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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem ska integreras och hur? En diskursanalys kring hur integration konstrueras då den kopplas till invandrare kontra då den kopplas till nationella minoritetsgrupper

Holmberg, Ylva January 2012 (has links)
In Sweden there is an integration policy and a policy for national minorities. The integration policy aims to integrate newly arrived immigrants (nyanlända invandrare), whereas the minority policy aims to maintain and strengthen the rights of the national minorities. The national minorities are though, at times, included into the integration policy, even though they hold a minority status in Sweden. This paper aims to, through discourse analysis, investigate the research question: “how is the content of integration referred to, when it is related to immigrants, contra when it is related to national minorities”. The integration policy is often implemented by social workers. The discourse about integration policy on a macro level therefore directly impacts the social integration work on a micro level. The study is therefore important to social work, as a discipline. A comparative analyses shows whether there are similarities and differences in the construction of the content of the integration term, depending on the group that is addressed. The study shows that the Romani minority is highly described in the integration discourse, though they are a national minority. The results also show that the discourses around newly arrived immigrants rather construct an assimilation discourse, than an integration discourse. In relation to both groups, the term integration constructs and reproduces ethnical stereotypes and cultural and behavioral differences between the groups and the majority society. The term also constructs the integration to the labour market as the major key to overall integration.

Flyktingdebatten i svenska kvällstidningar : En kvalitativ studie om mediernas konstruktion av hotbilder

Hansson, Linnéa, Ingman, Amelia January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att kartlägga och analysera svenska kvällstidningars representation och konstruktion av hotbilder i flyktingdebatten. Vi sökte också svar på hur journalister förhåller sig till begrepp så som ”invandrare” och ”flyktingar” i förhållande till ”etniskt svenska”. För att nå önskat resultat har vi använt oss av en kritisk diskursanalys, en metod som sträcker sig längre än en analys av bara texten, här sätts texten in i en samhällelig kontext. Vi har valt att analysera artiklar skrivna av Aftonbladet och Expressen, två ledande aktörer på den svenska kvällstidningsmarknaden. För att finna relevanta artiklar för vår studie använde vi oss av databasen Mediearkivet. Vi begränsade sökningen till artiklar publicerad mellan de 1 april 2010 – 1 nov 2012. Ambitionen var att läsa igenom det insamlade textmaterialet för att få en överblick och känsla för den diskurs som vår uppsats manifesterar. Utifrån detta ville vi sedan få svar på vilken typ av ”flyktingar” eller ”invandrare” det refereras till i vår angivna diskurs samt studera språket och hur det används inom det journalistiska fältet. En klar majoritet av de insamlade artiklarna skrevs under tidningarnas ledar- eller debattsidor, ofta i relation till Sverigedemokraterna, många gånger skrivna av politiker eller upprörda läsare, men även tidningarnas journalister. Vad vi fann var en viss ambivalens i mediernas politiska korrekthet. Rasismen råder som tydligast bland åsiktsjournalistiken, tidningarnas ledar- och debattsidor. Den övriga konstruktionen av ”invandrarna” och ”flyktingarna” från journalisternas sida tycktes svårare att ta på. Men bakom en multikulturell fasad tycktes vi ana en latent rasism. Den vrede vi påträffat gentemot de ”utifrån kommande” på tidningarna ansåg vi väldigt alarmerande.

Vem bor på andra sidan vägen? : en fallstudie om hantering av segregation i Kristianstad / Who lives across the road? : a study in the management of segregation in Kristianstad, Sweden

