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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How to design remote usability testing tools to enhance and support moderators skills

Näsén, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aimed to investigate how moderated remote usability testing (RUT) tools can support the moderator's role and skills to create design principles for RUT tools. The study gathered knowledge of how to perform a RUT and the skills of a good moderator. This study resulted in a contextual inquiry with findings of what could support or obstruct the moderator according to the moderator's role and skills, opportunities and difficulties with RUT tools. The findings led to design principles of designing RUT tools to support the moderator's role and skills. The study resulted in usability, user and functional requirements with a prototype of a RUT tool to visualize how to use the design principles. / Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur verktyg för modererade användbarhetstests på distans kan designas för att stödja moderatorns roll och färdigheter. Studien innefattar kunskap om hur man utför ett modererat användbarhetstest på distans och vilka färdigheter som krävs för att vara en bra moderator i sådana test. Studien innefattade en fältstudie som resulterade i funktioner i ett verktyg för användbarhetstester på distans som kan stödja eller hindra en moderators utförande med avseende på dess roll och färdigheter samt möjligheter och svårigheter i sådana verktyg. Designprinciper skapades i syfte att vägleda designen av verktyg för användbarhetstest på distans som stödjer moderatorns roll och färdigheter. Studien resulterade i användbarhets, användar- och funktionskrav som med designprinciperna visualiserades i en prototyp av ett verktyg för modererad användbarhetstest på distans.

The Influence of Interactive Elements on Entertainment : An Interactive Infographics Experiment on University Students

Möcander, Bonnie, Shen, Nuoting January 2023 (has links)
Objectives: Consequent to previous research indicating the positive influence of entertainment on attitudes, this quantitative study investigates which interactive elements more effectively augment entertainment and to which degree Gamification, Data Selection, Storytelling, and Motion augments entertainment through the beneficial components Emotional Arousal, Recovery and Regulation and Aesthetic Appreciation (Dobni, 2007). Method: A pre-study survey was conducted to determine a neutral topic for the interactive infographics used in the main study. The main study consisted of experiments on university students. The participants were asked to engage with four interactive infographics, each focusing on one interactive element, while consecutively answering a questionnaire. The results of the survey were analyzed by ​​descriptive analysis, while the questionnaire was analyzed by ANOVA, MANOVA, ​​descriptive analysis, and Pearson’s r. Results: The pre-study survey concluded that Wild Animals was the most neutral topic. Statistically significant differences in shown entertainment were discovered between all interactive elements except Gamification and Storytelling (p = 0.696) and Data Selection and Motion (p = 0.971). Statistically significant differences in signs of Emotional Arousal and Aesthetic Appreciation were discovered between the interactive elements, but none in Recovery and Regulation. A significant (p < 0.001), strong positive correlation (r = 0.744) between shown and self-reported entertainment level was identified. Conclusion: Four out of five null hypotheses were successfully rejected. The findings show that Gamification and Storytelling can be used to augment entertainment more effectively. All interactive elements augment entertainment mainly through Aesthetic Appreciation. Storytelling and Gamification secondarily use Emotional Arousal, while Data Selection and Motion use Recovery and Regulation. Practical implications include that teachers and creators can augment entertainment by choosing effective interactive elements when designing and selecting interactive infographics. Further research can be conducted through qualitative methods or investigating other interactive elements, populations or device environments.

Lärarperspektiv på formativ feedback : En kvalitativ studie i hur lärare i digitala estetisk-praktiska ämnen upplever att feedback ska utformas för att öka elevernas engagemang, motivation och kunskapsutveckling. / Teacher perspectives on formative feedback : A qualitative study on how teachers in digital aesthetic subjects think feedback should be designed to enchance student engagement, motivation and learning.

