativního projektu / Yoga and its impact on the psyche of children and youth in the framework of a charity projectPulda Nagy, Sophia Jaroslava January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Yoga and its impact on the psyche of children and youth in the scope of a charity project" dealt with a current and socially important topic. The introduction explained the importance of this topic and the author's motivation for its elaboration. The first part of the thesis deals with the theoretical background, the importance of charity and social work, its history and present. The next chapter in the theoretical part was devoted to the concepts of yoga. The historical context of yoga in the Czech Republic as well as abroad was described there. Various techniques and types of yoga were emphasized, including its beneficial effects on physicality and psyche. A separate chapter was then devoted to the 1roces of re-socialization of marginal groups of children and youth along with an explanation of how to use the yoga in this 1roces. In the practical part, the survey has been placed and the respondents were introduced. As part of the charity project, the author of the thesis performed yoga and meditation exercises with children at younger school age. A quantitative survey method with ten respondents from the ranks of pedagogical and educational workers of the children's home was used for the research itself. Their responses were evaluated using the method of analysis and...
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"Vem är jag i den här verksamheten?" : - En intervjustudie om psykologers erfarenheter av att arbeta vid särskilda ungdomshem / ”Who am I in this occupation” : - An interview-based study about psychologists' experiences of working at special youth homesJojic, Elgor, Sara, Nilsson January 2022 (has links)
Psykologer har ett brett uppdrag vid särskilda ungdomshem. Trots det saknas det i nuläget forskning som undersöker särskilda ungdomshem utifrån psykologernas perspektiv. Syftet med förevarande studie var att öka kunskapen och förståelsen för psykologers erfarenheter av att arbeta vid särskilda ungdomshem samt vilka möjligheter och svårigheter som följer med yrkesrollen. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades utifrån tematisk analys. Analysen resulterade i tre huvudteman: Psykolog vid särskilda ungdomshem - en mångfacetterad roll, Ett utmanande vård- och behandlingsuppdrag samt Spänningar inom ramen för tvångsvård. Resultatet visade att deltagarna beskrev att psykologrollen kan variera mellan olika institutioner och att det inte finns en enhetlig mall för vad det innebär att arbeta som psykolog vid särskilda ungdomshem. Deltagarna i studien uppgav att psykologerna har en unik kompetens som behövs vid särskilda ungdomshem för att skapa förståelse för ungdomarna och underlätta för övrig personal i deras arbete. Resultatet visade att de utmaningar deltagarna beskrev i vård- och behandlingsarbetet kunde förklaras utifrån den svårbehandlade målgruppen, tvångsvårdkontexten- och institutionsmiljön, brister i själva behandlingsarbetet men även yttre faktorer så som avsaknaden av andra vårdformer samt problem i samverkan med barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin eller socialtjänsten. Svårigheterna i vård- och behandlingsarbetet samt tvångsvårdkontexten beskrevs som etiskt utmanande av deltagarna. Arbetet med ungdomarna sågs samtidigt som positivt och meningsfullt. / Psychologists have a broad mission in special youth homes. Research regarding psychologists working in special youth homes is lacking. The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge and understanding of psychologists' experiences of working at special youth homes and the opportunities and difficulties that are included in the professional role. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted and analyzed based on thematic analysis. The analysis resulted in three main themes: Psychologist in special youth homes – a multifaceted role, A challenging care- and treatment assignment and Tensions within the framework of compulsory care. The results showed that the participants description of the professional role of psychologist can vary between different institutions and that there is no homogeneous template for what it means to work as a psychologist at special youth homes. The participants in the study stated that psychologists have a unique competence that is needed to benefit both adolescents and other staff. The challenges within care and treatment described by the participants were linked to the difficult target group, the compulsory care context and the institutional environment, but also external factors such as lack of other forms of care and difficulties in collaboration with child psychiatry and social services. The caregiving context was seen as ethically challenging by the participants, as it involves a major intervention in young people's lives. The work involving the adolescents was seen as positive and meaningful, which the participants emphasized.
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Role četby v dětských domovech v České republice / The role of reading in orphanages in the Czech RepublicChrástová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
(anglicky) This master thesis deals with the role of reading in children's homes in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part shows the institutional care in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part presents the basic facts of developmental psychology and reading skills of children who are growing up in an children's home. The master thesis includes a research about the role of reading in children's homes and also a research about children's homes staff, which allows access to information for children. The methodological part contains information about selected technology for the research and infromation how was the research made. The analytical part contains the outputs of the research and its components are also meant to be used for improvements.
