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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving polarizing neutron optics by introducing 11B4C as interlayers

Falk, Martin January 2023 (has links)
In this report, the effects of adding 11B4C as interlayers into Fe/Si multilayers is studied. Fe/Si multilayers are commonly used for neutron polarization at large research facilities, and improving the polarizing properties would improve their efficiency. To study this, DC magnetron sputtering was used to make different sets of samples varying interlayer thicknesses, period thicknesses, number of periods, layer thickness ratios and also testing it with steel instead of iron in the multilayers. The samples were then studied using a series of characterization techniques to study how different growth parameters affected the sample’s properties. X-ray diffraction(XRD) and selected area electron diffraction (ED) were used for studying the crystal structure of the samples. X-ray reflectometry (XRR) was used to for fitting layer thicknesses and interface widths, and also to compare reflectivities. Elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) was used to study the compositions changes of the samples. Vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) gave information about how the magnetization changed between samples. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) visualized the structure of the samples. Finally, polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) was done at Institute Laue Langevin (ILL), revealing the actual polarization of the samples. The results of the measurements concluded that for a sample with 40 periods, a period thickness of approximately 16 Å and a thickness ratio of around 0.5 for iron and silicon, using 1 Å thick 11B4C interlayers improved the polarization between the Bragg peaks by 60 %, and at the angle of the spin up peak by 130 %. The results also indicate improved polarization for samples with more or thicker periods. Using low carbon steel instead of iron showed poor results for thin layers, however showed promise for thicker layers due to good reflectivity results, but further testing is required.

Development of methods for detection of radioactive aerosols of special importance for the ESS facility

Carlström, Martin January 2021 (has links)
With the construction of the European Spallation Source (ESS) steadily approaching the operational phase, an environmental monitoring program will soon be implemented with the purpose of monitoring emissions. With regard to radiation safety, it is highly important to monitor alpha emitting radionuclides in aerosol form. Thus, an experimental investigation of direct alpha spectroscopy methods was conducted in order to evaluate the current experimental setup at Medical Radiation Physics in Malmö. Direct alpha spectroscopy measurements of aerosols collected on filters collected during combustion of earth soil samples were performed. Additionally, the natural alpha background in aerosols was intended to be assessed from filter samples collected at Hyltemossa Research Station in northern Scania (Sweden). Furthermore, simulations of direct alpha spectroscopy measurements are conducted in order to anticipate a measured spectra during normal operation but also in the case of an emergency at the ESS, simulations used calculated data by the ESS together with a dispersion model in order to track emissions to ground level concentrations. Direct alpha spectroscopy for environmental samples, was able to detect the presence of 210Po with a low approximate activity level of 2.8 mBq per filter. The well-defined peaks resulted from the use of a multi stage impactor when sampling, which lead to a high surface deposition of the particles. The simulations illustrate this further by showing the effect of surface deposition and how it highly affects the quality of the attained spectrum for both the normal operation and the emergency scenario. Simulated spectrum for normal operation suggest the possible detection of 148Gd without any treatment of the filters. For the emergency scenario the activity level of 148Gd is much lower than from other radionuclides. Thus the simulated spectra instead show the possible need of chemical separation of the wanted radionuclide. / Den Europeiska spallationskällans (ESS) konstruktion fortgår precis vid utkanten av Lund och den börjar närma sig driftsfasen. I takt med det här kommer ett program för att säkerställa miljö, säkerhet och hälsa att startas, ett av målen kommer vara att övervaka utsläpp och säkerställa nivåer i förhållande till regelbestämda värden. Därav görs en experimentell undersökning av metoder för direkt alfaspektroskopi, som mål att utvärdera den nuvarande experimentuppställningen vid Medicinsk Strålningsfysik i Malmö. Mätningar av filter görs med direkt alfaspektroskopi, både filter med naturlig alfabakgrund och filter med innehåll uppsamlat under förbränningstest av jordprover. Filterinsamlingen av naturlig bakgrund görs vid Hyltemossa forskningsstation i nordöstra Skåne. Utöver den experimentella studien, simulering av förväntade spektrum vid mätning av uppsamlade filter görs, både vid normal drift för ESS och vid ett hypotetiskt olyckscenario där radioaktiva partiklar släpps ut. ESS egna beräkningar för utsläpp används som grund till de undersökta scenarierna. De resulterande mätningarna av jordprover gav goda resultat som styrker användandet av direkt alfaspektroskopi vid identifiering av miljöprover, närvaro av 210Po identifieras och uppskattas med beräkning till en låg aktivitetsnivå på 2.8 mBq per uppmätt filter. Grunden till den väldefinierade energitoppen för 210Po antas komma ifrån användandet av en kaskadimpaktor, vilket resulterade i en hög ytdeposition av partiklar vid insamling. Resulterande spektrum från simuleringarna för både normal operation och hypotetiskt olycksscenario fortsätter att illustrera den enormt positiva effekten av ytdeposition vid insamling. Slutsatsen från det simulerade spektrumet vid normal drift av ESS är att 148Gd kommer vara möjligt att upptäcka med den använda metoden för direkt alfaspektroskopi. För det simulerade olycksscenariot vid ESS är andelen utsläppt 148Gd i förhållande till andra radionuklider mycket lägre, vilket leder till en låg signal i spektrumet. Slutsatsen är därav att kemisk separation antagligen kommer behövas för att mäta nivåerna av 148Gd.

