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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulação da intensidade de infestação de Diatraea saccharalis e impactos na qualidade tecnológica e econômica da cana-de-açúcar / Simulation of the infestation intensity of Diatraea saccharalis and impacts on the technological and economic quality of sugarcane

Belém, Camila de Souza Queiroz Pinheiro de 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-05-05T13:24:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Camila de Souza Queiroz Pinheiro de Belém - 2017.pdf: 1674649 bytes, checksum: 7cce47d8c14114cadc16e229e5212348 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-05-05T13:24:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Camila de Souza Queiroz Pinheiro de Belém - 2017.pdf: 1674649 bytes, checksum: 7cce47d8c14114cadc16e229e5212348 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-05T13:24:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Camila de Souza Queiroz Pinheiro de Belém - 2017.pdf: 1674649 bytes, checksum: 7cce47d8c14114cadc16e229e5212348 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / The sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is an important pest of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Galleries are produced within the stalks as a result of the larval feeding. The holes allow the entry of microorganisms and fungi that can modify the technological quality of the raw material that goes to the industry. In this context, the objective was to estimate the influence of infestation intensity of D. saccharalis on the sugarcane technological quality and economic in different varieties. Two experiments were carried out. One with plants collected in September 2014 and another with plants collected in July 2015. In both of them was used completely randomized design with five repetitions. Treatments resulted of a factorial combination between three sugarcane varieties (IAC91-1099, RB86 7515 e CTC 4) and six infestation intensities of D. saccharalis (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% e 100%). Each plot corresponded to cane internodes with percent internodes with borer and rot corresponding to infestation intensities. The contents of Brix in the juice, Pol in the juice, fiber of the cane, Pol in cane, Purity of the juice, juice reducing sugars, stalk reducing sugar and total recoverable sugar were evaluated. The influence of the infestation intensity of D. saccharalis on sugarcane varies between the varieties and between the harvesting seasons. The presence of red rot in sugarcane does not necessarily imply loss of technological quality. The level of control should not be generalized and should be established taking into account varieties and harvesting carried out in the middle and at the end of the harvest. / A broca da cana, Diatraea saccharalis (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), é uma importante praga da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.). As lagartas abrem galerias no interior do colmo ao se alimentarem permitindo a entrada de microrganismos e fungos que podem alterar a qualidade tecnológica da matéria-prima que chega à indústria. Neste contexto, objetivou-se estimar a influência da intensidade de infestação de D. saccharalis na qualidade tecnológica e econômica de diferentes variedades de cana-de-açúcar. Foram realizados dois experimentos. Um com plantas coletadas em setembro de 2014 e outro com plantas coletadas em julho de 2015. Em ambos utilizou-se o Delineamento Inteiramente Casualizado (DIC) com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos foram resultado da combinação fatorial entre três variedades de cana (IAC91-1099, RB86 7515 e CTC 4) e seis níveis de intensidade de infestação de D. saccharalis (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% e 100%). Cada parcela correspondeu a entrenós de cana com percentual de entrenós com broca e podridão correspondendo às intensidades de infestação. Foram avaliados os teores de Brix no caldo, Pol no caldo, fibra da cana, Pol na cana, Pureza do caldo, açúcares redutores do caldo, açúcares redutores na cana e açúcar total recuperável. A influência da intensidade de infestação de D. saccharalis na cana-de-açúcar varia entre as variedades e colheita realizada no meio e no final da safra. A presença de podridão vermelha na cana-de-açúcar não implica necessariamente em perda de qualidade tecnológica. O nível de controle não deve ser generalizado e deve ser estabelecido levando em consideração variedades e colheita realizada no meio e no final de safra.

Estimativa do nível de dano de Orthezia praelonga Douglas, 1891 e de Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville, 1842) por varíaveis fisiológicas vegetais. / Damage estimate of Orthezia praelonga Douglas, 1891 and Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville, 1842) by plant physiological variables.