Ulvemo, Lars, Rangmar, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
En studie i hur lärare i digitala estetisk-praktiska ämnen upplever att feedback ökar elevernas engagemang, motivation och kunskapsutveckling. Denna studie undersöker lärares perspektiv på formativ feedback som en aktiv del i att möjliggöra kunskapsutveckling i digitala praktiskt estetiska kurser. Studien vill hitta praktiska konkreta exempel på vad som kännetecknar en god formativ feedback. Avgränsningen till digitala kreativa kurser som webbutveckling, digitalt skapande, medieproduktion med mera, är för att få lärarnas perspektiv på hur feedback lyfter elevernas motivation utan att minska deras kreativitet i skapandet till exempel att designa en webbsida. Studien är en kvalitativ studie byggd på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem respondenter. Resultatet visar att det finns några nyckelfaktorer för framgångsrik framåtsyftande formativ feedback. De viktigaste är relationen mellan lärare och elev, god kännedom om elevens kunskapsnivå, tydlighet i lärarens feedback som bör vara muntlig för att kunna bemötas eller förtydligas samt att tajmingen är viktig, ingen feedback för tidigt i projekt och gärna i slutet av ett moment. Utmaningar i att ge framgångsrik feedback är främst avvägningen att inte styra för mycket eller ge lösningar samt att vissa elever inte tar till sig feedback.

”I want to be free, and live my dreams” : Designing an interactive application to inform and support young women subject to honor-related pressure at home.

Anwar, Pakezea January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Bortom skärmen : En undersökning kring förebyggandet av toxicitet och främjandet av goda sociala interaktioner i online-spelmiljöer. / Beyond the screen : An analysis concerning the prevention of toxicity and the promotion of good social interactions in online gaming environments.

Klemming, Elliot January 2023 (has links)
This paper examines social aspects of computer and video gaming, includingplayers' perceptions of socialization surrounding gaming, its importance to theplayers, as well as factors that can lead to bad behavior online. In addition, adesign process based on the research results is showcased. The research issummarized and used as a basis for the design decisions. The purpose of thispaper is to contribute to the knowledge surrounding gaming and its impact onsocialization, with the goal of bettering our understanding of gaming in a social context. Through an analysis of existing literature together with empirical data collectedfrom users and other online platforms, this report aims to provide insights into thecauses and consequences of toxic behavior. The results indicate that severalfactors contribute to the occurrence of toxicity, e.g. anonymity, disinhibition,competition and other social dynamics in gaming environments. In addition, theconsequences of these negative interactions and how it affects players, such asmood and general experience, are examined. In addition, potential measures toreduce toxicity are discussed, along with the importance of promoting positivesocietal norms, implementing effective reporting and moderation systems, andpromoting empathy and inclusivity. Finally, a design proposal is presented thatrepresents an idea for an interface that facilitates the process of finding likeminded players, which previously has not displayed signs of toxicity. In conclusion, this report highlights the complex issue of toxic behavior in gaming. Delving into its causes and effects, this paper could provide valuableinsights for researchers and game developers to address and combat toxicity,ultimately fostering a more positive and inclusive climate around gaming. / Denna rapport undersöker sociala aspekter av dator- och TV-spelande, inklusivespelares uppfattning om socialisering kring spelandet, dess betydelse för spelarnaoch faktorer som kan leda till dåligt beteende online. Dessutom presenteras endesignprocess som baseras på forskningsresultaten. Forskningen sammanfattasoch används som grund för designbeslut. Syftet med rapporten är att bidra tillkunskapen om spelande och dess påverkan på socialisering, med målet att ökaförståelsen för spelande i en social kontext. Genom en analys av befintlig litteratur tillsammans med empiriska data somsamlats in från användare och andra plattformar online, ämnar denna rapport geinsikter i orsaker och konsekvenser av toxic behavior. Resultaten pekar på att flerafaktorer bidrar till att toxicitet uppstår, e.g. anonymitet, disinhibition, konkurrensoch andra sociala dynamiker i spelmiljöer. Utöver det undersöks konsekvensernaav dessa negativa interaktioner och hur det påverkar spelarna, som humör ochgenerell upplevelse. Dessutom presenteras potentiella åtgärder för att minskatoxicitet, samt diskuteras vikten av att främja positiva samhällsnormer,implementering av effektiva rapporterings- och modereringssystem, ochfrämjandet av empati och inkludering. Till sist presenteras ett gestaltningsförslagsom representerar en idé för ett gränssnitt som underlättar processen av att hittalikasinnade spelare som inte har uttryckt tecken på toxicitet. Sammanfattningsvis belyser denna rapport den komplexa frågan om toxicbehavior i spel. Genom att fördjupa sig i dess orsaker och effekter kan detta gevärdefulla insikter för forskare och spelutvecklare för att ta itu med och bekämpatoxicitet, för att i slutändan främja ett mer positivt och inkluderande klimat kringgaming.

