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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lungisisa Indlwla village : a social marketing case study on residential care for children

Mare, Marius 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lungisisa Indlela Village is a non-profit organisation in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It provides holistic residential care for orphaned and vulnerable children in order to “rescue a child, restore a life, raise a leader and release a star”. The village can house 1 000 orphans and the model used is long-term cluster foster care where the children will get a sense of belonging in a homely environment, modelling an African village lifestyle. The houses are built in clusters, each with eight homes surrounding a communal play area. Each home has a fully-trained house mother who may bring two biological children, and will be given up to six children through the Department of Social Welfare. Within a family environment, they will receive unconditional love, spiritual discipleship, care and nurturing. The Lungisisa Indlela Village School is a registered independent school which comprises a play-school, pre-school, primary school and secondary school. Lungisisa Indlela Village is assisting others who have the same vision to build villages in Pretoria, Benoni, Kimberley, Grahamstown, East London and George. The vision of Lungisisa Indlela Village is to build thousands of villages across Africa in order to turn one of the continent’s biggest problems into the solution. The research focus is on the discipline of social marketing. More specifically, how Lungisisa Indlela Village makes use of the principles of social marketing in order to gain support from the community, government, corporate organisations and churches. A case study approach was followed, whereby literature and in-depth interviews were used to compare Lungisisa Indlela Village’s current marketing activities to best practice social marketing principles. The aim of the research was not only to assist Lungisisa Indlela Village with their expansion, but also to assist other orphanages and cause-related marketing organisations in putting together a marketing plan to drive the desired behaviour in both South Africa and the rest of Africa (in countries facing similar challenges). The study, even though aimed at how Lungisisa Indlela Village compares to best practice social marketing principles, revealed that there are many other business and strategic issues to consider. These issues, however, inform how the marketing plan is executed. Leadership, governance, relationship with government and marketing the Lungisisa Indlela Village brand and solution are very important questions, issues and initiatives that need to be addressed before further expansion takes place. The author would like to encourage the reader to watch the following video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSnujMEumrc, before reading the rest of this paper.

The quality of life of three men with autism spectrum disorders living in a group home: a case study

Skinner, Kerry 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This thesis focused on three adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who are living in a group home in Cape Town. The purpose of this exploratory study was to explore and describe the three occupants' perceived quality of life and their experiences of living in the group home. The group home was established in 2005 as a pioneering project by Autism Western Cape, a regional non-profit organisation (NGO). It is designed for adults with high-functioning ASD who require low care. In this interpretative study, a multiple case study method of enquiry was used. The Personal Wellbeing Index – Intellectual Disability (PWI-ID), as developed by Cummins and Lau (2005), was used as the primary subjective outcome measure of quality of life. In addition, the study made use of participant observations undertaken during two semi-structured interviews with each participant and two focus group interviews. All three participants felt that they had enjoyed a higher level of quality of life, especially in the domain of 'personal relationships', since their arrival at the group home. However, they expressed a desire for more independence; a higher income; female companionship and better security at the home. These suggestions have been made available to the relevant sponsors of the housing project.

An educational psychologist's perspective in understanding the experiences of residential youth care workers

Carstens, Alison Lee 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / As primary caregivers (such as residential youth-care workers) are the first teachers of children and spend much more time with the child than any other service provider, educational psychologists need to implement programmes that include primary caregivers in actively working with the youth in their care. This calls for educational psychologists to gain a rich understanding of the experiences of youth-care workers in order to work collaboratively in rehabilitating youth at risk within the youth’s ecosystem. The study attempts to explore the experiences of youth-care workers in residential facilities, using the ecosystemic perspective. A proposed outcome of the research is to contribute to the skills and interventions educational psychologists can use in collaborating with and supporting youth-care workers in residential facilities to rehabilitate youth who are at risk successfully. Qualitative research within the interpretive/constructivist paradigm was employed as the research design. Research was based at two residential facilities in an outlying area of Cape Town, from which four youth-care workers and two youths were drawn as a sample. The data was collected through six semi-structured interviews, observations over a 10-month period at one of the facilities, and photographs of youth-care workers and children. The review of literature and the findings of this research uncovered many experiences that appear to typify residential youth care. These experiences include the multifaceted nature of the role that youth-care workers fulfil in a residential facility; three types of emotional affect experienced by youth-care workers working in facilities; the significance of healthy youth-care worker-child relationships and the importance of these relationships in the successful rehabilitation of youth at risk; and the levels of support and training required in order to perform the task of successfully rehabilitating youth at risk in residential settings.