Aspects of the ATLAS ITk Inner Tracker development for the high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider

Steentoft, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
The High Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), necessitates that the ATLAS experiment replace their current Inner Detector (ID) system. The new Inner Tracker (ITk) will be an all silicon detector, utilising both pixel and strip sensors, with the aim of performing as well, or better than the current system - but in a much more challenging environment. The ITk Strip detector will consist of 17888 modules, ∼ 700 of which will be produced in the Scandinavian ITk Cluster - a collaboration of Copenhagen, Lund, Oslo and Uppsala university and our industrial partner NOTE. This work encompasses the journey from individual components through industrial scale module assembly and on to performance evaluation studies at the DESY II testbeam facility. Optimisation studies were performed of the correlated multi-variable calibration necessary for a glue robot to precisely and reliably dispense the two component epoxy used in the bonding of front-end electronics to the silicon sensor. Procedures and tools were developed for integrating this process into an industrial workflow, and to account for future fundamental changes, such as a switch in the epoxy utilised. To demonstrate sufficient tracking performance of ITk strip modules, even at end-of-life, testbeam campaigns of pre-irradiated modules are conducted. These campaign serve as vi-tal feasibility studies for the ITk as a whole. Reconstruction of end-cap type modules have been historically tricky, due to their complex geometry. This work presents the full integration of semi-automated end-cap type module reconstruction in the Corryvreckan testbeam analysis framework. This represent a major improvement in turnover time from raw data to final result, making the previously impossible concept of live reconstruction during testbeam campaigns within reach.

HUMANE STRINGS : Komposition för jazzkvarttett med stråkkvartett / HUMANE STRINGS : Composition for a string quartet and a jazz quartet combined

