Spelling suggestions: "subject:"entegrated management"" "subject:"antegrated management""
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Evaluating the Implementation of Sustainability Management Systems in Green-tech Companies : A case study at Northvolt AB / Utvärderar implementeringen av hållbarhetsledningssystem i green-tech företag : En fallstudie på Northvolt ABHammar, Anna, Jonsson, Nathalie January 2021 (has links)
In recent times, sustainability has become a top management priority as well as a competitive advantage for organizations. Green-tech companies that develop and commercialize innovations and technology, that protect the environment by alleviating environmental market failures while preserving natural resources, have increased as a result. Additionally, more companies pursue corporate sustainability (CS), which is a comprehensive term that includes CSR and the long-term effects of corporate actions to maximize the organization’s contribution to SD. Management systems can help companies to achieve certain dimensions of CS, however, no single management system is comprehensive enough to capture the entire scope of CS. The most commonly used management systems related to CS are the quality management system ISO 9001:2015, environmental management system ISO 14001:2015, energy management system ISO 50001:2018, and occupational health and safety management system ISO 45001:2018. However, the adoption of multiple, separate MSs can lead to counterproductivity and difficulties in managing them. This issue is often solved by creating an integrated management system (IMS), defined as a fusion of two or more MSs. IMSs can enable the operationalization and implementation of CS into business processes and an IMS augmented with CS principles is defined as a sustainability management system (SMS). In literature, there are conceptual frameworks for the development of SMSs, but they lack empirical evidence in multiple industries and countries, especially in green-tech companies. The study aimed to develop a framework for how green-tech companies can achieve an SMS. The aim was realized by studying state-of-the-art literature, testing the applicability of an SMS framework in a case study, evaluating the applicability, and suggesting improvements. The case study was done at a battery cell manufacturer, which was chosen because this industry faces a number of sustainability threats and is emerging rapidly parallel to the automotive industry’s electrification. The originality of the work lies in testing the applicability of the current frameworks in practice at a green-tech company. The main contribution of this study is the development of an updated framework for the implementation of an SMS in green-tech companies, based on the literature and empirical findings. The framework provides managers with an understanding of the path towards incorporating CS and working towards a sustainable development. Another contribution is the compliance analysis which can be used to evaluate the implementation of an SMS. The authors consider the findings to be applicable to other green-tech companies and battery cell manufacturers with a sustainability-focus. The framework adapted to the case study’s circumstances shows how to apply the solution in practice. / På senare tid har hållbarhet blivit högsta prioritet i företagsledningar eftersom det många gånger innebär konkurrensfördelar för organisationer. Så kallade green-tech-företag har utvecklats i takt med nutidens hållbarhetsutmaningar, i syfte att utveckla och kommersialisera innovationer och teknik som skyddar miljön och lindrar miljömässiga marknadsmisslyckanden, samtidigt som naturresurser bevaras. Allt fler organisationer arbetar numera också med företags hållbarhetsarbete (corporate sustainability, CS) vilket är ett omfattande begrepp som innefattar, utöver alla aspekter av socialt ansvarstagande (CSR), även ett långsiktigt perspektiv till hållbar utveckling. Arbetet med CS kan underlättas med ledningssystem specialiserade i varje dimension av CS, men enbart ensamma ledningssystem kan inte åstadkomma CS. De vanligaste ledningssystemen relaterade till CS är kvalitetsledningssystemet ISO 9001:2015, miljöledningssystemet ISO 14001:2015, energiledningssystemet ISO 50001:2018 och arbetsmiljöledningssystemet ISO 45001:2018. Företag som innehar flera olika ledningssystem upptäcker dock snart att det kan leda till kontraproduktivitet och svårigheter att hantera de olika systemen. Detta löses ofta genom att skapa ett integrerat ledningssystem (IMS) som definieras som en sammanslagning av två eller fler ledningssystem. Ett IMS kan möjliggöra integrering av CS in i ett företags processer och ett IMS kompletterat med CS definieras som ett hållbarhetsledningssystem (SMS). Det finns konceptuella ramverk för SMS i litteraturen, men de saknar empiri i många olika typer av industrier, företag och länder, inte minst inom green-tech. Studien syftade till att utveckla ett ramverk för hur green-tech-företag kan uppnå ett SMS. Syftet kunde åstadkommas genom att studera aktuell SMS-litteratur, testa tillämpbarheten av ett SMS-ramverk genom en fallstudie, utvärdera tillämpbarheten och därefter föreslå förbättringsförslag gällande de studerade ramverken. Fallstudien utfördes på en battericellstillverkare eftersom denna industri står inför hållbarhetsutmaningar och växer parallellt med elektrifieringen av bilindustrin. Originaliteten i arbetet ligger i att testa tillämpbarheten för nuvarande ramverk i praktiken på ett green-tech-företag. Studiens huvudsakliga bidrag är ett uppdaterat ramverk för implementeringen av ett SMS i green-tech-företag, baserat på litteratur och empiri. Ramverket kan bidra till att öka förståelsen i företagsledningar gällande den praktiska implementeringen av operativt hållbarhetsarbete. Ett annat bidrag är verktyget compliance analysis, som utvecklades i studien för att utvärdera implementationen av ett SMS. Författarna anser att studiens resultat är tillämpbart för andra green-tech-företag men även battericellstillverkare med hållbarhetsfokus. Det anpassade ramverket visar även hur studiens resultat kan tillämpas i praktiken.
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What do managers and coordinators require from Öresundskraft's management system and how is it used? / Vad behöver chefer och koordinatorer från Öresundskraft’s ledningssystem och hur används det?Rosenboom, Martin January 2024 (has links)
The thesis breaks down demands of regulations from EU level and Swedish level that will impact companies as well as positive effects ISO 9001 and 14001 can have on companies, where there can be implications as well as benefits having integrated management systems. The purpose in this case study is to see what managers and coordinators need and require from a management system and how the linked systems are used, where theories such as SWOT, cornerstone model, user experience and PESTEL are used. Because it is a perception of user’s behaviors, requests and needs qualitative research is used as the method consisting of interviews for the focus group and surveys to enhance the extent of the study. The interviews were conducted with 24 questions in the main categories of background of the interviewee, competence, and usage of the systems. The surveys have been more narrowed to specific usage intervals of systems and what is required and how a system is used. The result of the study has been narrowed down from long interviews into a compact matrix diagram of the participants where the need for system connectivity and a more focused approach in ISO 9001 than 14001 has been seen, among other findings. And how the user behaviors are within the different systems and how it is used. The conclusions of the study are that system upgrades could benefit the work of integrated management system work and possibly enhance how to encourage work more actively within the systems. The processes should be linked to documentation, Management system and M-files connected. / Examensarbetet bryter ner krav på regelverk från EU-nivå och svensk nivå som kommer att påverka företag samt positiva effekter ISO 9001 och 14001 kan ha på företag, där det kan finnas både implikationer och fördelar med integrerade ledningssystem. Syftet i denna fallstudie att se vad chefer och samordnare behöver och kräver av ett ledningssystem och hur de länkade systemen används, där teorier som SWOT, hörnstensmodell, användarupplevelse och PESTEL används. Eftersom det är en uppfattning om användarnas beteenden, önskemål och behov används kvalitativ forskning som metod bestående av intervjuer för fokusgruppen och undersökningar för att öka studiens omfattning. Intervjuerna genomfördes av 24 frågor i huvudkategorierna intervjupersonens bakgrund, kompetens och användning av systemen. Undersökningarna har begränsats till specifika användningsintervall för system och vad som krävs och hur ett system används. Resultatet av studien har avgränsats från långa intervjuer till ett kompakt matrisdiagram över deltagarna där behovet av systemuppkoppling och ett mer fokuserat tillvägagångssätt i ISO 9001 än 14001 bland annat har setts. Hur användarbeteendena är inom de olika systemen och hur det används. Slutsatserna av studien är att systemuppgraderingar kan gynna arbetet med integrerat ledningssystem och eventuellt förbättra hur man kan uppmuntra till ett mer aktivt arbete inom systemen. Och processerna ska vara kopplade till dokumentation, ledningssystem och M-files sammankopplade.