Ademir Diniz Neves 14 January 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de variáveis fisiológicas vegetais como fotossíntese, condutância estomática, transpiração foliar, concentração interna de CO2 e temperatura foliar, o efeito de insetos pragas de diferentes hábitos alimentares em suas plantas hospedeiras. Foram estimados os níveis de dano de um sugador, Orthezia praelonga Douglas, 1891, em limão cravo (Citrus limonia L.), e de Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mènevile, 1842), um mastigador, em mudas de café 'Obatã'. Os ensaios foram realizados em condições ótimas de temperatura, com luz e CO2 saturantes, e diferentes porcentagens de área foliar lesionada, obtidas pela variação do número de insetos por folha, no caso de O. praelonga em limão cravo (de 0 a 35 cochonilhas/folha (0-6%), de 40 a 70 cochonilhas/folha (7-13%), de 80 a 220 cochonilhas/folha (14-40%) e >220 cochonilhas/folha (>40%)) ou por tecido vegetal consumido (intervalos de 0-25%, 26-36% e >37%), no caso de L. coffeella em mudas de cafeeiro. As leituras das variáveis fisiológicas vegetais foram feitas com um medidor portátil de fotossíntese (IRGA). Os dados foram analisados por meio de uma regressão não linear, e, nos dois casos, existe uma correlação negativa entre fotossíntese e área foliar lesionada, ou seja, quanto maior a área foliar lesionada, menor a fotossíntese; e o ponto de inflexão negativo da curva, no qual um pequeno aumento na área foliar lesionada resultou em uma grande perda fotossintética, é tomado como referência de nível de dano, sendo que o nível de controle destas pragas, esta abaixo destes valores. A condutância estomática, a transpiração foliar, a concentração interna de CO2 e a temperatura foliar, em ambos os casos, não demonstram uma correlação definida com a intensidade de danos. A transpiração foliar em limão cravo atacado por O. praelonga é maior nos pontos onde também é maior a condutância estomática, e nas folhas de café com ataque de L. coffeella a transpiração foliar mantem-se constante durante toda a curva, semelhante à variável condutância estomática. As relações matemáticas de fotossíntese/concentração interna de CO2, e fotossíntese/condutância estomática são, em ambos os casos, decrescentes, o que demonstra respectivamente queda na eficiência instantânea de carboxilação da rubisco e redução da eficiência intrínseca do uso da água em função do aumento da área foliar lesionada. A análise conjunta dos dados demonstrou que O. praelonga afeta o fotossistema I (PS I) de folhas de limão cravo; enquanto L. coffeella afeta, em primeiro plano, o fotossistema II (PS II). No caso de O. praelonga em limão cravo, determina-se a faixa de 7 a 13% de área foliar lesionada (de 40 a 70 cochonilhas/folha) como sendo o valor de nível de dano, e para L. coffeella em cafeeiro este valor ficou na faixa de 25 a 36% de área foliar lesionada (tecido consumido pelo inseto). Os valores obtidos em laboratório, necessitam ajustes efetivos na determinação do nível de controle destas pragas no campo. A técnica de leitura de fotossíntese mostrou-se adequada a este propósito, e a análise dessa variável demonstrou ser a melhor opção para tal correlação. / The goal of this work was to evaluate the effect of insect pests of different feeding habits in their host plants through readings of plant physiological variables as photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, leaf transpiration, internal carbon dioxide concentration and leaf temperature. Thus, one estimated the injury level of a sucking insect, Orthezia praelonga Douglas, 1891, in 'Rangpur' lime (Citrus limonia L.), and Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mènevile, 1842), a chewing insect, in 'Obatã' coffee seedlings. The trials were carried out under optimum temperature conditions, with saturating light and CO2 , with different injured leaf area percentages, obtained by the variation of the number of insects per leaf, in the case of O. praelonga in 'Rangpur' lime (0-35 mealybugs/leaf (0-6%), 40-70 mealybugs/leaf (7-13%), 80-220 mealybugs/leaf (14-40%), and >220 mealybugs/leaf (>40%)), or through plant tissue consumed (0-25%, 26-36% and > 37% intervals), in the case of L. coffeella in coffee seedlings. Plant physiological variables readings were performed through a portable photosynthesis meter(IRGA). The data were analyzed by means of nonlinear regression, and, in both cases, a negative correlation was observed between photosynthesis and the injured leaf area, that is, the larger the injured leaf area, the lesser the photosynthesis; the negative inflection point of the curve, upon which a slight increase in the injured leaf area resulted in great photosynt hesis loss is taken as a damage level reference, and the control level of these pests is below these values. The stomatal conductance, leaf transpiration, internal CO2 concentration and the leaf temperature, in both cases, showed no defined correlation with the damage intensity. The leaf transpiration in 'Rangpur' lime attacked by O. praelonga is higher in points where the stomatal conductance is higher as well, and in coffee leaves attacked by L. coffeella the leaf transpiration remains constant throughout the curve, similarly to the stomatal conductance variable. The mathematical relationships of photosynthesis/internal CO2 concentration, and photosynthesis/stomatal conductance are, in both cases, decreasing, which respectively shows drop in instant Rubisco carboxylation efficiency and reduction of the intrinsic efficiency of water use according to the increase of the injured leaf area. The joint data analysis showed that O. praelonga affects photosystem I (PS I) of 'Rangpur' lime, while L. coffeella affects, at first, photosystem II (PS II). In the case of O. praelonga in 'Rangpur' lime the 7-13% range of the injured leaf area (40-70 mealybugs/leaf) is determined as the damage level value, and for L. coffeella in coffee the value ranges 25-36% of the injured leaf area (tissue consumed by the insect). The values found in laboratory require field validation for effective adjustments to determine the level to control these insect pests. Overall, the photosynthesis reading technique was shown adequate to this purpose, and the analysis of this variable was the best choice for such correlation.

Bases biológicas para utilização de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) para controle de Pseudoplusia includens (Walker, 1857) e Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em soja / Biological base for using Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae to control Pseudoplusia includens (Walker, 1857) and Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in soybean