Collaborative Through Welfare Technology : Designing Task Planning for Care Workers in Elderly Care Homes

Oredsson, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
The project aimed to understand how collaboration during the planning of work among care workers at an elderly care home can be supported with a digital tool. This topic is essential, especially considering Sweden's e-Health Vision 2025 to become a global leader in implementing welfare technologies. With rapid technological changes, it is crucial to understand the experiences and perspectives of the individuals using these technologies. The project conducted a literature review, user research, and user testing with care workers in Lund municipality established in design criteria. The design proposals focused on utilizing Welfare Technology to foster collaboration and were evaluated through a prototype created in Figma. Four design proposals were formulated as a result of the project: a large shared viewing screen, enhanced task information and clarity, task ownership, and providing an overview.

Improving the sustainability in student housing with digital integration

Lundqvist, Max January 2023 (has links)
Sustainability is an important factor in many different industries and the housing industry is not an exception. Especially when the housing is intended for students, more accurately international students which ads on layers of difficulty in regards to sustainability. Ecological, economic and social sustainability becomes increasingly more difficult to achieve when providing housing for international students. Why can be answered in many different ways such as cultural differences, different way of life or just the question regarding the Ac unit or lack of it in Sweden. Akademiska Hus is a industry leading company in Sweden for providing sustainable housing to international students. They constantly work with question regarding sustainability such as how they can make the housing more sustainable as well as keeping all the involved parties in the process happy. They have therefore been researching new ways to approach this question. This master thesis focuses on evaluating a potential improvement regards to sustainability question as well as keeping all the parties involved happy. The focus is on finding how all matters regarding housing can be integrated into one application. The areas investigated is (1) model of integration, (2) the approach for the system integration, and (3) the user experience of the developed application that is tested. The work in the thesis was divided into three parts. The first part was to find out the problems in the housing today and the goals with the application, this included research into the different fields as well as an external analysis. The second part was gathering data by conducting user interviews with the intended users of the application as well as testing the application on them. Data was also collected by analysing the application and how it works in regards to the system itself. Lastly the data was analyzed several times with the double diamond approach. The results showed that an application such as the one tested could greatly improve sustainability in the housing with the most important functions being messaging, community, making error reports and having access to documentation in the library. However, the application needs to be tested more in larger scale in the form of a pilot test to make a more accurate decision to as if it is worth investing in.

Weapons of Microcontroller Destruction : Tangible Playthings for Roleplaying in Dungeons & Dragons

Angenius, Max January 2023 (has links)
This project aims to explore how interactive tangible playthings can be designed to enhance the roleplaying aspect of Dungeons & Dragons. Further, the project juxtaposed D&D and interaction design as practices to examine if D&D can contribute to interaction design. The project adopted research through design methodology and applied different methods, emphasizing playful and movement-based approaches. A handful of tangible electronic prototypes were created using Arduino Nano BLE Sense, gesture recognition combined with a NeoPixel Circle, a Humidifier, and a Vibration motor combined with 3D-printed objects. The prototypes were tested during a D&D playing session to evaluate their impact on the roleplaying experience. The result of the project suggests that interactive tangible artifacts enhance the experiential, expressive, and sensory qualities of roleplaying in D&D by adding interactivity and tangibility. Furthermore, the results suggest that the playthings increase the player's connection to their character. Finally, the project's result suggests that interaction design can learn from D&D's playful and creative nature by adopting the Magic Circle concept to interaction design methodology.