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What do managers and coordinators require from Öresundskraft's management system and how is it used? / Vad behöver chefer och koordinatorer från Öresundskraft’s ledningssystem och hur används det?Rosenboom, Martin January 2024 (has links)
The thesis breaks down demands of regulations from EU level and Swedish level that will impact companies as well as positive effects ISO 9001 and 14001 can have on companies, where there can be implications as well as benefits having integrated management systems. The purpose in this case study is to see what managers and coordinators need and require from a management system and how the linked systems are used, where theories such as SWOT, cornerstone model, user experience and PESTEL are used. Because it is a perception of user’s behaviors, requests and needs qualitative research is used as the method consisting of interviews for the focus group and surveys to enhance the extent of the study. The interviews were conducted with 24 questions in the main categories of background of the interviewee, competence, and usage of the systems. The surveys have been more narrowed to specific usage intervals of systems and what is required and how a system is used. The result of the study has been narrowed down from long interviews into a compact matrix diagram of the participants where the need for system connectivity and a more focused approach in ISO 9001 than 14001 has been seen, among other findings. And how the user behaviors are within the different systems and how it is used. The conclusions of the study are that system upgrades could benefit the work of integrated management system work and possibly enhance how to encourage work more actively within the systems. The processes should be linked to documentation, Management system and M-files connected. / Examensarbetet bryter ner krav på regelverk från EU-nivå och svensk nivå som kommer att påverka företag samt positiva effekter ISO 9001 och 14001 kan ha på företag, där det kan finnas både implikationer och fördelar med integrerade ledningssystem. Syftet i denna fallstudie att se vad chefer och samordnare behöver och kräver av ett ledningssystem och hur de länkade systemen används, där teorier som SWOT, hörnstensmodell, användarupplevelse och PESTEL används. Eftersom det är en uppfattning om användarnas beteenden, önskemål och behov används kvalitativ forskning som metod bestående av intervjuer för fokusgruppen och undersökningar för att öka studiens omfattning. Intervjuerna genomfördes av 24 frågor i huvudkategorierna intervjupersonens bakgrund, kompetens och användning av systemen. Undersökningarna har begränsats till specifika användningsintervall för system och vad som krävs och hur ett system används. Resultatet av studien har avgränsats från långa intervjuer till ett kompakt matrisdiagram över deltagarna där behovet av systemuppkoppling och ett mer fokuserat tillvägagångssätt i ISO 9001 än 14001 bland annat har setts. Hur användarbeteendena är inom de olika systemen och hur det används. Slutsatserna av studien är att systemuppgraderingar kan gynna arbetet med integrerat ledningssystem och eventuellt förbättra hur man kan uppmuntra till ett mer aktivt arbete inom systemen. Och processerna ska vara kopplade till dokumentation, ledningssystem och M-files sammankopplade.
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Management of the nutritional care of children under five years old by nurses in the Nelson Mandela Bay Health DistrictNyarko, Marian Joyce January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine how nurses manage the nutritional care of children under the age of five years at the primary healthcare level. A quantitative approach with an explorative descriptive design was used. A self-administered questionnaire and was used to collect data. The population was 34 professional nurses working in the child health sections of 16 clinics, all of whom were accessible, but one did not respond. Ten out of the target population were also observed using an observational checklist. Findings show lack of proper implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) guidelines and incorrect use of the Road-to-Health booklet. Secondly, the nurses at the child healthcare section had a high workload or had little experience in child care. The need for more emphasis on nutrition during IMCI training and the re-orientation of nurses on the optimal use of the Road-to-Health booklet were identified. / Master of Public Health (MPH) / Health Studies
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Local and Landscape Management of Biological Pest Control in Oil Palm PlantationsNurdiansyah, Fuad 03 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Opportunités du REDD+ pour l'aménagement durable des forêts tropicales et obstacles à son implantation en République démocratique du Congo : perspective juridiqueFimpa Tuwizana, Twison 08 1900 (has links)
La situation de la forêt tropicale dans les pays en développement en général, et en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) en particulier, est inquiétante. Les émissions de dioxyde de carbone dues au déboisement sont de l’ordre de 1,6 GtCO2e/an, soit 17% des émissions mondiales de « gaz à effet de serre ». Sous l’égide de la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques, le REDD+ a été institué pour lutter contre cette déforestation et la dégradation des forêts. Cette étude examine les différentes opportunités qu’offre ce programme pour l’aménagement écosystémique du couvert forestier de la RDC et les obstacles contextuels à sa mise en oeuvre.