Schyborger, Ingrid January 2021 (has links)
I have in this thesis composed music for a concert using a string quartet and a jazz quartet combined, which for me is an entirely new group of instruments put together. This thesis follows my process writing the compositions from the beginning until the end. The purpose of the thesis has been to explore how to integrate a string quartet and a jazz quartet combined in my compositions.  I have, while composing, examined how the double bass relates to the instrumentation and how the bass could be used in melodies, voicings and bass lines. The goal has also been to perform these compositions during my graduation concert.   In the thesis I describe the different methods I have used to fulfil the purpose; “learning-by-doing”, inspirations and interviews, and I tell the reader about the experiences made and the knowledge I have acquired by using these. Furthermore, I give an account of the concert-material made and explain how I merged the instruments together in the compositions. Towards the end of my thesis, I share the insights and understandings that has arisen along the composing process. I ascertain that I by doing the project have developed as a composer as well as a double bass player.  This thesis could be interesting for anyone who is involved or interested in music, composing, double bass or the creative process. / <p><strong>Repertoar under konsert:</strong></p><p>Kompositör: Ingrid Schyborger,</p><p>Titel: Interlude</p><p>Kompositör: Ingrid Schyborger,</p><p>Titel: Patience</p><p>Kompositör: Ingrid Schyborger,</p><p>Titel: Intro to Loyalty</p><p>Kompositör: Ingrid Schyborger,</p><p>Titel: Loyalty</p><p>Kompositör: Ingrid Schyborger,</p><p>Titel: Kindness</p><p>Kompositör: Ingrid Schyborger,</p><p>Titel: Passion</p><p>Kompositör: Ingrid Schyborger,</p><p>Titel: Your Inner Self</p><p></p><p>Medverkande musiker:</p><p>Sopransaxofon: Tom Gabrielsson</p><p>Violin 1: Lisa Chenver</p><p>Violin 2: Filip Magnusson</p><p>Viola: Madara Tupina</p><p>Cello: Erik Elvkull</p><p>Piano: Britta Virves</p><p>Kontrabas: Ingrid Schyborger</p><p>Trummor: Edvin Fridolfsson</p><p></p><p>Konserten tog plats den 2 mars på Kungliga Musikhögskolan i Stockholm. Vi var en ensemble på åtta personer och musiken jag hade skrivit till den här konserten fokuserade på att interagera jazzkvartett och stråkkvartett. Temat på konserten var "Humane Strings" och ordet <em>Humane</em> betyder några av de fina egenskaper vi människor har. Så som; att vara medkännande, vänlig, godhjärtad, generös och att vara öppenhjärtad. Så ofta glömmer vi bort våra vackra egenskaper och vi tänker för mycket på de negativa karaktärsdragen vi har. Min idé var att om vi kunde förtstärka våra goda egenskaper så kanske världen skulle vara en bättre plats. Detta tema försökte jag gestalta i musiken skriven för konserten. </p><p></p>

Konstnärlig intention : Når min vision hela vägen fram?

Norén, Adrian January 2024 (has links)
I det här arbetet utforskade och förfinade jag mitt musikaliska uttryck genom att granska två låtar från mitt kommande album under artistnamn Addeyee. Jag har ett djupt intresse för att förmedla känslor och budskap genom min musik och ville undersöka hur andra uppfattar och tolkar dessa aspekter.  Arbetets syfte var att förstärka och utveckla min unika musikaliska signatur samt få insikt i hur mottagaren reagerade på musiken känslomässigt och budskapsmässigt.Genom en kombination av intervjuer och en enkätundersökning arbetade jag för att förtydliga mitt uttryck samt kartlade jag hur lyssnaren uppfattade min musik.  Resultaten pekade på att lyssnarna har en god förmåga att tolka mina musikaliska intentioner när det gäller både känslor och budskap. De faktorer som anses mest betydelsefulla för tolkningen av musiken inkluderar texten, instrumenteringen och produktionen avmusiken. Genom mitt konstnärliga arbete samt tillhörande undersökning gav rapporten en djupare förståelse för hur musiken kommunicerar med lyssnarna och hur olika faktorer påverkar deras upplevelse och tolkning. Jag blev överraskad över hur pass viktig texten var för att förmedla känslor genom musik. Det gav mig nya insikter kring hur jag kan fortsätta förbättra mina låtar och göra dem ännu mer kraftfulla för lyssnarna.

A Near-Infrared Diffraction Radiation Spectrometer for MHz Repetition Rate Electron Bunch Diagnostics at the European XFEL