Exploring equine assisted psychotherapy for adolescents in residential care

Hurwitz, Jaqueline 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd(Psych))-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The background experiences of adolescents removed from their families and placed in residential care are often characterised by trauma, abuse and neglect, resulting in significant psychological and developmental implications. However, as a result of their negative past experiences, many of these individuals view other people, including helping professionals, with mistrust or apprehension, influencing their openness to and thus the effectiveness of traditional psychotherapeutic interventions. Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) is explored within this study as an alternative non-invasive approach which aims to meet the emotional and developmental needs of vulnerable and difficult-to-reach adolescents. Innate characteristics of horses seem to encourage individuals to engage fully in the psychotherapeutic process making them well-suited to the role of co-therapist within the therapeutic team. This study aimed to explore the experiences of adolescents living within residential care who had participated in an EAP program for approximately eight months, and the affects their participation had within their lives. A qualitative study founded within the interpretive paradigm was used to gain insight into the research questions. Participants were selected using purposive and convenient sampling techniques. Following this, data was obtained through semi-structured interviews, the researcher’s reflective journal, and a focus group discussion. Inductive data segmentation and reassembling techniques were utilised to analyse the data. The findings were integrated and presented as a case study. The research findings indicated that the participants experienced various learning and development opportunities through their participation in EAP. They were able to establish connections which led to improved psychological, social, and physical well-being. The implicit integration of the Circle of Courage principles of mastery, belonging, generosity and independence within the EAP process was also explored and documented for the first time within this text. The findings were related to resilience theory in order to depict EAP as a psychotherapeutic approach which serves to foster resilience for vulnerable adolescents, namely those placed within residential care in this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die agtergrond ervaringe van adolessente wat verwyder is uit hul ouerhuise en in residensiële sorg geplaas is, word dikwels gekenmerk deur trauma, mishandeling en verwaarlosing, met beduidende gepaardgaande sielkundige - en ontwikkelingsimplikasies. Voortvloeiend uit hul negatiewe ervaringe van die verlede, is dit moeilik vir sommige van hierdie individue om ander mense, en dit sluit professionele mense in die hulp-professies in, te vertrou en sonder bedugtheid te benader. Dit beïnvloed hul openlikheid en dus die effektiwiteit van tradisionele psigoterapeutiese intervensies. Perd-ondersteunde psigoterapie (Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, EAP) word ondersoek in hierdie studie as ‘n alternatiewe, nie-indringende benadering, waarvan die doel is om die emosionele - en ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van weerlose en moeilik-bereikbare adolessente mee aan te spreek. Dit wil voorkom asof ingebore eienskappe van perde individue aanmoedig om ten volle deel te neem aan die psigoterapeutiese proses, en dit maak die perde baie geskik om as hulp-terapeute op te tree binne die terapeutiese span. Hierdie studie beoog om die ervaringe van adolessente in residensiële sorg, en wat vir agt maande deelgeneem het aan ‘n EAP program, te ondersoek, sowel as die effek wat hierdie deelname op hul lewens gehad het. ‘n Kwalitatiewe studie gebaseer op die interpretatiewe paradigma is gebruik om insig te verkry in die navorsingsvrae. Deelnemers is geselekteer deur doelgerigte - en gerieflikheidstegnieke te gebruik. Hierna is data verkry deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, die navorser se reflektiewe joernaal en ‘n fokusgroep onderhoud. Induktiewe data segmentasie en hersamestellingstegnieke is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Die bevindinge is geïntegreer en aangebied as ‘n gevallestudie. Die bevindige van die studie dui aan dat die deelnemers verskeie leer- en ontwikkelingsgeleenthede ervaar het deur hul deelname aan EAP. Hulle was in staat om konneksies te maak wat bygedra het tot sielkundige, sosiale en fisiese welsyn. The research findings indicated that the participants experienced various learning and development opportunities through their participation in EAP. Die implisiete integrasie van die beginsels van die ‘Circle of Courage’, naamlik bemeestering, behoort aan, ruimhartigheid en onafhanklikheid, is binne die EAP proses ondersoek en vir die eerste keer in hierdie teks gedokumenteer. Die bevindinge is vergelyk met veerkragtigheid teorie om EAP as ‘n psigoterapeutiese benadering te beskryf wat veerkragtigheid aanmoedig by weerlose adolessente, naamlik dié wat in residensiële sorg geplaas is en aan hierdie studie deelgeneem het.