Eriksson, Max, Garnegård, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
Studien ämnade undersöka huruvida staden Kristianstad är segregerat, om de inblandade aktörerna var medvetna om detta samt hur de valt att agera. Aktörerna som intervjuades var: Anders Siversson, chef på Stadsbyggnadskontoret i Kristianstad; Saleh Fakhro, integrationssamordnare på Gamlegården och Bertil Svenson, områdeschef på ABK. ABK är ett kommunalt ägt bostadsbolag och har således ett ansvar inför kommunen och dess invånare på ett sätt som de privat ägda bostadsbolagen inte har. Stadsbyggnadskontoret jobbar för kommunen i syfte att planera stadens framtida utveckling inom både boende och näringsliv. Tidigare forskning i ämnet segregation tyder på att boendesegregation har potentiellt starka negativa effekter på samhället i form av ett bristande deltagande och utanförskap. Begreppet segregation kan summeras som en uppdelning mellan människor, där den ena gruppen har en minskad förmåga att delta i samhället jämfört med den andra. Denna uppdelning kan vara av social, ekonomisk eller etnisk karaktär. I fallet Kristianstad framkom det att segregation förekommer. Bostadsområdena Gamlegården, Österäng och Charlottenborg är mest vedertagna, vilka berördes av miljonprogrammet på 1960- och 1970-talet då bostadsbristen runt om i landet krävde en miljon nya bostäder. Segregationen bekräftas av Stadsbyggnadskontoret och ABK som försöker motverka utbredningen med olika metoder. Två återkommande metoder är integrationsarbete och blandat boende. Integrationsarbetet är ett sätt att få människor i de segregerade områdena att delta i samhället. Det blandade boendet är ett sätt att få in en ny grupp människor i de tidigare homogena och segregerade47områdena. ABK arbetar mycket med det förstnämnda medan Stadsbyggnadskontoret arbetar med det sistnämnda. Det framkom att ABK inte har möjlighet att motverka segregationen direkt utan snarare arbetar med att minska konsekvenserna. Detta genom bolagets integrationsarbete med en lång rad aktiviteter i de utsatta områdena. Stadsbyggnadskontoret försöker att motverka segregationen genom att bygga nya bostadstyper i anknytning till de segregerade stadsdelarna för att därigenom locka dit människor med blandade socioekonomiska bakgrunder.

Integrating requirements authoring and design tools for heterogeneous and multicore embedded systems. : Using the iFEST Tool Integration Framework

Wolvers, Adrianus Hendrikus Cornelis January 2013 (has links)
In today’s practical reality there are many different tools being used in their respective phases of thesystem development lifecycle. Every tool employs its own underlying metamodel and these metamodelstend to vary greatly in size and complexity, making them difficult to integrate. One solution to overcomethis problem is to build a tool integration framework that is based on a single, shared metamodel.The iFEST project aims to specify and develop such a tool integration framework for tools used in thedevelopment of heterogeneous and multi-core embedded systems. This framework is known as the iFESTTool Integration Framework or iFEST IF.The iFEST IF uses Web services based on the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC)standards and specifications to make the tools within the tool chain communicate with each other. Tovalidate the framework, an industrial case study called ‘Wind Turbine’, using several embedded systemstools, has been carried out. Tools used to design, implement and test a controller for a wind turbine havebeen integrated in a prototype tool chain. To expose tools’ internal data through Web services, a tooladaptor is needed. This work reports on the development of such a tool adaptor for the RequirementsManagement module of HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), one of the tools used in the WindTurbine industrial case study. A generalization of the challenges faced while developing the tool adaptoris made. These challenges indicate that, despite having a tool integration framework, tool integration canstill be a difficult task with many obstacles to overcome. Especially when tools are not developed with tool integration in mind from the start. / Idag existerar det en mängd olika verktyg som kan appliceras i respektive fas isystemutvecklings livscykel. Varje verktyg använder sin egna underliggande metamodell. Dessametamodeller kan variera avsevärt i både storlek och komplexitet, vilket gör dem svåra attintegrera. En lösning på detta problem är att bygga ett ramverk för verktygsintegration sombaseras på en enda, gemensam metamodell.iFEST-projektets mål är att specificera och utveckla ett ramverk för verktygsintegration förverktyg som används i utvecklingen av heterogena och multi-core inbyggda system. Dettaramverk benämns iFEST Tool Integration Framework eller iFEST IF.iFEST IF använder webbtjänster baserade på en standard som kallas OSCL, Open Services forLifecycle Collaboration samt specifikationer som gör att verktygen i verktygskedjan kankommunicera med varandra. För att validera ramverket har en fallstudie vid namn ”WindTurbine” gjorts med flertal inbyggda systemverktyg. Verktyg som används för att designa,implementera och testa en styrenhet för vindturbiner har integrerats i prototyp av enverktygskedja. För att bearbeta och behandla intern data genom webbtjänster behövs enverktygsadapter. Detta arbete redogör utvecklingen av en verktygsadapter förkravhanteringsmodulen HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), ett av de verktyg somanvänts i fallstudien av vindturbinen. En generalisering av de utmaningar som uppstod underutvecklingen av verktygsadaptern har genomförts. Dessa utmaningar indikerar att, trots att detfinns ett ramverk för verktygsintegration så är verktygsintegration fortfarande vara en svåruppgift att få bukt med. Detta gäller särskilt när verktyg inte är utvecklade med hänsyn tillverktygsintegration från början. / ARTEMIS iFEST