Regiane Cristina Oliveira de Freitas Bueno 11 August 2008 (has links)
Com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial de utilização de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) no manejo de Pseudoplusia includens (Walker, 1857) e Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), foram realizados diferentes bioensaios incluindo seleção de linhagens, avaliação das características biológicas, capacidade de parasitismo, exigências térmicas, determinação do número ideal de parasitóide a ser liberado por ovo da praga, capacidade de dispersão e tempo de permanência no campo do parasitóide e seletividade dos agroquímicos ao parasitóide. Através da seleção de espécies/linhagens de Trichogramma e Trichogrammatoidea verificou-se que T. pretiosum, linhagem coletada em Rio Verde, GO (RV) apresentou melhor desempenho biológico dentre as demais. A duração do período de desenvolvimento de T. pretiosum linhagem RV, criado em ovos de ambas as pragas apresentou relação inversa com o aumento de temperatura. A emergência da referida linhagem em ovos de A. gemmatalis não foi afetada na faixa de temperatura estudada, porém quando criada em ovos de P. includens, a temperatura de 32oC afetou tal parâmetro biológico. O limiar térmico inferior de desenvolvimento de T. pretiosum linhagem RV foi menor em ovos de P. includens (10,6ºC) quando comparado com o de A. gemmatalis (11,6ºC) e conseqüentemente, a constante térmica também variou sendo de 152 GD para P. includens e de 128 GD para A. gemmatalis. O número estimado de gerações de T. pretiosum linhagem RV, por ciclo da soja variou de 21 e 20 gerações para Rio Verde, GO e 22 e 21 gerações Barreiras, BA, em ovos de P. includens e A. gemmatalis, respectivamente. O ritmo de parasitismo de T. pretiosum linhagem RV foi influenciado pelas temperaturas testadas, com concentração do parasitismo nos primeiros dias de vida das fêmeas, exceto na temperatura de 18oC em ovos P. includens e nas temperaturas de 18 e 20oC para A. gemmatalis em que o parasitismo ocorreu durante toda a vida do parasitóide. O parasitismo total foi influenciado pelas temperaturas, com maiores valores entre as temperaturas de 22 a 28oC em ovos de P. includens e entre 25 e 28oC em ovos de A. gemmatalis. Em condições de semi-campo, determinou-se que o maior parasitismo foi obtido com uma proporção de 25,6 parasitóides por ovo da praga para as duas espécies de pragas. A capacidade de dispersão na cultura da soja é de 8,0 m, sendo a área de dispersão de 85,18m2. Assim, há a necessidade de 117 pontos de liberação do parasitóide por hectare para uma distribuição homogênea do parasitóides em toda a área. Após a liberação de T. pretiosum linhagem RV os parasitóides permaneceram na cultura da soja por doze dias, embora o parasitismo seja efetivo até o quarto dia. Os resultados básicos obtidos em ovos de P. includens e A. gemmatalis apontam para a possibilidade de controle conjunto destas duas pragas na cultura da soja, com utilização desse parasitóide de ovos. Os inseticidas, herbicidas e fungicidas utilizados na cultura da soja afetaram diferentemente o parasitismo e a viabilidade de T. pretiosum linhagem RV, sendo classificados desde seletivos até nocivos. / Different bioassays were carried out aiming to evaluate the potential of using Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to manage Pseudoplusia includens (Walker, 1857) and Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Among those bioassays there were the strains selection, biological characteristics and parasitism capacity, thermal requirements, establishment of ideal number of parasitoids to be released per number of pest eggs, parasitoid dispersal capacity, amount of time that the parasitoids remain active in the field after releasing and pesticide selectivity to the parasitoid. Throughtout the species/strains selection of Trichogramma and Trichogrammatoidea it was possible to determine that Trichogramma pretiosum, strain collected in Rio Verde (RV), showed the best biological performance among the tested species/strains. Trichogramma pretiosum RV development time, when it was reared in eggs of both pest species, was inversely related to the increase in temperature. T. pretiosum RV reared in A. gemmatalis eggs had not its emergency (%) modified by temperature changes, however, when it was reared in P. includens eggs, it had a lower emergency (%) at 32oC. The lower temperature threshold (Tb) was lower for T. pretiosum RV in P. includens eggs (10.6oC) when compared to T. pretiosum in A. gemmatalis eggs (11.6oC) and consequently the thermal constant (K) was also different being 152 and 128 GD for P. includens and A. gemmatalis eggs, respectively. The estimated number of generations of T. pretiosum RV in eggs of both species varied along soybean crop season being 21 and 20 generations for Rio Verde, GO and 22 and 21 generations for Barreiras, BA in P. includens and A. gemmatalis eggs, respectively. The parasitism rhythm of T. pretiosum RV was changed by the tested temperatures, concentrating the parasitism during the first days except at 18oC in P. includens eggs and at 18 and 20oC in A. gemmatalis eggs when the parasitism occurred during the whole parasitoid lifespan. The total parasitism was influenced by the temperatures, being higher among 22 and 28oC in P. includens eggs and among 25 and 28oC in A. gemmatalis eggs. The higher parasitism rate is reached at 51.2 and 25.6 female parasitoid per P. includens and A. gemmatalis eggs, respectively, accordingly to what was established at greenhouse trials. T. pretiosum RV dispersing capacity in soybean fields is 8.0 m and its dispersal area is 85.18 m2. Therefore, it is required a minimum of 117 parasitoid releasing points per hectare in order to have a homogeneous parasitoid distribution in the field. After T. pretiosum RV release, parasitoids remained in the soybean crop for 12 days. However, the parasitism was effective up to 4 days. The results from this research for P. includens and A. gemmatalis eggs indicate that the control of both pests might be possible using the T. pretiosum RV. Insecticides, herbicides and fungicides commonly used in soybean fields impacted differently the parasitism of T. pretiosum RV, being classified since harmless (class 1) to harmful (class 4).

Evaluation des impacts environnementaux liés aux pratiques phytosanitaires en vergers de pommiers : approches écotoxicologique et écologique utilisant un auxiliaire des cultures, le forficule / Evaluation of environmental impacts associated to plant protection practices in apple orchards : ecotoxicological and ecological approaches using a biocontrol agent, the earwig

