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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexuálně rizikové chování klientů výchovného ústavu / Sexual risk behavior of clients of Youth Detention Center

Dohnal, Kryštof January 2021 (has links)
The Aim of this diploma thesis is the sexually risky behavior of clients of Youth Detention center in an educational institution. The thesis is divided into two parts, the first is a literature review section devoted to the basic definition of terminology related to Youth Detention center, adolescence, psychosexual development and selected types of sexually risky behavior. Furthermore, the thesis deals with existing psychological-sexological research related to this topic. The second part is devoted to a research project that focuses on mapping sexually risky behavior in Youth Detention center, such as first sexual experiences, number of sexual partners, condom use, sexual behavior between clients and employees of Youth Detention center, sex conduct for fee, sexually transmitted diseases information, non-consensual sexual activities, etc. The research was realized by using an anonymous questionnaire in the Youth Detention center. Respondents were selected for the research by the method of self-selection through institutions. The outputs of this work can be used in practice for school facilities for institutional and protective education, prevention of social pathological phenomena, sexology, etc. Keywords Youth Detention center, sexually risky behavior, institutional care, client of Youth Detention...


CAMILA FERNANDES DE O MARQUES 08 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esse estudo propõe uma análise sobre acolhimento e desligamento institucional, entendendo-os como questões que dialogam entre si. Parte-se do princípio que é fundamental dar centralidade às vozes de quem vivenciou os efeitos práticos da medida de acolhimento institucional, o que poderá contribuir de modo significativo para a compreensão do tema. Ressalta-se que tal perspectiva é atravessada pelo direito à participação como fundamental também no contexto de institucionalização. Além disso, entende-se que essa condução seja potente para a construção de caminhos para o acolhimento institucional que respeitem os direitos destes sujeitos, bem como a formulação de um suporte mais adequado no processo de desligamento. Em termos metodológicos, elegeu-se a história oral como forma de escuta sobre temas sensíveis, valorizando as memórias e as perspectivas de jovens que tiveram o silenciamento ou a invisibilidade como realidades em suas trajetórias. Este estudo contou com as narrativas de duas jovens egressas da medida de acolhimento institucional, que aprofundam e enriquecem o conhecimento existente sobre o tema. / [en] This study proposes an analysis on acceptance and institutional dismissal, understanding them as issues that dialogue with each other. It is based on the principle that it is essential to give centrality to the voices of those who experienced the practical effects of the institutional reception measure, which could significantly contribute to the understanding of the theme. It is emphasized that this perspective is crossed by the right to participation as fundamental also in the context of institutionalization. In addition, it is understood that this conduction is potent for the construction of paths for institutional reception that respect the rights of these subjects, as well as the formulation of a more adequate support in the dismissal process. In methodological terms, oral history was chosen as a way of listening to sensitive topics, valuing the memories and perspectives of young people who had silencing or invisibility as realities in their trajectories. This study relied on the narratives of two young women who left the institutional care measure, which deepen and enrich the existing knowledge on the subject.

SiS mellan tvång och vård : En kontradiktion i utsagor / Institutional Youth Care : A contradiction in statements

Aalsö, Natalia, Julia, Forne January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the self-proclaimed performance of the National Board of Institutional Care, and its specific youth care homes in Sweden (SiS), concerning SiS work with institutionalised children and youth in relation to law of The Care of Young Persons Act (LVU). Special focus is also given to how the SiS self-assessment contrasts with the accounts given by institutionalised youths. We have investigated SiS claims present on their website since it provides ample documentation, information and deeds, and investigated reports by youth in the media, research and news outlets. We have elected to code all collected data and have thus identified key recurring themes present in youth and SiS reports.We have then regarded these findings with respect to our theories that are presented in the results and analysis section along with previous research. In this section we maintain that the description provided by youths at SiS is problematic and often shows a lack of care giving instances or staff that master the tools required to meet the youth in a constructive manner. In the discussion we once again maintain our theories and methodological approach that is based on Discourse analytical grounds that maintain the importance of language and the messages signified through actions.