Pour la RDC, le REDD+ présente un certain nombre d’opportunités : réduction des émissions liées au déboisement et à la dégradation des forêts; amorce des travaux d’afforestation et de reforestation par une gestion durable des ressources conduisant à la création des emplois et favorisant la croissance des PIB et des exports; accroissement du rendement et maintien d’une plus grande couverture des besoins alimentaires. Le REDD+ peut favoriser la croissance du Produit intérieur brut agricole. Il peut contribuer à l’électrification des ménages et réduire de moitié les dépenses des ménages dépendant de l’exploitation minière et des hydrocarbures et, ainsi, générer des milliers d’emplois en infrastructures. Pour les populations locales et autochtones, il peut contribuer aussi à protéger et à valoriser les cultures liées à la forêt.
Mais, face aux pesanteurs d’ordre juridique, politique, social, économique, technologique et culturel caractéristiques de ce pays, ces opportunités risquent d’être amenuisées, sinon annihilées. Étant donné que l’essentiel du déploiement du dispositif du REDD+ se réalisera dans les zones rurales congolaises, l’obstacle majeur reste le droit coutumier. La solution serait d’harmoniser les exigences et finalités du REDD+ non seulement avec le Code forestier de 2002 et ses mesures d’exécution mais aussi avec le droit coutumier auquel les communautés locales et autochtones s’identifient. / The situation of the rainforest in developing countries in general and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in particular is worrying. Emissions of carbon dioxide from deforestation are about 1.6 GtCO2e/an, or 17% of global emissions of "greenhouse gases". Under the auspices of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, REDD+ has been established to fight against the deforestation and degradation of forests. This study examines the different opportunities offered by the program for ecosystem-based management of forest cover in the DRC and contextual barriers to its implementation.
For the DRC, REDD+ has a number of opportunities: reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; work begins afforestation and reforestation for sustainable management of resources leading to job creation and promoting the growth of GDP and exports, increased yield and maintaining greater food needs. The REDD+ can promote the growth of the agricultural gross domestic product. It can contribute to the electrification of households and halve spending dependent on mining and oil and thus generate thousands of jobs in infrastructure. For local and indigenous communities, it can also help to protect and promote the cultures associated with the forest.
But, faced with the burdens of legal, political, social, economic, technological and cultural characteristics of the country, these opportunities may be diminished, if not annihilated. Given that most of the deployment of the REDD+ will happen in Congolese rural areas, the major obstacle is the customary law. The solution would be to harmonize the requirements and objectives of REDD+ not only with the Forest Code of 2002 and its implementing rules but also with the customary law which local and indigenous communities identify.
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L'ajustement du rôle du gouverneur provincial thaïlandais à la méthode de la gestion d'intégration (MGI)Panoi, Darunsiri 10 November 2012 (has links)
La Thaïlande est un État unitaire et depuis 1892 son administration déconcentrée est assurée par la présence de gouverneurs provinciaux. Or, malgré de nombreuses attributions législatives, l'exercice des fonctions du chef de la province se heurte à plusieurs obstacles dans la pratique. A titre d'exemple, l'unité de commandement du gouverneur provincial était souvent contestée, les pouvoirs qui lui ont été délégués par les autorités centrales étaient inappropriés tant à sa fonction qu'à ses responsabilités. Ceci était une source de lenteur de l'administration provinciale dans son ensemble. Puis, comme la province ne pouvait pas bénéficier directement du budget provenant de l'État car la demande de budget provincial était effectuée au nom de la Direction, les projets réalisés sur place ne convenaient donc pas aux besoins des habitants locaux. Enfin, l'absence de coopération entre les fonctionnaires des différents organes dans la province contribuait alors aux chevauchements des travaux de ces organes et causait par la suite une perte de temps et d'argent pour l'État. Ainsi, lors de la réforme en 2001, le gouvernement de l'époque a introduit au niveau provincial le concept du gouverneur « CEO » et la méthode de la gestion d'intégration (MGI). Le chef de la province endosse alors le rôle du Chief Executive Officer (CEO), de ce fait ses pouvoirs ont été renforcés afin qu'il puisse prendre une décision rapide et efficace en réponse aux problèmes survenus dans sa province à l'instar des CEO dans leurs entreprises. Quant à la province, elle applique la MGI qui est une nouvelle façon de travailler visant à rendre de meilleurs services rendus à la population. / Thailand is a unitary state and since 1892 its deconcentrated administration is