Fahlström, Simon January 2019 (has links)
We have built a spectrometer to investigate the Near-Infrared (NIR) range of this radiation, which is used for bunch diagnostics at the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser. This could give information on the development of microbunching, periodic features in the longitudinal charge profile of the bunches which have a negative impact on the operation of the facility. In general it offers an ability to investigate the influences of the laser heater, the compression, and other factors that affect the structure of the bunches. The CDR is generated 1934 m after the injector, at full acceleration. The spectrometer is based around the KALYPSO detector system, able to read out from a 256 pixel linear array detector at MHz frequencies, making it possible to obtain single bunch readings during current user operation of the facility, at 1.1 MHz. KALYPSO has an InGaAs sensor, sensitive in the range 0.9 – 1.7 μm. A 40 mm N-SF11 equilateral prism is used for dispersion. First measurements have been taken, and CDR has been detected. The spectrometer needs further calibration and resolution was lacking, but it can offer insight in to relative changes, and bunch-to and can be used as for fingerprinting the beam. A reduction in signal in the sensitive range and a skew towards longer wavelengths was seen when going from uncompressed to compressed beam. When varying the power of the laser heater the behavior varied from run to run, with changing machine settings. In some cases the CDR was attenuated, while FEL intensity initially increased, until the induced energy spread from the laser heater was large enough to inhibit the FEL process. Another, less expected, behaviour was also observed, where the initially low CDR intensity at first increased, while FEL intensity stayed the same, before it then followed the same pattern as in the first case.

Dark Photon decay generated by muons in the SHiP experiment

Yakovleva, Elizaveta January 2020 (has links)
This project has investigated the muon background of the SHiP experiment to determine whether it can boost the experiment sensitivity to visible Dark Photon decay. Using Fermi-Weizsäcker-Williams approximation to muon scattering we found the probability of muons generating massive photons, using Bremsstrahlung and direct lepton pair production as an estimation of the frequency of muon EM-interactions. In this work we only considered muons with momenta above 10 GeV/c. The number of visible Dark Photon decays was calculated for a range of the coupling constant and photon mass. The resulting range that promised visible decay has already been excluded by previous experiments, but the method could be used to further investigate enhanced production of Dark Photons from muons and electrons, and possibly also production of Axion-like particles. The work could also be used to estimate sensitivities of other experiments using muons.

Coordinate conversion for the Hough transform

Eriksson, Edvin January 2021 (has links)
This thesis attempts to develop a conversion algorithm between local coordinates in constituent detector modules and global coordinates encompassing the whole detector structure in a generic detector. The thesis is a part of preparatory work for studying the Hough Transform as a means of track reconstruction in the level-1 hardware trigger in the upgraded trigger and data acquisition (TDAQ) system in the phase 2 upgrade of the ATLAS detector at CERN. The upgrades being made are to withstand much more extreme conditions that come with the high-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). Two algorithms have been made and then implemented in Python scripts to test their feasibility and to compare them against each-other. The Rotation algorithm uses several rotations to correctly place the local coordinates in the global system. The second, the Shear algorithm, simplifies the process into two shears and one rotation, using the small angle approximation. Both algorithms need to be extended to work with more parts of the detector to be considered complete. Despite having lower maximum precision the second algorithm is considered the most promising attempt, since it is much less sensitive to the truncation error that results from working in an integer environment, which is a requirement for use in FPGAs. / I denna uppsats görs ett försök att skapa en omvandlingsalgoritm mellan lokala koordinater i konstituerande detektormoduler och globala koordinater i hela detektorstrukturen för en generisk detektor. Uppsatsen är en del i förberedande arbete för att undersöka hur Houghtransformen kan användas för spårrekonstruktion i den hårdvarubaserade level-1 triggern i det uppgraderade trigger- och datainsamlingssystemet (TDAQ) i fas två-uppgraderingen av ATLAS detektorn vid CERN. Uppgraderingarna som görs är för att kunna utstå de mycket mer extrema förhållanden som medförs av högluminositetsuppgraderingen av Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). Två algoritmer har skapats och implementerats i Pythonskript för att testa genomförbarhet och för att jämföra med varandra. Rotationsalgoritmen använder ett antal rotationer för att korrekt placera ut de lokala koordinaterna i det globala systemet. Den andra, Skjuvalgortimen, förenklar processen till två skjuvningar och en rotation med hjälp av liten vinkel-approximationen. Båda algoritmerna behöver utökas för att fungera för fler delar av detektorn för att anses kompletta. Trots lägre maximal precision bedöms den andra algoritmen vara det mest lovande försöket, eftersom den är mycket mindre känslig för trunkeringsfelet som kommer av att arbeta i en heltalsmiljö, som är ett krav för FPGA-implementationen.

