Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cnstitutional care"" "subject:"constitutional care""
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Rollen som verksamhetscontroller i statliga myndigheterCehaja Lundqvist, Carina January 2016 (has links)
I problemdiskussionen lyfts att litteraturen och forskningen utgår från att en controller är en ekonom som arbetar med ekonomistyrning. Enligt min erfarenhet stämmer inte detta för verksamhetscontrollers i statliga myndigheter. Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen om rollen som verksamhetscontroller i statliga myndigheter. Forskningsfrågorna är vilka krav ställer myndigheterna vid rekrytering av verksamhetscontrollers och hur beskriver de arbetsuppgifterna? Vad innehåller tertialuppföljningarna? Metoden har varit att genom en diskursanalys studera innehållet i tertialuppföljning på Socialstyrelsen, Statens institutionsstyrelse och Tullverket. Dessutom har myndigheternas rekryteringsannonser som avser verksamhetscontroller analyserats. Slutsatsen är att arbetsuppgifterna för verksamhetcontrollers på myndighetsnivå är likartade och det ingår inte ekonomiska arbetsuppgifter. De förefaller dock ha olika mandat. Arbetsuppgifterna på avdelnings-/ kompetenscenternivå skiljer sig mellan och inom myndigheterna och inte heller dessa verksamhetscontrollers har ekonomiska arbetsuppgifter. Kraven som ställs på utbildning och erfarenhet har stor spännvidd och ibland har man krav på att den sökande ska ha ekonomisk bakgrund. Min slutsats är att rollen som verksamhetscontroller på avdelnings-/ kompetenscenternivå är under utveckling och att rollen på myndighetsnivå är tydligare. / In literature and research the definition of a controller is an economist working with financial control. According to my knowledge this is not correct for controllers focused on operations management in government agencies The purpose of this thesis is to increase the knowledge of the role as a controller focused on operations management in state agencies. The questions to be answered are what demands does government agencies have when they recruit operations management controllers and how do they describe the assignments? What is included in the four month follow ups? The method has been by discourse analysis study the content in the four month follow ups at the National Board of Health and Welfare, the National Board of Institutional Care and the Swedish Customs. In the thesis the agencies recruitment ads for controllers focused on operations management is also analyzed. The conclusion is that the assignments for controllers focused on operational management on the agency-wide level is similar between the agencies and few financial assignments are included. The assignments for the lower levels differ within and between the agencies and financial assignment are not included. The controllers at the agency-wide level seem to have different mandates between the agencies. The agencies demands for education and experience varies widely and some of the ads have demands for a background in finances. My conclusion is that the controller at the department level is under development and the role at the agency-wide level is more distinct.
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An Orphanage in Mexico: Four United Nations' Human Rights of Children and Wolins' Prerequisites for Efficient Group Care Through the View of the Manager and StaffQuesnel Galván, Lucia Beatriz 20 December 2016 (has links)
In Mexico there are officially 1.8 million orphaned children, without counting non-orphaned children deprived of family, who also need care; of these, only 657,000 are living in 703 orphanages. Mexico's government invests less than 2% of its budget toward protection of children. There is a lack of substantive research or official assessment of orphanages. According to the scant research found, the children's human rights most frequently violated in Mexican orphanages are the rights to nutrition and health care, to be protected from further victimization, to free expression and participation, and to not be exploited. This study was carried out through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with the manager and five staff members of a respected orphanage in Mexico. It aimed to determine how they attempt to fulfill the aforementioned rights, and how their work relates to six prerequisites for efficient group-care formulated by Wolins after his vast research on the matter. Results indicate that the staff members of this orphanage view their work as spirituality in action, becoming the children's family, caring for their health through special vegetarian nutrition. They teach the children that they are the masters of their own lives and happiness, and not to see themselves as victims. From results I also suggest well supervised facilities, coupling between staff and professionals to screen children's health; a vegetarian diet based on scientific research; children's participation in rules, learning about, from and for their human rights and the idea of children being masters of their life and happiness.
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Vnímaná akademická účinnost u žáků s problematickým chováním v ústavní výchově / Academic self-efficacy of pupils with problematic behavior in instituional careMatějková, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of academic self-efficacy of pupils who have been given protective or institutional education due to significant problematic behaviour by the court and who became clients of children's homes with the school. First, the concept of self-efficacy and the concept of academic self-efficacy is presented. Resources as well as social environment issues and gender differences are related to academic self-efficacy. The following chapter describes the topic of problematic behaviour and behavioural disorders. The third chapter is devoted to protection and constitutional care. The last chapter describes the topic of academic self-efficacy of students with problematic behaviour. The empirical part includes research carried out in children's homes with students showing significant problematic behaviour, using the Myself As a Learner Scale and Children's Self- Efficacy Scale questionnaires. A significant difference was found between the level of academic self-efficacy between a set of pupils from children's homes with a school and a set of pupils from ordinary upper primary schools. Only a partial correlation has been proved between the study average and the level of academic self-efficacy. There was no difference in the level of academic self-efficacy between genders. Equally, the...