Malagnoux, Laure 06 June 2014 (has links)
Dans le contexte européen actuel visant la réduction des risques et de l‘utilisation des pesticides, le développement d‘outils permettant d‘évaluer les impacts environnementaux est un objectif majeur. Cette thèse recouvre approche écotoxicologique et approche écologique sous forme d‘études de l‘échelle tissulaire à l‘échelle des populations. L‘espèce modèle est un prédateur généraliste, le forficule, et le site d‘étude les vergers de pommiers du Sud-est de la France. Les effets des pesticides ont été testés aussi bien en condition de laboratoire qu‘en conditions réelles (en vergers). Les études en laboratoire nous ont permis de caractériser et d‘étudier la localisation tissulaire des B-estérases (AChE et CbE) et d‘évaluer la capacité prédatrice chez Forficula auricularia après exposition, sur le puceron Dysaphis plantaginea. Les CbE sont plus sensibles que l‘AChE chez F. auricularia et les B-estérases des mâles sont toujours plus sensibles aux insecticides organophosphorés que celles des femelles. Ces résultats nous permettent de valider l‘utilisation des B-estérases comme biomarqueurs biochimiques chez F. auricularia. La capacité prédatrice de F. auricularia est diminuée par certains insecticides avec les mâles plus impactés que les femelles. Les mesures d‘activité des B-estérases ont corroboré les résultats validant le comportement de prédation comme un nouveau biomarqueur. A l‘échelle de l‘organisme, la reproduction et le développement des premiers stades larvaires ont été suivis grâce à un élevage mis en place à partir d‘insectes prélevés dans des vergers soumis à différentes pratiques phytosanitaires (agriculture biologique, raisonnée et conventionnelle). Le nombre d‘oeufs par ponte est réduit et la date de ponte retardée pour les forficules provenant des vergers à agriculture « conventionnelle ». Pour évaluer l‘effet des pesticides à l‘échelle des populations, l‘abondance et la diversité du forficule (F. auricularia et F. pubescens) ont été suivies en vergers en prenant également en compte des caractéristiques paysagères. L‘impact des pratiques phytosanitaires est plus important que celui des caractéristiques paysagères. L‘espèce F. pubescens est plus sensible que F. auricularia, avec la même différence de sensibilité entre sexes chez les deux espèces (mâles plus sensibles). Le forficule devient alors une espèce bioindicatrice pertinente de l‘utilisation des pesticides en verger de pommiers. Cette étude soulève le besoin de biomarqueurs complémentaires capables de mettre en évidence les modifications physiologiques et comportementales qui influencent les populations d‘auxiliaires et la régulation naturelle des ravageurs. / In the European context which aims at reducing risk and uses of pesticides, the development of tools to evaluate environmental impacts is a major focus. This thesis uses ecotoxicological and ecological approaches, from tissue level to population level. The model species is a generalist predator, the earwig, and the study site is apple orchards in Southeastern France. Pesticides expositions were tested both in laboratory or real conditions (in orchards). Lab studies allowed us to characterize and investigate the tissular distribution of B-esterases (AChE and CbE) of Forficula auricularia and to study its predatory behavior on the aphid Dysaphis plantaginea after exposure. CbE were more sensitive than AChE and males B-esterases were more sensitive than females ones to organophosphorus pesticides. The overall results allowed us to validate the use of B-esterases as biochemical biomarkers on F. auricularia. The predation behavior of F. auricularia was impacted by some insecticides with males more sensitive than females. The behavior results were supported by inhibition of biochemical biomarkers (B-esterases) validating predation behavior as a new biomarker. Taking into account the individual level, the reproduction and development of first larval stages were carried out thanks to a breeding set up with earwigs trapped in orchards conducted under different pest management (organic, integrated and conventional management). Eggs number by clutch was reduced and clutch date was delayed for earwigs trapped in orchards conducted under conventional agriculture. To assess the impact of pesticides on population level, the abundance and diversity of earwig (F. auricularia and F. pubescens) were carried out in different orchard management considering small-scale landscape parameters. Pesticide use had clearly much higher effects on earwig abundances and diversity than landscape characteristics. F. pubescens was more sensitive than F. auricularia, with the same sensitivity difference between sex on both species (males more sensitive) making earwigs a relevant bioindicator species of pesticides use in apple orchards. This study enhances the need of complementary biomarkers able to highlight physiological and behavioral modifications which influence natural enemy populations and the natural regulation of pests.