”… utslussen från institution till samhälle, öppet samhälle där är det för mycket vakuum.” : En kvalitativ studie av samarbetet mellan Statens institutionsstyrelse och Socialtjänst / “… the transition from an institution to a society, an open society there it is too much vacuum.” : A qualitative study about interaction between The national board of institutional care and The social welfare board

Eldh, Sofia, Gill, Ida January 2010 (has links)
<p>The intention of this study was to examine the interaction between authorities. More specifically it had a purpose to look at the ongoing cooperation between social workers and staff of special homes of closed institutional youth care. The sanction system for young offenders’ reform of 1999 where young people between the ages of 15-17 who have committed serious crimes, can be sentenced to secure institutional treatment instead of prison, aims to counteract the harm which can result from a stay in prison. The social welfare board in the young person´s local authority and the national board of institutional care shall cooperate during the youth’s placement at the special home of closed institutional youth care. This study was based on eight qualitative interviews with social workers chosen randomly from all over Sweden and staff members from different special homes of closed institutional youth care. To interpret the material we have been using theory of collaboration and cooperation of Danermark and Kullberg. We have also used earlier studies within the area. The study has resulted that the social welfare board are more satisfied with the corporation than the national board of institutional care are. The study also shows that there has been an improvement. Significant reasons for this result has proved to be; the two different employers with different mission statement who are cooperating, unclear guidelines and the lack of knowledge within in the social services. Today there’s an ongoing cooperation that needs to be developed.</p>

Problematika týraných dětí. Biblicko-psychologická reflexe. / Problem of children abuse. Biblical-psychological reflexion.

Zárubová, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problems of abused, neglected and abused children, especially in families. It contains the basic characteristics, prevention, assistance and possible solutions. Everything is set in the biblical context of social-psychological feelings and completed questionnaire. This thesis deals with the problems of abused, neglected and abused children, especially in families. It contains the basic characteristics, prevention, assistance and possible solutions. Everything is set in the biblical context of social-psychological feelings and completed questionnaire. This thesis deals with the problems of abused, neglected and abused children, especially in families. It contains the basic characteristics, prevention, assistance and possible solutions. Everything is set in the biblical context of social-psychological feelings and completed questionnaire.

Problematika institucionální péče o seniory s Alzheimerovou chorobou / The issue of institutional care for the elderly with Alzheimer's disease

Jírová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
Thesis entitled "The issue of institutional care for the elderly with Alzheimer's disease" includes information about different types of dementia, charts the current situation in the Czech Republic and in the world, characterized fundamental questions of social policy and presents some methods of non-pharmacological treatment. The research analyzes the conditions of life of seniors with Alzheimer's disease who live in different types of institutions. It also focuses on family members. For compact view on the topic contribute opinions of experts from relevant institutions. Aim of this study is to describe and compare the system of care in individual and institutional facilities using statistical information to point to the timeliness issue.

Contenção à pessoa idosa em ILPI’s: cuidado ou violência?