Teaching and Learning in an Integrated Curriculum Setting: A Case Study of Classroom Practices

MacMath, Sheryl 10 January 2012 (has links)
Curriculum integration, while a commonly used educational term, remains a challenging concept to define and examine both in research and in classroom practice. Numerous types and definitions of curriculum integration exist in educational research, while, in comparison, teachers tend to focus on curriculum integration simply as a mixing of subject areas. To better understand curriculum integration in practice, this thesis details a case study that examines both teacher and student perspectives regarding a grade nine integrated unit on energy. Set in a public secondary school in Ontario, Canada, I comprehensively describe and analyze teacher understandings of, and challenges with, the implementation of an integrated unit, while also examining student perspectives and academic learning. My participants consisted of two high school teachers, a geography teacher and a science teacher, and their twenty-three students. Using data gathered from interviews before, during, and after the implementation of a 16-lesson unit, as well as observations throughout, I completed a case description and thematic analysis. My results illustrate the importance of examining why teachers choose to implement an integrated unit and the planning and scheduling challenges that exist. In addition, while the students in this study were academically successful, clarification is needed regarding whether student success can be linked to the integration of these two subjects or the types of activities these two teachers utilized.

An investigation into the experiences of managers who work flexibly

Anderson, Deirdre 09 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores the experiences of managers who work flexibly. Flexible working policies are prevalent in all organizations in the UK because of the legislation giving specific groups of parents and carers the right to request flexible working. Many organizations extend the policies to all employees, yet the take-up is not as high as expected, particularly among staff at managerial levels. This thesis explores how managers construe and experience flexible working arrangements while successfully fulfilling their roles as managers of people. The exploratory study consisted of interviews with eight managers with unique flexible working patterns. Analysis of the interview transcripts identified concepts of consistency and adaptability. Consistency refers to meeting fixed needs from the work and non-work domains, and adaptability refers to the adjustment of schedules to meet the changing demands from those domains. The concepts of consistency and adaptability were further explored in the main study which is based on interviews with 24 women and 10 men who held managerial positions and had a flexible working arrangement which reduced their face time in the workplace. The research offers three main contributions to the literature. At a theoretical level, I propose a model which demonstrates how individuals use consistency and adaptability to meet the fixed and changing demands from the work and non-work domains. This model extends understanding of the complexity of the segmentation/integration continuum of boundary theory, explaining how and why managers use flexible working arrangements as a means of managing boundaries and achieving desired goals in both domains. Four distinct clusters emerged among the managerial participants in terms of the type and direction of adaptability, indicating the range of strategies used by managers to ensure the success of their flexible working arrangements. A detailed description of managers’ flexible working experiences is provided, adding to what is known about the role of manager through the exploration of the enactment of that role when working flexibly.

Teaching and Learning in an Integrated Curriculum Setting: A Case Study of Classroom Practices

MacMath, Sheryl 10 January 2012 (has links)
Curriculum integration, while a commonly used educational term, remains a challenging concept to define and examine both in research and in classroom practice. Numerous types and definitions of curriculum integration exist in educational research, while, in comparison, teachers tend to focus on curriculum integration simply as a mixing of subject areas. To better understand curriculum integration in practice, this thesis details a case study that examines both teacher and student perspectives regarding a grade nine integrated unit on energy. Set in a public secondary school in Ontario, Canada, I comprehensively describe and analyze teacher understandings of, and challenges with, the implementation of an integrated unit, while also examining student perspectives and academic learning. My participants consisted of two high school teachers, a geography teacher and a science teacher, and their twenty-three students. Using data gathered from interviews before, during, and after the implementation of a 16-lesson unit, as well as observations throughout, I completed a case description and thematic analysis. My results illustrate the importance of examining why teachers choose to implement an integrated unit and the planning and scheduling challenges that exist. In addition, while the students in this study were academically successful, clarification is needed regarding whether student success can be linked to the integration of these two subjects or the types of activities these two teachers utilized.