ensured by the presence of provincial governors. However, despite numerous attributions recognized by the laws, the provincial governor faces several obstacles in practice. For example, his Unity of Command was often challenged, the powers delegated to him by the central authorities were not only inappropriate to his function but also to his responsibilities. This was actually a source of slowness in provincial administration. Then, because the province could not directly benefit the budget from the State, as the process of demand for provincial budget was conducted on behalf of the Department, the projects that were carried out did not necessarily match up with local's need. Finally, the lack of cooperation between officials of different organs who work in the province contributed to an overlap of works and caused thereafter a waste of time and money to the State. Therefore, during the reform in 2001, the then government introduced the concept of "CEO" provincial governor and the system of "Province's Integrated Management - PIM". The provincial governor endorses hereupon the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO), for this reason, his powers have been reinforced so that he can make a fast and effective decision in response to problems occurring in his province like the CEOs to their companies. As for the province, the system of PIM is applied and it is a new way of working which aims to provide a better service for the population.
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Entre Camargue et Delta de Gediz : réflexions sur les transferts de modèles de gestion intégrée des zones côtières / Between the Camargue and the Gediz Delta : recflections concerning the transfer of integrated coastal zone management strategiesErnoul, Lisa 28 November 2014 (has links)
La gestion participative intégrée a obtenu une reconnaissance internationale en Europe avec les approches de gestion intégrée des zones côtières (GIZC). Avec le protocole GIZC de la convention de Barcelone, le mouvement a dépassé les frontières de l'Europe pour inclure tout le bassin méditerranéen. Cette recherche soulève la question de l'application de modèles standardisés de gestion environnementale dans différents contextes géopolitiques et socioculturels. L'objectif global de cette étude est d'améliorer la mise en place et l'impact des projets de conservation par une meilleure compréhension de leurs dimensions sociales, culturelles et géographiques. Cette recherche propose une analyse de la complexité des perceptions socioculturelles et des dynamiques de gouvernances dans deux sites d'étude (la Camargue en France et le Delta du Gediz en Turquie). Quatre-vingt treize entretiens qualitatifs et quantitatifs ont été menés suivant une méthode d'échantillonnage raisonné. L'application possible de la gestion participative intégrée a été envisagée à travers l'optique des réseaux sociaux, des discours environnementaux, et des valeurs et perceptions environnementales en mobilisant les outils de la géo-gouvernance. En utilisant chacun de ces points de vue, nous avons démontré que la participation est considérée, pensée et appliquée de manière différente au sein de chaque site. Ces différences soutiennent l'hypothèse dominante de ce travail : les stratégies environnementales doivent être adaptées pour s'adapter à chaque contexte local. Nos résultats rappellent qu'il ne faut pas survoler les contextes locaux si l'on veut garantir l'efficacité des institutions. / Participatory integrated management gained international recognition in Europe with integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) approaches. The movement has spread beyond the European borders and includes the entire Mediterranean basin with the ICZM Protocol under the Barcelona Convention. This research raises the question on the application of standardized environmental management models in distinct geopolitical and socio-cultural contexts. The overall objective of this analysis is to improve the implementation and impact of conservation projects through an improved understanding of social, cultural and geographical dimensions. This research analyzes the complexity of socio-cultural perceptions and dynamics of environmental governance within and between sites (the Rhone delta, France and the Gediz delta, Turkey). Base lines were established for political and administrative contexts, ecological states and socio-cultural perspectives to analyze the similarities and differences. Ninety three qualitative and quantitative interviews were conducted using a purposive sampling methodology. The potential application of integrated participatory management was studied through the lenses of social networks, environmental discourses, and environmental values and perceptions with a geo-governance approach. Using each of these views, we demonstrated that participation is considered, sought and implemented in distinct ways in each site. These differences support the dominant theme of this work: environmental strategies must be adapted to suit site specific contexts. The results are a reminder that we should not overlook local contexts if we want to promote institutional effectiveness.