Planes Insa, Laura 10 August 2016 (has links)
[EN] Pezothrips kellyanus (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a new citrus pest in the Mediterranean basin. Nymphs of P. kellyanus refuge and feed on the surface of young fruitlets. This feeding habit causes rings of tissue scar around the apex as fruit mature and leads to economic losses because of the reduced market value of the affected fruit. Despite the worldwide distribution and economic importance of P. kellyanus, its biological control is still under development and chemical control is the only alternative for growers. In order to improve the integrated management of P. kellyanus we determined the seasonal trend of P. kellyanus nymphs during the period in which the young fruitlets are sensitive to thrips damage. We studied the diurnal distribution of ¿rst and second generation P. kellyanus nymphs, as well as, the spatial distribution within the tree of the nymphs and damages. These results will improve the sampling protocols and the insecticide applications. The seasonal trend (number of generations attacking the fruit) and damages of P. kellyanus nymphs depended on the orchards and years. This result emphasizes the importance of sampling weekly from petal until six weeks later. Furthermore, according to the data obtained, when there is a second generation of P. kellyanus nymphs, this is generally more damaging. Pezothrips kellyanus nymphs showed a clear preference for fruit located at the top of the trees, which coincided with the highest percentage of damaged fruit in this area. P. kellyanus nymphs were uniformly distributed and the cardinal directions and time of day does not seem to be an important factor to develop a sampling plan or to spray insecticides. The next objective was to determine the efficacy of three insecticides (chlorpyrifos, spinosad and spirotetramat) to control P. kellyanus nymphs. These insecticides were selected because of their different mode of action. Chlorpyrifos and spinosad significantly reduced the percentage of damaged fruit when there was one generation of nymphs. However, their persistence was not enough to prevent the attack of a second generation of nymphs. Spirotetramat had not a shock effect against this pest and it could not avoid the attack of a second generation. We analysed the side effects of these three insecticides on natural enemies present at the time of the treatment. Spinosad as spirotetramat negatively affected phytoseiids. Due to low populations of other natural enemies we could not assess the side effects on them. Therefore, we decided to study the side effects of these insecticides on coccinelids and parasitoids under laboratory conditions. Lethal and sublethal side effects of spirotetramat on adults and larvae of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were evaluated under laboratory conditions by topical application and by ingestion of treated individuals of Planococcus citri Risso (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Spirotetramat resulted harmless when directly applied on larvae and adults of C. montrouzieri, since it did not affect survival, longevity, fecundity, egg hatching, and offspring survival. When larvae and adults of C. Montrouzieri were fed with treated prey, spirotetramat was also classified as harmless. We studied lethal and sublethal effects of spirotetramat, spinosad and chlorpyrifos on Aphytis melinus DeBach (Aphelinidae Hymenoptera), the main parasitoid of Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemipteta: Diaspididae). For A. melinus adults, chlorpyrifos and spinosad were classified as toxic but spirotetramat resulted moderately toxic. For immature (larvae), chlorpyrifos was moderately toxic, spirotetramat was slightly toxic and spinosad resulted harmless. Takin into consideration these results, spirotetramat could be used against P. kellyanus in orchards where population levels are low and an application against A. aurantii is also need because this insecticide shows high efficacy against this pest. / [ES] Pezothrips kellyanus (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) es actualmente una plaga más en los cítricos valencianos, cuyas ninfas, al alimentarse de la superficie de los frutos recién cuajados, producen unas escarificaciones circulares alrededor del pedúnculo que devalúan el valor del fruto en el mercado. Hoy en día, el control químico es prácticamente la única alternativa contra este trips. Para mejorar la gestión integrada de P. kellyanus es necesario un mayor conocimiento sobre su biología y ecología en campo. Para ello, se ha seguido la dinámica poblacional de las ninfas de P. kellyanus durante el periodo en que los frutos recién cuajados son más sensibles a los daños producidos por las ninfas. Se ha estudiado la distribución de la plaga dentro de los árboles y su movimiento a lo largo del día, factores necesarios para estimar la población de trips y para afinar las aplicaciones de productos fitosanitarios. Tanto la dinámica como los daños variaron según parcelas y años. Tras la caída de pétalos se observaron una o dos generaciones de ninfas que produjeron daños en los frutos. Resultado que subraya la necesidad de realizar muestreos semanales desde la caída de pétalos hasta incluso después del tratamiento contra la primera generación. Además, según los datos obtenidos, cuando se da una segunda generación de P. Kellyanus, ésta es más dañina para los frutos. Las ninfas de P. kellyanus mostraron una preferencia por los frutos situados en la parte alta de la copa, coincidiendo con el mayor número de frutos dañados en esta zona. La distribución de las ninfas fue uniforme en las cuatro orientaciones del árbol y a lo largo del día. Por lo tanto, estos factores no parecen ser claves a la hora de desarrollar un plan de muestreo o realizar aplicaciones fitosanitarias. A continuación se determinó la eficacia de tres insecticidas (clorpirifos, spinosad y spirotetramat), con diferente modo de acción, en el control de las ninfas de P. kellyanus. Clorpirifos y spinosad redujeron significativamente el porcentaje de frutos dañados cuando se dio una sola