Laser Metrology for assembly of ATLAS ITk-Strips

Arvin, Jonathan, Berg Wallin, Johannes, Eskner, Hugo, Lindman Jardfelt, Olof January 2023 (has links)
The ATLAS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider has been instrumental in scientific discoveries,including the Higgs particle. As part of the High Luminosity (HL) upgrade, the current Inner Detector (ID) isbeing replaced by the new IInner Tracker (ITk), and Uppsala University is collaborating with industrypartner NOTE to produce around 700 modules for the ITk. The production process involves gluing hybridsto sensors using a glue robot, which currently lacks a complete metrology system needed to verify thegeometry of produced items. This project aims to integrate a Micro Epsilon ILD1900 laser sensor with theglue robot to enable accurate measurements in the z-axis. In order to reach this goal, a few differenttasks had to be completed. These included creating a measurement API to enable the utilisation of thelaser sensor, recommending modifications to the glue robot syringe and camera holder in order to holdthe laser sensor, performing validation tests of the laser sensor's measuring capability, developing a lasersensor mount for a mock-up glue robot used during the validation process and developing a holder for aUSB/RS422 converter necessary for communication with the laser sensor. As a result of the project, themeasurement API was successfully created and utilised, appropriate modifications to the syringe holderwere made, validation tests were conducted though deemed insufficient due to limitations of the setup,and, finally, the laser sensor mount for the mock-up glue robot and the USB/RS422 holder weresuccessfully designed and produced.

Generation of attosecond X-ray pulses in free-electron lasers using electron energy modulation and undulator tapering

Boholm Kylesten, Karl-Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
Free-electron lasers (FELs) are among the world's most intense artificial artificial sources of coherent light and are tunable to various wavelengths, including the X-ray spectrum. X-ray FELs (XFELs) are extremely useful for diffraction experiments to study molecules, materials, and quantum systems. A FEL consists of an electron accelerator and a structure of magnets called an undulator. The undulator has a periodic magnetic field, and when an electron beam passes through the undulator, the Lorentz force forces the electrons to oscillate and emit what is known asspontaneous undulator radiation. Initially, the undulator radiation is spontaneously emitted and incoherent. However, aAs the electrons interact with this initial spontaneous undulator radiation, they change their relative positions and form micro-bunches of electrons. These microbunches are shorter than the undulator radiation wavelength. Hence, the waves emitted by the electrons from the same microbunch arethey become in phase, meaning the radiation is now coherent with the radiation field, and the state of coherence develops. This process is known as self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE). Due to the coherence, tThe radiation intensity grows exponentially along the undulator, forming several peaks in the radiation pulse known as SASE spikes. One technique for obtaining ultra-short laser pulses is to isolate single SASE spikes by controlling where, along the electron beam, the SASE spikes can grow. This growth limitation is archieved by modulating the electron energies, thus only allowing electrons at specific positions along the electron beam to radiate. In addition, to keep positive interference between undulator radiation from electrons with different energies, the energy modulation must be compensated with a gradient of the magnetic field amplitude of the undulator, so-called tapering. There are plans to implement this technique at one of the beamlines at the European X-ray FEL (EuXFEL) to generate attosecond X-ray pulses and study quantum systems. One goal of the design process is to choose design parameters for the electron beam's modulation amplitude and the undulator's tapering coefficient. These design parameters shall be chosen so that the XFEL will have as short pulse duration as possible while at the same time not getting too low peak power. This thesis aims to study the effect of electron energy modulation and undulator tapering on the SASE and how the modulation amplitude and the tapering coefficient affect the XFEL's peak power and pulse duration. A model was developed to simulate SASE with a modulated electron beam in a tapered undulator. With this model, a parameter scan gave the average peak power and pulse duration as functions of the modulation amplitude and the tapering coefficient. The parameter scan showed that the peak power and the pulse duration decrease as the modulation amplitude and the tapering coefficient increase. Therefore, a trade-off exists between high peak power and short pulse duration. It was possible to exclude sets of the parameters that gave too low peak power or long pulse duration. This study also found an optimum range for the tapering coefficient where the peak power had a local maximum without a significant increase in pulse duration. The physics behind this optimal tapering coefficient is also discussed in connection to the electrons' energy modulation.

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