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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Chenot, David 29 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Director of Nursing Role Conflict and Ambiguity, Commitment, and Intent to Stay

Thiesse, Amy Elizabeth 01 January 2019 (has links)
High rates of turnover and the limited tenure of directors of nursing (DONs) in long-term care creates instability in the nursing workforce and the quality of care provided. Organizations, industry, and stakeholders have made little progress to change this turnover crisis. The purpose of this quantitative study, guided by organizational role and social exchange theories, was to determine if there was a difference in levels of affective organizational commitment and intent to stay mediated by leader-member exchange in long-term care DONs with different levels of role conflict and role ambiguity. The key variables were measured with the Role Questionnaire, Leader-Member Exchange Scale 7, Affective Commitment Questionnaire, and the Intent to Stay Scale. DONs were recruited via e-mail and social media, and 126 participants completed the surveys with 42 experiencing high role conflict and 13 experiencing high role ambiguity. Results revealed no differences in the levels of affective organizational commitment or intent to stay between DONs with high versus low levels of role conflict or role ambiguity. However, role ambiguity and leader-member exchange, but not role conflict, significantly predicted a DON's affective organizational commitment and intent to stay. Future research could consider the levels of role conflict and role ambiguity experienced by the DON and the tenure of the DON and the effect on the quality of resident care provided. The results of this study could impact positive social change by being used to advocate for role clarity and improve relationships with leaders to increase DON tenure, which would improve nurse workforce turnover and the quality provided in long-term care.

Predictive factors impacting intent to stay teaching for associate degree adjunct clinical nurse faculty

Woodworth, Julie Ann 01 January 2016 (has links)
Background: The full-time nurse faculty shortage has resulted in nursing programs employing adjunct nursing faculty heavily into the clinical teaching component to fill the gap. Many adjunct faculty members continue to teach semester after semester; however, there is a lack of evidence to support the predictive factors that facilitate intent to stay teaching. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to better understand predictors of intent to stay teaching for associate degree (AD) adjunct clinical nurse faculty. Theoretical Framework: Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor motivator-hygiene theory (1959) was utilized as a foundation to explore the factors that impact intent to stay teaching. Methods: Adjunct clinical nurse faculty employed in associate degree nursing programs during the 2015 calendar year were invited to participate in this study. Participants were surveyed utilizing the Job Satisfaction Survey, the Nurse Educators’ Intent to Stay in Academe Scale, and demographic questionnaire via SurveyMonkey Web site. Results: Regression analysis indicated statistically significant relationships between job satisfaction, motivator, and hygiene factors with intent to stay score. In addition, faculty who had full-time employment outside of the adjunct position were found to have lower intent to stay scores compared to those working part time or not at all. Conclusions: Enhancement of adjunct clinical faculty members’ job satisfaction, motivator, and hygiene factors is necessary to retain this qualified group of educators. Improvement of intent to stay in the role can improve teaching and reduce costs at similar institutions of higher learning.

Vad påverkar sjuksköterskors intention att stanna på sin arbetsplats? : En litteraturstudie / What affect nurses' intention to stay in their workplace? : A litterature review

Hammar, Olivia, Kollstedt, Gunnar January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idag beräknas bristen på sjuksköterskor uppgå till 5,9 miljoner sjuksköterskor globalt, ensiffra som väntas stiga. Att sjuksköterskor lämnar sina arbetsplatser beror på flera faktorer. Hög arbetsbelastning, etisk stress och bristande ledarskap är några exempel. Detta leder till brist på god omvårdnad och bristande patientsäkerhet.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad som påverkar sjuksköterskors intention att stanna på sin arbetsplats.  Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie baserad på data från 10 originalartiklar genomfördes, och analyserades med en tematisk innehållsanalys.  Resultat: Tre teman och åtta subteman identifierades. Individuella faktorer innehöll subteman: Privatliv, Klinisk erfarenhet och Ekonomiska faktorer. Det andra temat, Tillfredställelse i arbetet med subteman Professionsstolthet, omvårdnadsfokus och utmanande utveckling. Slutligen Mellanmänskliga relationer, vilken beskrev vikten av Omsorgsfullt ledarskap och Kollegial sammanhållning.  Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor behöver en stabil organisation och en miljö där de tillåts arbeta efter deras professionella autonomi, möjlighet till utveckling, ett gott ledarskap och goda relationer med kollegor. Vidare finns det likheter mellan sjuksköterskors intention att stanna och intentionen att lämna, men även viktiga skillnader. Ytterligare forskning kring detta samband förelsås. Detta för att bidra till god omvårdnad och en säker vård för patienterna. / Background: The global nursing shortage is estimated to 5,9 million nurses. Nurses are leaving their workplaces and the profession. This relates to several factors, for example, high workload, moral distress, and lack of good leadership which contributes to lack of proper nursing care and poor patient safety.   Aim: The aim of this study was to examine what affect nurses’ intention to stay in their workplace.  Method: A literature review of qualitative data was conducted from ten original articles, and was analysed using a qualitative thematic analysis approach.  Results: Three themes and eight subthemes were identified. Individual factors containing subthemes: personal life, clinical experience and financial factors. The second theme was Work satisfaction including subthemes professional pride, nursing care and challenging growth. The last theme was Interpersonal relationships describing the importance of caring leadership and collegial support.  Conclusion: Nurses´ need stable organisations, good leadership, collegial support and being allowed to use their expertise and professional autonomy. There are many similarities between nurses’ intention to stay and intention to leave, but also important differences. Further research investigating these differences are recommended to improve nurses’ work environment.