generación de ninfas P. Kellyanus, sin embargo no evitaron el ataque de una segunda generación de ninfas. Spirotetramat no presentó un efecto de choque y no evitó el segundo ataque. En estos trabajos de campo, se analizaron los efectos secundarios de los insecticidas sobre los enemigos naturales presentes en el momento de los tratamientos. Spinosad como spirotetramat afectaron negativamente a las poblaciones fitoseidos en campo. Debido a las bajas poblaciones del resto de enemigos naturales no pudo evaluarse los efectos secundarios sobre ellos y se estudiaron en condiciones de laboratorio sobre coccinélidos y parasitoides. Se determinaron los efectos letales y subletales de spirotetramat en adultos y larvas de Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), por aplicación directa de los productos y por ingestión de presa, Planococcus citri Risso (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), previamente tratada por los productos. Spirotetramat resultó inocuo al aplicarse directamente sobre larvas o adultos de C. montrouzieri, y no afectó a la supervivencia, longevidad fecundidad, fertilidad y y supervivencia de la descendencia. Spirotetramat también resultó inocuo al alimentar a adultos y larvas de C. montrouzieri con presa previamente tratada. Se determinaron los efectos letales y subletales de los tres insecticidas sobre Aphytis melinus DeBach (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), principal parasitoide de Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemipteta: Diaspididae) en cítricos. En adultos, clorpirifos y spinosad resultaron tóxicos mientras que spirotetramat resultó moderadamente tóxico. Sobre inmaduros de A. melinus, clorpirifos resultó moderadamente tóxico, spirotetramat ligeramente tóxico y spinosad inocuo. Así, spirotetramat se podría utilizar contra P. kellyanus en parcelas con niveles poblacionales bajos cuando deba tratarse también cont / [CAT] Pezothrips kellyanus (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) és, actualment, una plaga més dels cítrics valencians. Les nimfes es refugien i s'alimenten de la superfície dels fruits recentment quallats que produeix unes escarificacions circulars al voltant del peduncle del fruit i devaluen el seu valor al mercat. Hui en dia, el control químic és pràcticament l'única alternativa contra aquest trips. Per poder millorar la gestió integrada de P. kellyanus és necessari un major coneixement sobre la seua biologia i ecologia en camp. Per a això, s'ha avaluat la dinàmica poblacional de les nimfes de P. kellyanus durant el període on els fruits recentment quallats són més sensibles als danys produïts per les nimfes. A més, s'ha estudiat la distribució de la plaga dins dels arbres i el seu moviment al llarg del dia, factors necessaris per a estimar la població de trips i per afinar les aplicacions de productes fitosanitaris. Tant la dinàmica com els danys van variar segons parcel¿les i anys, després de la caiguda de pètals es van observar una o dues generacions de nimfes que van produir danys als fruits. Aquest resultat subratlla la necessitat de realitzar mostrejos setmanals des de la caiguda de pètals fins i tot després del tractament contra la primera generació. Segons les dades obtingudes, quan es dóna una segona generació de P. kellyanus, aquesta és més perjudicial per als fruits. Les nimfes van mostrar un clara preferència pels fruits situats a la part alta de la copa, coincidint amb el major nombre de fruits danyats en aquesta zona. No obstant això, la distribució de les nimfes va ser uniforme en les quatre orientacions de l'arbre i la seva abundància tampoc va variar al llarg del dia. Per tant, son factors que no semblen ser claus a l'hora de desenvolupar un pla de mostreig o realitzar aplicacions fitosanitàries. El següent objectiu va ser determinar l'eficàcia de tres insecticides (clorpirifos, spinosad i spirotetramat), amb acció diferent, en el control de les nimfes de P. kellyanus. Clorpirifos i spinosad van reduir significativament el percentatge de fruits danyats quan es va donar una sola generació de nimfes, però no varen evitar l'atac d'una segona generació de nimfes. Spirotetramat no va presentar un efecte de xoc contra aquesta plaga i tampoc va evitar l'atac d'una segona generació. En aquests treballs de camp, se va analitzar els efectes secundaris d'aquests tres insecticides sobre els enemics naturals presents en el moment dels tractaments. Spinosad i spirotetramat van afectar negativament les poblacions fitoseids en camp. Com varen ser baixes les poblacions de la resta d'enemics naturals es va estudiar els efectes secundaris sobre coccinélids i parasitoids en condicions de laboratori. Es varen determinar els efectes letals i subletals de spirotetramat en adults i larves de Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) per aplicació directa dels productes i per ingestió de presa, Planococcus citri Risso (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), prèviament tractada pels productes. Spirotetramat va resultar innocu a la aplicació directa sobre larves o adults de C. montrouzieri, no va afectar la supervivència, longevitat fecunditat, fertilitat i supervivència de la descendència. I el mateix quan adults i larves de van ser alimentats amb presa prèviament tractada. Finalment, es van determinar els efectes letals i subletals dels tres insecticides sobre Aphytis melinus DeBach (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), principal parasitoid de Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemipteta: Diaspididae) en cítrics. En adults, clorpirifos i spinosad van resultar tòxics, spirotetramat va resultar moderadament tòxic. Sobre immadurs de A melinus, clorpirifos va resultar moderadament tòxic, spirotetramat lleugerament tòxic i spinosad innocu. Així, spirotetramat es podria utilitzar contra P. kellyanus en parcel¿les amb nivells poblacionals baixos aprofitant el tractament contra A. aurantii al p / Planes Insa, L. (2016). BASES PARA LA GESTIÓN INTEGRADA DE PEZOTHRIPS KELLYANUS (BAGNALL) (THYSANOPTERA: THRIPIDAE) EN CÍTRICOS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63676 / TESIS