Santos, Bruna Suelem Mendes dos 30 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-08-22T12:12:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruna Suelem Mendes dos Santos.pdf: 2352684 bytes, checksum: d829bf992823c6bff438fbc86f216e0c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T12:12:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruna Suelem Mendes dos Santos.pdf: 2352684 bytes, checksum: d829bf992823c6bff438fbc86f216e0c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Introduction: Much has been pointed out that in health institutions containment practices are considered care actions. When one speaks of care one can say that this means to preserve, to keep, to conserve, to support or to take care of. The restraint to the elderly person has, however, been understood in several ways. These include mechanisms and methods that, in some way, limit the person, reducing spontaneous body movement, understood as any restrictive measure of daily life. In this sense, the practice of containing older people has been commonly used in individuals with certain conditions of fragility, when others assume responsibility for them. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to understand the reasons that nurses are taking to restrain the elderly in Long-Term Care Institutions for the Elderly (ILPIs). Methods: We interviewed 32 nurses, who work in the region of Pará, Santa Catarina and São Paulo. Data collection and analysis of the proposed interviews used a qualitative methodology based on authors such as Minayo and Turano, who helped to understand the objective issues. Results: The research is based on the analysis of content of Bardin, through studies that made it possible to understand what nurses working in a long-term institution understand by containment. The work was categorized and organized into three themes based on the questionnaire response: a) the profile of the professionals interviewed; b) what the professionals understand by containment; c) care in the perspectives of the nurses interviewed. Conclusion: Through this study we identified that although the professionals have the conscience that is practiced is not beneficial to the elderly. They continue to use for lack of choice, due to institutional requirements, environmental conditions, mobilization equipment for the elderly, to avoid falls and often for lack of knowledge of the subject / Introdução: Muito se tem apontado que, em instituições de saúde, as práticas de contenção são consideradas ações de cuidado. Quando se fala de cuidado pode-se dizer que este significa preservar, guardar, conservar, apoiar ou tomar conta. A contenção à pessoa idosa vem sendo, no entanto, entendida de várias formas. Entre elas estão inclusos mecanismos e métodos que, de alguma maneira, limitam a pessoa, diminuindo o movimento corporal espontâneo, entendida como qualquer medida restritiva do cotidiano. Nesse sentido, a prática de contenção de pessoas idosas tem sido, comumente, empregada em indivíduos com determinadas condições de fragilidade, quando outros assumem a responsabilidade por elas. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender quais são os motivos que levam as enfermeiras a praticar a contenção na pessoa idosa em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPI’s). Métodos: Foram entrevistadas 32 enfermeiras, que atuam na região do Pará, Santa Catarina e São Paulo. A coleta de dados e análise das entrevistas propostas utilizou uma metodologia qualitativa. Resultados: O estudo possibilitou compreender o que as enfermeiras, que trabalham em Instituição de Longa Permanência, entendem por contenção. Os resultados foram categorizados e organizados em três temáticas, com base nas respostas obtidas: a) o perfil das profissionais entrevistadas; b) o que elas entendem por contenção; e c) o cuidado nas perspectivas das enfermeiras entrevistadas. Os principais motivos que as levam à prática da contenção são: evitar quedas e agitação psicomotora. Conclusão: Através deste estudo identificamos que apesar das profissionais terem a consciência que essa prática não é benéfica ao idoso, continuam, ainda assim, a utilizando por falta de opção, por exigência institucional, por condições de ambiente, equipamentos de mobilização do idoso para evitar quedas e, muitas das vezes, por falta de conhecimento em relação ao tema

O processo de identidade de jovens que passaram por acolhimento institucional / The process of identity in young people who have been institutionalized

