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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Narla, Nagabhavana 01 June 2018 (has links)
The main aim of the project is to launch multiple processes and have those processes communicate with each other using peer to peer communication to eliminate the problems of multiple processes running on a single server, and multiple processes running on inhomogeneous servers as well as the problems of scalability. This entire process is done using MPICH which is a high performance and portable implementation of Message Passing Interface standard. The project involves setting up the passwordless authentication between two local servers with the help of SSH connection. By establishing a peer to peer communication and by using a unique shell script which is written using MPICH and its derivatives, I am going to demonstrate the process of inter-process communication between the servers.

Establishing a suitable middleware based on reconstruction and repeating patterns

Johansson, Peter, Hansen, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
I distribuerade system, kommunicerar komponenter genom att skicka meddelanden till varan- dra och mellanprogramvara överlappar integrationen mellan olika applikationer. Syftet var att undersöka och analysera olika designmönster till en mellanprogramvara som hanterar kommunikationen i en en-till-många relation och som kan användas i en XFS baserad programvara samt identifiera eventuella problem som uppkom under utvecklingsprocessen.Reverse engineering användes för att rekonstruera vår uppdragsgivares XFS baserade mjukvara. Ingång- och utgångspunkter lokaliserades och visualiserades med hjälp av UML-diagram. Med hjälp av vår uppdragsgivares krav och rekonstruktion av deras mjukvara, de designmönster som valdes var Broker och Reactor. Dessa valdes för att frikoppla en-till-en relationen mot vår uppdragsgivares hårdvara. Arkitekturen i vår prototyp av mellanprogramvaran baserades på klient-server och prototypen använder en en-till-många interprocesskommunikation för att skicka JSON-meddelande över en pipe anslutning.Prototypen utvärderades med hjälp av testfall och utfallet av testen var till belåtenhet. Slutversionen av vår prototyp klarade av att hantera kommunikation mellan flera klienter till vår uppdragsgivares hårdvara genom en server. Callbacks hanterades och presenterades i alla klienter.Valen som gjordes under utvecklingen identifierade problem som är värdefulla för andra utvecklare. Två huvudproblem uppstod för att det är väldigt hög komplexitet i välutvecklade system samt att logiken bakom XFS standarden är öppen för fri tolkning. Vår lösning är bra vid en utvecklingsuppstart men det fastställs att asynkrona mönster är en möjlig optimering av mjukvarusystemet. / In distributed systems, components communicate by passing messages between each other and a middleware bridges gaps between the interaction of different applications. The aim was to investigate and analyse middleware designs that handle a one-to-many communication usable in XFS based software and identify possible problems during the development process.Reverse engineering was used to reconstruct our stakeholders XFS based software. Entry and exit points were localised and visualised with UML diagrams from the reconstruction. By focusing on the stakeholders requirements and the reconstruction, the design pattern Broker and Reactor were used to decouple a one-to-one relationship towards the stakeholders hardware. The architecture of the middleware prototype was based on a client-server architecture and the prototype utilises a one-to-many inter-process communication that sends JSON messages over a pipe connection.The prototype was evaluated using written test cases and the test cases presented satisfactory results. The final version of the prototype was able to handle several clients communicating with the stakeholders hardware through the server and all clients displayed callbacks.Choices made during the iterative development identified problems that are valuable to other developers. The two main problems were high complexity in a legacy software system and that all logic in the XFS standard is open to interpretation. Our solution is successful as a start-up approach but asynchronous patterns are determined as a possible optimisation for the software system.

Support matériel pour la communication inter-processus dans un système multi-coeur / Hardware support for inter-process communication in multiprocessor system