The Economic Integration of Recent Immigrants to Canada: A Longitudinal Analysis of Dimensions of Employment Success

Frank, Kristyn January 2009 (has links)
The employment success of immigrants to Canada has been a primary focus of sociological research on immigrant integration. However, much of this research has examined the concept of “employment success” solely in terms of earnings. Studies that focus on whether immigrants obtain employment matching their desired or pre-migration occupations provide inadequate measures by examining whether or not immigrants obtain employment in their desired occupations at a very broad level. In addition, the majority of quantitative analyses use cross-sectional data to examine the economic integration of immigrants. The following research tests hypotheses which examine the relationships that various ascribed, human capital, and occupational characteristics have with multiple dimensions of employment success for a cohort of recent immigrants to Canada. Longitudinal analyses of several dimensions of the employment success of recent immigrants are conducted with the use of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada. These “dimensions” include an examination of the likelihood that an immigrant will obtain employment in his or her intended occupation, or a “job match”, at some point during his or her first two years in Canada, the rate at which he or she obtains a job match during this time, and the change in his or her occupational prestige scores and wages between jobs. A case study of immigrant engineers is also presented, providing some insight into the employment success of immigrants seeking employment in regulated professions. Human capital theory, the theory of discrimination, and Weber’s theory of social closure are employed to examine different predictors of immigrant employment success. A distinctive contribution of this study is the examination of how different characteristics of an immigrant’s intended occupation may influence the likelihood of him or her obtaining a job match and the rate at which he or she does so. By examining several different aspects of employment success and accounting for immigrants’ employment throughout their first two years in Canada a more comprehensive picture of the economic integration of recent immigrants is obtained. However, the results indicate that one over-arching theory is not adequate in explaining the process of the economic integration of recent immigrants to Canada.

Boston Divided

Hutchinson, Kerri Anne-Marie January 2009 (has links)
In 1974 Boston, Massachusetts was forced to confront its civil rights violations. In the case of Morgan v. Hennigan, Judge W. Arthur Garrity Jr. found the city of Boston guilty of intentionally segregating its public schools and ordered Boston to bus students to achieve integration. When busing commenced in the fall of 1974, Boston was a city divided. The citizens of Boston were divided into two main groups: the opponents and supporters but there was no uniform consensus in either group. This study will argue that the motivations for support or opposition were multi-faceted. Those who supported busing had varied reasons for their support and those who opposed busing had varied reasons for their opposition. Through the examination of local and national newspapers and letters of public opinion this work elucidates how Judge Garrity and the Morgan v. Hennigan decision were represented and perceived throughout the city.

Exploring the Gender-Specific Needs of Female Refugees During Resettlement and Integration: A Case Study in Pittsburgh

Kimura, Kristina Sue 11 April 2013 (has links)
Recently Pittsburgh has experienced a noticeable increase in the number of incoming refugees, which has put added pressure on local service providers to develop more efficient resettlement practices. While female refugee's experiences have been largely ignored, this study attempts to better understand the gender-specific needs of female refugees who resettle and integrate into Pittsburgh. I used Ager and Strang's (2004) Indicators of Integration framework, with a focus on the indicators of "employment," "social bridges," "language and culture," and "rights and citizenship," and adapted it to a gendered perspective to analyze data from two focus group sessions with 11 refugee women from Liberia, Bhutan, Burma, Iraq, and Morocco. I used an exploratory, inductive methodology to identify common themes, including women's changing roles within families and the importance of social connections. A better understanding of women's needs will help inform the local refugee-serving agencies create more gender-inclusive services. / McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts; / Graduate Center for Social and Public Policy / MA; / Thesis;

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