Seletividade de inseticidas utilizados na cultura dos citros ao predador Ceraeochrysa cubana (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), desenvolvimento em diferentes temperaturas e diversidade de crisopídeos em propriedades com manejo intensivo e convencional de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) / Selectivity of insecticides used in citrus groves to the predator Ceraeochrysa cubana (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), development in different temperatures and lacewing collections in orchards under intensive and conventional management systems of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae)

Rugno, Gabriel Rodrigo 09 April 2013 (has links)
O crisopídeo Ceraeochrysa cubana (Hagen, 1861) é um importante predador na cultura dos citros. Apesar da grande importância de C. cubana, pouco se conhece sobre a biologia e o efeito dos inseticidas a este crisopídeo, o que seria fundamental para um programa de Manejo Integrado de Pragas. Com essa pesquisa objetivou-se avaliar o efeito: a) letal e subletal de inseticidas aplicados sobre ovos com 3 idades diferentes; b) letal e subletal de inseticidas sobre larvas de primeiro instar; c) letal e subletal de inseticidas aplicados sobre pupas e adultos; d) do manejo de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) na população de crisopídeos; e) de seis temperaturas sobre a biologia de C. cubana. Verificou-se que não houve diferença significativa das variáveis avaliadas entre os tratamentos, dentre os ovos com 24, 72 e 120 horas. O produto Lorsban® 480 BR afetou a viabilidade dos ovos das três idades e foi o inseticida que mais afetou o predador quando aplicado sobre os ovos, classificado como moderadamente nocivo (classe 3). Em larvas, os inseticidas Lorsban® 480 BR e Malathion® 1000 EC tiveram efeito letal, causando 100% de mortalidade 24h após a aplicação e os inseticidas Azamax® e Engeo Pleno® foram os únicos produtos que tiveram efeito subletal sobre as pupas oriundas das larvas tratadas e nenhum dos produtos testados foram classificados como inócuos (classe 1) ao predador. Nenhum dos inseticidas testados teve efeito letal e subletal quando aplicados sobre as pupas, sendo classificados como inócuos, já, quando aplicados sobre adultos, os inseticidas Actara® 250 WG, Ampligo®, Engeo Pleno®, Lorsban® 480 BR e Malathion® 1000 EC causaram 100% de mortalidade e todos os produtos testados sobre os adultos foram nocivos, exceto Evidence® 700 WG, Imidan® 500 WP e Tiger® 100 EC, que foram classificados como moderadamente nocivos. Nas coletas de crisopídeos feitas em campo, a espécie Ceraeochrysa cincta (SCHNEIDER, 1851) foi a mais coletada, observou-se também que na propriedade com manejo menos intensivo de D. citri foi coletado um número maior de indivíduos comparado com a propriedade com manejo rigoroso. Em relação à biologia, verificou-se um aumento na velocidade do desenvolvimento das fases do predador em função da temperatura e a viabilidade da fase de ovo e larva não foi afetada, porém, a temperatura de 18°C afetou a viabilidade da pupa e no ciclo ovoadulto, além dessa temperatura, a de 32°C também afetou a viabilidade. Para o ciclo total de C. cubana foram necessários 354,61 GD e a temperatura base (Tb) foi de 12,72°C. / The lacewing Ceraeochrysa cubana (Hagen, 1861) is an important predator of citrus pests. Still, little is known about the biology and the effect of insecticides on this green lacewing, which is essential for an Integrated Pest Management program. The aim of this study was to evaluate: a) lethal and sublethal effects of insecticides applied on eggs at 3 different ages, b) lethal and sublethal effects of insecticides on the first larval instar c) lethal and sublethal effects of insecticides applied to pupae and adults; d) effects of the management of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in a lacewing population e) effects of six temperatures on the C. cubana biology. We found no significant differences for the variables in the treatments for eggs at 24, 72 and 120 hours. The insecticide Lorsban® 480 BR affected the viability of the eggs at the three ages and most affected the predator when applied on the eggs, classified as moderately harmful (class 3). On the larvae, the insecticides Lorsban® 480 BR and Malathion® 1000 EC had lethal effect, occurring 100% mortality of the larvae 24h after application of insecticides, and Azamax® and Engeo Pleno® were the only products that presented sublethal effects on pupae from treated larvae and none of the products tested were classified as harmless (class 1) to the predator. None of the insecticides tested had lethal and sublethal effect when applied on the pupae, and were classified as harmless. When applied to adults, insecticides Actara® 250 WG, Ampligo®, Engeo Pleno®, Lorsban® 480 BR and Malathion® 1000 EC caused 100% of mortality of the adult predator and all products tested on adults were harmful, except for Evidence® 700 WG, Imidan® 500 WP and Tiger® 100 EC, which were classified as moderately harmful. In the collections of green lacewings in the field, the species Ceraeochrysa cincta was predominant. We also observed that in orchards under less intensive management of D. citri, a larger number of individuals were collected compared to the orchards under a strict management system. Regarding biology, we observed an increase in growth speed in instars of the predator due to temperature, but the viability of eggs and larvae were not affected. However, the temperature of 18°C affected the pupae viability and the eggadult cycle. The temperature of 32°C also affected viability. For total cycle of C. cubana took 354.61 degrees day (DD) and thermal threshold (Tb) was 12.72°C.

Apple Disease Forecasting Models: When Climate Changes the Rules

Garofalo, Elizabeth W 19 March 2019 (has links)
With a changing global climate, plant pathologists must understand the impact aberrant weather events may have on the development of plant diseases. Fungal plant infections are largely dependent on temperature and precipitation, climate parameters that are predicted to change more in this century. Venturia inaequalis causes apple scab, one of the most destructive apple diseases of temperate growing regions. Temperature and precipitation drive apple scab infections and forecast models, which guide growers in efficient, effective fungicide applications. In some recent years in the Northeast, these models have failed to accurately predict when ascospores of this fungus are available to cause primary infections, prompting more fungicide intensive management. Identifying cause(s) of model failures will restore confidence in them, enabling growers to reduce fungicide use. As technology becomes an increasingly important component of on farm decision-making, so does educating new farmers and agricultural students in the benefits of Integrated Pest Management and challenges associated with models early on in their college educational experience. This research attempts to identify reasons for ascospore maturity model failures, determine to what degree critical ascospore maturity parameters have changed and create a tool that educators may use to engage undergraduate students in the complexities of Integrated Pest Management research and modern farming. It will more specifically do the following: 1) Dry periods will be analyzed to determine if frequency and duration are increasing, causing the fungus to mature over a longer period of time than models currently estimate. 2) Degree-days during fall and winter will be examined to estimate what effect a warming climate may have on ascospore and tree development, and ultimately apple scab occurrence. The research will use lab and field observations to track the development of V. inaequalis ascospores, the source of primary apple scab infections. These observations will be compared to infection events and spore maturation forecasts from models currently used by apple growers in the Northeast. 3) A case study developed for publication in American Phytopathological Societies’ Plant Health Instructor will provide early career college students with an introduction to forecasting models, Integrated Pest Management and the challenges associated with climate variability.