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Ohrožované dítě. Ohrožování dětí a jeho vztahový rámec u jedinců umisťovaných do diagnostického ústavu / Abused child. Child abuse and its referential framework in individuals placed to a diagnostic instituteVíravová, Jiřina January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: Abused child: Child abuse and its referential framework in individuals placed to a diagnostic institute AUTHOR: Jiřina Víravová DEPARTMENT: The Department of Special Education SUPERVISOR: Doc. Boris Titzl, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The submitted thesis focuses on the phenomenon of child abuse and neglect. The theoretical background for these issues had to be found in the science branches which have so far made the contribution to the explanation of the child abuse and neglect. Medicine (mainly traumatology) explains the mechanism of physical abuse, psychiatric- psychological approach not only enhances the topic with the psychical abuse and neglect, but also offers a backup to a non-moralizing explanation why abusing persons behave in such way. Sociological and ethological approach helps to understand the contextual factors which could foster the child abuse and neglect. The social work point of view is used to introduce the system of care of the abused children. Special pedagogy part of this thesis approaches the situation and education of the abused children mainly from the ethopedical point of view and reflects specific questions of institutional education. This part of the thesis is illustrated by real stories of abused and neglected children from the institutional education. In the research part of the...
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Sätt psykiatrin i rörelse! : - En intervjustudie om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av fysisk aktivitet för tvångsvårdade patienter med psykisk ohälsa.Stööph, Emmy, Wallgård, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: En god hälsa kräver ett psykiskt så väl som fysiskt välbefinnande. De goda fysiologiska effekterna av fysisk aktivitet har länge uppmärksammats och ny forskning pekar även på flertalet psykologiska vinster. Det är dessutom allmänt känt att en stillasittande livsstil kan leda till en rad olika sjukdomar och försämrat hälsotillstånd. Patienter med psykisk ohälsa som vårdas under tvång har begränsade möjligheter till aktivitet och ett minskat självbestämmande gällande upprätthållandet av en god fysisk hälsostatus. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av fysisk aktivitet för patienter som vårdas inom psykiatrisk tvångsvård. Metod: Designen var en empirisk intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats. Sjuksköterskor yrkesverksamma inom psykiatrisk tvångsvård intervjuades. Analysen av insamlad data gjordes av det manifesta innehållet i intervjuerna. Resultat: Studien resulterade i sex kategorier; Den goda vårdrelationen, Hinder inom tvångsvården, Sjuksköterskans inställning, Sjuksköterskans ansvar och Individanpassad aktivitet Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor inom psykiatrisk tvångsvård hade en positiv inställning till fysisk aktivitet men hinder och svårigheter såväl inom organisationen som relaterat till patienternas sjukdomstillstånd försvårade arbetet med tillfredställandet av en god fysiskt hälsostatus. / Background: Good health requires a mental as well as physical well-being. The good physiological effects of physical activity have long been recognized and new research also points to several psychological gains. It is well known that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a variety of diseases and conditions. Patients with mental illness who are cared for under compulsory institutional care have limited opportunities for activity and a decreased self-determination regarding the maintenance of a good physical health status. Aim: To investigate registered nurses' experiences of physical activity for patients with mental illness who are cared for under compulsory institutional care. Method: The design was an empirical interview study with a qualitative approach. Nurses working in psychiatric compulsory institutional care were interviewed. The analysis of the gathered information was made of the manifest content of the interviews. Results: The study resulted in six categories; The good nurse- patient relationship, obstacles in compulsory institutional care, nurses attitudes, nurses’ responsibility and individualized activity. Conclusion: Nurses in psychiatric compulsory institutional care had a positive attitude towards physical activity, but the obstacles and difficulties both within the organization as well as the patients' medical conditions, complicated the process of satisfying the patients physical health status.
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Porovnání systémů pěstounské péče a dětských domovů v Ústeckém kraji. / Comparison of foster care systems and children's homes in the Ústí nad Labem regionTurfandovová, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the differences in the system of child care in a children's home and in foster care. The fundamental right of children in the event of their separation from their parents, which is based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, includes the right to regular personal contact with parents (if such contact is in the best interests of the child). The first part of the diploma thesis is focused on the legal anchoring of institutional education and alternative family education with a focus on children's homes and foster care. Furthermore, the basic rights of children, especially the right of children to contact with the biological family with a focus on the description of the practical functioning of supporting the contact of children with the biological family in children's homes and foster care. The second part of the diploma thesis is focused on research, the aim of which is to find out, through quantitative research, how children growing up in a given form of alternative care perceive the support of contact with the biological family.
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