CAROLINE DE SOUZA ARAUJO 11 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os rebatimentos da pandemia de Covid-19 do novo coronavírus nas medidas de reintegração familiar de crianças e adolescentes acolhidos em unidades de acolhimento institucional do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Durante o período caracterizado como de pandemia foram aprovadas algumas medidas de incentivo à agilização do desligamento dos acolhidos por meio de recomendações e notas técnicas. Esta prática pode resultar em reintegrações malsucedidas, visto a realização de acompanhamento das crianças, dos adolescentes e de suas famílias de maneira virtual ou, quando presencial, com a frequência reduzida. Esta dissertação tem como foco uma discussão sobre a reintegração familiar em tempos de pandemia, considerando antigos e novos desafios. A metodologia de pesquisa incluiu um levantamento sistemático da produção acadêmica sobre acolhimento institucional, reintegração familiar e os rebatimentos da pandemia do novo coronavírus; entrevistas com técnicos de 4 instituições de acolhimento em 3 regiões do estado do Rio de Janeiro e consulta a uma pesquisadora/especialista no assunto. Conclui-se que a pandemia desvelou diversos desafios às instituições de acolhimento como um todo, modificando a rotina institucional e exigindo adaptações à nova realidade, tanto por parte dos técnicos como dos acolhidos. Contudo, estes desafios não foram os mesmos em todas as instituições pesquisadas e à medida de reintegração familiar na pandemia foram atribuídos significados distintos de acordo com as características da instituição e com a metodologia de trabalho da equipe técnica. / [en] This study aims to analyze the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on methods for the reintegration of families of children and adolescents in institutions in the state of Rio de Janeiro. During the period of the pandemic various methods for incentivizing the deinstitutionalization of the young people were approved by various recommendations and technical notes. This effort could result in unsuccessful reintegration given the reliance on virtual meetings or, if in person, with a reduced frequency. This dissertation focuses on family reintegration in the time of a pandemic considering old and new challenges. The methods include a systematic review of the academic literature about family unification and the consequences of the new Covid19 pandemic; interviews with staff in four residential institutions in three regions of the state of Rio de Janeiro and a consultation with a researcher/specialist in the area. I concluded that the pandemic created various challenges for the institutions such as changing the institutional routines and demanding adaptations to the new realities on the part of both the staff and young people. However, the challenges were not the same in all the institutions studied and ways of reintegrating families were quite different depending on the characteristics of individual institutions and on the methods of the staff.

Design guidelines for small community-based residential facilities for disabled children

Krusemark, Anne Merl January 1982 (has links)
This thesis explores the concept of design guidelines as they relate to the context of small community-based residential facilities for disabled children. Each of the major issues which are relevant to these types of facilities were looked at in some detail. These issues were therapeutic environments in general, small residential facilities, community-based facilities, and disabled children, as well as the concept of design guidelines and what types of information they contain. Soae existing architectural examples of these types of facilities are briefly discussed. Further exploration of the concept was gained through the use of a case study of an existing residential facility for emotionally disturbed children located in Roanoke, Virginia. Included is a discussion of the research methods used in the Post-Occupancy Evaluation of the existing facility. The result of these two sets of explorations was the creation of design guidelines for small community-based residential facilities for disabled children. Also included in this thesis is the resulting renovation of the interior spaces of the existing facility where the case study project was conducted. The renovation of the facility spaces was based upon the design guidelines as well as other site- and program- specific considerations. / Master of Architecture

”…om jag ska greppa Glocken eller läxan när jag kommer ut får vi väl se" : En kvalitativ studie om motivationsfaktorer till livsförändring hos ungdomar placerade på SiS särskilda ungdomshem. / ”…if I´m gonna grab the Glock or the homework when I get out we will see”