Using the Self-Determination Theory to Understand Factors Influencing STNAs’ Intent to Stay in Their Positions at For –Profit Skilled Nursing Facilities

Benner Senecal, Megan E. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Impact of Empowerment and Autonomy on the Nursing Director's Intent to Stay

Bergquist, Tiffany 01 January 2018 (has links)
Retention of nursing directors is important to the viability and success of the healthcare industry because they have a large impact on nursing job satisfaction, overall retention of nurses in an institution, productivity, and patient outcomes. Factors that retain nurse directors, such as autonomy and empowerment, appear to be important to job satisfaction, but there is little in the current research to corroborate these findings. The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine what factors impact nursing directors' intent to stay in their current role and what effect role autonomy and empowerment have on their intent to stay as compared to traditional job satisfiers. Kanter's empowerment theory was used to evaluate the key factors that influence job satisfaction and retention, namely, empowerment and autonomy. The key variables were measured with Attitude toward Professional Autonomy Scale for Nurses, Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II, Intention to Stay Scale, and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Nursing directors were recruited American Organization of Nurse Executives and LinkedIn. Seventy-six participants answered 4 survey tools on the key. Data were analyzed using Pearson's r, multiple and logistic regression. Results revealed that empowerment had a significant relationship to nursing directors' intent to stay and that traditional job satisfiers were significantly related to predicting intent to stay. The results could affect positive social change because increasing job satisfaction of nursing directors would lead to their desire to remain in their position and would stabilize overall retention of nurses, productivity, and patient outcomes. Future research is needed to devise, and test interventions designed to enhance empowerment and positively affect intent to stay.

Se mig så stannar jag kvar : Hur delaktighet i beslutsprocesser och arbetsnöjdhet påverkar medarbetares intention att stanna inom ett företag / Notice me and I will stay : How participation in the decision-making process and job satisfaction affects the intention to stay within a company