Characterizing the identity and seasonality of common arthropods on CBD hemp in northern Indiana

Zachary Aaron Serber (13033836) 14 July 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>     As industrial hemp acreage throughout the United States has grown, there is an increasing need for research-based information towards effective pest management in this crop. A key pest group is insects, which may attack hemp and cause reductions in production and yield. However, knowledge of regional insect communities found on outdoor hemp is still limited. A critical initial step in growing our understanding is to identify potential pests, predatory (beneficial) insects, and likely visiting insects that occur in hemp systems throughout the production season. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted weekly and biweekly visual scouting of outdoor-grown CBD hemp plants over two summer production seasons at three sites in Indiana to characterize the identity and seasonality of potential pest, predatory, and visiting insects observed on plants. </p> <p><br></p> <p>     Across all of our sites, we made 1493 insect observations consisting of 60 taxonomic families across 13 orders. The most common potential pests observed were aphids, whiteflies, and leafhoppers, while the most common predators were long-legged flies, spiders, and hover flies, respectively. Other herbivorous insects such as red-headed flea beetles and tarnished plant bugs were observed feeding on hemp plants. However, many others, such as Japanese beetles and brown marmorated stink bugs, were not. Based on these results, we recommend that hemp growers in our region scout for insects on a twice-weekly basis, beginning at germination or 1 week following transplant.</p> <p><br></p> <p>     These findings will help inform growers about the timing of scouting for insects on outdoor grown CBD hemp, as well as when key potential pests and beneficial insects are likely to be present so management decisions can be focused accordingly. This work further serves as a foundation for future examinations of insect pest management in hemp, including predator-prey interactions that may be leveraged for biological control strategies in indoor production.</p>

Detection of Spotted-wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) in Indiana blueberry orchards using degree-day models and molecular assays

Zihan Hong (14212145) 09 December 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Spotted-wing Drosophila (SWD), <em>Drosophila suzukii</em> (Matsumura), is an economically-important pest of small fruits worldwide. Currently, timing of management is based on morphological identification of adult flies captured in baited monitoring traps; however, distinguishing SWD from other native drosophilids in traps is a time-consuming process that requires magnification. And a degree-day model that could help small fruit growers understand and predict the seasonal activity of this pest has not been developed for Indiana. Due to the low tolerance for maggots in fruit market, most small fruit growers rely on intensive, insecticide applications on a calendar-based schedule without guidance on the activity levels of SWD. </p> <p>A total of 6,051 SWD adults were monitored weekly using commercial Scentry traps at three highbush blueberry orchards during May to August. I applied the published SWD developmental thresholds of 7.2 °C (lower) and 31.5 °C (upper) and the single-sine method to calculate accumulated degree days in the year of 2021 and 2022. A predictive model from two years of data at three locations exhibited an S-shaped curve, with 5%, 25%, and 50% of adults detected at ~907, 1,293, and 1,523 CDD, respectively. By examining infestations in three varieties, ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Blueray’, and ‘Elliot’, I found that blueberry infestation rate increased as the trap captures increased. The use of early-ripening highbush blueberry varieties can reduce infestation and regardless of variety, as berries became softer, the number of SWD egg scars in berries increased.</p> <p>DNA-based diagnostic methods, like loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), have the potential to improve SWD detection by replacing morphological identification with DNA-based identification. Positive results of the LAMP assay are based on a visible color change from pink to yellow when focal DNA is present. I tested the reliability of LAMP results using SWD DNA and then evaluated the sensitivity of LAMP in discriminating between SWD and two native drosophilids common captured in monitoring traps in Indiana, <em>Drosophila affinis</em> and <em>D. simulans</em>. I found the LAMP assay can quickly and accurately identify SWD with as little as 0.1 ng/μl of DNA. Following optimization, the assay also suggested success in discriminating between SWD and these two native species: it only requires an individual fly, DNA extraction is not necessary. </p> <p>By better predicting seasonal SWD activity and optimizing DNA-based diagnostics for this pest, this study can help improve the timely detection of SWD and the management in small fruit systems. </p>

Development and Evaluation of Integrated Approaches for Managing of Mexican Bean Beetle, Epilachna varivestis Mulsant

Nottingham, Louis B. 31 January 2017 (has links)
The Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis Mulsant, is a major pest of snap beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L. in the Central Appalachian region of the United States. To develop pertinent research objectives, background information on this pest was gathered from literature sources and personal communications with growers, extension agents and other agricultural professionals. In objective one, Mexican bean beetle preference, developmental success and plant injury were compared among three snap bean and three lima bean cultivars in field and greenhouse trials. The cultivar 'Dragon's Tongue' was the most preferred, suitable for development, and prone to injury. Growers may benefit from growing less susceptible cultivars, or by using 'Dragon's Tongue' in trap cropping or push-pull strategies. In objective two, Mexican bean beetle densities, feeding injury, and yield were compared among snap beans grown on metallized plastic (highly reflective), white plastic, black plastic, and bare soil. Metallized plastic provided the greatest level of control, and resulted in the highest yields. Managing Mexican bean beetle by growing beans on metallized plastic may be used as a stand-alone method, or in a push-pull strategy. In the final objective, the effects of snap beans grown from thiamethoxam (a neonicotinoid insecticide)-treated seeds on Mexican bean beetle were assessed in greenhouse and field experiments. Thiamethoxam-treated plants killed 40 to 50% of Mexican bean beetle adults and larvae up to 16 days after planting. In the field, thiamethoxam-treated plants mitigated Mexican bean beetle densities and damage in one out of five experiments, resulting in a yield increase. In none of the five field experiments were differences detected in predatory arthropod species between thiamethoxam and non-insecticide treated beans. In summary, the results of this project suggest that non-chemical management methods, such as cultivar selection and planting beans on reflective mulch, can provide effective control of Mexican bean beetle. Thiamethoxam-treated seed may also provide control of this pest, but only within two to three weeks after planting; otherwise, there is typically no effect on beetles, injury or yield. This doctoral research has laid a foundation for an integrated pest management approach for Mexican bean beetle. / Ph. D.

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