Pentikäinen, Vilma January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att lyfta fram åsikter och uppfattningar hos ungdomar som tvångsvårdas på SiS särskilda ungdomshem. Fokus ligger på att undersöka vilken bakgrund dessa ungdomar har, deras uppfattningar kring tvångsvården samt identifiera och tolka inre och yttre motivationskrafter till livsförändring hos ungdomarna. För att fånga ungdomars egna erfarenheter och åsikter om tvångsvården valdes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv ansats utifrån motivationsteorierna Self-Determination Theory och Hope Theory. Det empiriska materialet består av ungdomars egenskrivna texter från två böcker, där ungdomarna beskriver deras liv innan och under placeringen på SiS samt deras tankar inför framtiden. Materialet analyseras genom en tematisk textanalys.  Den tematiska analysen resulterade i fem huvudteman; fragmenterade barndomar, från motstånd till insikt, frihet och återuppbyggnad, en osjälvisk förändring samt navigering genom okänd terräng. Resultatet visade att ungdomarna har upplevt trasiga uppväxtförhållanden och att stöttande personer i deras närhet är av stor vikt, speciellt deras mödrar. Vidare visade resultatet en splittrad uppfattning om tvångvården där de flesta beskriver en initial skepsis gentemot vården men att de med tiden kommer till insikt om deras problematik och behov till behandling. Gällande ungdomarnas motivation till förändring kunde flertalet inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer identifieras, där autonomi och frihet samt undvikande av straff var de mest framträdande. Återkommande i resultatet gällande ungdomarnas framtid var att ungdomarna uppgav hopp inför framtiden men beskrev samtidigt en rädsla för att falla tillbaka i destruktiva mönster och därmed en bristande tro till deras egen förmåga att förändra sina liv. Resultatet analyseras utifrån tidigare forskning och det teoretiska underlaget. / The purpose of the study is to highlight the opinions and perceptions of young people who are receiving care provided by the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care. The focus is on examining the backgrounds of these young people, their perceptions of compulsory care, and identifying and interpreting internal and external motivational forces for life change among the youth. To capture the youths' own experiences and opinions about compulsory care, a qualitative research method with a deductive approach based on the motivational theories of Self-Determination Theory and Hope Theory was chosen. The empirical material consists of youths' self-written texts from two books, where the youths describe their lives before and during the compulsory care as well as their thoughts about the future. The material is analyzed through a thematic text analysis. The thematic analysis resulted in five main themes: fragmented childhoods, from resistance to insight, freedom and rebuilding, selfless change, and navigating through unknown terrain. The results showed that the youths have experienced broken upbringing conditions and that supportive individuals in their surroundings are of great importance, especially their mothers. Furthermore, the results revealed a mixed perception of compulsory care where most describe initial skepticism towards the care but eventually come to realize their issues and need for treatment. Regarding the youths' motivation for change, several internal and external motivational factors were identified, with autonomy and freedom, as well as avoidance of punishment, being the most prominent. Recurrent in the results regarding the youths' future was that they expressed hope for the future but also described a fear of reverting to destructive patterns and thus a lack of belief in their ability to change their lives. The results are analyzed based on previous research and the theoretical framework.


MARIA DE JESUS DA CONCEICAO 06 August 2024 (has links)
[pt] Nesta dissertação analisamos as possibilidades e os desafios para assegurar odireito à convivência e reintegração familiar de crianças e adolescentes acolhidos em São Luís do Maranhão, cujos pais e/ou responsáveis residem em outros municípios do Estado. O acolhimento institucional é uma medida de proteção prevista no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA). As discussões teóricas foram realizadas a partir das categorias: famílias e questão social; convivência familiar; reintegração familiar e municipalização do atendimento. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que incluiu um estudo empírico em quatro instituições de acolhimento localizadas em São Luís. A coleta de dados se deu através de pesquisa documental aos dossiês, guias de acolhimento e desligamento, e de entrevistas com técnicos de três instituições e com gestoras da área de Proteção Social Especial da Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Social do Maranhão. O objetivo foi analisar quais os principais desafios para assegurar a essas crianças e adolescentes o direito à convivência e reintegração familiar, uma vez que as suas famílias se encontram distantes territorialmente. Com esta pesquisa identificamos que as crianças e os adolescentes oriundos de outros municípios permanecem por maior tempo dentro das Unidades de Acolhimento e que o não atendimento ao princípio da municipalização do atendimento no Estado do Maranhão inviabiliza o direito à convivência familiar, interferindo no processo de reintegração familiar, apesar das estratégias pensadas e/ou já adotadas pelas equipes das Unidades de Acolhimento, bem como pelo poder público estadual através da SEDES. / [en] In this dissertation, we analyze the possibilities and challenges to ensure the rightto coexistence and family reintegration of children and adolescents hosted in São Luís do Maranhão, whose parents and/or guardians reside in other municipalities in the State. Institutional care is a protection measure provided for in the Child andAdolescent Statute (CAS). Theoretical discussions were accomplished and problematized based on the categories: families and social issues; family living; family reintegration and municipalization of care. This is qualitative research, which included an empirical study in four shelter institutions located in São Luís and with managers from the Special Social Protection Area of the State Secretariat for Social Development of Maranhão (SSSD). Data collection took place through documentary research into dossiers, reception and dismissal guides, and interviews with a group of technicians and managers from three institutions. The objective is to analyze the main challenges in guaranteeing these children and adolescents the right to coexistence and family reintegration, since their families are territorially distant. With this research, we identified that children and adolescents from other municipalities remain in Reception Units for longer periods,making this a difficult element in preserving family and community ties. We conclude that failure to comply with the principle of municipalization of care in Maranhão State makes the right to family life unfeasible, interfering in the processof family reintegration, despite the strategies designed and/or already adopted bythe teams at the Reception Units, as well as by the public authorities state throughSSSD.