France pillois, Maxime 27 September 2018 (has links)
La forte parallélisation des applications MPSoC accroît le besoin d'optimisation des mécanismes de synchronisation, primordiaux pour l'échange sûr d'informations entre processus. En effet, les délais qu'ils introduisent impactent les performances globales des MPSoC. L'objet de cette thèse est d'étudier puis d'optimiser les performances temporelles de ces mécanismes de synchronisation.La complexité croissante des MPSoC impose l'étude précise des mécanismes ciblés dans un environnement réaliste mettant en exergue les spécificités logicielles et matérielles.Les outils de mesures disponibles ne répondant pas à nos exigences de précision conjuguée à la vitesse d'analyse, nous avons conçu notre propre chaîne de mesure non intrusive reposant sur une plateforme d'émulation.Appliquée à l'étude de l'implémentation GNU du mécanisme de barrière de synchronisation offert par la bibliothèque d'aide à la parallélisation de code OpenMP, notre chaîne de mesure a mis en évidence deux faiblesses d'implémentation, aboutissant à la mise en place d'optimisations logicielles et matérielles réduisant de manière significative les délais de ce mécanisme.La chaîne de mesure développée nous a également permis de vérifier une hypothèse structurante pour l'optimisation : un verrou, bien qu'utilisé par plusieurs cœurs de différentes grappes au cours de l'application, est très souvent repris par le dernier cœur l'ayant libéré. Sur la base de ce constat, nous proposons une solution innovante assurant, de manière totalement décentralisée, la relocalisation dynamique des verrous dans la mémoire proche du cœur ayant obtenu l'accès. Cela permet de réduire la latence d'accès et le trafic réseau lors de la réutilisation d'un verrou par une même grappe. / High parallelism of MPSoC applications increase the need of optimization for the synchronization mechanisms, essential to ensure consistent data exchanges between threads. Delays inserted by them impact the whole performances of the system. This thesis work aims to analyze and reduce delays of synchronization mechanisms for MPSoC architectures.The growing complexity of MPSoCs requires assessment of proposed optimizations against hardware and software specifics in real-life environment. Since usual tools to perform measurements do not fulfill required accuracy with sufficient evaluation speed, we have designed a custom non-intrusive tool-chain based on an emulation platform.The study of the textit{GNU} OpenMP library implementation of the synchronization barriers, carried out with our tool-chain, has revealed two weaknesses. Our proposed hardware and software optimizations achieve significant reduction of the delays introduced by the synchronization barrier.The designed tool-chain has also allowed us to confirm a fundamental hypothesis for the optimization of the lock mechanism : although during the run time a lock may be used by various cores belonging to different clusters, it is often reused by the last core which has released it. Based on this observation, we propose an innovative decentralized solution to manage dynamic re-homing of locks in memory close to the last access-granted core, thus reducing access latency and network traffic in case of reuse of the lock by the same cluster.

Projeto do núcleo de um sistema operacional distribuído / Project of the kernel of a distributed operating system

Stein, Benhur de Oliveira January 1992 (has links)
Uma das tendências para o aumento do desempenho dos sistemas de computação atuais tem sido a distribuição do processamento em uma rede de computadores. Já foram pesquisados diversos modelos para obter essa distribuição, e um dos que tem se mostrado mais promissor é aquele no qual o controle da distribuição é efetuado diretamente pelo sistema operacional. Um sistema operacional desse tipo é chamado de sistema operacional distribuído[TAN85], e seu principal objetivo e fornecer a seus usuários a ilusão de uma maquina uniprocessadora constituída pela soma dos recursos oferecidos pelos componentes da rede. A forma de realizar tal ilusão é o sistema operacional controlar a utilização dos recursos distribuídos para o usuário, independentemente de onde estejam localizados, a medida que sejam requisitados e estejam disponíveis. Esta sendo desenvolvido no CPGCC da UFRGS o projeto DIX, cujo objetivo é o desenvolvimento de um Sistema Operacional Distribuído. Para o desenvolvimento desse projeto, foi tornado como base o sistema operacional MINIX. As principais razoes dessa opção foram: o alto grau de modularidade do MINIX, a utilização do paradigma de troca de mensagens para comunicação entre processos e a sua disponibilidade. A plataforma de hardware inicial para o desenvolvimento do projeto é um grupo de estações de trabalho Proceda. Tais estações caracterizam-se por possuir internamente dois elementos processadores distintos. O projeto DIX teve inicio com o porte do sistema operacional MINIX para o ambiente multiprocessador heterogêneo das estações. Devido a necessidade de comunicação entre as estações e a indisponibilidade de hardware adequado para tal, foi desenvolvida uma forma alternativa de comunicação, baseada na utilização da interface paralela existente nas estações. Este trabalho descreve o núcleo do sistema operacional. A filosofia adotada foi torná-lo o mais simples possível, colocando em processos servidores, externos ao núcleo, grande parte das tarefas. Outro objetivo foi alterar o mínimo possível a interface original do MINIX, para que as camadas superiores do sistema continuassem em funcionamento. Dessa forma, a principal função do núcleo é fornecer aos processos mecanismos para troca de mensagens e transferência de dados entre processos. Foi desenvolvido um método para a identificação global dos processos, que permite identificar cada processo do sistema de forma unívoca e um mecanismo de comunicação entre processos que suporta transparência de localidade, migração de processos e falhas em nodos da rede. / One of the modern trends in Computer Science has been the use of distribution to improve system performance. Many models of distribution have been proposed, and the most promising one is that in which the distribution is directly controlled by the operating system. Such type of system is called a distributed operating system[TAN85], and its main goal is to provide its users an illusion of an uniprocessor system more powerful than its components. The operating system controls the utilization of the distributed resources in a transparent way, in order to present such illusion to its users. There is a project, named DIX, under development at CPGCC/UFRGS, whose goal is to gather experience in the field while developing a distributed operating system. The MINIX operating system has been chosen as a software basis for the project, because of its high degree of modularity, its message passing IPC paradigm and the availability of its source code. The initial hardware configuration is a set of Proceda workstations. Those workstations have two distincts processors that can run in parallel. The project was started with the porting of MINIX to the workstations' heterogeneous multiprocessor environment. Due to the need of information exchange among the workstations and to the unavailability of suitable communication hardware, an alternative communication scheme was developed. This work describes the kernel of the operating system. The adopted methodology was to keep it as simple as possible, putting a great number of tasks in server processes outside the kernel. Another goal was to preserve the MINIX original interface, so that the upper layers of the system could remain functional. So, the main purpose of the kernel is to supply an efficient message exchange mechanism. That mechanism supports locality transparency: the sender of a message is not aware of the destination location, and it is even possible that processes migrate. A method has been developed for the global unique identification of processes.