Leszczynska, Barbara, Mekonem, Ruth January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Då globalisering och teknikutveckling kan medföra utmaningar,  bör organisationer dra nytta av medarbetarnas kompetenser i största möjliga mån. Det har skett ett skifte där byråkratiska organisationer i allt större utsträckning ersätts av mer kunskapsintensiva organisationer (Kärreman m.fl. 2002). Dessa kunskapsföretag kännetecknas av komplex problemlösning (ne.se) och framträdande i företagen är att kunskap utgör det främsta konkurrensmedlet (Forslund, 2013). Det har därför blivit viktigare att rekrytera rätt men också behålla relevant kompetens inom företaget. Det är tidigare känt att en medarbetares avgång innebär ökade kostnader i form av både rekrytering och upplärning (Fisher och Gitelson 1983; Grey et al 2000).  För att mäta hur stor del av kompetensen som försvinner ur organisationen används nyckeltalet personalomsättning. Nyckeltalet avslöjar dock inte varför medarbetarna slutar sin anställning och frågor många ledare inom organisationer ställer sig blir hur de kan behålla personalen, få dem att känna sig delaktiga,  trivas på arbetsplatsen och hjälpa dem att utvecklas (Bass 2006). När det gäller avsikten att stanna inom företaget har flera studier fokuserat på arbetsnöjdhet (Ravari A, Bazargan-Hejazi, Ebadi, et al. i Yarbrough & Pam et al; Ladd och Marshall 2004). Cho et al. (2009) drar slutsatsen att ett engagemang i organisationen minskar medarbetarnas avsikt att lämna organisationen (Cho et al. 2009). En metod för att ta till vara på befintlig kunskap i organisationen är att göra medarbetarna delaktiga i beslutsfattandet (Connel 1998). Ledare inom organisationer bör därför beakta vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas för att påverka medarbetarna att uppfatta sitt värde samt att ledningen bryr sig om de anställda (Cho et al. 2009). Likaså menar Allen et al. (2003) att organisationer, som genom formella rutiner, uppmuntrar delaktighet i beslutsprocessen även måste följa upp medarbetarnas förslag som en bekräftelse på att deras kunskap är av betydelse. Cho et al. (2009) har studerat avsikten att både stanna och lämna organisationen utifrån tre faktorer, dessa är upplevt stöd från organisationen, upplevt stöd från chefen samt upplevt engagemang i organisationen. Vår ambition med denna studie var att komplettera deras synsätt med att studera om dels deltagande i beslutsprocessen men även arbetsnöjdheten är faktorer som påverkar att medarbetarna stannar inom ett kunskapsföretag. Vi vill även studera hur bristen av delaktighet i beslutsfattandet kan påverka att medarbetare avslutar sin anställning. Syfte: Från ett medarbetarperspektiv ämnar denna studie att analysera och undersöka hur medarbetarnas upplevda delaktighet i beslutsprocesser samt arbetsnöjdhet påverkar viljan att stanna inom ett företag. Metod: Eftersom uppsatsen syftar till att analysera människors uppfattningar om ett fenomen har studien en fenomenografisk metodansats. För att inrymma respondenternas olika synvinklar genomfördes intervjuer, baserade på halvstrukturerade, tematiska intervjufrågor. Vår teoretiska referensram syftar ge en överblick över området medarbetares avsikt att stanna samt lämna företaget. Efter vår granskning av vetenskapliga publikationer och artiklar, ger avsnittet även en omfattande insikt i de teoretiska begreppen delaktighet i beslutsprocessen och arbetsnöjdhet. Vi har sedan arbetat deduktivt och teorierna ligger vidare till grund för uppsatsens analysmodell som ska beprövas. Studien har dessutom analyserat och uppmärksammat likheter samt skillnader mellan våra studieobjekt och har därigenom fått en komparativ karaktär. Slutsatser: Sammantaget lyfter medarbetarna upp att delaktighet är viktigt, i synnerhet möjlighet att påverka och att vara en del av företaget Förhållandet mellan deltagande i beslutsfattande och arbetsnöjdhet ser respondenterna som något positivt och viktigt Otydlighet och brist på struktur har förekommit på företagen som våra respondenter hade lämnat Otydlig rollfördelning såsom rollkonflikt, rollöverbelastning och rolltvetydighet är faktorer som i sin tur påverkat både arbetsnöjdhet men också i förlängningen avsikten att lämna företaget Fenomenet arbetsnöjdhet är ganska brett och vi har kommit fram till att vår teoretiska modell inte varit komplett. Vi anser att det behövs en bredare teori och begreppsapparat / Background: Increasingly, traditional bureaucratic, and hierarchical organizations, are being replaced by a new type of company, called knowledge companies. These companies are more characterized by complex problem solving (Kärreman; ne.se) and for what is prominent as the main competitive subject are no longer machines, real estate or money, it is the knowledge among employees (Forslund, 2013). In order to meet the challenges of globalization and new technologies, modern organizations should maximize the use of the knowledge within the often-well-educated workforce. It is therefore even more important, not only to recruit, but also to maintain the right competence within the company. A method to incorporate existing knowledge in the organization is by incorporating the employees into the decision-making process inthe company (Connel 1998). If an employee leaves the organization, it will lead to increased costs in the terms of both recruitment and training (Fisher and Gitelson 1983; Grey et al 2000). There are different ratios to calculate that, for example, the measure of employee turnover. Since employee turnover does not explain the reasons of why employees leave their jobs, the measurement cannot be viewed as complete. An important question, many leaders in the organizations are asking, is how to retain their employees, make them thrive, and help them develop (Bass 2006). In the terms of employees’ intention to stay within company, several past studies have focused on job satisfaction (Ravari et al. in Yarbrough & Pam et al; Ladd and Marshall 2004). Cho et al. (2009) on the other hand, concludes that it is the commitment of the organization that reduces the employee's intention to leave the organization (Cho et al. 2009). Leaders within the organizations, should therefore aim to influence employees to develop a mindset in which the employee understands their value within the organization, and sees, that the management cares about theirworkers. Similarly, Allen et al. (2003) argues that if the organization encourage participation in decision-making processes, they also need to acknowledge the employees'. Cho et al. (2009) has studied the intention to both stay, and to leave the organization, based on three factors: perceived organizational support, perceived support from the management, and perceived involvement in the organization. Our ambition with this study, is to supplement their approach, and study whether participation in the decision-making process, and job satisfaction are factors, that influences the employees to stay within a knowledge-based company. We also want to study, how the lack of participation in decision-making and job satisfaction may affect the employee’s intent to resign. Purpose of the study: This study intends to analyze and examine how employees ' perceived participation, in decision-making processes, and job satisfaction affect the willingness to stay within an organization. Method: To achieve the purpose of the study, we have used a qualitative method of research. The essay aims to analyze people's perceptions of a phenomenon; therefore, this study will have a phenomenological approach. The theories and previous research presented, aims to give an overview of employees' intention to stay or leave the company, and a more comprehensive understanding of the theoretical concepts, of participation in decision-making, and job satisfaction, based on the examination of scientific publications, and articles. From these theories, we have both developed a frame of reference and a theoretical model. This has helped us to comprehend how, and what to target, in the collection of data for the study. The study compares the intent to stay from three perspectives, and our respondents for the interviews, consisted of employees who still work within an organization, employees who have departed with the organization, and the HR point of view of the organization. Since we have three perspectives, the phenomenologicaldata analysis will be combined with a comparative analyze. Conclusions: Overall, employees underline the importance of participation, in particular the possibility of influencing and being a part of the company. Our respondents perceived the relationship between participation in decision-making, and job satisfaction as positive and important Many of our respondents who had left their employment, distinguished between the notion of ambiguity, and lack of structure of their past organizations Skill significance burst in contrast to what the respondents needed Unclear roles such as role conflict, role overload and role ambiguity, are factors that in turn affect both job satisfaction, but also the intent to leave the company. The phenomenon of job satisfaction is quite comprehensive, which conclude that our theoretical model is not complete. We believe, that a broader theoretical aspect and conceptual apparatus, is needed to understand the concept of intent to stay within an organization.