From Design to Code: A Study on Generating Production Code From User Interface Design Software

Frick, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Creating modern web applications is often done with a modular mindset using components (such as buttons, lists, layouts). These components are beneficial and do not need to be redesigned between projects if the design language is the same. However, if there is a need to have components with different design languages between each project, creating components can feel unnecessary. In collaboration with Knowit Experience, this thesis tries to solve this problem by creating an open-source prototype that converts components from the user interface design program Figma into web components. The thesis shows how to make this prototype user-friendly by usability testing. In addition to this, the thesis shows how to measure the effectiveness of this prototype with A/B testing. The results of the thesis are a working open-source prototype that is user-tested for all essential features. / <p>Redovisningen hölls digitalt via zoom.</p>

Enhancing user experience through post-donation transparency

Björk, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Donating to charity is a phenomenon found in cultures and religions worldwide. Studies have examined how to attract donors, get them to engage, and eventually make a donation. But what happens after? The post-donation part of the process is less explored and often lacking in transparency toward the donor; where did the donation go, and how can the donors make sure it reaches the intended beneficiaries? This study investigated how post-donation transparency can enhance the user experience of donating money by identifying the donor’s needs and desires post-donation and fulfilling them in a design proposal. The Double Diamond model of design and its four phases were chosen to achieve this. In the first two phases, Discover and Define, the problem space was explored and defined through a literature study and initial interviews. The interview data was analyzed through the Affinity Diagram method resulting in two ”How might we”-questions. The needs and desires of users were also identified at this stage. A brainstorming session based on the ”How might we”-questions initiated the following, and last phases Develop and Deliver. Prototypes of different levels of fidelity were then created and tested on both users and experts before finally landing in a design proposal. Results showed that the elements added for creating post-donation transparency were appreciated by users and experts alike. A high score from a UMUX-LITE usability test suggested that the prototype was usable, elements in the prototype were pointed out for achieving transparency, and all participants expressed positive feelings after using the prototype. Therefore, the prototype was concluded to have achieved post-donation transparency within the frames of this study. Further studies are recommended as the final prototype was never tested on users. The hope is that more tests would give a better understanding of how user needs and desires could be achieved post-donation. / Att donera till välgörenhet är ett fenomen som hittas i kulturer och religioner över hela världen. Studier har undersökt hur man kan rekrytera donatorer, få dem att engagera sig och så småningom göra en donation. Men vad händer sen? Tiden efter donation är mindre utforskad och saknar ofta transparens gentemotgivaren; vart tog donationen vägen och hur kan givarna ta reda på om pengarna når fram? Denna studie har undersökt hur transparens i processen efter genomförd donation kan förbättra användarupplevelsen av att donera pengar genom att identifiera givares behov och önskemål och uppfylla dem i ett designförslag. Metoden Double Diamond med dess fyra faser valdes för att uppnå detta. I de två första faserna Discover och Define utforskades och definierades problemområdet genom en litteraturstudie och intervjuer. Intervjudatan analyserades med Affinity Diagram-metoden vilket slutligen landade i två ”How might we”-frågor. Användarnas behov och önskemål identifierades också i det här stadiet. En brainstorming-session baserad på ”How might we”-frågorna initierade de två sista faserna Develop och Deliver. Prototyper med olika detaljnivå skapades sedan och testades på både användare och experter innan ett designförslag slutligen kunde tas fram. Resultaten visade att de element som adderats för att skapa transparens efter donation uppskattades av både användare och experter. En hög poäng från ett UMUX-LITE användbarhetstest antydde att prototypen var användbar, element i prototypen pekades ut för att inge en känsla av transparens och alla deltagare uttryckte positiva känslor efter att ha använt prototypen. Därför ansågs prototypen att ha uppnått transparens efter genomförd donation inom ramarna för denna studie. Ytterligare studier bör genomföras då den slutliga prototypen aldrig testades på användare. Förhoppningarna är att fler tester skulle ge en bättre förståelse för hur användarnas behov och önskemål skulle kunna förverkligas i processen efter en genomförd donation.

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