Projeto do núcleo de um sistema operacional distribuído / Project of the kernel of a distributed operating system

Stein, Benhur de Oliveira January 1992 (has links)
Uma das tendências para o aumento do desempenho dos sistemas de computação atuais tem sido a distribuição do processamento em uma rede de computadores. Já foram pesquisados diversos modelos para obter essa distribuição, e um dos que tem se mostrado mais promissor é aquele no qual o controle da distribuição é efetuado diretamente pelo sistema operacional. Um sistema operacional desse tipo é chamado de sistema operacional distribuído[TAN85], e seu principal objetivo e fornecer a seus usuários a ilusão de uma maquina uniprocessadora constituída pela soma dos recursos oferecidos pelos componentes da rede. A forma de realizar tal ilusão é o sistema operacional controlar a utilização dos recursos distribuídos para o usuário, independentemente de onde estejam localizados, a medida que sejam requisitados e estejam disponíveis. Esta sendo desenvolvido no CPGCC da UFRGS o projeto DIX, cujo objetivo é o desenvolvimento de um Sistema Operacional Distribuído. Para o desenvolvimento desse projeto, foi tornado como base o sistema operacional MINIX. As principais razoes dessa opção foram: o alto grau de modularidade do MINIX, a utilização do paradigma de troca de mensagens para comunicação entre processos e a sua disponibilidade. A plataforma de hardware inicial para o desenvolvimento do projeto é um grupo de estações de trabalho Proceda. Tais estações caracterizam-se por possuir internamente dois elementos processadores distintos. O projeto DIX teve inicio com o porte do sistema operacional MINIX para o ambiente multiprocessador heterogêneo das estações. Devido a necessidade de comunicação entre as estações e a indisponibilidade de hardware adequado para tal, foi desenvolvida uma forma alternativa de comunicação, baseada na utilização da interface paralela existente nas estações. Este trabalho descreve o núcleo do sistema operacional. A filosofia adotada foi torná-lo o mais simples possível, colocando em processos servidores, externos ao núcleo, grande parte das tarefas. Outro objetivo foi alterar o mínimo possível a interface original do MINIX, para que as camadas superiores do sistema continuassem em funcionamento. Dessa forma, a principal função do núcleo é fornecer aos processos mecanismos para troca de mensagens e transferência de dados entre processos. Foi desenvolvido um método para a identificação global dos processos, que permite identificar cada processo do sistema de forma unívoca e um mecanismo de comunicação entre processos que suporta transparência de localidade, migração de processos e falhas em nodos da rede. / One of the modern trends in Computer Science has been the use of distribution to improve system performance. Many models of distribution have been proposed, and the most promising one is that in which the distribution is directly controlled by the operating system. Such type of system is called a distributed operating system[TAN85], and its main goal is to provide its users an illusion of an uniprocessor system more powerful than its components. The operating system controls the utilization of the distributed resources in a transparent way, in order to present such illusion to its users. There is a project, named DIX, under development at CPGCC/UFRGS, whose goal is to gather experience in the field while developing a distributed operating system. The MINIX operating system has been chosen as a software basis for the project, because of its high degree of modularity, its message passing IPC paradigm and the availability of its source code. The initial hardware configuration is a set of Proceda workstations. Those workstations have two distincts processors that can run in parallel. The project was started with the porting of MINIX to the workstations' heterogeneous multiprocessor environment. Due to the need of information exchange among the workstations and to the unavailability of suitable communication hardware, an alternative communication scheme was developed. This work describes the kernel of the operating system. The adopted methodology was to keep it as simple as possible, putting a great number of tasks in server processes outside the kernel. Another goal was to preserve the MINIX original interface, so that the upper layers of the system could remain functional. So, the main purpose of the kernel is to supply an efficient message exchange mechanism. That mechanism supports locality transparency: the sender of a message is not aware of the destination location, and it is even possible that processes migrate. A method has been developed for the global unique identification of processes.