Impact différencié des avantages sociaux novateurs et des avantages sociaux traditionnels sur l'intention de rester des travailleurs via l'effet médiateur de l'engagement organisationnel

Béchard, Alexis 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif de comprendre l’impact des avantages sociaux novateurs et des avantages sociaux traditionnels sur l’intention de rester des travailleurs via l’effet médiateur de l’engagement organisationnel. Pour étudier cette question, nous avons émis trois hypothèses basées sur notre revue de littérature ainsi que sur les théories de l’échange social de Blau (1964) et de la dépendance à l’égard des ressources de Balkin et Bannister (1993). La première hypothèse stipule que les avantages sociaux novateurs ont un impact positif et indirect sur l’intention de rester via l’engagement organisationnel. La deuxième hypothèse indique que les avantages sociaux traditionnels ont un impact positif et indirect sur l’intention de rester via l’engagement organisationnel. La dernière hypothèse suggère que les avantages sociaux novateurs ont un impact plus important sur l’intention de rester que les avantages sociaux traditionnels via l’engagement organisationnel. Les données utilisées, de nature longitudinale, proviennent d’une enquête plus large portant sur « les liens entre la rémunération, la formation et le développement de compétences avec l’attraction et la rétention des employés clés ». L’échantillon est composé de 235 nouveaux travailleurs embauchés entre le 1er avril 2009 et le 30 septembre 2010 d’une entreprise multinationale du secteur des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) localisée à Montréal. Nos résultats confirment nos deux premières hypothèses. En effet, nos résultats indiquent que les avantages sociaux traditionnels et les avantages sociaux novateurs ont un impact positif sur l’intention de rester des travailleurs via l’effet médiateur de l’engagement organisationnel. Nos résultats indiquent également que les avantages sociaux traditionnels ont un impact plus significatif que les avantages sociaux novateurs sur l’intention de rester via l’effet médiateur de l’engagement organisationnel. Le soutien organisationnel perçu et le travail sous supervision ont également un impact important sur l’intention de rester des travailleurs. Finalement, nous indiquons en conclusion les implications pratiques de ce mémoire pour les gestionnaires du secteur des TIC en matière de fidélisation des travailleurs. Nous présentons également les limites de notre étude et des pistes de recherches futures. / The objective of this thesis is to understand the impact of innovative and traditional perks on workers’ intent to stay through the mediating effect of organizational commitment. Three hypotheses were proposed to study this question based on Blau’s Social Exchange Theory (1964) and Balkin and Bannister’s Resources Dependence Theory (1993). Our first hypothesis states that innovative perks have a positive and indirect effect on workers’ intent to stay through the mediating effect of organizational commitment. Our second hypothesis indicates that traditional perks have a positive and indirect effect on workers’ intent to stay through the mediating effect of organizational commitment. Our third and last hypothesis suggests that innovative perks have a greater effect on workers’ intent to stay through the mediating effect of organizational commitment than traditional perks. The longitudinal data used in this thesis comes from a broader investigation called « The Links Between Compensation, Training and Development Skills with the Attraction and Retention of Key Employees ». The sample consists of newly hired employees from a global Information Technology and Communication (ITC) company based in Montreal. Data from this organization was collected from 235 employees hired between April 1, 2009 and September 30, 2010. Our findings confirm our first two hypotheses. Our results indicate that both innovative and traditional perks have a positive and indirect impact on workers’ intent to stay through the mediating effect of organizational commitment. Our results also indicate that traditional perks have a greater effect than innovative perks on workers’ intent to stay through the mediating effect of organizational commitment. Perceived organizational support and working under supervision also have an impact on workers’ intent to stay. We conclude this thesis with practical implications for managers with regards to employee retention in the ITC sector. We also present the limitations of our study and the implications for future research.