Freitas, Maristela Sousa e 14 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-11-09T10:22:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maristela Sousa e Freitas.pdf: 2947668 bytes, checksum: 06d576c74249991fe333ef5a0fb4ed77 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-09T10:22:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maristela Sousa e Freitas.pdf: 2947668 bytes, checksum: 06d576c74249991fe333ef5a0fb4ed77 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-14 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This study aims to investigate the identity process of young people who have been institutionalized in some period of their lives. By apprehending the meanings which were disclosed, we highlight how much being institutionalized hinders metamorphosis movements toward emancipation and which other emancipatory possibilities, around these young people, allow them to constitute and selfdetermine themselves overcoming the adversities. We stem from the empirical experience, using life trajectory narratives, and historical materialism as method to make a social group visible. From all histories heared which contextualized this work, we chose one to conduct a study on the identity process. The theoretical framework is sustained by the sintagma identity-metamorphosis-emancipation of Ciampa ([1987] 2011), besides other authors such as Goffman (1961), Habermas (1987), Berger and Luckmann (2014) and others who brought contributions aligned to the Critical Social Psychology. In the analysis of one of the histories with emancipatory characteristics, Sofia”s revealed that emancipation and activity are the focus of this study. Sofia”s story made possible to understand that in her narrative, there were many difficulties which produced the process of sameness for a long time. Sameness was only overcome when Sofia began to be heard and recognized by others in her rights. By performing her activities and being recognized, the narrator kept modifying herself, allowing metamorphosis with emancipatory direction. When gathered the possibilities around her, of being loved and cherished by a family, Sofia came to a quality in the metamorphosis indicated as mesmidade, the integration of thinking/doing. The singularity of Sofia”s history, representing the universal, revealed that metamorphosis with emancipatory fragments are possible if there are possibilities around the individual / Este estudo buscou investigar o processo identitário de jovens que passaram pelo acolhimento institucional em alguma fase de suas vidas. Ao apreender os sentidos revelados, trouxemos o quanto ser institucionalizado impede movimentos de metamorfose em direção à emancipação e quais outras possibilidades de caráter emancipatório, ao entorno destes jovens, permitem se constituírem diferentes e se autodeterminarem vencendo as adversidades. Partimos do empírico, por meio das narrativas de história de vida e do materialismo histórico dialético, como método para tornar visível um grupo social. De todas as histórias ouvidas que contextualizaram esse trabalho, escolhemos uma delas para fazer um estudo do processo identitário. O arcabouço teórico está sustentado pelo sintagma-identidade-metamorfose-emancipação de Ciampa (1987; 2011), além de outros autores, Goffman (1961), Habermas (1987), Berger e Luckmann (2014) e outros que trouxeram contribuições alinhadas à Psicologia Social Crítica. Da análise de uma das histórias com características emancipatórias, a história de Sofia revelou-nos que as categorias atividade e emancipação são o foco deste estudo. A história de Sofia possibilitou compreender que em sua narrativa ocorreram várias dificuldades que produziram o processo de mesmice durante muito tempo. A mesmice foi vencida apenas quando Sofia começou a ser escutada e reconhecida pelos outros, em seus direitos. Ao desempenhar suas atividades e se ver reconhecida, a narradora foi se modificando, permitindo metamorfoses com sentidos emancipatórios. Ao ser reunido em seu entorno, as possibilidades de ser amada e querida por uma família, Sofia chegou a uma qualidade na metamorfose indicada como mesmidade, a integração do pensar/fazer. A singularidade da história de Sofia, representando o universal, revelou que metamorfoses com fragmentos emancipatórios são possíveis se houver possibilidades no entorno do sujeito

No melhor interesse da criança? a ênfase na adoção como garantia do direito à convivência familiar e comunitária / In the child best interest? the emphasis on adoption as a guarantee of the right to family and community life