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The general and emotional development of a sample of South African children in residential careWills, Nicolene January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to explore and describe the general and emotional development of a sample of South African children between the age of five and eight years in residential care. More specifically, the study aimed to explore and describe the general level of development of a sample of children in residential care; to explore and describe the development of a sample of children in residential care in six areas of development; and to describe the emotional wellbeing of children in residential care. A non-probability, purposive sampling method was applied as the participants were comprised of children between the ages of 5 and 8 years housed at the residential care facility. The sample consisted of 11 children. The multiple case study method was used to achieve the aim of the study, using both qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data consisted of scores obtained from the administration of the Griffiths Mental Development Scales - Extended Revised (GMDS-ER). The qualitative data was obtained from the Human Figure Drawing (HFD), participants’ scholastic progress reports, case reports from the residential care facility and clinical observations during the assessment period. The data was analysed according to thematic analysis. The results highlighted the pervasiveness of delays in all domains of child development of children housed in residential care, specifically that of language, social and emotional development. An important finding of the study was that decrements in these domains of development underpinned delays in the other domains of development since they form the foundation of learning and relating to the world. The study served to emphasize the importance of consistent developmental assessment in order to ascertain whether these children present with developmental delays and, if so, to xv identify which areas of development are most affected. Information from the developmental assessments could assist in the early identification of developmental delays and allow for individually tailored interventions to overcome such delays.
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Filhos da lua : a ausencia de relações sociais de reconhecimento em crianças que vivem em instituições de atendimento a infancia / Children of the moon : the absence of social relations of recognition in children who live in institutions of attendande to infancySantos, Sheila Daniela Medeiros dos 14 December 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Angel Pino Sirgado / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T23:21:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Santos_SheilaDanielaMedeirosdos_D.pdf: 2523027 bytes, checksum: e99d45425450fc7f9e702122186f27f1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo elucidar a essência de um paradoxo (aparente): crianças que não vivem em família, mas falam continuamente de família, tendo como pontos de ancoragem o referencial teórico de Lefebvre e Vigotski. Após realizar, durante um ano, visitas semanais a uma instituição de atendimento à infância, localizada em um município da região de Campinas, há evidências de que as crianças não estão falando propriamente de família; na realidade, elas estão reclamando da ausência de relações sociais de reconhecimento, já que o Estado/a sociedade ignoram os seus direitos, impondo-lhes como destino a situação em que foram geradas: a pobreza, a realização de tarefas socialmente desvalorizadas e a participação no sistema produtivo como exército de reserva / Abstract: This work has the objective of elucidating the essence of an apparent paradox: children who do not live in family, but talk continuously about family. The work has its anchor points on the theoretical referential of Lefebvre and Vigotski. After carrying out, during one year, weekly visits to an institution of attendance to infancy, located in the Campinas region, there are evidences that the children are not talking exactly about family; in reality, they are complaining about the absence of social relations of recognition, since the State and the society ignore their rights, imposing to them as their destiny the same situation in which they were born: poverty, the accomplishment of tasks socially devaluated and participation in the productive system as reserve army / Doutorado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Doutor em Educação
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Perfil do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e aspectos familiares de crianças institucionalizadas na cidade do RecifeLima, Ana Karolina Pontes de 12 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-01-12 / This study has aimed at characterizing from 0 to 4 years old children neuropsychomotor development profile institutionalized from Recife city and at identifying these children family constitution, the withdrawal time from their family and the possible damages on account of their family absence upon their neuropsychomotor development. Twentytwo (22) children that lived in two (2) Shelter Unities (A and B), localized in Recife,
Pernambuco, have participated in this research. We have used data gathering instrument, Denver´s Test II, applied individually, in each of the children, in this research participant ones and has evaluated the children evelopment, in four different areas (personal social, fine motor adaptive, language and gross motor), according to
their age. Further on, we have performed a documentary analysis concerning the children´s personal data record, aiming at gathering together the information maximum,
regarding to the child family history. The results have shown up that, in a general way, the both unities children have presented a bigger endamagement in language area and a
smaller one in gross motor area. Regarding to their family history, it has been possible identifying that the greater number of these children lived in the Shelter Unit, since
about one year, on average, were children came from families with chemical dependency history and that have a monoparental configuration. In the children of our
Study it was possible to detect how much the abandonmet and neglect of the family were present in the stories of their lives. As conclusion, we can say that although the
situation of risk and abandonment, these children do not present sever endamagement in their neuropsychomotor development. As to the Institutions, while not being the object of our Study, we have noticed that they fulfill satisfactorily the role of caregiver, when
the Family represents a probable risk for the full development of the child / O presente Estudo teve, por objetivos, caracterizar o perfil do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de crianças, de 0 a 4 anos, institucionalizadas, na cidade do Recife, e identificar a constituição familiar dessas crianças, o tempo de afastamento da família e os possíveis prejuízos da ausência familiar sobre o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Participaram da Pesquisa 22 crianças que residiam em duas Unidades de Acolhimento