Projeto do núcleo de um sistema operacional distribuído / Project of the kernel of a distributed operating system

Stein, Benhur de Oliveira January 1992 (has links)
Uma das tendências para o aumento do desempenho dos sistemas de computação atuais tem sido a distribuição do processamento em uma rede de computadores. Já foram pesquisados diversos modelos para obter essa distribuição, e um dos que tem se mostrado mais promissor é aquele no qual o controle da distribuição é efetuado diretamente pelo sistema operacional. Um sistema operacional desse tipo é chamado de sistema operacional distribuído[TAN85], e seu principal objetivo e fornecer a seus usuários a ilusão de uma maquina uniprocessadora constituída pela soma dos recursos oferecidos pelos componentes da rede. A forma de realizar tal ilusão é o sistema operacional controlar a utilização dos recursos distribuídos para o usuário, independentemente de onde estejam localizados, a medida que sejam requisitados e estejam disponíveis. Esta sendo desenvolvido no CPGCC da UFRGS o projeto DIX, cujo objetivo é o desenvolvimento de um Sistema Operacional Distribuído. Para o desenvolvimento desse projeto, foi tornado como base o sistema operacional MINIX. As principais razoes dessa opção foram: o alto grau de modularidade do MINIX, a utilização do paradigma de troca de mensagens para comunicação entre processos e a sua disponibilidade. A plataforma de hardware inicial para o desenvolvimento do projeto é um grupo de estações de trabalho Proceda. Tais estações caracterizam-se por possuir internamente dois elementos processadores distintos. O projeto DIX teve inicio com o porte do sistema operacional MINIX para o ambiente multiprocessador heterogêneo das estações. Devido a necessidade de comunicação entre as estações e a indisponibilidade de hardware adequado para tal, foi desenvolvida uma forma alternativa de comunicação, baseada na utilização da interface paralela existente nas estações. Este trabalho descreve o núcleo do sistema operacional. A filosofia adotada foi torná-lo o mais simples possível, colocando em processos servidores, externos ao núcleo, grande parte das tarefas. Outro objetivo foi alterar o mínimo possível a interface original do MINIX, para que as camadas superiores do sistema continuassem em funcionamento. Dessa forma, a principal função do núcleo é fornecer aos processos mecanismos para troca de mensagens e transferência de dados entre processos. Foi desenvolvido um método para a identificação global dos processos, que permite identificar cada processo do sistema de forma unívoca e um mecanismo de comunicação entre processos que suporta transparência de localidade, migração de processos e falhas em nodos da rede. / One of the modern trends in Computer Science has been the use of distribution to improve system performance. Many models of distribution have been proposed, and the most promising one is that in which the distribution is directly controlled by the operating system. Such type of system is called a distributed operating system[TAN85], and its main goal is to provide its users an illusion of an uniprocessor system more powerful than its components. The operating system controls the utilization of the distributed resources in a transparent way, in order to present such illusion to its users. There is a project, named DIX, under development at CPGCC/UFRGS, whose goal is to gather experience in the field while developing a distributed operating system. The MINIX operating system has been chosen as a software basis for the project, because of its high degree of modularity, its message passing IPC paradigm and the availability of its source code. The initial hardware configuration is a set of Proceda workstations. Those workstations have two distincts processors that can run in parallel. The project was started with the porting of MINIX to the workstations' heterogeneous multiprocessor environment. Due to the need of information exchange among the workstations and to the unavailability of suitable communication hardware, an alternative communication scheme was developed. This work describes the kernel of the operating system. The adopted methodology was to keep it as simple as possible, putting a great number of tasks in server processes outside the kernel. Another goal was to preserve the MINIX original interface, so that the upper layers of the system could remain functional. So, the main purpose of the kernel is to supply an efficient message exchange mechanism. That mechanism supports locality transparency: the sender of a message is not aware of the destination location, and it is even possible that processes migrate. A method has been developed for the global unique identification of processes.