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Estudo do sistema de gerenciamento integrado de resíduos de construção e demolição do município de São Carlos - SP / Study of the integrated management of construction and demolition wastes from São Carlos - SPCórdoba, Rodrigo Eduardo 21 May 2010 (has links)
Com a intensificação da geração de resíduos sólidos urbanos, as autoridades, pesquisadores e sociedade têm voltado seus esforços para enfrentar as dificuldades de manejo e disposição final adequada desses resíduos. Neste sentido, é coerente afirmar que os resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD) fazem parte dessa problemática, pois geralmente representam a maioria dos resíduos sólidos gerados no meio urbano. A ausência de políticas públicas em relação à gestão e gerenciamento desses resíduos tem provocado diversos impactos como, por exemplo, o surgimento de vários depósitos clandestinos nas áreas mais afastadas do perímetro urbano e gastos por parte da administração pública com modelos de gestão corretiva. Entretanto, esse modelo corretivo tem se demonstrado obsoleto e ineficaz para minimizar os impactos negativos gerados pela deposição irregular de RCD. Diante desses fatos, foi criada a Resolução CONAMA nº 307/2002, que instituiu que os municípios devem prover políticas públicas voltadas a evitar o descarte dos RCD em locais irregulares e que contemplem a minimização dos impactos causados ao meio ambiente e saúde humana. Assim, com intuito de contribuir nesta área de conhecimento a presente pesquisa teve por finalidade estudar a situação do sistema de gerenciamento integrado de RCD do município de São Carlos-SP, após a regulamentação da Resolução CONAMA nº 307/2002. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento da situação atual do gerenciamento dos RCD no município, por meio de quatro etapas de estudo - contextualização dos indicadores básicos locais; caracterização quantitativa; caracterização qualitativa e por fim análise das áreas de descarte clandestino e áreas de implantação de pontos de captação para pequenos volumes de RCD. Com base nos resultados obtidos neste estudo, foi possível verificar que o município de São Carlos possui um Plano Integrado de Gerenciamento de RCD, em consonância com a Resolução CONAMA nº 307/2002. Porém pode-se constatar que o respectivo município não possui implantada uma rede de captação que contemple os pequenos volumes, assim este sofre com o aumento de áreas de descarte clandestino, as quais causam diversos impactos ao meio ambiente e saúde pública local. Entretanto, medidas adotadas neste novo sistema também demonstraram fatores positivos como a redução de descartes em aterros e geração de emprego e renda. Por fim, esta pesquisa implementou uma metodologia de caracterização dos RCD por análise de imagens, a qual se demonstrou eficiente na caracterização de amostras que apresentavam peças com grandes volumes como, por exemplo, vigas, pilares e placas de concreto. / With the increased generation of urban solid wastes, the authorities, researchers and society have turned their efforts to tackle the difficulties of handling and final disposal of such wastes. In this sense, it is consistent to say that the construction and demolition wastes (C&D) are part of this problem, because they generally represent the majority of solid waste generated in urban areas. The absence of public politics regarding the management of such waste have caused many impacts, for example, illegal discharges dumping sites in areas furthest from the urban perimeter and spending by the government with corrective models. However, this corrective model has proven obsolete and ineffective to minimize the negative impacts caused by the irregular disposal of C&D wastes. Given these facts, the resolution nº 307/2002 of the National Environmental Council (CONAMA) for the C&D wastes was created, which established that municipalities must provide public politics that aim at preventing the disposal of C&D wastes at irregular areas and reduce impacts to the environment and human health. Therefore, to contribute to this area of knowledge this research studied the situation of the integrated management system of C&D wastes from São Carlos-SP, after the implementation of resolution nº 307. For this, a survey was done of the current situation of management of C&D wastes in the city through four stages - local contextualization of basic indicators, quantitative characterization, qualitative characterization and finally analysis of areas of irregular discharge and areas of implantation of points for small volumes of C&D wastes. Based on the results of this study, we observed that the municipality of São Carlos has an Integrated Waste Management of C&D wastes, according to resolution nº 307. However, it was found that the municipality has not established a system of small volumes, so it suffers with increasing areas of irregular disposal, which causes many impacts to the environment and local public health. However, measures taken in this new system also demonstrated positive factors such as the reduction of discards in landfills and the generation of employment and income. Finally, this study implemented a methodology to characterize the C&D by image analysis, which has demonstrated effectiveness in the characterization of samples with high volume parts such as beams, pillars and slabs of concrete.