Exploring the involvement of children in the decisionmaking process about their future

Moeketsi, Ramathabathe Rossy 09 1900 (has links)
The researcher wanted to explore the experiences of children who removal by a social worker either to an institution or to foster homes. The researcher wanted to find out if the behaviour of absconding could be explained by using systems theory, contructivism, cybernetics and person- centered theory. The researcher hypothesized that children abscond from alternative care as a means of communicating with the social worker involved as well as any other person significant in their lives. The study wanted to explore how these children perceived their involvement in the decision making process of their removal. The researcher only interviewed children who had absconded from the alternative care placements. The study found that all the children interviewed perceived that they were not involved in any way in the process of removal. They all saw their removal as a form of punishment for something they did wrong, but they did not get an opportunity to discuss with their parents or significant others. They also perceived their absconding as an effort to rectify the situation. A lot of anger and suspicion towards social workers was encountered during the study. In terms of the theories mentioned above, these perceptions are the children’s own reality, which might differ from the realities as created or perceived by social workers. It is hypothesized that social workers who use the Child Care Act 74/83 and its regulations in the removal of children, do it to protect the children from risky situations as their job responsibility requires. This study indicates that the children did not experience removal as protection. Instead of children feeling protected in the alternative care, they felt blamed, judged and unhappy about their removal and excluded from the process. The researcher made a few suggestions that could be considered when social workers removing children to alternative care. It is recommended that social workers involve the children and their parents or significant others in the entire process of deciding the future of any children in their (parents’) care. However, if removal is deemed necessary, just telling or informing children that they will be removed for their own safety is not enough. Children might not perceive the situation as dangerous. Instead, they might see the social worker as posing a danger to them and their families and thus try to shut the social worker and what s/he says out of their minds. Findings safe ways to involve children and families in the decisions about their future may require of social workers to revive their academically acquired knowledge in this respect. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Sciences (Mental Health))

Promoting the educational skills of hostel parents at schools for deaf adolescent boys

Govender Fawzia Cassim 06 1900 (has links)
A description of the developmental characteristics of adolescents and the effect of deafness, on the cognitive emotional and social development of the Deaf adolescent boy is given. At a stage, when the parents influence is crucial in any child's upbringing, the Deaf child, mainly because of his/her need for special educational services is placed in a school hostel at an early age. The aim of the investigation was two-fold: • Firstly, from thl! literature study, to analyze and describe the educational distress of the Deaf adolescent boy residing in the school hostel. Secondly, to conduct an empirical survey consisting of structured questionnaires in order to ascertain the kind of support rendered to the Deaf adolescent boy in the hostel. From the literature study and the empirical survey a training/educational programme was designed to promote the educational skills of hostel parents at schools for Deaf adolescent boys. / Inclusive Education / M.Ed.(Orthopedagogics)

Process evaluation of treatment with adolescents in residential treatment foster care

Glazer, Courtney Anne, Vance, Adrianne Marie 01 January 2006 (has links)
As the number of children in foster care without a familial placement continues to grow, the child welfare system is turning towards a new placement approach called Residential Treatment Foster Care. This study performed a process evaluation of 30 Residential Treatment Foster Care facilities in Los Angeles County that explored the four characteristics of case plan design, team decision-making, therapeutic intervention, staff training, and overall treatment effectiveness with regards to the number of Absences Without Leave (AWOL) and completion of treatment plan.

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