Message brokers in a microservice architecture / Meddelandemäklare i en mikrotjänstarkitektur

Antonio, Christian, Fredriksson, Björn January 2021 (has links)
The microservice architectural pattern refers to a system consisting of independently deployable services that communicate across networks. RabbitMQ is a popular message broker that can be used to make this communication possible. An alternative to this is Amazon Simple Queuing Service (SQS), which is a fully managed queuing service. By performing a literature- and case study, two systems with a microservice architecture are developed. One using RabbitMQ to communicate between the services, and the other using Amazon SQS. The systems are compared, with regards to message latency, ease of use and maintainability. The results show that RabbitMQ provides much lower message latency than Amazon SQS. Amazon SQS is however both easier to maintain and to use than RabbitMQ. / En mikrotjänstarkitektur syftar till ett system bestående av tjänster som kan driftsättas oberoende av varandra och som kommunicerar över nätverk. RabbitMQ är en populär meddelandemäklare som nyttjas för att möjliggöra ovan nämnd kommunikation. Ett alternativ till detta är Amazon Simple Queueing Service (SQS), vilket är en meddelandetjänst som helt och hållet förvaltas av Amazon. Genom att utföra en litteratur- och fallstudie utvecklas två system med en mikrotjänstarkitektur. Det ena nyttjar RabbitMQ för kommunikation mellan tjänster, medan det andra använder Amazon SQS. Båda systemen jämförs därefter med hänsyn till meddelandens fördröjning, användarvänlighet samt enkelhet att underhålla. Resultaten visar att meddelanden skickade genom RabbitMQ har mycket lägre fördröjning än de skickade genom Amazon SQS. Ur perspektiven användarvänlighet och enkelhet att underhålla är Amazon SQS ett mer fördelaktigt akternativ än RabbitMQ.

Developing Guidelines for Structured Process Data Transfer / Utvecklande av riktlinjer för strukturerad process dataöverföring

Amgren, Pontus, Olausson, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Today, society is ever-increasing in its use of technology and computers. The increase in technology creates a need for different programming languages with unique properties. The creation of a system may require multiple languages for multiple processes that need to transfer data between one another. There are several solutions for sharing data between processes with their respective strengths and weaknesses. The differences create a problem of needing to understand the data transfer solutions to use them effectively. This thesis addresses the problem of there not existing any guidelines for data transfer solutions. The purpose is to create guidelines for choosing a data transfer solution. The goal is to help software developers find a data transfer solution that fits their needs. The thesis is meant to inform and contribute to the understanding of possible solutions for sharing data between processes. A literature study and practical study were needed to get that understanding. The literature study was conducted to understand the solutions and to be able to compare them. After that, a practical study was performed to work with the solutions and gain experience. The study was meant to gain measurements for later comparisons of data transfer solutions. The measurements followed the comparative criteria of speed , resource usage , and language support . The result was the creation of guidelines that displayed different scenarios based on the comparative criteria. For each situation, there was a recommendation of solutions that would help in the given situation. These results accomplished the goal and purpose by providing guidelines that could help software developers choose a data transfer solution. / Användningen av olika teknologier och datorer ökar konstant i dagens samhälle. Detta skapar ett behov av olika programmeringsspråk med olika egenskaper. Ett projekt kan kräver flera språk för olika processer, så kan programmen behöva kommunicera genom att överföra data sinsemellan. Det finns olika dataöverföringslösningar för att dela data och de har sina svagheter och styrkor. Skillnaderna skapar problemet att en användare behöver förstå dataöverföringslösningar för att använda dem effektivt. Avhandlingen tar upp problemet att det inte finns några riktlinjer för dataöverföringslösningar. Syftet med avhandlingen är att skapa riktlinjer för att välja en dataöverföringslösning. Målet med avhandlingen är att hjälpa mjukvaruutvecklare att välja en dataöverföringslösning som passar deras behov. Avhandlingen är menad att informera och att bidra till förståelsen av dataöverföringslösningar. Därför krävdes det både en litteraturstudie och en praktisk studie. Litteraturstudien utfördes för att få en förståelse för de olika lösningarna och kunna jämföra dem. Den praktiska studien utfördes för att arbeta med lösningarna och lära sig om dem. Arbetet var menat att ta fram mätvärden för att kunna jämföra dataöverföringslösningar. Mätvärdena följde jämnförelsekriterierna hastighet, resursanvändning, och tillgängliga språk. Resultatet av avhandlingen var skapandet av riktlinjerna. Riktlinjerna visar olika situationer baserade på jämförelsekriterierna. För varje situation rekommenderas det en dataöverföringslösning som hjälpte i situationen. Resultatet uppnådde syftet och målet med avhandlingen genom att skapa riktlinjer som hjälper mjukvaruutvecklare att välja dataöverföringslösningar.