Oliveira, Rita de Cassia Silva 23 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:16:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita de Cassia Silva Oliveira.pdf: 3180769 bytes, checksum: 41363451e0ac31d13e11350121427ee8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In light of the theoretical and ethical-political foundations of Social Work, this thesis discusses the right to family and community life and the recurrent decision of the government and civil society to prioritize adoption as a way to "solve" the situation of children and adolescents living in institutions. Between 2003 and 2009, we experienced a clash between antagonistic postures in defense of this right, which occurred together with the dissemination of researches on childcare that highlighted the need for the State to implement more effective policies to ensure the exceptionality and temporality of this protection measure. As participants in the São Paulo movement against the approval of the National Adoption Bill No. 1756-2003, we aim to contribute to the understanding of the processuality which resulted in the enactment of the law No. 12.010 in 2009. The text covers the subaltern classes historic rupture legacy of family life and community, claiming back, in legislation, the genesis of the ideas of adoption as a "solution" for those who are taken in. The approach to the course of the the National Adoption Bill No. 1756-2003 sought to answer the following guiding questions: What is the concept of family and community life that permeated the debates? How was the articulation of the PNCFC construction process and the legal procedures of PLNA? What is the influence of the São Paulo movement, contrary to the PL, on its legal procedures in the legislative process? What remained from the original proposals and what has substantially changed? Are there new bills pending whose purpose is to make adopting agile? And after all, was the centrality of the family strengthened in terms of support or accountability in a familist perspective? In order to be able to reconstruct all this, we favored the documentary research in primary and secondary sources, such as previous versions of the plan and several bills in addition to the National Adoption Bill No. 1756-2003, as well as the results of public consultations and shorthand transcripts of sessions of the House of Representatives. The conclusion shows that, in the gap between the legal guarantee and the reality of no access to fundamental rights, the "centrality of the family" can assume perspectives that reinforce the process of inequality they experience. Despite the legal and regulatory advances, actions in defense of the fundamental right to family and community life tended to emphasize the reorganization of institutional care services, the need for the implementation of foster care and the adoption-centered interests of the child, having progressed very little in terms of the control of public policies aiming at the protection of socialization, prevention of rupture and reintegration to the family of origin. Anchored in a contradiction of the Brazilian capitalist society - economic reordering overlaps the social investment, which focuses on meeting the minimum necessary needs - public actions still tend to reproduce failing mechanisms of rupture instead of mechanisms of promotion and strengthening of the family and community life of subaltern classes in the child best interest / À luz dos fundamentos teóricos e ético-políticos do Serviço Social, esta tese problematiza o direito à convivência familiar e comunitária e a recorrência do poder público e da sociedade civil em privilegiar a adoção, como forma de resolver a situação de crianças e adolescentes acolhidos institucionalmente. Entre 2003 e 2009 paralelamente à divulgação das pesquisas sobre os serviços de acolhimento - que evidenciaram a necessidade da implementação de políticas mais efetivas por parte do Estado para garantir a excepcionalidade e a provisoriedade dessa medida de proteção - vivenciamos um embate entre posturas antagônicas na defesa do direito à convivência familiar e comunitária. Como partícipes do movimento de São Paulo contrário à aprovação do Projeto de Lei Nacional de Adoção 1756-2003, com esta tese, pretendemos contribuir para a compreensão da processualidade que resultou na promulgação da Lei 12.010 em 2009. A estrutura do texto percorre o histórico legado de ruptura do convívio familiar e comunitário das classes subalternas, por meio da recorrente institucionalização de seus filhos em busca da gênese do ideário da adoção como solução para os acolhidos. A pesquisa na legislação - Código Civil de 1916, Leis de 1957 e 1965, Código de Menores de 1927 e de 1979, ECA e, finalmente o PLNA 1756-2003 que deu origem a Lei 12010-2009- buscou responder as seguintes questões norteadoras: Como as legislações conjugaram o trinômio apoio sociofamiliar institucionalização adoção ? Em que momento a adoção se torna a solução para a pobreza? Qual o conteúdo da primeira versão do PLNA? Como ele foi construído? Qual a influência do movimento de São Paulo contrário ao referido PL em sua tramitação no legislativo? Como se deu a articulação do processo de construção do PNCFC e da tramitação do PLNA? Como chegamos ao texto da Lei 12010-2009 que, apesar de ser conhecida como a Lei da Adoção , trata da convivência familiar e comunitária? O que se manteve conforme as propostas originais e o que mudou substancialmente? Qual a concepção do melhor interesse da criança que permeou os debates? Temos novos projetos de lei em trâmite com o propósito da agilização de adoção? E afinal, qual o sentido da centralidade atribuída às famílias das crianças e dos adolescentes acolhidos institucionalmente? Para essa reconstrução privilegiamos a pesquisa documental em fontes primárias e secundárias tais como ofícios, relatórios, versões anteriores do PNCFC, de vários projetos de lei relativos a adoção e as transcrições das sessões taquigrafadas da Câmara dos Deputados do PLNA 1756-2003 e seu substitutivo PL 6222-2005. A conclusão aponta que entre a garantia legal e sua (não) efetivação na realidade, a centralidade da família pode assumir perspectivas que reforçam o processo de desigualdade que vivenciam. Apesar dos avanços legais e regulatórios que se aprofundaram na segunda década do ECA, as ações em defesa do direito fundamental à convivência familiar e comunitária tenderam a enfatizar o reordenamento dos serviços de acolhimento institucional, a necessidade da implementação de acolhimento familiar e a a ampliação da adoção, pouco avançando no controle das políticas públicas para proteção do convívio, prevenção da ruptura e reintegração à família de origem. Os projetos de lei em tramitação indicam que, cada vez mais, ganha força o ideário da adoção de crianças como solução para as expressões da questão social brasileira, numa perspectiva funcional à lógica capitalista e aos interesses de determinada classe social, mascarado sob a defesa do melhor interesse da criança

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