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Proposta para implantação de sistema de gestão integrado para unidade de tratamento e armazenamento de rejeitos radioativos de baixo e médio níveis de radiação do empreendimento RMB / Proposal for implementation of the integrated management system for radioactive waste treatment and storage unit of low and medium radiation levels of the Project RMBSalvetti, Tereza Cristina 14 December 2017 (has links)
O Reator Multipropósito Brasileiro (RMB) é um projeto que está sendo desenvolvido pela Diretoria de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (DPD), da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), com o objetivo principal de suprir o país com radioisótopos para aplicação médica (saúde), indústria, agricultura e meio ambiente. Este empreendimento possui vários estágios de desenvolvimento, cada um deles com etapas que envolvem conhecimentos muito específicos para a operacionalização efetiva de suas instalações, além de detalhes legais e regulamentares que precisam ser atendidos. O Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) e a Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN) são, respectivamente, os responsáveis pelo licenciamento ambiental e nuclear. Nesses órgãos licenciadores pode-se encontrar diretrizes para elaborar a documentação necessária aos processos de licenciamento para Instalações Nucleares e Instalações Radiativas, porém não foi possível identificar claramente algumas diretrizes para as instalações dedicadas a tratamento e armazenamento de Rejeitos Radioativos. O Empreendimento RMB irá gerar rejeito radioativo e contará com uma instalação para tratamento, acondicionado e armazenamento, para o qual haverá também a necessidade de se gerar documentação específica dedicada ao processo de licenciamento. Diante da lacuna na diretriz de estruturação e elaboração dos documentos específicos para este tipo de instalação, foi necessário realizar um levantamento de leis, regulamentos e normas relacionados a este tipo de negócio e que serão adotadas como referência na estruturação de tais documentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento e alinhamento das leis, regulamentos e normas aplicáveis, estruturando os requisitos em um Sistema de Gestão (SG), cujo escopo abrange o tratamento e armazenamento dos rejeitos radioativos do RMB. Este SG deverá fornecer diretrizes para a elaboração dos documentos de licenciamento e promover a gestão dos rejeitos radioativos gerados pelo RMB, bem como, deverá abordar as melhores práticas, de maneira a observar a segurança da instalação e processos envolvidos. / The Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB) is a project being developed by the Research and Development (DPD) Directorate of the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN), with the main objective of supplying the country with radioisotopes for medical application (health), industry, agriculture and the environment. This project has several stages of development, each one with very specific knowledge for the effective operation of its facilities, as well as legal and regulatory details that need to be met. The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) and CNEN are respectively responsible for environmental and nuclear licensing. These regulatory agencies have guidelines to prepare the necessary documentation for the licensing processes for nuclear and radioactive facilities, but it was not possible identify clearly the guidelines for the facilities dedicated to the treatment and storage of radioactive wastes. The RMB will generate radioactive waste and will have a facility for treatment, conditioning and storage, for which it will also be necessary to generate specific documentation dedicated to its licensing process. Faced with the lacuna in the structuring guideline and elaboration of the specific documents for this type of installation, it was necessary to carry out a survey of laws, regulations and norms related to this type of business and that will be adopted as reference in the structuring of such documents. The objective of this work was to carry out a survey and alignment of the applicable laws, regulations and standards, structuring the requirements in a Management System (SG), whose scope covers the treatment and storage of the RMB radioactive waste. This SG should provide guidelines for the preparation of licensing documents and promote the management of radioactive waste generated by the RMB and should address best practices in order to observe the safety of the facility and the processes involved.
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