L'impact de la justice distributive et procédurale sur l'intention de rester avec l'effet médiateur de l'engagement organisationnel : étude longitudinale dans le secteur des TIC

Tremblay, François-Alexandre 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif de comprendre l'impact de la justice distributive et de la justice procédurale sur l'intention de rester via l'effet médiateur de l'engagement organisationnel. Pour étudier cette question, nous avons émis trois hypothèses basées sur les études empiriques et certaines théories. La première hypothèse stipule que la justice distributive est positivement et indirectement liée à l'intention de rester via l'engagement organisationnel. La deuxième hypothèse suggère que la justice procédurale est positivement et indirectement associée à l'intention de rester en passant par l'engagement organisationnel. La dernière hypothèse indique que la justice procédurale a un impact plus important sur l'intention de rester que la justice distributive via l'engagement organisationnel. Les données utilisées pour cette étude longitudinale ont été colligées dans le cadre d'une enquête portant sur « les liens entre la rémunération, la formation et le développement des compétences avec l’attraction et la rétention des employés clés ». Ces données proviennent d'une entreprise internationale du secteur des technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC) à Montréal. Les participants de l'étude sont les travailleurs nouvellement embauchés durant la période du 1er avril 2009 au 30 septembre 2010. À la suite de l'analyse des données, les résultats confirment toutes les hypothèses. Ces résultats indiquent que la justice distributive et la justice procédurale sont indirectement et positivement associées à l'intention de rester par l'effet médiateur de l'engagement organisationnel. De plus, les résultats des analyses multivariées longitudinales montrent que la justice procédurale affecte davantage l'intention de rester que la justice distributive via l'engagement organisationnel. Le travail sous supervision et le soutien organisationnel perçu ont également un impact considérable sur l'intention de rester des travailleurs. Finalement, la conclusion du mémoire indique en quoi cette recherche permet de guider les gestionnaires dans l'insertion de pratiques de fidélisation du personnel. / The purpose of this thesis is to understand the impact of distributive justice and procedural justice on workers' intent to stay via the organizational committment. In order to procede, we emited three hypothesis based on empirical researches and some theories. The first hypothesis suggests that distributive justice is positively and indirectly linked to workers' intent to stay when mediated by the organizational committment. The second hypothesis states that procedural justice stays positively and indirectly associated to workers's intent to stay via organizational committment. The last hypothesis stipulates that procedural justice has more impact on workers' intent to stay than distributive justice when mediated by the organizational committment. The data used for this study were collected for a larger research on “ the links between compensation, training and skills development with attracting and retaining key employees “. These data come from an international organization, operating in information technologies and communications, located in Montreal. Participants of the study were workers newly hired during the period of April 1st 2009 to September 30th 2010. Consequently to the the data analysis, the results confirm all hypothesis. These results indicate that distributive justice and procedural justice are indirectly and positively linked to workers' intent to stay by the mediating effet of organizational commitment. Moreover, the results of longitudinal multivariate analysis show that procedural justice has a greater effet on workers' intent to stay via organizational commitment. Working under supervision and perceived organizational support also affect considerably workers' intent to stay. Finally, the conclusion of the thesis helps human resources and industrial managers in the implementation of fidelity employment practices.

L’impact de la rémunération variable sur l’intention de rester via l’engagement organisationnel : étude longitudinale dans le secteur des TIC

Gendron-Boulanger, Aurélie 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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