(A e B), localizadas na Cidade de Recife, Pernambuco. Utilizamos como instrumento de coleta de dados, o Teste de triagem de Denver II, aplicado, individualmente, em cada
uma das crianças participantes da Pesquisa e avaliamos o desenvolvimento das crianças, em quatro áreas (pessoal-social, motricidade fina, linguagem e motricidade ampla), de
acordo com sua idade. Posteriormente, realizamos uma análise documental da ficha de dados pessoais das crianças, com o objetivo de coletar o máximo de informações sobre
a história familiar da criança. Os resultados revelaram que, de uma maneira geral, as crianças de ambas as unidades, apresentaram maior comprometimento na área de
linguagem e menor comprometimento na área de motricidade ampla. No que diz respeito a história familiar, foi possível identificar que a maioria das crianças residia na
Unidade de Acolhimento, em média, há um ano; eram crianças advindas de famílias com história de dependência química e com configuração monoparental. Nas crianças
do nosso Estudo foi possível detectar o quanto o abandono e a negligência da família se fizeram presentes nas histórias de suas vidas. Como conclusão, podemos dizer que apesar da situação de risco e abandono, estas crianças não apresentam severo comprometimento no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Quanto as instituições, mesmo não sendo objeto de nosso estudo, percebemos que elas ocupam de forma satisfatória a função de cuidadora, quando a Família representa um provável risco para o desenvolvimento pleno da criança
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Analysis needs assessment of foster youth group homesHolt-Gaines, Tinya Kay 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparison of self-determination between verbal and non-verbal residents of intermediate care facilitiesMahon, Karen Anne 01 January 2004 (has links)
This study compared verbal and nonverbal residents of Intermediate Care Facilities-Developmental Disabilities-Habilitative type (IFC-DD-H) on self-determination. The residents were compared using an adapted version of the Association for Retarded Citizen's (ARC) Self-determination scale.
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Den äldre patientens upplevelse av sitt planeringsmöte vid utskrivning från sjukhuset / The older patient's experience of their planning meeting upon discharging from hospitalRamot Andersson, Ellinor, Öhrn, Eva January 2020 (has links)
Andelen äldre i befolkningen blir fler och fler och med det behövs ökade insatser från vård och omsorg. Om förändrat vårdbehov upptäcks hos en patient i samband med sjukhusvistelse bör ett planeringsmöte bokas inför utskrivningen från sjukhuset. Under planeringsmötet skapas en vårdplan som ska vara individuell och personcentrerad där patientens resurser ska tillvaratas. Syftet med studien var att belysa den äldre patientens upplevelse av sitt planeringsmöte vid utskrivning från sjukhus. En kvalitativ metod genomfördes med en induktiv ansats. Åtta patienter intervjuades. Intervjuerna analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resulterade i två huvudkategorier: osäkerhet inför planeringsmötet och underläge under planeringsmötet. Resultatet visade att informationen som ges inför mötet ofta upplevs otydlig men det uppskattas att det är en sjuksköterska som ger informationen. Patienterna upplevde även anhörigas närvaro som en trygghet under mötet. Resultatet visar även på att det under mötet framkommer många okända begrepp och att informationen under mötets gång är överväldigande. Tydlig information, individuella förutsättningar och patientens delaktighet är förbättringsområden för en hållbar utveckling inom området. / The proportion of older people in the population is increasing and with this increased health efforts are needed. If a changed need for care is daiscovered in connection with a hospital stay, a discharge meeting can be booked upon discharging from the hospital care. During the discharge meeting, a care plan is created that should be individual and person-centered where the patient's resources are to be utilized. The aim of the study was to illustrate the older patient's experience of their discharging meeting. Eight patients were interviewed using a qualitative method with inductive approach. The interviews were then analyzed through a qualitative content analysis and resulted in two main categories: uncertainty before the discharge meeting and be at a disadvantage during the discharge meeting. The result showed that the information given before the discharge meeting was often unclear but it was appreciated by the patients that it was a nurse who provided the information. The patients also experienced the presence of relatives created the feeling of being safe for the patient during the discharge meeting. The results also show that many unknown concepts emerged during the meeting and that the information during the meeting is overwhelming. Distinct information, individual prerequisite and the patients participation are clear areas of improvement for sustainable development in the area.
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Motivační a zájmový potenciál volnočasových aktivit z pohledu vychovatelů dětského domova se školou / Motivational and interest potential of leisure activities from the point of view of educators of children's home with schoolŠtěpánková, Jana January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the motivational and hobby potential of children's leisure activities in an orphanage with a school. It is based on the assumption that for children who have been ordered institutional education or imposed protective education, it is very important to make meaningful use of free time and a wide range of leisure activities. The work is of a theoretical-empirical nature. Its aim is to find out how the educators of a children's home with a school design the preparation for the afternoon and weekend program, so that the children can attract, develop and motivate them to make meaningful use of their free time. The partial goals are to find out how they motivate children to actively participate in programs prepared by educators and how educators evaluate the effectiveness of this motivation. The theoretical part of the work is based on an analysis of the literature and a search of research conducted on the topic. In the individual chapters, it deals in more detail with the characteristics of a children's home with a school and other facilities where children who have been ordered to have institutional or protective care are placed. It describes the reasons for placing children in this type of facility, characterizes the category of leisure time and leisure activities...
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