Inter-Process Communication in a Virtualized Environment

Johansson, Filip, Lindström, Christoffer January 2018 (has links)
Selecting the correct inter-process communication method isan important aspect of ensuring effective inter-vm and inter-container process communication. We will conduct a study ofIPC methods which might be useful and fits the Qemu/KVMvirtual machine and Docker container environments, and se-lect those that fit our criteria. After implementing our chosenmethods we will benchmark them in a test suite to find theones with highest performance in terms of speed. Our resultsshow that, at the most common message sizes, Unix DomainSockets work best for containers and Transparent Inter Pro-cess Communication has the best performance between vir-tual machines out of the chosen methods.

Security of Embedded Software : An Analysis of Embedded Software Vulnerabilities and Related Security Solutions

Gaboriau-Couanau, Clément January 2017 (has links)
The increased use of computer systems for storing private data or doing critical operations leads to some security issues gathered in the area cybersecurity. This neologism leads people to think about the security of information systems and general-purpose computers. However, with the growth of the Internet of Things, embedded systems are also concerned with these issues. The speed of development of this area often leads to a backwardness in the security features. The thesis investigates the security of embedded systems by focusing on embedded software. After classifying the vulnerabilities which could be encountered in this field, a first part of this work introduces the realisation of a document gathering guidelines related to secure development of embedded software. This realisation is based on an analysis of the literature review, but also on the knowledge of engineers of the company. These guidelines are applied to the project of a client. The result of their application allows us to prove their consistency and to write a set of recommendations to enhance the security of the project. The thesis presents the implementation of some of them. Particularly, it introduces a way to secure an Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mean: D-Bus, through a proof of concept. The result shows that the security policy of D-Bus is efficient against some attacks. Nevertheless, it also points out that some att acks remain feasible. The solution is implemented on an embedded board to analyse the computational overhead related to this embedded aspect. As expected, a more complex and detailed a policy is, the higher the overhead tends to be. Nevertheless, this computational overhead is proportional to the number of rules of the policy. / Den ökade användningen av datorsystem för att lagra privata data eller göra kritiska operationer leder till vissa säkerhetsproblem som samlas i området cybersäkerhet. Denna neologism leder människor att tänka på säkerhetssystemen för informationssystem och allmänt tillgängliga datorer. Men med tillväxten av saker i saken är inbyggda system också berörda av dessa frågor. Utvecklingshastigheten för detta område leder ofta till en underutveckling säkerhetsfunktionerna.Avhandlingen undersöker säkerheten för inbyggda system genom att fokusera på inbyggd programvara. Efter att ha klassificerat de sårbarheter som kan uppstå i det här fältet introducerar en första del av det här arbetet realisationen av ett dokument av riktlinjer om säker utveckling av inbyggd programvara. Denna insikt bygger på en analys av litteraturgranskningen, men också på kunskap om ingenjörer i företaget. Dessa riktlinjer tillämpas på en kunds projekt.Resultatet av deras ansökan gör det möjligt för oss att bevisa deras konsistens och att skriva rekommendationer för att förbättra projektets säkerhet. Avhandlingen presenterar genomförandet av några av dem. Ett sätt införs särskilt patt säkra en interprocesskommunikation (IPC) menande: DBus, genom ett konceptbevis. Resultatet visar att D-Busens säkerhetspolitik är effektiv mot vissa attacker. Det påpekar emellertid också att vissa attacker fortfarande är möjliga. Lösningen implementeras på ett inbyggd kort för att analysera beräkningsoverhead som är relaterad till denna inbyggda aspekt. Som förväntat är en mer komplex och detaljerad politik, desto högr e överhuvudtaget tenderar att vara. Ändå är denna beräkningskostnad proportionell mot antalet av regler av säkerhetspolitiken.

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